Here's When All Pennsylvania Residents Will Be Eligible For COVID Vaccine
By Jason Hall
March 31, 2021
The state of Pennsylvania is extending its vaccine rollout to all residents beginning next month.
On Wednesday (March 31), the Pennsylvania Department of Health and COVID-19 Vaccine Task Force announced the beginning of vaccine eligibility for targeted industry workers, as well as allowing appointments to be made for people in Phases 1B, 1C and 2 beginning on April 19, WPXI reports.
“It is important to remember that eligibility does not guarantee an immediate vaccination appointment,” Pennsylvania’s Acting Health Secretary Alison Beam said. “Vaccine providers are ready and eager to get a shot in the arm of every person who wants one while we continue to aggressively advocate for more vaccine.”
The state of Pennsylvania will begin following accelerated phased rollout to law enforcement, firefighters, grocery store workers and food and agriculture workers beginning on Wednesday, as initially announced on March 12.
All residents who fall into the category of Phase 1B will be eligible to begin scheduling vaccination appointments on April 5. All residents who are in Phase 1C can begin scheduling appointments on April 12.
All other residents will be eligible to begin making appointments on April 19.
The accelerated timetable for vaccine rollout in Pennsylvania coincides with President Joe Biden's goal of making COVID-19 vaccine shots accessible to 90% of adults in the U.S. before April 19, as well as his goal of making the COVID-19 vaccine eligible to all U.S. adults by May 1.
“Pennsylvania’s vaccine providers have dramatically stepped up the pace of vaccinations to an average of 83,000 per day, moving the Keystone State higher and higher in the rankings with other states. As we complete Phase 1A vaccinations, it’s time to open eligibility to more Pennsylvanians so providers can continue to fill appointments and efficiently, effectively and equitably vaccinate more people every day,” Beam said.
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