All Episodes

June 10, 2024 120 mins

Steve Hartman and Rich Ohrnberger delve into the NBA Finals, reacting to Game 1 and its broadcast numbers while also previewing Game 2! Next the guys look into Caitlin Calrk getting left off the USA Womans Basketball Team for the 2024 Paris Olympics! The guys react to Packers RB Josh Jacobs and his recent comment on Brazil's "no green" policy! AND Fox Sports Radio MLB Insider JP Morosi joins the show! All that and more on Fox Sports Sundays! 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
You're listening to Fox Sports Radio Radio.

Speaker 2 (00:04):
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should be. I cannot believe it. Rich, Yeah, we actually
have an NBA Finals game tonight. What yes, Yes, today Sunday.
So so since we last spoke last Sunday, we've had
exactly one game.

Speaker 1 (00:44):
Yeah, yeah, that's right.

Speaker 2 (00:45):
And by the way, I had reminders all over my
apartment that there's a game on Thursday. Do not forget
Game one of the NBA Finals on Thursdays. I had
all kinds of reminders.

Speaker 1 (00:55):
You said, you set your coffee pot to go over
everything by warm at five o'clock West Coast time.

Speaker 2 (01:02):
I had everything to make sure I did not miss
Game one at the NBA Finals.

Speaker 1 (01:07):
I'll tell you right now. Had you not disturbed me
and told me, hey, we got a show to do
and kicked me out of bed, I was having a
leisurely morning and said, hey, buddy, we got to do it,
and then had this conversation. I wouldn't have even remembered
that we didn't finish the NBA season. It's incredible. We
get basketball, we get pro basketball. Steve, It's a Christmas miracle.

Speaker 2 (01:32):
It is a Christmas miracle. Think about this. We've had
two games in the NBA in the last two weeks,
the clincher for the against the Tea Wolves and glowing,
and that's really, you know, a lot of momentum. We
will have Game two at the Celtics and the I forgot.
Oh that's right, the Mavericks. I forget after their dismal performance.

Speaker 1 (01:54):
Them eight days, four days.

Speaker 2 (01:56):
I'm sorry, yes, yes, now you just heard Monci with
the update that all all of a sudden, Luca could
be questionable for the game. Can we just end this?
I mean serious, I mean people are trying to feign interest.
I'm putting this way. We are we are still got.
We got more buzz about Kaitlyn Clark being put down
on the floor of a game two weeks ago than

we are talking about the NBA Finals.

Speaker 1 (02:19):
Well, because frankly, the NBA, they forgot to play for
two weeks, so it's all we've had to talk about
basketball related. Is Kennedy Carter knocking Kaitlyn Clark to the floor.

Speaker 3 (02:28):

Speaker 1 (02:29):
In reality, though we joke, we're obviously NBA fans. Yes,
Steve and I have been obsessed with the sports our
whole life. But the deal, the deal with the NBA
is they are completely completely mishandling this, this scheduling. I mean,
if there's one thing the pandemic taught me was anytime
a commissioner or a league says, hey, listen, you know

these schedules they get set in stone with the networks,
and our hands are tied and there's nothing we could do.
A lot of corporate sponsors involved. You get it, guys.
So I know you want your basketball. I know you
want to see the final. Wasn't our fault that it
was a gentleman's sweep in the West and it was
a four game sweep in the East. We have a

quick wait and then we'll be back right after these messages.
And the truth is, the pandemic taught me otherwise. The
pandemic taught me that on hours notice, college football teams,
the NFL, the NBA at times can cancel and reschedule
and logistically figure these things out to where if you

did have what ended up being a seven day layoff
for the Mavericks, whatever you ended up deeming fair to
start the final, you could have started the NBA Finals
much sooner, and they should have, because frankly, it was
a long wait until Thursday and then watching the Mavericks
basically lay down after the first quarter, a little bit

of a bump back after halftime, the third quarter got
a little bit more competitive, but we were all watching
the Mavericks just lay down that like we waited all
that time for that.

Speaker 2 (04:06):
Well, and the numbers don't lie if you throw out
twenty twenty and the twenty one finals. Obviously, with the
pandemic and everything else everything that was going on, this
was the lowest rated Game one since two thousand and seven.

Speaker 1 (04:20):
And I mean, to.

Speaker 2 (04:21):
Put it in further perspective, there were eleven million people
that watched on ABC Game one of the NBA Finals.
Remember the championship game between South Carolina and Iowa had
eighteen million people.

Speaker 1 (04:35):
Yeah, eight for the.

Speaker 2 (04:37):
Women's college championship game got eighteen million viewers. Game one
of the NBA Finals got under eleven million, and so
it doesn't bode well that after a non competitive first game,
except for a brief run in that third court, didn't
you like that, like they blew the lead? They were

just sitting on that huge lead the Celtics got with
an eight, You're like, oh, we might have a game.
Ninety seconds later it's twenty again.

Speaker 1 (05:04):
Oh dude.

Speaker 2 (05:05):
I was like, it was like it was eight and
it's like, okay, here come the MAVs, and then you
blink and it's back up to twenty.

Speaker 1 (05:11):
I've been saying this for literally weeks now, because this
is how much time we've had to talk about these
damn games that are coming up. But it's like I
said about the Boston the whole time Boston Celtics, they
looked like through the Eastern Conference playoffs they were kind
of playing with their food. You know, they were bored.
They were a much better team than everyone in the East,
and they showed it. And don't get me wrong, in games,

there were times just like in game one of the finals,
well against the Mavericks here where it felt like they
got stressed a little bit or pressed a little bit
and they realized, like, you know, collectively, you know, we
got to wake up and finish this game. We're in
danger of potentially letting this one get away or losing
this one in some of the other earlier games in
their playoffs, and then ultimately they always did because they've

outclassed everyone they've played. I said it also before these
playoff or these NBA Finals started, I don't think the
Mavericks are the most talented team in the West. I
think Denver was, and I think Denver got a little complacent.
Jamal Murray did not show up for the playoffs this year.
You know, that's a whole issue, and you kind of
need at very least a dynamic duo in this league

to make a deep run, and Murray just he wasn't playoff.
Murray and soot. You look at Denver and they fall
earlier in this postseason, and Boston you're seeing what happens
when a lesser talented team goes against a very ready,
and a very proficient and a very efficient Boston team.
They are dialed in. I think this is going to

be I said, Boston in five. It wouldn't shock me
if they swept him.

Speaker 2 (06:43):
Well, I take Boston by seven. Everyone else, by the way,
here taking. Of course, Moncie is the league because he's
a big Dallas to win it all. Five weeks ago,
everyone jumped on her bandwagon. Everybody here, Oh dive, I
like the MAVs. I'm like, I don't know, I hate
the Celtic. I've always say to the Celtics, but I
got to go with Boston in this one, and they
really showed why. And of course you get the unexpected,

you know, per Singas showing up and all of a
sudden he cannot miss a shot, biggest first quarter lead
in NBA Finals history. And we'll see what happens in
Game two. But if if you got dodge it to
less than one hundred percent, that does not bode well
for the Mavericks. Now what's amazing about this is is
that you get to the NBA Finals. Yeah, by the way,

let's let's back off a little bit for a second
here of where the NBA stands. So we were talking
about this last week, you know, on trying to feign
some kind of overinflated interest in this matchup between the
Celtics and the Mavericks. Were, by the way, we were
doing a bad job, and we were talking about the
fact and we had Mark Medina, our NBA insider, say

it perfectly when he was asked about you know now
that the NFL is invading the one sacred day for
the NBA, which was Christmas Day? Is you know which
day does the NBA have? And he who covers the
NBA said, let's make this clear. The NFL owns the
NBA three hundred and sixty five days a year. Three

hundred and sixty five days a year. But that being set,
and this is where we are in the world of sports.
I just told you, if you take out the COVID
years of twenty twenty and twenty twenty one, this is
the lowest rated game one of the NBA Finals since
two thousand and seven. Okay, And yet the network deal

that's being put together that's going to exclude TNT apparently
is going to be all time record numbers. And this
gets back to where we are in the sports world.
In fact, I was talking about this this morning with
a couple of members of my family. Were just talking
about sports, which you know, when I was a kid

a thousand years ago, sports was very much a niche.
You know, It's like, you know, it's like and I
like that you know, it was a mainstream you're sort
of like off the map if you're sort of like
all in on sports. Yeah, but not anymore. And in fact,
it's survival mode for the networks now that they have
to have sports like live sports. It doesn't matter what

it is. I'm watching yesterday the UFL, you know, where
Birmingham clinched the conference championships. You literally could count the
people at this game. It almost seems like every time
I look up at the monitor at a UFL game,
they are actually fewer fans at these games. It doesn't matter.
You're putting live sports on TV and it still trumps

everything else. So it appear that the NBA is in trouble,
and some people are trying to point it out. These
are not good numbers for the NBA. They're not. It
doesn't matter. It's still live sports. And believe me, financially,
the NBA is going to be better off than it
ever has before.

Speaker 1 (09:56):
Yeah. Yeah, look, here's here's the reality the world we
live in right now. Live sports are king. You know,
if you look at the number one ranked or I
should say say the top fifty, the top one hundred
ranked television shows, you know just individual airings on television

over the course of every year for the past two
dozen years, it's all live sports. I mean, don't get
me wrong, the season finale of The Bachelor, the Bachelorette,
it'll pop, you know, There'll be some sitcoms that people
will sit down and watch and care about. There's definitely
some moments where even news stations will ensnare in audience

election years, things like that, But overall, it's live sports,
and fans have been conditioned to watch ads during live sports.
We don't shy away from it. We keep the channel on.
They've done studies on this, you know, viewer retention during advertisements.
When you're listening to radio show or you're listening to

a podcast, people will, you know, find a different station
for a second, or they'll fast forward through the ads.
But live sports, for whatever reason, we've all been conditioned
to stick around. And that is so important to brands,
potential advertisers, and so even though there's less people technically,

which may or may not be true because we don't
know what streaming numbers look like. All that stuff. Some
of this is proprietary data. But when you look at
Nielsen ratings and you say Okay, you know how many
people are tuning in now for the NBA Finals versus
back in the nineties. The nineties dwarf the current ratings. However,
the importance of the live viewer now is more important

than it ever has been because they'll actually watch the ads,
they'll actually sit down and keep the television on for
the commercials, and so these networks are willing to pay
astronomical amounts of money because so are these avasizers. So
trust me, the NBA knows exactly what they're doing. We're

going to supply a product. We're not going to make
less of that product. Players want to load manage. Okay,
we'll find a way to sneak in an in season tournament,
maybe monetarily, and incentivize them. We're not going to cut
back the number of games, but it will give like
another you know, mini All Star break for some of
the other players in this league, and maybe that'll help them.

You know, they're trying to find unique ways to deliver
the same amount of games to these networks that they
have currently because they know that's it. The time in
front of the viewer is the most important thing that
live sports have going and by the way. These streamers
know it too. When a game goes to Prime Video,
or a game goes to you know, Peacock, or game
goes to Netflix, which Netflix is now in the game

for the NFL, Well, guess what happens. They still run
ads because we're conditioned. So the NBA isn't hurting for
any cash. You mentioned it about women's college basketball and
National Championship. The number of viewers who tune in for
that nearing twenty million people. Trust me, That's the reason
now why why women's basketball is being jammed down our

throats on every single sports website because the tail wags
the dog. We teach the advertisers and the networks what
we're interested in, and then they'll chase us to the
end of the earth with live sports because they want
to put ads in front of our eyes. And I
understand it. It's a business, but it is a business
model that lacks urgency. Steve, and that's what we were

talking about to start this show is the NBA Finals.
It feels it's the NBA Finals. One of these two
teams is going to win a championship, and it feels
completely inurgent.

Speaker 2 (13:42):
Yeah, it is, by the way to further amplify just
how big the money is and the NBA. Consider this,
one hundred and fifty seven players this season in the
NBA had a salary of at least ten million dollars.
One hundred and fifty seven. Here's an even more shocking
now for forty three players. Forty three players had a

salary of at least thirty million this year. So yeah,
the money is rolling in for the NBA, even if
the numbers aren't all right. Coming up on the other
side of much bigger stories the WNBA, but there's a
new twist in turn going on with this Caitlin Clark story,
and it seems like a golden opportunity is being wasted

by the WNBA. We'll explain this is Fox Sports Sunday.

Speaker 4 (14:31):
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Speaker 5 (14:43):
Hey Gang, Listen Jay Glazer, host of Unbreakable, a mental
wealth podcast, and every week we will have on leader
from sports entertainment like Sean McVay, Lindsey Vaughn, Michael phelf,
David Spade, got Fiemmi and also those who can help
us between the ears, anyone from a therapist to someone
like Ed Milett for John Gordon. We've all been through

some sort of adversity to get to the top.

Speaker 1 (15:07):
We've all used different tools.

Speaker 5 (15:09):
Listen to Unbreakable with Jay Glazer and Mental Wealth podcast
on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get podcasts.

