Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
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Speaker 2 (00:22):
Please give this you're listening to Fox Sports Radio.
Speaker 1 (00:29):
Hello and welcome inside. Happy Thursday, The Jason Smith Show
with my bes friend Mike Harmon, Well dressed live from
the ti iraq dot com studios tirec dot com and
help you get there in unmatched selection, fast free shipping,
free roadhazard protection at over ten thousand recommended installers tirack
dot com. The way tire buying should be, what's the
calm before the storm? Tonight? No NBA games. We're waiting,
and now we're going to get an NBA game every
night for the next seven months. That's good, big A
playoff games. We have one night to take our breath,
breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out, and then
it begins. Well, it's a marathon. Saturday Sunday, Thursday, Wednesday.
So how it is people getting hurt? So we tell
you all the time, but oh they have odds on
who's next? Oh that's dark. Well, I mean that's dark.
We come into every January first with the death Pool.
Why do we do the same thing when you say
we don't send me, I don't do it death Pool.
I don't think ty Shirt and I think that's tight
shirt on the show and Frostburg. I don't think they
do Deadpool. I don't think Stith Seger does deadpools. You
do a Deadpool? That's bad karma. Man, No, that's bad karma.
Can't do it Deadpool. But like the business is making prediction,
who do you have in the Deadpool? I have you, Wade?
What do you mean you have me the Deadpool? Now
you can't you're already bringing up dead who's next? Getting hurt?
And a Deadpool? With in the first eight seconds of
the show.
Speaker 3 (02:01):
Well, I brought up the idea of do we have
a pool for who gets hurt?
Speaker 1 (02:05):
Who hurt you today? Who hurt you today? That's what
I want to know. You walked in, you know, but
I feeling good today? Actually all right? Really okay, my
stomach's skin off.
Speaker 3 (02:12):
But but we've talked about this off air, like I've
got a like a medication thing that's.
Speaker 1 (02:16):
Really kind of pissing me. Okay, So like, what do
you doing? I feel like someone's beating me in the stomach.
What do you do when you're not feeling good? That's that?
That's my next question. Now after hearing this, that sounds
like I don't know, man, that scares of man. We
need to be We need I need we need to
we need some kind of partition between these feeling goods.
I never know what white socks didn't lose you, no
incredible hulk on. I'm Joe positivity, just a couple a
couple of hours away from the Tortured Poets Society or
whatever the hell that thing is called. With Taylor Swift,
that's dropping. I mean, it's a good day.
Speaker 4 (02:48):
Speaker 1 (02:49):
Is this gonna be? Is this the first version or
is this the version after she remakes the songs that
she puts out the first time? Well, it's like that
which one you bought because there are like fifteen different variations.
So if you bought a from Target, you get one song.
If you bought it off the website on a Tuesday,
you get one song, but you came back on Friday,
it was a different a bunch of different color combinations
and cover combinations, kind of like the end of the
movie Clue. You know, when they first put it out
in theaters, you got a different ending no matter where
you were. It's not a bad way to bet sometimes,
Missus Peacock, sometimes Jad misk Okay, it.
Speaker 3 (03:20):
Seems like maybe we should do that more with movies.
Get that repeat visit Listen.
Speaker 1 (03:26):
We'll get to movies because we have to talk about
the m Night Shamalan trailer that came out today. But
I want to say this, I've said from the beginning
of this for the NBA playoffs, as we get going,
I wanted the Knicks to finish second. I'm glad they
pushed for it. You never know how the playoffs are
going to go. You want to have home court when
you can, right. I get that you might want to
avoid a team if you can. But the whole losing
and sitting guys to avoid a team tells me you're
not ready to win championship because you know you can't
beat that. You want to avoid them in the first round,
but you can beat them. In the second round. Is
how you're telling me you can be We can't beat
them now, maybe later we'll beat it. Why what could what?
What's gonna happen? You don't know who's gonna be one
of their hurt? Really do what you think? Oh, we
can't beat them, We can't beat them. When are you
gonna play them in twenty twenty seven?
Speaker 5 (04:16):
Speaker 1 (04:16):
When does that get win? We could beat them, then
we get a couple more draft picks. Like if you
if you are resting players to avoid a matchup, this
tells me you know you can't win. I get that.
The NBA players, more than anything else, are about the matchups.
And you see teams win and lose because of that.
But you're gonna have to play these teams at some point.
Uh maybe if we get lucky, another team will knock
that team out. What kind of attitude is that to
go into the playoffs with? Right? So, when the Knicks
went for it, when the Lakers went for it, I
loved it. This is yes, this is awesome, this is great.
