All Episodes

June 15, 2024 48 mins

Jason and Mike update Game 4 of the NBA Finals. MLB has disciplined umpire Pat Hoberg for violating the league's gambling rule. And Jason explains why nothing has changed with Dak Prescott’s contract. Plus, a visit from NBA Vet Ryan Hollins!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Thanks for listening to the best of The Jason Smith
Show with Mike Carmon podcast. Be sure to catch us
live every weeknight from ten pm to two am Eastern
seven to eleven pm Pacific on Fox Sports Radio. Find
your local station for The Jason Smith Show with Mike
Harmon at Fox Sports Radio dot com, or stream us
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Speaker 2 (00:21):
This is the best of The Jason Smith Show with
Mike Harmon on Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 1 (00:30):
Greetings and welcome inside. Happy Friday. At least it's a
happy Friday for the Mavericks. The Jason Smith Show with
my best friend Mike Harmon Live from the Tirack dot
Com Studios, Tirec dot com. I hope you get there.
An unmatched election, fast free shipping, free road hazard protection,
and over ten thousand recommended installers tirec dot Com the
way tire buying should be. Well in a game and

a result that seemed all too likely, the extender is
in and this Celtics may as well have gotten on
the plane two days ago. It's a sixty one to
thirty five lead at halftime for the Mavericks. This game
is pretty simple. The Mavericks are playing with intensity. The
Celtics are playing like they're ready to go home and
play again on Monday night. Well, the ex pretty easy.

Speaker 3 (01:16):
It's got no role here because they've gotten absolutely bludgeted.

Speaker 1 (01:19):
This has even had to extend. No, he's had to
do nothing.

Speaker 3 (01:22):
And even if you were to make that argument that
he had, make the argument that he had been the
extender and been part of it, the Mavericks didn't exactly
take advantage of it, missing six of their sixteen pre
throws in the first half.

Speaker 1 (01:38):
So add it all up. Just a miserable performance five.

Speaker 3 (01:40):
Of nineteen from three point range and being out muscled
in the paint by twenty two points.

Speaker 1 (01:49):
That just being out everything. This is a team that
they look The Mavericks had a choice, right, you come
into Game four, either we're done or hey, we give
it one last effort and show we can win a
game here in the finals. You're at home. They came
out with an effort, right, Luca Dantis has a lot
to prove coming off the last game that really you'll
clinch their fate in the NBA Finals. Okay, they came

out to play big, and I felt like once the
Celtics saw that that was the Mavericks team coming in
that the Celtics decided, okay, yeah, we'll see a Monday. Well,
we'll see. They're just not playing with the with the intensity,
they're not playing with the they're not answering the challenges
the Mavericks are putting forward with the way they normally would.

It feels like the Mavericks are dictating the game and
the Celtics are okay with it. And look, they're not
going to absolutely stop playing, but it's like, hey, if
they start missing a lot of shots, we can hit
some threes, okay. But this is again like from the beginning,
like midway through the first quarter, this was okay, we'll
see in Boston on Monday night for game.

Speaker 3 (02:49):
For a couple of big shots to close out the
first quarter. Thirty four points for the Mavericks in that one,
and working again inside, you know, thirty four points in
the paint in the first half and already back to
the free throw line of fall On Tatum. So yeah,
this one just feels like a hey, we wanted we
wanted another home geat along the way, It's curious, right,

you had Wednesday where you had two theater. Well, you
had a stadium, two stadiums full right, you had the
arena and you had the stadium. Full one was the
Brady Dog and Pony Show, and then you had a
viewing party for the game. And here we are a
absolute no show effort here.

Speaker 4 (03:33):
Hey, guys, what do you know? Jason Tatum disappeared in
a big game? Dude, Jayson Tatum's you know, Jayson Tatum's
got fifteen. He's the only guy. He's the only guy
scoring anything for the self. Guy disappears in the biggest games. Dude,
they're up threes it, yeah, he's guy is forty, he's
got fifteen. I mean, what else do you want? Nobody
else even has ten. He's got fifteen. Come on, man, Oh, is.

Speaker 3 (03:57):
That because he's not a Laker, because there's a lot.

Speaker 1 (03:59):
Of them, all because he's a Celtic.

Speaker 4 (04:03):
You said you were crowning him a little too early
early in the week.

Speaker 3 (04:07):
It's it's three zip. They're going good. Here's not great.
He's not even the best player on his own team.
They're going home to win on Monday night and win
the championship. That's what if that opened You think they're
not gonna win but what the door's open, doors open.

Speaker 1 (04:18):
Now, let's go. The doors open, Let's go.

Speaker 4 (04:21):
You lit a fire under Lucas ass after Windors.

Speaker 3 (04:25):
Tagged in and he became a triple threat match of
insiders guy with a Jason Kidd talking about, hey, he's
got a contract up. He got Shams and Woes doing
their slap fight and showing up on shows that they
might not, you know, really should be showing up on.
So Wendy said, hey, what about me?

Speaker 1 (04:44):
Now, look, look, I'll tell you look the most interesting
part of tonight's game. And then this is pretty easy
the most interesting part because now it's you know, ESPN's like, hey,
it's three zip. Let's get some players on the set.
Let let's get some people on. So all the Clippers
are on the set. Congratulations, we've seen the Clippers in June.
That's a couple of times I ever get to the finals.

Speaker 3 (05:02):
I don't know, man, what's closer being on TV now
or clipped, I don't know.

Speaker 1 (05:07):
They're both pretty close. So you have all these Clippers
on and you have Joel em beat on. And the
best part was when Joel Ebid was talking before the game.
He's talking about how, hey, you know, I really, we know,
we're good. He hates Boston. Yeah, you know, it doesn't
really respect them because everybody was hurt, including myself.

Speaker 3 (05:24):
But he goes on to say, hey, you know I
need some you know, I want to get some help
next year, and he gives the quick side. I look
to Paul George, who was sitting right next to him, which, honestly,
that's the best part of the game so far. I mean,
I would have liked I would have liked Joel Ebid
to go, just need some help next year and just
turn to go, dude, what do you think?

Speaker 1 (05:43):
What do you think, man? You wanna come to the East.
It's a lot easier in the East, man, look at
the West. Look how hard it's been in the West
for you. A lot easier in these God to the
East Man, God these go on work with me. I
got Maxie. Doc is over in Milwauke. Yeah, Doc, you
sure he's not coming back to them.

