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How Iran's Next Attack on Israel Could Lead to a Global War

By Staff, Glenn Beck

August 5, 2024

Iran has promised to retaliate against Israel after the death of the political leader of Hamas in Tehran. And there’s rumors that Hezbollah and maybe even the Russian-assisted Houthis will join in. Are we hours, days, or weeks away from another major regional war? Or will this turn into a global war? And how involved will the U.S. get, since we’re already sending more warships to the Middle East? Former Department of Defense intelligence analyst Jason Buttrill joins Glenn to break it all down.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Welcome to the Glenn Beck Program. I have to tell you, I really wish I could put you in my head space right now. It's almost like there's a hedge of protection, on my head space right now. Because it's -- the news that is coming you out is really, really dark, and we're getting closer to something.

And we're going to like it. The Dow is way down. Japan was almost wiped out. Twelve and a half percent.

They had to close the trading floor for a while in Japan. And that is happening in Europe, and now coming here, we had bad job numbers. Lots of layoffs. Intel laid off this morning, 15,000 jobs.

Looks like Chevron is moving to Texas from California. They just can't take California anymore.

And there's riots on the streets of the UK. And I want to get back to this story a little later in the program. But it is -- it's rage bait that is going on. And it -- people are now saying, Elon Musk said this weekend, that civil war is inevitable in the UK. But we also have some news.

Today, it looks like Iran is planning on attacking Israel. They announced this over the weekend.

Speculation was, that it would happen sometime today.

Remember, it's -- it's late in the afternoon.

In the Middle East now, on Monday.

And so, you know, usually if things happen, they happen by the time this show is over. It's usually started.

So we're watching that closely. Jason Buttrill is with us.

He is our chief researcher.

Also, head of watching over all global affairs.

On the program. When it comes to war. He is a former military intelligence.

And is here, to tell us, exactly what we're expecting.

Let's start with Iran, Jason.

JASON: Hey, Glenn, how are you doing? I'm actually surprised it hasn't happened yet. We were getting word that it was supposed to kick off sometime over the weekend. I think the biggest takeaway here, is there will be a response. Pretty much everyone expects it. It sounds like the Israeli military intelligence is expecting it, very imminently. There's a carrier battle group that's on its way from the US to the region, to support, if anything should kick off.

We know something is going to kick off. The question now is just how badly it's going to. And this is only the beginning stages of this larger regional war. And I'm going to say this.

I do believe, this is going to be a regional war, with multiple people. Countries involved. And it's going to mirror their regional war that's already going on in eastern Europe.

And that sounds interesting. Regional war is breaking out everywhere, and we're expected to respond to every single one of them. How is that going to happen?

GLENN: Okay. So the Mediterranean is the sixth fleet, right?

JASON: That sounds correct. I don't remember.

GLENN: I think it's the sixth fleet. You know, I'm sorry if I'm mistaken.

What I want to know, is this carrier group that's going on out, in addition to what we usually send in the sixth fleet, that's always there. Is this a replacement, or is this an addition? Because that's a huge addition.

JASON: I'm fairly positive, that this is an addition to what's going on out there.

GLENN: That's pretty significant, right? Carrier battle group.

JASON: It's especially significant, when you think of all the different theaters that we're guarding against right now.

And I got to tell you, Glenn. Looking at the state of our economy. Our adversaries. What they're trying to do with our economy. Organizations like BRICS. They also are the same people that are opposing us in Eastern Europe right now.

You've got, can I say it --

VOICE: And Israel.

JASON: And Israel. Can I say cascading protest movements that are going all the way through Europe and heading all the way to our own doorstep. Did I read that? Is that where it was?

GLENN: Yeah. That's where I think I got it, yeah. Sure.

And after it cascades, it comes to the United States, and all our enemies look at the West. And say, now, now, now.

And that's exactly what's happening. If you look at what's happening with the Middle East with the Houthis, those are funded by Iran. But now who has just been spotted on the ground and been -- been announcing that they are providing military advice, at least? That's Russia.

JASON: Yeah.

GLENN: Russia is now assisting the Houthis. So this is becoming a global war. Whether we like it or not.

It will.

JASON: Yeah. Everyone always analyzes this.

They say, oh, BRICS will never outdominate the dollar, you know, as the global reserve currency.

They'll never do it. They will never challenge the United States one-on-one. You know, the United States is too powerful. Agreed, one on one, but that's not what's being built here.