They're not afraid the Lakers are getting the Nuggets down
the first round of the playoffs when they're fresh. The
Knicks say, we don't care seventy six ers heat. We
want to finished second because we don't know how the
playoffs are gonna go. We want that home court advantage
as much as we can have it, right. And I
didn't care who we played. I don't care Sixers heat, whatever.
Joelle Embiid can't go five feet without bending over and saying,
I'm winded. I need some gatorad and I need something
the heater injured that it's not the same year for them.
I didn't care who we played. But after today, oh,
I'm glad we got the Sixers. After the after backup
center Paul Reid decided, you know what, people aren't talking
about me so much, So he does a podcast and
he talks about how the Sixers coming into the playoffs
wanted the Knicks because they were the easier of the
teams between them and the Celtics. Muscle beach half an hour.
Speaker 2 (05:34):
I will see you there or I will see you
on another time.
Speaker 4 (05:38):
That was very confusing.
Speaker 1 (05:39):
I don't know if you're gonna come or not. No,
I'll be there, I'll be there, all right, I'll see
I see that all right. Leyre just on the men, Jay, Okay,
that that was not the place, said Paul. Right, I
did say, I did say Paul. Yes, I did say,
Paul run. But that's what I thought. But Honey met Suey,
Matt Suey, Mit Suey. Uh, Paul Reid, Paul Reid, Paul Rudd.
That's good Diehard. No, not that one Paul Reid who
wanted the Knicks instead of the seventy six ers. And
I wonder what Paul redline we're going to get now,
you said Paul Rodger, right, that is that nuts? I did,
not the nuts that I did not Paul read. I
don't know, Paul, you say, Geneva, we hear hel Sinky
nah tell you might be right about that. You might
be right. Paul Reid, not Paul Rudd, not Paul Rodgers.
Ty's going. Who's paula yeah, lead singer of Bad Company. Oh,
I thought it was Aaron Rodgers' younger brother. It is
that is he's on the Next Bachelor. Really, yeah, yeah,
it is. It's great for him. And if you thought
Aaron Rodgers had some conspiracy theories.
Speaker 4 (06:49):
Way to you.
Speaker 1 (06:49):
Hear well, Actually, I actually hear his brother does the
anti conspiracy theory podcast. Like he's against all of them,
and that's who just to balance things out, that's what happens.
But here is potentially seventy six. Paul read on why
they wanted the Knicks instead of the Boston Celtics. You said, Paul,
right back in history with that rock m c A
and me, Mike d oh, you know what he says,
not say? Paul Revere said, a quoted had a little
horsey named Paul Revere as me and my horsey and
a quart of beer right across the land, kicking up
sand Sherff posts on my tail because I'm in demand.
I'm lonely beast. I'd be all by myself without no bati.
The sun is beaten down on my baseball hat. The
air is getting hot, my beer is getting flat. Looking
for a girl, I ran into a guy. His name
was MCA. I said, howdy, He said hot. The only
horsey you know is the sauce at Arby's. Dude, I
know every line of that album from beginning to end,
every single line.
Speaker 3 (07:55):
We have to pay royalties on that now something no, no, no, no,
only on good music?
Speaker 1 (08:00):
Are you kidding? Come on, man? Licensed to ill? Nobody's
paying for that. I don't know that I listened to
any album, well maybe Appetite for Destruction? Was any album
more than licensed to ill like the original Beastie Boy
fan of all my friends? Most overrated band of all time? Wow? Wow, Okay,
I'm with you on Chili Peppers. Okay, right there, But
they've only had two out they only had two albums,
could be the only.
Speaker 2 (08:24):
They had?
Speaker 1 (08:25):
Well, it's just overrated. They had two outs, but they
celebrated as one of the greatest of all time. I
say no. They ushered an entirely new type of music. No,
I was out there. No, it wasn't out there. They made
it popular, just like the w NBA is out there.
Kitlyn Clark is gonna make it popular. There you go.
It's I was Nirvana. Caitlyn Clark is the Nirvana of
the w NBA. How about that? Uh so, okay, I'm
trying to think of other famous pauls. I don't think
he's got Paul Winfield from the Terminator. That would be
pretty good. This is seventy six ers, backup Center, Paul Reid,
any other famous reads. Maybe there's a joy a Jody
Reid home. You're a perfect day. Oh it's such a
perfect what I did there talking about how the Knicks
are the team that the Sixers wanted, not the Boston
Celtics's Oh so you're really gonna play it?
Speaker 4 (09:21):
Speaker 1 (09:21):
Yeah, okay, I want people to know that this is
really it. This is really it now?
