All Episodes

July 5, 2024 48 mins

On today's show, Jase catches up on his social media, Keyzie confronts the fellas about the Big Show Bach trip, and Pugs fills in for Mike on the Friday Throbber.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
The Big Show with Night and Day. Get a hell
of a caffeine fix from your local Night and Day
from just four dollars fifty welcomes. The Biggest Show is
our biggest show, biggest, biggest speak.

Speaker 2 (00:14):
Show, which just nice and how good are you mad
Barstard's great if your company this Friday afternoon, the fifth
of July twenty twenty four, and you, my friends, and
listen to the Big Show brought to you by Night.

Speaker 3 (00:38):
God. That was that was shit? How yeah?

Speaker 2 (00:40):
Yeah, I think I got myself in the wrong foot.
The easy it's my fault. Local foot are just another reminder.
No Mogi again today he's gone downhill again, unfortunately, and
hopefully the stallion will find his feet pretty soon and
get tickety boo in time for next week.

Speaker 3 (00:56):
Ezy, that's right, Jason. You just saw Tommy on Wednesday
and some other stuff had and then you came back,
and then Mogi started to get a sore throat, and
today apparently he's even worse than Yes, his voice sounds
absolutely terrible. Hopefully Monday, yeah, he'll be back on Dick
on the other side of the coin. I'm looking at you, Keezy,
and you are just absolutely blooming at the moment, man,

and stop saying blooming. You're like, what a flower?

Speaker 2 (01:22):
You're like? I was going to say, yes, a flower
unveiling itself in the sun. There's a radiance to you,
a cop shortness, a swagger even, and boy, oh boy,
I tell you what. Pug sound came up to me
before and he said, jeez keysy's in good forming knees

on fire. Yeah, and he said he's you know, his
cheeks are glowing. He's got a real strut and a stip.

Speaker 3 (01:48):

Speaker 2 (01:48):
Good on you man, what's going on?

Speaker 3 (01:50):

Speaker 2 (01:50):
Why are you in that place?

Speaker 3 (01:52):
I lit some new pants and I just think they
look great and I'm feeling pretty cocksure as a result, right,
and I feel like I'm blooming.

Speaker 2 (02:00):
Oh you see, that's the weird thing, because if I
because I saw your pants today and I thought of
anything that actually made you feel pretty embarrassing and humiliated.
Oh right, because what are they? Sort of baggy cargo
kind of weirdness.

Speaker 3 (02:11):
Well, when I was about ten, I was wearing really
baggy jeans and they're now sort of back again, and
I remember absolutely loving them, and so got a free
pair of them, whacked them on today. Thought i'd have
a hoon on them and just see see how people
reacted to them. First of all, have a bit of
a strunt, Yeah, what do you think? Just have a
quick look at them.

Speaker 2 (02:30):
Ridiculous. But having said that, you're looking great man. Apart
from your pants, thanks Jase, you look good too, man, Yeah, thanks, Bud.

Speaker 3 (02:38):
It including your pants. So those are your wife's pants.

Speaker 2 (02:39):
Yeah, these are my wife's pants. Again, So that's why
I look so good. Dallas and big showy head of course,
Hughes Friday, the Friday Tribe of the theme today's Sickness,
obviously because Maggie's sick, because we've all been sort of
under the weather. A bit of a waz chat.

Speaker 3 (02:54):
Also, Jase, I've got some bad news around the batch trip.
I'm not sure if I'm gonna be able to make it.
Oh God, really yeah, sorry man. Here's the Black Keys.

Speaker 1 (03:02):
The whole Archy Big Shows with Jason Hoyt, Mike Minogue
and Keezy.

Speaker 2 (03:07):
This is the need smashing pumpkins there on the radio
hoed Archy Big Show this Friday afternoon. The time is
at eleven minutes past four o'clock. I forgot Keysy Friday
shout outs.

Speaker 3 (03:16):
Yeah, true.

Speaker 2 (03:17):
So if you've got a Friday shout out, you want
to name someone who want us to get them to call,
say their names out in the radio text US three
four eight three.

Speaker 3 (03:24):
That's right everyone. The text through in the draw for
a fifty dollars night and day voucher. Also, just something
to keep in mind. Today apparently busiest day for airports
because the school holiday starts tomorrow. Right, Okay, so if
you are planning on going to an airport, make sure
you leave nice and early.

Speaker 2 (03:37):
Yeah, good, good call there, Keysy. Now listen, we don't
do the big pole all the time now, it's just
for special occasions. And two shocking things have happened over
the last couple of days, so we felt it prudent
to have a big pole. Let's get into it. The
big pole. And this is a bit different because it's

kind of a dual big pole, Kesy.

Speaker 3 (04:03):
I think, I think you can have the main pole sure,
and I'll just have a little and I always have
and I'll have like a small pole afterwards as you do.

Speaker 2 (04:15):
So we call it the big major pole and the
button mushroom pole.

Speaker 3 (04:19):
I reckon, We just call it the big pole.

Speaker 2 (04:21):
Yeah, and the middle pole the little pole. Yeah. Sure.
Now a lot of you will be aware that our
listeners to the show and you go on our Instagram
and so forth that over the last couple of months,
I've been I've grown a bed.

Speaker 3 (04:33):
Well it's a yeah. Is it a bed?

Speaker 2 (04:35):
Yeah, well, i'd call it a bed.

Speaker 3 (04:36):
It's like a shadow. It's it's not short as short
as a shadow. No, but it's not like a thick,
you know.

Speaker 2 (04:42):
Having said that, I gave it a bit of a
trim yesterday. It has got quite bushy, and generally speaking,
the feedback I've got about my bed has been relatively positive.
Is that true? Yes, that's true. And then I had
a shocking situation happened yesterday while Kezy and I were
doing the show which didn't go to wear and Kesey
said to me, I hate you'll be here, Jace.

Speaker 3 (05:04):
Don't he misquote what I said.

Speaker 2 (05:06):
He stucked Jasa in my kidney and twisted it around
and I went, are you serious man? And he went, Jace,
I absolutely hate.

Speaker 3 (05:16):
Jay You'll be here, Jace. I didn't stick my knife
into what's left of your kidney. What I said was,
to be honest, I probably prefer you without the beard.
Not that I really care though, as how I said
it because you asked us. You were like, fellers, what
do you think of my beard? Because I might have
to get rid of it for broken wood? And then
I said, to be honest, I prefer you with that one,
but I also don't care, right, And so you've taken

that very personally obviously quite self conscious about it now,
and you need the nation to back you up a
wee bit.

Speaker 2 (05:41):
Right. Well, I went home to my wife last night
and I said, you know, God, Kesey hates my beard
and I've been I've had it for like two or
three months, and I had no idea he hated it
so much. And she was really upset with you. Actually, Keesy,
she was. She didn't call you last night, did she?

Speaker 4 (05:55):

Speaker 3 (05:55):
She didn't.

Speaker 2 (05:55):
That was weird, Yeah, because she normally calls you every
night after dinner and stuff.

Speaker 3 (05:58):
Yeah, especially Thursday.

Speaker 2 (06:00):
Um. So I thought to myself, Okay, well, I've got
to respect Kezy's opinion here, fair cop, fair cop. Yeah,
so we're going to put it to the people. Should
I get rid of the bed or not?

