Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
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Speaker 2 (00:23):
You're listening to Fox Sports Radio.
Speaker 1 (00:29):
Hello, Welcome inside, Happy Thursday, The Jason Smith Show with
my bes friend Mike Harmon live from the Tirack dot
Com studios Tirack dot Com. I hope you get there.
An unmatched selection, fast, free shipping, free road hazard protection
over ten thousand recommended installers. Tirack dot Com is the
way tire buying should be. Well, we had an unbelievably
large day in the NBA. The Lakers finally get their
new head coach on Matt coming up in a few minutes,
but a double barrel of big events going on right now. Mike,
you know, I'm glad we can have the split screen
experience here to watch the MLB at rickwood Field game
and and the end of COPA America opener for Argentina,
who leads Canada right now and extra time to nothing.
It's fun to come in and say, hey, whoa, whoa, whoa,
yeah we go. We had two really big deals happening
right on the opposite side of each other. And it
doesn't always have to be the NBA Playoffs. It could
be other things as well.
Speaker 3 (01:25):
I mean COPA starting today, Euros have been going and
been watching that from uh what six a m. Through
the day. Kids are like, what are you doing today?
I'm like, I don't know. Games are on too, at least.
Speaker 1 (01:36):
Two middle of the day, middle of the week, mid week.
Speaker 3 (01:39):
We today we had a w NBA game in the
middle of the day. Uh. And then you have the
pageantry and everything, all the solemness, solemness and the emotion
at Rickwood. So all of that together, Messy, if he
was any good, would have a hat trick.
Speaker 1 (01:54):
See now, Okay, I was saying, okay, let's start with Rickwood,
but let's go let let's start with mess Okay. There
here's nobody, even Lebron. There is nobody that people are
ready to jump up and down on and put his
head on a spike more than Leonel Messi. They want
to treat the guy like its Game of Thrones. We're
winning a war, and I'm gonna put his head on
a spike and parade it around the wall. Right, this
is what I'm If Messi misses one shot, how does
he not score? Messi is terrible, He's overrated, He's a fraud.
The dude finally he won the World Cup. Man, I
don't know what anybody wants. But he misses one shot? Oh,
how does he not score?
Speaker 3 (02:33):
Look at that?
Speaker 1 (02:34):
He beat the defender, he beat the guy. He suddenly.
Messi is the worst. He's awful. Of all the athletes
that say, man, I get so much hate no matter
what I do, there is nobody like Messi. Because if
his shoes are tied, rabets, this guy's a fraud. Look
inside that shoe tied that laces, that nod is all
the way too far over near the end step of
his foot. That's a bad spot for that lace. He
is terrible. Nobody is ready to hate anybody more than
people Lionel Messy.
Speaker 3 (03:01):
But he's also on the other end of that is
nobody's gonna bow down and genuflect faster for any other
living athlete either, So he's got that going for him too.
I mean, you saw the videos when they were watching
walking to the pitch before the before the game, and
all the people that are lined up there like behind
glass like they were at at a zoo, like, oh,
there he is there, he is my guy. And then
you know, doing flash photography into the into the glass.
I don't know how well that worked, but you know,
you do what you do. But yeah, he had a
couple of opportunities. Uh, I'd love to see if he
was truly on side on two of them. But either way,
the goalies made good steps and you know they go
away with a two nil win game just coming to
an end. He had one last free kick on now
the jersey, the kit exchange, and away we go.
Speaker 1 (03:51):
I mean really, I mean even Lebron James, Lebron James
looks like Michael Jordan compared to leoneld Mess.
Speaker 3 (03:57):
You saw the memes coming out of last night's Ken
Lamar Kendrick Lamar show, right where people from the third
deck had pictures of Lebron and his wife and they
were doing the all right, what's this conversation? You were
not going up on that stage all of that, or
people that caught him lip singing, or maybe screaming, full throated.
We don't have the audio, but you just gotta see
him engaged in the in the music and the songs
as it were. So yeah, you can't win for trying,
but yeah, what a great day is.
Speaker 1 (04:31):
Sp I mean, come on, man, like he missed and
look that the one play. Yes, you want to look
and see if he was on side on it, but
they didn't blow the whistle. But else he was onside
all right, he has the great It looks like he's
able to beat the beat the keeper and he can't.
Keeper makes a save, The ball bounces out to him where.
Speaker 3 (04:47):
He thought he was gonna get that chip on him.
Speaker 1 (04:49):
Yeah, he tries to create enough space, the defender slides
in to make the play. It happens, right. If that
was Clip Dempsey, you would say, oh, that's what happens
sometimes stick in us. But it med sorry Clint Dempsey
catching strays right now, Well you threw it out there,
but MESSI it's oh the guy's dead. He's He was
never any good. He was never any good because he
should have scored on that right there. He was never
any good. I'd be real if you think you got
it to just just think about if you're messy walking
around how fast and how quickly people are to just
say you stink? You think all I did was wave
to you. Yeah, but you could have waved a little
bit more. You could have waved like you really meant.
He didn't smile long enough and you waved to me.
You just look like you didn't mean it. Your heart
wasn't it. You're a fraud like that's what happens with MESSI.