Speaker 2 (09:24):
Yeah, okay, this is real.
Speaker 1 (09:25):
Okay, I get people going, what movie is?
Speaker 5 (09:27):
Speaker 2 (09:28):
Speaker 1 (09:28):
So you're really gonna We're really gonna get it? Okay?
All right, do you really want it?
Speaker 4 (09:31):
Speaker 1 (09:31):
No, I want yet. People expect that now because you play.
I just wanted people to know that this was the thing. Yeah,
and you know what, you stopped it so we can't
play it again?
Speaker 4 (09:40):
Yes we can.
Speaker 1 (09:41):
It's hand to take twenty minutes for him to requeue that.
You can just play it right from there because the
money bite is coming. Uh here, here's as we pick
up Paul Reid already in progress.
Speaker 2 (09:56):
How does this get on here?
Speaker 1 (10:01):
Yeah we wanted of course that's the easier team.
Speaker 2 (10:06):
I guess, but you know.
Speaker 1 (10:10):
That's the easier team, I guess. Okay, you don't want this,
Nick Smoke, you don't want but you but you go
get it? Then good luck. Let's talk about this all
next week. You really jumping on and trying to get
some motivation things from some backup center out of well,
these are the guys that do it. Now, Hey, no
one's really paying attention to. So I'm gonna go on
some crazy ass podcasts, say some crazy ass thing, piss
off my teammates. And now now, now, and BID's gonna
get a couple extra elbows. Now, oh, we're the easier matchup.
Why Brunson's gonna go for fifty in the first half.
Now I'm glad we got the Sixers. I didn't care. Hey, Sixers,
great heat, great, I didn't care. Now I'm glad we
got them. And I know we're good because the Sixers
are on my never again list. They're not gonna do
anything because no team's on my never again less do anything.
I feel pretty good. But now I'm glad we got this.
Now I'm glad. I'm glad the Sixers are here. I
can't wait. Okay, easier team, let's see, let's see how
it goes, easier team.
Speaker 3 (11:01):
This might be the greatest example of trying to find
motivation in a nothing sentence.
Speaker 1 (11:09):
We wanted the Knicks because they were easier. Celtics won
the East by thirteen gigs fourteen games. What was the final? Okay,
so I get it by by just you know math,
that is true. Okay. How smart is it to say
that you're Paul Red, You're you're the backup center and
they asked you, hey about it? Well, yeah, I guess
we'll take them green. You can't. I'm mo green, don't
you know?
Speaker 4 (11:38):
Speaker 1 (11:38):
Yeah, we get the top seed? Do we get the
second seed?
Speaker 3 (11:42):
Speaker 1 (11:43):
What the easier matchup? That's that's it. That's the okay,
and you're getting mad about it? How did No? I
don't know. I'm glad we got it. I'm excited. And
at your original how about them not ducking anything? It's
a Tom Thibodeau Les squad. He was gonna run them
until that. Literally we're six feet under the court of
the ass. Rick Buker said last night, none of the
Knicks may be able to walk next season, but you're
doing great now. No, and you know what, and this
also is what I said last night. This is the
this is the nationwide disrespect of the Knicks just becaused.
Whether it's because a loud mouse like me or Jalen
Brunson's too small, or I hate when the knickser got
the Knicks are good once every tenure, and it's good
since they won fifty four games with Mellow and Steve
Novak shot them out of the playoffs. So yeah, it's
been a while, but now all your Steve. I don't
want to give the Knicks any credit. It's a nationwide
fraud that it's I feel like so many people, pundits
and experts and athletes got together saying, you know what,
let's not give the Knicks any credit. Okay, Okay, I'll
see you all on the way to the finals as
we are dusting you. You want that smoke, Paul Rudd, Okay,
you got it, Paul Rudd, you got all that smoke.
Mister Avenger, mister an Man, you got all the smoke
you wanted. Congratulations, you got it. He still has the
chiefs Now. I'm glad. Now, I'm glad. I'm fired up,
and I've had a lot of coffee. Exit out out
of Fresco exit swallen down the Jason Smith Show with
my best friend Mike Carmon. We are live from the
Tirech dot Com Studios. Coming up next, we have all
the latest from the NFL. We got a visit from
Jay glazerho tap a week before the NFL Draft, and remember,
Jay is going to be with us right here next
week in the NFL Draft. Brought to you by Express Pros,
the presenting sponsor at Fox Sports Radios Draft coverage. Don't
miss next Thursday, Draft Night Live, eight pm Eastern throughout
the first round of the Draft. Jay Glazer, former Cardinals, GM,
Steve Kim, College Football Hall of Famer, LeVar Arrington, Big
newon Kickoffs, Rob Stone, pick by pick predictions, reactions to
every first round pick next Thursday, eight pm Eastern throughout
the first round of the Draft. Remember we follow like
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you sing the whole thing. You're lucky, You're lucky that
you didn't get to the profanity in the BC Boys
Like that's like you. You played Roulette, and you lucky
you came up and way on my drop and I'll
be right, all right, all right.