I have to tell you, when I was looking at all this information, all together, I kept thinking about the famous Paul Harvey monologue, you know, if I were the devil, what would I do to make change? And I'm not the devil. But I am saying that look at everything together, and connect all the dots. Who were the players that were involved in every single theater? Who were the ones? Who were the ones sowing discord, that is cascading all over the world?

Who were the ones?

Look at the places that haven't blown up yet, but are on the cusp of it. You look at Taiwan. You look at North Korea. That BRICS unit is involved in every single one of those. You cannot destroy the United States or defeat her one-on-one.

We are too powerful, but taken together, with all the different countries that they are building, by the way, and united all at the same time, what happens?

I don't know the answer to that. Because we've never been there. But we're going in that direction. And the people that are running this country, are driving us there in a Cadillac.

GLENN: I will tell you, the -- what happens, if it's World War II, America wins.

Because World War II, America was united.


GLENN: And we all came together, to fight against evil. That will not happen this time.

We are too divided, and the government has made so many mistakes. I'm really very concerned about England. Because England is the Bubba Effect. It's -- we don't even know the facts, and that's another problem.

But we don't even know the facts of what really happened, that started all of this stuff.

They haven't figured out this kid from last week. They still don't know, well, is he Muslim? Is he not Muslim?

You know, how is he -- we don't know any of that. But people are all assuming that this was a Muslim immigrant. It wasn't.

He was born in England. He's English. But the facts don't matter anymore. Because it appears as though the government is lying to the people in Great Britain. And so they've had enough.

And then you have outside forces, dare I say it, like Russia, again.

And the influence of those we have spoken about, many times on this program.

That want the West to collapse. And are sewing this -- this really demonic seed in not only England and France and all of Europe. But here in America, as well.

Unless we get transparency, we're -- we're -- we're in trouble. Unless somebody stands up and says, you know what, I'm going to open up all the books on this.

The -- the arguments that I'm hearing now, that Kamala is just so great. When this whole thing has been un-Democratic from the beginning. And nobody is really looking at her record. And everybody is saying, you know, well, Donald Trump, he's a bad guy. Where? On what?

On what?

I said to somebody, this weekend. You know, this has been the -- this is the one time, that you can look at a politician.

And I think they're all dirty. But I lived in New York City.

Pat, you remember this. We used to drive by the Trump apartments or hotels on the east side how.

And he was building like five of them, and including, you know, digging under the highway.

And he built five in the same time the city took to build one small building, right across the street from them.

PAT: Uh-huh.

GLENN: And I would have said to you, six years ago, eight years ago, the guy is dirty as hell. He's got to be. Because you can't -- how is it he can get the unions to do everything he wants them to do? How is it he can build five buildings to every one that everybody else builds?

Well, I don't know. But he's the most investigated man, I don't know. In human history. And they've never found anything like that. And nobody will listen. Nobody will listen to that. Nobody will listen and say, they've just been trained, Trump bad. And if you're comparing, you know, anyone to Hitler, I mean, Charles Manson could look good.

Well, he only killed a few. Yeah, and he's got the Nazi swastika carved into his forehead. But he's not telling everybody to hang banners off of every building. You know, hello.

So they give you the worst possible look at somebody, and somebody who actually loves America.

And -- and here we stand, with everything in open flame. Jason, what are you expecting to happen today either in England?

Or -- do you agree with Elon Musk? That he says Civil War is inevitable in England?

JASON: Well, I mean, you've got to think -- what's happening in England, I feel like, can be copied in multiple western countries. Because the big behavior is the same. You talk about the non-transparency. Let's just talk about that for a second. And how this fuels this. If you look at any major mainstream outlet, over Europe and here, all you see is the same headline. Far right protests. Or rioters.

You know, truth -- based off of misinformation.

GLENN: Yeah. Misinformation. Disinformation or malinformation from social media.

JASON: Right. And then they won't even talk about the person that did this attack. They'll say, well, it wasn't an immigrant. Well, we know his parents are from Rwanda, we know that. Were they illegal? Do they talk about that at all, because I guarantee you that the people out there protesting in the street, the point is exactly the same.

Like, this is a crisis of the government's creation.

GLENN: But I think you are -- I think you are giving too much credit to -- look, they can completely wrong. These people were from Rwanda. Maybe they came here legally. And they've been great citizens. And their kid is a great citizen.

It has nothing to do with them, or the kid.

This is -- this is the frustration, of the English people saying, my government is not listening to us. That's the Bubba Effect.

We know he's wrong on that. We know.

But that's not the issue. The issue is, you've been lying to us. For too long.

So we'll take care of Bubba. You back off. That's the Bubba Effect, and I think that's what's happening.

This story originally appeared in Glenn Beck

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