Speaker 3 (05:32):
That's that's kind of it, which is why I threw
the line out as I did. Hey, you know, but
for an inch here or there, quicker deek of the goalie, right,
he waited too long? Yeah, okay, so he started to
get it.
Speaker 1 (05:45):
I get it. I'm sorry. So that chip was off.
He doesn't have ten five hundred and sixty two goals.
He has ten thousand, five hundred and sixty one goals. Okay,
it's all right.
Speaker 3 (05:55):
And that extra goal could have made the difference.
Speaker 1 (05:58):
I mean, look, because when you only have a one
Neil lead man, but one bad bounce, crazy things but
before they win, if they didn't, but he's won the
World Cup, I mean, what else do you want?
Speaker 2 (06:07):
I want more?
Speaker 3 (06:08):
Come on? I mean your new competition.
Speaker 1 (06:11):
Now, nobody wins multiple World Cups.
Speaker 3 (06:13):
Hey, that World Cup was you know in the past.
Speaker 1 (06:17):
It's the opening game of COPA and Messi. Look at
what Messi didn't do and there's two nothing win over
Ketch right, yeah, exactly, my goodness. So that game again
has just gone final. I'm sure there'll be much more
criticism of Messi as move on and again. Clint Dempsey
in the in the FS one booth, I'm sorry, you gotta.
Speaker 3 (06:35):
Yeah him a coke or something.
Speaker 1 (06:38):
Yeah, no, no, no, no know.
Speaker 3 (06:40):
Maybe it's send him a big mac now.
Speaker 1 (06:41):
He owes me from from not being ready for that,
for that through ball through the crease. Uh. About ten
years ago we had a chance to move on in
the World Cup with win and when we were an
extra time oh the balls here oh sorry, uh but
elsewhere we mentioned it here. Going on right now FS
one with Soccer Big Fox. Right now. The game at
rickwood Field in Alabama. The Cardinals lead the Giant six
to five. This was the game that Willie May has
put out that statement earlier in the week. I'm sorry,
I can't make it. I have fond memories of playing
at rickwood Field. You know, he spent some time there playing.
It's the oldest field in the country. And major League
Baseball going back to honor players, honor players that came
up and played in the Negro leagues, and and and
the and the history of great players and baseball and
people that fought through so many bad things racist, racism
wise throughout the years, and and Baseball's back at Rickwood Field,
which is the biggest and oldest stadium in the country.
And it was just so sad they've made it a
shrine to Willie Mays tonight because he passed away the
day after he put out a statement and you know,
tuning in tonight, I expected it to be heavy because
of that, because hey, it's this is Willie Mays, man,
this is this is Willie bleep in Mays who passed away.
And then Reggie Jackson, who does a panel before the
game on Fox with the Alex Rodriguez and David Ortiz,
was asked about his experience in the South coming up
as a player in the late sixties, and remember, hey,
America in the late sixties, it wasn't great, right, There
are a lot of things that were not great. And
he told a couple of stories about what life was
like for him playing in the South. He played in
Birmingham for a year as a in the minor leagues,
where he got to the Major League Baseball. He played
at Rickwood Field, and uh he talked to Alex Rodriguez
before the game and talked about what it was like
coming back. And boy, Reggie did not hold back at all.
Let's hear from Reggie Jackson. We got Reggie. We're here
right here, all right. Hang on, it's coming, Mike Carmen.
I was told it's coming.
Speaker 3 (08:41):
For it.
Speaker 1 (08:41):
We got Reggie coming. We got Reggie because I got
because I can't. I can't sum up Reggie. I mean
I can't sum up Reggie, okay, because he said some stuff.
You go, wow, I can't believe it. We can't, you know,
I can't sum up Reggie. We got to be able
to play it again.
Speaker 3 (08:59):
And and just I mean there's there's no bleeping it out,
there's no live TV. I mean, full impact of everything
he had to say. I was watching that and just
you know, one of those you sit back in your
chair because I mean, it's not an experience that you
or I have had. But we know a lot of
people in our business and people we've talked with through
the years, and we talk about it in the in
the context a lot in sports of you know, society
and changes and everything. But Reggie Jackson talking about that
being the late sixties, I mean, really, you know, heartbreaking tales,
but also you know, showing that he was in an
organization where he said, hey, I was lucky I had
people that look out for me. Otherwise it would have
been ended badly for me.
Speaker 1 (09:47):
Yeah, it was. It was. It was stunning to hear
him speak because, look, Reggie's been a guy that he's
been away from the game for a while as someone
is a star because he played a long time right
the seventies and the eighties.
Speaker 3 (09:57):
That was eighty four eight.
Speaker 1 (10:00):
I mean, Reggie was as as big a star as
there was in the baseball world when he played. But
it was a long time ago. But still that star
power meins. Everybody remembers Reggie Jackson and to hear him
tell the stories. We got it now. We had a
glitch on the computer, but we fixed the glitch.
Speaker 3 (10:16):
Speaker 1 (10:16):
This is Reggie Jackson telling his story before the game.
