All Episodes

October 5, 2018 31 mins

It's The Best of the Odd Couple with Chris Broussard and Rob Parker! Chris and Rob explain why the trash talk between Tyreek Hill of the Chiefs and Jalen Ramsey of the Jaguars is actually a great thing for the NFL, and how the Indianapolis Colts have manged to squander away the generational talent that is Andrew Luck. Plus, Super Bowl champion and NFL on FOX analyst Greg Jennings stops by to explain why isn't surprised to see in-fighting going on between Aaron Rodgers and Packers head coach Mike McCarthy. And, the Odd Couple crew debate the sanctity of the barber-customer relationship in the latest episode of Shop Talk!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Thanks for listening to the Best of the Odd Couple podcast.
Be sure to catch us live every weekday from seven
pm to ten pm Eastern four to seven Pacific on
Fox Sports Radio. Find your local station for The Odd
Couple at Fox Sports Radio dot com, or stream us
live every day on the iHeartRadio app by searching f

s R. You're listening to the Best of the on
Couple with Chris Brush and Rod Harker. We had a
lot of trash talk this week from Kansas City's Tyreek
Hill going up against Jalen Ramsey of the Jacksonville Jaguars.
Gonna be a fantastic game, best game of the weekend

in my estimation, two top teams in the AFC. You
know right about that, because you got that high flying
offense right with the Patrick Mahomes, and then you got
the best thief in one of the best defenses. So
now you're gonna really get a look. I mean, if
he if he blows out the Jacksonville Draguars, then you
gotta take a look at my homes. And if he

gets stopped or slowed big time, then you'll say, Okay,
a little adjustment was made, so this is gonna be
one that You're right, everybody's gonna want to watch, no
question about it. And you know, the matchup between Hill
and Ramsey's one to watch. Two. Ramsey obviously a top
cornerback in the league, maybe the number one corner right now.

And Hill's having a nice season. You know, he hasn't
been All Pro yet as a receiver, and Ramsey let
him know that in his trash talk. But it started
with Hill. Let's hear what he had to say about
his matchup with Jalen Ramsey. I mean he's a great player.
I mean, obviously he thinks obviously he thinks HI himself,

So he's all right, I guess you know. I mean
I can't wait to line up against him, and I
hope he presses me. Well, he's gonna get his wish
or his hope, whatever you want to call it, because
Jalen Ramsey presses everybody physically and verbally, and he pressed
back on Hill like this. He's good for what he

does for their team. Uh. You know, he made All
Pro as a return specialist, Let's get that right, as
a return specialist his rookie year, he went to two
Pro Bowls as a return specialist, return specialist two years.
I'm a All Pro in my position as a corner.
I went to the Pro Bowl as a corner. So

it's not a wide receiver versus corner matchup. Oh oh
you like that? I love it. I love it. This
is what's missing from sports because everybody wants to be
buddy buddy and pals. There's nothing wrong. Now, he's not
being disrespectful, like in a mean negative way, just saying
he's calling out, Hey, I'm an All Pro corner. He's

an all he is an All Pro receiver that I'm
going up against because he's not. He hasn't been an
All Pro receiver has Did he say anything that's not factual? Nope, nope.
And he got he got all facts and he got
the digs in And I love it. That's what sports
is about. And then you get to go out on
the field and prove it right. I'm with you. I

love it too. Yeah, I love this. I think you know.
I like both guys for speaking their minds. And Ramsey's
got the best of him. There's no question Ramsey also,
I loved what he said. You know, I wish Hill
would pick a side because remember you, Sart, you heard
Tyreek say he's all right, I guess, But then he
also said later that he's the top dog right now

at the cornerback position. So Ramsey was like, Hey, which
one is it? Am I just all right? Or am
I the top dog? You know? Make it Clay, make
it playing. So I'm with you. I think this is
great and you're right. Look, I mean there are I
know you think you know all these players just want
to hang out and there is a little bit of

that there. Come on, this is the AA where everybody
played with everybody, everybody knows everybody. It's totally different. It
just is with the traveling teams and all the other
stuff that people do football they do. They have a
big seven on seven thing that they do all over
the country with guys play against each other. You know

what I mean that they didn't do in the past.
And I'm telling you you know more about people and
know more people, the way they rank people, the way
you could watch people on YouTube. Do you know what
I'm saying. You have a more knowledge of people now
than you ever knew. Yeah, no question, you get to
know him at a younger age. But I do think

