Episode Transcript
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I screwed up my schedule this morning. I just realized that during the break
my next guest, Cameron Hamilton,called in at eight thirty and said,
I'm ready to go on the showwith Laky and Marky. Mark's like,
you're not until nine, and Cameronsaid, okay, call me then.
But I thought I was a thirtyand I looked at the schedule. I
started to realize I put on myshow sheet that I sent over, and
here's where I want everybody at orhere's where he goes. I put everybody
thirty minutes off. So my eightthirty is now at nine o'clock. That's
Cameron Hamilton. Unfortunately, he wasflexible and I screwed that up. That's
my fault. And then also KeithGros's going to be on the show at
nine o'clock. He was scheduled fornow, and I asked him to go
to nine thirty. He called himpersonally and he said, I can't because
he's going to be a Newsmax atthat exact time. So I'll have to
reschedule Keith gross until next week andI'll reach out and get it all done.
So anyway, screwed up the schedulewelcome to my life. I do
that sometimes, and you know it'ssome you know, I'm just human.
I know somebody you think I'm superhuman, but you're welcome. I got another
email and said, Barbara Kirkmeyer,I what is she drinking? I need
that kind of coffee. She wasfull of energy, wasn't she. She
just had it. I love itwhen they stop at an interview and say
I'm going to keep talking to you, stop me, and I'm like,
well, I can't stop you becauseI got a no. She did a
great job. I'm going to aninterview up. But a couple of emails
like, wow, it was thatcaffeinated. I think it was. She
was full of vim, vigor andvitality. And that's not bad. That's
not a bad thing. Good tohear some optimism coming out of the crazy
legislative session that just ended in theColorado Dome of dummies. All right,
let me walk them into the program. A a former Navy seal and he's
now commentating on politics and foreign policy. Cameron Hamilton's the husband, father of
three Navy seal combat veteran, formerdivision director at the Homeland Security Offices,
and he joins me on the hotlinenow to give maybe hopefully a little sanity
and clarity in a world of insanityand unclear thinking in foreign policy. Cameron
Hamilton walking on the program, Hey, good morning, Thank you so much
for having me, And no worriesabout the scheduling conflict. It certainly happens.
Well it I apologize and I appreciateyour flexibility. I do. Let
me dive into this. Last monthor a couple of weeks ago, we
had the White House and the Congressall celebrating kind of a bipartisan moment Kumbai.
We're going to give aid to ourfriends in Israel, and we're going
to give a to Ukraine, alittle bit of Taiwan, et cetera.
And now we get a couple ofweeks later we find out that the Biden
administration, after celebrating helping Israel againstThomas and retaliate for their terrorist attack on
October the seventh, the Biden administrationsays, never mind, we're going to
hold back some ammunition and not givethat to Israel. Give me your observation,
what are we watching here? Yeah? What I think we're watching here
is frankly a scenario where we haveweak leadership in a preponderance of areas right
now, the Biden administration is tryingto placate some of the radical left.
What we've been seeing on college campusesas well as in more radical kind of
groups throughout the United States is aconcern within the Democratic base that they're losing
their sight on the youth, they'relosing that support, and so I think
this was an attempt to garner morepublic sympathy. Look, I think there's
a healthy dose of criticism that canbe made over a variety of different entities
within this international conflict in Israel andPalestine and all that. I think there's
a very clear difference between criticizing someof the wartime effort and calling for entifada.
And so I think the Biden administration, because of their weakness and because
of their frankly lack of principle ona variety of matters, they're only looking
for political gains. So they gotthe victory with passing aid bills, but
now they're withholding it because well,they don't want to alienate their radical base
too much. And I think thisis the absolute wrong way to make I
think we need to partners very stronglywith our nation's ally Israel, especially in
this effort, and I think thatwe need to be Look, I'm a
contracts guy. We've already set fortha contractual agreement. We need to honor
it, and anything short of thatwould be completely importent. The voice of
Cara Cameron Hamilton, former Navy seal, Republican congressional candidate for Virginia seventh District.
Also we'll talk about that here injust a moment. But Cameron Hamilton,
obviously there's the political world. Guysdo things politically to get votes.