Speaker 4 (10:19):
Coming back here is not easy. The racism that I've
played here when I played here, the difficulty of going
through different places where we traveled. Fortunately I had a
manager and I had players on the team that helped
me get through it.
Speaker 3 (10:39):
But I wouldn't wish it on anybody.
Speaker 4 (10:41):
People said to me today I spoke and they said,
you think you're a better person.
Speaker 2 (10:45):
You think you won when you played.
Speaker 4 (10:48):
Here and conquered.
Speaker 3 (10:49):
I said, you know, I.
Speaker 4 (10:51):
Would never wanted to do it, if you want to
do it again. I walked into restaurants and they would
point at me and said, can't eat here. I would
go to a hotel and I said, can't stay here.
We went to Charlie Finley's country club for a welcome
home dinner and they pointed me at with the end word,
he can't come in here.
Speaker 3 (11:14):
Finley marched the whole team out.
Speaker 4 (11:17):
Finally they let me in there. He said, we're going
to go to the diner and he hamburgers. We'll go
where we're wanting.
Speaker 1 (11:24):
That was Reggie Jackson. He had a little bit more
to say, but you know, to bring you the gist
of what he talked about. And Reggie didn't shy away.
He dropped the N word on TV twice.
Speaker 3 (11:34):
Yeah, uh, you.
Speaker 1 (11:34):
Know, we bleeped it out for you, because look, it
was Reggie's message. But we're not gonna play We're not
going to play that part of it back. This is
you know, this was Reggie telling his story. And I
know that there's Look, there's a there's a big deal
going on right now. You know what's gonna happen. You know,
he said the N word on on live TV twice
and I kind of shrugged my shoulders and go. He was.
He's telling the story about what happened to him, about
what happened to him in his life and what it
was like and and and I'll tell you there's so
many players we'll you the same kind of stories Reggie had,
what it was like playing baseball certain areas of the
country back in the late sixties or in early seventies.
And and you know, I don't know what's gonna happen.
I don't know what's gonna happen to Fox. I don't
know what the the the ramifications, the outcome of this
is gonna be. But I just hope it's nothing, because
it was. It was powerful hearing him talk. And I
get why he you know why he said he wanted
say this is what was said this is what people
would say it would you would use that word in
casual conversation. It was. It was a different time then,
for sure, but still this is what I went through.
And and it was he said it once, and he
said it again, and I'm like, oh my goodness. And
then he found a way to censor himself and say, okay.
Then they said and they called me the and and
and he goes on. I think he realizes or someone
said in his ear, hey, Reggie, don't say that again.
I mean, I don't know, but I'm just thinking the
producer in the truck is going, hey, Reggie, don't say that.
Speaker 3 (12:46):
Man that someone at the desk may have, you know,
kind of raised a hand. Whatever the case was. I mean,
just really powerful stuff. I mean, he told a couple
of stories. I'm sitting there and I saw the the
interview with Bill Greeson, right he throughout the first pitch
guy with a massive CV of all the things he's accomplished.
It is like ninety nine years old. And then he
did the interview and I'm like, man, I hope I'm
that good lively sprite, you know, sprightly in ten years,
let alone being ninety nine. But being able to give
all of that, you know, all the people that were there,
and the emotion from Reggie Jackson and and you know
all the living Negro leaguers on the on the the field,
and just just the weight of it, right they you know,
appreciation for each other and for the moment, but also
you know, the harsh remembrances of what they went through.
It was.
Speaker 1 (13:45):
It was really powerful. And I know that there's a
big conversation happening about this right now, And just to
hear Reggie tell that story, it's wow. Because sometimes, look,
we go through so much every day that you get
to sensitize the things. You hear something. Here's something happened. Yeah, okay,
this is an awful thing that happened. Yeah, but I've
heard it for so long and it does and words
don't have the true impact that they really should, just
because we get we get that we're just sensitized to
violence due to a lot of different things. But to
hear Reggie tell that story, it's like it came through again,
clear and loud, and this is what happened, and this
is what we had to fight through, and this is
this is where, this is where the origins of the
game are and like he said, it's difficult for him
to come there because it stands for a lot of things,
stands for being able to play sports and be able
to move out and and and not have to worry
about being discriminated upon. But it's also the way out
was very difficult, and you had to go through things
like this, and you know, for major League Baseball to
take a night and to play here in rick Wood
Field knowing that this whole entire conversation is going to
come up. And some of it's going to be good. Hey,
great they're here, look what they're doing Oldest Field. But
you know what's gonna come out is the other part
of it. It's it's a healthy way to bring out
this part of the conversation. And Reggie Jackson certainly lit
it up early on with with saying what he did
it was really powerful.
Speaker 3 (15:00):
Yeah, Jason, I mean one of the big things we
talk about a lot is baseball and its history. I
taught a class on it many years ago. We had
Mini Minoso in and he sat there for three hours,
telling stories. Like the class was an hour and a half.
He was there three hours, and then anybody that was
still straggling. The guy that was supposed to take him
home was like, this is what he does. And before
it was done, it was four hours. I just sat
there sleeping.