Speaker 3 (06:09):
That's right. If you want to see a photo of it,
it is up on the Huducky Big shows Instagram story.
You can vote there. We're also working to put it
on the Facebook page too, just because not everyone has
Facebook Instagram. Sorry. And then there's a secondary pole.

Speaker 2 (06:20):
Yeah, the button mushroom pole, and it's Kesey's new pants.
And I don't know how many poles we've had about
your pants, Keezy, but I think three or four.

Speaker 3 (06:29):
Well, what's happened, Jason is I got quite self conscious
because a couple of months ago, you guys kept saying
I wear three quarter pants?

Speaker 2 (06:34):
Well they were were they sort of?

Speaker 3 (06:36):

Speaker 2 (06:36):
Yeah, they were like seven eighths white socks.

Speaker 3 (06:39):
Yeah. And so what I've done is go, oh, this
will show them I've got the baggiest jeans I can find.
I'm now wearing them and there's going to be my
new thing. So while you're doing the big pole, also
have we vote on the small pole. What's your what's
your gut feel here?

Speaker 2 (06:53):
I'm going to say sixty forty years, get rid of
the bed. Yeah. And what's the question about your pants?

Speaker 3 (06:59):
Do you like them or not? Yes or no?

Speaker 2 (07:01):
I'm going to say sixty forty years.

Speaker 3 (07:04):
I'm going to say ninety five to five, get rid
of the Beard. Yeah, ninety five to five, Keep the
Pants Beautiful.

Speaker 1 (07:11):
The Whoikey Big Show with Jason Hoyt, Mike Minogue and Kesey.

Speaker 2 (07:16):
Take there on the radio. Ho Donkey Big Show this
Friday afternoon, twenty three minutes past four o'clock. A few
shout outs there, Keezy on three four eight three.

Speaker 3 (07:24):
Yeah, it's a big shout out Friday. Send them through
on three for three. You could win yourself fifty on
a night and day voucher. Shout out to Benjamin Grant
for being a slab charging backbone. Yeah nice, so good.

Speaker 2 (07:36):
Slab Friday, isn't it. It's always slab Friday, is it? Yeah? Man,
anyone gets a slab.

Speaker 3 (07:41):
I thought it was big shout out Friday.

Speaker 2 (07:42):
Well it can be big shout out Friday and slack Friday.
That's pretty full line bagot Monday. Oh yeah true tenor
neck Tuesday?

Speaker 3 (07:49):
Remember that. Yeah, it was so good. Big shout out
to Luke bidwind Ferrell. A shout out to Andy Thwaite
from Obarn and Scottland, who's doing a swell job.

Speaker 2 (08:01):
So he is great stuff for mate coming on three
four eight three. Remember everyone that texts through goes in
the jaw for a fifty dollar. Hey, Nois and kiss,
I wanted to use your expertise. Oh right, and it's
about social media, you know, and I I guess it's

fair to say you and I are different generations. Yeah,
I mean it's fair to say. Yeah, I mean we're
pretty close in age. But because I'm a generation, I'm
a millennial.

Speaker 3 (08:33):
What are you?

Speaker 2 (08:34):
I don't know, jin a Now we are, we're you know,
and the whole social media thing, you know, your insters,
your tech talks and all that sort of stuff. And
I'll be honest with you, man, I'm not I'm not
down on that sort of stuff too much. I don't
get into it big time, like I'll have a browse
or something like that. But there's a bit of a

phenomenon going on at the moment that I wanted you
to explain to me, if you could take the time
to do it right. Okay, what the hell is this
whole hot tour thing?

Speaker 3 (09:05):
Ah, hot hot tour?

Speaker 2 (09:08):
What yeah about? I know?

Speaker 3 (09:09):
Okay, all right, so here's the audio for people that
don't know. Given that hot spit on that thing.

Speaker 2 (09:19):
That yeah yeah, hot tour spin on that thing, yeah
yeah yeah yeah. So why is that going off? What
is it about it? So?

Speaker 3 (09:27):
What Basically there was a really funny like she would
have been in the early twenties or something. This check
was being interviewed on social media, this young woman. This
young woman was being interviewed on social media, and her
response to a question was as what you just heard
hot tur and spin on that thing?

Speaker 2 (09:43):

Speaker 3 (09:43):
And she sounded so funny, you know what I mean
that it's become a bit of a viral sensation.

Speaker 2 (09:48):
So what's the things she's spinning on? Though? Is what
I can understand? Is that just is it just spit
or hot? Do spin on that thing? So the hot
tour is spinning. But what's the thing though? That's what
I don't get.

Speaker 3 (10:00):
It's a thang, yeah you know, yeah, like spit on
that thing?

Speaker 2 (10:04):
Yeah, yeah, So it's nothing specifically, No, it.

Speaker 3 (10:07):
Is right, like surely you know, surely you know what
it is that she's.

Speaker 2 (10:12):
Well, no, That's why I'm asking you the question, Kesy,
because I don't get the whole hock tour. I mean,
I get hop tour that you're spinding, but sped on
that fang is what I don't get. What are they
spedding on? Are they spinning on the person another person.

Speaker 3 (10:25):
Yeah yeah, another person, Yeah yeah, that's right.

Speaker 2 (10:27):
Yeah, well in their face or something.

Speaker 3 (10:29):
No, no, not not on the not on the fact,
not on the head. But well, kind.

Speaker 2 (10:37):
I just don't understand why, I know, yeah, why it's
such a big thing. But it's just someone spading on
that fane.

Speaker 3 (10:45):
You know, like that downstairs dang you know what I mean? Downstairs,
the downstairs you know that, than to spit on that thing, Jase?
You know what I mean? Are you Jase?

Speaker 2 (11:00):
You know?

Speaker 3 (11:00):
Hoted her? You know that thing?

Speaker 2 (11:04):
So the hot dour, Yeah, spend on that thing.

Speaker 3 (11:07):

Speaker 2 (11:07):
Is there spending on you on your downstairs?

Speaker 3 (11:11):
That's right?

Speaker 2 (11:12):
Yeah, why would they do that?

Speaker 1 (11:16):
The Hdiarchy Big Show weekdays from four on Radio.

Speaker 2 (11:19):
Hod Chemical Brothers. There on the Radio Hodarky Big Show
this Friday afternoon, thirty five minutes past four o'clock. If
you're just joining us, no Mogi at the moment, he's
still a little bit crook. Hopefully you'll get himself right
over the weekend. Their keysy, you'd join the team next week?

Speaker 3 (11:34):
Yeah, I reckon he will. He's pretty tough, old Mogi.
Lots of shoutouts coming in on three four eight three
for shout out Friday. Shout out to Rob and Missy
from Rage Nice. That is nice. Shout out to Phoebe
she is an awesome mum. Keep it up.

Speaker 2 (11:48):
Whatever, what do you mean?

Speaker 3 (11:49):
What do you mean? Whatever? I think that's nice.

Speaker 2 (11:51):
It's a bit earnest for my life. I mean, right,
you know this is the thing you see keys, Ye,
mums get so much credit. What about the dads? Man?
I bus said my ass for my kids. Yeah, but
they love their mum more. You know. Mogi goes on
about it all the time, and he's right. You know,
the kids love the mum.

Speaker 3 (12:09):
But have you met his wife? She's great, she's lovely,
Yeah she is. Yeah, I've met your wife. She's lovely
as well.