Speaker 3 (06:01):
And go through. But yeah, that that little exchange was
really the most entertaining part of it. You know, oftentimes
you get players up there and they're not gonna give
you a whole lot. And Thenbi did a lot of
belly aching I mean he played heel, which is fine. Yeah,
I kind of do. Look because it is and we
talked about it from the beginning. And that's what what

can't not be stated about this is that when the
whole playoffs started, right going back, what did I say,
If the Celtics don't win this.

Speaker 1 (06:29):
Year, they'll never win and I will never pick them again,
because I'll go on my never again list. Because this
is the year that in the regular season you were
the best team. Every team you played to get to
the NBA Finals was injured, or teams that didn't get
there to you, they were injured as well. And now
here you are in the NBA Finals and you're up
three to nothing. Okay, this is everything is fine. This

is a team that they've been the best all season long.
They should win the championship. They will win the championship.
Tonight is not there night. I'd like them to come
forward with a little bit bigger effort going forward. We'll
sit them disappear. This is how good? Dude.

Speaker 3 (07:06):
Again, he's got fifteen points. Man, he's got fifteen point
how's that working out for him? He's got fifteen You
know what, you're just trying to make your head, it'd
be sixty seven to twenty three, which I think is
the difference in age of Belichick and his girlfriends right,
sixty seven to twenty.

Speaker 1 (07:21):
Actually, you make sure he s three.

Speaker 3 (07:23):
I can cross all your numbers to make sure that
it was three times sixty.

Speaker 1 (07:28):
No, I don't. I don't know what it is. You
just wait till he starts dating Gizelle. The opportunity has
not can you imagine TMZ Again, this is practice going
towards that. Here's a photo of Giselle because like, what
did what was the story yesterday? Right?

Speaker 3 (07:42):
They apparently Giselle and her boyfriend just broke up because
of the fallout from.

Speaker 1 (07:47):
The roast from the jokes.

Speaker 3 (07:49):
Tom Brady is going well, mission accomplished too many jokes
about timing, too many jokes.

Speaker 1 (07:53):
Not only that, not only did I win that one,
and now they broke up? Okay, I mean this is
the roast. Is the roast. It's a little bit more now, Yeah,
I think now now I do it where Tom might
have felt bad about it.

Speaker 3 (08:04):
I mean, look, he's still gonna feel bad for the kids,
but I'm doing it.

Speaker 1 (08:07):
Felt bad about that part of it? Yeah, maybe that dissipateed.
It went from I'm happy to do it. I'm glad
I did it. Oh, I don't know that I would
do it again. Now, no, I'm really glad I did it.
That's how it goes well.

Speaker 3 (08:17):
And then he made a great speech on Wednesday night,
so he's victory laps all over because if he already
knew at that point that Giselle was on the outs
with that dude, I mean, that's why he really strode
to the to the front of that stage after jay
Z introduced him and all that.

Speaker 1 (08:32):
Come on, now, let's go now. But look this game.
It's seventy three to forty with nine minutes to go
on the third quarter, and we're just we're just we're
just you know, punching a time clock on this game.
Jason Tatum's on the bench.

Speaker 4 (08:44):

Speaker 1 (08:45):
The Celtic should, like I said, they should have been
on the four falls. So yeah, belood he benched him.

Speaker 3 (08:50):
But as far as dude, it's been it's been like
eight years since the Lakers were in the playoffs. It's
felt like that long. Okay, this has nothing to do
with the Lakers. Why are you bringing them? Because the
only reason you're saying this is because you hate the Celtics.
That's the only reason why at all. That's the only
reason why to bring stats. The dude, the guy disappears
in every big game. What do you want stats? Okay, okay,

what are you gonna stats? What am I saying that's
wrong about Jason Tate?

Speaker 1 (09:13):
What are you saying? What do he disappears everybody? What
are you talking about?

Speaker 5 (09:16):
The guy?

Speaker 3 (09:16):
The guy could He's one of the he's one of
the two favorites to win NBA Finals, MVP.

Speaker 1 (09:21):
I don't know, you're talking about the best player on
the team. You're just gonna keep moving the goal post
at Jayson.

Speaker 3 (09:26):
When you would take Jason Tatum instead of anybody else
on your team, you would take Jason absolutely, absolutely, you would. Look,
the Celtics have been playing I don't know what's happening
him letting him? You have the have the Celtics lost
a game? Since the Lakers don't have a head coach?

Speaker 6 (09:46):

Speaker 5 (09:46):
What like is that? Is that?

Speaker 3 (09:47):
How long they've gone on a win streak? The Lakers
fired their head and still don't have a head coach.
They still don't have one. It's been like months and
the eleven d I was.

Speaker 1 (09:55):
Really kind of open. I mean, we'd get to close
out tonight.

Speaker 3 (09:57):
So all of a sudden that eleven before we went
off their we'd get to JJ Redlook I was hoping
to but.

Speaker 1 (10:03):
Look before he signed up. Hey, by the way, I'm
the news coach of the I don't know. I just
know it's true.

Speaker 3 (10:12):
Hot take Frostburg. No, but look, But to go back
to the MBID part of it is that, look, he
understands it. Hey, the East is still open. Even though
the Celtics had an amazing year this year and they've
shown they're the best team in basketball.

Speaker 1 (10:24):
Hey, if I could get a little out now, not surprising,
here's a beat. I need help. I need help.

Speaker 3 (10:28):
I have.

Speaker 1 (10:28):
How much more health do you need?

Speaker 2 (10:30):

Speaker 1 (10:30):
Like, how much more health do you need? You're a
guy that can't stay healthy. You've won the MVP, You've
had chances to win, you can't. You can't make free
throws at the end of the game. You're tired at
the end of games. Uh, you're tired during the games. Like,
how long? What's he gonna I need? Eleven guys? If
I have if I had the dream team, then I
would win. I would win a championship. If I had

the dream team around me, like I'd like to see
who he'd pick for his college player. That could be
really controversial. No, he would pick Caitlin Clark and then
everything would be oh, Goad, absolutely fine. But but no,
But he's right when he talks about the East, because look,
this was a great year for the Celtics, right, it
was a great year for them. This is their year
to win. Forget about a dynasty. Although you look back

and say, this will be three years in a row
of NBA finals, Eastern Conference finals, NBA Finals, likely a championship,
so you're looking for that's a pretty big three year
run for the Celtics. But it's still open.

Speaker 3 (11:22):
It it's not the case of like the Western Conference,
like man, it's loaded, Like the Western Conference is open
because anybody can.