Joe Biden, you know, wantingthose dearborn Michigan votes. Maybe he's wanting
Politico said, there's a lot ofmoney. The Rockefeller money, the Pritzker
money, and the Soros money.They're funding these protests and you can't take
them off. They also fund theDC, the d n C. So
there's the political aspect of it.But what does this kind of action,
as a former Navy seal do tolet's say, Israel, the Israeli Defense
Force when they hear their ally isnot going to give them the support and
the ammunition and the AMMO that hadbeen promised to them and they've been told
was coming. What does it doto Israel. Does it phase him or
do they just keep marching right ahead, Well, they keep marching no matter
what happens. It definitely impacts thembecause I think it actually sends a clear
message internationally to the community of thosethat would seek to weaponize their resources against
Israel. It makes it very clearthat they are perhaps a bit more vulnerable
than might be previously anticipated. Youhave entities like Iran, you have even
nations like Qatar and many others,and then you have other partners that are
looking to facilitate Iranian action who willsee this as potentially an avenue to expand
opportunity. Iran seeks to make conflictwith Israel because they want to actually unite
much of the Islamic world against Israel, and by engaging in activities such as
this, engaging in the support ofHamas Hezblah in Lebanon and many others,
it's a further foothold to kind ofdrive that narrative and perhaps unite much of
the Middle East. Because Iran andmany other you know, Sunni Shia or
Sunni nations are are very very dividedbased up one secretary and divides and so
I think right now The greatest harmthat this does to Israel is in the
court of public opinion when it comesto enemies and aggressors. They might perceive
that Israel does not have as muchadvocacy or support in the United States,
and therefore it may actually embolden behaviorand embolden, you know, hostile action
against it under the belief that perhapsyou know Israel is more vulnerable. You
have Chuck Schumer, leader of theSenate, a Democrat, calling for a
new elections in Israel. Let's ifthat's any of his business. And then
I think you had a call ofa elon Omar or I think it was
elon Omar. They called for thearrest of net and Yahoo to take him
to the Hague for war crimes?Does do our enemies on the ground of
them at least Iran? Are theypaying attention to that? Are they reading
any TV reading that in any oftheir tea leaves? As so far as
their actions, they absolutely are.And in fact they're pushing a lot of
their messaging to American social media,which is why you know, people forget
Ahmadinajod. Back in the day heactually came and spoke to American universities just
just absolutely absurd that we brought himto the United States. We allowed him
to speak on radical campuses, toreally advocate for a broader jihad in the
region and to kill a Maame anddestroy Christians and Jews in the Middle East.
So I think that that's really criticalthat we remind ourselves that these groups
are seeking to influence American politics.We've not made an effective case too publicly
for the youth. We've We've sentour kids off to Rome and we're surprised
to when they come back Romans.These are again radical Marxist producing institutions that
are getting billions of dollars higher education. I'm talking about universities that is,
and they're they're radicalizing our children.So I think right now Iran and many
others are seeing what's happening with theUnited States. They do see that the
Senate Majority leader Johan Omar and manyothers are for public disputes and even a
change of leadership in Israel, andthey're absolutely trying to influence and further drive
that narrative to create a wedge betweenthe United States and Israel. Again,
the voice of Cameron Hamilton. He'sa former Navy Seal and he's also running
for Congress in the state of theCommonwealth of Virginia. We'll talk about that
in just a moment as well,and give you his website. Cameron Hamilton
that Middle East areas kind of convoluted. You know. Iran hopes to really
unite everybody around everything, and yeta lot of folks don't realist. I've
seen the videos just recently. There'sa memes circulating around of the border between
like the Gaza area where the Palestinianssupposedly all wanted to free Palestine. Free
Palestine. That border wall between Egyptand that area is more secure than any
US border section at all. Imean, these are a group of people
that in the center of this conflictthat nobody else in the Middle East wants
to take him in. If they'rebeing mistreated by Israel. They're not letting
a flood of these refugees in,but Israel supposed to stop bombing. Talk
about the kind of the outcast ofthese people that we're all protesting and say
freedom and none of their neighbors wantthem. Yeah. So the Palestinians have
actually had a very interesting history whenyou look at their positions across a variety
of different periods of time. AlMufti or excuse me, the al Husseini,
the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem back durin the time of World War two,
was a personal advisor to Adolf Hitlerand Nazi Germany. You have the
Palestines that sided within the War ofobviously nineteen forty eight. They were expelled
from Kuwait, why because they fermentedrevolution there and actually supported Saddam with his
invasion. They were also expelled fromJordan during again the seventies and eighties.
They radicalized quite a bit within thatcountry and ultimately they attempted an assassination against
the actual sitting prime minister or thepresident, excuse me, and then they
were ultimately kicked out of many differentareas. And so Egypt has had a
tenuous relationship where they don't want toallow lots of Palestine into their country because
they have a very radical history.And it's unfortunate because the Palestine and people
themselves, I think most of themwill probably want peace and just stability and
the lack of conflict. But theproblem is they keep voting for entities like
Hamas or others to take over theirgovernmental leadership and legitimizing acts of terrorism.
