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July 25, 2024 4 mins
Pete is getting the news that his wife bought a statue for their home after he asked her not to.....and it's $3500!
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Episode Transcript

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Don't answer the phone, Elvis durandthe Elvis durand phone tap. All right,
let's get into it. And Iwas listening to this phone tap before
the show. I'm really into it, Danielle. Another fine job. Oh
thank you, you kind of liftthe fusion. Ran on this. That's
did I read? Then I left? What's it all about? Well,
Joan wants us to email her husbandPete. She's redecorating her house and she
wants to buy a new statue,but Pete told her she couldn't buy it

because it's too expensive. So I'mcalling from the credit card company to confirm
that Joan brought the statue. Herewe go. Hello, Hi, is
this mister Brisillo? Yes, thisis Linda from Timecard. How are you
hi? How are you good?I'm just calling because I needed to approve
a charge, okay, And thecharge is for thirty five hundred dollars and

it exceeds the limit. Oh,I don't know anything about that. It's
for a statue of a seahorse.No, no, no, no,
I mean that's ridiculus. I mean, I know my wife's nuts, but
I don't think she would spend thatmuch a freaking sea horse. She's crazy.
But it says here that the statuewas already he picked up, so
the charge actually already went through.I don't know why it went through,

but not for that amount of money. Yeah, for thirty five hundred dollars.
All right, let me call mywife. I'm sorry about that,
No problem, Okay, thank you? By okay, Joan. Yeah,
we're gonna call him back and you'regonna talk now. He's gonna kill me.
Hey, Pete, Yes, it'sme. What's going on? Not
so much. I just got acall from the credit card company. They
called you. Yeah, what whatthey say to you? Did they need

to get authorization for a charge ofthree thousand, five hundred dollars for a
sea horse? Yeah? But youknow what, I already brought the statue
and I already thought it was alltaken care of. I didn't know.
I don't know why they're following you. Did you spent three thousand dollars?
Well? You know what? HeI remember, I was looking for the
statue for the fun and it wasa really nice statue and killing nice call

some stuff, and that was gonnasurprise you for your birthday and just have
it delivered and have it there foryou. Are you kidding me, Joan?
I would have went perfect with theliving room. I don't give what
you do, Joan, you returnedthat? Are you for real? I'm
trying to sell this business because you'relosing your job and you're spending thirty five
hundred dollars on a Seahawks? Areyou kidding me? Whatever you do,

get rid of it? Do youunderstand? I don't know if I can
get rid of it because there wasa special order. Are you kidding me?
Well? And Peter, you knowwhat. I'm working hard too,
and I thought that it would justbe something really nice for the house.
That's a card zone thirty five hundreddollars. I don't know what you do?
Figure it out. We bet youbetter get rid of it. That's

all I gotta say. I'm callingyour sister. I can't believe you would
do that. I can't believe it. Well, I don't understand what you're
getting so aggravated about. Are youkidding me? I don't even want to
talk to you. I gotta go, y, what do you want?
You know how hard I work forthat money too? You have your BMW.
We got the whole house redone Idon't care whenever you spend five hundred

for your statues and you do allthat, You're spending four thousand dollars on
a statue, and you've got thebulls to be there asking me why I'm
made, and you didn't. Idon't want to talk to you. I'm
busy, all right. We gotto call him back again. Oh my
god, he's gonna kill me.Hello. Didn't you just get a brand

new fish tank? Yeah? Forfive hundred dollars, I got a brand
new fish tank. That's right,big difference between thirty five hundred and five
hundred. I'm not discussing it withyou. Don't call me back here.
What kind of crab crawled up yourask today? What's your problem? Joan?
I'm busy. I have systems.Guys here, everybody's in around.
You are really sick that you thinkI'm out of line for being upset that

you spent thirty five hundred dollars ona seahorse. I'm calling your sister.
I don't care. I don't callback. Please if you want good honey,
I know that you're working hard.I'm not saying you're not working hard.
Don't talk to me now, Joan. She wants to say you've been
phone tapped on the radio or youThis is Daniel man Arrow. That is

they that was unbelievable on the ElvisDuran phone tap. This phone tab was
pre recorded with permission granted by allparticipants the Elvis Duran phone tap only on
Elvis Duran in the Morning Show
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