Speaker 1 (11:28):
Do it because it gets loaded, right, it's loaded three
more teams at least. The East is much more fallible
and there's many more opportunities to get through the East.
It's kind of the path of least resistance. So I
understand him. I understand talking about the Celtics where they are.
Understand him. Wanted to get more to understand all of that.

Speaker 3 (11:44):
But in the end, you still have to come back
and say, Okay, the Celtics still have been the best
team in the NBA also, and that hasn't changed like
the like they haven't they I don't know what else
people want this outside of a big night to night,
which they've just decided we're packing it up and going home.

Speaker 1 (11:58):
I don't know what else people want from the Celtics.
They blitzed through the regular season, they blitzed through every
team in the playoffs, and you know, they had a
chance to potentially sweep the conference finals and NBA Finals,
which no one's ever done, but they decided we're fine.
I mean, they've really done everything you could ask of
them and for a lot of pundits and and experts,
but it's just not enough. They're just going to find

a way to be anti Celtics no matter what.

Speaker 6 (12:21):

Speaker 3 (12:21):
Tatum even said that when he was being asked, you know,
about the season as it stood by the media yesterday,
just like, well, you know, we'll have to do it
again because you know you're going to say we didn't
beat this team or that team, or they were hurt
or like he lead late and straight out and I
love the honesty of it, you know, not just Hey,
it's it's fun to be on the precipice of winning,

and we look forward to, you know, raising that ban
or whatever and finishing the job. No, he started talking
about next year, and he did a little bit of
a slap to the faces of the assembled media as
because that's what it's been. It's been discrediting all along.
You can only beat who's on the schedule. Hey, you know,
we did this all the time, and to mix and

bring Brady and the Patriots back in, we always did
that to them. But it was never Hey, Peyton Manning's
beating up on a bad AFC South except Tennessee on
once or twice and Jacksonville once maybe twice.

Speaker 1 (13:18):
That's it.

Speaker 3 (13:19):
Otherwise they ran roughshot. Likewise Drew Brees and the Saints
with Sean Payton. There were no challengers there except once
in a blue moon when somebody got hurt.

Speaker 1 (13:27):
All of a sudden it opened the door.

Speaker 3 (13:29):
Yet they didn't get the same level of derision for
Tatum and Brown going back to last season, it was
all they can they coexist?

Speaker 1 (13:36):
Can they play together? And now as they.

Speaker 3 (13:39):
Stand at the end of this road, you're still getting
all the thought pieces of what might have been if
this guy hadn't gotten hurt.

Speaker 1 (13:45):
Well, guess what he did. He did, and his teammate did,
and this coach sucked.

Speaker 3 (13:50):
And then Rick Carlisle couldn't finish games and his team
couldn't finish.

Speaker 1 (13:55):
Games in that round. That's the way the world works.
Exit of Fresco, Exit swallen down The Jason Smith Show
with my best friend Mike Carmon Lot from the TIREC
dot Com Studios.

Speaker 3 (14:06):
Happy Friday, Dallas with a seventy five forty two lead
over the Celtics and Belichick Belichick's girl for oh no, No,
Celtics have way more points than how well that ratio
is gone gone tell? So we'll have more on this
bud coming up next.

Speaker 1 (14:22):
Boy do we have an unbelievable gambling story that hit
just a couple hours ago that we got to get into.
That's coming up next right here, Jason and Mike, this
is Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 2 (14:33):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Jason Smith
Show with Mike Harmon weekdays at ten pm Eastern, seven
pm Pacific on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 6 (14:44):
Hey, We're Cavino and Rich Fox Sports Radio every day
five to seven pm Eastern. But here's the thing, we
never have enough time to get to everything we want
to get to.

Speaker 7 (14:52):
And that's why we have a brand new podcast called
over Promised. You see, we're having so much fun in
our two hour show. We never get to everything, honestly
because this guy I'll be over promised in things we
never have time for. Yeah, you blubber list name and me. Well,
you know what it's called over promise. You should be
good at it because you've been over promising women for years. Well,
it's a Covino and Rich after show, and we want

you to be a part of it. We're gonna be
talking sports, of course, but we're also gonna talk life
and relationships. And if Rich and I are arguing about
something or we didn't have enough time, it will continue
on our after show.

Speaker 1 (15:24):
Called over Promised.

Speaker 6 (15:25):
Well, if you don't get enough Covino and Rich, make
sure you check out over Promised and also Uncensored, by
the way, so maybe we'll go at it even a
little harder. It's gonna be the best after show podcast
of all time.

Speaker 1 (15:35):
There you go, over promising.

Speaker 7 (15:37):
Remember you could see it on YouTube, but definitely join
us listen Over Promised with Cavino and Rich on the
iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 8 (15:47):
Of gambling on baseball. I'm a home played umpire and
still get some action. A call balls outside. I want
too call the insides drag when I feel like it,
cash out all the papes and make a lot of cash.

Speaker 1 (16:05):
I got the over and the Ender Fox Sports Radio
The Jason Smith Show with my best friend Mike Harmon.

Speaker 2 (16:15):
I love this.

Speaker 3 (16:15):
We could have picked any gambling song, but I'm glad
because I could freestyle of that one.

Speaker 1 (16:19):
Sometimes you just have to take the one on the
nose and just run with It's The Jason Smith Show
with my best friend Mike Carmen, live from the Tirack
dot Com Studios. Yes, Game four of the NBA Finals.
If you can call it a game, it is a
thirty three point lead for the Mavericks. Somehow, this third

quarter is taken forever.

Speaker 3 (16:43):
The greatest thing would be, though, Jason, if we could
do minute by minute ratings.

Speaker 4 (16:47):
What is I mean?

Speaker 5 (16:48):
What is it?

Speaker 1 (16:48):
I mean this third quarter? Like, come on, guys, the
Celtics don't.

Speaker 3 (16:51):
Care, and like there's been so many timeouts and stoppages,
and I feel like this game's gonna go like four
hours and it's eighty to forty seven. Remember they also
so I had what seemed to be a really extended halftime.

Speaker 1 (17:03):
It was for a blowout.

Speaker 3 (17:04):
Getting every other game that was the blowout the other way,
I was like, all right, here's a minute of content
and a lot of ads.

Speaker 1 (17:10):
This time, I'm seeing a lot of these guys.

