Pat Sajak Makes Hilarious Mistake On 'Wheel Of Fortune'
By Emily Lee
February 22, 2021
Even though Pat Sajak has hosted Wheel of Fortune for almost 40 years now, he still slips up every once in a while. On Friday (February 19), Sajak made one of those rare mistakes.
During the bonus round of Friday's episode, Sajak opened the grand prize envelope at the beginning of the segment. As Wheel of Fortune viewers know, he isn't supposed to open it until the end.
Sajak immediately realized his mistake, too. Despite the public mess up, Sajak had a pretty chill reaction—he just started laughing. “I’m not sure why I did that," he said. Sajak continued to take his mistake in stride, telling viewers that he now knows which prize the contestant was playing for "and you don’t.”
Vanna White, Sajak’s longtime co-host, didn't miss the opportunity to poke a little fun at him, too. “I don’t think you’ve ever done that,” she told him.Sajak replied that “there’s a first time for every mistake.”
Sajak even recalled another funny mistake he once made while taping Wheel of Fortune. He once accidentally mixed up the puzzle and category. “The puzzle was ‘quarterback’ and the category was ‘person’ and I said the category was ‘quarterback,’ which kind of was too big a clue,” he shared. “Even I’m not perfect. I know that’s shocking news,” he joked.
Photo: Getty