All Episodes

June 15, 2024 40 mins

Jason explains that if the NBA/TNT crew stays together somewhat; the best choice to replace Charles Barkley full-time is Candace Parker. And Jason and Mike give you their big takeaways from Game 4 of The Finals.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Thanks for listening to The Jason Smith Show with Mike
Harmon podcast. Be sure to catch us live every weeknight
ten pm to two am Eastern seven to eleven pm
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Speaker 2 (00:22):
Please give this you're listening to Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 1 (00:29):
Hello, Welcome inside final hour tonight of The Jason Smith
Show with my best friend Mike Harmon. Yehah, live from
the tirag dot com studios tirack dot com.

Speaker 2 (00:37):
I hope you get there.

Speaker 1 (00:38):
An unmatched selection fast free shipping, free road as a
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Speaker 2 (00:45):
Tirack dot com. The way tire buying.

Speaker 1 (00:47):
Should be so big news. We had big breaking news earlier. Yeah,
on ago, beat the Bigjesus out of the Will Celtics. Yeah,
you know it's crazy coming in coming in tonight. If
someone said to me after Game four, the NBA Finals
will be the third biggest basketball story, I would have said, Okay.
Obviously the game's will blowout and the Mavericks win, So okay,

I had won, I would say, well, number two story,
the Lakers hired somebody to be their head coach, finalized
thing sure, and Lebron made a decision about where he's
gonna play. That would have been fun, But I did
not have on my bingo card. Klay Thompson unfollowing the
Warriors on Instagram and taking away all of his Warrior content,

which tells you how upset he is with the team,
and likely this means he's gone, but the biggest story
clearly At about midnight on NBA TV, Charles Barkley said.

Speaker 2 (01:46):
That he is hanging up.

Speaker 1 (01:47):
He will no longer be on anybody's television after next year,
making his retirement officials.

Speaker 3 (01:54):
I want to say this because you guys in my family.
I really love TNT, all the people who work here
NBA Television. You guys been great to me for twenty
four years, and I just want to say thank you
to my entire NBA family. I love you guys. You
know there's been a lot of noise around our network
the last few months, and I just want to say

I've talked to all the other networks, but I ain't
going nowhere other than TNT. But I have made the
decision myself. No matter what happens, next year is going
to be my last year on television, and I just
want to say thank you to my NBA family. You

guys been great to me. My heart is full with
joy and gratitude, but I'm on past the time. At
the end of next year. I hope the NBA stays
with TNT, but for me personally, I wanted you guys
to hear from me because I'm not doing any more interviews.
Don't y'all be calling me. Nobody calling me. I'm not
talking about this again, but I want to tell my

NBA and NBA TV and TNT family that I'm not
going to another network. But I'm gonna pass baton to
either Jamal Crawford or Vince Carter or you, Steve. But
next year I'm gonna just retire after twenty five years,
and I just wanted to say thank you, and I
wanted you all to hear from me first.

Speaker 2 (03:21):
So there's Barkley earlier tonight.

Speaker 1 (03:23):
This is about an hour or so old, saying next
year is last year, and then so I'm gonna pass
the baton to either Steve Smith or Vince Carter Jamal Crawford,
let's talk about that now, because look, we'll get back
into Barkley.

Speaker 2 (03:37):
Is this a real retirement.

Speaker 1 (03:39):
Is he standing up for the rest of his NBA
on TNT crew and saying, hey, nothing's worked so far
as far as what the future of this show is
gonna be because the TNT could be losing the NBA
and maybe I'm trying to get something for me the
crew in front and behind the camera well hiring say
it has a leverage play. Hey, Adam Silver, it's time
to actually be a leader, yeah, and figure us out

and do the right thing. So this could be a
leverage play for and again a leverage play friend to
take care of everybody, because he's been very vocal in
wanting to keep everybody going. He's talked about that a lot,
so this could be not for him saying oh I
need thirty million dollars, no, but him. He's been very
vocal about the crew that he works with and the
guys behind the scenes, the women behind the scenes that

work there, So this could be a leverage play there.
It's also a year from now, a lot can change. Well,
but that's the thing. Stuff change for Tom Brady's said
what if how much things changed in six weeks?

Speaker 2 (04:30):
What if?

Speaker 1 (04:31):
Yeah, that was percolating in the background the whole time,
the whole rights issue, and then all of a sudden
it became front page New Yes, what if they keep
the NBA? What if T and T keeps him? He's
always said I don't want to go too long. But
he's still having fun. He's still enjoying it, and and
a lot can have doesn't mean it's going to But
when you say next year is my last year, you're
saying I'm retiring, But you know I'm reserving the right

to change. It's not that big a deal. So again,
but if it's real he's walking away, how would you
replace Charles Barkley? Well, the first thing is you can't
really replace Charles.

Speaker 2 (05:07):
That's okay.

Speaker 1 (05:07):
I got twenty four years, Hey, listening all sorts of
English words we got, we got holograms. We can use Charles.
That's okay. We still have Charles Barkley. Now have to
pay him about seeing those animatronics they're they're building in China.

Speaker 2 (05:20):
We can get one of those. Man gets custom Chuck.

Speaker 1 (05:23):
Well, wait a minute, we feel one of the bodies
from the Hall of presidents down in Disneyland and.

