All Episodes

July 14, 2024 79 mins

Jason Fitz and Kerry Rhodes talk about Jalen Brunson taking $100m less and the pressure on athletes to do that, thoughts on the AFC North as the Ravens rookies report to camp, a team that might be even better than we think they already are, why Davante Adams isn’t going anywhere, and more!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
You're listening to Fox Sports Radio Radio. Many years ago,
I sat across from somebody that was much wealthier than
I could ever imagine being, and I made a comment
about how he spent his money and how he made
his money. He was a close friend, and he looked
at me without hesitation and said, I'm going to give
you a piece of life advice as a friend right now,
never tell a rich man how to spend his money.

I think we need to remember that because every single
time we see an athlete take less, there's a bunch
of people that love to yell into a microphone and
yell at their radios and yell at their TV saying
this is what everybody should do. What if, just what
if every single circumstance is different. It's Fox Sports Sunday.
I'm Jason Vitz hanging out with Carrie Rhodes. We're broadcasting

live from the tyrack dot com studios. Tyrack dot com
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should be. Carrie Roads, you played for a long time
in the NFL. You had a bunch of success. You
know what this is like to be an athlete with
the opportunity to make luckily unfortunately, after a lifetime of work,

money that can change the family forever. Right, And yes,
there's this moment when we see that happen, and we
saw Jalen Brunton take less money with the Knicks. The
people use this like this Brady moment, and everybody wants
to yell, this is what you're supposed to do, Let
them build the team. I find that difficult because what
we forget sometimes in these situations is that every single
human that works their tail off has the right to

maximize their value in everything they do. I can't apply
one blanket statement that tells somebody they should take less
simply because I love the game they play. Brother.

Speaker 2 (01:35):
Yes, yes, that's beautiful, beautiful, beautifully said, and obviously yes,
everybody has their own own things going on. Some people
have their own agendas, some people have other agendas. Right,
And I think with the guy like Jalen, this is
a this is a second big contract. He got the
first one when he signed with the Knicks. This is
another chance for him to cash in, cash out, whatever

you want to call it. And he took a little
a little discount and left some money on the table
for his team to get better possibly and you know,
to save some money and not be all in on gluttony,
which is which is a beautiful thing. And I think
if if he was to have taken all of the money,
it also would have been a beautiful thing, and it

would have been a chance for him to maximize his earnings.
But again, I mean, we're talking about millions and millions
of dollars here, and he just got paid really well.
And if he's paid really well, he's happy with this
situation and he's happy with what the organization said they're
going to do with the other portion of that money
that could have been his, then I send them all

a love and all the praise for you know, being
a team guy in this in this scenario, but also
getting paid. At the same time, he's not making small
change here, so I think he's think he's okay.

Speaker 1 (02:53):
You know, in the eighties, I was a big eighties
wrestling Foundly I was a kid and the million dollar
Man used to walk around and say, everybody has a price,
and I also believe that most people have a number
They'll turn around and they look around and they say,
you know what, I've done it, I've made it. I'm comfortable.
And you know, I've got a good buddy in country
music that is currently touring and has a bunch of hits.
And I asked him when he put out his last record.

I was like, hey, you excited, and he said, here's
the thing. I've been lucky enough to tour for most
of my life. I've made enough money that I never
have to work again. So if this record isn't well received,
I'll just hang it up like that's okay, and that's okay.
Like you say that to somebody that's fifteen trying to
make it in the music business, then they would think
that that's absolutely impossible to conceptualize it. It is quite
possible that Jalen Brunson sits down with his family and

with his financial people and they look at it and
they say, as you know, once, I've heard this story
firsthand that somebody finally went to Taylor Swift and said, look, Taylor,
you're never going to be able to spend all the
money you've made, so now you get to choose whatever
you want to do with it, right, Like it's possible
that Jalen Brunson gets that same speech and he's like,
you know what, let's just do this to write that
way because I want to see something here and this

is really special to me, and that's a beautiful thing.
But that doesn't mean that that has to be the
same reality as let's say Paul George. He might have
different expectations, different wants, different needs, Like every different person
feels different when it comes to money.

Speaker 2 (04:10):
Yeah, I agree, and it's it's one of those things
where like I think, as you're younger and your you
haven't experienced what that that big, that big payday is yet. Yeah,
you're supposed to try to get every dollar you can
in that situation, right, like you haven't had it. You
want to, you want to experience, and you want to
take care of your family. You also want to get

your worth and you know, as a young athlete or
a young entertainer, right, you want to quantify your worth
by the dollar amount that you're making because you see
your other peers doing it. You see your other peers
making you know, X amount of dollars, and at the
end of the day, you want to be considered in
that tier or above it or whatever. I mean, I
could speak about myself when I was playing. I mean

I had guys in my division and safeties that were
like me.

Speaker 3 (04:56):
In production, you had Ed Reid.

Speaker 2 (04:58):
You had Troy Polamalu, you had Bob Sanders, had all
these guys, and so when it was my time to
get paid, I had to be paid like that and
that you know, and when you go through going through
that process, there's a lot of things that are being said,
there's a lot of things that are being considered. But
at the end of the day, when you're trying to
get that first one, you want to be recognized as that.
And so I was able to get that and have
that happen. But then later on, my priorities change, my

responsibilities change, my understanding of what it takes to run
a team, understanding what it takes to keep guys around,
all those things comingto place. So it's just it's a
little bit. It comes down to understanding what you need
and who you are as a person, but understanding that
if you want to be successful in whatever it is,
there is some sacrifice that has to be done. And

it seems like, you know, Jalen's on board with that.

Speaker 1 (05:45):
Look, I don't care who we're talking about. He's Carry Roads.
I'm Jason Fitch. You can follow us on Twitter at
Carry twenty five Roads, at Jason fitz hanging out, give
Fox Sports Sunday. Look, there are certain companies that guard
or try in states have tried to stop this guarding
way everybody makes because what they are afraid of is
that I don't care if you make spreadsheets, you make widgets,
I don't care. You know, if you're listening to this

right now, and you're listening in a retail store and
you find out that the person that's at the check
out next to you suddenly makes a couple bucks more
an hour, how many people handle that?

Speaker 3 (06:15):

Speaker 1 (06:15):
Not many, you know, Like, and then you sit around,
you're like, well, I've given everything to this company, you know.
And what's funny is we turn around and say, well,
you should give less. But if you work for Google
and Google's coming in and saying, hey, guys, we need
everybody to take a little bit less so we can
have better design engineers. How many people are gonna say
yes to that equation? The answer is no. But because
we're playing a child's game at a high level, everybody

wants to turn around and say, well, look at what
they're paid to do. Yeah, okay, that doesn't change the
fact that the open market is what the open market is. Right.

Speaker 3 (06:45):
Yes, you have to get what you're worth.

Speaker 2 (06:48):
I mean, that's and that's you know, that's part of
that's part of being identified as such, whatever you are,
whatever you end up being, whatever you're supposed to be,
there is a number and they're as a market for that.
And so if you're seeing that number out there and
somebody's coming at you with a lower number in a
low ball situation where it's disrespectful, I'm sure you're gonna

take it as disrespect But I would say, and I'm
sure in these talks and what's been going on with Jalen,
I'm sure they've been talking about this for a while.
I'm sure they've laid out exactly what they're trying to do,
what we can what we can do as a team
by you getting X amount of dollars. And I'm sure
you know this was all up to Jalen. Obviously he

didn't have to do any of this. I'm sure they
sat down and had great conversations about it, and he's
on board with it. This is just one example, and
like you said earlier, all examples are not equal. And
so for him and this team it worked out. But
don't expect everybody else to start doing this. This isn't
going to be the lay of the lay of the land.

Speaker 1 (07:51):
Well, and so much of what we heard around Brady
forever was well every quarterback should take a discount. Yeah,
look at what Brady's done, and it's it's just so
hard to just make it that cut and dry. And
the other part of it is, I'm not sure what
the sales pitch for most organizations is to most athletes. Like,
what have we learned is we've gone through you know,

hard Knocks, the off season edition, and seeing how the
Giants question the value of Saquon. You sit there and say, okay, well,
you know you want Saquan to take a little less. Well,
how about in this opportunity the Giants pay a little
bit more if they've got the cap room, like, maybe
they should reward the player. It never works that way, right,
So it's it's hard for me and looking at Jaylen
Brunson and saying, hey, if he loves this team, they

always said the music business, there were three reasons you
took a gig. Number one would be you love the music.
Number two would be the love you guys, you too,
you love the guys you tour with. Number three would
be you love the money you make, and if you
ever find two of the three, you never leave that tour.
So that's like the music business mindset. Well maybe for
him he loves his teammates, he loves the knicks, and
so the money's a little less important, But that doesn't

mean that somebody playing for the Pacers feels the same way. No,
no discredit to Indiana.

Speaker 3 (08:58):
But you know what I'm saying on the bus, Jason, I.

Speaker 1 (09:03):
Should I could have picked another I didn't pick the maps.
All right, there's that, but I think it's it's all
the context around it with quarterbacks particularly, and what what
we do is we, you know, Cherry pick. We sit
here and say, well, yeah, look, you know the Browns
gave to Shaun Watson all that money and hamstrings the organization.
They should all do what you know, what Brady did
and it works out so much better. Well, I mean,

there's plenty of teams with quarterbacks on rookie contracts that
don't win Super Bowls. So like there is no clear
cut answer from anybody on any of this. And what's
the point of putting your body on the line and
fighting like that if you can't get paid market value
when you get to the fair market. If you choose
to take less, great, but you shouldn't be forced into
that choice.

Speaker 2 (09:44):
Yeah, the Brady conversation always irks me because everybody's not
Tom Brady, right, and so he could possibly take a
pay cut with the team and make all that back
and endorsement. So again, when you talk about it not
being an equal playing field or all being the same,
they're not. And so you know a lot of those guys,
they're trying to take care of their families, they're trying
to get their worth. And if especially if it's that

for like I said, if it's that first one, that
first big one you're trying to get, I don't think
there's any discounts. But as you get older and you
are you've already made a couple of couple of dollars
and I mean big dollars, and you want to sacrifice
a little bit for your team by all means do that,
But again you're only getting paid for a finite amount
of time. That money runs away really quickly. He's in

New York, so I hope everything is, you know, on
the up and up. But you know, yeah, it's to
each his own.

Speaker 1 (10:32):
He took less than that Jock taxing exactly, y'all. You
don't understand New York and they just they just take
your money like it is. It is amazing what New
York does to athletes when it comes to taxes. All right,
so as we break down the money in Jalen Brunson
and all of those conversations. As much as we're talking
about the NBA, there's NFL news going on. Ravens rookies

have reported to training camp. The question is are we
valuing the Ravens the right way when we come back.
We will figure that out. On Fox Sports Sunday, He's
carry Roads. I'm Jason Fitz.

