Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:02):
What would you talk about on your on your podcast phone?
Elvis represents fifteen minute morning show. I think there's no
Ray starts the show like that. I know one. I
know one. His name is Greg t Yes, indeed, Dooda doesn't.
Howard Sterns started with hey, now you know I know
it starts with wow wow wow wow. Yes? All right,
So is that going to be yours? Now? Then? Alrighty,
what's your greeting? Oh my god, I'm not gonna have one.
I'm not even gonna do a show. I'm sorry. I'm
not gonna say alrighty, hey now, not doing any of
you know me? My energy level is just about here.
Elvis is a sister, Andrews in the house. What would
be are greeting? Um, I'm up. That's a good thing. Producer, Jake,
I just make videos so I don't need greeting. And Garrett,
I think I would let the bed play out for
a long time and then just come in whenever about
four hours at least you come out of bed. So
what do we have roll in here today? I don't know. Gandhi,
you wanted to talk about a couple of superpower Andrew
has a superpower and I think all of us have
a superpower we probably haven't discussed. But Andrew just saved
my life with something that i've Okay, that's being a
little dramatic. Dramatic life. He saved my life and he
sacrificed his fingertips. Yes, I mean, I now think, what
do you have? What is it? Aluminium poisoning? Some type
mercy are a different color right now? Yes, Andrew's gotten
mad Hatter's to Gandhi had her necklace hied up with
her I D card. Yes, so it was. She showed
it to me and I said, give it to me.
I've got this, and I got it. It took me
six hours. Six hours took possibly six hours because it
was a double knot. You first had to get rid
of the knot the necklace tied into the I D yes.
I don't know how you did that, but then you
had to untangle the double necklace on top of that dolace.
About starting that process, do you eyeball at first, size
it up and then make your moves not it or
you just kind of approached it where you need to
find and make one. Once I found one chain, then
it was like, okay, now I just need to like
nagle it to get it all out. Why need you
to know that before you sent your six hours on it.
I have been working on this for weeks and then
I just get fed up and I throw it back
in my bag and then it gets tangled up again.
I'm big on puzzles, so it's like Survivor in this helots,
let's call that if you're on Survivor. I have a
feeling those contestants would have done it in less than
six hours. Yeah, I know this was a double knot
and pust those that's like actual rope. Give me actual rope.
Survivor they do it in under ten minutes. Like there
have to be other superpowers in the road. That's not
a superpower. That's just determination in time Roman when you
need help, when you're tied up, and that's going to
happen so often. Free to fall directly into that. I
thought it was a superpower. I mean again, I worked
on this. They have jewelers that you pay to do
that sort of what you could have done that. You
can go pay somebody to untie your there's my girlfriend
had a necklace and there's this huge nod in it,
so she took it to the jeweler and the okay,
come back in an hour hour later goes out, necklace
is all fine, that'll be. So it took you tools,
actual tools to undo it. If it took you six hours,
that means gandhis no, no right. I was walking around
with it trying to get it undone. And Andrew said
what is that? What are you doing? And I showed him.
He said, give it to me. I can do this.
I was like, done giving it to you. Even yesterday.
I took one of my ideas off of it. I
left it with him overnight. This was a two day project.
Let's investigate this, Andrew. What could you have been doing instead?
Language has a book coming out, an actual job. Could
you have been doing that during this six hours? My
favorite was when Garrett came over and was like, what
led you here? And I said, getting a communications degree
and you know a lot of other batteries. What do
you feel like? Andrew's the guy we go do for everything,
whatever there's like a crisis or whatever. Andrew. If I
can't remember my credit card, if I can't get into
like the United Airlines app like hell, and when Andrew
drops us cold one day, will all be a lot
of trouble. I am screwed when that happens. Please don't
promise still will keep yourself stick already numbers for I
believe you would. I don't care if you think it's
a super power. Eight. I think it's a superpower. Okay,
it's the talent. Is it super power? To be able
to tie a cherish stem with your tongue? Can do that?
You can't do it, Scary, You can't do it? No, No,
I did it once. I didn't once. Yeah, I had
a cherish stem in my mouth, and I if your tongue,
if you could shape your tongue into the shape of
a you, which some of us can some of us can't.
I can do it. Some people cannot do that. Can
you know it's possible to do I've tried so many times.
I've never been able to do the cherry thing. So
you're telling me if I just go with the U
shape enough, all of a sudden, just you you have
to wedge it between your tooth what I decide of
your tooth. This is an old wives nobody can do,
by the way, one can. What a great story, though,
Scary said I did it once, So he's already admitting, Hey,
I'm not going to be able to do it again,
but I did it once. We'll never know if he
actually did it, but he knows. He told everyone I
did it once. This has the ID card tangled up
in your neck? Andrew, do you have another six hours?
You can tie a cherry s down? That would be great.
People have done it. No, it's bullshit. That's one of
those things that people do at a bar, like, hey,
how are you what's your name? For a kidney story?
Like you go on vacation to a tropical resort and
then you wake up the next morning in a bath
full of ice cubes and missing a kidney is a
real thing. It happened, haven't. Probably happened? Worked a block
of ice story? You wake up on your back in
a block of ice and bat and the bathtub filled
with ice y. Yeah, doctor, that just got busted in
Quebec for doing it. Your kidney's gone real. You can
also sell your kidneys on the black market. Jake's been
doing that. How much can you get? Jakes? Well, I
can't even do twenty five times six, so I shouldn't.
Probably shouldn't sell my kid Whoever wants a kidney. You're
gonna get a bargain from Jake second, Jake Leugen, Can
I get like two years of my salary for a kidney?