Speaker 2 (05:27):
Refurbish it to look like Charles Barkley. Let's go, well,
wait a minute, So you're not gonna pay me anything? Nope,
because Ai Barkley doesn't need money. We're all good, Oh,
we gotta pay him for his name image and like this. Yeah,
but do you maybe not? Maybe maybe you don't. I
don't know, you know, it depends.

Speaker 1 (05:42):
Scarlett Johanson's gonna have a lot to say about it.
I think she's gonna keep fighting that she did before.

Speaker 2 (05:47):
You're looking at.

Speaker 1 (05:48):
What would Let's just say for argument's sake, the show
stays together, right, because if if people go different places,
but if you're talking about the NBA on TNT stays
together in some form, right, whether Ernie goes or not
with t and keeps it, Shaq and Kenny and everything else.
Who replaces Charles Barkley full time because they have a
roster of people that they could that they could throw in.

I'll tell you this, It's not gonna be anybody that
Charles Barkley said. Because if you're looking at what the
best camaraderie is going find, there's a lot that goes
into this is the first thing that would happened is
Shaq would become the focus of the show because Shaq
is where Charles was when he retired. Maybe a little
bit further along because Shack hasn't played in a few years.

But Shaq and Charles have kind of become the co
leads of the show. And you have seen Shaq be
able to make a lot of news and people respect him.
He's someone that the athletes talk to, even when he
gets stuff wrong. Sorry, I wasn't familiar with your game.
Shaq would slide over and be the star of the
show right now, Not that he would actually physically move
and say where Charles's at, but he would be. He
would become the star of the show because he has

that relevancy still to fans, and it doesn't matter what
you've seen him play or if you just remember the
end of his career, he still has that cash and
everybody knows him if nothing else. You know him from general, right,
you know, you know and shocked in a fool, right,
you know, and and the millions and millions of.

Speaker 2 (07:07):
Businesses in general never said shuck no not I mean,
you know how long you know hop that icy hot?
Do you know how long it told me. It took
me to realize that the General wasn't like a local
commercial in Los Angeles like it was.

Speaker 1 (07:20):
It's so low, it's so low, slowly done. Here's just this,
this animatronic thing in shack is selling it. I'm like,
is this some local LA business? That's why Chicago ads
like they were purely Chicago. The General man insurance and
all of that stuff. Yeah, no, I have low rates
for you. So who to replace or to step in

and and be on the show? And and this is
there's one person that comes to mind for me that
fits exactly where basketball is going, and more importantly, who
can slide in and stand out but still be part
of the team.

Speaker 2 (07:56):
Lebron jar that's the whole thing. Well, he's not retired.

Speaker 1 (07:59):
He's not gonna turn away fifty million dollars in the
next couple of years, because Draymond Green will be the
first guy you would think of. But Draymond's not gonna
turn away twenty five million for the next two or
three years because he's getting paid for money now. He
also is not somebody that would come in and play
along like he's not. It's difficult seeing him being part
of the group. Where you could tell Charles and Shaq

and Kenny, they all really enjoy hanging out with each other,
their friends.

Speaker 2 (08:24):
They needle each other.

Speaker 1 (08:25):
That's why the chemistry of the NBAAT and T crew
is unmatched, because you could tell they genuinely like each other.
There's never been any sort of problems between the guys.
They have other people come in and come and go
and come and go, but the guys, you could tell
they love working with each other. They genuinely have a
good time and they respect each other. So Draymond Green
suddenly coming in with my podcast and this and on
this and all my hot takes, is that gonna be

something that's gonna that's gonna play.

Speaker 2 (08:48):
So he would be he would be a tough fan.

Speaker 1 (08:50):
Well, it's that guy where you're trying to figure out
that bridge, right, because all these guys are long retired.

Speaker 2 (08:54):
So they did their grind and now it's all right.

Speaker 1 (08:58):
We're sitting in in our verbial rocking shares and we're
watching the game that we once played and commenting on
it Versus Draymond who's still they're in it, or he
will be very freshly out of said game. He's a
guy that says when he's done, ESPN is going to
hire and pay a ton of money to and he's
gonna be a big hot take artist for him.

Speaker 2 (09:17):
That's what's gonna happen or Fox, you.

Speaker 1 (09:19):
Know, right, but by uh now listen to podcast. Dwayne
Wade would be a name that you would think, but
Dwayne Wade is not. Dwayne Wade is not quite the Hey,
here's a big star power going and I know TNT
loves him, but he Oh, it's a game show. But
the fit because not only do I like this for

what it would mean for the camaraderie, but where basketball
is going full time on the set with them. Candas Parker, right,
she just retired from the WNBA, had a baby. Congratulations
Candas Parker, Uh, retiring from the w NBA.

Speaker 2 (09:57):
So now she's here full time. She's able to she's
able to do it.

Speaker 1 (10:01):
Her back and forth with Shaq is really fun, Like
when they've done postgame together, it's really fun. She can
hold her own with Shaq. She gives a different perspective
on the game, she can play along. She seems part
of the group, and she would fit in pretty well.
And now you're talking about a time in basketball where
women's basketball is exploding because of Caitlin Clark WNBA. She

comes in and gives a women's perspective on the game.
They can talk more about the women who are gonna
be big stars of the game, and it's and to
have a woman's voice on the show, I think is
a pretty cool thing. So you could sit here and say, Okay,
Jamal Crafford, these guys, I feel like, yeah, those guys
would be great, But you want somebody that's going to
give you a different perspective and stand up and say, wow,
this Hey, this is something a little bit different, and

it's something that we haven't quite seen before full time
Candace Parker because the assimilation wouldn't be a big deal
because she's already there. She knows the God, she has
great chemistry with them already. And I mean having someone
having a woman to be able to talk women's bat
basketball but doesn't have to be obviously, she.