Speaker 2 (14:24):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Jason Smith
Show with Mike Harmon weekdays at ten pm Eastern, seven
pm Pacific on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.
Two NBA Insiders podcasting twice a week to plug you
right into the NBA Great Five.
Speaker 5 (14:41):
All happening in only one place. This League Uncut, the
new NBA podcast with Me, Chris Haynes and me Mark
Stein join us as we team up to expound on
everything we're covering. Hearing and Chason.
Speaker 1 (14:55):
Listen to This League Uncut with Chris Haynes and Mark Stein.
Speaker 5 (14:59):
On the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get
your podcasts.
Speaker 1 (15:05):
Fox Sports Radio. The Jason Smith Show with my best
friend Mike Harmon, Always Nice. Done a night where Hey,
the Mets are off, the White Sox didn't play, no
NBA games We can be Friday the thirteenth, up on
one of our team. No loss for me today. Positivity
I mean the original where Jason's mom was the killer?
Sorry spoiler. How dare you like? As people know that
by now could be new to somebody out there. Yeah, boy,
what's this movie? Friday the thirteenth? This woman who was
in her sixties is killing people. I've ever seen that before.
It was just groundbreaking. Before it was groundbreaking. Oh, the
mom's doing it. She's like sixty yeah really Yeah, that's
that's not a hook at No, she's like sixty years
old she's doing wow. Okay, then it moved with great speed.
I remember the swift decision making. The actress, the woman
who played Jason's mom that killed everybody in Friday the
thirteen said she did it for a new car, like
like she want like it was. It was a couple
of days worth of work and she wanted to get
a new car. And she did it so she could
get a new car. That's exactly what she did it.
Deal joining us, that's this is part two. That's part two.
Oh No one, when the guy falls down again, that's
not one. Joining us now on the hotline, we are
a week before the NFL Draft. He will be sitting
in this seat right here, breaking down all the first
round shenanigans. It is NFL on Fox Insider Jay Glazer
and Jay I I feel remiss it's been a couple
of weeks since we talked. I want to let you know.
I know you're getting married in a couple of weeks.
I am an efficient. I am I am a A
I am a a ordained wedding efficient. I could have
done your wedding. I would have done it for free
for you. I wouldn't charge anything you could have that's
true too, Wow, but I mean that just be the officient.
I can come and do it.
Speaker 4 (16:47):
And that is here's the thing. Okay, we have a
guest list of zero. You think I want to invite him?
My knucklehead trains absolutely nothing.
Speaker 1 (16:59):
Good point.
Speaker 4 (17:00):
I was like, what do you put it off? So
this is like Rosie and I listen Rosie and the
identical swims. Her sister's not even coming. And even my
mom was like, well, I'm sure her sister and stray
and are coming. Like my mother literally said that to me. Wow, No,
fan's not going over you and her sister. Like, but
just that's the thing about a winning except for about
you know you, it's about everybody else. Because we wanted
to make about us, and we told everybody, hey, we're eloping,
and they know it was supposed to be a surprise,
but we're we We took away the surprise. They were eloping,
just us, nobody else. And I can't tell you how
many people like giving me some grief of Hey, you know,
so we didn't make the guests lit. I'm like the
guest list, no guest list. There's nothing that's done. That's it.
Let me my life is a guest list. I'm done.
We're done.
Speaker 1 (17:53):
Let me ask you the biggest question I wanted to
ask you. You're ready. The biggest question is your phone off?
Bring the ceremony?
Speaker 4 (18:01):
Speaker 1 (18:02):
Is it off all day? What time does it go off?
Speaker 4 (18:04):
Of time about I'll be faith timing some some cats.
I'll be faith timing to them couple because I got
to keep my nerves down. I can't. I can't itolate
on that day. I definitely need to reach out to
teammates that day. But you know what's really cool, I
will say this, It is you know again, I'm fifty four,
rosies fifty five. She's never been married, so she's taking
care of everybody else in the world but herself. I've
really never had a relationship, which I didn't try and sabotage,
and I even tried with this somewhat. We did so
much work and it's the first time I feel like, man,
I really feel worthy of this, and I shouldn't. I
shouldn't destroy it going in, which is what I normally do,
because when you feel unworthy of being loved and these
great things happen to you, you end up sabotaging them.