Speaker 2 (15:19):
Steve Harvey, Rich Hoiberger Fox Sports Sunday Live from the
tiraq dot com studios. Our podcast is going up right
after the show. If you miss any of today's show,
check out the podcast. Just search Fox Sports Radio wherever
you get your podcasts, then follow rate and review the podcast.

Speaker 1 (15:35):

Speaker 2 (15:36):
Just search Fox Sports Radio wherever you get your podcasts.
You'll see this show posted right after we get off
the air. All right, so once again we find ourselves
talking about the WNBA because there's reason to actually talk
about the WNBA. I mean, we don't talk about subjects
unless other people are talking about these subjects. And the

late is the emission of Kaitlyn Clark from the United
States Olympic basketball team. Another golden opportunity wasted and I'm
just trying to figure this out. I actually reached out
today to my dear friend Ann Myers. I am Meers Drysdale,
one of the greatest legends, pioneers of the women's game,

and unfortunately she had a game to attend today with
one of her children, So maybe next week, but I
really wanted to get her thoughts here, rich on where
we're going and how are they utilizing the presence of
Kaitlyn Clark, who has obviously brought way more attention to

a women's basketball than any player by leapyars. Diana Trossi,
who is now in her twenty first season in the
WNBA and still playing well, is going to be participating
in her sixth Olympic Games. Sixth Olympic Games. Yeah, she's

won five gold medals. The United States has won every
gold medals since well, outside of the first couple of
years when the Soviet Union took care of business. It's
been all us since. And I'm thinking to myself, Okay,
is it really necessary for Diana Tarassi to be at
age forty two on her sixth Olympic team or would

it be I don't know, maybe a better idea to
sort of ease her out and sit on her five
gold medals to make room for someone that I'll acknowledge
right now in the moment is not one of the
twelve best players in the WNBA. She may not even
be in the top twenty five, but in terms of
her impact on the sport, she is number one and

there isn't a close second. So this is an opportunity.
How many people listening out there have ever watched a
second of women's back basketball at the Summer Olympics, a
second a women's basketball at the Summer Olympics. It would
be few and far between. But you put Caitlin Clark
on that team, even if she's coming off the bench

and just throwing up a few threes, you are going
to increase that audience tenfold just by your mere presence.
So sometimes you have to you have to think about
these things. Oh yeah, there'd be some noise, Well, she
doesn't really belong to the team, she's not. You missing
the whole point. You have got right here in this moment,
an opportunity with the phenomenon that is Caitlin Clark, to

raise the entire level of your sport. And if you're
not exploiting that to the full extent, you are missing
the opportunity.

Speaker 1 (18:46):
Listen. And I'm not saying the International House of Pancakes
would ever do this, but imagine if you walked into
an ie hoop and you were like, hey, gang, I've
heard you guys have the best pancake available, like everybody's
talking about it. Well, it's you know. Then you're speaking

to the manager or the hostess right or the host
at the front stand. Well, I mean it's not really
the best pancake. Wait are you sure? I mean I've
heard everybody talking about this one pancake. It's the wait,
what was it. It's the Caitlin Clark pancake. It started
at one of your one of your locations in in Iowa,

and then it caught fire and now it's national, right,
like we can all enjoy this. And then the manager
comes to the host stand and goes, yeah, you know
what where where we have other pancakes that you might like?
And you're like, well, no, I.

Speaker 2 (19:43):
Came here for the Caitlin Clark pancake.

Speaker 1 (19:45):
And they're like, no, listen, we get it. The Kaylin clutch.
It's got the little chocolate chimps, it's got a little
whip cream smile of face, it's got the cherry for
the note. You love the Caitlin Clark pancake, But have
you seen these other pancakes that have been on the
griddle for like fifteen years? Like, we've got some pancakes
that have been I mean, look, how look how crispy

the hedges are. I mean, I had those good pancakes,
and he was just like, you know, I really came
here for the Kaitlyn Clark pancake. So if you guys
aren't serving the Kaylyn pancake, I think I'm gonna go, right,
I think I'm just gonna go. This is what's happening.
This is how stupid this story is. Listen, I don't
watch college women's college basketball. I don't like it. I

don't like the sport. I was ensnared by the story
of Kaitlin Clark to the point where I watched three
college basketball games on the women's side. You know how
how much of an increase that is. That is a
three hundred percent increase of my college basketball watching because
it had been zero before, so adding three was a

magnificent increase in my women's college basketball viewing. Now, listen,
it's it's not a gender thing. I'm just not interested
in the sport. I'm just not sport. I married a
women's college volleyball player. Like I watch women's sports, there
are certain I love certain women's sports. I enjoy women's
tennis more than enjoy men's tennis. I enjoy women's soccer

more than enjoy men's soccer. Like this isn't that thing
that people like to trumpet when they hear somebody who's
not a fan of women's basketball. I'm just not a
fan of it. But I am a fan of Caitlyn Clark,
and I was curious about the storyline, and I wanted
to see it for myself, and I did watch it,
and then guess what. I prior to this basketball season
watched zero WNBA games, and so Caitlin Clark the storyline

that continued on into the WNBA first Overall Draft back
with the Indiana Fever. I wanted to see what it
looked like, so I checked it out again. I've watched
one WNBA game so far. I've seen a lot of clips,
but I've sat down and watched one WNBA game and
it was a Fever game. And that is the only
WNBA game I've ever watched from start to finish, so again,

another one hundred per increase in my viewership. Habits changes right,
And then all I'm hearing from the sport of women's
basketball is if you don't watch this sport for Angel
Reese and Kennedy Carter and and what's her name is it?
Cameron Brink? I mean, I'm I'm failing, Diana Tarossi, I'm

failing to name other because I'm not here for them.
I'm sorry, I'm not here. And then I've been told
by all these analysts that I don't pass the purity test,
that I'm not welcome here. I don't get it. Like
if you're the International House of Pancakes and everybody wants
to Caitlin Clark pancake, serve me the Caitlin Clark pancake.

I don't get it.

Speaker 2 (22:42):
Steve, by the way, when people talked about that Caitlin
Clark is going to rewrite the record books in the
WNBA already as a rookie, She's about to rewrite a
record at such a level that it will never be
seen again. The w NBA record for most turnovers in

a season is one hundred and thirty seven. She is
on pace for two hundred and twenty four turnovers. I
mean to put this in perspective, this would be sort
of like the most home runs in a season is
seventy three by Barry Bonds, and then somebody hits one hundred.

Speaker 6 (23:24):
That's how. That's how.

Speaker 2 (23:26):
The level of which she's about the shatter the all
time w NBA record for turnovers in a season. But
then none of that matters. People just want to see
her play. So again, another golden opportunity for women's basketball
to take full advantage of transitioning from her college career

WNBA into the Olympics. Yeah, and you dropped the ball.
Bad bad move. All right, let's find out what is
trending right now. Of course, she was all over this
yesterday on her show Who's that Guy? What's that Stiff?
It takes unfortunately, way too much airtime when you're on

the air, not at all.

Speaker 7 (24:09):
No, you don't know, you don't.

Speaker 8 (24:10):
But I definitely did not have as good of an
analogy as mister Rich here with the pancake.

Speaker 2 (24:16):
That is a Rich special. It always comes up with
a food analogy and it hits, it hits the spot.

Speaker 7 (24:21):
Yeah, I agree, I want the calin clock pancake. I
don't understand why I can't have.

Speaker 2 (24:25):
It doesn't even make sense. We were talking about this
on the commercial.

Speaker 1 (24:29):
We saw it's got the whipped cream and the you know,
they even put eyebrows on the pancake. I don't. We
didn't need them. But and then you got the cherry notes,
and then you walk into the International House of Basketball
and they say, no pancakes for you. Boy.

Speaker 2 (24:45):
We're making this yesterday, Kelency and I will make this
point right now. The US domination in women's basketball on
the Olympic levels is at the point. Well, you could
throw almost any twelve women out of the w NBA
and they still win the gold medal. Yes, So it
wasn't like, wow, if we don't have Diana Tarassi, we
have no shot. Come on, it's almost ceremonial. They might

as well hand them the goals even before they play
the games. So why not make a spot the little one?

Speaker 1 (25:12):

Speaker 7 (25:13):
But Clark, now I'm with you. I agree.

Speaker 8 (25:15):
Caitlin Clark has said something about this today.

Speaker 7 (25:21):
Here she is. They asked her about it.

Speaker 9 (25:22):
I'm excited for the girls that are on the team.
I know it's the most competitive team in the world,
and I know it could have gone either way, maybe
on the team and not being on the team. So
you know, I'm excited for them. I'm gonna be rooting
them on to win gold. I was a kid that
grew up watching the Element, so yeah, it'll be it'll
be fun to watch them.

Speaker 2 (25:40):
As by the media today, here's my question for her, So,
assuming four years from now she will be part of
the team, will there still be the same buzz for
Caitlyn Clark four years from now that that is right now?
My guess is no.

Speaker 8 (25:56):
Right, you got to you gotta strike while the iron
is hot, and they're not maximizing this opportunity on her.
Coach Christy Sides was also asked about Kaitlyn Clark not
making the Olympic team, and she said that Clark told her, Hey, coach,
they woke a monster.

Speaker 7 (26:14):
That that is what Caitlyn Clark told.

Speaker 6 (26:15):
Oh, so that's it.

Speaker 2 (26:16):
Well, it was great to see her go off for
thirty against the winless Mystics. He owned the winless Mystics.
Now she's got to do it against that was coming
up for a three point game against the Liberties.

Speaker 8 (26:29):
Yeah, the two worst teams broke record for the most
people at a WNBA game in seventeen years, Like, come on, guys,
it's we don't have.

Speaker 7 (26:37):
To make this stuff up. It's right in front of you.

Speaker 2 (26:39):
Seriously, mb orc is carrying the Olympics. You would have
thought they would just step in and say, look, come on, yeah,
we need her on this team. It really does.

Speaker 1 (26:48):
Feel like like, you know, look, I have little kids.
I help them with their math homework and occasionally I
can actually be helpful. Yeah, and everybody's had this feeling,
if they're a parent, or they're an aunt, or they're
an uncle or their babysitter at some point in their
life or something where you're helping a little kid trying
to understand a concept you already have down and you
just don't understand. Like oh, they haven't had that light

bulb moment, Like they don't get it, and like they
just can't see how easy this is. You just have
to get there. That's what it feels like with the
WNBA right now. Yeah, like they the light bulb, just
they're refusing to even allow the conversation to start to
have the pole chain of that attic light bulb go on.
But I hope they I hope it happens soon.

Speaker 7 (27:31):
Figure it out.

Speaker 1 (27:32):
Soon, you're squandering this.

Speaker 8 (27:33):
It's incredible, it really is, all right, fellas. Game two
of the NBA Finals tips off from Boston a pm
Eastern time.

Speaker 7 (27:40):
The Celtics lead the Maps one zero so far.

Speaker 8 (27:43):
Luka Doncic now questionable with a thoracic contusion, which is.

Speaker 7 (27:47):
Like your chest area.

Speaker 8 (27:50):
So yeah, it's like where you're kind of like where
your chest and it ends at your ribs.

Speaker 7 (27:55):
But I think it's his back that is specifically in
that area. But like you know, I'm trying to give
you any word that's.

Speaker 2 (28:00):
Up that sounds good, by the way, does not sound good.

Speaker 8 (28:04):
He also has a right knee spring and left ankle
soreness that he's been.

Speaker 7 (28:07):
Playing through, so we'll see what happens for game two.

Speaker 8 (28:10):
Carlos alcraz defeated Alexander Vedev at the French Open in
five sets, twenty one years old, oh my goodness, making
history the youngest ever to win a major on all
three surfaces. He won the US Open, which is hard courts,
he won Wimbledon grass courts, and now the French Open
clay courts. Lots of baseball going on. The Mets did
beat the Phillies in London sixt' five. They split the

two game series. The Rangers are currently beating the Giants
seven to two top of the sixth inning.

Speaker 7 (28:35):
The Braves and the Nationals were on a rain delay.

Speaker 8 (28:37):
They got things going Atlanta up two zero bottom of
the second. The Twins are beating the Pirates three to
one bottom of the fourth.

Speaker 7 (28:43):
The Orioles have added another run.

Speaker 8 (28:45):
They're up on the Rais to zero bottom of the
fourth as well. The Cubs started things hot with an
e and half three RBI double in the first inning,
and now they are beating the Reds four zero top
of the third.

Speaker 7 (28:55):
Guardians and Marlins tied, I win a piece top of
the fifth.

Speaker 8 (28:57):
The Tigers are beating the Brewers at home two zero,
top of the fourth inning, and the Mariners GP Crawford
with another leadoff homer there beating the Royals one zero
bottom of the second inning. Let's check in on Scotty
Scheffler real quick on what he's doing at the Memorial
PGA tournament. He is still in the lead. He is
nine under for the tournament, but he is one over

for today through four holes, so nine under. Adam Hadwin
is now one shot back at eight under. Back to
you gangs, all.