I don't know. Depends you're well, he actually does get
paid two years. I know your salary, you can get
away more. Yeah. No, I think that's actually true. I
think that's actually true. Organ harvesting. I think a million
to one point two billion worth of illegal organs are
traded per year. I just love that. I love that's
in your search history now. So if you ever get
caught or something and the cops looked through your phone,
it turns out the UK it's a really big organ trading.
But remember that was one of those first things that
really scared you. Where spring break. It was spring break.
You know, you get, you get, you have a drink,
You suddenly don't know what's going on. Next thing you know,
you're waking up the next morning. Any bath have filled
with ice and a note that says called the hospital.
You have forty five minutes until you're going into organ failure.
And then you see a big incision down your side. Wait,
what is it? What's the I've heard the same thing.
This is one of those guys. Yeah, this is one
of these stories how someone got taken advantage of break
go to the hospital immediately. Yeah, they take they take it.
While you were drunk and passed out. They had taken
one of your organs. How the hell do they expect
you to get to the hospital. That's why my parents
would never let me go on spring break because of
that story. Yeah, but but it's but it's funny, and
that's where you question, like how true is it if
everyone knows the same exact story. Interesting, it's like Gandhina has.
But like I was thinking about it too, like what
do they like clear off a beer pong table and like, okay,
put them up here, let's get at that that same
bathtub if the yeah, well what if the do they
have like a revolving door of people? Like what you
got now, Bob, I gott to waste it at the
what was the Nestlee Tall House urban legend with the
chocolate chip cookies? What you would find the food urban legends?
You would find the food urban Just assemble words into
a center, Jake, you could get up to a d
dollars were Kidney, that's like ten years of my salary
now that's worth of states. If you're on an organ
transfer list, a lot of people don't like you could
be a certain number and it could take years. There's
a whole cread of it. But here's the deal, though.
If you donate your kidney for like money, what if
you need that one day? Donating it, he's giving it up.
If you give it up for money, what if you
needed one, then I'll have the money to buy it back. No,
if I bought the kidney, I would sell it back
to you for double Here, let's hear this toll house cookie. No,
it was okay, it was It was Neiman Marcus's cafe,
and it was an urban legend. How did you get
out of that? That's how This is how it starts,
because they all there's different variations of the same story.
Nestle's tollhouse. This is the Neiman Marcus cafe version of
the same legend has it that a woman was charged
with two d fifty dollars for a cookie recipe at
a Nemon Marcus cafe and was so incensed that she
sought revenge by distributing the recipe to as many people
as possible. Anyway, if you go to Snopes dot com.
This is the dumbest thing I've ever heard, but the
recipe and then gave it out. And that's now how
nestleie toll houses. Yeah, they said, yeah, and Nestle is
formed from the neemon cookie. It was just it was
what comes from start talking about urban legends and that
and that's the one you came up with, Fairs, It's
about a cookie. It's about a cookie. Because this is real.
This says it happens all over that they go into
slums and they take people and they steal their organs
and they sell them for you want to bum livers.
I'll be honest with you. If they're going into slums,
hey wait, wait for off. We can get you Sally's liver.
She was a prostitute on the corner. She drank a lot.
But if you know, it's better than what you got.
The cookie thing was going to be something like that,
like all the cookies you eat are part human? Yeah,
not the recipe. Serious, trying to find something right now.
We'll give you another two minutes. How much could I
give you for your liver? No, you can't have that
on this show. Who's liver do you not want? And
who's liver would you take Garrett? I probably take Garrett's.
Keeps this guy, Garrett, I'm used on the inside. I'm
a diabetic. I absolutely don't judge you the book by
its cover. People, Well maybe yours, Danielle. I would take
Scotty's because he has one beer and he's wasted. So
he has He's probably had the least amount of alcohol
at What does that mean his liver is not working? Well? Yeah, true.
I'm telling you guys, you would want my liver because
I never get hungover ever. I could drink everything in
the world, do all kinds of stuff, never hungover. I
feel like a million bucks all the time. See Kathleen's liver,
I wouldn't want either. She drinks so much wine. Yeah,
I think diamonds. No, diamond's got like that, has like
this in life where she's just I'm not wasted all
the time. Not going to nominate myself as tribute, but
like a pretty good I would take your liver. Crazy. Yeah,
I drink enough, but yeah enough not. I don't want
shocks boover volunteers tribute. You need it for survivor. Yeah,
I think you actually need your liver. I think that
you can give away a kidney, but I think you
need the liver, can give part of your liver. No,
I don't think. Yes, I think livers regenerate, right, they
grow back? Really yeah, because when they don't, when you
donate a quote unquote liver, you only give a part
of part of your can get a new one in
Nimon Marcus, apparently on Survivor, if the name of the
show was Survivor organ Island, it's going to be a
hard pass. Okay. Would you go on Survivor if instead
of winning a million dollars you just didn't get your
organs taken out? Like that's the that's the prize. That's
called going to some weird country. I don't know anybody,
And actually that sounds like it would be a great
TV show. It's like the Amazing Island. It exists, you say,
which I also think I could win one show at
a time, please, Okay? That race you just go to
different countries and just have to get in cabs and
be like you need to go here. Now, awesome New Yorkers,
I think would be great at that. I'm looking at
a list of urban legends now the world, the reptiles
living in city sewers, it goes. In the early nineteen hundred's,
it was unheard for of for wealthy New Yorkers to
bring baby Florida alligators back to the Big Apple as pets,
and if they were, they would put him down the toilet.
So alligators are living in the sewers of New York City.
I believe that an uran, that's an urban. If you
grew up in Jersey, you know of the Jersey Devil.
Did you ever hear that one? Isn't that like a
sports team of some sort. Yeah, it's a hockey team,
but it's also the monster. He lives in the what
is it called the wetlands? Okay, the wetlands of New Jersey,
New York, right next to the house. All Right, we done, okay,
fifteen minute morning show