Speaker 3 (17:11):
There's like nineteen people at a desk elbow to elbow,
shoulder shoulder. I don't know if they're all wearing one
top and just went over the top of them all.
I don't know, but it's just like, all of a sudden,
I'm getting a lot of deep thought analysis over the
fact that the Mavericks decided not to go down quote
went out a fight, and these Celtics were happy to
win it at home.

Speaker 1 (17:33):
There's your analysis. Go back to another commercial, eighty to
forty seven. Again, the difference in age between Bill Belichick's okay,
well really really not. It's way more than you jealous.

Speaker 3 (17:43):
But again, no, it's just stunning. I'm like, wow, he
really jealous. Oh Like this start page six New.

Speaker 1 (17:49):
York Post has it's all over the internet.

Speaker 3 (17:51):
Now, apparently Bill Belichick is dating a former Patriots cheerleader.

Speaker 1 (17:56):
He's seventy two, she's twenty four. He's no longer work
and you know he is. He is absolutely three times
per age. I helped you do that. Math, that's pretty good.
I shoot your shot. Yeah, because you said that, I said,
oh my god, he's like three times ys ago.

Speaker 3 (18:11):
Oh my goodness, he's exactly three times right, you said, yeah, yeah, Math,
you're right.

Speaker 7 (18:16):
Well, you know.

Speaker 3 (18:17):
Exactly need to start firing. You took another sip of
your coola, and all of a sudden it all worked.
But yeah, I don't need to coach anymore. If I'm
seventy two, I don't need to coach anymore. We go
everybody out there across the globe on the iHeartRadio app. However,
you're listening, thanks for being part of the extended family.
Shoot your shot. Yeah, that's what's going on.

Speaker 1 (18:36):
But yes, we have a gambling story that is way
worse than anything we have seen so far in the NFL.
Since gambling has become ilegal and major League Baseball, the
Pirates minor leaguer last week got suspended for life for
gambling on games. Right We have seen some players. Calvin
Ridley got the one year suspension, We saw a couple
of other players get suspended for gambling. Basically, it's hey,

you can't gamble from the team facilities, and when when
you're placing your bets, this is not the place to
do it. It's been a deal, but I don't think
so far it's been anything that either Major League Baseball
or the NFL has felt we can't handle this. We
knew there's gonna be some people trying to gamble. So
far we feel pretty good.

Speaker 3 (19:17):
But it's also a as Todd Furman was with us
last Friday, you know, talking about the Padres and the
other minor leaguers, was the idea that, you know, you've
got the checks and balances and the fact that all
of this is above board, you're going to catch people right,
and it's going to be a deterrence in theory.

Speaker 1 (19:35):
In theory, because we have a story now that a
Major League Baseball umpire has been disciplined for violating the
league's gambling rules. This is ten days after the league
levied a lifetime ban on the Pirates minor leaguer and again,
I want to say right away it is not Angel Hernandez.
Just saying it's not Angel Hernande. I know people think, oh,

it's got to be Angel Hernandez, wild the Bay a
Angel Hernandez is not near the story.

Speaker 3 (20:02):
It is not near It would explain some of his calls.
But he is not near this story at all. He
is not near this story. It is not Angel.

Speaker 1 (20:09):
Mean to implicate the Padres. I'm watching him losing to
the Mets.

Speaker 3 (20:12):
It's not Angel Hernanda, not Angel. Are you sure I
am positive? I am positive Angel Hernanda.

Speaker 4 (20:21):
Of no, no, no, no no.

Speaker 3 (20:23):
Fred Hoiberg gonna be Wow the mayor. It is not
Angel Hernandez. He is not near the I look, he
is not in the story. Umpire Pat Hoberg, now maybe say, wait,
that name sounds familiar. This is because he was the
guy that got the perfect score and umpiring Game two
of the World Series last year. He called every single

pitch correctly, got every gout, every ball in every strike right,
a perfect game for an umpire.

Speaker 1 (20:51):
Behind home plate. He is not umpired this year, and
obviously most likely because Major League Baseball has been looking
into him violating the league's gambling policy. And this is
why you could talk about players get.

Speaker 3 (21:03):
But whoa, whoa, whoa when an umpire referenced, which not
too long ago, we remember the Tim Donegy situation. It's
why when we see stuff like Scott Foster's out a game,
the NBA knows that they're sending the games. Okay, they
really want to see a game five, they're sending the
extender right, which which you know there's there's an angle
of that as well. But when you're talking about an
umpire who has gambled on games like this is a

guy that understands and knows and and and we don't
know any details as to what he has gambled on.

Speaker 1 (21:31):
He hasn't been on a field all year. He called
the perfect games.

Speaker 3 (21:34):
So in theory, you could have just said, hey, he
was retired, because I mean, how do you improve on perfection?
You're done, he's only been umpiring for seven years, said
full time twenty seven change as you know what you're
going to take it early retire.

Speaker 1 (21:46):
No, no, you get a full pension at seven years.
I think you had to go at least ten. It ten,
you got at least ten because usually it's rules for
perfection is all I'm trying to say. First perfect game,
we can retire.

Speaker 3 (21:57):
Wait, he's going to be he's going to be in
trouble for violating some rules. You know, we're just gonna
say he went out with his perfect game. I mean,
this is way worse than any player, because this is
someone who has more control over the game than anybody else,
the home player, especially a home played umpire, first base umpire,
third base umpire. Now we don't know what he's gambling on,

but does he know certain umpires and what they like
to call? And hey, this umpire hates this pitcher. So
we're gonna find out, Like the sausage is made really poorly.
And oh yeah, I knew to bet Angel Hernandez when
Madison Bumgardner pitches. I knew to bet against Madison Bumgarner
because and I'm just throwing names out there. I'm just
using names to make my example here, Like Angel Hernandez

hates Madison Bumgardner. So anytime Bumgarner would pitch, Hey, I'd
bet on that game because I know he's not going
to give Bumgarner anything.

Speaker 1 (22:47):
Like there's certain things like that. Forget about the whole Hey,
I'm calling balls and strikes. I'm Leslie Nielson in Naked
Gun you know, not quite that, but just the stuff
that he might know that he's throwing this out there.
I mean, that's crazy because if you're a player, at
least if you're a player, it's you. You can only
control so much, and you control what you do. You

don't control what anybody else does. You control you doing.
You're one player.

