Did Lip Readers DECODE Obama & Trump’s Conversation at Jimmy Carter’s Funer
By Glenn Beck
January 14, 2025
Did Donald Trump and Barack Obama chat and laugh like old friends at Jimmy Carter’s funeral? Or was the footage misleading? Well, some companies have hired lip readers to figure out what they were talking about and they speculate that Trump wanted an urgent meeting with Obama. But maybe the lip readers aren’t as accurate as they seem. Glenn also reviews clips of Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass and California Governor Gavin News that tell you everything you need to know about them.
Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors
GLENN: All righty. I just -- to stop here real quick.
Just one more thing about Karen Bass, who is doing a bang-up job.
No. She is on fire. She is en fuego. Karen Bass. The mayor of Los Angeles.
She was given some information yesterday.
Cut 25, please.
She was fabulous.
Listen to this.
VOICE: Build stronger than ever. Right now, if you need help, emergency information, resources, and shelter is available. All of this can be found at URL.
Los Angeles together is how we move --
GLENN: Okay. I think we can stop there.
Stu, would you just find that information at URL for me?
STU: Yeah. Let me type on this.
URL. Got it. Perfect. Here it is.
GLENN: Wait. What?
STU: All the information I need is right here.
In fact, I will say --
STU: All the information I needed about Karen Bass is in that clip.
It doesn't tell me anything about the fires.
GLENN: Nope. Nope.
All you need.
Can you imagine? People are at home.
If they don't know what an URL is, and who doesn't?
Honestly, at this point, who doesn't know what an URL is?
It's like, find all the information at www.dot, and they'll have all the information for you. I mean, oh, my gosh.
How can she possibly say that?
I mean, just not engaged in thinking at all.
But then again. It's hard to look back next to Newsom.
Did you see when Newsom was in the street? And some woman came up to him. And he's like, oh, I've got a -- I've got the president on the phone.
Really? Can I see it? Well, not now.
I mean, it's actually the King of England.
It's your husband I'm talking to right now!
He's really -- I've got somebody on the phone. I've got to go. Listen to this.
Cut 23.
VOICE: Governor, you've got a second? Governor.
VOICE: Nope, I don't.
VOICE: Governor, I live here! Governor. That was my daughter's school, Governor. Please tell me --
VOICE: Literally, talking to the president right now, to specifically answer the questions.
GLENN: He's literally -- stop. Stop. Stop. Hang on just a second.
He's literally talking to the president right now. Now, see how this lie falls apart. Go ahead.
VOICE: For you and your daughter.
VOICE: Can I hear your call? Because I don't believe it.
VOICE: I'm sorry. There's literally -- I tried five times this morning. I'm making --
VOICE: Why is the president not taking your call? Why?
GLENN: Hold on just a second. So he's literally not talking to the president right now. He's literally trying to talk to the president right now.
That's why he's walking around. He can't get cell coverage.
And, you know, honestly, what do you people in LA expect?
You know, phone coverage wherever you are?
I mean, you know, what are you -- there's a fire going on. What do you need cell coverage for?
Oh, my gosh.
STU: It's incredible.
I was waiting for him to go, yeah.
And we'll help you as soon as -- oh, hold on.
That could be the president now. Hello!
Mr. President.
It's so bad.
GLENN: So bad.
STU: And I will say, it's really sad to see, the city of Los Angeles, go up in flames.
I'm not as sad to see Gavin Newsom 2028 go down in flames.
As we watch this go on.
How can this guy -- he wants to be your next president desperately.
He really does, wants to run no matter what.
But how can anybody put him in office after watching this?
GLENN: Well, you have to read the facts about him, and you can find the facts at URL.
Now, let me -- let me move on to the funeral yesterday, of Jimmy Carter.
I have never seen -- honestly, yeah. It was like the housewives of Washington, DC.
I have never seen the presidential squad with all the living presidents, look so crazy!
Let me just -- start with the video of them just walking in and being ushered in.
Because they're ushered in. One by one.
Bill Clinton looks like, you know. He's probably the next to go. I hate to say that. Melania was so stoic yesterday. Here's Mike Pence giving him a warm handshake to Melania and Trump. They're cordial to each other. Melania was so stoic. It was the one-year anniversary of her mother's death yesterday. So, you know, one year death of somebody like your mom is really tough.
And so she's at a funeral. And she's just -- I just think she's the classiest First Lady that we've had at least in my lifetime. I mean, I think she beats Jackie O. And she has pretty much the same kind of pressure on her that Jackie O did. And she's been classy all the way.
Then you get -- let's go to Obama cutting there with Donald Trump. They're at the funeral. The funeral I think is going on.
And play the video now of Donald Trump and Barack Obama.
Just sitting there, they're laughing.
I've got to get back into the lipreading thing here for a second.
But Barack Obama is laughing.
And my favorite part is, have you ever been -- you've been on one side of this.