Speaker 4 (11:05):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
the nation. Catch all of our shows at Foxsports Radio
dot com and within the iHeartRadio app. Search FSR to
listen live. Polly Fools go here with Tony Foodsco.

Speaker 1 (11:19):

Speaker 5 (11:19):
As everybody knows, we're the hosts of the award winning
Polly and Tony Foodsco Show. Yeah, but instead of us
telling you how great we are. Here's how Dan Fackrick
described us when he came on our show.

Speaker 1 (11:29):
Quick, knowledgeable and funny, opinionated. What are you doing interrupting
our promo? Yeah, he wasn't talking about you.

Speaker 4 (11:37):
You took those clips totally of context.

Speaker 5 (11:39):
Oh yeah, well, after this promo, I'm gonna take you
out and beat you.

Speaker 3 (11:43):
Let me put this into context.

Speaker 1 (11:45):
Shut up.

Speaker 5 (11:46):
Yeah, anyway, just listen to the Paully and Tony Fosco
Show on iHeartRadio, Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 1 (11:52):
Yee, it's Fox Sports Sunday. He's carry Roads. I'm Jason
Fitz hanging out with you on Fox Sports Radio. You
can tweet us at Carrie twenty five Roads, at Jason Fitz.
We're coming at you live from the ti iraq dot
Com studios. Ravens rookies reporting to training camp. We'll get
into the Ravens conversation. But before we do any of that,

we've been remiss to not mention tragedy for Ravens fans
in the Raveemen's organization today is Jacoby Jones. It's been announced,
has passed away at the age of forty. Still not
a lot of information on that, Carrie, but obviously, yeah,
somebody that meant a lot to Ravens fans, to the organization,
to Super Bowl history. A player that people absolutely loved.
And our thoughts and prayers go out to his family

and everybody that's impacted by his passing.

Speaker 2 (12:38):
Yeah, my thoughts and prayers go out to his friends, family,
loved ones, peers, contemporaries, which I was one of them,
I mean from my Dylan's with Jacoby Man, very very bright, due,
very happy, very I mean, just just a jovial guy,
fun to be around, and you know he's going to
be missed.

Speaker 3 (12:55):

Speaker 2 (12:56):
My memories go beyond the playing field and remember seeing
remember seeing him and his dancing with.

Speaker 3 (13:01):
The stars, lore and all that stuff.

Speaker 2 (13:03):
Man, just seeing his personality Shinn on the big stage
was the image I'll choose to remember today. Man. But yeah, Man,
a lot of a lot of fallen soldiers here in
the last couple of years, man, so he's one of them.
So sending sending his family love and all his friends.

Speaker 1 (13:16):
For sure, there's nothing we can say that will ease
the hearts that are hurting right now. So we just
sent our thoughts and prayers and there's no easy way
to talk about football after something that difficult, but we
will we will try. As the Ravens and the rookies
have reported to camp, and you know, I think for
a lot of fans, this starts the juice starts falling, right,
There's a little bit of the the energy starts flowing

in your soul as you start thinking about the fact that, man,
it means first and foremost carry that football is almost here.
And that's where you know, even for guys that played it,
I can't imagine that you don't have an internal clock
that starts to tick this time of year too.

Speaker 2 (13:50):
Yeah, you know what, man, it's this is the fun time. Obviously,
training camp is always hard, but getting the chance to
report back, we're pack you back to duty and try
to achieve this major goal that looms, you know, being
the super Bowl champion. I mean, we all come into
the season with high expectations. Obviously there are some teams
that you know, their expectations are a little bit loftier,

but everybody around this time is excited. You've put in
the off season work, You've come in trying to solidify
yourself on some level of being better from better than
the prior year, and so the expectations of that, expectations
of seeing your teammates and your friends back in the
same building, the camaraderie that happens there and that's formed
there during that time, nothing like it, man. And then

you get to, you know, build on, build on all
the things that you've worked on in all these little
mini camps and no tas, put it together with all
the guys and it's a fun time.

Speaker 3 (14:44):

Speaker 2 (14:44):
It's one of those things that you can't when you
leave the game. A lot of guys say they missed
that part the most, and so it's going to be fun.

Speaker 1 (14:53):
When do you start, like as a player walking in
because I hear you every player nobody's walking in what
the team is saying, Well, we're gonna suck this year, right,
Like there's this level of like, now we're gonna surprise people,
like you don't understand? Yeah, when do you know though?
When you're in camp, Like, is there a moment where
you look around you're like, yeah, this is special?

Speaker 2 (15:11):
Uh now it's it's I don't think so, Jason, I
don't think. I don't think anybody can. I mean there,
like I said, there are teams that are already established.

Speaker 3 (15:19):
And know they have a core.

Speaker 2 (15:20):
We know we're good, and I think sometimes that comes
into play for being a negative thing, right, Like, we
know we're good, so some complacency. Complacency comes in or
you know, you're trying to preserve certain things to save
yourself from the for the season, and I think a
lot of times when you do that, that's when problems arise.
But for the most part, I mean, we really all
come in believing that we have a chance, and and

the geling process obviously takes time and camp you're going
against each other so much, you don't really know. We
know that we have skill, we know we have skill
on each side, we know the talented players, we know
all that stuff.

Speaker 3 (15:53):
But until the live until until.

Speaker 2 (15:55):
The live games start and you're out there playing against
somebody else, you don't know.

Speaker 3 (15:59):
I think that starts to take place or take shape
actually during the season.

Speaker 1 (16:04):
Well, the Ravens are an interesting case study because certainly
the expectations are through the roof. We all know that
you can't have the year that they had last year.
Plus they have the one thing that you have to
have if you want high expectations, a high level quarterback,
right all of these things mean that people expect great
things from the Ravens. But I also look at there
and say, like, there's a little bit of a yeah,
but we've seen several player moves, We've seen a new

defensive coordinator. Like these are little things that in the
moment we sort of brush off. But when a team
isn't meeting those expectations, how many times do we turn
around later and say, well, a lot of new in
the locker room, you know what I mean? So I
think the Ravens are a little bit more of a
curiosity right now than a lot of people want to say.

Speaker 2 (16:42):
I agree, I agree. I think this is a big
question mark, hear for them. We know they've been great
in the regular season for the last four four or
five years or whatever that number is now, but you know,
they haven't had the postseason success, and so I think
even coming into this year, I mean, I hope they
have some some struggles during the year.

Speaker 3 (17:03):
I hope they don't go fourteen and three, you know
what I mean.

Speaker 2 (17:05):
Like we've kind of seen that already. We know what
that looks like, and we've seen it flame out in
the playoffs. I want them to actually have to go
through some adversity during the year and you know, have
to figure out how to win, because that's when I
think teams, you know, have that ability in the playoffs
to overcome you know, difficult situations because you're not challenged

during the regular season like they have. And especially in
Lamar's both of its MVP years, they kind of, you know,
just kind of had to breeze throughout the regular season.
Then when adversity comes in the playoffs, they can't really
figure out a way to get over that hump. I
want them to have some adversity throughout the year and
he figures out and that team figures out how to

win those close, those close games in the playoffs, because
that's what those games usually are. Right in the playoffs,
you have to overcome something. So I agree with you.
I hope they kind of stay under the radar a
little bit and have to come like come on later
or something and pick it up and and carry that
intensity into the playoffs.

Speaker 1 (18:02):
Well. And I think a lot of us presume that
the fact that they have a bona fide superstar running
back and Derrick Henry Yeah coming in and I'll just
tell everybody missed me with any conversation about decline in
stats or yards per carrier or any of those things.
Go back and watch the Titans offensive line. It was
hot garbage, right, So whatever he managed to do behind
that offensive line was a gift from the gods. It
wasn't a deterrent to his skill set. So the fact

that he comes now into an offense that has a
bunch of weapons with the quarterback that can beat you
a bunch of ways, where Derrick Henry doesn't have to
be the end all be all, but also will get
his share of carrys because we know the Ravens aren't
afraid to run the football like that just feels like
a marriage made in Heaven where somebody that's probably on
the back nine of their career obviously gets the chance
to really show what's left in his legs and get

that thing done. I think it's powerful move for them.

Speaker 2 (18:48):
Oh, Derek Henry is going to be fine as far
as I The only think I'm worried about with Derek
carry in Baltimore as injury. I mean every run in brack,
every running back they bring in on every skill position
they bring in in Baltimore, or they've been getting hurt
the past couple of years. So I want him to
be able to stay healthy. And yes, as far as
him having anything left, he has something left. And so
this is a perfect match style player team. I'm excited

to see what he does.

Speaker 1 (19:15):
Yeah, and I think the defensive side of it's gonna
be really interesting to me because Mike McDonald is now
the head coach of the Seattle Seahawks, which is gonna
be great. But Ravens fans, we're fans. I shouldn't say
Ravens players were really open. I thought last year about
the fact that part of the reason the defense clicked
is that it took them a minute to figure out
his system and what they wanted to what he wanted

them to do in that which we don't talk enough about.
So that's why I get really nervous. Even when you
have an established coordinator coming in that everybody knows and loves,
I still look around and say, yeah, but change can
sometimes take a few weeks, a few months. It takes
a minute to get guys on the same page. Even
if they played a lot of ball together, they still
got to figure that stuff out. Like, that's not a
given for me in this process. So I am genuinely

interested to see if the defense holds up there under
the bargain.

Speaker 3 (20:01):
Yeah, the defense is going to be interesting. Excuse me.

Speaker 2 (20:05):
Yeah, the when you're bringing a new defensive coordinator or
a new coordinator in general, it does take time. And
I think not even just under the understanding this game.
It's understanding how he wants to call the game. It's
understanding how he calls the game in certain situations, and
it's some familiarity that has to take place there.

Speaker 3 (20:24):
And so yes, it will take some time to click.
And even if even if it clicked.

Speaker 2 (20:27):
Early, there's gonna be a lull there where there's there's
an adjustment period of how that how that marriage is
going to work between the defensive coordinator and the defense.
So I do want to see what happens with them
and see if they regress a little bit. But I'll
tell you what, with with that safety out there in
Baltimore and Kyle Hamilton and those guys, and and him
going into year three and him becoming more of a

leader on that defense and being able to show what
he does day in and day out, I'm excited to
see what he does and in this next year and
see if that defense can build and become even more
dominant with him, with him being a leader there.

