Episode Transcript
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Don't answer the phone. Elvis Duran, the Elvis Duran phone tap. This
letter came in from Kathy and Garrettsays, give me that one. Let
me see what I can do.Dear Elvis Durant, my husband Freddie and
I recently placed a food order ata local deli. I guess they're having
a big party or something. Anyway, I clearly made a down payment on
this huge order when the food wasordered. So why don't we call my
husband? You say you're from thedeli, tell him you have no record
of the down payment. We havea party coming up, there's no food.
He'll flip out. This comes tous from Kathy. Well, we
always love phone tap for people flipout. Yeah, Kathy obviously knows her
guy will flip out. Kathy's gonnastart the call, and then Garrett comes
in as the deli owner. Let'slisten in to today's phone tap. O.
Babe, sabe, Look it's me. Look I'm at work right now.
I can't really talk. But matjust called me and they told me
that I didn't leave him four hundreddollars and that's like, that's a bunch
of bs. And do you rememberme? No? Because He told me
that I can just go back andjust give the money that they'll remember me
because it's a big order. Giveme a fever. He's gonna pull you
up in like two seconds. Canyou like to talk to me because I
really can't talk. I have patientsin the office, all right, them
four hundred dollars. We're gonna havea problem. No, I know,
because that's a bunch of Oh Igot a run. I'll talk to you
later. Okay, call me backor I'll call you back. Okay,
I love you, Kathy, allright, that was cool, Okay,
alright, stay with me on this. Okay. Okay, Hey Freddie please
yeah, Freddie, Henry Maroochi overappedyour I porstore? How are you?
That's too bad? How are youdoing? I'm kind of missing a deposit
for the food and I like toplace this order so I can get going
on it because it's a big order. And my wife, my wife worft
you guys four hundred dollars on Saturday. She could have said she left it,
but from what I know, Ihave no money in my store right
now. Are you got to tellmy wife's on Saturday? Yes, but
I don't remember any money coming myway any money. Your wife is there
an echo? He's there an echo? Are you a wise guy? No?
Wise guy. I'm just you know, Yeah, I said something and
you repeated it to me. Iwant to make sure I have the fact
straight because when I go back tomy wife and she tells me she gave
you the money, then we're allgoing to have a problem. And it's
never being a tough guy. It'sgot to know what. You're trying to
punk me out of four hundred dollars. I'm not trying to punk you out
of anything. I'm trying to makea business of this. And you know
I don't want to be putting outfree food for you. I'm not feeding
you for free. This is aggravating, I know, aggravating you're telling me.
I mean, I'm getting on youjust, you know, trying to
think about this big order that Igot a place for you, and I
got I got nothing to work with. I need this aggravation like I need
a hole in my head. I'llleave this stopping there later on today and
me and you will deal with it. I'll stop in there with my wife
and all three of us will dealwith it the way you said me and
you were going to deal with itdidn't sound as pretty as me. You
and your wife are going to dealwith it. Well, I gotta be
honest, I'm not as pretty asmy wife. So your wife is pretty,
I'll give you that. Now.You're pushing your luck. You got.
I'm just trying to get my money. How about question? How about
I string you up like a sausageand hang you out with the rest of
the meat. You think you coulddo it? You think you could do
Oh, I so could do it. I'll be over there three o'clock.
You better be outside. You everbeen knocked out with the chicken palm?
You know you're a real tough guy. I'll see you at three o'clock.
I'll replace your meat balls just likethat. Right, You're like a little
cheese with that. I'll see youwith three o'clock. Okay, Kathy,
you're gonna talk to him real quick, and then I'll come in and I'll
bust it up. Okay, okay, I gotta go down here today after
work. What happens? All right? You stay home, you watch the
baby, little man. I'm tellingyou now, right now, I'm gonna
go through the roof like I needto a victure right now. So why
what happened? Whatever? Fred youknow the way they are. Just leave
them alone. I gotta go.I don't get them fish, Freddie,
you're gonna have a big problem onyour hands. Hey, Freddie, listen
though, you just got phone tapped. That's good always that I can have
a phone tap you, right.My name is Garret from Elvis Duran in
the Morning Show. I'm roof rightnow. What do you want to say
to your wife, Kathy? She'sa real big brull break up the Elvis
Duran phone tap. This phone tabwas pre recorded with permission granted by all
participants. The Elvis Duran phone taponly on Elvis Duran in the Morning Show