Speaker 5 (12:14):

Speaker 3 (12:14):
Have you met my wife? Exactly?

Speaker 2 (12:17):
So she is so lovely.

Speaker 3 (12:20):
Hey, Jay's big Warriors game this week and should we
get into it?

Speaker 2 (12:23):

Speaker 3 (12:23):
Man, time to chat footy.

Speaker 5 (12:26):
With me, Keezy.

Speaker 3 (12:29):
One are the Warriors up to? Now?

Speaker 2 (12:32):
I'm pretty excited about this, actually, Keezy, because find out
I can get a word in edgeways now that Mogi's
not here, because he just bangs on whenever we talk
about the Warriors and Hoidy Jay, who I might add,
has pretty much predicted every matchless season for the Warriors.

Speaker 3 (12:46):
Well, you just predicted a lot.

Speaker 2 (12:48):
Never never given it, you know, never get a word in.

Speaker 3 (12:51):
Edgeways, right, Well, what's your vibe on this game against
the Bulldogs?

Speaker 2 (12:54):
Well, this is the thing to remember. Out the Bulldogs
started off very poorly in the season. They're really hitting
their straps now. The defensive team our second best in
the competition. Oh, the second best Panthers of course. So
it's going to be a tough match home game for them,
of course, but the Warrior is once again showing glimmers
of hope. They need to win seven of the last nine,

that's tool order, but I believe they can do it.

Speaker 3 (13:17):
Keasy, you're amazing. I am Jason.

Speaker 2 (13:21):
Jam a waws man through and through. I bleed, I
bleed wah bleed wars.

Speaker 3 (13:27):
You are so amazing your ability to ask me questions
about the Warriors throughout the week and then store them
all away and then just say them all when we're
on air.

Speaker 2 (13:36):
That's my own investigator.

Speaker 3 (13:38):
That the interesting thing about this very game is, and
this is genuinely interesting, Jason, don't do that thing you
do with your glaze over when we're having rugby League.
The Panthers, right, best team of the last decade, to
be honest.

Speaker 2 (13:50):
Longer, Yeah, that won't been silent for sure.

Speaker 3 (13:52):
One of the most dominant teams in history. You've got
Ivan Cleary as the coach. His two coaches underneath him
were Cameron Siraldo, who's the coach of the Bulldogs, and
Andrew Webster, who's the coach of the Warriors. Wow, that've
since gone off started their own teams. Last year Siraldo
took over the Bulldogs, they went terrible. I think they
were pretty much second to last or something. They started

terrible this season, However, in the last sort of ten
games they have up to their defense massively. That all
the way up in fifth on the ladder. To be honest,
if you'd asked me, I would say, oh, they might
be like ninth that fifth, which is ridiculous. And it's
basically to see who was the better person to get
Sirraldo or Andrew Webster. I think it's Webster, although it's

going to be bloody tough to get past that extraordinary defense.

Speaker 2 (14:37):
Jason, Yeah, well, were are the Wars They're thirteenth. I
think somewhere around there.

Speaker 3 (14:41):
The Warriors on the ladder are currently fourteenth, fourteenth because
of last night's game, well wherebe of course, great debut
season last year for the boys, getting them into the
semis there, so that was a great achievement.

Speaker 2 (14:52):
I still believe they're going to pull it off, mate,
pull what off? Oh no, hang on, that's the wrong context.

Speaker 3 (14:59):

Speaker 2 (15:00):
The wind, the wind.

Speaker 3 (15:01):
So you think the Warrior is gonna beat the Bulldogs?

Speaker 2 (15:03):
Yes? I do.

Speaker 3 (15:04):
Okay, score prediction Warriors by ten. Really, yes, even though
the Bulldogs have sensational defense and the Warriors have struggled
to generate offense. Yes, I agree with you, because they've
struggled to generate offense without the current halves peering. The
current halves pairing.

Speaker 2 (15:23):
Is excellent, yes, and they're beginning to collect.

Speaker 3 (15:24):
They're beginning to colleck jas see how.

Speaker 2 (15:27):
Much better it is when I get to you know,
I'm able to talk about the Warriors, Keezy. You know
what I'm saying.

Speaker 3 (15:31):
Yeah, But I do just feel like you're just saying
stuff I've said to you before.

Speaker 2 (15:34):
It's my own investigations, Keezy.

Speaker 3 (15:37):
All right, right, okay, what's the song.

Speaker 2 (15:41):
Allison Jane?

Speaker 3 (15:42):
Yeah, June, the.

Speaker 1 (15:44):
Whole Achy Big Shows with Jason Hoyt, Mike Minogue and
Kesy comes Roses.

Speaker 2 (15:51):
There on the Radio ho Achty Big Show Friday afternoon
now because it's a Friday, of course, a Friday trouble
the thing today because we're doing themes. This year's sickness.

Speaker 3 (16:02):
Yeah that's what it is. Yeah, because you've been sick
with your tummy bum, your tummy bum and also your
abscess and then Mike's sick with his fluy thing he's got. Yeah,
So secondess theme if you you're just.

Speaker 2 (16:14):
Generally unwell most of the time, make easy was and
I'm weazy and I'm sick. Yeah, I'm a sick right, Yeah, sick.

Speaker 3 (16:22):
So Pug Soun'll be in to join us for that one.

Speaker 2 (16:24):
Yeah, I don't know about that. I saw that he
forced his way into the into the trouble. I don't
know that. I'm I'm happy about it, but we'll discuss
that after five.

Speaker 3 (16:34):
All right, right, Plus another chance we did possibly join
us on our fishing trip, So listen out for that
cue to call the.

Speaker 1 (16:41):
Hold Aching Big Show with Jason, Mike and Kezy. Tune
in week days at four on Radio Hodaki.

Speaker 5 (16:50):
It's the Hole Big shows Friday Throbber.

Speaker 2 (16:55):
Yes, indeed, in the idea of the Friday Throbber is
to shut you up for your Friday night into the weekend.
As we've previously spoken about, no Mogi today, he's crook. Unfortunately,
hopefully back on board next week. Now. We've been doing
themes this this year for the Thrubber, and because everyone's
sort of falling by the wayside, we thought today, Fellows,

a bit of sickness would be this would be this theme.

Speaker 3 (17:21):
The theme because you had Pooh pooh, bumbum, sicky sicky
tom tum, you had an abscess, Moggi's got a flu
or a cold or something, pugs on. How you fearing?
All right?

Speaker 6 (17:30):

Speaker 2 (17:30):
Oh you had the chili bell and then.

Speaker 3 (17:32):
I didn't have the chili Yeah. I wasn't sick about it.
But you shot yourself and you said you were going
to throw up. Yeah, yeah, I did feel like throwing up.

Speaker 7 (17:41):
I've never had that.

Speaker 2 (17:42):
Well, that's what actually happened is he went to throw
up and sort of stopped it, and then shadows.

Speaker 3 (17:46):
That what happened.

Speaker 8 (17:47):
Yes, I managed to stop at one and then of
course left the other own.

Speaker 2 (17:50):
It bursts out the other.

Speaker 3 (17:52):
I hat when that happens, It's obviously never happened to
me before.

Speaker 2 (17:54):
But that's crazy just regarding this. Sure, the bloody holl's
going on, Pug sounding and he I thought, were you
and I were going to go toe to toe here?

