5/17/24 Blog: Ask Me Anything, Plus Who Is Playing Video Games?

May 17, 2024

WAY MORE PEOPLE PLAY VIDEO GAMES THAN I THOUGHT And I've got Aubrey Quinn, Senior VP of the Entertainment Software Association on to talk about their new survey that shows just how many people are gaming in the US. I was genuinely shocked by how big the numbers are. Find them and more here.

GO SEE ROBERT F KENNEDY JR THIS WEEKEND He is having a rally at the Hangar at Stanley Market this Sunday from 3pm to 5p. Find out more by clicking here.

IT'S AN ASK ME ANYTHING SORT OF DAY so fire up your texting fingers and let fly with any sort of question you can think of.

AURARIA LEADERSHIP MAKES MORE IDLE THREATS No one believes campus leadership when they say things like this:

“Several acts of trespassing and interference are not examples of peaceful protests. We will not tolerate chronic intimidation, campus chaos and business disruptions,” Ashby said.

Yes, yes you will, as you have since the beginning of this dumpster fire you have let burn on Tivoli Quad. The Hamasholes running the disgusting camp know it, you know it, so stop pretending anyone cares about your idle threats. Now it's getting out of control and no one wants to do what is necessary, which is to lie up the police to arrest everyone for trespassing followed immediately by two giant dumpsters to throw all the crap into. But I'm sure the tough talk with no follow through will work THIS TIME. I'm sure.

I'LL TAKE A MARTINI TO GO, PLEASE And make it permanent why dontcha. To go booze sales are now a permanent part of ordering takeout in Colorado, which is a good thing unless drunk driving spikes again.

CLEAN UP AFTER YOUR STUPID GENDER REVEAL, PEOPLE A post about a popular trailhead in a private hiking group complained about the mess left behind by some selfish aholes who decided to come to nature for their stupid gender reveal and then left a bunch of blue trash around for others to clean up. I hope they teach their son to be a better human than they are. LEAVE NO TRACE, people, it's just not that hard.

BOEBERT PANDERS TO THE TRUMP OBSESSED You'd think she'd be in her new wanna-be district or her actual district doing the work of the people but Lauren Boebert found time to find a camera and suck up to Trump obsessed voters by appearing in New York at Trump's trial instead. I wonder if she's gonna catch a show while she's there. I hope she gets to see it all. Too bad she couldn't be bothered to show up for her son's court date. #priorities

YES, THE COLORADO LEGISLATURE HAS LURCHED TO THE HARD LEFT And this column lays out the myriad of ways they are making our lives miserable in the name of equity and justice. The only way to stop this is to find good Republicans who aren't crazy and get quality leadership that can take he party's message to the voters. Part 1 is going to be much easier than Part 2.

YES ON THE PEOPLE'S TAX CUT This column by Michael Fields outlines a ballot initiative that MUST PASS this year if we are to have any real property tax relief. Read it here.

IT'S TIME TO END THE REIGN OF TERROR As that's what the Colorado Legislative Session should be called. The Independence Institute is running a ballot initiative to shorten the time when Colorado Legislators can ruin our lives further to just 90 days and I'm a firm yes on this one.

NORTH CAROLINA MOVES TO BAN MASKS And the headline says that North Carolina is moving to ban people from wearing masks in public for health reasons, but that's the only way to ban masks as the provision that included for "health reasons" is already law so it must be repealed. North Carolina Republicans recognize that the Hamasholes on campus are using masks to hide their faces under the guise of Covid safety (which at this point is a giant crock and we all know it) so they are making mask wearing in public illegal. Expect this to be followed in other red states.

ANDERSON COOPER REALIZES THE TRUMP CASE IS GARBAGE As he talks about the cross examination of Michael Cohen and how devastating it was. Watch this.

But that's not the only crack in the CNN coverage. Watch this panel barnburner about Michael Cohen's credibility of which Cohen has none. I actually chuckled at Mr. Reasonable Doubt.

Hopefully the jury is as smart as some on CNN.

THANK GOODNESS WE'RE GETTING A SHOW ON GAY ANIMALS And I swear to God I'm not making this up. Watch this.

MEDICARE ADVANTAGE ISN'T MUCH OF ONE FOR INSURANCE COMPANIES When everyone is healthy Medicare Advantage plans were a gold mine for insurers. Since Covid and the ongoing Silver wave of people entering the system, not so much. This article talks about changes to Medicare Advantage programs that could affect those of you who have them very soon, as insurers are losing money on the current plans now.

PAUL MCCARTNEY IS THE UK'S FIRST MUSIC BILLIONAIRE And I'm okay with this, he's earned it. Read it here.

WANT TO FEEL REFRESHED? GO OUTSIDE! This is a cool survey on how much time we need to spend outside to feel refreshed and more relaxed. The answer: 67 minutes. So go outside! I endorse this message.

THE NEW COPPOLA MOVIE IS GREAT OR HORRIBLE Depending on who you ask. It just got a ten minute standing ovation at Cannes, while being savaged by some critics as a "mess". Read about the mixed reception here.

LETS ALL MOCK THE NEW PIXEL PRONOUN Because can we all agree that this pronoun idiocy has jumped the shark already?

SELLING STUFF ON FACEBOOK MARKETPLACE This is pretty much how it goes.

THE BOB MENENDEZ TRIAL IS WILD And it's not getting enough attention of course because he's a guilty Democrat (not officially yet but read about the trial and you'll agree). Read about the gold bars and jackets full of cash here.

SCOTTISH GREEN PARTY DENIES REALITY And have kicked out 13 of their members for something HORRIBLE. What did they do? They signed a document that sex is a biological reality. I'm not making this up, they got kicked out for that.

THE NATIONAL POPULAR VOTE IS UNNEEDED And this is totally different than the Ranked Choice Voting we talked about yesterday. Rob Natelson writes about the move to give Democrats an edge by leveraging the numbers in cities.

DID LEGAL WEED DESTROY COLORADO? Watch the discussion with Jon Caldara.

BIDEN IS LOSING WORKING CLASS VOTERS They are the ones who most acutely feel the impact of the 20% increase in prices since Biden took office. And now the polling data is grim for Biden in several swing states and it's only getting worse.

MARJORIE TAYLOR GREEN ACTS LIKE A MIDDLE SCHOOL GIRL And that's fine if she wants to live her life like that but she was in a Congressional hearing when she started personally attacking other members of the committee with childish and petty insults. Rep. James Comer, who I know a bit from my time in Kentucky, should be embarrassed by how he handled this as Chair.

GUYS, IT'S NOT THAT HARD TO IMPRESS THE LADIES At least according to this story where women laid out what they consider to be "green flags" when they visit a man's living space. The bar is pretty low, guys. You can do this.

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