Speaker 2 (29:27):
Right, mind, see, very very good stuff as always. By
the way, Rich coming up this week. The US opened,
Yeah for the men at Pinehurst. Of course they by
the way, they moved the Golf Hall of Fame back
to Pinehurst. When the World Golf Hall of Fame opened
in the mid seventies, it was at Pinehurst, which is

sort of considered the cradle of US golf, and then
it moved down to Florida, and now they moved it
back to Pinehurst. So and I was talking to our
resident golf expert, Dan Bayer, and he made a clear
do not look for anyone to go very low under
par this week. It's the US Open. That course is
going to be near impossible, yep. And they have those

sort of like camelback greens like oh yeah, it's well,
well like there's a there's a small landing area, but
if you don't hit the landing area, your ball just
rolls off the green. So it's going to be highly difficult.
And they've converted a couple of par fives into par fours.
I look forward to that. And by the way, Tiger's

supposed to be out there by the way. You know,
he hasn't played in the US Open in three years.

Speaker 1 (30:35):
Oh yeah, now that you mention it, I hadn't thought
about it yet.

Speaker 2 (30:38):
He hasn't played in any US Open. He actually had
to get a special exemption. Of course, if he wants
to play, he'll play. But yeah, the first time we'll
actually see him t off for a US Open championship
in three years.

Speaker 1 (30:51):
Yeah, that's uh, that's again the game of golf. This
is a perfect comparison. When a young black Enam who
was a disruptor who many golfers were uncomfortable with for
a variety of different reasons, entered the fray, Golf was
not afraid to highlight him, and even if it was

going to be a short run, it was gonna be
a good run because they were going to make him
a star. And I give a lot of credit to
the PGA for, you know, leaning into the story way
or storyline the way they did with Tiger Woods. The
WNBA could take a couple of notes from PGA Golf
and say, like, this is how you handle a young

star who's disrupting. There's a lot of grumpy golfers out
here on these courses who don't like him. They don't
like his style play, they don't, you know. I mean,
they would come after him for the most ridiculous things,
like he curses too much on the course. It's like, okay,
I mean, have you ever seen around with VJ. Singh?
Like it was ridiculous, but it was it was a

part of the storyline. And Caitlin Clark in the WNBA,
it's the same thing. There's a lot of grumpy players
who are grouching about how they've been in the dark
for so long, and you know, and for a variety
of different reasons, this athlete's getting all the attention. Just
lean into it. It's gonna make the game better, more interesting.
When Tiger plays at the US Open, millions of more

people wise as a result of.

Speaker 2 (32:17):
His and show you so you know, he won that
US Open in two thousand and eight out of Torrey Pines,
the famous playoff against Rocko Media, and it was shown
like they have greatest rounds of golf on the Golf Network,
And I got caught up watching that actually show the
final round and then that's when they still had an

eighteen hole playoff. On Monday, twenty five thousand people called
in sick apparently down in the San Diego area to
be out there, and then it even won an extra
hole because they were still tied after ninety holes of golf,
and then on the extra hole Tiger finally prevailed. But
they were just talking about the ratings of Tiger, and

even on a Monday, you know, and obviously they don't
have an eighteen old playoffs, just a two hole playoff
now at the US Open, but the Monday ratings just
because it was Tiger, by the way, playing on one leg.
The guy was unbelievad heat. The knee was torn up.
He not only has to play seventy two as play ninety.
You could see he struggling, and I forgot watching. They

really had a tough setup that Hera at Torrey Pines.
You know, they were just trying to break par barely
and you could see and he got frustrated with some
bad shots. He didn't play great. RockA Media was a
journeyman golfer at best. Yeah, but he was sort of
hanging in a hope for a hole. But you just again,
you're reminded again when you have the good fortune in

any sport to have that star that transcends the sport
that goes beyond just being a golf star, and you
don't take full advantage of that, Shame.

Speaker 6 (33:59):
On you, Gilz.

Speaker 1 (34:00):
It's ridiculous.

Speaker 2 (34:01):
This is an opportunity that literally has fallen into the
lap of the WNBA and they haven't figured this thing out.
And in fact, when you think about it, yeah, right now,
the biggest story about Kaitlin Clark is being put down
on the floor by Kennedy Carter.

Speaker 1 (34:17):

Speaker 2 (34:17):
That's still this story. By the way, normally a story
like that would be gone in twenty four hours. In
our twenty four hours, they're still talking about this.

Speaker 6 (34:27):
It's over a week later.

Speaker 1 (34:29):
And again it's because I think I don't know what
I think about the WNBA and the way the league
is managed from a pr standpoint, or what's going on
behind the scenes. But look, if I'm the NBA and
the WNBA is a subsidy of my league and I'm
watching this, I don't know how much longer I go

before we're having big time like backroom corporate board meetings
where we're like, hey, listen, you guys are brutally mishandling this.
We need to fix the messaging amongst the players. I mean,
And then I don't know. I mean, maybe that's the
wrong way to go. Maybe if you're as blunt as

telling the players like, hey, you know, you guys are
trying to suffocate the Golden goose right now, and maybe
that leaks and then that's a bad look for the
WNBA two. But you gotta do something. You gotta change
the paradigm here. I'm not saying anybody has to take
it easy on Caitlyn Clark. In fact, Caitlyn Clark all
the news is about her. All she says is the
right thing. She doesn't want anybody to take it easy

on her either. She understands basketball. It is a physical,
competitive game. That was a physical play, you know she.
I mean, she was talking about Kennedy Carter like she
was a basketball player, not like she was some villain
in this scheme like the rest of the media has
been or taking Kennedy Carter's side, depending on what side
drew on. But I digress to get back to the
original point, you gotta find a way to welcome more

people under the tent instead of gatekeeping your league, because
that's what golf did and they've benefited. The golfers have
benefited in the in the to the tune of millions
upon millions upon.

Speaker 2 (36:10):
Do you think that live golf would have ever happened
without Tiger Woods?

Speaker 1 (36:14):
Absolutely not, not a million years.

Speaker 2 (36:17):
No what all right? Coming up on the other side,
I want to write a wrong to most of the
men listening out there right now, and I think Rich
is gonna help us. He has no idea what I'm
talking about, but he never does. We'll explain. This is
Fox Sports Sunday.

Speaker 4 (36:32):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
the nation. Catch all of our shows at Foxsports Radio
dot Com and within the iHeartRadio app. Search FSR to
listen live.

Speaker 2 (36:44):
Steve Hartman and Rich Harberger Fox Sports Sunday. We are
live from the tai Iraq dot com studios. Rich, I
want to get to this. We get a short segment here,
but I want to talk about next Sunday.

Speaker 1 (36:59):
All right.

Speaker 2 (37:00):
The holiday is known as Father's Day, sort of the
middle child of holidays that completely gets ignored every single year.
What I want to do here, Rich, is normally like
if it was Mother's Day, we're already like a month
in advance, already trying to figure it out. Right, Father's

Day is such an afterthought and I don't knock my
children or my ex or anybody else. It just it's
the nature of the holiday. I guess at some point
they figured, well, if we're gonna have a Mother's Day,
we need to have a Father's Day. And it really
just has not worked out, I think, as originally planned.
So but if we're giving you a heads up for
a week, I'm gonna let Rich because Rich is really

good at holidays and you know, preparing the proper, you know,
day for dad to be celebrated. Rich, what would you say,
I mean, how how will you spend your Father's Day
outside of being on the radio, And how should Father's
Day be celebrated? According to Rich Hornberger.

Speaker 1 (38:06):
You know what, I'm glad you asked me. So every
Father's Day asks for the same exact thing, and it's
gotten actually easier as the kids have gotten older, because
they can help out a little bit. It's breakfast in bed.
I think if there's one thing that dads, you know,
there's something about as you get older and you become

a father, there's something about being the first one awake
in the house that seems synonymous among all of my
friends who are now you know, making families and their
young dads themselves, or as you get older you realize,
you know, even even as you know your kids leave
the nest, you're still the early riser in your house.

And there are certain jobs. Now, don't get me wrong,
I mean from a gender standpoint, there are plenty of
women who mow their lawn, you know, But I feel
like a lot of times that lands on the dad's lapping,
so that a lot of times is an early morning
activity and want to get out of the way before
you know, you get busy barbecuing or whatever you want
to do with your your Sunday. And so I feel

like when a dad, the expectation is that he's going
to be the first one out of bed every day
and he's going to get the day started for the family.
Then it would be nice, you know, little breakfast in bed,
and that's what the kids do.

Speaker 2 (39:25):
I usually ask, well, your sons are getting a little
bit older now eight and five. It's not like when
they were four and one. Okay, oh yeah, it's right,
So they better come up with something here. Yeah, I mean,
even if mom is having them bringing in the breakfast
for dad.

Speaker 1 (39:44):
Usually I requested the boys listen on father's take, Could
you just please be nice to your mom? Do whatever she.

Speaker 2 (39:51):
Hass Okay, well that's part of it. It's like, by
the way, I still say that to my sons and
they're twenty seven and twenty six, so I mean, you know,
it's that that never changes. But yeah, just as I
always say, you know, simplify things. Yes, don't complicate your
life any further. Just go with the flow. But I

would hope for all the dads listening out there that
next Sunday your family does something that befits the job
you've been doing as dad provider, whatever you know, maybe
you're stay at home down, whatever your role is as
a dad. I'm sure the overwhelming majority of you are
trying your hardest to be the best dad you could be,

and you should be recognized for the efforts.

Speaker 1 (40:36):
That's right, So.

Speaker 2 (40:38):
Please, I just wanted to give you a week's heads
up on this thing, so we're not like, oh, by
the way, everybody, for god, today's Father's Day. Next Sunday,
all right? Coming up on the other side, we're going
to get back to these NBA finals. Are we going
to see a series or not keep it air? This
is Fox Sports Sunday, rolling along here on a believe

it or not NBA Finals Sunday. This is Fox Sports Sunday,
and we're broadcasting live from the tire rag dot com studios.
Tire rag dot com. We're gonna help get you there
an unmatched selection, fast reshipping, free road assim protection, over
ten thousand recommended installers, tire rag dot com, the way
tire buying should be. Since May twenty eighth. If you

look at the calendar, today is June ninth. We've had
two NBA games since May twenty eighth. Wow, two final
game of the series between the t Wolves and the
Mavericks in Game one of the NBA Finals. That's it.
Two games since May twenty eighth. So we're reminding you

again about Father's Day coming up next Sunday. We're doing
a reminder. We still have the NBA Finals going on, okay,
and game we're reminding people, reminding people there actually is
a Game two coming up tonight, still in Boston a
TV garden, and of course the Celtics putting the hurt
on the Mavericks in that game. One one seven to

eighty nine was the final score. It was a weird
game because they just blew the game open early. Dallas
made a brief run in the third quarter, and in
a blinket of eye, it was back up to twenty points.
So I'm looking at all these numbers from game one,
and as as Monsei's been telling you in the updates,
Luca is not one hundred percent. I'm sure he'll play it,

just we don't know, you know, what kind of condition
he's going to be in. There were two stats that
really that really jumped out of me from Game one.
One of them was the fact that the Celtics outrebounded
the Mavericks by ten in the first quarter when they
built their seventeen point lead, said they were dominant on
the boards. And the second stat was this, the Mavericks

had thirty five field goal attempts made in Game one,
they only had nine assists. Luca had one one assist,
and he're like this, I mean, this guy's like, you know,
a triple double machine. One assist for an entire game.
None of this bodes well for the Mavericks in this series.
But let's just get back to the idea. As we

came into this series, everyone's talking about Don Chicchen and
Kyrie and the you know, the the greatest scoring duo
and backcourt ever that we've seen, ignoring you know, Stephen
Clay and everything else. A, this is not a great
defensive team. And B outside of Kyrie and Luca, what
he got PJ Washington, Gafford, Lively.

Speaker 1 (43:40):
I mean, what do you got.

Speaker 2 (43:41):
On this team that is going to be necessary to
step up when you're taking on a Celtic team that
is not just Jason Tatum and Jaylen Brown. You got Holiday,
you got White, you got Horford. Oh, and then Porsinger
scores twenty points in twenty one minutes. When you really
look at this match up, it is a mismatch. It is,

and you predicted, by the way, I got to give
you credit. You were the first one I heard here
on Fox Sports Radio saying not only are the Celtics
going to win this series, the MAVs will be fortunate
to win a game in this series.