Speaker 6 (18:02):
Keezy, Jase, you can if you want, man, no skin
off my nose, TUGSN leave that skin on your nose
because you and you know this, Jase that whenever someone's away,
Pugsn steps in and usually wins.

Speaker 2 (18:13):
That's don't set it up like that, Yeah, no, it
up like there.

Speaker 7 (18:17):
Usually I do like to jump in.

Speaker 2 (18:18):
He always has some sort of raging yummy boys songs.

Speaker 3 (18:22):
Which is nothing wrong with that. And the current scoreboard,
Mike's winning on seven, Keyzy's on five. Jase also on five,
but with three asterisks, so it's more like two, and
then Pugs aren't on one.

Speaker 7 (18:31):
Yeah, man, it's a big one.

Speaker 2 (18:34):
So the thing today's sickness. You want to kick us off? Geezy?

Speaker 3 (18:37):
No, I always have to kick us off.

Speaker 7 (18:39):
Okay you go, Jess, Okay, ok here we go boys.

Speaker 3 (18:41):
Here's Jase's choice. I love this tune.

Speaker 2 (18:50):
It's a great tune.

Speaker 3 (18:52):
Who is it?

Speaker 5 (18:55):
Deft tones?

Speaker 3 (18:56):
Of course, it's the deep.

Speaker 5 (18:57):
Toe the flu, the flu.

Speaker 2 (19:00):
That's a great tune.

Speaker 3 (19:01):
Now he's spelled die d a I.

Speaker 7 (19:04):
What's that about?

Speaker 3 (19:06):
There'll be some wacko reason Pugs. What did you do
you Pugs?

Speaker 7 (19:10):
Well, no, you go, man, you go, man, Come on, man,
you go.

Speaker 3 (19:13):
Brother. All right, here's Jason. When you're sick. What do
you need? What do you need? Jas when you're sick.

Speaker 2 (19:20):
It's going to be Jason.

Speaker 3 (19:22):
What do you need when you're siten? No, a remedy?

Speaker 5 (19:36):
Yeah, but to see the.

Speaker 3 (19:41):
So good.

Speaker 2 (19:43):
Now what I love is we've gone pretty hard core there, Kezy.
Now we're going to get a bit of yummy boys.

Speaker 8 (19:47):
You're going to get a bit of yummy boys. Obviously,
you know when you're not feeling too well you might
experience some ill behavior.

Speaker 3 (20:00):
This is Danny Bird twenty ten.

Speaker 2 (20:03):
Yummy byes.

Speaker 3 (20:11):
So yummy, isn't it?

Speaker 6 (20:12):
Stick Pipe that is massively yummy, very yummy.

Speaker 2 (20:18):
Hey, but you decide, New Zealand, So give us a
call right now on O eight hundred Hoaki. In the meantime,
he's a Foo Fighters The Hole.

Speaker 1 (20:26):
Achy Big Show weekdays from four on Radio Hdarky.

Speaker 5 (20:31):
It's The Hole Lucky Big Shows Friday.

Speaker 2 (20:34):
Throber yes, indeed, welcome back. The theme today sickness.

Speaker 3 (20:39):
Yeah, because Moggi's second pug son is stepping up.

Speaker 5 (20:42):
Yeah yeah, thanks.

Speaker 3 (20:43):
Yeah. Man, you know how this works. You listen to
our three songs, you call on one hundred haadaky, which
everyone gets the most votes gets played in full.

Speaker 2 (20:50):
Can I just ask Pagsan a question here? You see
Ben on the phone line there, Pagsan, Yeah, what's that
underneath that you've written?

Speaker 7 (20:57):
I didn't write that.

Speaker 2 (20:58):
Oh okay.

Speaker 8 (20:59):
It says and the location part of Ben's contact details.
It says penguin, but it's spelled incorrectly.

Speaker 2 (21:04):
Yeah, I didn't write that.

Speaker 3 (21:06):
That's from a previous call.

Speaker 7 (21:07):
Must be a Matt and Jerry.

Speaker 3 (21:09):
It's definitely not somebody bogged down at it. Well like
Tim the inn.

Speaker 7 (21:13):
Before the e. So it says paniguin.

Speaker 3 (21:16):
But what you don't want to do, we don't want
to get.

Speaker 2 (21:17):
It's just the weird thing about it. It's the location
and what location is penguin anyway or Panigua? Yeah exactly,
so that this.

Speaker 3 (21:24):
Is what we're trying to avoid it just getting boged
down and stuff like that.

Speaker 2 (21:26):
Okay, So I went with that guy that flow.

Speaker 8 (21:33):
Dep tones again I love Tiptones, same hair, Pugs.

Speaker 3 (21:39):
Are there any words in that song?

Speaker 2 (21:41):

Speaker 9 (21:41):
Get better and better From there, Kezy went with the
one thing you did when you're sick, which is a remedy.

Speaker 2 (22:00):
Same thing. When we were off here there just before Keith,
I said, what are they called seeve? Seeker?

Speaker 6 (22:05):

Speaker 3 (22:06):
No, don't shout, shut up off your chair. No, who
are they called seeker?

Speaker 2 (22:12):
See no seeve or something? Right sleeve? No? Not? I said,
I've never heard of those guys. And way, oh yeah,
they're kind of half fast.

Speaker 5 (22:23):
That is not.

Speaker 3 (22:28):
Oh my god, here's what Pugs goes.

Speaker 7 (22:31):
Because Denny Bird Seka twenty ten.

Speaker 3 (22:35):
It's called ill behavior.

Speaker 2 (22:38):
I see radio yuppy boys. All right, let's go to
the phone line. It's gonna been your man, Barsetard Holl's life.
Yeah good, thanks, Mat help yourself, Yeah good, thanks mate?
Good good. What are you running with there, Ben? I'm
going for Big Daddy Jass.

Speaker 7 (22:58):
Nah one for the giftones brother, Yeah, good stuff?

Speaker 2 (23:01):

Speaker 3 (23:02):
Wait, Ben, do you know anything about this penguin thing? Man?

Speaker 8 (23:06):
Have you been on the phone in order to talk
about penguins or at any Pongland related chat.

Speaker 3 (23:13):
I'm in the draw for their fishing trips. So maybe
it's that.

Speaker 2 (23:18):
All right, let's go to Hayden, your mad bastard hell's life.
I want you? Yeah? Good, Thanks Hayden. Bring me home, Hayden,
bring me chill.

Speaker 1 (23:29):
I'll bring you some yummy boys please.

Speaker 7 (23:31):
Yeah, get it, and you Hayden. Thanks for the man.

Speaker 3 (23:34):
Thanks Hayden for your weekly catch up with us.

Speaker 2 (23:36):
Mate, Mike, your mad barstard. How's live?

Speaker 3 (23:39):
Yeah good?

Speaker 2 (23:41):
Yeah? Good on your massive backbone, Mike. You sound like
a good bastard. Mate.

Speaker 3 (23:45):
All right, I hope it's got good taste. Mike. Who
you're voting for? Mate?

Speaker 2 (23:49):
Unfortunately, I'm going for the yummy boys.

Speaker 7 (23:54):
Yes, Mike, No, Michael, right there.

Speaker 3 (23:58):
Oh that is a tune. So wait, we wouldn't even
get to Roscoe. I was banking on Roscoe from Weally
What is the song? So?

Speaker 7 (24:05):
So this is Danny Bird. It's a song called ill Behavior.