Speaker 3 (23:12):
Now if you're a pitcher, it's a little bit bigger
deal because you have more control over the game pictures
and catchers have the most control over the game, but
it's still you only control so much. You're in the umpire.
You don't control everything. Like to have an authoritative figure
that suddenly, hey, you're the one who has violated rules,
It's like, whoa dude, this is this is a really
this is where major League babe, okay, this is where

this is something that we really have to get into
and show everybody that baseball is safe.

Speaker 1 (23:36):
Right, umpires are safe. The guy isn't umped. So you know,
something that's got to be going back to last year
that wow, he umpired the World Series and this was
going on then because the guy's not been you know,
umpiring now, So this is something major League Baseball's got
to come out and say, hey, you can't just broadbrush
this and say here's a whole played umpire that was No,
this is this is what he did. This is how
we control it. Everything is fine. Major League Baseball is safe.

You can invest in that's like a bank. Hey, you know,
I know we lost money and you know we got
robbed or whatever it was. You can bank with us.
Banking is safe, you can do everything.

Speaker 3 (24:07):
Like Baseball's got to get into this now, because this
is a Donnegie situation that that is not going to
bring trust in the game.

Speaker 1 (24:14):

Speaker 3 (24:15):
You're trying to bring Uncle Billy in from It's a
wonderful life. I'd see what you did there. Financial insolvency. No.
What's curious in their statement though, like there's no specificity
potential violation of MLB's sports betting policies as we talked
talked about, there's a lot of angles to that in
terms of time, plays, down, distance, other games, et cetera.

While MLB's investigation did not find any evidence that games
worked by mister Hoburg were compromised or manipulated in any way,
MLB determined that discipline was warranted. Mister Hoburg has chosen
to appeal the distermination and therefore we're not commenting any furthers.
So you know, you leave it in this nebulous form
of all right, you're off the field, So it goes

to how far does it go? Right and immediately because
you start thinking about other umpires being implicated or their tendencies.

Speaker 1 (25:09):
That you know he's just aware of.

Speaker 3 (25:12):
As you alluded to, player beef right, Scott Foster, Chris
Paul one of the great beefs in the NBA for years, right,
and always going back and forth, some players coming back
actually advocating for Scott Foster, which is kind of funny,
knowing he'll he'll referee a game and you may not
have to try to catch a pass from Chris Paul.
But in this there's just so much unknown of He

was still on the field for a World Series. You
laid it out, he called a perfect game, like if
you had any inclinations on any of it at that point,
he's not on the field, he's gone, and you're you're
getting past that. Now he got a perfect game. That's great,
but it's still all right, what are your processes this

comes up?

Speaker 1 (26:00):
Or in spring training?

Speaker 3 (26:01):
How does this get alerted? You suddenly have someone you know,
looking to bounce their way up into the rotation of
crew chiefs and stuff that goes, Oh, I've got some information.
I'm just curious how this, you know, what was brought
to light to Major League Baseball in their offices to
even start investigating. You know, where, where's the smoking gun

in this process? Yeah, it's there's certain gambling you can
blow off. Right, Like for instance, right we talked about
the minor league for the Pirates last week that got caught.
Like if you're if you're injured and you're not playing
and you're gambling and you keep losing, the way that
Tukapeeda Marcano was doing. Uh, Okay, you know this wasn't

a guy that was playing one hundred and fifty games
a year. Okay, that's fine because the leagues know coming in, Okay,
when gambling comes, we're not pollyannas where we just.

Speaker 1 (26:53):
Think that everything's going to go great. We know some
people are gonna be stupid and they're going to try
to make money. They're gonna gamble. We just have to
hope and police it that it's not star players, it's
not everyday players, it's not players Gambling games they played
it like there's certain gambling you can get by.

Speaker 3 (27:08):
But when it's an umpire like this is like like
like I get that. You you you want to make
sure that everybody you know is treated fairly and equally.
But if you're I'm sorry, you can't bound baseball games.

Speaker 1 (27:21):
I mean not even legally. Do that, kid?

Speaker 4 (27:27):
Do that?

Speaker 1 (27:27):
This is I want to go back and watch eight
Men Out again.

Speaker 3 (27:31):
I mean, I really I want to do I want
to go I mean, this is this is crazy when
you think that here's an umpire and again people don't
know his name, but remember we just told you World
Series he was the perfect game umpire and not usually
think Jim Joyce, that's the imperfect game Umpire.

Speaker 1 (27:44):
This is the perfect game umpire. Who was like, oh yeah,
now he's caught up in this.

Speaker 3 (27:47):
This is this is something that Rob Manford and I'm
hoping that he embraces this, but again, he doesn't want
anything to be on his MLB tombstone, on his Wikipedia
page it shows anything other than hey, pace of play
was great, and everybody made He's got He's got to
really show and be public with this.

Speaker 1 (28:03):
You can't bury this story. I mean the fact that
this comes out on a Friday night on during the
game during the NBA Finals. What does that tell you
that where Baseball wants to go out the story? But
this is like whoa what umpire betting on the games?

Speaker 4 (28:15):
Whoa? Whoa?

Speaker 2 (28:15):

Speaker 1 (28:16):
What umpire? Who was umpiring in the World Series?

Speaker 2 (28:18):
Whoa whoa?

Speaker 3 (28:19):
And if you're umpiring then and you're gambling? What does
that mean to other people that umpires? Are they gambling
on games that you're umpiring?

Speaker 1 (28:28):
Because you know that. I mean, there's so many things
that it's not just hey, here's a guy, Ball's coming
right down the middle on come on up ballt No.

Speaker 3 (28:38):
But that's the point that I stress from the What
we did get in the statement from Major League Baseball
is that there's no appearance of impropriety in games he umpired.
So like, okay, how big does this get in terms
of can you prove knowledge and cooperation.

Speaker 1 (28:59):
With all their umpires? Right? What are the tendencies?

Speaker 3 (29:03):
You know? Can you do like they do for all stats? Right,
anything that that happens in a game we've got all
the statistical pulls. Is the first time this has happened
since blah blah blah. Can we do that with umpires
like that that he knows hey on and you know
every other Tuesday he calls more strikes than balls, thereby
keeping the keeping the hitters you know, on their toes,

and being more aggressive at the plate, thereby creating more
run scoring. I mean, I don't know, like it's really
a curiosity because again, nothing that he umpired.

Speaker 1 (29:38):
So is Angel Hernandez down gonna get in snare? Why?
Because you did it first?

Speaker 4 (29:45):
I just thought on it.

Speaker 1 (29:46):
I did a call back to you. I just had
to make sure people knew he was nowhere near the story.