Speaker 1 (44:21):
Yeah. Look, they're just outclassed here. And I think you
laid it out perfectly there. And I'll add to the
fact that I really don't think the Mavericks put together
a good enough plan to handle Porzingis's return because I think,
for whatever reason, and I don't know if this was scripted,
if this was a conversation that Jason Kidd had with Kyrie,

or if this is Kyrie freelancing, or if this is
something that was planned from the jump. But the amount
of times that Luca and Kyrie had the ball in
their hands and they weren't looking for the best available shot,
they were looking for their shot, I don't think they
I don't think they factored in the fact that Porzingis
is actually an improved defender in this league, especially compared

to when he entered the league with the New York
Knicks years ago. He was a defensive liability, There's no
question about it. His length gave him obviously some prominence
in the paint, but he was an offensive scorer, and
that's the reason why I was drafted. He's developed, though,
over time, into more of a defensive presence, and I
think that there was no plan for that, and there

was no adjustment for that. And Kyrie Irving along with Luca,
had his lowest or one of his lowest assist performances
on the NBA Playoffs himself, and so it just from
the jump, you knew it was going to be a
situation where those two guys had to play excellent in

order for this team to have a chance in any
of these games. But then you also have to rely
on role players being involved, and the two of them
really didn't allow role players to be involved because there
were better shots left on the court that Kyrie just
he couldn't see. And you know, Porzingis had three blocks,
that doesn't tell the whole defensive story. For the twenty

minutes he was on the court for he probably affected
another handful. And so when you're talking about eight baskets,
eight opportunities that the Dallas Mavericks had to score that
Porzingis alone was involved in, it just doesn't vote well.
It was a good defensive effort by the Boston Celtics.
It was a rough night offensively for the Mavericks. I

don't know if we're going to see a game that lopsided,
but I will say this, I kind of I said
this yesterday. I kind of feel like, while this series
is in Boston, I think it's the it's gonna be
a low scoring series. I don't see this game. I
don't see the roof being blown off at TV Guarden
tonight either, And I think maybe the offense will start

to open up more for Dallas when they get in
front of their home fans can shake this off a
little bit because I forecast them being in a two
to zero hole with this series goes to Dallas, and
I think that what they're going to need is circle
the wagons and have a big night offensively to get
their crowd into the game and have even a shot
of taking one game from the Celtics.

Speaker 2 (47:17):
All Right, I preface this statement by telling everybody listening
out there that if you don't already know this, I'm
a Celtics hater. Okay, I I mean nineteen sixteen, I
was in fifth grade when Bill Russell in his last
season with the Celtics, they upset the Lakers of Wilt Chamberlain,

Jerry West, Elgin Baylor in the finals. I haven't shaken
this from it. I'm still hurting from that, Okay. So
this is but one player in this league that I
continue to sort of ride the fence on is Jason Tatum.
He's made first Team All NBA each of the last
three years. Yeah, and with him in a Celtics uniform,

they've been at least to the Eastern Conference Finals six times.
So he's had an impact. Game One was another one
of those interesting games for Jason Tatum. He scored only
sixteen points, just six of sixteen from the field, and
he had six turnovers in the game. And you know,
so this has been the knock on Tatum as great

as he's been, is that in some of the bigger games.
Of course, we all remember the Eastern Conference Finals last year.
Remember the Celtics are down three to out of the heat,
all of a sudden, you know, they went three in
a row. It's like they're going to be the first
team ever to come over at three to zero deficit.
And then he gets hurt at the beginning of the game. Yeah,
played through, had a bad game. They get blown out
a home by Miami. But here's one thing I will

say about Tatum in this first game, and this reminded
me of Game seven of the NBA Finals in twenty
ten when the Lakers beat the Celtics, and Kobe Bryant
in that game was six out of twenty four shooting.
He was awful. It was one of the worst games
I've ever been eyewitnessed to, just the way the game
was played. It was ug lee, but he had fifteen

rebounds in that game, and in this game won Tatum
had eleven rebounds and he had five assists. And it
reminds me again of a certain maturity in your game.
And Tatum, by the way, has talked about this. You know,
not everybody's going to be red hot every night, in fact,
nobody is. But if your shots not falling, you got

to find other ways to have an impact on the game.
And I'm watching Tatum's game. He acknowledged after the game
when he was asked about you know, he pointed out
the turnovers. You know, I can't do that again, six turnovers.
Got to shoot better, but eleven rebounds. There are other
ways plus defense obviously, So that to me is the

sign of a star player who is still working on
his game to get better, knowing that you know, the
shot will come and go. But if I don't have
my shot, you know, those knights when I can't miss.
We've seen that from Tatum or he puts up ridiculous numbers.
But on the nights when you're not hitting, how else
can you contribute? And I saw that in Game one

with Jason Tim I was impressed. I mean, I'm starting
to come around now. Is Tatum really elite, and I'm
going to guess there's gonna be a couple of games
in the series where he's going to put up thirty
forty points, but he's already shown me that he has
that ability to adjust his game to do what's necessary

because it is a team sport to get his team
over the top.

Speaker 1 (50:39):
I love that you brought that up because I had
a couple of coaches, in different ways pass along some
of the greatest advice any athlete will receive. And so
if you're a dad with your kid right now on
your way to a baseball practice or soccer or whatever
sport you're playing, or you know, if you have a
second to sit down with a young athlete who's in

ortant to you in his life, in his life, and
you're a mentor of any sort, control the control bulls.
There are so many things that are outside your control
in life, and sports is one hundred percent a microcosm
of life. It so oftentimes unfair attention will be played
to people that may not deserve the attention for the behavior,

but it's a product of circumstance. Maybe you know their
dad is the coach, or when you get to the NBA.
Maybe they were a first a first overall draft pick
to your franchise, and even though you're a better, more
hard working player, they're the media hype, the media darling,
and they're going to take the bows and control the
control bulls. Delete from your mind anything that you can't

impact yourself, and then you're going to be a better athlete.
You're going to be a better teammate. So you're absolutely
right those games where your SHOT's not falling, instead of
being upset because whatever it is, maybe it could be
some you bruise your finger at practice and nobody's ever
gonna know about it, but it happened. It happened to you.

You jammed your finger. You know, the shots not falling
for you, whatever it is, control the control bills. Outwork
your your defender to the basketball, Get a couple of
those offensive rims, you know, on the defensive side of
the court, shut down the you know, whoever you're guarding,
and whatever it is, be perfect on your switches. Do

what you can to impact the game another way, because
that one aspect it's not going to be the full
characterization of your performance. And I'm actually appreciative of some
of the advanced metrics that are being used in basketball
now because it used to be the three big stat
you know, the points, score, rebounds, assists, and now we

have so many other categories. You know, your your defensive efficiency,
you know the the plus minus. I think that matters
Jason Tatum. He was he's added value to the court
in Game one because like you said, one aspect of
his game was failing him. He didn't allow it to

ruin the game. He had a good game himself. He
showed some leadership, he showed some grit. And by the way, postgame,
when he got to the podium, Jason Tatum wasn't messing around.
That audio of him asking one of the reporters who
asked him a question about He was like, is the
job done? And he was like, are you asking me?
He was like, I'm asking you, is the job done?

And he goes no, and he goes Job's not done?
And like I thought it was great. I thought it
was great because he's locked in, he's focused. The only
thing that matters to Jason Tatum right now is winning
the NBA Finals. And that's a dangerous man because you
could tell he's blocking out all of the distractions right now.

Speaker 2 (53:49):
Believe me that ring matters, That ring matters, That ring matters.
If you're a star player in whatever sport, it is
a team sport, and your mind is the ring. You're
not in the conversation. You'll be recognized for greatness, but
you're not in the conversation without a ring in a
teen sport. All right. Coming up on the other side,

we're gonna switch to the NFL for a moment and
one of the most bizarre stories that has come out
in recent memory, we'll tell you about it. This is
Fox Sports Sunday. Good choice, there, Chris, Steve Harbin, and
rich Armerger. Here, Fox Sports Sunday. We are live from
the tire rack dot Com studios. All right, this is

been a story over the last few days that has
taken on so many different directions. Rich, we're talking about
Josh Jacobs, who's now a Green Bay Packer, the former Raider,
appearing on Chris Long's show The Former Eagle, in which

he said, and if you don't know this, and this
is another story we could go all day on, like
why are the Packers and the Eagles opening their season
in Brazil?

Speaker 1 (55:06):
All right?

Speaker 2 (55:07):
That's that's a whole another story we're going to get to.
All right, Let's let's hear a little of this audio
right now. This was Josh Jacobs, now a Green Bay Packer,
talking about this opening game between the Packers and the Eagles,
that it's going to be played in Brazil with Chris Long.

Speaker 4 (55:21):
You're going to open the season against my Eagles down
in Brazil, Man, what are you most excited about?

Speaker 1 (55:26):
You know? They said that the part of Brazil were
going so you can't even wear green at really? Yeah? Why?

Speaker 2 (55:33):
They said, Like, I guess something to do with the
gangs and stuff.

Speaker 1 (55:36):
Dude, I'm not going. I'm not going. They said, we're
not going to Rio.

Speaker 4 (55:41):
We're going to they said, they told us. They was like, man,
it's one of them places where they probably won't even
let us leave a full team.

Speaker 1 (55:48):
Damn, I'm not going. No what color? Yeah? What college?

Speaker 4 (55:55):
How is they probably gonna have like armored vehicles following them?

Speaker 2 (55:58):
I said, bro, why are we out here?

Speaker 4 (56:01):
I'm picture that Josh Jacob's like hanging out on the beat, right,
But it doesn't sound like that kind of trip.

Speaker 7 (56:07):
I was looking forward to it.

Speaker 3 (56:08):
I'm like, man, we're about to be It's about to
be a fun week he got telling us all of that.

Speaker 1 (56:12):
They're like he had Nah, it's not going to like
yeah right, so cancel that trip. We're good, all right?

Speaker 2 (56:19):
So all hell broke Lewis after this interview that Josh
Jacobs had with Chris song Now, Rich, I don't want
to say anything. I want to bring Chris in on
this story. Sure, because Chris uh is all over this thing.
One he knows the world of soccer better than you
and I do.

Speaker 1 (56:36):

Speaker 2 (56:36):
And secondly, he understands why there may have been some
confusion on the bart of Josh Jacobs. But we need
to separate reality from fiction. So Chris explain again to
our listeners out there, because you you actually had a
step in yesterday on a number of shows. I start

of jumped all of this before I got into the
story because Chris actually had to I don't know correct
some of the this has bends on some of the
other shows here on foxforth. It's a sexy story.

Speaker 10 (57:08):
I mean it's it's a sexy story on its face,
like ooh, the NFL might have done something bad and
going down into gangland Brazil and it's not the Rio
part of Brazil.

Speaker 2 (57:18):
First off, sal Paolo has beaches too, right, Like, let's
by the way, literally one of the most populated cities
on the planet.

Speaker 10 (57:26):
Yes, a lot of people in salth Paula. It used
to be one of the largest. I think it's been
surpassed in a couple of places in China, maybe Tokyo,
but it's still one of the largest cities on the
planet out there. But this whole Green thing is very weird.
I had actually heard about this when the schedule at
least came out. So the real story on the Green
has nothing to do with gangs. And for the record,
I don't think they're gonna have armored convoys like it's

Siicario out here. They weren't even want to leave the hotels.
What he was trying to say, I don't know about
the security arrangements. I can't speak on that. For the
Eagles and Packers, I don't think it's going to be
that bad. But like any multimillion dollar athlete in a
unfamiliar country, you're going to have to take extra precautions.
But in this case Green So where they're playing it

is called Arena Corinthians or Neo Kimika Arena. It is
a soccer stadium built in twenty fourteen for the club Corinthians,
who is a club of one hundred and ten years
play soccer.

Speaker 1 (58:23):

Speaker 10 (58:23):
They wear black and white. It's a long standing, very
successful club, twenty million fans worldwide. For Corinthians, it's a
huge deal. They have a crosstown rival in sal Paulo
by the name of Paul Maras. Now Paul Maris's colors
are green and white. They wear green jerseys, white pants.
When they're away they swap the colors between them, but

they are always going green. So Corinthians, in the spirit
of that rivalry, which is very intense, they have a
ban in their stadium on the color green. If you
are a fan and you show up, you are not
to have green anywhere on your body. They're fans try
to make sure that, to make sure that they control
their stadium, there's no green allowed. In fact, there was

once upon a time a player, a Brazilian player, who
is fined by the club Corinthians themselves because he wore
green cleats on the field at one point. This is
where the green part comes from. Now, does that mean
that the Eagles and Packers won't wear green? No, as
I said, this stadium was built for the twenty fourteen
World Cup, which means that Brazil has played in it

and also played some games around the Olympics. And Brazil
wears green in their jerseys. So this is just for Corinthians.
It's not a gang thing. It's not even like a
crazy soccer fan thing. Outside of that context, people are
smart enough and understand that the Eagles and Packers are
something completely different. Now, the Eagles are the home team

and I don't think they've said whether they will wear
green or black yet, so there is at least a
chance for them to honor the Corinthians ban on green,
but they don't need.

Speaker 2 (59:56):
To, okay with jerseys, so that but green is a
subject matter to be discussed there. Yes, why would you
have of all matchups the Eagles and the Packers, and
again question have like the Chiefs and the Cardinals, you know,
a couple of red team.

Speaker 6 (01:00:13):
Why would you why this wouldn't.