And we've done so much work, but I gotta tell you,
guys the story you're gonna love. So Rosie and Iron, uh,
pre marital therapy. We just thought we're going to do
this pre marital therapy session, but six weeks of it
because we want to get our communication better and and
we don't want to just go to therapists in marriage
counsel when the sky's home. We kind of want to
do it going in. I want to get coaching. I
look at therapists like coaches, So how are they going
to help us out? Right? So we do the six
week program and like week two, Mike Tomlin starts following
me and I texted him, I said, hey, I can't talk.
I'm on a pre marital zoom, a pre medal, a
couple therapy zoom with Rosie. I can talk to the
act and all of a sudden, my phone starts blowing
and we're on a zoom, which is therapist. My phone
starts blowing up. My phone starts blowing up my phone,
and Mike starts calling and face on it it's calling,
and face Time finally said, hey Doc, I'm real sorry.
I said, I've got a friend of mine who who
knows what I'm doing. And he he keeps calling, and
the face on it it must be an emergency. So
I got to answer this. I don't step away. So
she's the doctor. Here is the whole thing, and I say,
hey man, you okay. He goes, hey man, don't do it.
Nothing is wrong with you and Rosie.
Speaker 1 (20:10):
Don't do it.
Speaker 4 (20:11):
He's just gonna tell you you two got problems. You
got got no problems. Don't do it wherever. I'm like,
oh my god, oh.
Speaker 1 (20:23):
My goodness, the whole thing. Oh that's the doctor. Might
have said, hang up on that guy, hang up on
him right now, just hang up on him.
Speaker 4 (20:32):
Oh it was unreal.
Speaker 1 (20:35):
What was it?
Speaker 4 (20:35):
Speaker 1 (20:35):
What I want to tell you, Jay is okay. So
the draft is a pretty big deal. So you're prepping
for a wedding at the NFL Draft at the same time.
Speaker 4 (20:45):
I can't do the he comes he comes back. Yeah,
but it is like, yeah, like today and I'm a
little behind on things. Brodie had to go get her ring.
And at the same time, I'm doing draft calls. So
we're doing that, and we're fact I'm here at the house,
I'm doing draft stuff and we're doing this and I'm
bouncing back and forth. Yeah, it's a little surreal. I'm
not even a lot of you.
Speaker 1 (21:09):
So this draft a bit different than than many others.
All the skill positions, certain quarterback position, Jay and a
lot of time intrigue, and.
Speaker 4 (21:19):
I tell you we're different, not just the quarterbacks, but
like man to have no defensive players that you're even
talking about, like usually the quarterback or this edge rusher's
running back of this or not running back to its
edge rusher, this offensive linement. It's just it's just it's
so it's such a deep offensive draft that you're not
talking about, and there's a lot of dynamic defensive players
or they're not talking about them in the top five
or even ten like you normally would where you know,
i mean, look a couple of years ago too, right,
Jacksonville took to Georgia and defensive ends just don't kind
of like by skill and where he could project to.
And you have guys who are I'm not saying quight
like that, but you don't because it's so loaded with offense.
They're not even looking at guys going oh man, yeah,
these these guys have great size, speed, We're gonna push
them up there. It's almost like it's it's like a
before we aren't conclusion that, Hey, it's just gonna be
offense for the first you know, eight ten picks.
Speaker 1 (22:19):
Jay, I know this is the big misinformation time getting
a week out, but let me just ask you, this
is the upper level first round interest in all these
quarterbacks reel like the four or five guys, is all
of that reel.
Speaker 4 (22:33):
It is well, look, I think everybody realized, now, okay,
we're not gonna make a move on Caleb. By the way, Caleb,
I do love Caleem. I think not a lot comes out.
He doesn't have an England. Not a lot comes out.
But like I live in la and we do kind
of run in similar circles. He is sitting with the
right people go hey, what did this person do to
be great? What did that person do to be great?
What did this like I do like, I do like
the qualities I'm here, and I really do I think
the bear is gonna such in Caleb Williams. I really do.
Speaker 1 (23:05):
Let me back it out to the go ahead, y, Sorry,
I really do.
Speaker 4 (23:10):
It's like, you know, a lot of times it's like
paralysis by over analysis to some of these cats. And
you know, the one thing about Caleb, he has so
much confidence in his arm. They can get him self
in trouble. But that's you know, pro coach is going
to change things, right. So I just I do think
he's gonna turn things around there in Chicago. And but
I liked about him too, like even when he was
a UFC like and I helduff he's trying to get
him off at the line page. So I like that.
