Episode Transcript
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Don't answer the phone. Elvis Duran, the Elvis Duran's phone tap. Let's
get into the phone tap, Garrett. Yes, what's your phone tap?
All about? Well, Malik wantedto play a phone tap on his mom.
Now, Malik was asked to goget the oil change in his mom's
car, and he's never done thatbefore. So we figured this would be
the perfect phone tap. So Malik'sgoing to start to call the mom.
Then I'm going to take over asthe guy fixing a boil oil. All
right, let's mess with him.Here we go. Garrett's phone tome,
wha TI, Mom? Malik?What's up? Nothing much. I'm just
sitting around the gas stationware and gettingthe oil change. I just wanted to
let you know it's only going tobe one hundred and fifty dollars this time.
One hundred and fifty dollars. Didyou see, Charlie. No,
I couldn't wait there because I wentthere it was like ten feep ahead of
me. So I went to thisother place down the street. Don't worry
about it, so I'll be finishedsoon. They're at the park where they
take the tires off. No,wait, wait, what are you talking
about? One hundred and fifty dollarsand the tires taken off. I sent
you to get an oil change.It does you don't go to per the
tires off with the mechanics here,with the mechanics here. They had to
take the tires off to change theoil. And a hundred fifty dollars is
a good price, he told me. No, no, no, no,
no, you've kept the whole jointright now. Hold on, all
right, yeah, can you comehere and talk to my level for one
second? Police? Hello? Hello, yeah, because it's a Samaraw.
I'm Malik's mother. You're supposed tobe doing an oil change. You get
the wheels off my car and you'retrying to charge them one hundred and fifty
dollars. Listen, tires are goingto be rotated and wells down. Put
the tires back on, and he'sgoing to get the out of there because
this is a damn rip off.Give me back my son. Put them
back on the phone, and I'mabout to send some cops over there.
All right, sorry, hold up, all right, man, you see
everything is cool, Everything will befine. I'll be home. No no,
no, no, no, everythingis not cool. Get the out
of there. Get your money back, Raven. There's only two tires on
a car. I have to waittill they finished. I'm taking time of
this. It's been a long dayalready. I don't have time to deal
with this. Mah. It's onlytwo tires. I can't leave, and
I have to wait for them toput the radio back in. And was
found it too basy, so Itold the radio one of the radio involved
in this it was too much bass. And I had them fix the tires
because I hit a pothole when Iwas driving here and I wanted to make
sure the tires were okay. Ohmy god, you hit a pothole and
they took all the tires off.Like, what did you hit the grand
canyon? Oh my, I waspretty big though it wasn't a grand yo.
But you don't got to take allthe tires off. Yo. Your
foolishness right now is really going togive me a heart attack about the blow
of bain in my head. HeyTamara, Hey listen, put my car
down, give it back to myson. I'm done with this, like
I'm about to come down there withthe raid tomorrow. My name's actually Garith
from Elvis Durant in the Morning Showand you're so just tapped. You are
you sing? Oh my god,Loraine, take this dog. I got
me on the radio right now,my son. The Elvis Duran phone tap.
This phone tab was pre recorded withpermission granted by all participants. The
Elvis Duran phone tap only on ElvisDuran in the Morning Show