Speaker 2 (11:02):
Doesn't have to stuff.

Speaker 1 (11:03):
Well, if you're doing NBA's pretty good. I don't know
how much you're you're drifting into.

Speaker 2 (11:09):
Well, they're going to talk about Kaylyn Clark. They're going
to talk about Kaitlyn Clark.

Speaker 1 (11:12):
They're going to talk about different things, but just to
have because of the women's because of the popularity of
the women's sport, to turn on and see a woman
being a big lead analyst on this show that's been
a legendary show for twenty five years.

Speaker 2 (11:24):
But it's been all.

Speaker 1 (11:25):
Dudes for twenty five years, right, all dudes here she is.
To see her on now for the for what's next
for the level of basketball. I think that's a pretty
cool thing, and I think Barnaby fit pretty good. How
are you trying to program it right in terms of,
you know, your outreach? What's the show become right? Because
it would with Barkley gone become the next generation. So

if it becomes a more encompassing thing about basketball as
a whole, and you're carving out those kind of things
where she can speak to the players that she played
against or played with and the league as it's growing.
And again, a lot of that goes back to rights holding, right,
where are the rights? How much of the rights do
they have? Because in a lot of cases, how many

times do you see the big networks really not pay
a whole hell of a lot of attention to stuff
They don't pay the hundreds of millions of dollars and
rights to I had no issue with kandas Parker in
the seat. I think Draymond would like to try to
keep the day in the dynamic that you've had. He's
the guy that you know, keeps it moving, Dwayne Wade,
he's pretty chill, right, He's not gonna do the Charles

and Shack fire up, so all of it's going to
have a different tone and ten or two. So now
it just becomes the you know what, what's the best sell,
what's the next iteration? And the Kandas Parker. She's great,
there's no question about it. It's all just trying to
figure out what that dynamic becomes the full time basis.
You know, can you have the same for lack of

a better term, jocularity right, all of that kind of thing.
And the answer is that I don't know what it becomes, right,
just thinking of any dynamical different it really it's not
the same show, right, but now you're somebody else has
to be. But now you're programming a new show, so
you're deciding, all right, do they have enough chemistry history whatever?

Speaker 2 (13:16):
The push?

Speaker 1 (13:17):
I would think she's the quote big enough name right
because that's the other part of all of this, right,
the argument, Look, hey, in two years, if Lebron says
I'm done and want to be on, guess what Lebron
can fire anybody wants to.

Speaker 2 (13:29):
He'll be on.

Speaker 1 (13:31):
With her history, with her CV, I mean, certainly, you know,
the playing career whatever, She's got stories for days, and
it's new stories that this audience will not have heard.
So seeing Shack and other people respond to it and
America as a whole, sure, there's a lot of fun
to be had. There potentially a lot of chaos to

be heady, you know. And the thing is, it's it's
kind of a situation where sometimes you have to kind
of ride the ride the edge of the road a
little bit, in which, Okay, you don't want something completely
and totally new, because you know, but you don't want
something that's absolutely the same.

Speaker 2 (14:08):
How do we do that?

Speaker 1 (14:09):
How do we make it a little bit different but
it's still enough of the same where it appeals to everybody.
She's already been there, She's already it's a different perspective,
it's enough of a different, but it's also we've seen
her on so it's some of the same and maybe
This makes the NBA TNT crew a little bit bigger,
where hey, okay, well Cannis is going to be on
here now and still we're going to get on postgame

Jamal Crawford or Steve Smith or whoever was. We'll get those
guys and maybe in a couple of years, Dwayne Wade
will come on or Lebron. Maybe Lebron and Wade will
come on as a package deal and Wade is waiting
for Lebron to do it, and that's what happens in
two or three years. So it is always going to
be that constant evolving. But to kind of do both
of those things to make it a little bit new,
but to keep it the same and give something. Cannis

Parker fits right there. It's all about trying to figure
out how to get new people at your party. You know.

Speaker 2 (14:55):
The thing the WNBA has been struggling with so much.

Speaker 1 (14:58):
Exit out about a Fresco exit, Swollen home again, Charles
Barkley announcing that next year his last on television. Well
coming up next, speaking of the NBA, we did have
an NBA Finals game tonight. We didn't What is the
big takeaway Following the Mavericks win in game four.

Speaker 2 (15:15):
We'll tell you next. Jason and Mike. This is Fox
Sports Radio. Be sure to catch live editions of The
Jason Smith Show with Mike harmon weekdays at ten pm
Eastern seven pm Pacific on Fox Sports Radio and the
iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 4 (15:30):
Hey, we're Cavino and Rich Fox Sports Radio every day
five to seven pm Eastern. But here's the thing. We
never have enough time to get to everything we want
to get to.

Speaker 5 (15:39):
And that's why we have a brand new podcast called
over Promised. You see, we're having so much fun in
our two hour show. We never get to everything, honestly
because this guy the over promising things we never have
time for.

Speaker 2 (15:52):
Yeah, you blobber list Jam and me. Well you know
what it's called over promise.

Speaker 4 (15:55):
You should be good at it because you've been over
promising women for years.