And then you know, look, everybody assumed it was Drake
May second, but it's really not. I think Jade Daniel
is gonna be the guy over there too in Washington.
And he's a guy that continues to grow and grow
and grow and grow, and he's so incredibly dynamic and
what he could do. But I think the draft starts
after Washington. That's where it really starts, because I think, oh,
I know, New England's certainly listening to offers and you go, oh,
but they need a quarterback. But if you're not in
love with anybody after those two guys, you know, what
do you do there? So if somebody else does in love,
let them come up.
Speaker 3 (24:14):
Yeah, especially with that roster you've got right now assembled
there in New England.
Speaker 1 (24:18):
Let me backing out on.
Speaker 3 (24:19):
A larger picture for you, Jay, You're you're the master
of information. You've got all the phone calls and contacts.
What's your favorite part of the process?
Speaker 2 (24:30):
Know all this?
Speaker 4 (24:31):
So okay, So everybody out there, I think you've you've
heard me for all these years, like I don't do
them out draft and I don't do am out draft
because of the trust that I haven't died. And somebody
says to me, Glave, here's who we're taking, but you
can't tell anyone. I'm not going to lie to fans.
But so it's great to have this information that I have.
It's been more of this information broker, if you will,
and then I can use it on the first round
of Fox Sports Radio. And because of that, because people
know I'm not going to tip their picks, and with
everybody else, I'm not doing the mock draft. People tell
me more information than they told others. It's it's really
that's the thing I get. The two years ago I
did a mock draft, having somebody who does my social
media so I don't look at my dams and all
that crazy stuff. I was just smart of me for
mental health reasons, and he said, hey, I want you
to give me the first round of the top ten
and timestamp it send it to me. It's like three
o'clock in the afternoon, and I had end of ten,
but I had two guys. The Giants had two picks
that draft, the DM the offense tackle and I switched
there for this, but I had ten to ten because
it's this trust that I build up, so I think,
if you're asking me the best like for me, it's
just this trust, this trust that people have where and
I try and make sure I can give the fans
more insight than anybody else because I have this they
have this trust for me, and at the same time
making sure that teams know where they can go if
they love somebody or don't love somebody. And you know,
even like I've been evolved in the past in h
and helping somebody find a trade partner, and there was
one year from me trade all way up to three.
But to me, it's the middle man and felt pretty
damn good. But I was able to get the fans
little heads up beforehand.
Speaker 1 (26:20):
I think they were all doing that, Jay, just so
they could get invited to your wedding. That ain't happy
me one hell of an after party though. Hey, let's
get away from the draft for a second. The last
twenty four hours has been big with the future of
Bill Belichick and the big expose by ESPN. Hey, he
was never really in the Falcons top three? Is this
really it for Belichick? Is he coached next year? We
know he's gonna do TV? What What do you see
happening here here?
Speaker 4 (26:47):
I did? I think Bill, Bill Belichick, he's gonna do
who he signed with? He signed with Peyton right with
Omar produs insight, So I see him being really likable
on that. Okay, So if he's when when you meet
with Bill and you hang with Bill, he's actually a
cool hang. So if you're hanging with Bill and all
of a sudden, the rest of the world gets to
see that some of those things that you're nervous about
with him will come down listen TV as a It's
it's great. It's a great promoter for guys getting a
head coaching job, great promoter for guy getting head choaking job,
because you see the human side of somebody that you
normally wouldn't have seen. So I think if the smartest
thing Bill could have done is something like that, You'll
see him laugh, you see him joke, You'll see a
different side of Bill, And I think it's the best
thing he could do now, you know, I think the
reason Bill didn't get the job this year is because, Yeah,
that kind of that Patriots way stuff is like people
are kind of over it, and it's just a different
landscape nowadays. He kind of can't rule with an iron
fist anymore, if you will, and you can't rule with
with paranoia. It doesn't like players just aren't like that anymore,
Like you can't you know, creating guys with you know,
if information gets out or it's just it doesn't work
like that anymore. And and also it's like it's so tight.
Guys aren't like they used to be. You got to
kind of build guys up from the inside out these days,
and that's certainly not the Patriot way, so you gotta
you know, in the fast you can beat guys down
and they'll pop up because you're beating them down, and
they'll you know, they'll respond even more. That's the old
that's the old school way. So I think it's just
more of a changing in the guard the old school
way into what it is now and how you're gonna
kind of coach guys. But I think, look, Bill's the
greatest coaching a sport of all time. They'll adapt, they'll
figure it out, they'll know it. And I don't see
Bill just being like Bill, take this year and sit
there and go, Okay, what I gonna do now? And
figure it out? And I said, they'll just they'll figure
it out, just like he's the guy. He's the best
he's ever lived. This isn't just a guy who want
a couple of you know, a couple of AFC champion kids.
