Episode Transcript
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Don't answer the phone. Elvis Duran, the Elvis Duran phone tap. Dear
Elvis, My mother Beth constantly feedsthese stupid stray cats outside of our house,
and she's always worried about neighbors callingto complain about how unsanitary it is.
Wouldn't it be hilarious to call usone of our neighbors, maybe the
one she'd has never gotten along with, and assure you this will drive her
nuts. This is from her husband, Richard, daughter Kristen. Here comes
Danielle as the nasty neighbor calling Bethabout feeding all the cats in the neighborhood.
Let's listen in to today's phone tap. Hello, Hi, can I
talk to Beth please? Hey Beth, this is a niece. My aunt
is constantly talking about these stray catsthat you feed. I don't feed stray
cat. I beg to differ.I know I've seen you feed them.
Let's get to the point. Whatdo you want? Well, the point
is my aunt would really like youto stop feeding the stray cats. You
know what. Excuse me? Hello, Hi, man, speak to Beth.
Please? Hello Beth? Are wenot two grown women that we can't
talk you? I'll get you forharassment. You wait a minute. First
of all, if you don't stopfeeding the cat. Hello, Hello,
mans, Please speak to Beth.Please. She keeps hanging up on me.
Yeah, I do have something tosay to you. I can get
you on some harassment for falling hereevery five minutes, and I can get
you. Tell you something. Honey, kiss my ass and you can talk.
Kiss my ass, and you cantell her husband to kiss my ass
twice. Goodbye. Oh hello,don't hang up the phone. I want
you to tell her that I'm callingher the crazy lady with the cats.
All right, She's a freaking crazylady with the cats. I'm gonna call
Animal will Protection if she doesn't geton the phone and work this out with
me right now, Animal Protection.You want to talk to her. She
wants your number. Tell her toget on the phone with me and I'll
give her my number. Give yournumber, get on the phone. She
said something rude. Why is sheacting like such a bitch. She's not
an adult. She can't talk tome. I want to talk to you.
Just talked to one second. She'sgoing crazy. Best get up,
pick up the phone. It's goingcrazy, alight. I think it's over.
She just threw stuff at me.Oh, it's a phone path.
She's just wanted to have to tellit. She just it's only a joke,
it's only a show. She justwent nuts. Gotta go. Bet,
bet, it's only a joke.Come on. Duran phone tap.
This phone tap was pre recorded withpermission granted by all participants the Elvis Duran
phone tap only on Elvis Duran inthe Morning show