Episode Transcript
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Don't answer the phone. Elvis Duran, the Elvis Duran phone tap. I
need a phone tap, Yes,Garrett, does today's phone tap? What's
going on? Garrett? Well,Chris wants to phone tap his friend Scott.
Now, Scott had his tooth pulledat the dentist office the other day
and he was freaking out over havingthe procedure done. So I'm going to
call Scott from the dentist office lethim know that tooth extraction that he had
didn't go according to plant. Ohyou know what, you shouldn't be messing
with someone with her teeth. Whynot. It's a very painful thing.
All right, let's listen to Garrett'sphone tap. Here we go. Hello,
is Scott available? Please speak Hi, Scott. I'm calling from a
doctor for all a little office,and uh, we're just calling to check
up from yesterday. Well, Imean, you know, I was a
little surprised that we had to doa tooth extraction, but you know,
I guess you know, I haven'tgone in a while. So what I'm
calling to tell you about today is, uh, we realized that we pulled
out the wrong tooth. What werarely mess up here, but every once
in a while, one slips throughthe you know the cracks. Are you
pulled out a healthy tooth? Yes? Yes? Uh? What do I
do now? Well, first,what we need you to do is come
back in and we could swap outthe teeth. We swap out the teeth.
The dentist can easily just get thattooth back into your mouth and we'll
pull out the one that we needto come out. You can do that.
Have we done it before? No, but we can get it done
though, so sold my healthy too. Yeah, now you're saying you might
be able to put it back.Well again, don't point fingers. I
I had nothing to do with it, fingers. What you did it?
You just said you did it.I didn't do it. The dentist did
it, all right, I'm justcalling okay, all right, So not
you personally, but the dentist screwedit up. And now you're trying to
cover his as well. I'm notcovering his ass. I'm just saying that.
I mean, you're doing something.What are you doing? Then you're
calling me right now to say comein and get another tooth pulled and maybe
you can put in my healthy tooth. Well, we will put in your
healthy tooth, and we'll take outthe one that we we need to take
it just for a second, allright, I'm just saying there's been a
breach of trust. There's got tobe more to it than just that,
and it got to be better thana maybe you keep a rotting tooth in
your mouth, all right, andsee what happens. All right, I'm
trying. No, you guys,really uh, I mean, this is
a serious, man. It's alearning experience, just as you're learning your
learning experience. What do you meanlearning experience? Well, next time we'll
know what to do. I'm goingto go to another dentist office because this
this sounds like he's not going tohave your tooth. We have your tooth.
No wait, no, women,you cannot do that. Man,
it's my dude. You guys alreadyup. Why would I want you to
try again? Well, we're nottrying again. We'll get it right this
time. I promise, no play. Are you ever coming near my damn
mouth again? Man? Just allright, Jesus is freaking right now.
All right, So this is whatwe're gonna do. We're gonna call him
back and you're going to talk tohim. Okay, all right. Hello,
what's up man, dentist? That'swhat's up? Man? Yeah,
he's great. He told out thewrong youth man, No right now,
no, they did that. Istill that's the diseased one in my head.
So just come back and get theother two out. Are you insane?
I'm not letting them touch me again. Man. Just be a little
mistake, man, Not a littlemistake. It's a huge mistake. Man.
To call it your joking with me? Right, This is a joke.
You're trying to play a joke on. I am not with you because
I know that you never have youever heard me been this upset before.
He's a great dentist. Dude.You're out of your mind what you're talking
about? He did you say that? I don't cry, man, I'm
a grown man. I don't crylike that. And you know what,
I've figured it out. Why Iwasn't a campaign because I'm a healthy duthe
man. The he pulled out ofmy mouth be pulled out. So you're
you really are? Man? Whyhow did you cry? You would?
Do? You? Some have abit? I never cried. When they
all get out of here, youcry while you gonna write us frontut of
everybody, you WoT right down.I mean, well it's probably drunk.
You're the one who's cleaning that perfectlygood Dennis pull out the right Why would
I go? Hey, Scott,Scott, Scott? Who is My name?
Is garrethro the Elvis Duran in theMorning Show and you just got phone
tapped? You want to tissue?Bro, Dude, you're so burned.
No, no, no, don'tstart with me. Man Man, who's
the man the Elvis Duran phone tap. This phone tab was pre recorded with
permission granted by all participants The ElvisDuran phone tap only on Elvis Duran in
the Morning Show