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July 17, 2024 3 mins
Megan is being a bridezilla according to her sister, so Danielle called from the bridesmaid boutique to inform her, her sister changed the dresses!
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Episode Transcript

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Don't answer the phone, Elvis durandthe Elvis durand phone tappen. All right,
Danielle, what's your phone tap aboutit? So? I got a
call from Natalie and she said,my sister is being a bride zilla,
so I want you to call her. So I'm just calling her basically to
tell her that there's a problem atthe Bridle store. You know that always
makes them happy. You should neveryou were a bride one time, remember

that I was. If someone hadphone tapped you, you would have killed
them. Yep. All right,let's see what happened to Daniel's phonetap.
Hello, I may speak to Meghanplease. This is Meghan. Hey Megan,
it's Leslie from a Bridle. Howyou doing? Hi? What's going
on? All the girls put downtheir down payments so we're good with that,
okay, okay, great, Andthere's still six bridesmaids, yes,

yes, okay. And we're goingto go with the purple with the lean
No, we decided no on thepurple. We're supposed to go there.
They're green, it's like an emeraldgreen. No. I got a phone
call from and Natalie saying we werewith the purple. No, when did
she call you? Is Natalie abridesmaid? Yeah, that's my sister.

Am I guessing that Natalie is nothappy with the dress to choice? Well,
I don't know, but she wantedthe purple. I definitely didn't want
the purple. And plus, ifmy entire bridal party wants to be all
boobs like that would be why wewould do the purple. We're not going
to do that. The purple dressdefinitely has more cleavage. Yeah, yeah,
that's not happening. What if wejust put Natalie in that purple dress?

But I got that in emerald greenfor her, so she's the only
one with cleavage. No, No, I don't want cleavage and I don't
want Here's I'm confused. When wetalked to Natalie, she said that the
bride was fine with it. No, the bride is not fine with it.
Obviously I'm the bride. Can Iput you on hold one second because
I just need to check. Yes, Oh, of course we have a
Bridezella on what her bridesmaids are nothappy with the dress she picked. They

want to show a little clevage,but yeah, she wants them to wear
like this, like potato sax typeof a dress. Oh can you get
me the bean burrito for lunch?No, I definitely have my period,
so I want I'm like craving this. Oh my god. Hello, Sorry
that took so long about everything youjust said. I heard all about your
period and what are You're getting aburrito? Do your period too? You're

getting a burrito? I have thatperiod like nobody's doing business with you.
This is it. I'm going tojust change it, forget it. You're
definitely on your period. Oh mygod, Natalie. Let me know when
she calls you, and then I'llthree weigh it in and then you just
talked to her and I'll listen.Okay, she's calling. Okay, here
we go. This is all you. I'm just listening. Ready, Okay,

Well did you do? What areyou talking about? I got a
call about the bridesmaid dresses? Youswitch them? I told you, but
I look better than the purple,and I told you. It's not about
you, It's about me. I'mgetting married. When you get married,
you'll wear whatever the hell you wantme to wear. I don't really care.
This is ridiculous, ugly up therelike gang Green. I mean,
if you want to be in thewedding wear, the green dress. If

you don't want to, that's fine, show up and sit in the bath
wear. Whatever the hype you want. I mean we look like a football
team. Yeah. Maybe you withyour broad shoulders that you're sensitive about,
you might look like a gun off. The rest of them looks great.
Hey, girls, Can I callElvis and ask him what he would think
of this? What? Megan s? What? This is? Danielle mon

Arrow from Elvis Durant in the MorningShow. Natalie just fun tapped you.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, butyou're my fight fella ish lately. Okay,
oh my god, this phone tapis your wedding present. I had
to Elvis Duran phone tap. Thisphone tap was pre recorded with permission granted
by all party SUPs. The ElvisDuran phone tap only on Elvis Duran in

the Morning Show
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