Speaker 3 (29:52):
Right now. He is not, because if I said to you,
you know, people are talking this we go cheer that
story about the Major League Baseball umpire go got caught
gambling when he shouldn't. Oh Angel, people don't o Angel Hernandez.

Speaker 1 (30:02):
Why why.

Speaker 7 (30:05):
It stop?

Speaker 1 (30:05):
But it's not. He is nowhere near this story I
was playing. Is not near the story. He's not. There
may be other umpires that become part of this.

Speaker 3 (30:17):
Like I said, we talked about there's some different nuanced
things that could happen, whether it's people he knew, people
knew him what he knows about umpires and how they
feel about certain pictures.

Speaker 1 (30:26):
It's all out there, man, he was safe.

Speaker 3 (30:35):
Well, Angel Hernandez blew the call and the infield being
back should have cost him the game.

Speaker 1 (30:40):
It didn't. Well that I should tell you right there.
Gambling betting on the White Sox not good for you.
You have got to be canned, made for you. The
Jason Smith Show with my best friend Mike Carmen, Live
from the tirag dot com studios.

Speaker 3 (30:55):
Tam Hardaway Junior heard all your slander of not scoring
for a month. He scored nine points in the last
fifty seconds of this game. You know the number of
people who have been tweeting the last couple of games.
What Hardaway Junior in Like suddenly the other way? Yeah,
Like Lebron is on the bench and they're not playing.
They immediately cut you a image of his old man

sitting there, like that's my gad.

Speaker 1 (31:17):
Maybe he's gonna get in the game. Maybe not. Maybe
he gets in the game, maybe not. The Jason Smith
Show with my best friend Mike Carmon. So again, a
huge blowout going on in Game four of the NBA
Finals coming up next. Speaking of blowouts, we into a.

Speaker 3 (31:33):
Big NFL story where you think the world changed for
one quarterback after yesterday, but it really didn't.

Speaker 1 (31:39):
That's next right here, Jason and Mike Fox.

Speaker 2 (31:42):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Jason Smith
Show with Mike Harmon weekdays at ten pm Eastern, seven
pm Pacific.

Speaker 1 (31:49):
Fox Sports Radio The Jason Smith Show with my best
friend Mike Harmon live fromthatirack dot com studios where Tim
Hardaway Junior. Okay, just think about this for a second. Yeah,
he hasn't scored in like two and a half months.

Speaker 3 (32:04):
In six minutes tonight, since he's come into this game
for the Mavericks, since the game has been over for
a good couple of long time. Now he's got fifteen points. Yeah,
five minutes, five of six from three point range. He's
also added three rebounds and an assist, more than he
in his next career.

Speaker 1 (32:24):
It may be, it might be.

Speaker 7 (32:26):
It might be.

Speaker 1 (32:26):
He's plus thirteen on the night. And oh, by the way,
the Mets closed within two games a wild card spot
as they just close out. They finished that off two
to one. Narco comes in, strikeout, leaves the tying run
at third. Mets win.

Speaker 3 (32:41):
Yeah, I was just win talking to Frostburg. He was
having the Sophie's choice kind of thing. No, no, you
rather have you miserable with Diez blowing a save on
a Friday night.

Speaker 1 (32:49):
No, no, no, he wants the Padres and Padres to loose.
We had a conversation pod he wants Padres to look
you say it like I'm scared of the Padres.

Speaker 3 (32:56):
I'm saying you want the Padres to lose always yet
so there there's more hatred for the Padres.

Speaker 1 (33:00):
That's whatever to the Padres would be good. Yeah, me's win,
Me's win another night. JD. Martinez two run double, only
two runs of Mets need there we go here come.

Speaker 3 (33:09):
He's really looking good for the trade deadline. But no,
I mean like so many teams are within that, you know,
shouting distance to that second wild card. It's why it's
a great move for Major League base So overall, even
if you had to suspend it on fire, you had
a great day. Uh now again one fifteen seventy four,

Dallas leads Boston right now, four and a half to
go in the fourth quarter of more in Game four
of the NBA Finals. If it merits because again it's
been over since the beginning. Because the Celtics decided we
don't need to show up. But there's been a lot
of conversations about, Boy, you know who's got to be
the happiest guy in the world after yesterday?

Speaker 1 (33:46):
Is Dak Prescott? Right?

Speaker 3 (33:47):
Because Trevor Lawrence ridiculously gets a fifty five million dollars
a year contract extension, two hundred million dollars guaranteed. Yeah,
I still don't have a problem with it. But yeah,
and now he's he's at the top of the food chain.
He and Joe Burrow have the highest contracts per year
in NFL history.

Speaker 1 (34:07):
So all but for Dak here it is Dak is good. Oh,
Dak's gonna make good. Let me tell you nothing has
changed for Dak Prescott. Nothing has changed. If Dak Prescott
gets the Cowboys to the NFC title game, Jerry Jones
will gladly give him money. Doesn't matter. Jerry Jones has
never been shy about paying players, paying guys. He wants
to believe me, he wants the headline of, Hey, I

want to have my arm around Dak when I give
him sixty five million dollars a year, whatever it's going
to be. But Dak is in such a proven year
where it really doesn't matter now if he has a
great year and falls short again, the Cowboys have already decided.
Jerry Jones has already been okay with Hey, we're okay
with allowing him to play it out and lose him.

Speaker 3 (34:48):
You would sign him if you wanted to keep him.
You're okay with losing him. So yesterday, Hey, it's a
great day for all quarterbacks, but Dak dec Dak. Yeah,
good luck with Dak trying to.

Speaker 1 (34:58):
Get whatever he can from the Giants next year or
whatever whatever other team he winds up going to in
fregency because nothing has changed for him. The Cowboys and
not to oh, Jerry Jones made a mistake because they
should have signed when it was cheaper. I'm going to
give Jerry Jones a benefit of the doubt that he
kind of understands where salaries are going in the NFL
and what it is to pay for a quarterback. I
don't think he just woke up today going boy, I

should have signed the guy well a year ago. I
wouldn't have to give him fifty five million dough because
the other option is you're not giving him anything and
you're starting over with somebody else that you are paying
less money to for less amount of time. I'm pretty
sure Jerry Jones knew exactly where the quarterback salaries were
going and how they were going to be and what
it was going to be to keep Dak Prescott. He
had every chance to sign it right if he wanted to.
He didn't because he's okay with letting him go. Nothing

has changed for Dak in the last day, despite the
fact Trevor Lawrence signed this deal. If he's great and
the Cowboy, but the Cowboys got to win in the
playoffs because he's been the reason why they're out of
the playoffs the last two years. He has had two
craptastic games that have knocked them out. That's such a
big deal. The Cowboys are ready to turn the page
on Dak.

