Watch Mike Portnoy Perform Neil Peart Tribute On A Toy Drum Kit
By Andrew Magnotta @AndrewMagnotta
February 12, 2020
Most modern drummer are huge fans of late-Rush drummer Neil Peart, but there aren't many bigger Peart fans than Mike Portnoy.
Before wrapping up the U.S. leg of the most recent Sons of Apollo tour, Portnoy dropped by Loudwire to pay a hilarious tribute to Peart on a child's toy drum kit of all things.
In prior videos, Portnoy was tasked by Loudwire with making music on a Hello Kitty- and then a Pokemon-themed child's drum kit.
This time, Portnoy comically enters the frame kvetching about yet more lackluster drum accommodations from the website. He then legitimately struggles to position himself on the "drum throne," which is probably intended for a child no older than three.
Once in position, the Dream Theater co-founder did an admiral job evoking several Rush classics on the tiny drums, and playing a nearly-impossible game of name-that-Rush-tune, before trying to smash the kit out of frustration.
At the end, Portnoy signed the kit and announced that it would be auctioned off on eBay. Proceeds will be donated to the American Brain Tumor Association. You can view the listing here.
Peart died from a brain tumor last month at age 67.
Portnoy was one of a few people outside Peart's family and Rush's inner circle who guarded news of the Rock and Roll Hall of Famer's illness.
Photo: Getty Images