Speaker 8 (24:08):
It was big sort of ministry of sound, the annual
sort of era during that kind of thing, early Yummy
Boys days, drum and bass.

Speaker 3 (24:16):
Okay, Jays, Jason, it's the dropper. Here we go, pugsun one,
Ill Behavior, Yummy Boys special Yummy?

Speaker 7 (24:24):
Can I get a couple of yummy Boys throughout the song.

Speaker 3 (24:26):
Jackson again with the behavior.

Speaker 5 (24:31):
Nothing to say, once.

Speaker 3 (24:33):
Again with the l behave nothing to save.

Speaker 1 (24:48):
The hood Archy Big show with Jason Hoyt, Mike Minogue and.

Speaker 3 (24:52):
Kisy a tune. There was a massive Throbber.

Speaker 2 (25:02):
So that was your Friday Trouber has chosen by Puck
Son ill behavior by.

Speaker 7 (25:07):
Her Danny Bird I never heard of him, UK producer.

Speaker 2 (25:10):
Yeah, Mike, it was better than Keesy Seves Sleever Sleever,
half ast Nickelback.

Speaker 3 (25:18):
I said they are not cooler than Nickelback, but not
by much. See the remedy to big compliment. Yeah, so, Puks,
is this the third time you've done the Throbber this year?
Because you I think, Yeah, so you're on a sort
of you've You've scored twice out of your three appearances
this year. Yeah, pretty good hit rate. It's not bad
considering what it's you know, it's July, jas we've probably

done about twenty odd of these. Jase, you're on five,
you know what I mean?

Speaker 7 (25:45):
And how many asterisks?

Speaker 3 (25:47):
Three esterisks? I'm also on five and Mike is looking
like he's probably gonna win his fourth year of the
Throbber in a row or third. He's very good.

Speaker 2 (25:58):
I'm just disappointed and didn't get to play my tune.

Speaker 7 (26:01):
Can I also say thanks for all the color that
you added to that.

Speaker 2 (26:03):
That was quite good, that it.

Speaker 7 (26:06):
All fits very nicely.

Speaker 2 (26:07):
Have you thought of d Jane Keezy, we'll get three
quarter pants and white socks and that me and your crazy.

Speaker 3 (26:13):
Cap me me Kezy. No, I've never thought about it.
I could be into it though. Hey, fellers like this
has been really fun. But up next, punks, I might
get you to stay because it's something to do with
the batch. We're mean to be going to Hoidy Jay's
house for a batch trip next weekend.

Speaker 2 (26:31):
Yes, next Sapday, on next Friday, yet Friday.

Speaker 3 (26:34):
Night after the show. But I've got some bad news
around that, so I'll have to hit you with it
after these songs. All right, Keezy.

Speaker 2 (26:47):
With Big Show podcast Tom Pitty there on the radio,
ho Donkey Big Show. That's Friday afternoon. The time twenty
eight minutes past five o'clock. Now, I've said to the
fellows I'd love them to come out to the family batch,
my fan batch. It's been a promise I made a
little while back, and it's all happening. Yeah, been confirmed
a man very much looking fortune. We're going to leave

after the show next Friday, Fellas, and one very very
exciting update on that pugsn is bringing a sticky beef.

Speaker 3 (27:20):
Are you going to make sticky beef pugs On for us?

Speaker 2 (27:22):

Speaker 7 (27:22):
Yeah, I'm not doing any cooking.

Speaker 3 (27:25):
Oh oh well, look, while we're dishing out the bad
news around the Batch weekend, I've got some bad news. Basically,
I don't think I can attend anymore.

Speaker 2 (27:36):
Why what's going on, Keezy? Really?

Speaker 3 (27:38):
Yeah? Well look, I mean we've been, you know, even
while we're off here just before, we're spitballing ideas around
what we were going to be doing while we're at
the beach. No, spitballing ideas about what we're going to
be doing while we're at the beach. And to be honest,
I've been thinking about some of them. Well one in particular,
I'm just not super comfortable with what you guys are

playing to do. I'm just I just I thought about it.
It makes me I'm not comfortable with it. Oh so
I'm just the naked swimming No that was fine? Yeah, Yeah,
to be honest, I'll be I'm gutted to miss that
and the naked yoga no, no, no, that's fine as well.

Speaker 2 (28:14):
The massage train.

Speaker 3 (28:16):
No, I was down for the train, right, yeah, and
I'd be keen to do that any other time as well.

Speaker 2 (28:22):
Sure, No, it wasn't. Sure.

Speaker 3 (28:24):
You know, it's the more sort of ratenish stuff that
we were discussing off are right, you know, the sort
of it's not the kind of stuff you can really
say on the radio. You pick it up when I
put it down there, flowers.

Speaker 2 (28:39):
Not really keasy. No, I mean what.

Speaker 3 (28:43):
Literally yesterday, Okay, fine, I'm just gonna say that. Yesterday
you said, you know, what are we going to do,
you know, on the Friday night yere and you were like, well,
what we could all do is jump in my car
and then we'll hea the and then on the way
to the batch, we'll stop, we'll pick up a couple
of hot checks. And I was like, oh cool when
I was playing a lot, that's cool. And then I've
been thinking about it overnight and I'm just like, you know,

I don't know if that is cool. Well, I don't
know who these hot checks are. I don't know what
the what the dealers, I don't know what you're thinking
jas But To be honest, I'm just not comfortable with it.
I don't know. Pugs is probably all over it, you
know what I mean. But what I'm just not I
just don't think I can do it.

Speaker 2 (29:20):
You mean the hot chucks?

Speaker 3 (29:24):
Oh, like roast chucks? Oh for dinner?

Speaker 2 (29:27):
Yeah? Yeah, with the with the white bread and the coleslaw.

Speaker 3 (29:31):
Is that what you mean?

Speaker 2 (29:32):
And just to clarify, by the way, it was only
Pugs on one of the hot checks.

Speaker 3 (29:39):
I'm so sorry. I thought, yeah, okay.

Speaker 2 (29:41):
Geez, so, yeah, we're going to stop at the supermarket
there and get a couple of hot chuck. Yeah, get
a couple.

Speaker 7 (29:47):
Do you think we were going to go to the
supermarket to.

Speaker 2 (29:49):
Get a couple of hot To be honest, Pugs, I
don't know what.

Speaker 3 (29:53):
I just just went it through my head and I
was just thought about it overnight and I said yes
at the time.

Speaker 2 (29:57):
But well, you know, having said that, I mean you can,
Pugs and go to the supermarket and pick up people?

Speaker 3 (30:02):
I can?

Speaker 2 (30:02):
Yeah, well, I mean you could pretty full car. If
they find out about your sticky beef, they'll be all
over you, mate.

Speaker 3 (30:08):
Actually, if puk Son's gonna be picking someone up at
the Supermarke. I want to be there for that, so
I think.

Speaker 2 (30:11):
I will come, Oh you will come.

Speaker 3 (30:13):
I'll definitely can't.

Speaker 2 (30:14):
Well as I say, like he said, he he's getting
too hot. Checks yeah yeah ah. And then he's gonna
do us sticky beef, sticky beef okay, and sticky date
pudding too. I heard it's going to be a sticky
bugs on weekend.

Speaker 8 (30:30):
Let me say this. I'm only going to give you
guys my sticky beef. That's that's reserved for the fowlers, right,
you know.