Speaker 1 (15:25):
At the desk, well, your hat over, your eyes, arms folded,
while he's telling stories. Hey man, he's gonna talk to
you guys wild, don't disturb me. And he's sleep all
the way till the end.
Speaker 3 (15:34):
But like excitedly, you know. And and look, he told
some of those tales. And there's plenty of books that
have been written, and plenty for those that wanted to
go back into that history because you think about that bridge, right.
We talked about it earlier.
Speaker 1 (15:48):
In the week with Willie may As, We talked about
it with Hank Aaron and some of the other ballplayers
that you know, this isn't that far in the past.
Speaker 3 (15:57):
Reggie Jackson, that's nineteen sixty seven he's talking about. And
he named checked a bunch of guys that looked after
him on that team, by the way, Joe Rudy and
his wife, Rolly Fingers, Dave Duncan. He mentioned them on
multiple occasions about things that they would encounter where they
helped him get through and not give in to what
people were shouting and the situations they were in just
really powerful stuff all the way through. Truly encourage folks.
Give it the few minutes they're out there. In two
to four minute clips from the Fox pregame, it's absolutely
amazing stuff.
Speaker 1 (16:34):
Exit out about a Fresco exit swollen Dome. The Jason
Smith Show with Mike Carmon Live from the tirach dot
Com studios. Bottom eight still six five Cardinals over the
giants in the game at rick Woodfield. We'll have more
on this coming up. Tired of feeling a loan in
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there are no fees for job seekers. Visit expresspros dot
com to find the location nearest you. That's Expresspros dot Com. Well,
coming up next, a big day in the NBA. Finally
the Lakers have a head coach, and my bold prediction
from last night really didn't age well. All that more
coming up next right here, Jason and Mike Fox Sports Radio.
Speaker 2 (17:13):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Jason Smith
Show with Mike Harmon weekdays at ten pm Eastern seven
pm Pacific on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.
Speaker 3 (17:23):
Hey it's me Rob Parker.
Speaker 5 (17:26):
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Speaker 1 (17:54):
Not only is Ty Shirt playing the song, he's wearing
a Tears for Fierce Tea shirt tonight.
Speaker 3 (18:02):
He's all in.
Speaker 1 (18:02):
He's gonna be fired in five hours. Who wants his job?
I found that Ricky gave it to him. He's fired too. Smith,
Jason Smith show my best friend Mike Harman.
Speaker 3 (18:18):
Speaker 1 (18:19):
I like, dude, I walk in and you're wearing a
Tears of Fears T shirt. It's like, come on, man's purple.
You may will be wearing a Yankees T shirt when
when I come in, I want to wear it's purple. Yeah,
it's a purpleme on. He's embracing the Grimace era you're
gonna give him crap. No, oh no, No, that's exactly
what that is. He doesn't even know what grimm. He
doesn't go to McDonald, doesn't know what Grimace is. Idea,
he's a cultured man. He thinks he thinks Grimace is
a rapper. He doesn't even know. Like, there might be
a guy, you know, grim with an ssets a dollar sign,
right like grim as Grimmas.
Speaker 3 (18:51):
Yeah that's me.
Speaker 1 (18:51):
Good. Wait, I got a patent. That's a pretty good No.
I thought there's the stuff you put between tiling when
you do like a like a kitchen or you know,
that's that's Groudish. Yeah that was grim that's all right.
I wrote a book called Growding without Pouting one like that. Yeah.
But we're going to get to the Lakers hiring JJ
Redde coming up in a couple of minutes. But a
big trade went down today in the NBA, and it
kind of falls off of what we mentioned last night.
Come on, man, man, Mike, and I gave you our
picks for the NFL for the NBA Finals next year,
and I told you give me the Knicks and the
Thunder And I said why because both teams as good
as they are Knicks, Go New York, Go New York.
CO Go New York. But the Knicks and the Thunder
both have something in common. They both have money to spend,
They have contracts they can trade, and they have first
round picks that they can move as a result.
Speaker 3 (19:43):
Thunder Yeah six years.
Speaker 1 (19:47):
Yeah yeah, say they have five this year, seven, next year, eight,
the year after that. Yeah, they have the they have
the wherewithal to do that. And that's why I like
the Thunder. And the Thunder made their first move and
their offseason makeover today, a straight up trade of Josh
Giddy for Alex Caruso. Alex Caruso who, for some reason
trends on Twitter more than Lebron does. Alex Caruso trends
every single night. And this is a trade that goes
down you go, wow, Giddy's like like he's twenty one
and he's a really good player in Korea. Yeah, he's
a thirty year old role player. Wow, this trade, This trade. Honestly,
this is why I love this deal. This is a
deal where it can be the Bulls making a gangster
move for a twenty one year old kid that maybe
can be a superstar, and it's the Oklahoma City thunder going,
we got a guy that we have identified as one
of the missing pieces for us to get to the
NBA Finals and win. Even though Caruso's thirty years old,
He's gonna get a lot of money in he wants
an extension. The thunder said, they want him right. This
is why it works for both of them, because, yeah,
you can say, for Oklahoma City we gave up a
young player. Okay, you did, But the reason you're able
to trade Giddy is for a couple reasons. One, he
had the issues, the legal issues over the course the
last year, and the reports of the relationship with a
minor that went on and then kind of went away,
So you know, they're probably worried a little bit about
his decision making in the future. But mainly what happened
was there wasn't any room for him. You're like, why
did the Knicks make that big trade for Anonobian trade?