at times we romanticize and myself included. We romanticize the past,
like everybody hated each other. Now, Bill Russell and Will
Chamberlain we're friends. You know, Magic Johnson and Isaiah Thomas
weren't really good friends. Be sure to catch live editions
of The Odd Couple with Chris Brussar and Rob Parker

weekdays at seven yem Eastern four pm Pacific on Fox
Sports Radio and the iHeart Radio app. You won't give
the Patriots any credit tonight because they're gonna be a
bad team in the Indianapolis Colts. And that's that's true,
all right. The Colts are bad. There's no defending them.

They're one in three, could be one two in one.
But you know, Frank Wright went forward in Hey, that's
all right. He's an outpha male and he wanted to flex.
It just didn't work. But here's my problem with the Colts, Rob,
My problem with them is that they've got and say
what you want about Andrew Luck He's a very good

quarterback and in the past has been arguably a great quarterback.
He's certainly a great quarterback talent, and I would contend
that the Indianapolis Colts are wasting him. Wasting him. First
of all, he's been beaten to smithereens because they haven't

had an offensive line and they tried. They're old GM
Ryan Grigson. He drafted offensive lineman after offensive lineman after
offensive linemen, ten of them in his five years and
still couldn't get it right. And I'm just saying I
hate it. I'm all upset about Green Bay because they

haven't put superstar talent around Aaron Rodgers and for them
to only have one super Bowl in his ten years
as a starter, I think it's bad because he's better
than that. But what Indian happens is done makes makes
green Bay look like they were bringing in all pros
after all pro after all pro to play with Aaron Rodgers.

It's been terrible. But the issue here is they were
able to get to and the Packers side NFC championship
games close to going to Super Bowl, and they weren't
bringing in you. You're right, and same thing. The Colts
went to the AFC Championship game against the Patriots, so
they felt like, hey, we could do this without having

to go out and add those other players. I totally
agree with you, and that's what's happened. And so you're looking.
Then he gets the injury, right, and now he's trying
to come back, and I don't know if he'll ever
be what people thought he was going to be, or
if he'll ever get to that point, but it's definitely

when I look at when I look at Andrew Luck,
I just see a guy going the other way, not
rebounding and moving forward. And still maybe perhaps it's going
to be that guy who people thought he was years
ago when he first broke into the league. Well, as
you mentioned, he got them to the FC Championship game.
It was very similar to Aaron Rodgers. I'm not saying
he was Aaron Rodgers, no, no, no, but it's very

similar in that they got there on the strength of
their quarterback and didn't have a ton around him, and
that kind of fool the front office, you know, and
the thinking that they have better players elsewhere than they
really did. I think the thing now is that even
though Andrew Luck is still obviously a very good, starting

caliber quarterback, he is no longer a guy that can
carry a team. And it was even you know, he
threw a lot of interceptions even before he got hurt
and all that. But now he needs help, right, I mean,
you always need help. But Aaron Rodgers, there are certain
a few guys that can make you very good as

a team, even if they don't have a ton of help.
He's no longer one of them. He's no longer one
of them. And now it is more apparent than ever
that they have got to get this guy some help
or he's gonna get beat up. Now, the new GM admitted,
you know, in the off season, I screwed up. I

should have fixed the offensive. Be sure to catch live
editions of The Odd Couple with Chris Brussard and Rob
Parker weekday. He said, seven pm Eastern, four pm Pacific.
Speaking of family though, Rob, Yes, we got a family
member on the line. Now. He's a super Bowl champion.
He's a Fox Sports NFL analyst. You can follow him

on Twitter at Greg Jennings. He's a Tiger Woods fanatic.
I'm not gonna ask him what happened during he might
he might hang up. He was bragging last week a
couple of weeks ago. Yes, now out these guy anything
to say about Tiger, don't mention Tiger, please, mister jenningslcome

to the outcome. I had to put it. Gonna help
You can't do that with brothers. You can't hang up
on us. Hey, you give it out. You gotta be
able to take it. This shit, you gotta be able
to take it, all right, Greg, Let's get right to it.
Aaron Rodgers, A lot of people think he just straight