Speaker 2 (01:00:15):
Even conversation had you not matched up two teams that
predominant colors are green. It is a scene in a
matchup where green actually is a subject man in many
soccer arenas across Brazil. You chose the one you chose
the one with the standing of a green band.

Speaker 1 (01:00:32):
Let me, I'll jump in and lend some perspective because
I know what Josh Jacobs is talking about, and I
know why he's talking about it. So during OTAs, because
this is going to happen fast for the Green Bay
Packers and the Philadelphia Eagles both During OTAs, you have
some time on your hands, you know, and you have

access to almost the full team during the non mandatory
part of the OTAs, and then you have the whole
team for the mandatory and depending on the team, you
have a higher percentage during different parts of the season
what they did undoubtedly because they know come training camp time,
you know, the focus is going to be on building
the best football team they possibly can and getting ready

for the three preseason games and getting ready to make
decisions on the roster and all those things. They don't
want to have the distraction of having some experts come
and talk to the team. But this is what happened.
I guarantee it. There were probably some former federal agents
or former international conflict investigators who came down or active

by the way, who came down to both of these
teams training facilities and had a long talk with them
about what is going to be allowed for them to
do and what is going to be disallowed for them
to do while they're there. And the reason why you
bring in an outside voice is because you want from
an NFL standpoint, you want to convey the level of

interest they have in keeping you safe. Now, is South Paolo,
Brazil a safe place to vacation. Yeah, I'm sure it's
a safe place to vacation. But is it a great
idea to send Oh, I don't know, something like at
that point in the season, it'll be one hundred and
ten eager twenty two to twenty eight thirty year old

men down to sal Polow to party for a week
leading up to the game that they have to play
against each other.

Speaker 2 (01:02:35):
The answer is no, with a lot of money on
them exactly.

Speaker 1 (01:02:39):
So they're trying to put the fear of God into
these players and they did it.

Speaker 9 (01:02:43):

Speaker 1 (01:02:44):
Yeah, the conversation about the quote unquote gangs or the
soccer team, maybe some parts of that wasn't interpreted appropriately
or accurately by Josh Jacobs. But guess what the message
of staying your hotel and don't wander off the beaten
path you're representative of the NFL and these teams that

you're playing for, and we don't want to hear about
any conflict that occurred in a bar or, etc. Etc.
It worked because Josh Jacobs has the fear of God
in him. He was like, Yeah, I thought we were
going down there. We're gonna be able to enjoy the beaches.
It looks like we're gonna have an armored card convoy.
And it's because they don't want these young men just

like Vikings, raiding a village and you know, having as
much fun as they possibly can in South Paulow, which,
by the way, I've never been, but from pictures and
video seems like a pretty easy place to have some
fun if you're a young man with a lot of
money and maybe some fame. That's probably exactly what happened.

Speaker 10 (01:03:43):
Yeah, And unfortunately now it probably worked too well, Rich
because now this is out in the wild, because we
have access to these players, and Josh Jacobs went out
here and said this, and now the NFL is probably
rightly so spooked that what Josh Jacobs said, and and
aj Brown reacted to you on Twitter as well, It's like,
why are we going down to play this then is
now going to scare away a lot of NFL fans

who we're going to make a trip from to Salpaula
being like, oh my god, this sounds dangerous. This sounds
like I shouldn't be going down there in Mike, Kelly,
green this Jersey at all.

Speaker 2 (01:04:15):
How many people, seriously does the NFL expect out of
Philadelphia and Green Bay to make the trip to Brazil
for this game?

Speaker 1 (01:04:21):
That's a good question. I'm not guessing they're hoping for. Look,
I know they're hoping for some of the domestic fans
to make the trip, and I do think that there's
going to be a larger number than maybe we'd even
expect going down to make the trip. However, I think
the most important thing for the NFL is breaking into
markets that they don't currently have.

Speaker 2 (01:04:44):
Right, hold that thought, right, hold hold that thought, because
I definitely want to get to that on the other side.
But first, let's find out what is trending right now. So, Manse,
you and I got the Chris treatment yesterday, very similar
right there?

Speaker 8 (01:04:59):
Yeah, yes, we did a just yeah, enlightening all the
masses with information.

Speaker 2 (01:05:06):
I'm sorry, No, I'm trying not to be annoying about it.

Speaker 7 (01:05:09):
I just why did I say that that you were annoying?

Speaker 8 (01:05:11):

Speaker 2 (01:05:12):
No, no, I'm not.

Speaker 10 (01:05:13):
It's not I feel like I feel like the way
Steve has been portraying me, it's Steve's fault here. Steve's
portraying me as the as the guy going around being like,
actually it's sucker.

Speaker 8 (01:05:23):
Yeah, because people don't know the actual information.

Speaker 2 (01:05:27):
Are you accusing me of twisting your words? Because that's nothing.
I never do that, Danny, No, No, just twisting. Ever, well, I'll.

Speaker 1 (01:05:35):
Tell you what. And also, by the way, just from
now until forever, if we're all working together and doing
a radio it's always Steve's fault.

Speaker 2 (01:05:42):
It is that I'm working on that principle. At this
point in my career, I can take that.

Speaker 7 (01:05:48):
I've learned. Yes, always Steve's fault.

Speaker 8 (01:05:51):
Is it Steve's fault that Luka Doncic is now a
listed is questionable.

Speaker 2 (01:05:54):
For Game two of the but he's not healthy.

Speaker 8 (01:05:57):
No, this is making me, yeah, and not feel good
about my decision, since not only the right knee spring
and left ankle soreness that we have been hearing about,
he has a thoracic contusion which is in the chest Area.
Game two of the NBA Finals tips off from Boston
at eight pm Eastern Time with the Celtics leading the
Mavericks one zero. In this series, let's chick in on baseball.

We got a lot of baseball going on. Some games
have wrapped up, like the one in London where the
Mets came back to beat the Phillies six to five
and the Rangers outscore the Giants seven to two to
avoid the sweep. Right now, it's the Nationals who are
beating the Braves seven to two. They scored seven runs
in the fourth inning. The Twins and the Pirates are
tied at four a piece. Bottom of the sixth inning,
the Rays on the scoreboard, but the Oils are still

on top three to two. Bottom of the six Rats
on the scoreboard as well, but the Cubs are still
on top four to one, and they're about to start
the seventh inning. The Guardians have just taken the lead
over the Marlins five to two.

Speaker 7 (01:06:51):
Top of the eighth.

Speaker 8 (01:06:52):
The Tigers are beating the Brewers ten zero. It's the
top of the seventh inning. They scored eight runs in
the fifth. In Yeah, and then the White Sox trying
to get a little winning streak going.

Speaker 7 (01:07:04):
They're beating the.

Speaker 8 (01:07:05):
Red Sox three to two, top of the fifth inning,
a tie game between the Mariners and the Royals, now
one one top of the sixth inning, and the Cardinals
are beating the Rockies four zero, bottom of the fifth.

Speaker 7 (01:07:15):
Scottie Scheffler still in.

Speaker 8 (01:07:16):
The lead at the Memorial PGA Tournament, nine hunder par overall.
He has won over for the day through eight holes.
Adam Hadwin still just one shot back. And in case
you missed it, we have a winner at the French Open.
Carlos alcraz from Spain defeated Alexander Vede from Germany in
five sets.

Speaker 7 (01:07:37):
Back to you.

Speaker 2 (01:07:37):
Guys, Yeah, I want to mention that Alcarez win and
put some perspective on it a little bit later on
it later, Thank you so much. Yeah, all right, Mon's
great stuff. As always. Once again, you're listening to Fox
Sports Sunday. And all right, let's get back to the
idea of the fact that the NFL has decided to
match up two playoff teams, the Packers and the Eagles.

So it's a big game for both these teams to
get the season off on a good start. In Brazil,
sal Paulo, Brazil, And I'm just you know, it's one
thing when we got the Jacksonville Jaguars playing games in
London because they're not in the conversation. But to have
a premier game like this in Brazil, why.

Speaker 1 (01:08:30):
Well, they want to break into whys again? Why money? Money?

Speaker 2 (01:08:37):
It always look don't they have enough money? No? No,
of course they don't.

Speaker 1 (01:08:42):
As long as they don't have it all, then there's
more that can be gained.

Speaker 2 (01:08:47):
And that's This is not the NBA where they need
to feed off China. This is not Major League Baseball,
where international means something to the finance of the sport.
The NFL doesn't need a dime from another. And they're
still lapping everybody in terms of money that's being funneled
into this list.

Speaker 10 (01:09:06):
They're not competing against them, they're competing against FIFA at
this point. They're not content on being number two to
soccer in the world, right now, That's exactly it.

Speaker 1 (01:09:13):
All right.

Speaker 2 (01:09:14):
So you think Brazil, where soccer is you know in
everyone's blood, is gonna dump that for American football.

Speaker 1 (01:09:20):
No, But I can tell you where they can make headway.
They can make headway as the number two most viewed
national sport in all these different countries that they're trying
to become more of a touchstone in or maybe the
number three most watch sport. Like listen, they're they're probably
on the international stage, never going to overtake soccer as

the game of the world. Like the rest of the
world looks at football and they say, yeah, no, listen,
I mean goalies in that. You know that that's football.
We look at it differently and we say, no, we
want you guys to do this too, And a lot
of fans of soccer have rebuked that. But then you
know what, there are certain fans, not unlike America, that say,

you know what, I'm not really into soccer. Like I
get it, the hypes, the hype's real, and maybe there's
a lot of money and it's competitive, and but it's
just not for me. So I'm gonna watch cricket, or
I'm gonna watch basketball internationally, or I'm gonna you know,
so listen, some of these countries that the NFL is
to trees strategically trying to place themselves in, it's because

they realize, oh wow, basketball has made headway across the world.
Now we have a great foothold in our own country,
So we're not hurting for cash like you mentioned, but
they could chip away at some of the you know,
sports viewers who have turned to American sports viewers overseas
that you know, basketball obviously, the NBA specifically has done

a nice job of spreading their game two or baseball
for that matter, for for years now. In in Southeast Asia, baseball,
you know, especially in Japan and Korea, baseball is starting
to get enormous. It has been for many years, but
it's getting even bigger. In Latin America, baseball has taken over.

I mean, can you imagine if all of a sudden
you start getting some of these Latin American athletes instead
of looking toward baseball as an opportunity for them, but
maybe football, you know, could there be a way to
start instituting football at schools in some of these countries
and getting players enough people interested in the sport that

you can start having a little bit more of an
international class of players making their way into football as well.
I think there's a bigger play here on the international
stage to compete with soccer, to compete with baseball as
its MLB as it's expanded its borders and the NBA

because they've done a nice job of it.

Speaker 10 (01:11:51):
There's media rates in all these countries too, like chasing
after this stuff Sky Sports in the UK, Like, there's
plenty of people out there willing to keep paying for
the NFL product. And you're right, like even soccer is
doing this. Rich, Like some of the clubs in England
now understand that they have a massive viewing audience in
India in Southeast Asia and they are taking some of

the We're they're having the same conversation over in Britain
that they were having here about the NFL that Rich
is bringing up. They're saying, why is this Manchester United
game being played in in Bangkok? Like because they're going
over to these places to play these games because they
understand this is still a product that you have to
market to more and more markets because they want to
still be number one on top as well.

Speaker 2 (01:12:35):
Look, if you want to watch now for the you
want the gimmick of playing games overseas, that's fine. Look
I'm in isolation. That's when it comes to football. I
do not It's it's just so unnecessarily this game in Iowas.
But I mean again, it's not just the fact that
they're playing a game in Brazil. If they're playing this game,
this game, this is one of the premiere Week one

matchups in the NFL Packers Eagles. Here's apparently they didn't
do their homework. Because there is a problem, agreed, not
to the extent that people are exaggerated to be, but
it is a little bit of a problem. And you
had the two teams in the league whose dominant color
are green while competing in this game.

Speaker 1 (01:13:19):
So I just to make the comparison this way, Like
to me, it's not as big of a problem as
it's being Like, imagine like there was I don't know,
a soccer club from England that wears red, or from
Switzerland or wherever, and they were going to play stateside
in LA and you know, all of a sudden, you know,

the players were briefed by whatever their national advisory board
or you know, international security team. Each of these clubs
was told listen, don't be wearing you're red around the
streets of LA because they have the crypts and the
bloods and they are at war with each other and
their gangs, like it would be the same thing. They're
just trying to corral a bunch of young men into

not putting themselves in circumstances that could potentially be dangerous. Right, Brazil,
South Pawoll Brazil is going to be safe for all
these NFL players. I guarantee it, the same way LA
would be safe for a visiting international soccer club, even
if they were all wearing red the entire time they
were in LA. It's just like that. But the crux

of the story is the NFL doesn't have to do this.
You're absolutely right, Steve, But they're not looking right now.
They're looking in twenty years. What's the world stage gonna
look like. What's the world gonna look like? From a
media sharing standpoint? The world's already become a really small
place with social media. What's the next big thing that
bridges more of the gaps, Like we'll be able to

Will we be able to understand each other's languages easier
in the future. I don't know. But if you have
less language barriers as a result of some new technology
that comes out, maybe all of a sudden it starts
taking down some of the barriers of entry for these
sports and people become more of a fan of your
game as long as you've done the legwork and built
some of the infrastructure in the first place. And I

think that's what the NFL is doing by playing in
Salt Powa.