Not only are j Barrett but Emmanuel Quickly he's one
of the best point guards off the bench in the league,
one of the best six men of the year. Yeah, quickly,
he's a really good point guard. But with Jalen Brunson's ascension,
he's gonna play forty minutes a night. There's not a
lot of minutes out there, and Giddy's role with the
team got less and less as the season went on.
He wound up coming off the bench in the playoffs.
He had a down year compared to the year before.
So Oklahoma City's going okay, Yeah, he's really talented, but
there's no we don't have room for him. What we
need is a two way guard who's gonna give us
a little bit of offense. Two time defensive first All
first NBA Defensive Team in Alex Caruso, and I guarantee
you he's a guy. When the Thunder finished the season,
they wrote down three names on a chalkboard and said,
if we can get two of these guys, we're winning
the tamp We're going to the finals next year and
we're winning. And I guarantee you Alex Caruso's name was
on there, and that that hey, it's okay, we'll trade
you a young up and coming kid who's twenty one
that may have some star potential. We're okay with making
that move because he's one of the guys we identified.
And this is a big day from telling it's why
I picked them to go to the finals. I knew
they'd be able to improve. I didn't think the trade
would happen today. But hey, I made good things happen. Hey,
it's the Grimas era. I made good things happen for
the thunder Mike.
Speaker 3 (22:23):
Yeah. I mean. The biggest thing, you know, for me,
and then you know, I'll put my Chicago hat off
to the side here, is that you got a front
office that has really eliminated anybody that didn't come in
with them. They are down to two players that were
there upon arrival, but in Alex Crusoe and you mentioned
defensive Player of the year one first team won second
team top eleven vote getter for Defensive Player of the Year,
the back to back years, coming off a career high
scoring just over ten points per game, nearly what one
set one point seven one point eight steals per game
pretty much every year for the last four and Glue
Guy for Giddy, it's a question of all right, we
like you, but we're looking to push forward now. Our
window is now with this squad, and Kurtzo's gonna only
cost him. The rumor is about four years eighty million dollars,
which in today's NBA is nothing for a guy that's
gonna give you what he does on both ends of
the floor. Now, as for the Bulls full rebuild, you
basically have Kobe White and all expectation DeRozan signing somewhere
else depending what he wants to do monetarily, and might
have convinced him to show up in Los Angeles last
night while he was hanging out with everybody at the
Kendrick Lamar show. You've got Zach Lavine. They're talking to
half the league about trading him away. So pretty much
it's Kobe White and a giant question mark. As you
might as well have Riddler suits running around as it were,
because I mean, what the rest of that roster's gonna
look like. Who the hell knows. But you bring in
giddy twenty one years old, be matures from whatever's going on. However,
the levels of truth are in the off court stuff.
And as a player, right he brings a lot to
the table. Can't shoot for anything. He's one of those
guys that you have the I'll slump off and see
if he can hit the shot kind of guy at
this point in his career. So a lot to work
on in that regard, but certainly highly regarded. As he
entered the league a couple of years ago, scoring was
down to twelve to three a game. This year didn't
add a ton elsewhere. You're looking at about six rebounds,
about five assists, So he's a good passer. But it's
the Caruso losses in Chicago. I know it did not
go over very well, particularly because there weren't any of
those aforementioned nine hundred first round draft kicks associated That
was the biggest part of it, Jason, I mean to
be honest with you, it was the all right, it's
cruiser for giddy? How many picks did they get? And
all day it was refreshed and more and more, the
cacophony of voices out of Chicago going, what the hell
they have? All of these picks? They couldn't get a
damn one of them.
Speaker 1 (25:09):
Yeah, you think they could have got at least one,
simply because they know they're gonna pay Alex Caruso a
lot of money. Normally, when hey, we got him, we
know we gotta pay him. Hey guess what, well, you
know you got to give us something else. So yeah,
they probably could have gotten a first round pick, but
I think it when it when it came down to it,
looked as as as good a prospect as Getty might be. Uh,
he's still someone you kind of is he really gonna
be there? We know what Caruso is. We know he's
really good. Bottom line for the Bulls is that, hey,
you know they weren't Alex Caruso away from winning the title.
Like it's so it's time to break it up and
move on and know Zach Lavine is gonna be next.
They're gonna give him to the Lakers. You know that's
gonna happen. It's gonna Lakers. I mean, look, clearly, the
GM will give you anything you want. All you gotta
do is call he's Axiously. Operators are standing by.
Speaker 3 (25:58):
But but again it goes back to the trade deadline
and what we've been hearing about Cruso. And you joke
that he's been trending a lot, Well, he has, because
we've had little nuggets along the way of all these
different things that the Bulls were offered along the way
that they rebuffed, including multiple first round picks at one point,
like really, well, I.
Speaker 1 (26:19):
Bet well here's the other thing too, is I don't think.