Speaker 1 (30:38):
Actually I'm out again the Hold Actual Big Shows with
Jason Hoyt Mike Minogue, The Big Show's very first fishing trip.
Let's check out who they've riled in this time.

Speaker 2 (30:53):
And then that's your fact. We will be doing a
bit of fishing at the bench too, Fellows, that's going
to be exciting. Scotty, your man, bastard, Hell's life, get
a fellows. How are you, mate?

Speaker 8 (31:03):

Speaker 3 (31:03):
No better at all?

Speaker 2 (31:04):

Speaker 8 (31:04):
No bad?

Speaker 2 (31:05):
Good on you man. What do you do for a craft,
Scotty mechanical engineer? A bag by? You like a bit
of fishing, Scottie, Oh I love my fishing. I can
tell Scotty is going to be a pro too.

Speaker 3 (31:19):
Actually, Scotty, what's your favorite type of fish?

Speaker 1 (31:23):
Oh? I gotta be a snapper smokes.

Speaker 2 (31:26):
Goodutiful snapper beautiful. I'll tell you what, Scotty. Stay on
the line and I could mate pup soon and studio,
but you'll look after you make good luck fellows, Thanks mate, Conrad,
your made bastard. Hell's life?

Speaker 9 (31:41):

Speaker 2 (31:41):
Pretty good fellows?

Speaker 1 (31:42):
How are you?

Speaker 2 (31:42):
Yeah? Good things made good? What's your playing tonight, Conrad? Oh,
go home, have a bit of ki into the gym
with the boys and who.

Speaker 3 (31:51):

Speaker 2 (31:51):
Yeah, fantastic on a Friday night. That's commitment. Man. You
like a bit of fishing, Conrad, I'm not opposed to
throwing the old line out there. Yeah, good mates. And
what do you do for a crash, mate, I'm a mechanic,
a backbone. I'll tell you what. You're also in the drawer,
con you Conrad, good luck mate. Awesome boys, Thanks mate, Dave,

you're mad Barstard. How's life good?

Speaker 1 (32:15):
Your mad buses?

Speaker 3 (32:15):
There you going? Yeah?

Speaker 2 (32:17):
Thanks? Beautiful? Fun of how's fun today today?

Speaker 1 (32:20):
Oh she's pretty chilly, mate.

Speaker 3 (32:22):
Yeah she's nippy.

Speaker 2 (32:23):
You're right, soney, that's good stuff.

Speaker 3 (32:27):
Let's just still biting up here, you know.

Speaker 2 (32:28):
Yeah, it's good, good good.

Speaker 3 (32:30):
Are you much of a fisherman there, Dave?

Speaker 1 (32:31):
Though, Oh throw me hand in it, mate, I could
teach you a few things.

Speaker 2 (32:36):
I suppose you see a man. What do you do
for a crash, Dave? Project manager?

Speaker 3 (32:41):
Mate, Yeah, supervising the backbone.

Speaker 2 (32:44):
Yeah, you're an organizer obviously, Dave. Yeah, keep you boys
in wine.

Speaker 3 (32:48):
Not Yeah, I was.

Speaker 2 (32:49):
Gonna say we might need a bit of organization.

Speaker 3 (32:53):
Yeah, totally Dave. You heard correct, Mate. You're in the drawer,
my friend jerus.

Speaker 2 (32:58):
Mate, Thanks mate, Will there you go? Keasy? That's happening
pretty soon, actually, isn't it? That was a final one.

Speaker 3 (33:03):
It's tomorrow.

Speaker 2 (33:05):
No, it's not.

Speaker 3 (33:06):
Keasyn's happening pretty soon though. Of course, a massive shout
out to our mates. It's site Smart who have made
this entire thing happen. They can help you keep everyone
safe on site with site smart. Sign up for a
free trial just go to site smart app dot com.
They you're all in one health and safety solution.

Speaker 2 (33:23):

Speaker 5 (33:24):
Meantime, he's the Killows.

Speaker 1 (33:27):
The whole Achie Big Show wed days from four on
Radio hodac.

Speaker 2 (33:31):
Jeels there La woman on the radio hod Achi Big Shore.
That's a good Friday night, June actually, Keezy yeah, yeah, sorry,
I had a bit of a brain feed.

Speaker 3 (33:39):
Yeah, Mogi's not here, he's sick. Jason, and I'm the
third member of the show, Kezy.

Speaker 2 (33:43):
Yeah yeah, Keezy. Hey. Now listen. Coming up alfter six
o'clock the results of a big pole today. That's right,
shave my bed or not? And Kesey's pants weird or
something like that.

Speaker 3 (33:55):
That's all very confusing. If you want to vote, go
to the Hodaku Big Shows Instagram story. You can do
it there. We've got the main le should Jay shave
his beard? And then the bonus pole, which is Keezy's
bagging new pants? Yes or no?

Speaker 1 (34:05):

Speaker 2 (34:06):
Okay? And of course what's on the TV with Mike Minogue.

Speaker 3 (34:08):
Except for without Mike Minogue?

Speaker 1 (34:10):
Yeah, the whole actually Big Show with Jason, Mike and Kezy.
Tune in week days at four on radio Hold Iticon.

Speaker 2 (34:17):
Welcome back to your messive Bagbones. Hope you're loving you Friday.
I hope right now, at this very moment in time,
you're having an amazing time.

Speaker 3 (34:24):
Yeah, I hope you're not stuck in traffic right now.

Speaker 2 (34:26):
Yeah, exactly. That would suck because you're listening to The
Big Show, by the way, brought to you by night a.

Speaker 3 (34:36):
Day and just that night and day at the moment
if you hit in there, you know and you say, hey,
I need a coffee. Yes, four dollars fifty. That's the
cheapest coffee around. Yeah, it is actually hell of a caffeine.
But it's cheap.

Speaker 2 (34:47):
Doesn't mean it's not good.

Speaker 3 (34:48):
Though, Jays. It's barista mate. Yeah, it's really good that
trained And if you get a coffee card, every sixth
coffee is free. And don't forget Pugstun specialists. On this week.
You walk in there, you say you want the pug
Stan Special for twelve you get two jumbo boxes of Connies,
a small bowl of Katsu curry at a lead, a
bottle of loop.

Speaker 2 (35:07):
Yes, and also some sticky beef on rice.

Speaker 3 (35:11):
Sticky beef on rice. Sorry, that's right. And also you
get some like fishing hooks and stuff for your fishing hat. Yeah,
twelve ninety nine at nine day, make sure you hid
in there.

Speaker 2 (35:20):
Hey, now listen speaking of Pakistan's fishing cap our chat
today on the Big Show outro, which is bonus material.
We do a sort of separate podcast. It was a
bit of a mental health discussion, really, wasn't it, Keysy.

Speaker 3 (35:34):
I was thinking we could call it the her of
the Mood Special.

Speaker 2 (35:37):

Speaker 3 (35:38):
And here's a little clip of Jase talking about at
one time he got into a her of a mood.

Speaker 2 (35:44):
I was in an amazingly good mood. Yeah, And by
the time I'd finished chopping the onion, for no reason whatsoever,
I was confuming. Right, don't even know what that was. Yeah,
we were talking about how changeable our emotions are.

Speaker 3 (36:07):
But so that was you saying that you're in a
great mood you cut an onion. By the end of
cutting the onion, you were human.