Speaker 1 (21:01):
Yeah, and it's a fine final one because we talked
so much about the things that need to improve. But
to your point, the Ravens have been so good yea
in the regular season, and I don't want to devalue
I just I refuse as a person to devalue the
regular season the way so often the NBA does. Like
to me, if Dak has had struggles in the playoffs,
that's fine, but that doesn't change the fact that he
was second in the MVP voting for the regular season,

Like that is not a bad quarterback. Like a team
that goes out and wins twelve thirteen, fourteen games is
not a bad football team. It's a team that's got
to figure a couple of things out in order to
fly in the postseason the way they want to.

Speaker 2 (21:36):
Yeah, the Dak stuff is so it's so interesting because
we talk about who a person is and what their
value is. Right if you talk about Dak and when
he Dak first came into the league, he was a
fourth round pick. This wasn't somebody that we thought was
going to be a superstar anyway. So he's exceeded expectations.
But then when you get to a value number with

the contract, and then you start being put in situations
where now you have contemporaries and that number says that
you should do this, or you should have a championship
with all these things.

Speaker 3 (22:07):
Then we devalue the player.

Speaker 2 (22:09):
And the person in that in that instance, right, And
so I think Dak has been really good and really
good quarterback in the NFL. Is it's a really good
quarterback in the NFL. It doesn't matter regular season playoffs,
any of that. That's what it is. But then once
you get the postseason play obviously at that point we

are worried about who wins the championship. So it's just
one of those things where it's kind of skewed. Dak's
been good. He needs to get over humped, not just him,
but also his team, and so we put all the
blame and all the negative vitriol towards him. But it's
more than him. It's his team, and so we got
to see what they can do as a team to
kind of advance and get past that that early exit.

Speaker 1 (22:50):
Yeah, I mean, I'm just gonna say, I remember when
everybody was loudly screaming Peyton Manny couldn't win the big one.

Speaker 3 (22:55):

Speaker 1 (22:55):
That isn't part of the conversation on Peyton Manning anymore, right, Like,
it's amazing how different at one game that's actually controlled
by fifty three active players on each roster. Yes, not
one quarterback, but it's amazing how one game changes the
way we talk about one quarterback forever.

Speaker 2 (23:09):
Yes, one hundred percent. Now, I remember Peyton Manning early on.
I mean, people thought he was gonna be a bus.
I mean he threw more interceptions that he did touchdowns
in his first season, right, I mean, I'm throwing the
bus word out there. I don't think anybody thought he'd
be a bus but he had. He had a not
so good rookie season, right, and so there were still
questions and doubts, and so you know, he gets over
the hump he still has, like you said, was having

a hard time beating New England and getting over to
hump in those in those seasons from like five to seven,
and then all of a sudden he breaks through wins
and wins a couple and now he's you know, he's
Peyton Manning.

Speaker 1 (23:43):
Yeah. Just just remember it was oh, he can't even
beat Florida. Okay, we're coming at a lot from the
TI Rack doc on his collus the Ravens. Yeah, I
mean it was. It went all over the place. Everybody,
yeld it. The Ravens aren't the only interesting team coming
into training camp. There's a couple of Super Bowl contenders
that I'm also curious if we're maybe over hyping. We'll
break that down, but first, Manzie's gonna get us caught

off on everything going on? Manzi? What's going on? Hi?

Speaker 6 (24:06):
Fellas, Happy Sunday? How are we great?

Speaker 1 (24:11):
Time? Great?

Speaker 6 (24:11):
I'm good, Jason. I have a bone to pick with you.

Speaker 3 (24:14):
Oh okay, all right.

Speaker 7 (24:15):
Yes, I just saw a video that you posted on
Twitter of you throwing the ball to your dog, annabel Yeah.

Speaker 6 (24:22):
Why can't I see Annabelle? Like, why is she not
in your video?

Speaker 1 (24:26):
This is a very okay, I'm glad you asked me. Yes,
this is a very true story. I hate put photos
videos of myself. I would passionately hate anything that I'm in.
So all I ever posted, particularly on Instagram, is videos
of her. So somebody yesterday was like, will you like
put yourself on any of these? And I was like, Okay.
So today I was just like, I'm sitting there, I'm
throwing the ball for I was like, I'll post one

of me, and now you are raising the very thing.
See like people want Annel, they don't want me.

Speaker 6 (24:51):
I canna lie to you. I want Annabel. I'm not
saying you can be in it too, but can we
just have both of you, not just one or the other.

Speaker 1 (24:59):
We chase is the orange bowl, brings me the orange ball.
She races for the Orange Bowl. I can't get her
to stop there for a picture. You got to follow
me on Instagram.

Speaker 6 (25:06):
No, that's what this is. So this is my problem.
I'm not following you on Instagram.

Speaker 7 (25:10):
And so I literally was like Annabel and I immediately
went to Annabel the Doll.

Speaker 6 (25:14):
And then I was like, oh no, he's throwing a
ball to a dog. Yeah, Annabel Doll. I love that movie.
That movie is so good.

Speaker 1 (25:21):
So I'm a horror movie finato. Yeah. Yeah. I got
her in October and not black Dog. I was like,
I'm gonna name her after a Halloween character, So it
was between Sydney from Scream. I almost named her Sid
and then instead I went Annabel because she just it
just seemed to fit him more. I thought I might
shorten it at some point, but now she is Annabel.

Speaker 6 (25:43):
I love that. I love that. And you're gonna get
a follower in just a couple of seconds.

Speaker 1 (25:47):
On Instagram fits on Instagram.

Speaker 6 (25:50):
Give me, give me one minute, let me give you
an updake.

Speaker 7 (25:57):
Yes, yes, Well, I'm gonna start with the unfortunate, sad
news out of the NFL that was reported by the
Baltimore Sun.

Speaker 6 (26:05):
Former Ravens receiver.

Speaker 7 (26:06):
Jacoby Jones has passed away at the age of forty.
KPRC television out of Houston reports that he died overnight
in his sleep at his home. No cause of death
has been announced yet. He did play nine seasons in
the NFL. He was part of the Super Bowl team
in twenty thirteen, where the Ravens defeated the forty nine
Ers thirty four two thirty one. Never a good way
to transition out of that. But other NFL news, the

NFL Network reports that the Bengals and star wide receiver
T Higgins will not do an extension by Monday's deadline.
I think everybody was expecting that he already signed his
franchise tag. He's going to play on it, but apparently
he's going to be a top free agent in the
twenty twenty five offseason. In Major League Baseball, Gunner Henderson
is getting ready for the home run Derby. He just
hit a two run shot and the Orioles of taking

the lead.

Speaker 6 (26:50):
Over the Yankees.

Speaker 7 (26:51):
It's two to one bottom of the third inning in Baltimore.

Speaker 6 (26:54):
Out of Wimbledon, Carlos alca Az does it again.

Speaker 7 (26:58):
He defeated Novak Djokovic for the second straight year, this
time in straight sets. It was his second Grand Slam
win this year, the fourth of his career and he's
only twenty one. And the twenty twenty four year old
championship between Spain and England that's gonna kick off on
Fox TV at three Eastern.

Speaker 6 (27:13):
Then later today the Copa America.

Speaker 7 (27:15):
Final between Colombia and Argentina that kicks off at eight
eastern and you can catch all that action also on
Fox TV.

Speaker 5 (27:22):
Back to you, guys, Colombia and Columbia, Columbia and Argentina and.

Speaker 7 (27:26):
Argentina, Argentina, Argentina.

Speaker 6 (27:31):
And Jason fits follow follow at that literally.

Speaker 1 (27:35):
All right, now we can continue with the show. You
guys should do the same. By the way, you follow
me on it's at chas if it's a carry what's
your what's your Instagram? Carrie?

Speaker 3 (27:43):
This is my name, Carrie Roads.

Speaker 1 (27:45):
That's ry at Carry twenty five Roads on tong Twitter.

Speaker 3 (27:48):
Well, i'll tell you. I'll tell you a story about that.

Speaker 1 (27:49):
Then after the break, Oh no, you can tell me.

Speaker 3 (27:52):
Oh we got that. Hell yeah no.

Speaker 2 (27:54):
So I got off Twitter a long time ago and
tried to get back on log on.

Speaker 3 (27:58):
Somebody took Carry Roads, so I had.

Speaker 2 (27:59):
To figure out a way to keep Carry Roads and
also add a little thing in there.

Speaker 3 (28:04):
And it was twenty five and my number. It just
made sense.

Speaker 2 (28:06):
But yeah, that was why somebody took it. Somebody stole
my handle.

Speaker 1 (28:11):
I'm not gonna lie to you. I originally was not
at Jason Fitz on Twitter. And when like one of
the few times that I've ever tried to flex a
little muscle and it actually worked, when the band I
was in had the number one song on every chart
in America at the time, that one of the few
things I did was I like, I had our social

media people at the record label go to Twitter and
I was like, hey, can you help me? Because whoever
had taken Jason Fitz wasn't really active, and like a
week later, I woke up and all of a sudden,
I was at Jason Fitz. I'm not I'm not gonna
lie like it felt good this one. I felt good.

Speaker 3 (28:44):
That's big time, big time, Jason.

Speaker 1 (28:46):
Forget Hits. I just wanted my check mark with my
name on it. That's all I That's all I really
want to Sometimes you just want a little recognition. T
Higgins wants a recognition and form of a long term
contract with the Bengals. It's been reported he will not
sign an extension with Cincinnati, which means, obviously, after this year,
his time with the Bengals, as we mostly expect, it
is gonna come to an end. But the Bengals, to me,

carry are kind of interesting because here's the thing, like
I could if you wanted to talk me into, Joe
Burrow is gonna be healthy, and he's gonna be the
Joe Burrow that we've seen and it's gonna be electric
and amazing. And by the way, this offense is gonna
come together and Lou and Arrumo will have the defense
back where it was a couple of years ago. If
you wanted to talk me into all of that and
the Bengals being in the Super Bowl, I could buy it.

But if you also wanted to talk me into man,
the Bengals always invest in the offensive line, it never works.
T Higgins isn't gonna be particularly happy for a lot
of this year. Is he gonna protect his body? God
only knows. Joe Burrow can't stay healthy. I mean it's
time to say injury prone around Joe Burrow and this
defense last year took a massive step back. The Bengals
are going to continue to decline and it's gonna get

really desperate. You could talk me into that too. I
think the Bengals are actually more interesting this year than
a lot of people want to say.

Speaker 2 (29:56):
Yeah, the Bengals are, in my opinion, the best team
in that division, even with even with Burroughs healthy right
at this moment, and so I think you.

Speaker 3 (30:06):
Can look at it either either way.

