David Crosby Says He's Retired From The Road
May 10, 2022
(I'll bet a CSNY reunion might change his mind, huh?)
David Crosby has revealed he has quit touring. During a new chat with Best Classic Bands, Crosby was asked if he was planning on hitting the road and answered, "No. I'm not, because I'm 80. It's because I’m old. Being on a bus tour is a daunting task. It's very hard. It takes it out of you. I'm too old to do it anymore. I don't have the stamina; I don't have the strength."
Crosby, who turns 81 in August, has struggled over the years with heart ailments, a liver transplant, and diabetes among other maladies, shed light on his own brush with Covid: "It has been awful. Covid is a very weird disease. It makes you feel absolutely freaking awful. It has been thoroughly unpleasant. . . it’s no fun at all. You want to avoid it if you possibly can."
(from pulseofradio.com)