Speaker 5 (15:58):
Well, it's a Cavino and Rich after and we want
you to be a part of it. We're gonna be
talking sports, of course, but we're also gonna talk life
and relationships. And if Rich and I are arguing about
something or we didn't have enough time, it will continue.

Speaker 2 (16:09):
On our after show called over Promised.

Speaker 4 (16:11):
Well, if you don't get enough Covino and Rich make
sure you check out Over Promised and also Uncensored, by
the way, so maybe we'll go at it even a
little harder. It's gonna be the best after show podcast
of all time.

Speaker 5 (16:22):
There you go, over Promising. Remember you could see on YouTube,
but definitely join us. Listen to over Promised with Cavino
and Rich on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts or wherever
you get your podcasts.

Speaker 2 (16:33):
Mets beat the Padres two to one. Edwin dis closed
it out for the Medicine None.

Speaker 1 (16:38):
Nine Fox Sports Radio, The Jason Smith Show with my
best friend Mike Harson.

Speaker 2 (16:45):
Yeah, when Shoto's still running the first face he could
be come out to that trumpet.

Speaker 1 (16:50):
Dude now stillers again, Light Show, everything else. Hey Mets
only two games out of the playoffs. Boy, everybody can
contended major League Baseball.

Speaker 2 (17:02):
Not me. Oh no, no, no, you're you're historically bad.
You're not just bad.

Speaker 1 (17:06):
You are. But like I always say, anything worth doing
is worth doing, right, You're not just a bad team
the White Socks. You're like the like maybe the worst
we've seen since what the Tigers? Yeah two or something
like that.

Speaker 2 (17:17):

Speaker 1 (17:17):
I think, oh yeah, But it comes back to the saying, Look,
if you're gonna fail at anything, yeah, fail spectacular. Don't
just be you know, a a jag failure team.

Speaker 2 (17:26):
They'll be in all time. There was someone sent me
a notice one of the kids.

Speaker 1 (17:30):
I think about something, some kind of death, going wow,
this is awful. I go, yeah, but it's better than
just the old He died of a heart attack.

Speaker 6 (17:38):
I don't know.

Speaker 1 (17:39):
I don't know, man, if I get into the the
what kind of death of you're saying? Was he bit
by a snake? Was he bit by a shark? Okay, well, I.

Speaker 2 (17:49):
Mean everybody's gonna remember you're passing. Yeah, but how much
do you remember? I don't know.

Speaker 1 (17:53):
Not you, I mean you're dead, it doesn't matter. Yeah,
but for the people that.

Speaker 2 (17:57):
You die thing. Yeah, but it's better than is it? Yeah,
you're done. We don't know about that. Man.

Speaker 1 (18:04):
Look, if is the last thing you want to see
is a great white sharks coming at you with its
mouth open.

Speaker 2 (18:09):
I kind of go in wait to spoil johns wait
and end here. How about that spoiler alert? What do
you know?

Speaker 1 (18:15):
The Jason Smith Show with my best friend Mike Carmen
Live from the tirech dot Com Studios. We'll have more
on Charles Barkley's retirement coming up in a couple but
first it's time to honor the Expressive pros Pro of
the week. Let Express Employment Professionals help hire your next pro.
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dot com to find the location near you. That is
expresspros dot Com. When your back is to the wall
and you come up with a huge effort, especially after
people questioned you following Game three, Luka Doncic, you get
to be the Express pros Pro of the week Now
Luca has it against Howser at the right wing along
the right sideline to the.

Speaker 2 (18:56):
Right face line god fire quoats at home.

Speaker 1 (19:00):
He just kept the triple line until he got all
the way home. Man's Radio Network on the call, it
is Luka Doncic, your Express pros Pro of the week.
He came out like a house of fire tonight for
the Mavericks as they blow out the Celtics one twenty
two to eighty four. Luca on the night twenty nine
points on twelve to twenty six shooting. Just think how impressive.

It would have looked if he actually hit a three
and didn't go oh for eight. Well, you know, he
was still plus thirty on the night. All of those things.
I really thought it was gonna be Manny Machado. Oh, well,
you know, we'll get to Mandy Machada.

Speaker 2 (19:32):
We'll get to me.

Speaker 1 (19:32):
I thought maybe he was gonna rest the title away
from Luca, But no, a huge jeffort, Luca hugging everybody
on the way out of the arena, celebrating the hell
out of every made shot, and he came out like
a house of fire, all those step back jumpers going down,
and you just saw a different energy, a desperation. All
of those cliches that we use, they actually had a

bit of that. And from the Celtics side, yeah, they're like,
we got three more shots. Yeah, we can take them
any time we want.

Speaker 2 (20:01):
Just like Manny, We're in no rush to get through it.
That's right. We can get there any time we want to.

Speaker 1 (20:07):
Look, let's let's give you the big takeaway from tonight's game.

Speaker 2 (20:11):
Obviously, the Mavericks.

Speaker 1 (20:14):
They were the team that came out with a big
run early, and the Celtics put it away and said Okay,
we're packing up.

Speaker 2 (20:19):
We'll see on Monday. In Boston.

Speaker 1 (20:21):
Now, watching the first quarter of this game, when the
Celtics decided it's done, I would.

Speaker 2 (20:26):
Bet you this.

Speaker 1 (20:27):
The Celtics came out saying, all right, if the Mavericks
come out looking flat like they're accepting the.

Speaker 2 (20:34):
Reality that they're losing the.