up through Mike McCarthy under the bu He clearly was
criticizing the offensive play calling. We know in the past,
Aaron hasn't always wanted to take any blame for anything.
You've pointed that out yourself years ago. What do you
make of this situation between Rogers and Mike McCarthy and
Green Bay. I mean, this is this is nothing new.
This is nothing new. Look, when you are dealing with

arguably the best talent that the quarterback position has ever seen,
you have to be above par at all times, and
you have to challenge them. You have to give them
and put him where he feels like in the best
position to where he can make things happen for you

as a head coach, for you as an offense, and
ultimately for you as a team. And so this is
this is this is water that they've both been swimming
in for a long time. They bump heads several times,
in my team. You're there. It's not been something that
has not been known. This has been known. But this

is where I think you get the best out of
Aaron Rodgers and you get the best out of Mike McCarthy,
because when when someone calls you out, you're not going
to They're not gonna go back and forth publicly. No,
they're gonna deal with it. But more importantly, they're gonna
deal with it in a sense of I have to
make sure I'm being accountable. I'm I'm doing my job

as a play caller. Because he's gonna we all know
Aaron Rodgers is He's typically gonna do his job. So
I mean, I think this is this is just family life.
You talk about family. This is just family bumping heads,
not agreeing on different things. But they'll figure it out. Greg,
let me ask you, let me follow up. Do you

do how much input does Rogers have in the game plan?
He has a lot of input, A lot of a
lot of input. Um, every every Monday and Tuesday they
get together and basically what McCarthy, what Mike wants to
know is what are your thoughts going into this week?
You watched some of the film already, Um, whether some

of your thoughts going into the week, what do you like?
What do you not like? And they go they do
it throughout the entire week. You know, they'll they'll go
through plays and if Aaron doesn't like it, then they
may get rid of it. If he doesn't, If he does,
they may keep it. And it goes the same for
Mike McCarthy. You he has to be able to show
what he does like is going to work and that

they can execute it throughout the week to make him
feel comfortable enough to call those plays throughout the course
of a game. So is it fared in for Aaron
to kind of call out the game plan if he's
involved with it. Well, when I say he's involved, he
has he's nodding his head. Yes, he's shaking his head. No.
That doesn't mean everything that he nodds his head, yes,

that is selected and is in the game plan, and
everything that he doesn't like is then exited out of
the game plan. That's not the case whatsoever. However, it
is majority of the time, if Aaron likes something, it's
going to be in the it's going to be one
call sheet coming up this week. If he does not,

and he's uncomfortable with it, then it's not You got
to think about it. This is the guy who's running
your offense. If he's not comfortable with something, then why
would you put him in a position to where he's
running something or calling a play and then having to
execute something that he doesn't really believe in? Hey, Greg,
the Cults are playing the Patriots for Thursday Night Football,

of course on Fox, and Frank Wright, the coach of
the Cult, called a very controversial fourth down play in
his own territory, resulted in losing a game that looked
like that, that looked like they had it at least
a tie, I should say, and instead it wound up
being a loss. As a player when a coach does that,

because I know a lot of players came to his
defense and said, hey, we love that. You know, showed
his aggressiveness, but it was a loss in a game
that should have been a tide. How do you look
at that? Do you look at that and say, what
is the coach doing? Does he know what he's doing?
Are you all in no matter what happened? Hook, If
I'm on that team, I'm all in. But if i'm

if I'm where I am now? As a player. I
can appreciate that because you're basically telling your guys, look,
get it done. This is on you. But if it
does not work, it can create, however, some tension between
players and coach to where they you're you're on one
end or the other where some disagree, some agree, and

that can create a little risk in the locker room environment,
let alone just the organization. And so given that situation,
you gotta take what's guaranteed or the surest thing, and
the surest thing was to just settle for the tie
at that point, like that was If you miss, great,

that's not on you anymore. But you have to give
everybody their opportunity to do their part. And I just
felt like in that situation, look, man, I get it.
You want to go for the win. If it works,
we're not even talking about it. But if it doesn't,
this is it. This is what you have a situation where, look,

you could have at least tied in ties. Whether we
like them or not, they tend to favor the teams
that have them. When the season comes down in week seventeen,
eighteen seventeen, where we're looking at records and a team
that has one extra loss and you have that tie,
you have the advantage. It's the eye couple. Chris Bruce

and Roy Parker were joined by Fox Sports NFL analysts
Greg Jennings. Greg Richard Sherman came out today and said,
the reason for these video game type numbers from NFL
quarterbacks and you've seen it, passing yards, passing touchdowns, everything
is up, I mean to record levels thus far. He said,