Speaker 2 (01:15:14):
By the way, a warning to the Eagles and Packers
players going down to Brazil. Don't be a Ryan Lochtey.
I remember that disaster. Yeah, don't pull one of those.
All right, coming up on the other side, we're going
to get right back to NBA. That's right. We got
a reminder again. We're doing you a public service. Game
two NBA Finals tonight. This is Fox Sports Sunday, Steve Harvey,

Rich Harberger, Fox Sports Sunday. We are alive from the
ti iraq dot com studios. All Right, I got a
little detoured during the break because I was thinking about
this subject. We were talking about how the NFL is
trying to become global global, you know, yeah, yeah, yeah,
And you know I have a lot of interest in
the space program, as do you. And so I was

listening to one of two politicians that actually flew in space,
former Senator Nelson out of Florida, still very involved in
the space program, and he mentioned that he expects man
to walk on Mars no later than twenty forty. Okay,

So twenty forty okay, that's yeah, that's sixteen years. I mean,
that's not that far away. Seems pretty lofty, but he says,
and by the way, the original projections were sometime in
the mid twenty thirties.

Speaker 1 (01:16:42):

Speaker 2 (01:16:43):
He actually is the one that said, all right, let's
let's set twenty forty. So what do you think is
going to happen first a man No, no, no, a man
a man walking on Mars or America in football being
an Olympic sport.

Speaker 1 (01:17:03):

Speaker 2 (01:17:03):
Okay, because there will be in twenty forty. So you
have games in twenty twenty four, twenty eight, thirty two,
thirty six, twenty forty, right, as far as every four years.
So what will happen first a man walking or a
woman walking on Mars or American football being an Olympic sport?

Speaker 1 (01:17:25):
Oh? I mean, if those are the only two options,
and what I would say are more likely, I would
say American football becoming an Olympics.

Speaker 2 (01:17:34):
Okay, so we already have what what happened?

Speaker 10 (01:17:38):
I just I don't know if you have known this,
but flag football is going to be I didn't.

Speaker 2 (01:17:43):
Say flag football. I know I've talked about American football.
Ye unders American football. That's I'm not talking flag football,
talking about American tackle football, Okay, American tackled not flag football.

Speaker 1 (01:17:56):
The Olympics, I'll say it happens first, and I'm talking
about eleven on eleven, full on.

Speaker 2 (01:18:03):
Right, I'm talking about as we know, tackle football uniform
not flag footbabb doesn't well get their full teams at
the Olympics. It's seven on seven. I'm just saying, will
we Okay, Rich is still trying to ponder the answer here, but.

Speaker 1 (01:18:16):
Yeah, and the sevens, by the way, you know, that's
an enormous tournament outside of the Olympics as well, So
it's not it's not something that doesn't garner interest or
have prominence outside of the Olympics. So if we're going
to talk about the way the style that college football
or NFL football or even for that matter, UFL is

being played this spring in the Olympics, I would say
it's more likely. And here's the reason why, because already
in Europe you have a lot of countries that are
activated and have been for a long time because NFL
Europe went away, but football didn't go away. In fact,

I have a foreign born a friend of mine, Sebastian Vaumer,
who grew up in Germany playing high school football. And
then because he lives in Germany, you owe a year
of your postgrad when you finish high school to the
state and you could go serve in the military, or
you could go work in some social capacity. I think

he worked in the social capacity. And then he was
he was recruited and given a scholarship to go play
at the University of Houston, and so he found his
way to the NFL after cutting his teeth on football
in Europe.

Speaker 2 (01:19:34):
So, but how many players are there? Here's the thing,
Here's here's football is a very expensive sport. Yes, it
is very expensive. A lot of Soccer is the most
manageable sport from an economic standpoint, which is why it
has such worldwide popularity. You need a ball, yeah, yeah,

pretty much. You need a lot more than that for
American football and so and then, and we're just talking
about to have an Olympic sport, you have to it
has to be competitive. I mean, there's gotta be a
number of countries that actually can field a competitive team.
And when we talk about the size, the speed of

American football players, how many are those are walking the earth?
Not many. No, there's not a lot of rich Rmburgers
out there. I'm sorry, it's your rarity. There's a lot
more Steve Hartman's walking the earth than there are rich
Ormburgers walking the earth. And there are.

Speaker 1 (01:20:35):
Very many Steve Hartman's either, I'm gonna be honest.

Speaker 2 (01:20:37):
Well, no, yeah, from a mental standpoint, probably right about that.

Speaker 6 (01:20:41):
All right?

Speaker 2 (01:20:42):
Coming up on the other side, Yes, we will get
a little more talk about the oh much anticipated Game
two of the NBA Finals. This is Fox Sports Sunday.
Mea Finals are not over yet. Nope, that will be basketball.
There will be basketball tip off in about four hours
MAVs and the Celtics. Once again, this is Fox Sports Sunday.

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over ten thousand recommending installers ti iraq dot com. The
way tire buying should be a couple things I want
to catch up on here as I was looking at

my x account. I mentioned earlier that Kaylin Clark is
on pace to shatter the single season record for most
turnovers in a season. The record is one hundred and
thirty seven, the WNBA record. She's on pace for two

hundred and twenty four. Okay, that's shattering a record. I
got this from X Somebody said, did you just try
to pass off the turnovers are a good thing. Here's
one of my favorite stats. And by the way, I
thought this record would never be broken, and it's going
to be broken. When Kobe Bryant retired, he had shattered

the NBA record for most field goal attempts missed over
the course of his career. We've talked about this. Do
you remember this. He was coming up on John halet
Jack and he blew right by him and just put
up a huge number. And at the time I said,
no one will ever break that record. Well, guess who
is five miss field goals short of breaking that record.

Lebron James. Wow, Lebron James is five misses away from tying,
six misses away from breaking what I thought was an
unbreakable record, most missed attempts field goal attempts in an
NBA career. Now, the point about Caitlin Clark I was
making is the only way that you can get away

with shattering these kind of negative records is to be
really good. In other words, you're not They're not gonna
let everybody walk into the WNBA and average nearly six
turnovers a game. She's averaging five point six turnovers a game.
There's only one other player in the league averaging four.

But you're not gonna get away with that unless you
bring something else. Now, in her case, I look at
her field goal percentage. I mentioned this last week. She's
third in the league and field goal three point attempts
and twenty second in the league in three point percentage.
She has them shooting the ball. Well, you know, she's
a turnover machine, and none of it matters because of

her star power. And this is the same thing no
one was carrying. How many shots Kobe missed. Obviously, nobody
cares about Lebron missing shots. This is the luxury of
being great, is that you can have negative things happen
and it's overlooked because of your greatness. So that was
the point I wanted to clarify.

Speaker 1 (01:24:04):
Yeah, and listen, I think that sports aren't fair. I
don't think that. I know that I played football at
the highest level in this country, and I can promise
you there were times where a guy was on our
roster who didn't deserve the playing time he was getting,
who had a more talented understudy, who undoubtedly would help

the team more and help team success grow faster, but
as a result of circumstance, they got more opportunity. You know,
there's a such thing as a draft, and in the draft,
when somebody is a first rounder versus when somebody's a
seventh rounder, who do you think is going to get
more chances to prove their worth at the pro level?

The guy who they've made a very very minimal investment in,
or the guy who, not only from the standpoint of
financially but also from a fan barometer standpoint, you can't
really miss on. So the answer is very clear. With
the Indiana Fever, they spent their first overall draft pick

on easily the most famous athlete in the world right
or should say in the country right now. Nobody's talking
about anybody more than Caitlin Clark in the sports world
right now, and that's been pretty much the case since
the women's tournament. You know, there's the hype about the
national championship game, and then it was the hype about

the draft, and then it was the hype since she's
been in the w NBA she is a star. And
so yeah, to your point, Steve, like stars are going
to be treated differently than the undrafted free agent out
of I don't know, name another school Yukon to you know,
jene Arima said, you know what this girl can play,

and maybe the fever brought on a Ukon Husky. And
she's not trust me. Even if she is right now
more talented than Kayln Clark, She's not going to see
the court nearly as much as Kaitlyn Clark. And I'm
making up a fictitious situation, but it's to prove the
point that you made. She may be on the path
to set this record in turnovers, but the hope is

for the fever for the league, frankly, that she turns
it around and she starts playing her team at the
pro level the same way she played at the college level.
Because if that's the case, this story is limitless in
terms of its potential as far as potential ratings and
viewership opportunities, and beyond that, I mean, who knows where

this goes. If she ends up turning into the superstar
she was at the college level at the professional level.

Speaker 2 (01:26:47):
There are two ways to become a superstar in sports.
I'm really almost a superstar at anything, but we use
sports here. Two ways. One is to be just dominant,
like you win so many titles, there's so many championships,
are set, so many records, you can't be ignored, or

you just have that personality that lifts you and separates
you from the rest of the pack. Every once in
a while you get somebody who's got both and then
well then then you really go over the top in
terms of their superstar and mentioned Carlos al Karez winning
the French Open today becomes the youngest man ever to
win on all three surfaces Grand Slam titles see one

of us opening on the hard course, He's one Wimbledon
on the grass, lights won the French Open on the clay.
And I'm thinking always what are the most amazing stats
to me? And we don't talk a lot of tennis
because most people don't care. But when you think about
the runs of Djokovic, Nadal and Federer, who bar by
far I'll put it this way, those three guys are one,
two three in titles, finals, appearances, semi finals appearances, quarter

finals appearances, and there's no one even close. And what
makes it even more remarkable is that they were all
playing against each other. Yeah, imagine if Djokovic or Nadal
or Feder didn't have the other two there, how many
titles would they have won?

Speaker 1 (01:28:11):
Well, this is like the Phil Mickelson debate with Tiger, Like,
how many more majors? How many more tournaments would Phil
have won? If there was no such thing as Tiger
will Well, this is.

Speaker 2 (01:28:20):
Why I'm looking at this Alkarez kid, and I'm thinking
to myself already he's shown his He's undefeated three and
zero now in Grand Slam finals. And if someone doesn't
step up as Nadal did to Feder and then Djokovic
comes up, this guy could I don't know, I mean
he could, he could make the run. And if he

starts doing that, even if you out there don't have
a clue who I'm talking about yet, he'll become a
front page story because he starts dominating. We haven't had
a Grand Slam, meaning winning all four of the Grand
Slam titles in the same year since nineteen sixty nine.
Rod Labor did it way back in the day. But

he has a chance. I mean, the Doll's done, Federal
already retired, and Djokovic he got hurt in this French open,
so his body finally looks like it's breaking down. This kid,
he's twenty one, He's got a chance.

Speaker 1 (01:29:15):
Yeah, listen, I I to tie it back to what
we were just talking about, and I think it is
an interesting comparison. You're right, there are two ways to
build a star in sports. Typically, either you have an
undeniable personality and you have a good enough talent that
people will overlook some of your on field, on court,

on ice misgivings because you just you just bring so
much to the table. And then, like you said, some
people have the talent and the dominance and then obviously
have the personality and then it goes light years beyond
what it could or should be or perceived that it
could be. Well, look Caitlin Clark in her case, and

I don't know how much of the press you've seen
from Kaylyn Clark or the interviews. She says all the
right things, but she's not electric off. No, she's very
She answers questions the way if if I were her
head coach, or if I were the commissioner of the
WNBA the exact way I would want her to. She's humble,

she shows great humility. She speaks with reverence about the
other players and opponents that she's going against in in
the WNBA. But there's nothing really, It's not like when
you saw an interview with Shack where you were just like,
oh my gosh. Not only is this guy a stud
on the court, but he is undeniably electric in terms

of his personality, Like they put him in movies. He
started releasing rap albums during his career, like Shaq was
a star not only because of his on court performance
but because of his personality. Going back to Kayln Clark,
look what it's gonna take for Kayln Clark to cut
through as a super at the w NBA level. She
already has, but to keep the flame lit is for

her to be dominant, and she's shown in spots that
she can be. Now, this isn't a great Fever team
as far as I've seen in terms of their win
loss record or their stats. I mean she is. I mean,
this is not a very good basketball team she joined.
But if she can grow like Kobe Bryant, by the way,

wasn't a star when he first got to the league.
It took him a little time to take off. You know,
James Harden wasn't a star when he got to the NBA.
It took him a little time. He was a six
man off the bench and OKC before he signed that
big deal with the Houston Rockets. Like it took time
for some of the stars in the NBA to get
their careers moving in the correct direction, but once they did,

they were undeniable. And I think that's what Caitlin Clark
needs to do. She may not have the stardom related
at ever or at all to her personality, but if
she's dominant the way she was at Iowa at the
pro level, I mean, she will again be undeniable. Already
she is, but I think she's coasting off of her

potential right now because everybody's expecting for the same thing
that occurred with the Hawkeyes, who occur with the fever.
We'll see that still has yet to be written, but
so far in terms of storylines and attention, she's still
getting all of it.