Speaker 3 (26:22):
Now you're close to having to re sign this guy
and deciding on Giddy pretty fast.
Speaker 1 (26:26):
I don't think this deal came out of a vacuum though,
in which it was hey, here's the offer. These are
the only two teams that are talking. I bet you
Giddy had value around the league, and they were trying
to figure out exactly what they had to give up
and everything else, and the Bulls probably okay, you know,
you know, and the thunder going, okay, there's some interest.
He's a twenty one year old, and same thing interesting
in Alex Caruso as well. And I'm sure because it
gets to this way at the end of deals, it's okay,
you know what, let's not mess around. Let's time and
let's do the deal. Do we think that maybe we
could get a little bit more out of it, Yeah,
we probably could. But is this gonna screw us? So
they're gonna say, well, if you want a first round pick,
we gotta have something else. And then suddenly things get different.
Just give us gets three years from now, Well, we
don't care, put ahead and just pick on. But sometimes
I think teams get a little bit Hey, no, let's
not screw around. That's why I guarantee. He was a name.
This is the guy we gotta go get. I don't
care what else we do. This is a guy we
gotta get and we feel we can do it, and
we can give up. Get it great, let's do it.
But we could probably know, don't mess around, don't don't
don't make this something where suddenly they're gonna call us back.
Then they wind up talking to the seventy six ers
or they talk to the Lakers. No, we can do it,
let's do it right now. So yeah, I agree with
that they probably could, but I think in the end
it was this was the guy we really want. We
think Alex Caruso think about this. We think Alex Caruso
is a guy that's gonna get us to the NBA
Finals and probably win a championship. But think about what
he is.
Speaker 3 (27:53):
As an agitator, as a guard right the defensive side.
As much as we mock it oftentimes during the year,
how much have we talked about the last couple of weeks.
This guy plays defense sporadically. This guy he needs to
get yelled at, like in front of a camera by his.
Speaker 1 (28:09):
Coach to respond all those things. CRUs is just a
guy that goes. And you know, we watched him here
in Los Angeles. He became a folk hero. We watched him.
You know, I did a lot of games with the Bulls.
I mean he had his own little cheering sections or
whatever like that. He's just one of those glue guys.
And if you've got enough offense, which they do, and
you can add another guy that's going to frustrate the
hell out of opposing guards. I mean, think about You're
already thinking about him versus Jalen Brown next, next spring,
next summer. Right, I mean you're already advancing the narrative
to that next round, and you got a guy who
who's going to be able to give you those minutes
and get after it.
Speaker 3 (28:49):
So yeah, I guess I have to buy another Cruiser Jersey.
Speaker 1 (28:51):
I love this. I love this trade for both teams.
I love the Bulls know they have to start over
and the Thunder may have put themselves in the finals.
Speaker 3 (28:58):
So dude, we've been starting over since ninety that's true.
Speaker 1 (29:00):
Hey, Hey, Hey, welcome to Hey. The New York nick
slash New York Jet slash New York Mets have entered
the Chat Mike Harmon starting over since nineteen ninety eight.
That should be your slogan, Chicago Bulls starting over since
nineteen ninety eight. We had that one year with Derrick
Rose still hanging on to that, that one year, that
one magical year, what they call him the Diminutive Ruse.
When you got the Ruse, you got to the East
Finals and lost to the Heat. Yeah, it was hey
two thousand and seven.
Speaker 3 (29:28):
Yes, what a sweet time that was all those years.
Speaker 1 (29:31):
Time now for the Derek Rose of Fox Sports Radio,
because when he gets hurt, he doesn't come back until
he is good and ready MVP. It's Steve Desager with
what's trending in the wide world of sport.
Speaker 6 (29:40):
As soon as you said that comparison, my knee started hurting.
It's a final in Birmingham on Fox TV. The Saint
Louis Cardinals held on to beat San Francisco six to five.
Brendan Donovan of the Cards from Alabama had three hits,
three rbas, including a homer. The Lake Games in San
Diego top of the fourth inning Padres four to one
over the Brewers. Everything else was daytime, including the game
at Yankee Stadium, Baltimore over New York seventeen to five,
Anthony San Tender a three run homer. The O's have
homered in nineteen straight games. Aaron Judge did hit his
twenty seventh home run of the season. He did not
play last night after being hit by a pitch on
the hand.
Speaker 1 (30:20):
I think Al Bumbry actually homered for the Orioles and
that today.
Speaker 6 (30:24):
Yeah, well, Cedric Mullins did, so you're not that far off.
Dodgers five to three winners at Colorado, Shoheo Tani with
a leadoff homer, his twenty first of the season. Solo
shots for Will Smith and Freddie Freeman. Tampa Bay in
a ten inning game, won at Minnesota seven to six,
even though the Twins had tied it with four runs
bottom of the ninth on two homers. The Rays that
hit two homers top of the ninth wins for Arizona
and Cleveland. Wins for Kansas City and Houston, which won
at the White Sox five to three.
Speaker 3 (30:51):
Speaker 6 (30:52):
The White Sox record now twenty and fifty six. The
College World Series Finals start Saturday, best of three, number
one Tennessee against number four ranked Texas A and M.