Speaker 2 (36:13):
Yeah, for no reason. I went from a really good
mood and in the time it took me to cut
an onion, I was fuman.

Speaker 3 (36:18):
How long did you take to cut the onion? Oh?

Speaker 2 (36:22):
Couple of hours?

Speaker 3 (36:25):
Hey? Up next the results of the Big Pole get
voting Hdaki Big Show's Instagram story and we'll get into
that next.

Speaker 1 (36:30):
The Darky Big Show was Jason, Mike and Kyzy tune
in week.

Speaker 2 (36:35):
Four on Radio Yeah sublime there on the Radio Hodaki
Big Show. But right now, this is breaking news.

Speaker 3 (36:46):
It is breaking news of the Wahs variety big exclusion
from tomorrow's game against the Cannery Bulldogs at five pm.
Tahu Harris, he's been ruled out of recently, he's been
playing forty fifty minutes off the bench, which I've and loving.
Turns out the reason for this is because in round
seven he had a wrist injury. He injured his rest.

He's been playing with it injured.

Speaker 2 (37:08):
All year, as you should.

Speaker 3 (37:10):
As you should, however, his strapping has gotten larger and
larger until he's basically out there with a cast. So
that decide to give him the week off, maybe another
week as well. Not sure how long will be with that, Tahu,
but that's a pretty big out.

Speaker 2 (37:21):
Yeah, he's replacing him, I.

Speaker 3 (37:24):
Don't know, probably Jacob Laburn type chap oh yeah, or
maybe a Dylan Walker to be honest, he's been coming
off the bench anyway yet. But his role in first receiver,
and you know he's so vital on that link play, Jason,
as you were saying earlier. Yet that having a dodgy rest,
you know, it's just it's the worst possible spot.

Speaker 2 (37:41):
All right, Well, let's get to the results of the
big poles shall we.

Speaker 4 (37:44):
You don't want to do more League chat Nah Big Pole,
the main pole, the bigig Pole, the big pole for today.

Speaker 3 (37:58):
We did two poles, by the way, and you can
vote on both at the Hodoch your Big Shows Instagram story.
Jason's Beard Yes or No? Now this was because I
made a passing comment the other day, so you hated it? No,
I see it. To be honest, I prefer you without
a beard. That you hated it, and but like this
is just me preferring you without a bid. What does
that matter? I'm just your co host, you know what
I mean?

Speaker 2 (38:16):
Well, your opinion matters to me. Kezy.

Speaker 3 (38:18):
Well, look I'm so specially if you hate it, well,
I don't hate it. Yeah, I hate it. I hate
your beard. The people have voted, though, Jace Jason's beard
Yes or no? Yes, seventy six percent. Oh so you
can walk around positively knowing that only one in four
people hate your beard, but three out of the four

love And that's only one million people that don't like it. Okay, nice,
So that's pretty good odds. Let's get to the button
Mushroom pole. The second pole, the bonus pole, was Kesey's
new Beggy pants I get a lot of shit for
having three quarter gene, so I decided to just go
the opposite way, get really baggy ones. What do you
think the result was for that? So what was the
question Kesey's new Beggy pants or no?

Speaker 2 (39:00):
No? Would be seventy percent no, sixty six percent right, Okay,
So that means I walk out in public right now
two thirds of everyone hate you my pants.

Speaker 3 (39:10):
So just another great poll that's always good for your
sort of self confidence.

Speaker 2 (39:13):
Yeah, sure, it's so good.

Speaker 3 (39:16):
Don't forget you can vote Hudaki Big Show on the
Instagram story good stuff, mate.

Speaker 1 (39:20):
The hod Achy Big Shows with Jason Hoyt, Mike Minogue
and Keezy the dude'.

Speaker 2 (39:25):
Zia on the radio, hold Aky Big Show this Friday evening.
As we near the end of the show heading into
the weekend. God, I'm still fizzing about the rugby keysy. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (39:35):
Man, it's so good.

Speaker 2 (39:36):
It's so good. I feel so good about the fact
that I've reached a place again where I'm looking forward
to an all black Test match.

Speaker 3 (39:41):
Like, genuinely, how long has it been.

Speaker 2 (39:44):
It's been years. It's been like half five years, six
years since I've really looked forward to a Test match,
apart from like a World Cup final or something like that.
The rest I'm like, yeah, I don't really care.

Speaker 3 (39:54):
Even World Cups now don't do it for me. Sure,
that's probably because I went at Sky Sport for ages.
But I remember a time when I was a youngster
and you'd wake up at three am, mate and watch
the South Africa games.

Speaker 2 (40:04):
Me and my mates. That's what we lived for, All
Black you know over in Wales at three o'clock in
the morning, we'd go out clubbing all night, get on
at Big Time, come back and watch an all Black
Test match against Wales at three am. Hey, but right
now it's time for what's on the telly with Mike Minogue.

We didn't do it easy.

Speaker 3 (40:32):
I was hoping that you would do it, that you'd
forget right and then do it, and then I'd be like, hey,
Jay's not doing it.

Speaker 2 (40:38):
Suck on that. Mogi.

Speaker 3 (40:39):
Yeah, Mogi, huh, what.

Speaker 2 (40:41):
Are you going to do about a pow?

Speaker 3 (40:42):

Speaker 2 (40:42):
Over there in your little cook come on pow anytime.

Speaker 3 (40:46):
Yeah, put your little office a Moogi uniform on and
come over.

Speaker 2 (40:50):
Here and yeah and try and sort us out. Mogi
lose goh so good?

Speaker 3 (40:56):
Yeah, man, we showed him.

Speaker 2 (40:57):
We're going to make sure we do it when he
gets back in there.

Speaker 3 (40:59):
Actually, Pugs, can you hit that but out?

Speaker 2 (41:01):
That'll be good. I don't want them to actually hear that.
That'd be good. Hey, what did I watch last night?
The final episode of Hey put on like a Summer?
That's all right?

Speaker 3 (41:11):
Because I don't know.

Speaker 2 (41:12):
Pugs has given me that look against Showgun.

Speaker 3 (41:15):
So why is it okay for you to say it
like that?

Speaker 2 (41:17):
Well, because that's how they say it on the show.
Is it okay?

Speaker 3 (41:20):
I don't know, Hey, like a Summer?

Speaker 2 (41:23):
That's that's not I'm not going to get kicked out
for that, am I? And I'm not gonna have to
leave the studio again.

Speaker 3 (41:29):
Any Pugs, can you hit that but out as well?
Just in case?

Speaker 2 (41:32):
Yeah, could you do that? Pugs? Just be just to
be good. But I'll tell you what I was talking
to you about it as we were walking to the
car last night, Kezi. What I love about Showgun is
it makes me love the Japanese culture so much.

Speaker 3 (41:43):
It is a magnificent.

Speaker 2 (41:44):
It is so dignified and honorable and clean and ordered,
and I think, you know, I look at the way
I lived my life I reckon, I'm like half Japanese.

Speaker 3 (41:54):
I don't think you are.

Speaker 2 (41:56):
I reckon, I've got those sort of vibes.

Speaker 3 (41:58):
You don't have Japanese vibes. Pug Sun does.

Speaker 2 (42:00):
And I would look good in a robe, you know
what I mean. Don't get me wrong. Punch Art he is.
He is ninety percent Japanese.