Speaker 2 (30:08):
They do have potential obviously, and if Joe Burrow is
at his best, we we saw what we saw what
can happen, right, But as of right now, really in
that division in the AFC North, I mean I have
the Ravens first, have the Browns second in a close second,
and I have the Bengals third and and obviously Pittsburgh
is Pittsburgh. I mean, if Russell Russell Wilson can play, okay,

you know, they'll be right in the mix in there
somewhere as well. So it's gonna be it's gonna be interesting.
The fact that they won't pay t Higgins is also interesting.
I mean, the guy has been super you know, super productive.
He's there, he's their number two guy, and without him,
you know, obviously Chase isn't getting as free as he
would like to. And so that combination, it's just funny. Man,

you need to start taking care of these guys. And
if he goes to another team and it becomes number
one with another team, he's gonna play well. And so
you talk about him obviously going into this year maybe
trying not to get hurt. I see him having a
big year and playing really well and trying to get paid.

Speaker 3 (31:07):
So it's going to be interesting to see.

Speaker 1 (31:09):
Yeah, And look, I think you're probably right about that too.
And the hard part is the argument, well, we just
can't pay everybody is harder and harder to absorb when
you see teams like Philadelphia turning around and paying their
quarterback and their wide receivers, right, like, there are teams
that are making this happen. So if the Bengals argument was, man,
we just can't afford to put that much money into

the wide receiver position. If I'm t if I'm agent,
if I'm his agent, if I'm his camp, if I'm
a Bengals fan, I'm looking over and saying, excuse me,
I would love to know why you feel you cannot
do that.

Speaker 2 (31:41):
You know, Yeah, that's that whole thing is such a
cop out.

Speaker 3 (31:45):
We can't afford to pay everybody.

Speaker 2 (31:47):
I mean, we've obviously seen you pay who you want
to have around and you make sure that happens, right,
so it can happen. You gotta be sometimes you got
to be a little creative and making that happen. But
there are ways around making this happen. And so you know,
that's you can't say that to to anybody that's been
around the sport long enough to know, and.

Speaker 3 (32:08):
You can't say it anymore.

Speaker 2 (32:09):
That's just not a feasible, feasible approach to acknowledging that
you know this guy isn't paid yet, or we can't
do this. It just you can't do it now to Higgins,
deserves to be to be paid.

Speaker 1 (32:22):
Man. Even twenty years ago, Tim Brown said, teams will
use this salary cap to get rid of you if
they don't want you, and they'll find a way to
keep you if they do. That was twenty years here,
Like we are so much smarter as a fan base,
Like we went from never really knowing these things and
understanding these things to having twenty websites we can go
that will break down who gets paid what and what
happens if this guy gets cut after this date. Like

it's amazing how smart we've all gotten. It's just funny
to me that this comes back to the way we
open the whole show, like the way most fans look
at it. Instead of looking at their favorite organization and
owners and saying like man up yours sign him? They
instead they turn around and say, well, you know what,
Burrow and Jamarica less and that it's like they shouldn't
have to there's a way to do like guess who
makes all the money. It never has to take less

the ownership groups, like I don't understand this. And by
the way, even if the ownership groups, because of the
way the salary cap works, like it's it's forty nine
percent of the money they make, right like, so it's
it's not even like there's a variable here. The money
has to be spent. The owners always make them an
I just don't understand it.

Speaker 3 (33:21):
Carry I'm on a soapbo Jason.

Speaker 2 (33:23):
I'm with you, man, Just just take care, take care
of the guys that are bringing your organization money, take
care of the guys that are helping you win.

Speaker 3 (33:29):
And t Higgins is one of those guys.

Speaker 1 (33:32):
We're coming at your live from the Tirack dot com studios.
The Bengals interesting, but there's another team that's off the
radar that could turn into a wildly interesting team. Could
we be saying playoffs? We'll talk about it next Fox
Sports Sunday. He's carry Roads. I'm Jason. He's carry Roads.
I'm Jason Fitzcher. Listening to Fox Sports Sunday on Fox
Sports Radio. Follow us on Twitter at Jason fitz at

Carrie twenty five Roads. Follow us on Instagram. Somebody already
did I got the immediately. Where's the picture of Annabelle?
So I posted a picture from this morning of annabel
because Carrie, I do you have dogs? Carry? Are a dog?

Speaker 3 (34:04):
No dog? Guy?

Speaker 2 (34:05):
I mean I do love dogs, but no dog, no
dog on my on my end right now.

Speaker 1 (34:09):
Okay, Well, Annabel is basically my life. And while I
was in the shower today, she decided that she was
gonna lay on the shower mat, like right where the
door opens. So I opened the door and I reached
out onto the sink, grab the phone, took a picture
because I'm sitting there and I'm like this, how I'm
gonna die? Like I gotta walk over the shower mat
with the cold tile floor with my feet wet, like
I can't, I can't dry him. I'm not like a

particularly bendy, flexible guy that's suddenly just like getting myself
dry in the shower without having to do something, you know,
like I gotta figure my way around this. And then
the whole time I'm thinking I'm gonna step over, My
foot's gonna hit the floor, it's gonna slide out from
under me. I'm gonna die. That's how luckily, as you
can tell, I didn't get you're here. But Annabel also
did not move, let me tell you, man, Like she
just sat there. She watched me walk over, and she

was just like, well done. I appreciate that that that's
that's the joy of owning a dog. Like she's trained me.
I haven't trained her.

Speaker 2 (34:56):
Yes, it's like, who am I going to impress today?
You're gonna impress impress Annabelle today. That's what it starts there,
stars and ends with annabel I get it.

Speaker 1 (35:04):
Yeah, that's my whole conversations during the day, Like, man,
I gotta get a life. Okay, we're coming that to
live from the tyraq dot com studios. I want to
give you a team because the Ravens rookies reporting to
training camp have me thinking about sort of our expectations.
I want to give you a team that I just
I don't know what to think of. And I again,
I think this could go horribly wrong, or we could

certainly sit around and say, oh my god. And it's
all because we don't know what to expect. To the quarterback.
I don't think most of us know who Will Levis
really is as a quarterback.

Speaker 3 (35:33):

Speaker 1 (35:33):
And as a result, I think right now, anybody that
tells you they know definitively what the Titans are going
to be this year are kind of lion Like I
don't know Bill Callahan as a coach. I don't know
Will Levis is a quarterback with these weapons around him,
I don't know what the running game looks like without
Derek Henry. Like there's just there are so many maybes
that I just don't know how to sort of categorize
the Titans.

Speaker 2 (35:52):
Woof the Titans. I think they're going to be bad.
To be honest, I mean, Levis shows some flashes in
the year. He's obviously a big, big, big kid, strong,
strong kid, can can make the throws, competitive toughness there.
I just don't see that team. I mean, I guess
getting outside, getting off the Derrick Henry train will give

them a chance to really see what they are and
who they can be. But like you said, it's it's
a it's such a big unknown at the moment, and
I think these this is one of those teams that,
though that can come out of the what works and
play okay because the expectations aren't there. And so when
you start out with you know, no expectations from the

outside world, you get you get a chance to bond,
and you get a chance to get to work, and
you actually get a chance to put together game plans
and schemes, not you know, based off of what you
have that can really accentuate your talent as you move on.
I mean, obviously they were a pro heavy Derrick Henry
play action, take some shots with Tanny Hill. But now

they're gonna have to divide something totally different. So it'll
be interesting to see what they come up with. But
as of now, yeah, I don't really I wouldn't put
too much stock into the Titans.

Speaker 1 (37:06):
I mean, I was a little surprised that they didn't
at least explore quarterback in the draft this year. New
regime would have thought. But I think the logic and
the way they've built the roster actually makes a lot
of sense. Let's go out and get as many weapons
as we can right now and just see if will
Levis has got it, and if he doesn't, then we
know the cup bait next year. The problem is next
year's draft classes we've talked about last week isn't particularly great.

So I'm sitting here saying, like, look, fans, Titans fans
right now are automatically thinking, they address jac Latham, addresses
the offensive line. You've got a quarterback that's coming from
Cincinnati or a coach that I should say that's coming
from Cincinnati, and you've got a quarterback that showed some flashes,
there's a reason for hope. I just also think that
if you played the shoes on the other foot game

and say, okay, well, but what's the flip side of it.
I don't love relying on a rookie in the draft
to be the number one offensive line that I can
rely on from day one to be absolutely everything. I'm
not sure I love Will Levis. I mean, I don't
think that people are talking about Will Levis the same
way they're even talking about let's say Bryce Young right
now and Bryce Shung, and the people are saying, well,

should we be cat up on Bryce Shung? So I'm
not sure I love Will Levis. And I just a
first time head coach always cares me because they don't know
what they don't know yet, Like a hey, coaches, sometimes
it works, sometimes it doesn't. The majority of the time,
a new head coach ends up getting fired. So like
it's just hard man.

Speaker 2 (38:25):
Yeah, the Titan situation is you said, like even bringing
in a new quarterback in the draft this year. I
mean they did that too. They did that two years
in a row, right, I mean they did Malik Willis.
That didn't work out, then they bringing Will Levis and
so to go quarterback again would have been just maybe
a lot.

Speaker 3 (38:40):
But again you I guess.

Speaker 2 (38:41):
With Levis, we did see some, like you said, some
positive some positive stuff during the season, and I do
want to see what he can do being the full
time guy. I just don't have I don't I don't
have a lot of faith in what he can do
at the moment, but that can change.

Speaker 1 (38:55):
I'm also a little bit on the incomplete mode on
the Colts too, like last year and did such a
beautiful job. Like the knock on Anthony Richardson coming in
was that he needed tape, he needed experience, and like
the worst part of that injury last year was that
he didn't get the game reps. I think he needs,
you know, to even know what he truly looks like
in here.

Speaker 2 (39:12):
Two Yeah, And it's it's crazy because he was starting,
he was looking pretty good right when he played, and
the time he had he was making plays.

Speaker 3 (39:20):
He was doing the things that we thought he could do.

Speaker 2 (39:21):
We could he could run the ball, he could you know,
get the tough yards, he can make some throws and
and he to me, honestly, he actually outperformed what I
thought he would do early on in the year, So
so it sucked, but yeah, I want to see what
he can do. And theyre there's a lot of questions
man surrounding certain teams in the quarterback positions.