The Copa America Soccer Tournament began tonight on FS one
Full House in Atlanta, Argentina two nothing winner over Canada.
The Americans opener is Sunday against Bolivia on Fox TV.
Mexico will place Saturday night on FS one against Jamaica.
This tournament is in the US this time, not South America,
with the games on Fox and FS one. And at
the Euro Soccer Tournament, Spain defeated Italy, won nothing, out
shooting him twenty to four. Denmark tied England one to one.
Serbia tied Slovenia won one today with a goal in
the final seconds the ninety fifth minute. Tomorrow on Fox
TV France versus Netherlands, three pm Eastern time. Stanley Cup
Game six is tomorrow WNBA wins for Chicago and New York.
The Lakers new head coach is JJ Reddick, with a
reported four year contract. He's been a TV analyst. He
retired as a player just three years ago and has
never coached in the league. Reddick averaged sixteen points a
game for the the La Clippers in four seasons with
them through twenty seventeen. The Bulls are reportedly trading guard
Alex Caruso to Oklahoma City for Josh Giddy trades cannot
be announced until July sixth.
Speaker 1 (32:12):
Back to you, thanks a bunch of Steve O the
Jason Smith Show with my best friend Mike Harmon. Now
look elsewhere, it said, let me just say this, I
want to admit my bold prediction that the Lakers would
be talking to Monti Williams today did not come true.
Speaker 3 (32:26):
All right, Well, I mean it was a good try.
I mean, I guess in the end, you know, they
really needed they finally decided they really needed to accelerate
that time.
Speaker 1 (32:33):
Well, they didn't look because as we said, yes as
I said yesterday, hey, if they really wanted JJ Reddick,
why haven't they hired the guy. Well, and they offered
him the job this morning and JJ Reddick took it.
So maybe Rob Polinka listens to the show. But if
they really had this in waiting the whole time, and
they said, well, we got to give the Celtics a
day or two, really the Lakers, Stephen at the Lakers
said that we got to give the Celtics a day. Really,
that's they said we got to give me.
Speaker 3 (32:58):
But they haven't had their parade, so it's still on
their time, mister hand. And yesterday was juneteenth, but look, belove,
show all of that and says, all right, let's go
Thursday morning.
Speaker 1 (33:08):
But let me let me just say this. Even though
my bold prediction was wrong, right, I got it wrong.
Do you think there wasn't even a check in with
Monny Williams after yesterday? Hey, many would you be interested?
Maybe it's hey, it's too soon. I just got let go.
I got sixty five million dollars coming to me. I
don't know, I can't you know, It's just I can't
do it right now. And the Lakers said we have
to move on, and Monny Williams said, I understand. Do
you think there wasn't at least a check in on
him to see what money was thinking the last twenty
four hours?
Speaker 3 (33:34):
I don't know what did What did the Seaton insiders
have to say about that check in?
Speaker 1 (33:39):
I think a little check in maybe to save a
little bit of face and my bull prediction. Maybe they
talked to him a little bit. It's that time ty
tiny conversation a little bit. But yes, JJ Redick is
the new head coach of the Lakers. Is it going
to matter? That answer? Coming up next right here, Jason
and Mike. This is Fox Sports Radio.
Speaker 2 (33:55):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Jason Smith
Show with Mike Harmon. He's at ten pm Eastern, seven
pm Pacific, Fox Sports Radio.
Speaker 1 (34:04):
The Jason Smith Show with My best friend Mike Harmon
Live from the tirag dot com studios. Where it took
a while El Dallions with Danny Hurley that didn't work out. No,
But now the Lakers have their head coach. According to
numerous reports, JJ Reddick, who we thought was gonna be
the head coach in the very beginning, is going to
be the new head coach of the Lakers, likely getting
a four year deal. He will come in to coach
Lebron and Ad And now the Lakers have their guy.
So you say to me, Jason, anything change what you
think with JJ Reddick and the Lakers and how they
got him. And I'm gonna tell you, no, he's not
gonna be terrible. He's not gonna be great. The Lakers
are gonna be the same, right, they're gonna. JJ Redick
is not gonna come in and and still a culture.
Right he comes in, he's Lebron's buddy. Lebron likes this
because this means he can kind of be the coach
to the team, right, Like if if the guy who's
my friend that was kind of my peer, but I
was way better than him. If he comes in coach,
that's kind of like me being able to coach the team.
So yeah, i'd like I'm sure Lebron likes that. In fact,
that's the one big positive here is that with the
Lakers hiring JJ Reddick, I am sure Lebron James is
going to stay. Whatever you hear, you're gonna hear very
very few things now about Lebron moving on and playing elsewhere.
This is a hire that I'm sure Lebron approves of
because he likes JJ Reddick and like I said, he
can now be the head coach at the same time.