The best he's ever done. They'll figure it out.
Speaker 1 (29:03):
He's preparing for a wedding, preparing for the draft. And
also the latest Unbreakable Mental Wealth podcast, you had Ot
Genesis on with a phenomenal story about Beyonce.
Speaker 4 (29:14):
So no, here's the better story. And then we talked
about Ot looks like a safety. You know, Ot is
a big rapper, Ferry, famous rapper. I'm in love with
her co co and used fiance used one of his
songs to Coachella, which is this week, and people had
no idea this past week and uh, he had no
idea she was using it. So life changed. But he's done.
He did a deal with Fitty said, he's like, he's incredible,
but he's also my main training partner and unbreakable. So
when players come in to train, right, we have two
guys who are always there training their asses off with Kalifa,
you know Wiz. Everybody's seen the bet and they're always
shocked by him. But Ot looks like like he looks
like Kelf Newman. He looks like he's a safety. He
liked to look it's like Karen and I said, because
I'm Friandie Karen's I want to see for Kim And
I was like, you know, what are you doing here?
Oh you knew? And he's shacked and he looks like
this NFO safety. So I actually have him trained in
MMA all football players. I have him get after him.
But it's also this community of like you got a
football player with the rapper where the reporter. It's kind
of a crazy deal. So that dude can go, he
can fight. I'm proud of it. And uh and I
love when the football players beat up on him because
it means they'm not beating up on me.
Speaker 1 (30:36):
He's on Twitter at Jay Glazer. That is at Jay Glazer.
Check out the latest Unbreakable Mental Wealth podcast. He'll be
here next week doing the draft. Then he'll be singing
Coco at his wedding. It's Jay Lazer. Jay is always buddy, appreciated,
my friend. Congratulations. We'll see you next week.
Speaker 2 (30:54):
See you, buddy.
Speaker 1 (30:56):
Great stuff from Jay Glazer and of course he's he's
gonna do this at his wedding. Of course, Jay Glazer
and the rest of the crowd, Rob Stone, LaVar Arrington,
Steve Kahn will be here next week thanks to Express Pros,
who are presenting sponsor Fox Sports Radios draft coverage next
Thursday night, eight pm Eastern throughout the first round of
the Draft. They'll be here up until we take over
right after the first round. We take you all the
way up until the end of our show like normal.
But congratulations to Jay Glazer again before he goes and
gets married and turns his phone off for about twenty minutes.
He'll be here with us next week. Look forward to it.
The Jason Smith Show with Mike Carmen Locke, Thetirec dot
Com Studios. Great stuff by Jay Glazer. Phenomenal story about
Mike Tomlin that is just out was great standing, but
coming up next. You want more NFL Draft, We'll give
you a big bold prediction for the first round, early
first round of next week's NFL Draft. Keep it right here,
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Speaker 2 (32:25):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Jason Smith
Show with Mike harmon weekdays at ten pm Eastern, seven
pm Pacific.
Speaker 1 (32:32):
You know when this song first came out, I said, Oh,
it's a new song by Duran Duran. No, no, no,
it's Frankie Goes to Hollywood. I said, what the hell
is that is? That's not a name, Now that's a band. Okay.
I thought this was Duran Duran. Could have been even
bigger if they just licensed it to Duran Duran. A Hey, Simon,
get after it. Gonna write this song for you. I'm
gonna give it to you. How about that? The Chasing
Mike Carman live from the tireg dot com studios thanks
to Jay Glazer phenomenal visit with him. The story he
told about Mike Tomlin was just unbelievable. If you missed it,
Fox Sports Radio on Twitter will post it up a
little bit and you also hear it later on in
the show tonight. But as we get ready for the
NFL Draft, Jake Laizer gonna be part of our coverage
here next week leading into us every year first round
of the draft. I'll tell you what. After hearing today
that the feelers have gone out, Hey, the Patriots are
receptive to potentially moving from the number three pick in
the draft. I will give you a Bowl prediction right now.
That is the first trade that happens. I knows there
is early in the draft. Yeah, because the first two
picks in the end, teams are gonna get a little scared.
They're not gonna jump all the way up. I think
the JJ McCarthy thing is, ooh, do we really want
that guy? Are we jumping up for Drake Made There's
gonna be a couple of guys. It's like, ugh, I
don't know, I don't know. But the first two picks
we know Kayleb Williams is going number one overall and
when it comes down to it, Jayden Daniels will go
number two.