Speaker 1 (39:38):
Yeah, it's and the quarterback position, you know, like sometimes
it feels like oversimplification. It isn't like we we are
in a world where you know, frankly, when you talk
about the way we judge the teams right now, because
the best teams have quarterbacks situations that are not just stable,
they have stars. It's hard for anybody to know what
to expect until we know what categor where your quarterback

has put in. And that's just being fair in the
conversation of an AFC that also has a Joe Burrow
and a Patrick Mahomes and a Josh Allen and you know,
let's see what looks like this year for Justin Herbert.
So the amount of quarterbacks that are proven entities is
just going to continue to change the conversation. Speaking of quarterbacks,
we all loved the show Quarterback on Netflix. It got

everybody infatuated. Well receiver does too, but it may have
us sleeping on one team coming in next year. We'll
talk about it next on Fox Sports Sunday. Jason Fitz
Kerry Rhoads, he's carry Roads. I'm Jason fitz It's Fox
Sports Sunday. And look, there's no real football happening, but
the entire world is infatuated with Netflix Football. But maybe

there's a lesson we can take away from Netflix Football.
Maybe we learned something and Receiver, we were reminded of
something during the series Receiver that we need to remember
going into this year. We're broadcasting live from the ti
iraq dot com studios. Tyrack dot com will help you
get there an unmatched selection, fast, free shipping, free road
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com the way tire buying should be. Carrie, I was
excited to talk to you about receiver because you know
more about receivers than most, having to deal with them
and shut them down on the field. But before we
do that, Moncy just told us about the Wimbledon result.
And I'm looking at Twitter and I see my buddy
Michael Luke Junior out here talks about how the the
Wimbledon trophy is perfect. I looked it up it's boring.
Are you like, are you a boring trophy? Like? Like,

to me, the Wimbledon trophies just look like somebody like
somebody went to a trophy shop and got something made
and you threw it up on the on the on
the shelf. Like I like my trophies to be a
little bit more elaborate. Where are your what's your stance
on trophies? Carrie?

Speaker 3 (41:39):
Yeah, you know what. The Wimbledon trophy is really good.

Speaker 2 (41:42):
It's just it's it breeds like it it's it's it's
it's audacious, it's big, it's like a big old cup.

Speaker 3 (41:51):
It's a lot of gold.

Speaker 2 (41:53):
It's SAME's fancy, right, it doesn't the same it doesn't
the same fancies to you, Jason.

Speaker 1 (41:57):
I wanted to be like it's ornate and the women's
trophy looks like just a plate like let's be Oh,
you're like, what am I using that as a charger?
Am I putting that for a Chacuter report? What am
I doing?

Speaker 3 (42:09):
Are you sending out subliminals?

Speaker 1 (42:10):
That's right, Like, we gotta fix that, Wimbledon.

Speaker 3 (42:15):
Let's go.

Speaker 1 (42:15):
I mean, look, I'm a fan of the Stanley Cup.
It's huge, like you could drink out of it, or
you know, go to the bathroom minute, whatever you want
to do, Like the minute. If you walk into a
room from all the way across the room, you know
that Lord Stanley's Cup is there. Or if you look
at the Lombardi Trophy, like the Lombardi Trophy when you
go to the super Bowl and they have that whole
setup where they have all the different super Bowl trophies,

they just there's a there's a shininess or to it.
Even the Larry O'Brien in the NBA, like the ball
sitting on the rim. I love all that, Like there's
so much part to all of those trophies. The Wimbledon
one just looks like, you know, I won a local
country club tournament.

Speaker 3 (42:50):
I'm out. That's what you get from a wow. I get.

Speaker 2 (42:53):
I get all this is from it. It's it's especially
the men's it's it's it's bigger. You got to hold
it with two hands. It looks a little gaudy, it
looks kind and heavy. You know it some substance there.
If you walked into a room and you saw it,
it would catch your attention. I would think, you know
what I mean?

Speaker 3 (43:07):
So I don't know. I don't know, Jason.

Speaker 2 (43:09):
I agree with the designs of the of the Stanley
and and and obviously, you know, in football you get
to see the football. It's a thing. You kind of
know what it is when you see it. So maybe
you're right with not knowing what it is. But I
think it catches your attention though.

Speaker 1 (43:26):
Moncey, any thoughts on the Wimbledon trophy? Where are we
on the trophy from Wimbledon and its greatness?

Speaker 3 (43:32):
Moncey's in there talking to Steve right.

Speaker 1 (43:34):
Montes he left, Monty left. That's what I'm sitting here saying.
The Wimbledon trophy good that you're listening to the show.

Speaker 7 (43:46):
Just got here, and I breing burritos, So he's getting
his burrito. I bring burritos every Sunday, so she should
come on Sundays.

Speaker 1 (43:52):
You know what. So here's the thing. Burrito is great.
The Wimbledon trophy, the Wimbledon trophy just doesn't. It's not
as im as I want a trophy like that to be, Monsy.

Speaker 6 (44:02):
Why what is it? Is it uncomfortable because it's like.

Speaker 1 (44:05):
Not, Well, the women's one is basically a plate, which
is just awful, right, and the men's one is just like,
I don't know, it looks like I went to a
trophy shop and I was like, hey, make me an
ornate country club turn the trophy. Like it's just it
doesn't have the same sleekness to it or the same
grandeur of it. Like the Stanley Cup isn't sleek, but
it's huge, right, and it's got this legend aura around it.

Speaker 3 (44:25):

Speaker 1 (44:26):
The Lombardi is sleek. You hold it up, even though
it's one hand, You hold it up and it just
it looks like you were holding up something from the gods.
Like the Larry O'Brien looks cool because of the colorization
on it and the way it's sitting on the rim
and the gold. It's just it's perfect. The Women to
one just looks like a cup. It's like, congratulations, this
is your this is your victory cup.

Speaker 7 (44:44):
Really, I feel like there's so much detail to it
that it just like it looks very like old.

Speaker 6 (44:52):
Like it like it's like it's been around for years. Classic.
That's what it looks like to me.

Speaker 7 (44:58):
I I feel like it's more like uncomfortable to carry.

Speaker 6 (45:02):
Like I'm just carrying around right now, Carrie.

Speaker 7 (45:06):
Yeah, Yeah, Like I think it's more uncomfortable than anything.

Speaker 6 (45:10):
But I actually think it looks quite regal and like royal,
if that makes sense.

Speaker 2 (45:16):
You know Jason too, I know, Look, Jason, you can
you can only get one thing.

Speaker 3 (45:24):
You can get a follow or her listening to the show.
Which one do you want?

Speaker 1 (45:27):
You know, I'll take the follow. That's where like, look,
you guys are wrong. You can tweet us, by the
way at Jason Git's at carried twenty five rounds. Let
us know if you think the Wibbledon trophy is overrated,
because I certainly do. But you've both made a good point.
It's ornate and I don't like. So this is the
counter that happens in culture, right, like whatever your parents overdid,
as the next generation, you seem to want nothing to

do with. So like the two things that my parents
were all in on like anything antique. So they were
buy like any antique piece of junk and just cram
it in the house, borderline hoarders with all this antique
stuff around, so like I own virtually nothing that's old.
And then my mom had like plants everywhere. I cannot stay.
If I walk into a house and there's plants, I
might come out I'm out, Like, I don't have a
single living thing in my house other than me and Annabel, Like,

there's no plants, there's no any of it. So when
you guys say, oh, it's ornate, Nichola's historic, and it's old,
those are all the things I hate. That makes sense.
Carriy like, I'm out on this because of my culture.

Speaker 6 (46:19):
Well, it's a good thing. You're not gonna win one.
Tell me about it.

Speaker 3 (46:22):
That's all it is.

Speaker 2 (46:24):
Yeah, now you're getting attack there. And also I'm going
to say, you just live in your rebel stage. That's okay,
you can live it. It can be a little later,
but you're being in your rebellious stage.

Speaker 3 (46:31):
I get it.

Speaker 1 (46:32):
I mean I'm late forties. It's probably a little late
for that. Exactly, here we go, we're coming that to
live from the Tirak dot com studios. Rebellious would would
describe wide receivers. But here's the thing. I binged watched
receiver only to find out that by the way, cause
I do some digital work on the side for fun
with the Raiders every once in a while, my favorite team,
they used one of my audio clips in episodes, So

go back and check it out because I was sitting
there watching it with Annabell, might have might have had
an edible or two, and all of a sudden I
heard my voice and I was like, what the hell
I'm hearing myself. But here's a funny thing. I walked
away from that saying, man, I think we have forgotten
just how good the Detroit Lions were last year. Like
I'm on Ross Saint Brown with that whole offense and
the swagger they were playing with and the way they

were beating teams. I think somewhere along the way we
have like we thought it was a cute story last
year because it's the Lions. They've never done it. And
as I watched Receiver, I thought, man, I think we
might be undervaluing them coming into the season this year.

Speaker 3 (47:28):
A little bit.

Speaker 2 (47:29):
Yeah, I think you know, they've built something special with
Dan Campbell. Obviously we could kind of see that brewing
and for it to come to a head last year
where they legit had a chance to make it to
the Super Bowl and you know a couple of players
here and there, you know, changes changed the outcome of that.
And so really good team, really deep team, very physical team,

all the formula, all the pieces of formula that you
need to be to be successful in that league, and
so I'm excited to see what they do and this year,
hopefully they don't take a step back and they continue
to ride that wave. But now it comes to a
point of can you be consistent and do this at
a high level consistently? And I think that's the question
that's going to be answered here really soon.

Speaker 1 (48:10):
Yeah. I think it's interesting that consistency is the bar. Yeah,
because I think the other team that I really sat
here and said, man was watching because they also followed
Debo and George Kittle, seeing so much of the forty
nine ers and seeing even the forty nine er players
acquiesce like, man, we've been good. But this feels different, right,
Like you think about how stinking good they were for

the majority of last year. They went their little lull
in the middle when Diebo was hurt, but how stinking
good they were last year, And it really feels like
as much as we sit here and as a society
we obsess over a team like the Cowboys, and we're
talking a lot about the Eagles right now, and we're
talking a lot about the NFC North obviously for good reason.
We'll get to that in just a few minutes, but
right now I'm looking at it and saying, Man, the
forty nine Ers in the Lions were kind of the

clear cut to cream of the crop teams in the
NFC and maybe the NFL for the majority of last year.

Speaker 3 (48:58):
They were.

Speaker 2 (48:58):
But I'm going to throw in another team that's going
to challenge them this year, and I think that's they're
going to take a step forward. It's going to be
the Green Bay Packers, and I know we're we're going
to talk about that division a little bit later, but
I'm excited to see what they do and and to
see just how Jordan Love progresses in this second year
being a starter, because down the stretch, I mean, he

was so good down the stretch last year, and so
I'm excited to see him. But yes, as far as
last year goes, the Lions and the forty nine Ers
were definitely the toast of the NFC.

Speaker 1 (49:29):
Well, and if you watch just the camaraderie they all had,
the brotherhood they all had, which is something that that's
the one thing we could keep an eye on right
now when we're starting O ta's and you're watching your
favorite team, look for does it feel different because so often,
and you know this, how often are we here after
a championship, whatever sport we're talking about, somebody from the

team comes out and says, man, there was just a
special bond this year. And I genuinely believe that your
odds of winning a championship increase if you can get
everybody fighting for each other in any sport in a
different way.