So that's the one big positive is that this is
gonna keep Lebron in LA. But in the end, it's
really gonna be the same because Lebron and Ad are
gonna do whatever they want to and and Ad has
come in and kind of, you know, not falling unto
Lebron's spell, but they kind of both act towards coaching
the same way. They both knowing they've had enough with
a guy like Darvin Ham and talk about it after
a game. You know, they're not guys who are gonna
come in and set cultures themselves. They're gonna do their
own thing, and they're gonna expect everybody just fall in
line behind them and look, magically, we're gonna play for
a title. Like that's just kind of who they are.
So to think Reddick's gonna come in and you know
he's gonna come in with kind of a hard ass
mentality because that's kind of the guy he is. Is
that gonna work in the NBA? Probably not man, especially
when half the lead half the team is gonna say
I was a better player than you are. That's a
better player than you have, a better player. So it's
gonna be difficult for him to cut through. Not that
it's gonna be terrible, because he is a great basketball mind.
He does know, he does have the cachet of playing
with these guys. But for the Lakers to think it's
suddenly gonna be great, it's not gonna be great, it's
not gonna be terrible. They will kind of be the same.
I don't know that Reddick can get them to play
better defensively. There were other coaches out there to do that.
Money Williams could have done that, bring him back. Frank
Vogel could have done that. So that's gonna be the
big thing. But for the Lakers, I feel like, yeah,
they got Reddick. It's fun for us, it's great headlines.
It's gonna be fun for when Reddick and Lebron coach
the team. Who's the real coach here on the play?
Who's drawing up the play? But for the Lakers, it's
kind of gonna be where next year is gonna look
like this year, which looked a lot like last year,
which took a lot like the year before that.
Speaker 3 (36:58):
Meet the new new boss, same as the boss, get
a little who rhetoric as in a little townshend, then
a Dualtrey while we're at it, and don't forget the
old ocks there. But yeah, it's the I'm curious right.
Obviously a long, long tenured guy, well respected for his opinions.
And since he doesn't actually have to defend anybody, he's
just telling you how to defend. He's telling you what
to do and run in plays. I think that's okay, right,
saying hey, I once cooked you and scored thirty on you.
It don't matter now I'm the guy in the suit
and tie. If he's gonna wear a suit, die, he
may be in, you know, a sweatsuit before it's all
he maybe look like George Raveling running around before it's
all said and done. But the point is that you've
got Lebron now the meetings with Anthony Davis and trying
to make sure that everything's cool there, because there were
reports that maybe Davis wasn't so excitable about him coming
in and would have preferred Barego or one of these
other candidates. Sam Cassell whose name keeps floating out as
a would be assistant, Scottie Brooks, Rajon Rondo, Jared Dudley
some of the names I've seen in multiple articles. So
curious as to how that staff rounds out Jason. But
for the moment, you know, you get a couple of
years with Lebron and then they decide are you the
guy to lead into the next generation or do they
cut you off a fat check to go away too?
Speaker 1 (38:21):
I mean, I really want all the huddles micd up
so we jj Redick saying Okay, here's we're gonna do.
Where you get the bullet gunna io play for a
d Lebron, You come off ball and that's where and
Lebron says, nah, coach, what if we did this? What
if you ran the io play for me and ad
was on the block and I could either do a
give and go or run some kind of play where
I could either take it to the hoop or I
could pass to a D. Yeah, yeah, we'll do that,
all right, let's do that. Let's do that.
Speaker 3 (38:47):
You mean that's shaking off, shaking his head thing like
you did with Darvin Ham a few times. Towards the end.
Speaker 1 (38:52):
It's gonna get to the players, gonna be like star Lord,
see but your plan sucks, So let me do the
plan and it's gonna wind up being good.
Speaker 3 (39:00):
Look at that you got, Praddy.
Speaker 1 (39:02):
I can't really, I can't like how many times Lebron
gonna have his arm on JJ reddick shoulders while he's
trying to tell him something like yeah, yeah, yeah, thanks, JJ,
don't worry whatever you tell me. I was gonna tell
the guys whenever I feel like we get out on
the court, it's okay, I'm playing coach now.
Speaker 3 (39:15):
It's truly an interesting experiment. There's no question about that, right.
I see people deride it. I don't know if he's
going to be a good coach, if he's going to
be terrible. I know, there's not a lot they can
do with the roster unless folks want to come there
on a bargain basement discount right in terms of applying,
because you don't really have a bunch of trade assets.
You just don't. So how do you run it back?
Keep these guys healthy and try to make another run
in a loaded Western conference? I mean, the decks stacked
against him, even independent of what his name actually was
or his resume. For those that want to do all
the counting of how many years he's a coach or not.
Lots of folks fall into jobs that don't necessarily match
up with their degrees, even if they hundreds of thousands
of dollars to do it. This guy got paid millions
of dollars to be a basketball player. He might know something.
Speaker 1 (40:07):
Hey, Lebron, we're gonna get a time out. No no, no,
no time out, No time out. Okay, no timeout, keep going,
keep going, but I really want to time out.
Speaker 3 (40:14):
Okay, okay, time.
Speaker 1 (40:15):
No time that's fine, that's fine. Oh it's gonna be awesome,
fantastic coming up next, An NFL story I never thought
we'd do, but oh boy, do we have to do it.
That's next right here, Jason and Mike Fox Sports Radio
is grimace in the MNFL now