it's all because of the rules changes and how hard
it's making it for defenders to defend. Do you agree
with that? Of course. So it's not like these new
quarterbacks are just better than they've ever been. Its lot
of rules. Look these quarterbacks there, it's almost like playing
with with with everything in your hand. You have every

possible card that you need to trump the other the
other player. Look when you when you can throw the ball,
and you know as a receiver and as a quarterback
that well he can't get hit now if he's if
he's uh defenseless receiver. So I don't really have any
issue with throwing a ball in traffic because now it's

on the defender to make a judgment decision, an end
prompt to judgment decision on if I going to go
for the interception or am I gonna go for the
technique fundamental hit because if he doesn't, then he harms
his team anyway. And the same goes with the sacking
of the quarterback and the pressures on the quarterback. You

bout can't can't breathe on the quarterback the wrong way
without getting an extra set of downs the flag thrown
on you. So, yes, it's favorable for the offense. However,
you still have to understand rules and regulations and if
you're going to play defense, you gotta find a way
to make it work. Is it? Is it a little fair? Unfair?

I agreed with Richard Sermon. I think it's slided to
the offense. But that's what the fans and the viewers
want to see. They don't want to see shutouts. I
don't care how many people talk about defense win championships.
You want to see points on the board. Hey, Greg,
there was a controversial thing that happened in college football.
I just want to get your take on a jumbo
fisher grab the player's face mask and a lot of

players on Twitter or whatnot, I went off on Jumball
that if that they wish you would have done that
to them and push back. Are you into that? Is
that just football and the kids are too soft and
they should just accept a coach grabbing them by the
face mask or is there something wrong with that? You
know I'm robbed, don't don't, don't put your hand on

my face, right, But that's with you, Greg, didn't you
see that a lot growing up playing football? Come on,
high school, junior high. He never liked it back then,
even then, thank you. I never liked it then and
I don't like it now. Tell Chris, Tell Chris. The

only person that I want, the only person that I
want and didn't want put their hands on me was
my mother and my father. Outside of that, man, I
got a problem if you're putting your hands on me.
But Greg that I mean, look, I'm not saying it's
the best optics, and I understand if I'm an NFL
player with how we've both grown men, all right, don't

be don't be yanking my face mask like that. But
I think with with high school college kids, I mean,
it happens, and like you said, you didn't like it,
But I mean, how many times did the coach do
something at those levels that players didn't like? I mean,
that's that was coaching back then. Chris, You're right, it
was coaching back then. And I think the parenting back

then kind of coincided with that, right, Yeah, the support
parents exactly. They supported that type in that style of coaching,
whereas now you you can't put your hands on someone
else's kids and then expect not only the parents are
having an issue, but the kids are having an issue.
That's just a society that we're in now, no doubt,

it's more society. Greg really knows, Hey, they soft, but
we are soft society now. So Greg, one last thing
we got about a minute ago on Jacksonville. There were
my they're my top team in the power ranking. They've
given up four touchdowns. That defense is something else, and
we saw it last year. He got to the FC

Championship game. And answer, what do you make of Jacksonville
and all their real threat to get back to the
FC Championship game or the Super Bowl? This is this
is short and they are real threat. And what's what
it's scary about Jacksonville is their quarterback. As much as

as much as we gave Blake Bortles a hard time
for his lack of production, he's setting everyone up right now,
because he is producing, and when you're producing with the defense,
that will eliminate opportunities for your opponent. Your opposition, it's
gonna be that's gonna be a hard out for anyone.

All right, Greg, last question, I'm not It's not about time.
It's about Das Bryant. All right, he needs a job,
Dallas needs a receiver. Why not a reunion. Well, that's
not happening. That's not happening. You gotta understand what you're
dealing with and who you're dealing with. Chris. Come on,

you're dealing with the Jones family. You're dealing with Jerry Jones,
who once a decision that's made, he's it's that's it.
That's the right decision. That was a decision that we're
gonna hang our hat on. We believe in what we
have moving forward. He doesn't. He will never back out
of a decision that he was made or undo something

like that because it then challenges him in the first
decision that was made and to cut and to release
Dez Bryan. So is this starting to get sad? Now?
Ford is sad because he's basically, you know, I'm begging
to get back, Chris, Honestly, I honestly felt like the
opportunity was missed for Dez on a couple of different occasions,