Speaker 3 (36:00):
They're ready to go. So if that happens, everything is
still out there. As we said, nothing changed for Dak
Prescott yesterday. Yeah, I mean, you go through it, and
he got a little bit of a hall pass going
into the offseason because the defense was so historically bad.

Speaker 1 (36:17):
But guess what it was all short drives by the offense.

Speaker 3 (36:22):
That just put the ball back on the other side
and put the defense back at risk. And you know
it was a snowball that you know became an avalanche
and a blizzard. So you get the Utah team in
while we can't. I'm just saying I want to go
to dairy queen, though I would like.

Speaker 1 (36:37):
There's none near but nearby me. Oh, we can't get it.
One of the cement.

Speaker 3 (36:41):
They're so good, queen. Yeah, no, that's good stuff. Not
a sponsor yet. But when you said Blizzard, and I
know what, I got fired up. But Lizzard but not
Wizard Blizzard. You said Blizzard. Yes, the Wizard would not
make me want to have ice cream. Blizzard makes me
want to have a blizzard. Could have said a lizard
and you'd get hungry, no liver flavor. No, then I

would think about Porzingis and him not playing it. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, Blizzard,
it was a blizzard.

Speaker 1 (37:06):
Yeah. See Steve collapse along too. Everybody's in on it.

Speaker 3 (37:13):
But it's the question of what do you do with
him going forward, because you can always franchise tag him.
He won't be happy maybe, but you get it one
year and just kick that can down the road. In theory,
you're also making your team better around him while not
paying him. Now, the Lawrence deal doesn't actually kick in
for another couple of years, so that's been lost. It's

not like he immediately walks in and he's making fifty
five this year. But for the price of poker keeps
going up. We watched the trajectory of quarterback salaries. We
know the salary cap keeps rising, so all of it ergo.
Jerry Jones has people on the staff that have kind
of convinced him not to pay Dak and go against

his former habit of doing things, you know, like chasing
Zeke down to Mexico. He knows exactly what he wants
to do with Dak Prescott. He knows exactly what it's
going to be.

Speaker 1 (38:08):
A year of you got to prove it all the
way until Game seventeen and then you'll get paid. If not,
somebody else will pay you well.

Speaker 3 (38:15):
And if nothing else, it's gonna be Micah versus CD
versus Dak, and we'll see who wins that triple threat match.

Speaker 1 (38:22):
Exit out about a Fresco exit swelling down The Jason
Smith Show with my best friend Mike Carmon. Coming up next,
more on Game four of the Finals and a big
NBA hot take Fox Fox Sports Radio The Jason Smith
Show with my best friend Mike Carmon. Hello, live fromthtirack
dot com studios, where we just watched the Mavericks roll

over the Celtics, who are somewhat interested in playing this
game tonight.

Speaker 3 (38:48):
Did the Mavericks roll over? Or did the Celtics? The
Mavericks rolled over a team that rolled over? Okay, one
seventy nine to thirty two. Your finals are one twenty
two eighty four, so was close. Have the Mavericks got
their way back into this series? What do we make
of Luca? Are we just going to crown the Boston
Celtics on Monday Night? Joining us now on the hotline?

Speaker 1 (39:11):
No one better and a guy who's going to spend
a lot of time the next couple of days sitting
next to Mike Harmon. That is right, It is the
big Dog. NBA analyst former NBA star Ryan Hollins. Dude,
what's happening?

Speaker 4 (39:21):

Speaker 5 (39:22):
What is going on? Fellas?

Speaker 1 (39:24):
My guy? Hey, first, I want to say this. This
has brought to my attention today. Whoever is playing you
and clipped looks nothing like you?

Speaker 4 (39:31):

Speaker 1 (39:32):
Come on, dude, what's going on?

Speaker 5 (39:35):
It's actually my former teammate, Mike Faye. We came into
college together. So I'm glad that somebody I know. And
the running joke is that if you two were playing
each other in a series, that's the equivalent of me
getting that chance to have Mike play me and clip.

Speaker 1 (39:53):
So I'm pumped up because you got like a shirt
on under your jersey and an ear ring and I'm like,
that wasn't you And when you were playing at UCLA.

Speaker 5 (40:03):
Yeah, no, no, no, that's completely Mike man boos with
me because that's his swagger. I've never wore a shirt
in practice, and he knows that, and he knows I
don't have airrings.

Speaker 2 (40:14):
He knew that.

Speaker 5 (40:15):
Mike knew that. So I'm gonna when I see Mike,
we're gonna have some words.

Speaker 3 (40:18):
Well, when you show back up for Rockets Camper, you
suddenly gonna be rocking some studs or what.

Speaker 5 (40:24):
No, no, no, no, no, no no, that's Mike, that's Mike.
Mike chose to be Mike faith he toos to be
himself rather than me. He put himself on the clippers.

Speaker 1 (40:33):
He wants to live your lights. Man, that's what you did.

Speaker 3 (40:37):
That's what you did, all right, big dog when it
comes to this game tonight, how much of this was
the Mavericks came out and played loose and how much
of it was the Celtics.

Speaker 1 (40:46):
Ready to go home after the midway point of the
first quarter.

Speaker 5 (40:50):
No, man, that's nothing of Mavericks. They came out and
they fought, they could have got swept. They know that
they owed that home court is just due and and
I think the biggest thing is that Lucas got a
friendly whistle. Everybody's been bashing his defensive and granted it
has to be better than it was tonight, but when
you saw Luca, there are a number of calls in

Game three that he didn't get and the way that
he plays, if you let those plays go on, you
don't make those calls, it shifts the whole dynamic of
the ball game. And you know, we don't want to
take anything away from Boston's ability to defend, but when
you blow the whistle on Luca, and that's where those
comparisons of James Harden come and play, he really becomes
impossible to guard.

Speaker 3 (41:31):
What was interesting watching the different trade Game three and
here was just the physicality right of the Celtics on him.
Last game, Whistle's not coming, And then it looked like
he was just seeking any contact, trying to theory test
as to where that line was, whereas tonight he just
went straight at it and kept finding a way to
get that step back moving.

