Episode Transcript
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Don't answer the phone. Elvis durandElvis Duran phone tap? All right,
Scary, what's your phone tap allabout? Today? So Alyssa emailed us
to phone tap her roommates. Sophia, Alyssa's girlfriend, Alex, is coming
for a visit and staying with them, And since Alyssa and Sophia are going
to be at work when Alex gotto the house, they figured they'd leave
a key for Alex. So Sophiagets the phone call from her house guest,
Alex. Let me guess you're Alex. I'm out all right, let's
see what happens. It's Scary's phonetap. Hello, is this Sophia?
Yes? Who is Sophia? It'sAlex. I just got to the house.
Some stuff's not in order here.I'm trying to Alex. Did Alyssa
tell you that I was staying withyou guys for the weekend? Yeah,
she said that Alex was coming in, but I mean she wasn't. She
wasn't specific. I thought it wasit was a girl. I thought it
was no, no, no,no, no, I'm a dude.
Last I checked. Okay, stayingin Melissa's room, right, the one
with the flat panel TV on thewall and the Hunter Douglas shades. No
no, no, no, no, no, no, no no no,
that's my room. How did youso? You are actually inside my
room right now. I'm hanging outin the bed. I'm just on my
bed. Yeah, yeah, Well, the reason why I was calling was
because I couldn't find the promote controlto the TV. Wait a minute,
Wait a minute, wait a minute. You are right now sleeping in my
bed looking for a remote control.I found it. It was in your
underwear drawer. So I just wantto let you know I found it in
case you're looking for it. Butthat's not our room. That's my room.
I didn't know that till just now, though. I'm sorry, why
did you do that? What isthat? That's a TV? You're watching
porn right now? I got sixchannels from fourteen ninety nine. To get
out of the well, I'm sorry, no, no, no, you
understand. I didn't know it wasyour room. I'm sorry. Get out
of that room. Do you havethe password for the computer? Oh?
I got Are you still in mybed? I got clothes? Eyes?
What does in a stranger househo?We used to watch porn together all the
time. It wasn't a big deal. Throw it in the offer in the
bathroom and get out of my room. I'm calling Melissa right now. All
right, listen, let's call herbefore she calls you back. I'm gonna
doll her real quick. Okay,okay, perfect, I'm gonna be quiet
you you talk. Hello, Hey, how are you? I didn't know
Alex was the guy. He callsme he's watching porn on my bed.
Well, Sophia, you know,Alex and I were type back in college.
We did everything together, and soI told him when he came over
to just make himself at home anddo what he had to do until one
of us gets home. He wentto my underwear Dowords. He probably that's
my vibrator. Now I have tothrow away everything on Patty that I have,
and not only that. Then hejust like, ran my bad and
watch porn. We'll wash it,We'll watch it. It's not a big
deal. What do you mean orwatch it? I'm not gonna And how
am I gonna look at this guy? Because oh, now he knows that
I have a vibrator. Now youknow that I'm who's it? How did
I get on this line? Myfavorite movie I'm playing it at work.
Jokes. Yeah, yeah, shesaid, Yeah, Sophia, it's scary
Jones from Elvis Errand in the MorningShow. And you've been phone tapped.
We got you girls. Oh mygod, I had no idea you were
this A party, my god,a layer. Nobody's in the apartment.
No, I'm just watching porn inElvis's office. The Elvis Duran phone tap.
This phone tab was pre recorded.We permission granted by all participants.
The Elvis Duran phone tap only onElvis Duran in the Morning Show