Speaker 2 (50:01):
In that locker room, you have to like the guy.
You gotta like the guys you're going a battle with
every day. I mean, you're around these guys so much
in a short amount of time. It's not like the
word it's drawn out right because there's gonna be roster
changes at the end of the year. All these things happen.
But when you're in a season, a long season, a
tough season, you're working hard with the person next to you.

If you like that guy, and you like your coaches,
and you like the people that are around you and
that organization, it just it does wonders for your morale.
It does wonders for your team camaraderie. And obviously, like
we talked about earlier, there's gonna be moments when it
gets tough and there's gonna be moments when you know
there's gonna be disagreements and arguments and all that stuff happens.

But if you disagree and you argue with somebody you like,
it's a little easier to kind of come to common
ground on that stuff. And when you don't like people,
it's a little harder to come to coming ground. So yes,
it definitely matters.

Speaker 1 (50:58):
The funny thing is I always raise my hand y'all
and say loudly, look, I'm five nine and a half
one hundred and seventy pounds. What the hell do I
know about being in an NFL locker room?

Speaker 3 (51:06):

Speaker 1 (51:07):
Right, Like, was not athletically gifted. But I can't tell
you what it was like to live on a tour
bus with you know, we have four buses out and
you know, for the majority of that touring life, and
you live with twelve other human beings on a tiny bus.
You're in and you're out for week after week after week.
And what I tell people all the time is that
one you could have ten great personalities, you could have

eleven great personalities. One problem on a bus and it
changes the entire tenor of going to work every day,
and even when you think you've solved the problem, when
that one person says that same thing again, everybody just
gets riled up. And I think about what a difference
it makes when you're just running around on stage playing
a show. For some people, I cannot imagine the difference
it makes when you're coordinated and moving together as a

unit like it's just it speaks to being on the
same page, which I think is such an underrated part
of coaching. When you talk about great coaches NBA, great
coaches NFL, they how to make sure that everybody understands
exactly what they're doing and how they're doing it. But
they also know how to make sure to explain to
everybody how to come together as one. If you don't
have that, you don't have a chance.

Speaker 2 (52:09):
And if you don't have somebody in as a leader,
in control of that team that understands each and every individual,
that's going to be the that's the main state, that's
the main stay power. That's where you can unite a team,
and you can give, you know, different players, different verbal

communications or different ways to communicate certain things to them
that it may not be needed for another guy. But
understanding your unit, understanding your guys. Understanding the personalities around
you matters so much. And so when you see teams
again that go on those runs or have success, it's
probably because number one.

Speaker 3 (52:50):
What we sayd they like each other.

Speaker 2 (52:52):
But also the people in charge, as I do air
quotes in charge of that team gives the right recipe
for all those guys as individually, because as much as
it is a team, each individual in that team circle,
in that team circumstance, has to do their job. And
if they're not doing their job, just one guy, it

messes everything up. And so it's such a tough business
and that's why it's the ultimate team game.

Speaker 1 (53:18):
So I was the musical director for the band as well,
and it was my job to listen back to every show.
Is my job to make sure we were all on
the same page. And I remember after one of our shows,
because I came from Juilliard, like I came from a
very harsh world of communication, that's what I respond to.
And I walked up to our guitar player and my
mother affed him up and down because it was a
bad show. I just I went nuts. And then I
walked into the drummer and I did the same thing

because that's how I communicate, and the drummer i'd known
for fifteen years at that point. A couple of days later,
he still wouldn't even look me in the eye. So
I walked up because he's like a brother to me,
and I said, no, Boom, what's wrong? And he said, Man,
you really hurt my heart the way you talked to
me after that show. And I realized in that moment
that the way I communicate would never work for him
that way. So I had to really dial myself down
after Badge and know that I could go up to

the guitar player because he responded to it, and I
could mother f him. And then I had to walk
three feet over to the drum riser and hug boone
and say, man, you know, we'll get him tomorrow, like
today doesn't define anything. We'll get him tomorrow. Toughest lesson
I ever had to learn, and leadership toughest lesson I
ever had to learn in the road. And to your point,
I think that's the one thing that we talk about
quarterbacks and leadership style, like the guy in the locker
room has to be able to read that out. That

is not easy to do, and not every team has it.

Speaker 2 (54:25):
It's it's the ultimate thing when it comes to team
sports or team anything. I was what you just said
about about the band stuff, it's one hundred percent that
is a team. If one person isn't doing their job,
then it sounds bad, right, And so that's where it
gets to it. And me as a being a captain
on my teams in New York and you know, getting

you know, getting past myself and my own ego. And
I think that's the number one thing as a leader
you have to understand. It's as a leader, it's not
about you. You're expected to do your job anyway, and
you should do your job if you are a leader,
So you can to counsel that out, right. So now
it's about the other ten guys or the other eleven
ten guys in you in your instance as well. Where

all right, do I know this guy who's standing beside me?
Do I know this guy who's playing with me? Okay,
I know he's a little sensitive, Okay, this guy likes
to be coached hard. This guy likes to be told
what it is, no matter what, and that's all it is, right,
But being able to identify that and identify those personalities
are everything, and I learned that as well in New York.

I mean, I'm a young guy. I'm twenty four or
twenty five leading men right and I'm wearing a seat
on my chest, and I take that very I take
that very personal. I want to be the best at
what that entails as well. And so you got to
do your work and understand that. You know, everybody learns
and everybody you know takes criticism a little bit differently.

Speaker 1 (55:48):
One guy that always does the work is Davante Adams.
He was featured on Receiver and a lot of people
are talking about his future. I'll tell you why everybody
has got it absolutely wrong. When we come back Fox
Sports Sunday, He's Carry Rhodes. I'm Jason Fitz. I don't
want to be the bearer of bad news. But sometimes
as much as we love drama and as much as
we love for things to just feel good because it's

fun to talk about it, facts have to matter and
they just keep getting in the way when it comes
to Davante Adams. Let me be clear, I don't think
there's any chance Davante Adams plays for any team other
than the Raiders during this entire NFL season. I cannot
be clearer than that, It's Fox Sports Sunday. He's carry
roads on, Jason Fitz. We're coming at you live from
the tiraq dot Com studios and carry This is all

about value, Okay, so hear me out. Last year, all
of these Davante Adams rumors started to circulate everywhere right like,
people were saying, Davante's gonna go to the Jets.

Speaker 3 (56:40):

Speaker 1 (56:41):
So I took my phone book and that's I think
one of the most important things most of us have
in life anymore is the connections we have. So I
reached out to people smarter than me, plugged into the league,
people that cover the league, inst cider scouts. I did
a general survey and I asked everybody, before last season,
what do you think the going rate would be in
a real trade for Davonte Adams, And this is before

last year. And the answer I got, the highest answer
I got was a high second round pick because of
his age and the value of his contract. So nobody
wanted to give a first rounder for Davante. I laughed
at that point, said there's no way the Raiders are
going to give up on Davante Adams first second round pick.
Now we flash forward all the way into a new year, right,
we are going into yet another year. We watch all

of the highlights from receiver where he makes it clear that,
you know, Jimmy g naid O'Connor, we're gonna get him
killed with the way they were throwing the football, and
you see his frustration, and it leads to this conversation
resurfacing where people are like, oh, Davante's going to get
traded for what? Like, there is no chance in my
mind that the Raiders is going to look. I don't
care if he becomes the biggest toxic piece of the
locker room, which by the way, is not who Davante

has ever appeared to be. I don't think there's any
chance Antonio Pierce and Max Crosby turn around and let
that behavior be the reason that somebody gets out the door.
I don't think there's any chance that they trade him
for what they would get for him, which would likely
at this point be what mid second rounder? What the
hell you gonna get with the mid second rounder that's
gonna make anybody feel better about life right now? With Davante.

Adams answer is nothing. So the facts simply mean Davante's
gonna be a Raider.

Speaker 3 (58:11):
Yeah, he's gonna be a Raider.

Speaker 2 (58:12):
I mean, you can have big wishes if you're a
Jets fan obviously that you know, he gets reunited with
his buddy Aaron Rodgers and you know has a you know,
a great season there. But it's just not gonna happen. Again,
the value doesn't add up to the player at this point,
the pick doesn't add up to the player. You're not
getting anybody that's gonna be on that level right now.

And with the Raiders obviously there, they are trying to
be competitive, trying to win. Got a new new regime,
and so that would just set that regime back even
more for failure.

Speaker 3 (58:44):
It's just it's not gonna happen.

Speaker 2 (58:45):
Davante actually saying, like down the stretch he was having
fun with with Peers being the interim, having the interim
tag at that point last year, but now being the
head coach.

Speaker 3 (58:55):
So I just think the relationships matter. He'll be there.
He's not going anywhere.

Speaker 1 (58:59):
Yeah, he's also super tight with Max Crosby. Yeah, I've
spent a good amount of time with Max over the years,
and I said, like we're buddies. And he's one of
those people that when you spend five minutes in the
room with him, you just you light up. You want
to run through walls, you light up. He makes you smile,
like I think, once Josh McDaniels got out of the building,
Max became a dominant personality to that. And it's funny.

And I want to point out too, the delusion, and
this is a common problem in the NFL, the delusions
on both sides. Like I have raiders fans hit me
up all the time. They're like, well, you know, they
get two first rounders for him. It's like, what the
hell were are you thinking? In the number of times,
not even just a great player, the number of times
we see fans of a team turn around and decide
that some middle of the road players worth you know,

two seconds and a first for that. Like, I don't
understand sometimes what the hell fans think when they look
at what they perceive trade value to be a.

Speaker 3 (59:50):
Player, Saxon.

Speaker 2 (59:51):
It's crazy because I mean when I got trade Arizona,
obviously I was still, I guess in the prime of
my career as well, and you know, the Jets got
two picks for me at that time. It was a fourth,
a fourth, and a seventh, and that fourth round pick
ended up being a good pick for them down the line.
I think they got McKnight, the retirement got from USC

and somebody else. But so, I mean that was two
picks for me in my prime. Still, Davonte, I would say,
it's on the other end of that prime still really good.
But yeah, you're just not going to bring in any
pick or any player that's gonna, I guess make that
loss seem like it can be a feasible one.

Speaker 3 (01:00:29):
So yeah, it's just it is delusion.