Speaker 2 (01:32:24):
Yeah, but she's getting it because they want to take
her out of the league. It seems like, I don't know,
it's I think in her defense, I think there's a
fatigue factor. Let's face it, She's played a full college
season and literally what a month later, she's playing in
the WNBA. There was like no layoff for her, So
I think understandably there's a little fatigue. Now, speaking of superstar,

is an undeniable superstar is going to be joining us.
He is the great John Paul Morosi, her Fox Sports Radio,
MLB and NHL insider. He'll join us here on Fox
Sports Sunday, Steve Harbin and Rich Lumberger. Here Fox Sports Sunday.
We are live from the tire rack dot Com studios

every week. It is an honor for us to share
the airwaves with this gentleman. He wears many hats, and
he dominates every sport that he covers. He is our
dear friend. He is the one and only the great
John Palm Morosi is joining us right now.

Speaker 6 (01:33:21):
JP is always you know me.

Speaker 2 (01:33:23):
I want to get into a little hockey with you
before we get into some Major League Baseball Stanley Cup
Final underway. You said the Panthers are the better team.
They showed a game one. But I want to talk
about Connor McDavid and trying to perspective because Rich and
I've been talking about some superstars, to talk about al
Karez Winn. He is third Grand Slam title at the

age of twenty one. Connor McDavid has played nine years
in the NHL, number one overall pick back in twenty
fifteen straight to the BIGS, and he's won five scoring titles.
He's been a three time MVP, maybe a fourth this year.
Can you put some perspective on Connor McDavid and his

place already in NHL history.

Speaker 3 (01:34:09):
That's great question, and first of welcome afternoon, greatly with
you again. He is in that class with Sidney Crosby,
I think in terms of just elite sears of the game,
with also extraordinary puck skills, scoring, touch everything. He is

the best player to come along since Crosby and when
Crosby was at his peak. This is what we're seeing.
This is exactly. It's almost like it's on instant replay.
A lot of the same traits and characteristics that McDavid
has his. I would actually augment that in the Crosby
comparison that McDavid's straight ahead skating speed I think is

better than what Crosby had even at his peak. I mean,
that's what we're talking about here. We are talking about
even among the elite. He's got separation in some key
skill areas from the elites. That's what we're talking about.
It's an iconic player who just with his scoring ability
his playmaking ability, it's rare that you see a finisher

of his caliber also be a playmaker of his caliber.
And that's where you get those extraordinary point totals because
there's a heavy component of both the goal scoring and
the assists to players like Himen and dry Sidle depending
on who he's playing with it at given time. So I
love watching him play. He is dazzling. I saw in

play a game in person this year in Detroit, and
it's just it's a treat. I mean, you show up
to watch him play and he rarely, if ever disappoints
in what he delivers. So just an extraordinary player who
I love watching him. I expect the Oilers to bounce
back here in Game two. I still believe the Panthers
win the series, but I think we'll see something special

here from ninety seven in Game two.

Speaker 1 (01:36:03):
Moving on to Major League Baseball and actually just sitting
with Steve on Sundays for whatever reason, gets my brain.
Oftentimes I don't think about a player his impact on
the entirety of a sport where he'll be remembered in history.
But that question it made me think about Bryce Harper,
you know, and and you know and Bryce about twelve

years ago. I want to say it was that feels
right right twenty twelve might have been his FLb debut
with the Nats. You know, he's he's done damage in
this league. He's a two time MVP, He's I don't
know how many All Stars, and he's done it all.
He was Rookie of the Year. He's done it all.
Like it feels like he's one of those players who

is going to be remembered well on the other side
of his playing career. But where will he rank? Like
because Bryce Harper was supposed to, along with Mike Trout
and some other players, be the shepherds of this league
and amplify it to a national audience that maybe had
been broken up into more of a regional audience over time.

I don't know if that plan necessarily panned out the
way Major League Baseball hoped, But here we are, twelve
years later. Where are we at with the Bryce Harper storyline,
how will he be remembered, you know, since he's now
in his thirties and he's got probably more yesterday's logged
than tomorrow's in Major League Baseball.

Speaker 3 (01:37:30):
Well, it's an interesting point, Rich because I actually think
when you look at his longevity, how he takes care
of himself. Yeah, he's had some injuries in the past,
but I think he's done a pretty good job of
staying healthy and dependable. And he's basically the same age
as Mike Trout, but you look at the last couple
of years and he's been much more dependable in terms
of his production and his durability. He's only thirty one.

He turns thirty two basically in the middle of the postseason,
and I think he is we can call it halfway
through certainly, when you consider where he believes he can
be still being a productive player into his into his
early forties. I think that's his goal. His goal is
to be one of these players that endures and plays

for a really, really long time. I know that's been
what he has said about his contractual goals and how
long he wants to be signed for in Philly. He's
in the right place, with the right team, right market.
It just seems like that was a great fit for him.
In terms of the grid, He's a He's a superstar
who has that grinder mentality, which I think fits very

well with the city of Philadelphia. And I think that
that chip on his shoulder, if you will, is very
much a part of him. And it's interesting, as you
point out the national slash international appeal. I think he's
done everything that MLB could have ever asked him to do.
He's he's a very interesting personality. He does not shy

away from from interviews in any way. He's actually, I
think a very accessible superstar. I know, covering the postseason
last year, he was great with us in terms of
doing pregame interviews, postgame interviews. He's there and he loves
the fanatic he wear. He's worn those fanatic themed shoes.
He did the soccer slide yesterday when he was celebrating

the goal. He gets it. I think, right, Harper is
a lot of fun and I know that maybe earlier
in his career, I think people may have gotten the
wrong impression of him, and maybe they thought he was
too serious or too standoffish. I think He's actually become
more accessible the further along he's got in his career,
and he has done everything that the MLB would ask

him to do as far as I'm concerned, and you
look at what Showey Otani has done as some other
players in terms of growing the game. I look at
Harper as being on a very short list along with Otani, Judge,
maybe Soto of the players for whom the game is
most easily marketed. Mookie bests certainly in that conversation Freddy

Freeman too. You think about what the Dodgers are doing
right now at Yankee Stadium, I think he has done
everything that's been asked of him in more frankly from
an MLB perspective.

Speaker 2 (01:40:12):
All Right, you just mentioned show, Hey, Freddie Freeman, Mookie
bets for the Dodgers, Yet you did not mention the
guy that currently leads this team in home runs and
runs batted in taoscar Hernandez. I mean, you talk about
a guy that came out of nowhere. It's not like,
you know, he hasn't done things at the major league level.
But there wasn't a lot of fanfare at the sonny

of Hernandez by the Dodgers. He is tied with Otani
with fifteen home runs, leads the Dodgers, and runs batted
in more harbis than Otani, Freeman or Bets. How does
this happen?

Speaker 1 (01:40:45):

Speaker 2 (01:40:45):
How did the Dodgers seem to get so lucky in
signing guys without a lot of fanfare that they magically
put on that Dodgers uniform and suddenly play at an
all star level.

Speaker 3 (01:40:57):
Well, he is, for me a an elite run producer
in this league, and part of it maybe we should
have seen it coming. And again this is part of
the rich get richer mentality of the Dodgers, because he
did have a season three years ago in Toronto thirty
two homers, one hundred and sixteen RBI with a thrugging

percentage that's actually higher than what he has right now.
So this is within his range, I would say for
ta Oscar, and this is where when you're on a
good team with a lot of other great players, which
is what the Dodgers have, I think you would certainly
say bets O'tani, Freeman, Will Smith and ta Oscar, it's

like the Big Five, if you will. With this lineup,
it just gives him so many opportunities to drive and runs.
There there is always traffic on the bases, and I
think by and large, you know, Will Smith is a
good athlete. He's not a great runner, not a burner
on the bases, but MOOKI elite base runner. Otani, certainly

for his size and as a power hitter, is one
of the best base runners for a guy his size,
honestly that I've ever seen in the game. Freddie really
smart base runner too, So there are guys on bass
who know how to score when the ball is hitting
the gap, which is exactly what ta Oscar is doing.
So I think Oskar is a smart hitter. He was

a very underappreciated bat. I think in those years in
Toronto we talked a lot more about Bishett and Guerrero,
and there was one big year that Semon had. I'm
a huge taskar fan, I've always had been, and he's
a really good teammate to people really enjoy having him around.
There are some who believe that the Toronto Clubhouse did
we lose him.

Speaker 1 (01:42:41):
I think we did. Huh. I think we lost our
our good friend JP Morosi in the middle of that uh,
in that very very uh illuminating hold on.

Speaker 2 (01:42:53):
We got him, he's still there. Hold on, he's back.
Continue on.

Speaker 3 (01:42:57):
I'm here.

Speaker 2 (01:42:59):
We lost it for a second. JD.

Speaker 3 (01:43:00):
I'm on a landline as I had been the whole time,
so that I'm like further mystified by whatever happened there.
But I'm I'm a big Ta Oscar fan. He is
someone that you look back at what he did with Toronto.
He was one of the key guys in the lineup,
but never got the attention he deserved. But when you
joined forces now with Mookie Shoe, Freddie and Will Smith,

it tends to improve your notoriety. And some of the
Dodgers are answering the bell this weekend against the Yankees,
albeit with the pseudo less New York Ball Club on
the other side.

Speaker 1 (01:43:32):
I know we're nearing the trade deadline. We're not. We're
not quite within striking distance yet. It's then to July.
But can you squint maybe deeper into the future and
see some of the names or some of the teams
that will be active as as we get into the
summer months.

Speaker 3 (01:43:49):
Here, let's let's begin here. Steve Cohen was at the
London series Met and Phillies this weekend and story at
MLB dot Com right now. Anthony Dicobo, my colleague there,
wrote about Steve Cohen discussing the Mets deadline plans in
broad terms, and they do have some free agents to

be I would mention most notably Pieter Alonzo j D Martinez,
and we talk about those two names in particular. Steve
Cohen basically said, hey, the trade deadline is not here yet.
We know that everybody around the league likes to talk
about trades. I'm paraphrasing here, and he sort of explained
that basically, once we get to the deadline in late July,

then we'll know what we're going to do. But he
notably did not say, no, we're not trading Pie Alonzo.
He could have, he did not, And I think that's
a very significant development of what he had said. That
you look at the big picture of where the Mets are,
they're well below five hundred. Even after winning the game today,

I think they're going to be sellers. And I do
leave that Pete Alonso is going to be available. I'm
not going to come out and say that he's going
to necessarily be traded, but given where the Mets are,
given that if they keep him and offer the qualifying
offer then have him signed somewhere else. All they get
is a fourth round draft pick. No, that is not

good enough if I'm the New York Mets, So I
do think that they need to make that move, put
them out there and more than likely make that trade
to see what they can do to get to get
back and to augments some prospects, because they're just not
as good as as a Braves right now. This is
the time of the year where you can have your
your public messaging to your fans. But the standings, as

the great Bill Parcells quota exists, the standings tell you
and the record tells you who you are. And right
now the Mets are a decided seller for me at
the trade.

Speaker 1 (01:45:49):
Deadline, no question about that. JP.

Speaker 2 (01:45:51):
Always great stuff. By the way, next week I want
to get into Canny Cummings whether or not he actually
invented the curve ball, which got him into the Baseball
Hall of Fame, but we'll leave that for another day. JP,
you are the best. We'll talk to you next Saturday
on Fathers Day.

Speaker 3 (01:46:05):
It sounds great. My friends always love our conversations, and yes,
whether we're talking about the advent and the father of
the curveball or the best purveyors of the curveball in
twenty twenty four. I always love my conversations with both
of you.

Speaker 2 (01:46:18):
Wow, listen to that. We're going to keep that one
at that one right there, JP, Thanks so much. Enjoy
your week, very busy man, John Paul Morosi. Let's find
out what is trending right now. And you know this
is someone that lives life to its fullest? Can I
put it that way? I try, Yeah, I try as long.

Speaker 1 (01:46:39):
As it's on the radio, because I turn on Fox
Sports Radio and what I hear Mansy Moncy Belangas, Yeah,
twenty four to seven.

Speaker 2 (01:46:48):
She is living proof that even if you work a lot,
as she does multiple jobs, there is still plenty of
time to play.

Speaker 8 (01:46:56):
Yes, as Steve just saw me give the biggest yawn
of my day so far. I had an evening out
and I was out laid and maybe had some cocktails,
and you know what, I had a good time. I
went to a graduation party for Grace, a friend of
ours who is graduating from high school.

Speaker 7 (01:47:15):
Yeah, congratulations Grace. But her sister Emily.

Speaker 8 (01:47:18):
Is going to her second year at Colorado Boulder Right
coach Prime and I was like, how.

Speaker 7 (01:47:23):
Is it going to games and all that. She's like,
it's so much fun.