Speaker 5 (41:54):
It looked like a lot of the excuses that he
had was gone. Yeah, and you know he was made aware,
you know, probably frustrated Bears the first time I found out,
he actually found out in his career. So I think
it was a number of things. Was it was one
of those no excuses type of games. And the one
thing that I'm really saying shine forward is experience. You know,

you got to think a lot of the Boss and
Celtics played in the Championship against the Wars and loss.
That's experience. Joe Holliday is a champion and on Dallas's side,
it's pretty much it's literally only Kyrie Irving.

Speaker 1 (42:28):
When it comes to this game. And you watch the
Mavericks play tonight, they played with more energy, They played
like they didn't want to go home. Did they extend
the series for a day or do you give them
a chance to win on Monday night?

Speaker 5 (42:40):
I think you give them a chance. How dominant the
win was you know that Dallas is better than what
they've been showing. And you can glean back to the
closeness in some of these games. Man, you know came
you know from a player to you know, think about it.
There's a fast break with Coy the kid from Charlotte
and he ends up getting push in the back. That

was a no call, right, So there's a number there's
a number of there's a number of whistles that were
missed in this series that could have pivoted this series
just the game and makes it a series. So I
think it's definitely really really hard to come back from
three to zero. But at the end of the day,
I do think this will come back to Dallas, back
to Luca.

Speaker 3 (43:21):
Is is he unfairly criticized for quote being in shape?
It's just trying to go through it, you know, all
the extra games you're playing and a lot of weary
minutes on the ball. You know, the difference between the
greats and then we compare him to the all time greats?

Speaker 1 (43:38):
Is that fair?

Speaker 5 (43:41):

Speaker 8 (43:41):
And no.

Speaker 5 (43:43):
He's been this Luca the entire season and playoffs, and
everybody celebrated him. They're showing this film of him getting
blown by. He's always been bone by defensively. Yes, those
things have always always happened, So it's like, why are
you guys poking at that? But no, well it's very
hard for him to end up being a world champion

and play like that, and it started to get exposed.
So I think a little bit of why you guys
have such a problem now is my issue with hearing
those things. But absolutely he has to be better. I
think you can compare it to Steph Curry when Steph
Curry said, Hey, I'm not just going to be a
you know, a punching bag defensively or a cone. I'm

going to come out and hold my ground and at
least in the team concept, I'll be good defensively. And
you know that's out to Boston for their teams construction.
You can't hide Luca on the floor, so you know
they're finding that mismatch and they're attacking him, and Boston
had realized in the first three games that their best
defense against Lucas what it's their offense.

Speaker 1 (44:47):
Ryan Hollins, our guest to Jason Smith Show with Mike
Harmon Livethtyrech dot Com Studios. All right, are you believing that.
You know, we heard the report from Brian Windhorse the
other night that the Mavericks have wanted Luca to change
and adapt and evolve it style of play from complaining
to the referees, not trying to draw contact and a
justice style of play, and they've been pleading with him

about it. Is there some kind of disconnect between the
Mavericks and and and Luka Doncic and they really need
to do something or is this sort of just hey,
it's made up because of how the finals have gone
so far.

Speaker 5 (45:18):
No, I mean, I think that's been a talking point
the entire series, or probably the probably last year or
two with him. But here's the thing. He's so great.
He does so many other things well that when you
when you see him complaining, you're like, eh, but he
does this, this and this, and he hits amazing shots.
And look at the position. You know, they have made
it as the top to one of the top two

teams in the entire NBA at this point. So now
everybody wants to throw a fit. So you know, just
all eyes are on the situation. At the end of
the day, it could end up costing them this series.
So you know, yeah, it is going to be a
tough listen to learn. And he's young, he's still he
still hasn't gotten to that point. So I do think
it's a little bit of true that it's to that, Hey,

how do you go out and coach a guy that
magnitude and that talent and really get on him, especially
with the success that he's had.

Speaker 1 (46:08):
All right, let's move away from the series.

Speaker 3 (46:09):
Obviously, you and I'll chop it up the next couple
of mornings nine am Pacific tomorrow, six am Sunday, so
we'll get into it deeper. Coming off to Danny Hurley
rebuffing the Lakers, what was your initial response.

Speaker 5 (46:26):
Man, I think it's embarrassing as the organization where you
when you swing and miss it is. I don't think
it's anything that you.

Speaker 2 (46:33):
Never want to do.

Speaker 5 (46:35):
The reality also, and this is what comes into play.
What did Darbaham do wrong? You came out and you
fired him, and what more of a chance did he has?
So you know, the new coach that may be potentially
hired is always going to reach back to the old
coach and maybe give him a call or see what
happened and say, hey, man, do I want to be
a part of that. And at the end of the day,

it's the truth. Man, It is a hard job to
coach Lebron's and I think Danny Harley just says that
the number isn't high enough. And then again that's not
the best froster that you're stepping in the coach. You know,
for an NBA coach, your best position is to be
stuck a lot in where in a rebuild. If you're
a rebuild, the expectation of win isn't there When you

have Lebron James is always going to be an expectation
to succeed and win. And I think Hurley just didn't
want to be a part of it. And again, also
as an NBA you could be the third most person.
You got to answer to players, you got to answer
to a GM, you got to answer to an owner.
So it looked like something that Danny just didn't want

to be a part of. But the Lakers, it's gonna
be a tough vote round because even if you hire
JJ Reddick, it's not going to be the end of things.
But I think the one appeal of JJ Reddick the
Lakers are always under a lot of scrutiny. So if
you have JJ as a coach. Hopefully, with his media
training his expertise as a player, he'll be able to
kind of weather some of those storms, man, because it's

no easy sledding in LA.

Speaker 3 (48:03):
He's on Twitter at the Ryan Hollins that is at
the Ryan Hollinds NBA analysts, former NBA star.

Speaker 1 (48:09):
And star of the show clip. That's right you.

Speaker 3 (48:12):
You get royalties now, man, You're gonna get like twenty
nine cent checks for the rest of yall.

Speaker 1 (48:17):
He's working on that. He's getting nothing right now. Mike's
getting those twenty nine cent royalties. Take it easy, buddy.
We'll talk to you next week. Touch you in the morning.

Speaker 3 (48:28):
Mike's getting the royalty is now. But Hollind's at you.
Awlds has to get some kit off. He's featured in
the in the movie. He gets some kind of royalty.
It's just a dramatization of your like you got nothing tonight.
That's coming up next right here, Jason and Mike. This
is Fox Sports Radio.
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