Speaker 1 (01:00:32):
Yeah, and then then you start thinking about just the
money that's involved in it too, Like a team that
would try to acquire them right now would have to
immediately start soaking up. Now, the Raiders do have an
out after this year, right like, so currently this year,
his capit number is twenty five million dollars. Going into
next year, the capit form is an astronomical forty four
million dollars for the next two years. So if we

want to talk about after this year, I think there's
probably a pretty reasonable conversation of if the Raiders have
won some games and they like things going in the
right direction, and then they're able to acquire a quarterback
that he's really happy with, maybe they figure out a
way to keep him. If not, maybe next year, going
into next season when he'll be thirty three at the time.
Maybe then all of a sudden he goes to a

place like the Jets and tries to win it. And like,
we can have that conversation all day long, but I
think anything until then, even looking at the trade deadline
this year, it just isn't going to make sense. The
smartest thing too for the Raiders, And this is one
of the hard parts about being in Patrick Mahomes's division
is everybody perceives that your team stinks. Well, the Raiders
won eight games last year, right, Like they weren't an

easy watch. The offense was abysmal, but they won eight games.
So if you're sitting there and you're Mark Davis, the
owner of the team, it's gonna be a hell of
a sales job from anybody in that organization. After he
fired everybody and kept the interim people to then turn
around and say midway through this season, when he won
eight games last year, when now we just got to
give up on Davante, Like I can't imagine walking into

the boss's office and be like, got this great plan
for you. Okay, I know we said we weren't going
to rebuild, We're just gonna trade devon dea Adams Like
you might as well just start packing your desk up
that day, man.

Speaker 2 (01:02:05):
I mean, I'm old enough to realize and actually see
you know that teams had to go through, go through
things to become a winner. Right we're trying to you know,
GM this thing or office GM this thing to where
all the pieces add up and you win right away.

Speaker 3 (01:02:24):
It just doesn't happen often.

Speaker 2 (01:02:26):
And so you know, teams and ownership start to run
and deviate from the game plan after one unsuccessful year
or one tough stretch, and then you think that you
have to do this quick fix to make it all
come together.

Speaker 3 (01:02:40):
It just does not happen.

Speaker 2 (01:02:42):
And so for any any team building personnel guy out
there that would be listening, or the fan that thinks
they could do it as well, like, this stuff takes time,
and so be patient. Give these guys a chance to
implement their system, implement their style of play, and then
see what happens.

Speaker 3 (01:02:59):
You don't just bail on people after one year.

Speaker 1 (01:03:02):
He's Carrie Rose I'm Jason Fitch coming at your live
from the Tirack dot Com studios. Carrie just said something
that is absolutely brilliant. When we come back, I will
explain the biggest disconnect that we have between fans and
organizations when it comes to what we root for. But first,
MANCI get us caught up on what's going on?

Speaker 6 (01:03:18):
No, how's Annabel doing?

Speaker 3 (01:03:20):
Oh my god?

Speaker 1 (01:03:21):
We go social? She like, so the funny thing Annabel
is so like, look she she needs to play all day.
But here's the funny thing. At night, Like you know,
she crawls up on the bed when I first go
to bed. She comes up every night, she kisses like,
she gives me a lick, right basically, and then she
jumps off the bed because she's like, I will not
cuddle with you. And then after I fall asleep, she

gets up because every morning when I wake up, she's
pressed up against my legs. So at some point in
the middle of the night she will, but she will
not give me the satisfaction. But get yeah, four years
of playing hard to get like she's she's somewhere in
another room waiting for me to throw the ball.

Speaker 3 (01:04:01):
He's gonna go to sleep, right, now I'm gonna make
him pay.

Speaker 7 (01:04:03):
I know, right when he's snoring, it's when I'll go
cuddle exact when he's.

Speaker 1 (01:04:07):
Snoring, I'll go. When she knows that I can get
no fulfillment out of here, just like a woman.

Speaker 7 (01:04:11):
I'm telling you, God, well, you know we are one
in the same.

Speaker 6 (01:04:16):
We are one in the same. So I don't blame her.
I don't blame her.

Speaker 7 (01:04:20):
All right, let's start in baseball, fellas, where the Ools
have retaken the lead over the Yankees at home three
to two. It's the top of the six inning. Dodgers information.
I don't like this one, but I'm not gonna lie
to you. I'm not surprised.

Speaker 6 (01:04:32):
Dodgers starter Yoshinobu Yamamoto has.

Speaker 7 (01:04:34):
Been moved to the sixty day IL, leaving him inactive
until at least August sixteenth.

Speaker 6 (01:04:39):
So we really have no pictures. We just don't. We
don't have any.

Speaker 7 (01:04:42):
So if you know of any, let's send him to
the Dodgers, because we are completely out of them.

Speaker 6 (01:04:46):

Speaker 7 (01:04:47):
Let me see get out there, carry exactly in the
w NBA, one game going on, and it's a tie
one between the Mercury and the Sun. They are tied
at twenty nine with less than six minutes to go
in the first half. At Wimbledon, Carlos Alcaraz does it again.
He defeated Novak Djokovic, this time in straight sets. It
was his second Grand Slam win this year and the

fourth of his career. He's only twenty one in the NFL.
Unfortunate news, former Ravens receiver and Super Bowl champion Jacoby
Jones has passed away at the age of forty. According
to KPRC television out of Houston, he passed away overnight
in his sleep, and no cause of death has been
announced yet. He played nine seasons in the NFL, starting
in Super Bowl forty seven and twenty thirteen, where the

Ravens defeated the forty nine Ers thirty four to thirty one.
He became the first player to score a receiving touchdown
and a return touchdown in the same game in Super
Bowl history. He had one hundred and eight yard kickoff
return touchdown to open the second half, which was the
longest scoring play in the history of the Super Bowl.
Other NFL news, According to the NFL Network, the Bengals
and Star wide receiver t Higgins he's not going to

do an extension by Monday's deadline.

Speaker 6 (01:05:52):
He did sign his franchise tag. He's going to play
on it.

Speaker 7 (01:05:55):
But apparently he's going to be a top free agent
in the twenty twenty five off season.

Speaker 1 (01:05:59):
Back to you guys, as always, she's Mancy, Belonga's doing
great work. Case Fitz's carry roads. Uh, we'll stick all
the soccer pronunciations with Moncy for right now.

Speaker 6 (01:06:14):
Yes, And that's just the.

Speaker 1 (01:06:15):
Way it's going to be. We're hanging out on Fox
Sports Sunday on Fox Sports Radio, all right, So hear
me out, Carrie, because you just talked about patience and
here's the single greatest disconnect in all of sports. And
then I feel this to my core because for me,
I grew up a Raiders fan. Right, We've talked about that,
and when I was a little kid, my dad would
get a dozen donuts. We sit down, we eat a

dozen donuts while we watched the Raiders game together. That
they were the La Raiders that became the Oakland Raiders
that are now the Vegas Raiders. Like I've lived this
my entire life. I remember the house I was sitting
and where I was sitting when Sebastian Janakowski was drafted.
I remember where I was sitting for the tuck rule
and why I broke up with that girl afterward. I
remember all of these different moments in my life based
on heartbreak around my beloved Raiders. I remember the chair

I was sitting, and when the Raiders lost the AFC
Championship game fifty one to three, I remember at halftime
looking at my dad saying, well, they scored that much
in the first half, we can score that much in
the second half, right, Like, I remember so many of
these key moments. So every time there's a new regime,
it's impossible for it to be new for me because
I have a lifetime of watching things mostly fail. So

immediately I'm jaded. It's like when all you've ever done
is be in relationships with people the cheek, you can't
give the new relationship benefit of the doubt. And unfortunately,
what happens is a new regime walks in and like
if you are a new regime in any organization, if
you're in the first two years in any organization, whatever
happened in the past ain't your fault. Nothing you can
do about that. And so there shouldn't be any We

should be clean slate. But the problem is, for any
of us that are fans, we can't clean the slate
of what we've seen with our eyes on our soul
for the last twenty thirty forty years.

Speaker 3 (01:07:54):
Yeah, it makes sense.

Speaker 2 (01:07:55):
I mean, it's it's a tangible feeling now, right, it's
happened to a point where it's all most like imprinted
on your DNA because that's what you're saying, that's what
you've been accustomed to.

Speaker 3 (01:08:05):
I understand it. I get it. Sports is just a
different Sports is a different animal. I know.

Speaker 2 (01:08:11):
Like we go into the year again, we talk about
teams having expectations of all having this idea that we're
gonna win a Super Bowl, Right, it's no different with
the fans. I think with the fans perspective of it, though,
it's my team's gonna win a Super Bowl, right, that's
the optimistic fan. There are some fans out there that
says my team stinks, but I'm still gonna rock with them.

But I think for the most part, we're all in
this thing together.

Speaker 3 (01:08:37):
We got a new we got we got a new
slate of games.

Speaker 2 (01:08:40):
We're all zero and zero at this point, and we're
gonna be great, this is gonna be our team's year,
and it's fun, it's exciting, all those things. But when
things hit the fan early, those fans jump off that
righte really quickly, where the players have to still ride
that out and get through it. So I would say,
as a former player speaking to fans and me being

a fan now, having that patience is so key because
as you live and you.

Speaker 3 (01:09:08):
Get age and mature, mature a.

Speaker 2 (01:09:10):
Little bit, you know, things don't happen overnight in our
world and our society anywhere, So why would it be
any different there on the football field. And so I
would say that that would be my impassioned speech to
a fan that's been through hard times, through trauma, just
realize the new regime has nothing to do with that.
They're trying their best to get this thing handled and

going in the right direction because their job depends on
it as well. So give them a little patience. That's
what I would say that, Okay.

Speaker 1 (01:09:37):
You're right. Everything you just said is right and true.
It's just easier said than done. This is the whole
reason that I started to really lose my mind during
the NBA playoffs and everybody kept saying, well, the Celtics
always blow it. There has to be context to that, right,
It's not just the Celtics always blow it. Every year
is different, Every playoff loss is different. You're not going

to sit here and create some big, sweeping narrative about
the Bills and ability to get past the Chiefs, because
every one of those games has been wildly different. Like,
I'm not willing to sit here and say Kyle Shanahan
is a choke artist because he lost the Super Bowl.
To me, that Super Bowl is much different than, for example,
the twenty eight to three debacle where he was in
offensive court. Yeah, right, Like all of these are such

different moments that because we as fans it's one team,
it's one moment for the professionals that are involved in it,
every game, every season is so different than the one before.
I don't know that there's a through line you can
really take.

Speaker 2 (01:10:36):
It really isn't, but that is that's the connector with
the fan and the team, right, Like the disconnect of
not knowing exactly or being privy or being aware to
what you just said, The dynamic of each of those seasons,
each of those games are totally different now the result
and being result base is still kind of a linear approach, right,

It's either one loss, but when it's outside of that
and the circumstances or the factors that make or that
going to that game or into that loss or until
that win is totally different. And then usually there's added
characters or added cast to what's going on to that
particular season. So the teams aren't even the same, they're

totally different. So yes, I agree with that, with that take,
for sure.