Speaker 1 (20:35):
Finals, hey we'll give you a big efforts tonight and
try to win the finals. But if they come out
mad and Luca comes out shooting, and they come out
looking like they want one last win at home, then
we're gonna put it away early and we're gonna get
ready to go back on Monday and win in front
of our fans. Despite the fact they had a chance
to do something no one's ever done, and that sweep
the conference finals and sweep the NBA finals. But that's

clearly what it was because the Mavericks, they were more physical,
they were doing everything better. This was not the same
Celtics team. They clearly, hey, we're not going to go
crazy to try to.

Speaker 2 (21:07):
Win this game.

Speaker 1 (21:07):
We did we wanted to do. We won one out
of two. We have three chances to win the title.
Two at our place. We're more than happy. But The
big takeaway from this for me is you feel better.
The Mavericks feel better, the NBA feels better. You feel
better about Luka Doncic coming off of this game than
you would have if the Mavericks had just laid down

Celtics win the title because all the questions for Luca
coming off of Game three, in which all his worst
traits were on display. When he decides I'm going to
take over a game and take he checked shots, and
when he did that in the first quarter and let
the Celtics back in Game three, I'm going to complain
to the officials for every call when the ball is
going the other way up the floor, I'm going to

continue to complain, which is a big thing about my
career and what I've been told. Stop complaining for every
single call, especially the fact that Luca pushes off every
time and he still plains about calls. Don't try to
go in and just try to get contact and get
to the free throw line. You're not gonna get that.
The Celtics are more physical than you are, and Luca
just has not shown that maturity. And that's what you

want to see from him, is to understand that if
I'm gonna win an NBA title.

Speaker 2 (22:16):
You need to be mature.

Speaker 1 (22:17):
You don't just show up and say, hey, I'm a
twenty two year old ki I'm gonna lead you to
a championship. It doesn't happen to Jordan till he was
twenty nine years old. Took Lebron James a long time.
You don't just show up and say, hey, here, I
am winning a title. And you had those questions about
Luca following Game three. What happened in the ensuing thirty
six ish hours. He apologized for his conduct at the

end of game three, apologize for fouling out of the game,
for making bad decisions during the game like he did.
And he showed up tonight and he had fun and
he controlled the game. He didn't complain to the officials.
He did what he does best, and that's create space,
score a couple of big assists, a couple of big
alley oops. This was the Luka Donsich you were hoping
to see, the Mavericks, hoping to see. So now going forward,

it's too late because obviously you're down three zip. Game
three was the game you wanted Luca to get it
in because now you still have a series, But at
least going forward, you are confident that maybe he's growing
up a little bit and he understands the.

Speaker 2 (23:15):
Chance that he gave away during Game three.

Speaker 1 (23:18):
And now, okay, I get a little bit more of
what it means to win a championship, And any team
that has Luca donsich On, you're gonna be a championship
quote favorite every season because of how good the guy is.
So that's the big takeaway for me, is that I
feel better about his future, that he's a guy you
can build around, that has matured, that understands how to
lead to what he needs to do and not do

to win a game, win a championship. Whereas if we
didn't get it in this game, all the questions would
linger off into the offseason.

Speaker 2 (23:46):
What can you do? Do you need to bring.

Speaker 1 (23:47):
Somebody else in who can be a leader, somebody else
in that Lucas gonna listen to more. And because Maverick's
apparently been trying to tell him, Hey, this is what
we want you to do, and you got to do
this a little bit better, Like, there's a lot less
questions Mavericks would have about him.

Speaker 2 (24:01):
Now going into the off season. I don't know that
they all go away.

Speaker 1 (24:05):
I mean, you're hopeful that you had is that Luca
had has come to Jesus moment in the you know,
the fact that you had an insider who doesn't say anything,
who clearly was a plant or a puppet from someone
in the organization.

Speaker 2 (24:20):
Hey, you know, say the quiet part out loud.

Speaker 1 (24:22):
Will feed your stuff about when we get into free
agency and the trade market, whatever the case may be.
Allegedly allegedly, but yeah, you're hopeful that maybe he did it.
And look sitting down and doing an interview with who
is it, Malika Andrews, and what is he going to say?

Speaker 2 (24:40):

Speaker 1 (24:40):
No, I was fine, No, he's gonna go and he's
gonna be contrite and he's going to say all the
right things. And for this night, he also was helped
by the fact that they're down three to nothing, so
that the Celtics could have flipped on full on kill switch.
But how many times do we see teams really do
that with regularity? And this Celtics team, what was the

big knock on them for the last couple of years. Yeah,
they're gonna give you a game to get back in. Well,
here was here was your opportunity you did it. Take
nothing away from what Luca did today. It's fantastic. It's
right now an outlier of a six year career. It's
an outlier. And you've got some other roster moves you're
gonna have to make this offseason. You're gonna have to

find a more consistent number three option.

Speaker 2 (25:25):
I like PJ.

Speaker 1 (25:25):
Washington, but I think there's still need just a little
bit more. Do you think we need one more? Go
full Ocean's eleven on this, but for Luca, Yeah, he
is only gonna be twenty six years old. He's still
on a grand scheme because we keep doing this with
the NFL. Hey, look at these guys coming into the league.
That guy's twenty five, that guy's played three years. He's
not yet twenty five.

Speaker 2 (25:45):
What the hell?