one with Baltimore and then once he started to price
himself out of re for some of these teams. You
when you're out, your best bet is to just get
back in and then play yourself into another contract. But
once you start pricing yourself out of it, you're you're
basically telling them, I'm not playing for for what you

think i'm worth. I'm playing for what I think i'm
worth and what you think you're worth. At that moment
when you're out, it doesn't it's irrelevant, all right, folks.
It's the great Greg. Jenny's great job man. Thanks a
lot for Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk
lineup in the nation. Catch all of our shows at
Foxsports Radio dot com and within the iHeart Radio app

search f SR to listen live. Say nobody's in the
bob shop? You know that? Ain't nobody? Isn't it? You
talk about whoever, whatever, whatever you want to it Abo, No,
it's shop talking. Hey, Chris, yep, I went to the
barbershop today and the most umbelio evable thing happened to me,

and I want to get you guys take on this
and you could chime in if you're listening eight seven
seven ninety nine on Fox about this. So I'm make
an appointment on one of those apps for the barbershop,
supposed to be the eleven fifteen. I got a lunch date.
I gotta go meet a buddy for lunch. The whole
nine yards, so I'm I got I don't have a
lot of time. I get there, my barber's not there.

I had said, another barber, what's going on? He calls
him there, he's on his way. I wait, a wait, Chris,
twenty minutes go by him, like there's another barber there
not cutting anybody. So I said, hey, can you cut me?
The other guy hadn't shown up, and I need to
get going right. He says, okay, I sit in there,
sit in the chair, and another barber from across the

room goes says to him, basically, don't cut him. That
I was the client of the other barber, as if
like we were in a relationship or something and I
was cheating on him. That's what he made me feel
like I was cheating on him because he wasn't there. Wow.
So then the other guy goes, Hey, what do you
want me to do here? Man, I don't want to
get into this. He goes, If I don't cut the guy,

he's talking like, I'm not in the room. I'm sitting
right there. If I don't cut the guy, we're gonna
lose the customer. He'll never come back. And I said
to the other guy who didn't want him to cut me,
I said, absolutely not. If I don't get a haircut
right now, I'll never come back to this barbershop. And
the other guy says, let him go, like basically told

the barber not to cut me. Let him go because
my regular barber didn't show up for scheduled appointment. Wow.
And I you know, and you know barbershops, because I
don't want for sixteen years, this makes no sense to me.
And they did lose me as a customer. Today, I

wind up, you see, Alex, I got a fresh cut
because I went to another barbershop. Yeah, they're the right one, right,
and they took care of me. Well, how long how
long had you been? Look? I only my own hair,
so I don't know. I'm not as much I've been
the barber shop's got my hair cut. But I never
had a relationship with one barber over time. How many times?

This guy only cut you once for a month? No,
about a month? About a month time. But that's maybe
there three or four times, right, Rob, It's not like
you were there waiting for years. No, not at all.
I was still feeling them out. I could have changed
barbers in the shop. You know you tried somebody out.
But Rob, you cut, you cut guy's hairs, and you
you're siding with the barber for not giving me service.

I am. You know I did cut hair back in
the day. And no, Rob, I'm not being recruited to
Sporty Cuts Los Angeles. When you open it. You're gonna
cut from me on the weekend? Absolutely not. But yeah,
you know I used to cut my friend's hair back
in the day. And let me tell you, I used
to be able to tell if i'd gone, you know,
a month too much between haircuts, if they had got
another trim between when I cut in before. And let

me tell you, that kind of stuff feels like you've
been cheated on. And if you're someone's barber, I know
you are more. You didn't show up that's different. This
guy was late. Yeah, but the other barber he knows, like, Hey,
there's one thing you don't infringe. O. You can go
and talk to my wife before you get talk to
my barber. Let me tell you please, Hey eight seven

seven ninety nine on Fox, Are you a Are you
in a committed relationship with your barber? Because that's what
it felt like to me. I mean, Alex, tell me
what's going on? All right, Rob, I gotta be real
with you, man. It's a real commitment. It's a real thing.
If you go onto YouTube, there are videos made of
relationships between barber and their clients. It's a true thing.
They will catch you slipping outside if you have gotten

your hair cut by somebody else, and they will break
up with you on the spot if need to be.
It's a relationship. It's a real commitment. True fact. I've
had one barber for the last three years. He's the
only one that cuts my hair. But here's my only dilemma.
I gotta have my hair cut, right, I gotta have
my hair cut for I'm doing. I'm doing I'm doing
to show them all right. I need a haircut, and