Speaker 3 (33:55):
Although it was curious, right they did this thing where
they brought all the quarterbacks in on the same day,
to where you even have Daniel's agent in the social
media sphere.
Speaker 1 (34:04):
Questioning it, right, and it's an odd way to do things.
Speaker 3 (34:08):
I guess the excuse was you wanted to see how
guys interac Guess what, those quarterbacks aren't gonna be on
the same damn team.
Speaker 1 (34:14):
Yeah no, so it doesn't matter. But in the end,
those are gonna be the first two picks, and when
it comes down to it. These are the guys that
teams love the most. Caleb Williams, Jaden Daniels, all the
other guys are really good and maybe in other years,
but boy, do we really want to trade all the
way up to get this pick or do we want
to pick this guy here? If you are if you
are New England, because you are starting out new. This
is Gerrodmeo. This is his first year. And if you
screw this pick up, guess what this gets you fired fast.
When you're taking over a team for the first time,
you're a first time head coach, taking a franchise quarterback
doesn't always work. And these guys all want to keep
their jobs the first year after Bill Belichick. We want
to make sure we're in a great position to succeed.
So when a team does want to trade up there,
when they get a team that is desperate enough, because
there will be somebody they will trade out of that
number three pick. So I don't know that they're desperate
enough for bon Nicks at number three or mccarthur one,
but somebody else who really needs a quarterback. And again,
I look at that sweet spot there at like ten, eleven, twelve,
where the Broncos sit, and a couple of other teams
are yeah, the Vikings, Yeah, those are the teams that
are gonna move up. But that three is where it's
gonna go because they're not desperate enough to say, we're
gonna stake our future on these guys, on one of
these guys, because those two guys are gonna go. Now,
something crazy happens. If the Commanders take Drake may or
something else. Jayden Daniels is sitting at three, well, hey,
then we'll take Jadan Daniels, I'm sure. But as time
goes on, there's gonna be that clarity. It's really gonna
be Caleb Williams and Jayden Daniels and then the rest
of them. Somebody's gonna want to get up to three
because this is their best chance to get up there
to get a quarterback. But that desperation for the Patriots
at three, I don't see it. They'll trade out of it.
Speaker 3 (35:54):
Well, it can't be right, I mean, just from our
logic that we followed through this process and been doing
this a minute, and even Mayo talking about the team
and how they were building things said, you know, it's
quote not only about the quarterback you know, in terms
of their pursuit. And the big part of it for me, Jason,
is the your roster is far from ready to go
compete with anybody, right what you're battling for third in
the East. If things break right, you don't have the
skill position players, you don't necessarily have the infrastructure on
the offensive and defensive line. And so at three, is
there a quarterback that you think is that transcendent guy,
because we like to use that word a lot, you know,
in this day and age, every year there seems to
have to be a generational guy. Well, if that's reserved
for Caleb Williams, then that guy's not there at number three,
which means you go and you trade down, whether it's Denver,
whether it's Minnesota, whether it's the Raiders coming up. Because
we had that report last week that Mark Davis said, hey,
it's okay, go use the assets to les, go, go
go find us our franchise guy. Okay, So maybe that's
in play, and for the Patriots, you still have a
lot of needs to cover, so go get additional picks,
build the infrastructure, and then fit the right quarterback into it,
as opposed to you know, starting that old clock. Like
we always talk about, when your roster's nowhere near.
Speaker 1 (37:22):
Competing, it's it's if they were desperate enough to say,
we have to get the guy now, Okay, but they're not,
especially when they're starting over. If the slam dunk guy
isn't there. I mean, really, you're gonna Gerrod Mayo's gonna say, yes,
I'm gonna stake my coaching career the next two years
on JJ McCarthy or bon Nicks or would I rather
get a hand or the Patriots would rather get a
handle on what our post Brady post Belichick team is about.
And then we go look for a quarterback that's exactly
so that what this is the same, Hey you want
to call that's the that's the highest team that's gonna
make a trade right there, someone's gonna jump in and
the Patriots move down from number three to get more assets.
Speaker 3 (37:58):
There you go, exactly what's gonna because they're ready to
go and topple the Jets forevermore stop.
Speaker 1 (38:03):
The Jets are winning the East. Exit out bout a
Fresca exit, swalling down The Jason Smith Show with my
best friend Mike Carmen coming up next. Boy, do we
got a football story for you. Keep it right here,
Jason and Mike. You're listening to Fox Sports Radio.