Speaker 8 (01:47:27):
She started talking about our show, your You and I
Steve's show, and she was like, you know, we call
him should Daddy, should Daddy at school?

Speaker 7 (01:47:39):
So I was like, are you serious. She's like yeah.
I was like, you don't hear. I didn't know that.

Speaker 8 (01:47:42):
She's like, no, the students call him shouldaddy, So like
at the games.

Speaker 7 (01:47:46):
Like should Daddy go?

Speaker 3 (01:47:47):

Speaker 8 (01:47:48):
So WoT got everywhere?

Speaker 2 (01:47:51):
Our impact on this world is is not measurable. Honestly,
that's amazing stuff.

Speaker 7 (01:47:58):
Yes, thank you Emily for the insight eight. Yeah, so exactly.
All right, guys, let's check in on baseball.

Speaker 8 (01:48:03):
And as we know, we did have a game today
in London and Eddie, our editor, pulled this and it's
so great. So Mets Phillies final call from London with.

Speaker 1 (01:48:14):
The pressure on his shoulders.

Speaker 2 (01:48:16):
Are Castiano's bats explodes?

Speaker 6 (01:48:18):
Are they gonna get the runner at home?

Speaker 1 (01:48:19):
They're gonna do the Couther play to win the game?

Speaker 2 (01:48:22):
What an end?

Speaker 10 (01:48:23):
The shots at bat, the runner outs at home plates
and the.

Speaker 1 (01:48:27):
Door fired into the club at the first basement.

Speaker 2 (01:48:30):
Peter Lonzo and the new the Old Thanks somehow.

Speaker 6 (01:48:33):
Which stunned the Phillies rally. Then they win Game two
in London six five, seventeen hits. What drama, what a game,
what a finish?

Speaker 8 (01:48:42):
Raise your hand if you thought for a second it
was soccer, just by listening to it for a second,
you're like, is this soccer?

Speaker 1 (01:48:49):
Thought for sure?

Speaker 7 (01:48:50):
Right now?

Speaker 3 (01:48:51):

Speaker 7 (01:48:51):
Isn't that awesome?

Speaker 8 (01:48:52):
The British version of the Final Call between the Phillies
and the Mets in London. Mets did win it six
to five. The Rangers outscored the Giants and two they
avoid the sweep. The Guardians defeated the Marlin six to three.
The Tigers crushed the Brewers.

Speaker 7 (01:49:05):
Ten to two.

Speaker 8 (01:49:05):
We are in extra innings in Pittsburgh between the Twins
and the Pirates. Minnesota of five to four, now top
of the tenth inning. Nationals still on top of the
Braves eight to two, top of the ninth. In Washington,
the White Sox again trying to get on a little
win streak. They've won two in a row after losing
I don't know twenty They're betting the Red Sox four
to three. Top of the eighth inning. The Mariners are
now on top of the Royals. It was a tie game.

Three to one is the score bottom of the ninth
inning in Kansas City.

Speaker 7 (01:49:30):
But for Seattle, Tyler Locklear, he hit the go ahead
RBI double. It was his first career major hit. What
a way to start.

Speaker 8 (01:49:37):
Angels with the early lead against the Astros one zero,
They're going to start the third inning. Blue Jay's up
on the ace two zero bottom of the second and
a tie game right now between the Diamondbacks and the Padres,
tied at one apiece top of the second inning. Max
Verstappen won the Canadian Grand Prix. He has won fifty
of the last seventy five races in Formula one. Darren Waller,
tight end of the NFL, has informed the New York

Giants that he is retired from the league. Carlos Aukraz
defeated Alexander z Vedev at the French Open in five sets.
He's just twenty one years old, and of course, Game
two of the NBA Finals eight pm from Boston. Celtics
Mavericks Luka Doncic listed as questionable now. He has a
thoracic contusion along with the right knee spring and left
ankle soreness. That he has been dealing with dun dun dung.

Speaker 2 (01:50:21):
By the way, Rich Mazi and I were discussing this
when she came in today, of course, delivering the food
as she always does so graciously. Oh yes, you were
talking about you hate it when announcers don't know how
to sort of call the end of a game, Yes,
deal with that certain level of excitement. Yeah, yeah, yeah,
And you know I was talking about with her. One announcer,

I mean, there are many, but one that I've always
admired in his ability to capture the moment is the
TV voice of the San Diego Padres, don Orscilla.

Speaker 1 (01:50:55):
Oh of course, yea.

Speaker 2 (01:50:56):
So I played for her Orsillo's call of Joe musk
Roves no hitter, which was the first no hitter in
Padre's history, and the idea that it was done by
a guy who was in his first year with a
team who happened to be from San Diego, grew up
in the San Diego area, being that guy, and then
having the just the ability to convey that on the

air as it's happening in pitching that no hitter. Yeah,
I and I, as I was playing this for her
and Rich, we must have played that on the air
a thousand times. When it happened, we would just we
would say, you know, today is the two hundred and
forty eight day anniversary.

Speaker 1 (01:51:38):
Of this moment.

Speaker 2 (01:51:39):
We didn't need an excuse to play this because every
time we play it, people like, oh, I want to
hear that again.

Speaker 1 (01:51:44):
Yeah, that it was. It's absolutely correct what you said.
I think that great sports moments don't necessarily need narration,
you know, because it's as special if you're in the
stands as if you're listening at home or watching at home.
But when you have an announcer who, in a complimentary way, yeah,

really gets it.

Speaker 2 (01:52:07):
What he called the moment and then he backed off.

Speaker 1 (01:52:09):
My favorite, my favorite call, one of my favorite calls
of all time. It's not even it's not a super Bowl,
it's not a no hitter, it's a but the the
what was it? The Minneapolis miracle, the throw from gosh,
who was it the quarterback? It wasn't, but Diggs catches
it and it's a walk off touchdown for the win
for the Minnesota Vikings in the postseason. And I remember

Joe Buck he probably on the play once once it
was clear that he was going to run it in
for a touchdown. He may have only said four words
and then got out of the way and let the
crowd tell the story. But his level of excitement, shouting whatever,
the ford's something like digs touchdown, it's over. And then

he just shut up and the crowd is going nuts.
Pops his helmet off, throws it. He's posing in front
of the cameras. You know, the next voice you hear
is I think Troy Aikman's. But it was a full
sixty seconds later, and it was such a great exercise
of restraint. I think a lot of announcers can overdo

it sometimes. You know, he kind of nailed it there.

Speaker 2 (01:53:19):
But you know, you should have excitement if you're a
hometown announcer, exactly, there's gotta be that y well, you're
a hometown guy homer ism. I People are like, well,
he's such a homer yeah, because he's paid by behind
who's listening. I remember in the two years that I
was part of a UCLA football broadcast, I kept thinking

to myself, again, who's actually listening to this? They have
to be a diehard UCLA football fan. And I wasn't
some ax and O's guy. That's going to break it down.
I'm going to be a fan. And that's the way
I did it. You know, of course I got can
from that job immediately, but still I felt like that

was the right bro. Rich Rich knows this. I mean,
he's been doing as sex football. How many years now? Coming?

Speaker 1 (01:54:10):
I think that. I think I'm coming up on my
ninth year, new.

Speaker 2 (01:54:13):
Ninth year, Yeah, ninth year.

Speaker 1 (01:54:16):

Speaker 2 (01:54:17):
It was a new broadcast partner coming up.

Speaker 1 (01:54:19):
It's gonna be John Shaeffer. He'll be Shaffer, new voice
of Aztec football. And uh and and it really is. Uh.
It's one of those things like you said, I mean
you you are a homer and it's impossible for you
not to be in How could you not fall in
love with the player's storylines? You know, you get to
meet some of these kids. Parents love this. Oh it's good.

Speaker 2 (01:54:41):
I love it all right. Coming up on the other side,
our predictions, long awaited predictions for Game two of the
NBA Finals. Everyone is on the edge of their seat.
Just hang on, We'll get to it. This is Fox
Sports Sunday, Steve Harbin, rich Oronberg. Here Fox Sports Sunday.

Speaker 1 (01:54:57):
We're alive.

Speaker 2 (01:54:58):
From the ti iraq dot Com studio. I want to
thank our supporting crew. Second and none, of course monts
it doesn't matter. She burns the candle at both ends,
and yet it is always on top of her game. Yes,
doing a phenomenal job as he does, not only pushing
all the right buttons, but also lending his expertise on

a variety of subject matter here. So Chris, great job
as always. I try thank you and producing our show
today with Shay. When I get a text message at
like five am, like a panicked message that guys, I'm
going to be producing the show on Sunday, filling in
for Bow. Do you guys need anything? I didn't have

to answer, Rich You answered him immediately, seeing no, really
we don't. There's no preparation for this show. We just
turned on the mics and talked because he was asking
for the show. It's like, do they need any sound
to start? I'm like no, he was just going to
just start. I just start live in the dream. I'm

going to talk and then stop talking for a moment. Yeah,
that's our partner talk, and that's pretty much.

Speaker 1 (01:56:11):
How we're Yeah, and honestly, insert any partner. I mean
to this day, I'm not completely convinced he knows my
name when we're not in a studio.

Speaker 2 (01:56:21):
By the way, speaking of partners, as I'm doing the show,
Jeff Schwartz just walked in. Okay, Jeff and I of
course did a show together for a number of years,
and he just walked in. I'm like, did you take
a left turn in Carolina?

Speaker 6 (01:56:36):
How did you?

Speaker 1 (01:56:36):
I was gonna say, yeah, a little way.

Speaker 2 (01:56:38):
Away from home. But his parents, you know, are u
c l A alums. I met his amazing parents, and
so he comes to visit them. He actually left his
wife and kids behind him. Take But jeff'son studio today,
so he's coming up here shortly. All right, Rich, We
do have Game two tonight between the MAVs and the
Boston Celtics. As Montsey has told us throughout the day,

at the very least, we're gonna get a less than
one hundred percent physically Lukadancic for the Dallas Mavericks. That
being said, we have seen in each round of the
playoffs so far a hiccup by the Celtics at home.
It happened Game two against Miami. It happened Game two
against Cleveland. It actually happened Game one against the Pacers.

Somehow they were able to survive that game, but they
should have lost. So is it gonna happen again where
we get a seemingly dominant Celtic team on a roll
having a hiccup at home game two of these NBA Finals.

Speaker 1 (01:57:40):
I don't necessarily see it, although I don't think we're
gonna see as dominant or efficient of a Christops porzingis,
for example, for multiple reasons. I think one of them
will be because the Mavericks, if they're smart at all,
they come up with a plan to handle what he
was able to do in his less than half game

minute contribution to that game one. And then also, look,
he hasn't played a game in about forty days, so
he's gonna be sore. And there's something called delayed offset
are delayed onset muscle soreness. It's good, it's doms doms
and that sets in right around Saturday Sunday for Chris

Stops after having this long layoff.

Speaker 2 (01:58:28):
Yes, I bet you he would have been better off
if game two had been yesterday than it is having
it the extra day today.

Speaker 1 (01:58:36):
Yeah. I think honestly, his legs are gonna be heavy.
I think his arms are gonna feel heavy out there.
It's just I don't I think sometimes when you're coming
off of the injured reserve in football or off of
an injury in the NBA, like you know, you're you
all of a sudden you have fresh legs and everybody
else out there is kind of moving in quicksand and

you feel good, and then all of a sudden you realize,
oh my gosh, like you know, basketball hurts, you know,
especially when you haven't done it for the better part
of five weeks. So I think there's that. But overall,
outside of like some of the minor limitations for maybe Christops,
I think Boston's the hungrier team. I think Boston's the

better team. I mean, Vegas knows it. I think I
think all of a sudden, the betting public has gassed
up Boston, maybe a little too much, you know. The
point spread got got up. I mean yesterday. I haven't
looked at it today, but it was. I think Boston
was at minus seven and a half, you know. So
I don't know if that line's held steady or if
there have been some Dallas Mavericks betters who have helped

even that out a little bit. But I think I
think Boston is going to win Game two, and I
think this this Dallas team is gonna have to muster
some sort of challenge when the series finally arrives at
their front door.

Speaker 2 (01:59:53):
Everything says Boston tonight, Yeah, I'm taking Dallas. I guess
I could just see Boston not showing up for this game,
especially with the reports that lucas less than one hundred percent.
It's gonna be one of those what happened, and then
that's gonna get everyone revved up. Think about this. If
it's a Boston blowout, forget it. No one's gonna watch

next Wednesday. It's another couple of days off. Wednesday is
Game three. Of course you have a travel day to Dallas.
So the NBA has to have Dallas in this game,
has to ye, and it's gonna happen. It's a magical
thing in the NBA. When you really need somebody to
certainly draft a certain player or win a certain game,

it always seems to work out that way for the NBA.
All right, well, Richie, have a great week out there.
Look at Jeff Schwartz, He's already he's got his Ducks
cap on reverse.

Speaker 1 (02:00:46):
Keep it here.

Speaker 2 (02:00:46):
This is Fox Sports Radio,

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