Speaker 3 (42:07):
I am actually one sixteenth Japanese. Oh yeah, no, sorry,
one eighth Jase. I watched the movie you told me
that you loved last night. Oh yes, sea Biscuit, Yeah, Seabiscuit.
That's the one you said, ah with the horses, ah.

Speaker 2 (42:23):
The horse pawn one. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (42:25):
Yeah, so yeah it was okay, yeah, pretty full on.
Like I didn't really get into it as much as
you were going on about it on the way to
the car last night. Sure, yeah, yeah, so I only
watched like twenty minutes of it, if I'm honest.

Speaker 2 (42:37):
Well that's all you need, isn't it.

Speaker 3 (42:38):
Yeah it is Seabiscuit, right, yeah, Seabiscuit.

Speaker 2 (42:40):
Yeah yeah.

Speaker 3 (42:42):
Oh no, so you told me to watch Soggy Biscuit,
my vet. Sorry, I've watched the wrong movie, Jays because
it was boring. I had Toby Maguire and Jeff Bridges,
and I was like, oh, this is okay, all right, Yes,
I'll watch the other one tonight.

Speaker 2 (42:55):
Soggy Biscuit. Yeah, you won't even last ten minutes on
that one.

Speaker 1 (43:00):
The Hdarchy Big Show week days from four on Radio hod.

Speaker 2 (43:04):
Ikey, aren't there on the radio Holdankee Big Show. Now listen,
Beer and Pie July. It's going off a lot of
people sending in their recipes for the ultimate Pie Keysy.

Speaker 1 (43:15):
Sure jays, all right, pigs Radio Hodarkeys and Beer and
Pie July.

Speaker 2 (43:21):
Yes, indeed. And I've made a vow, actually, I've made
a promise that if I see a recipe in there
that really tickles my fancy, I'm gonna make it tickles
your What tickles my fancy? Oh?

Speaker 3 (43:32):
Your fancy?

Speaker 2 (43:33):
Yeah? Yeah, what did you think? I said?

Speaker 3 (43:35):
No, it's all good. So if you want to nominate
a flavor of pie, text the word pie three four
eight three all right, follow the link for that the
form chuck your favorite flavor in there, and we could
actually take that flavor and turn it into a genuine
Holduku pie later this year thanks to Dad's Pies, and
you could win five thousand dollars. So pie to three
four eight three, get stuck in. Got a few suggestions here?

How do you j try the's on for size?

Speaker 2 (43:58):
All right?

Speaker 3 (43:58):
You're ready?

Speaker 2 (43:58):
Yeah? Man?

Speaker 3 (43:59):
You sure?

Speaker 2 (43:59):
Yeah? Yes?

Speaker 3 (44:01):
Whoa mushroom fetter and broccoli? Right across that one off
the list, maple bacon and beef sausage. Have you had
maple bacon before?

Speaker 2 (44:15):

Speaker 9 (44:15):
I have.

Speaker 3 (44:15):
It's quite nice.

Speaker 2 (44:16):
Yeah, it's good. It's good.

Speaker 3 (44:18):
I don't know about it in a pie though, you know.

Speaker 2 (44:20):
And sausage. It's got to have some sort of gelatinous
gravy action going on there too to make that work.
But it could work, It could work.

Speaker 3 (44:28):
Could work. Right, Maybe what about this one here? Watercress
and bacon bone? Does that sound good?

Speaker 2 (44:36):

Speaker 3 (44:37):
No, okay, across that one off as well.

Speaker 2 (44:39):
I've suddenly had a vision of Shirizzo.

Speaker 3 (44:42):
That's funny you say that. How about this a pie?
A pie like a Spanish paea, So that would have chicken, muscle, smoke, paprika,
caramelized something because they wrote so much, and also Shirizzo. Yes,
that'll be young.

Speaker 2 (44:56):
Yeah, that's got potential. Actually, yeah, do you want rice
in your pie? That's the only thing, KIZI.

Speaker 3 (45:02):
Yeah, I think It's like a risotto e thing, isn't it. Yes, yeah,
I'll be down for that. I'm not fussy at all.
I know that Nacho's pine.

Speaker 2 (45:09):
Pineapple man, pineapple man. Yeah. Well you like your ham
and pineapple pizza.

Speaker 3 (45:16):
Yeah, Hawaiian pizza man?

Speaker 8 (45:18):

Speaker 3 (45:18):
What was that Nacho's pie? So mince with beans and
then like some broken up cornship and they're just floating around.
What about some avocado avocado shore sour cream, but a
sour cream on top? You put that on afterwards?

Speaker 2 (45:30):

Speaker 3 (45:31):
Okay, potential h confie of garlic potato tops, slow cooked
goat goat and a red wine rosemary jew.

Speaker 2 (45:42):
Yeah. You see, that's getting more towards what I'm into.
I want a bit of sophistication in my pie, right,
not just your mince and cheese filth. All right?

Speaker 3 (45:50):
One last one duck leak kermita with cheese on top. No, No, okay.

Speaker 1 (45:56):
Hood Ikey Big Show with Jason Hoyt, Mike Minogue and Kisy.

Speaker 2 (46:09):
Well, there you go, your mad bastards. That's the Big
Show done and dust did for your Friday afternoon. And
I've got to be honest with you, the Big Show
has been battered and bruised. This week here, our mother
Nature's had her way with some of us and giving
us a bit of a battering.

Speaker 3 (46:24):
Like a like a battered sausage.

Speaker 2 (46:25):
Yeah, like a battered sausage. Keyesy with a stick up
at us. But we've pulled through kind of you know
what I'm saying.

Speaker 3 (46:32):
Well, yeah, and look, full disclosure. I'm not here Monday,
your Tuesday, Yes, because my nana passed away. I gotta
take her into a full Mauli funeral with her man.

Speaker 2 (46:41):
Sorry to hear that.

Speaker 3 (46:42):
That's all right, it's gonna be cool. My wife gets
to sleep the night in a madeia for the first time. Awesome,
she's never done that before.

Speaker 2 (46:48):
That is awesome.

Speaker 3 (46:49):
And I was like, look, full disclosure. I've got a
lot of cousins who'll be there, and at least seventy
percent of my uncle's will be on one of those
sleep apnear machines. Right, Okay, bring here, plugs, sleep drops,
everything you possibly can to try and go to sleep.

Speaker 2 (47:03):
Yeah. Well, I'm sure it'll go well made and I
hope she has a great send off. She will, I'm
sure she will.

Speaker 3 (47:08):
What are you doing this weekend?

Speaker 2 (47:09):
Well, look, I'm gonna look after my beleagued family. They're
all under the gun at the moment as well a
bit of test match action. We've had something put up
on our wall, like a massive sort of book well
kind of a bookcasey ornamente thing, so we've got to
rearrange all the art in our room. I might do
the lawns right. You know what I want is just
have a normal weekend. We had such a shocker for

the long weekend, Knjie. I want some balance of normality
in my life again.

Speaker 3 (47:34):
It sounds like you wanted just a nice constructive weekend. Yes,
without everyone just completely full of sickness and ailments.

Speaker 2 (47:41):
Yes, exactly, mat exactly, but listen, there's been a pleasure
bringing you the show this week. We'll do our best.
We'll see where we wash up next week. But hopefully
we'll get together soon enough. But until then, you take
care out there and we'll see you later.
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