Speaker 1 (25:45):
So Luca, it's a lot of experience and a lot
of international ball and all the stuff that he's been
able to do for years. On this stage it doesn't work.
And trying to draw falls and being all the historyonics
and falling in of the stanchion and all of that stuff.
I mean, that's the this is your life kind of
moment for him.

Speaker 2 (26:05):
Out of Game.

Speaker 1 (26:06):
Three, and they're gonna keep thing and if he were
on the court for those four minutes, Pal, if you
were on and hopefully that's the thing that stays in
his head and makes him a better leader and makes him,
you know, grow up as it were.

Speaker 2 (26:19):
But right now we're just selling Hope well.

Speaker 1 (26:21):
Because a lot of his mistakes come from his emotions
and everything you saw in Game three. Why did he
commit that sixth foul? Because he was emotional because he
had two plays where he could have either cut the
lead to one or tied the game, and Jason Tatum
beat him up and he miss shots. He's emotional, so
he makes a bad decision to jump in front of

Jalen Brown. What about his second foul of the game
in the third quarter, ninety feet from the basket, he attacks
Derek White.

Speaker 2 (26:48):
Dude, that's a foul. What do you do?

Speaker 1 (26:49):
Just saying that doesn't get figured right, just because but
because Windy started pointing his fingers like he had six
shooters and yelling at But you want him to come
around to that. You don't want it to be something
where we're forcing it on you, because then you don't understand.
You always come around to change when you accept it.
And the fact that you saw a different kind of
Luca tonight makes me think he's going to accept it.

It's not an overnight thing. But now I have a
lot less questions about the future and Luca to okay.
He seems like he's figuring that part of it out.
Every star gets to a point in their career where
they make a decision where where it either their career
goes one way and they just kind of keep doing
what they're doing until they can't play, or they find
a way to really ramp it up a notch. Right,

Shaq got that point where he says, I need to
go win a championship.

Speaker 2 (27:37):
It's my Hamburger. Ramp it up.

Speaker 1 (27:40):
Yeah, James Harden had to understand do I keep being
the score or do I try to evolve and be
a better point guard? And he turned one of the
best point guards in the game, not just a great
shooting guard. All great players have that moment and all
great radios have that moment too, when you decided I
want to.

Speaker 2 (27:54):
Be the sports hamburglar. You know that's the thing. It
either propels me or done exactly. Just keep buying Hamburger.
You know we run in place. You need that, you
need the mask, and you need the you need the cape.

Speaker 1 (28:06):
No, I have the the Thunderlips Cape. Okay, well don't
we know you need the Hamburger.

Speaker 2 (28:11):

Speaker 1 (28:12):
I mean it's a whole thing. It's Hamburglary's. You know,
he's stealing your burgers. And now I've gotta give me
the push that another level I can't like, you know,
like we're not just.

Speaker 2 (28:20):
Recreating inside the NBA and T n T.

Speaker 1 (28:23):
We're evolving the Thunderlips game, the ultimate male. Uh no,
you gotta go full. You gotta go full Hamburger. If
you're gonna embrace, you go full Hamburglar. Well that's what
inspired by. Okay, so a true story. So look again,
much better place for Luca here going into the future

than it was before tonight coming off of Game three.

Speaker 2 (28:45):
As bad as it was, now a little bit better
now to a guy who.

Speaker 1 (28:49):
Actually says he's the real mayor mccheese, whoa of Fox
Sports Radio.

Speaker 6 (28:54):
It's Steve the Sager who has what's trending. It's really
just a celebratory position. It's not elected. It's kind of
like the King of England.

Speaker 1 (29:02):
Oh okay, so you just kind of show up and
and sign autographs and meet people.

Speaker 6 (29:07):

Speaker 1 (29:08):
Meanwhile, he's trying to create international disputes.

Speaker 2 (29:10):
Here's no legislation you're able to do. Okay, but you know,
I'm not Johnny Hustle.

Speaker 6 (29:15):
So don't expecting anything like that.

Speaker 2 (29:18):
Mayor mccheese's. Look, it's largely ceremonial. Okay, Just so.

Speaker 6 (29:22):
Yeah, and you know after eating so much McDonald's, he's
he's not us like at this point, let's.

Speaker 1 (29:27):
Be mce your safe word, Jason, No, listen, Grimace is
my guy because he's pitching the eighth inning for the
Mets tomorrow.

Speaker 2 (29:36):
The Mets are undefeated since Grimma showed up. Oh by
the way, just so.

Speaker 6 (29:38):
You know what's the story here. You talked about this
last night. Yeah, Grimma showed up. He threw the first pitch. Yeah, yeah,
through the first.

Speaker 1 (29:47):
And he threw it, threw it phenomenal.

Speaker 2 (29:50):
The McDonald's and character.

Speaker 1 (29:52):
Yeah, better than half of the Mets, bullpend, he was
the autastic.

Speaker 2 (29:55):
Now you're still own out now better than fifty cent?
Oh ye are you kidding?

Speaker 1 (30:01):
Watch Grimace throw that pitch and you would say, okay,
you are setting up Diaz now, and if Daz hits
any more, struggles.

Speaker 2 (30:08):
You're gonna have the ninth inning. Wow. They played the
McDonald's they got the lights go down. They played McDonald's
theme song when Grimmas comes in from the bullpen. Oh,
that would be so good, so good, butt up and
the crowd goes, I love it. Yeah, Grimmas comes out
and waves and pitches the ninth inning.

Speaker 6 (30:23):
Sure, as we mentioned last night, appropriate because that's what
Mets fans have been doing for decades.