Speaker 1 (01:11:24):
Yeah, And it's all kind of funny because we want
to make one sweeping generalization about all of it and
then turn it into well, these results aren't good enough,
and it's like, I understand that, but you really have
to ask yourself to why. It's why I constantly say, Look,
my hope every single year as a fan isn't that
I go in and my team has a great record.
My hope is that I watch good football. Like that's

far more. I mean, I remember watching seasons where teams
won ten games and didn't make the playoffs, and now
we see teams some years win ten games that do
make the playoffs that we all know as fans, we're
smart enough to know they stink. I want to watch
a good football team and whatever else happens from is
it controllable.

Speaker 3 (01:12:01):
We can't control exactly.

Speaker 2 (01:12:03):
I remember, I mean my time plan. I mean I
remember the Patriots going I think they went. They won
ten games with was that Matt Castle?

Speaker 3 (01:12:10):
What year was that was that?

Speaker 2 (01:12:11):
Yeah, with the mac Castle without two thousand and seven
they didn't make the playoffs. And I mean there's times
when we were nine wins, ten wins and that, and
that's when it was sixteen games we didn't make the playoffs.
So yes, and we know that that year we didn't
make it was two thousand and eight, we were nine
and we were nine and three. We lost the last
four games down the stretch, went nine to seven. But
you know, Brett Farm had an arm issue. But if

he doesn't, we were a really good team and we
probably could have made some noise. But at the end
of the day, another team sneak saying that you know
isn't going to win, and it's like, well, well they
took the spot, so they made it.

Speaker 3 (01:12:41):
But doesn't mean.

Speaker 2 (01:12:42):
That they were a better team or even a good
team at that time. They just were, you know, had
a circumstance. What it got in and that's what it is,
and that's what we'll remember.

Speaker 3 (01:12:52):
Right. We didn't make it, they made it.

Speaker 1 (01:12:54):
I always say it's better to be lucky than good,
but I think short term it's better to be lucky
than good. Long term, it's better to be good than lucky.
We're coming at your live from the tire rack dot
Com studios with all this NFL talk, be remiss if
we don't mention that we're about to go into an
unprecedented year in college football, not just because of playoff expansion,
but because of a wild changing in the guard. We'll
talk about it next on Fox Sports Sunday. It's Fox

Sports Sunday on Fox Sports Radio. He's Carry Roads. I'm
Jason Fitz hanging out with him. Follow us on Twitter
at Carrie twenty five Roads at Jason Fitz. Follow us
on Instagram too, just at Carry Rhoads at Jason Fitz.

Speaker 3 (01:13:26):
Jason, Jason, I got, I got a little, I got
a little, a little.

Speaker 2 (01:13:29):
Bernie just told me you were possibly die hard Met
and Jets fan.

Speaker 3 (01:13:36):
Is that is that true? Is there any truth to
the truth?

Speaker 1 (01:13:40):
Zero truth today, zero truth, No Mets, no Jets for me, No, No,
I'm a one. I'm a We're coming at your life
from the tyro rack dot com studios. I'm a one
team man, brother I am. I am a Raiders fan
and nothing else. Like I was a big Lakers fan
as a kid, but that that sort of died off
over the years for me. And I'm a big u
LV fan, but they're never relevant. So you know it's

I'm from Vegas originally. So yeah, no, no, no Mets
Jets love for me.

Speaker 2 (01:14:06):
Uh uh oh man, So the birdie was completely wrong.
So my sources are terrible, is what you're telling me.

Speaker 1 (01:14:11):
Your sources. Your sources are terrible sources. Your sources are off.
Uh that that that that is not happening. What is
what's your baseball team? I should know this.

Speaker 3 (01:14:21):
I'm a Yankee. I'm a Yankee guy. Yeah, yeah, I'm
a Yankee guy.

Speaker 2 (01:14:25):
I mean be in the boxes watching those games in
the playoffs, and man, was I was there when it
was the real captain was there, Derek Jeters?

Speaker 3 (01:14:34):
So you know you know how that goes.

Speaker 1 (01:14:35):
God, that's such a glorious era to be just saying
it around like you know, that's the thing. And and
I think one of the reasons I love everything, Like, look,
my I'm a grown ass man, and I could admit
as a grown ass man that it's stupid that my
week is just impacted by how the Raiders play. Like
the Raiders typically lose on Sunday. Monday, I don't want
to watch anything because I don't want to be reminded

of how painful the loss was. They never year. Tuesday,
I'm still in my feels about it. Wednesday, I start
to look forward to it a little bit Thursday. By then,
I've convinced myself next week's gonna be different. Friday, I'm excited,
like this is my path, so I can't devote that.
But that's why I love covering every other sport because like, look,
I've made a lot of my living around college football.
I don't care who Winter loses, and that's a glorious thing.

Like I genuinely when everybody else is screaming in a bar,
I'm just like, well, that's gonna be a good story,
which means good ratings, and I am happy.

Speaker 3 (01:15:25):
That's funny.

Speaker 2 (01:15:25):
You sound like an actual NFL football player with that
schedule too, Yeah, that's how it goes. It kind of
goes for us too. Monday you're like, you kin kind
of mending the wounds, and Tuesday you're kind of like,
we got to play better. Wednesday you go through the
process of getting better. Thursday, Friday you're kind of over it.
Now you're like, we're gonna play better this week. Saturday comes,
you rest, Sunday, you go out there and lose again.

It's kind of part of the part of the deal.

Speaker 1 (01:15:50):
Man. I've always said too, like being an NFL fan
is just like a bad relationship when the Super bowls over,
when your season's over for your favorite team. It's like
when you just broke up. You have such a per
fixed view of what your favorite team is. Yeah, and
then a couple months later you're like, I don't know.
Free agency is coming up. You're like I do. I
do kind of miss the way she laughed. And then
like you get to the draft and like, man, it

wasn't all bad, Like we had some really good vacations
on this and then you get to OTA's and you're like, ah,
I just miss her smile. And by the time you're
back in the season, you're like, you know what, we
fixed it. We had patched up. We're back together. It's
gonna be great, and then you hit week three and
you're like, she's still crazy. That's just that's the way
it goes. Like it's a cycle that never ends.

Speaker 3 (01:16:27):
It is.

Speaker 2 (01:16:29):
It is a never ending story, like one of my
favorite childhood movies, never ending story. It all changes, man,
and it comes back to the same point being the
reason that it didn't work probably is the reason it'll
happen again.

Speaker 3 (01:16:41):
So that's what it is.

Speaker 1 (01:16:43):
Yeah, and it's it's alarming by the way, never ending story.
True classic in that song in that movie is absolutely
But like even as an adult, I still cry every
time that movie is coming on, Like I've is carrier,
Like when you play in the NFL, can you be
a movie crier? Is that allowed? Ah?

Speaker 2 (01:16:57):
In my own place of residency, maybe a few tears
was said, but not out in public.

Speaker 3 (01:17:04):
Absolutely not.

Speaker 1 (01:17:06):
See that's the difference. When you're a musician, people are like,
oh my god, here's so sensitive.

Speaker 3 (01:17:10):

Speaker 1 (01:17:10):
I remember seeing Armageddon with a bunch of buddies and
like the end seeing of Armageddon, like there wasn't I mean,
it was ugly crying up in a group of men
and it was just ugly crying. And I looked around
and I was like, this is proof positive that not
a single one of us will ever be an athlete,
because it was just like sobbing, weeping, like a funeral
sort of thing at Armageddon. So I ad met that.

Speaker 2 (01:17:31):
Care Jackson, look at this real quick before we gotta
get out there. But yeah, I had that moment too.
I was sitting in the movie theater by myself because
I like to go at the matinee times. I'm usually
there alone or it's like me and two other grandmothers, right,
And so I'm sitting there watching The Greatest Showmen and
I'm baal and I'm like, why am I crying in
the Greatest Showman? So you know I'm there now I'm

a car here as well.

Speaker 1 (01:17:54):
No, man, the Greatest Showman, I'm not gonna lie. Like
when I was doing the Fourth of July Hot Getting
Contest a few years ago, I was driving back with Gojo.
We were driving back from the broadcast, and we're both
big Greatest Showman fans. Yeah, and he put that soundtrack
in and rolled the windows down, and I mean, you
had two adult males singing at the top of our

lungs like we were singing like we were headed to
a Taylor Swift Concert All for the Greatest Show and
like I think it's one of the most high hype
soundtracks of all time.

Speaker 2 (01:18:22):
Oh it's you just press play and just listen the
whole way through. It's never enough, never never.

Speaker 1 (01:18:28):
What did you used to listen to to get hype?
Before games?

Speaker 2 (01:18:31):
I was a jazz I was like a classical jazz guy.
I didn't listen to any rowdy music. I wanted to
be calm because I had to make a lot of decisions,
make a lot of checks. So I put myself in
his HOMEO stations listening to jazz or a little you know,
probably jazz was my number one.

Speaker 1 (01:18:48):
So that's only funny to me because, as we mentioned before,
I worked for a long time with Harry Douglass was
so close to me and HD when I asked him,
said classical music because he realized that he got two
ammed if he listened to stuff that amped up to
changed his whole calendar getting ready for a game. It's
crazy to think think of you guys listening to jazz
and classical music and not listening to like some thumping

thing that gets you going.

Speaker 3 (01:19:09):
Absolutely not.

Speaker 2 (01:19:10):
We can hear that once once we're on the field
and once the live the live bullet star flowing. But
as far as getting ready, I need to be chilled
and be calm.

Speaker 1 (01:19:19):
I'm just picturing a locker room full of a bunch
of people wearing headphones and everybody like meditation music. They'll
crying and it's like just getting in the visits. That
needs to be a keen peel sketch someday, like they
bring it back just to give us that sketch. In
the meantime, man, it has been a blast as it
always is. Thanks for letting me sit in and hang
out with you today, brother, I appreciate.

Speaker 3 (01:19:36):
It, no question.

Speaker 2 (01:19:37):
Thanks for coming on Jason and holding it down for
my buddy and my running mate Dan, who's not here.

Speaker 3 (01:19:41):
He'll be back next week. But thank you Jason. You've
been great.

Speaker 1 (01:19:44):

Speaker 2 (01:19:44):
It's been an awesome time getting to chat with you
and get to connect with you.

Speaker 3 (01:19:47):

Speaker 1 (01:19:48):
Well, let's thanks for letting me keep the seat warm
in the meantime, keep it here right here all day
on Fox Sports Sunday, Fox Sports Radio for Carrie Roads.
I'm Jason Fitz. We appreciate you guys hanging out with us.

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