I got a radio show. I don't have all the team.
I understand that he was late, so you have to
do stuff, but it is a true thing that you
can't let somebody else touch your hair if he's your client. Basically,
it's it's a it's a thing. Can hey, let's get
deb in here. I know what hairdressers and stuff. It
might be the same, deb help me out. Here's the
deal though, if you have to do TV and your

guy is twenty minutes late and you explain to you,
the other guys say, hey, can't you just do me
a solid and cut my hair right now? Or can
you do you do you not have the cell phone
of your barber? Yes? I text him during the twenty
minute way debth and you know what I said, Dude,
I got I have to go to lunch. You know,
I have a lunch appointment, and I'm I don't I'm
onto the gun and you know, can you help me

out with you know, like, are you on your way?
He never text me back, Okay, I'm on your side then,
because this is a short term relationship. This is like
going out with somebody two times and then and then
you know what, I just need somebody to have a date.
You don't have to have somebody to have dinner with. Obviously,
I go with you. Though I think that the guy
should have cut your hair because you were in a pinch.

He should have then explained to his friend, the other barber,
if he ever showed up that listen, you didn't show up,
you can have him back next time. But I needed to,
you know, get this done for him, and you know what,
and then I would never go back. No, what I
did was the guy who wouldn't text me back to
tell me, hey, I'm five minutes away or I'm parking
the car whatever. He never responded back. That's bad business, right,

So I said, I texted him and I said I'm done.
I'm never coming back to the shop. And then I
blocked and then I blocked his number. And then you
should tweet the name of the shops are like the
rest of this Ghoa, Chris, you cut your hair, man.
You can't be talking about barber shops. You don't go
to a barber. I hold in college, I used to
cut dudes. Hare. I wouldn't. I was not very good

of a barber, you know. But guy saw my cuts,
which were pretty fresh, and they thought I could cut
their hair like I could cut my own, which I couldn't.
I jacked up a few college teammates. Actually I didn't
even I didn't. I didn't realize that you got your
hair cut. I thought that hare was taped. A right.

He's like, hey, let's go to Mike and Kentucky. Let's
go there, all right, Maybe Mike joined the hot couple
of Fox Sports Radio. What's up, Mike? Hey, what's up guys?
So I run into a similar issue like this just
the other day. Right, So I'm running behind. I go
to the barber shop. I got just a few minutes

get my hair cut. It's on the way home from work.
I stopped in there. And I've been going to the barbershop,
the same barber shop for I don't know the past
six months. And I've been bouncing around between barbers and
I found one that I really like in then, and
I'm like, all right, you know that's gonna be my barber.
So I slide in there and I'm waiting. My barber's
not there. There's only one guy in there, and I'm sitting.

I'm sitting and I'm like, all right, you know what,
forget it. I'm gonna let the other guy cut my hair.
I'm sitting there and get my hair cut, and in
the process of it, Barbara walks in with his lunch.
He went out to get his lunch. So the whole
time I'm sitting there staring at him, feeling bad, and
he's kind of off in the corner looking at me
little sideways, and I'm feeling like I'm cheating on him,

like I just got caught, like my girl off the woman. Unbelievable.
So what how did it end? Did? Like? You can't
saying each other? No though I didn't speak to him,
he didn't speak to me. It's over, and I know
he's looking at me funny because I always always leave
like a tip. I almost double my haircut costs because

you know I'm a good tipper, right, And the worst
part about it is I got to go back in
two weeks because he was supposed to be coming my
hair from my wedding. Oh oh nah, nah, don't let
your hair. Can't do it, hey, Mike. That unbelievable. We
got a relationship with the barbers. I like having a barber,

but you if you're gonna be late, I'm walking out. Yeah,
he can't, he can't blame anybody but himself. Not I
de nerve to make an appointment on an app Chris,
I made an appointment. So so here's the million dollar question.
Is this cut that you got elsewhere better absolute job
that they used to do? Really? This cut the cut
I got today? And you know what, he won't be

invited to work at Sporty Cuts LA when I opened
next year
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