Speaker 2 (30:28):
It's just Grimace and Grimace.

Speaker 6 (30:30):
In the NBA Finals. Yeah, it's still going Game four
to Dallas.

Speaker 2 (30:34):

Speaker 6 (30:34):
The Boston Celtics were down at half sixty one thirty five,
which wasn't just their worst half of the postseason. It
was their lowest scoring total in a half in the
two seasons with Joe Missoula.

Speaker 2 (30:47):
As head coach.

Speaker 6 (30:49):
In fact, by late third quarter it was ninety to
fifty two. Dallas starters were pulled and then with about
six minutes left, Dallas led by forty eight points. This
finals game, by the way, Dallas beat Boston one twenty
two to eighty four. The Celtics is a team shot
twenty nine of eighty from the floor, so the Celtics

lead in the series is three games to one. Lukadansich
had twenty nine points, twenty five in the first half.
Kyrie Irving scored twenty one points. No NBA team has
blown a three games to none lead to lose a series.
Boston can clinch it all in Game five at home
Monday night, and Boston in the regular season at home
did go thirty seven and four.

Speaker 1 (31:28):
Da if it was such a blowout that Celtic fans
tonight in Boston at the watch party, we're beating the
hell out of each other.

Speaker 2 (31:34):
Yeah, that was not a good look at the Celtics
watch party. Not a good look.

Speaker 6 (31:38):
And there were a lot of Boston fans on the road.
Yeah for Dallas expecting a four game sweep. You know,
this month marks the first time since nineteen ninety six
that both the NBA Finals and Stanley Cup Final had
teams leading their respective series three games to none.

Speaker 2 (31:54):
No sweep.

Speaker 6 (31:54):
In basketball, we'll see about hockey tomorrow night. Florida will
be at Edmonton again, and yeah, Florida's won all three
of that series, by the way, And you mentioned earlier
Charles Barkley TNT saying next season will be his last
on TV. WNBA wins at home from Minnesota and Washington
at the US opened Ludwig Obert as a one stroke lead,
Bryson Deshambos in a three way tie for second. Tiger

Woods missed the cut at seven overpar. Scottie Scheffler barely
made the cut. The Washington Commanders signed first round quarterback
Jaden Daniels. Ex Baltimore safety Tony Jefferson signed with the
LA Chargers. Coming out of retirement, UFL kicker Jake Bates,
who's had some sixty yard field goals, will reportedly sign
with the Detroit Lions. He played for the Michigan Panthers.

The UFL Championship game is Sunday on Fox TV. US
women's soccer is down to number five in the New
World rankings. The Men's Euro Championship Tournament started today Germany.
The host beat Scotland five to one on Fox TV.
Two games on Fox Tomorrow Spain against Croatia noon Eastern Time,
and then Italy, the defending champs of the tournament against

Albania and Trex Junior confirmed that this is his last
full time season in NASCAR. The College World Series started
today North Carolina with a run in the bottom of
the ninth edge Virginia three to two, and then this
evening number one, Tennessee with four runs in the bottom
of the ninth, won twelve eleven over Florida State the
balls with four straight two out hits the late game

and the Majors went to the Angels. They were up
eight to nothing at San Francisco in the fourth eight six.
The final Dodgers came back to be Kansas City for
to three mets, a two to one winner against the
Padres Atlanta with a win. Philadelphia won an eleven innings,
Minnesota won in ten innings, and the Yankees won again
eight one at Boston.

Speaker 2 (33:37):
Back to you, Thank you, Steve O.

Speaker 1 (33:39):
The Jason Smith Show with Mike Carmon livemtyreck dot Com Studios,
Straight Ahead. Yes, our final thoughts on the big breaking
story the night Charles Barkley retiring from television in a year.
But you have to hear what happened tonight in a
baseball game. Will play the highlight. You're gonna go wow, Seriously,
that's next right here, Jason and Mike Fuck.

Speaker 2 (34:00):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Jason Smith
Show with Mike harmon weekdays at ten pm. Eastern seven
pm Pacific.

Speaker 1 (34:07):
Fox Sports Radio The Jason Smith Show with My best.

Speaker 2 (34:11):
Friend Ozzy Osbourne, I.

Speaker 1 (34:12):
Love you All, Live from the tirag dot com studios.

Speaker 2 (34:17):
On a night, Charles Barkley announced his retirement. He had
a good run from television.

Speaker 1 (34:22):
Following next year the NBATNT, it will be his last year.

Speaker 2 (34:28):
Now he's a liar.

Speaker 1 (34:29):
Let's just throw this out there before we get to
what happened in the Mets and Padres. Yeahay, Barkley says
he is retiring. Is he really retiring? He's got a year.
We've seen people unretire. This could be Barkley just getting
frustrated at where negotiations are with TNT or wherever the
package is going. And you know what, I'm done talking

to everybody. I'm done talking to different networks. I'm gonna
say I'm retiring, and you guys figured it all out,
and when we see where the packages go and then
maybe I'll feel different. But I'm gonn announce my retirement.
And you can always unchange your mind because we've seen
it now. Especially if you're saying I'm retiring from TV,
you can say, well, I'm still having fun. I'm gonna

say around another year. It's not that big a deal, right,
nobody's gonna be really mad at you, like when they
try to tear a jersey off you because he gave
up a home run in the ninth and blew a lead.

Speaker 2 (35:22):
So is Barkley really retired?

