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May 27, 2024 3 mins
Mike gets a call from his wife that she smashed their lawn mower into the pool!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Don't answer the phone. Elvis Durand. Elvis Durand's phone tap. This is
one of those you make the callphone taps. We love these. We
just connect you with whoever you wanta phone tap and let you do all
the work. It's all up toyou. Oh, we're going to get
my husband, Mike. We gotthis pool and stowed a couple of weeks
ago, and he wanted no partof this pool. So anything that we

can do to try to get himfired up about the pools falling down or
something like that, he'll go nutsand lose his mind. So Mike,
yeah, oh my god, you'renever gonna believe what I did. What
you do? I went outside tomow the lawn and oh my god,
who did you do? I raninto the pool, into the pool.

I ran into the buttes of thepool, and it made a crack in
the pool. Dang, Let meask you something. Why are we trying
to mold a lawn because it needsto be mowed. I don't know.
I was trying to take help youout with the work and the yacht and
stuff. I don't know. Everytime you try to do something, something
happened. You tried to mold thelong list. Come, you put the
gas with the oil, you triedto weed whack, you proke the thing?

Why are you keep doing things likethat for I'm just trying to help
you. I don't know what todo. Maybe I could like die,
Well, the pool's done, goto pool people. I don't know.
It's broke. But he's a warranty, like, I don't know. Well,
maybe there's something I could put inthere or something. I don't know.
There's nothing you can do. Whatcould you do? The pull?
It's broke, it's coming out?Are we gonna do? I'm not a
pool guy. Pull the pool people? What pool people? The place that

we bought it from? Yeah,I don't know. Well, I just
don't know what to do about theyard. It's like all flooded. It's
gonna flood. The whole yard's gonnaflood. Oh my god, the water
is like I think it's going likeinto the pigeon coop or something. Yeah,
probably it's eight thousand gowns. It'sgonna flood the whole neighborhood. If
you did me, Well, whatam I gonna do about the birds in
the back? I don't know.I have no idea. God, I'm

so sorry. How could you dosomething like that? I'm skinning you,
Like, what are you trying tomow? The waffl? You just mold
I'm sorry. I just thought Iwould help you. I was cleaning the
hand. You're not helping me bydoing things like that. You're not helping
me. I tried to tell youthat already, didn't I know, I
told you that when you pulled thething out and you put an oil in

the gage. Oh my god,Now that's freaking. The water is all
above the outlet, and the spark'scoming out of the pigeon coop. What
am I supposed to do? Now? What is it doing? The electric
is sparking the pigeon coop or something? There's Oh my god, I'm pulling.
I'm plugging, shutting, plugged in. Oh you'll get away from it
and get the got it there?Oh my god, No, don't even

call them back working Okay, No, I don't know what to do.
Don't shut the pro break through thedownstairs and get the got it the yard?
What you doing? What the areyou doing? Hey, Michael?
Hello, get the guys. Aremake me out a bawd to tackle over

here? With that sh the ElvisDuran phone tap. This phone tap was
pre recorded with permission granted by allparticipants. The Elvis Duran phone tap only
on Elvis Duran in the Morning Show
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