One side or the other.
You know when somebody is talking and screwing around in a movie theater.
And there's that person, who doesn't want to say anything.
And is not going to say anything.
But they just turn around and give you a look like, die!
You know that look?
Usually comes from women. They just turn around and look at you like, stop it!
And they turn around, and they're in a handcuff.
Well, that's what happened with Kamala yesterday.
As Barack Obama is laughing. She turns around like that schoolmarm.
She turns around and looks at them, like die!
And then turns around and then picks up her program and pretends to read it.
And you know she's not reading it. She's just so angry, for some reason.
When they come in and they're seating. They seat the First Lady and -- and her -- the First Lady two, her husband.
When they're sitting down, then they bring in Jill and Joe Biden.
I mean, I'm in the mountains of the West right now.
It's -- I don't know. Outside, it's probably one!
It was colder in that church, when those two saw each other, than it is right now!
I mean, it was brutal. Brutal.
Let me see. Let me go to the -- go back to the funeral thing.
Where they're -- they're talking back and forth.
And let me tell you about the -- the lip-reader. Did you read about the lip-reader? What they said?
STU: I haven't heard that. Yeah.
GLENN: Okay.
So they're talking back and forth.
And at one point, Trump. This is according to a lip-reader.
Trump leans over to Obama, and says, I've pulled out of that.
It's the conditions. Can you imagine that?
Now, I don't know if he was talking about Kamala, or -- I don't know what -- it might have been some sort of a deal, global warming.
I don't know what it was. But the speculation, maybe it's the Iran Nuclear Deal, or the Paris Climate Agreement.
And they don't know what they were discussing, but Obama laughs.
So I don't know how this relates to that. He laughs. And then Trump says, and after, I will. So we don't know what that means. The TV cool camera, cut away from the two guys.
And then when it comes back on, Trump says, call me at the foy after.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. And maybe that was the foyer, or there's a little known hotel called the Foy.
At this point, I'm starting to question the lipreading. You know what I mean?
Maybe he meant the foyer, but only said the foy, and he wanted to call him when he was in the foyer. I mean, it just doesn't --
STU: Oh. A lot of people abbreviate foyer, to foy.
GLENN: Oh, it happens all the time.
STU: Very common.
GLENN: Where did you leave that? I left it in the foy. Okay. Right.
So he said, call me at the foy after. Then Obama said, can you just -- it should be good. Again, that doesn't work as a sentence.
It doesn't work. Okay?
STU: Sometimes, you have information that you don't need to communicate with other people.
If what you came up with as a lip-reader.
He said, I want to -- he had squirrel.
If that is what you came up with. Just don't tell people.
GLENN: You're probably not reading it right.
STU: Yeah.
GLENN: Then Trump said, I can't talk.
We have to find a quiet place sometime.
This is a matter of importance, and we need to do this outside. So we can deal with it.
Certainly, today!
Okay. What would Donald Trump beat -- and then Obama is laughing.
What would be important, that would make Barack Obama laugh, that they had to deal with, today, the two of them?
The lip-reader also interpreted Obama as saying, listen to me. It's a chore. It's a chore.
Trump replied. I can't think of anything, that is a chore.
That sentence doesn't even make sense.
STU: No.
GLENN: It doesn't make sense.
STU: Who did they hire for this job?
This is the worst --
GLENN: I'm a lip-reader!
I know what they're saying. Soup. Soup.
GLENN: Soup.
I don't think that's what they were saying. I mean, maybe -- I don't know who they hired as a lip-reader. Oh, here it is. Here it is.
STU: Sorry. I didn't want to interrupt. We do have a sentence for Donald Trump that has just come down.
GLENN: Oh, we do!'.
You mean, from the lip-reader or the sentence from the judge?
STU: No, I'm lipreading people on TV, as we do the show.
GLENN: Okay. All right. All right. I got a sentence from the lip-reader. Cake is good!
STU: They've sentenced him to balloons. I don't know what that means. Why?
GLENN: What is the sentence?
STU: This is -- this is not me misreading the lip-reader.
This is the actual sentence.
The judge has sentenced Donald Trump to unconditional discharge.
I swear that's --
GLENN: I've had that before.
It's nasty!
You take some medication.
STU: Yeah.
GLENN: And it clears up.
But that unintentional. Or unrelenting. Whatever it was. Discharge can happen.
STU: Unrelenting discharge. If you have antibiotic cream, you can get rid of it quickly.
GLENN: Get rid of it. Quickly.
STU: So unconditional discharge means, they just let them go. That's what it is.
He walks out without any conditions. That's what this built up to.
We spent millions and millions of dollars to say, hey, Don. See you later.
That's it. That's the whole thing?
Fitting process.
GLENN: If you have discharge of any kind, call your doctor.
Unconditional --
STU: Unconditional discharge lasts for four hours or more.
You need to see a physician immediately.
This story originally appeared in Glenn Beck