Speaker 1 (35:25):
Eh? It could be a little bit of frustration. It
could also be a leverage play because he has stood
up wanting everybody on the crew to be taken care of,
both on and off camera.

Speaker 2 (35:35):
Yeah, he wants to move in the whole package.

Speaker 1 (35:37):
Yeah, and this could be well, you know what, nothing's
moving the way I like it, So I'm gonna say
I'm retiring now. Oh now, we gotta do what Charles
wants if we want him. So it could be him
do it. Not for a selfur standpoint, but just he
has talked about wanting to keep everybody together and I
can see him doing this to help everybody do that.
So I would say, right now, is Barkley really retired?

Speaker 2 (35:57):
I would say Barkley's about sixty sixty five five percent retired.
There's a good chance is a.

Speaker 1 (36:02):
Better than a better than snowball, and hell chance that
sometime the next year, when the TV packages get decided
and and there's a little bit more clarity.

Speaker 2 (36:11):
Maybe maybe they stay at TNT and Ernie Johnson stays
they can all stay together.

Speaker 1 (36:16):
There's going to be a better than a better than
small chance that Charles Barkley says, Hey, wait a minute,
I'm going to stay on to.

Speaker 2 (36:21):
Do this a little bit.

Speaker 1 (36:22):
We'll never know for sure because he said, don't call him.
That's true, that's true, all right? Is he on Dan
Patrick on Monday? Oh, second hour a little absolutely? Say
maybe first hour? Maybe first hour right out right out
of the gate. Yeah, either way you can bank on that.
So keep an eye on tweets and promos from DP
show and at Fox Sports Radio on Twitter.

Speaker 2 (36:44):
So is Barkley We're tired boat. That will play out.

Speaker 1 (36:46):
But what no longer needs to play out is something
that happened in the Mets Padres game tonight.

Speaker 2 (36:51):
Because it didn't really play out because.

Speaker 1 (36:53):
There and look, there is not hustling. There's being Johnny hustle.
And there's what Manny Machado did tonight leading off the
seventh inning for the Padres. He grounds out to third.
But it's not just about grounding out. It's what Machado
did after he hit the ball once you coming slider

hit off the ground at the third and who did buy?

Speaker 2 (37:17):
Vianto's grabs it again and it throws out of Machado,
who is not running hard. That a little hip flexer thing.
But Manny, even when he's healthy, he is not always
went hard at first.

Speaker 1 (37:27):
Base, all right, so he doesn't run now he's got
a hillc We know that man healthy.

Speaker 2 (37:34):
But here's the thing.

Speaker 1 (37:34):
Okay, Look, every team knows, they get the scouting reports,
they know about the teams they're coming into play. They
know Mark Vento's is not a good fielder that if
you hit the ball to him, you better hustle it
up because you could beat it out. Now, this is
Manny Machado. We're talking about Vento's boots it and anybody
else beats this out.

Speaker 2 (37:52):
But here's how not hard Manny Machado was running. Because
I've never seen this.

Speaker 1 (37:57):
Midway up, not even midway up the first base line,
he starts blowing a bubble, great the soul bubble out
of his mouth and runs the rest of the way
up the first baseline with the bubble out of his mouth.
This is what you do when you've signed feels to
give you enough blank you money for generations to come.

Speaker 2 (38:17):
That's what you do.

Speaker 1 (38:18):
You go bu this is a two to one game
and you're leading off the seventh where this could be
a difference between winning.

Speaker 2 (38:24):
And losing the game. But you don't just not hustle.
You blow a bubble on the way. And look, I
know what it takes to blow a bubble. We all know.

Speaker 1 (38:32):
You know, you gotta get the gum ready in your mouth.
It's got to be a little thin so you can
kind of push out with your tongue. You blow the bubble,
it's outside of your mouth. Then you either pop it
or it pops itself. And he does that.

Speaker 2 (38:43):
He did that, that was what he wanted to do,
running up the first baseline and the bubble stays out
of his mouth all the way until the play is over.

Speaker 1 (38:51):
Oh yeah, it's really some next level stuff. I gotta say,
I I really do commend him for if you're gonna
go sloth, I mean, he went.

Speaker 2 (39:00):
Full sloth heed percent man, that's that's just that's just so,
it's so that's so on brand from Manny Machado. But
that's excellent.

Speaker 1 (39:11):
But when you've got the announcers making funny, yeah, This
is what I gotta say. Dude, you realize the bad
look this is for you and us. Don't be a jerk,
all right, doesn't care, don't do it. Yeah, but you
could have had another catastrophic air to cost you and
ruin everybody's day on June fourteenth, just like you had
thirty seven years ago when Hernandez made that costly air

thirty seven In or Shut Up The Jason Smith Show
with Mike Harmon, Live from the tirec dot Com Studios.

Speaker 2 (39:42):
Manny Machado running down the first baseline blow. He's still running.
He still hasn't gotten the first base. He still hasn't
got there. We went to Pete Pete Rose for a comment.

Speaker 1 (39:52):
He was still out by like three steps, and he
would anybody would have been I would have beat it out.

Speaker 2 (39:57):
And I kidd you, I think I'd run like an
eight second, forty yard better first step. And then he stopped.

Speaker 1 (40:03):
Exit outbouta fresca exit swollen dome for Mike. I'm Jason
coming up next, Bernon Bernie Frano.

Speaker 2 (40:08):
This is Fox
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