Episode Transcript
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Don't answer the phone. Elvis Duran. The Elvis Duran phone tapped. All
right, what's your scary phone tap? All about Scary? So Felicia wants
to phone tap her husband. Theirson, Joseph, goes to daycamp and
Felicia was there for a family funday. So Felicia thought, let's play
a joke on my husband. I'mgoing to start the call to him from
the camp and then I am goingto come in as one of the other
kids sore loser parents. So you'rea sore loser parent, yes, and
family fund. We'll see what happensin Scary's phone tap. Hi, they
have this basketball game and Choseph wasplaying, you know, it's adults against
kids, and this one guy stuffthe ball and joe what And I'm like,
oh, you can. We wonthe gift cards to Applebee's. What
else happened in tuggle War? Hecan pull the roll so hard and Joey
didn't want of their goals. Hedrags him face down through the mud.
Yeah, drag my son through themud and a game of a war.
Excuse me, you don't do thatto a kid. You stole my gift
card. Look, nobody stole yourIs that him? It's just my son.
Get out of here. I wonall three matches far and square.
On the phone the phone, Hello, this is Joseph's father. Hi.
Who are you? I'm Rick?You're Rick. Who's your kid? What's
your affiliation with the kid? Areyou a counselor or my daughter? Analyse
your daughter? Anily? How oldis Annaly? She's six years old.
If I want to go there anddon't on your six year old daughter,
what would you do, Rick?I would give you the Applebee's gift card
because you won fair and square.You're at Yeah, you're doing this gift
card to apple Bee. It's adultversus kids. Your son went up for
a shot and I swatted it inhis face. I was like, bam
in your face, and I didthat thing the NBA players do where they
take their point there and go no, no, no, not today.
Who's seven? Rick's seven? Yourson has to learn how to lose your
son cap just show up and bea winner. I meet, don't.
I don't, Rick, I don'tcare what you're talking about right now.
You don't do that to a kid, especially my kids. You don't drive
myself through the mouth like that.Apple's gift card. There's gonna be.
There's gonna be some days you winand some days you lose. This is
the day he lost. Rick.Today you're gonna lose because I'm getting my
car. I'm coming down there yourpieza. No, I'm not your son
fell in one, but that's okay. I shook his hand when it was
over, I said, hey,good match, kid, driving through them
up. I gave I picked himup and I gave him a paper towel
and I said, here, wipeyourself off. See this is funny.
You think this is funny. Youknow I did try and almost make him
win for arm wrestling. I lethim push my arm back a little bit.
But then I'm like, this isfor a gift card. Wow,
beat a seven year old in armwrestling? How prosthetic? I did my
over the top Sylvester stallone move.It was hilarious. Everybody was cheering.
I have never spoke to in mylife a bigger piece than you. You
know, he watches TV. Hethinks he's Lebron James. Sometimes you gotta
be knocked down the size. I'mjust telling you, like it is sucked
down. What wasn't gonna let himget the shot off. I was God,
I'd be embarrassed. Come on,that's the whole point to bail the
kids up, and at five eleven, you shouldn't take out your frustrations from
your childhood on my seven year oldson. Why would they even have family
fun day if we can't win.It's not there, it's not funny about.
Don't you get it me? Ijust did him a favor. Don't
talk to me. I'm coming downthere. I'm walking on my phone.
Don't even bother No, don't goto your car. Sorry, this is
scary Jones with Elvis the Red ofthe Morning Show. You've been phone tapped.
Got you you listed to in themorning. We're getting ready here,
thank you. There's nothing around.I'm dunking on my kit. My boys
dant. This phone table was prerecorded permission granted by all participants the Elvis
teran phone tap only on Elvis Duranin the Morning Show