You know, when Trump was president, I was actually in Jerusalem when they
were having discussions. I was protectingthe Secretary of State when they were having
discussions about what it would mean tocontinue usaid to Palestine. And the only
requirement that Trump administration made was youhad to publicly condemn violent acts of terrorism,
and if you do so, we'llcontinue this three hundred and fifty million
dollar mission here and provide humanitarian assistance. The PLO refused to do it,
So the Palestinian authority refused to condemn, you know, radical acts of terrorism
and the shedding of innocent blood.And so the Trump administration was very pragmatic.
Fine, shut the offices down,turn the lights off. We're closing
up shop here. If you're notwilling to condemn terrorism, we have no
relationship with you. I'm sorry,we're not providing foreign assistance. And that
I think was actually the right toneto hold. And I just wish we
had better strength out of our WhiteHouse and also from our Congressional and Senate
bodies to reinforce that narrative. Ithink most people want there to be peace
between the Palestinians, as well asthe Israelis right now, we don't want
to see the shedding of innocent blood. But at the same time, Israel
has a prerogative where they have toroot out these organizations like Hamas, otherwise
their citizens will be attacked again.So with what's going on right now,
the Palestinians have been on the wrongside of probably the last six or seven
major international conflicts in that region.And it's proven history. People don't believe
me, Look it up. Lookit up for yourselves. Study your history
books, not the new ones,but the ones that actually reflect accurately on
the nineties and before, and you'llsee very very clearly what's happened. Hamilt's
unfortunate. Just a quick question beforewe run short of time. I want
to talk about your run for Congressin seventh District of the Commonwealth of Virginia.
But now knowing that the history isthe history, these are the people
that we're dealing with. When yousee universities like across America and Americans get
so caught up in some battle defendinga group of people or some people that
maybe even Egypt or their neighbors willI mean, you've got kids for going
their college education. You've got themshutting down campuses. What does it tell
you about this generation of Americans thatthey're so I guess, ignorant on what's
happening in the Middle East. Imean, when you watch what's happening on
the campuses and you watch maybe thepresident caving to these people holding these campuses
hostage, what does that speak toyou? I think it really shows the
crisis of information that we have rightnow. We're not training children how to
think critically and how to challenge thenarrative, but to have substantive and legitimate
debates with proper ethics and dialogue andcharacter. Instead, what we're doing is
we're coddling children to believe that anyonewho disagrees with you must be your enemy,
therefore you must destroy them, refuseto hear opposing perspectives. I think
this is a categorical problem. Ithink we as a society need to wake
up and realize what's happening. Weare literally losing our youth, and these
will be the future leaders of thisnation, and we'll have children of their
own, and we'll embark on anew future once we've passed away. And
so I think that American people needto realize and understand what's going on.
I think the education sector has beenone of the greatest frauds that we've seen
in the past quarter century because theyhave radicalized so many people and they've had
almost no accountability. And what's worseis we've extended billions of dollars of aid
and grants towards these higher university educationalorganizations, and we're funding our political opposition,
We're funding our own chaos and revolutionfrom within. So I think we
need to wake up. I thinkwe need to focus back on the family
structure, back on actually having resilientcommunities, teaching kids that they don't need
to pursue higher education if they wantto pursue a good, honest, blue
collar job and just get to work, have a family, pay your taxes,
and be a free living individual thatdoesn't necessarily have to be subjugated to
an entire mortgage of college debt becauseof a policide degree The voice of Cameron
Hamilton. He's a former Navy sealand he has also been a former division
director at Homeland Security. Combat veteran. He's running for Congress and that is
in Virginia seventh District. Very keyswing district. They're in the Commonwealth of
Virginia. Cameron Hamilton, talk aboutyour run for Congress and how can folks
be in touch with you? Absolutelyso, I'm running as a firm constitutional
conservative. I'm a different kind ofRepublican, one that believes that we have
to get our own party back ontrack to what its foundation was, and
only then will we provide a naturalremedy and the subsettive difference in policy to
the progressive movement that's taking over muchof this country. Please go to Cameron
Hamilton dot com. I'll be honoredfree support. I live with my wife
and three children in Orange, Virginia, three miles from where James Madison was
laid to rest. This is thecrossroads of the Constitution where I reside.
It's a fifty to fifty seat.We have a Democrat that's vacating and I
would be absolutely honored if you'd helpme be a representative to defend the constitution,
defend and define frameworks of limited government, and advocate for we the people,
not special interest. So Cameron Hamiltondot com is the best way.
Cameron Hamilton dot com. That's awinnable seed that was if I'm not mistaken.
It was a Dave brat seed.He had that as a Republican,
did he Yeah, David was onthe shimming Yeah, he's a good guy.
Cameron Hamilton dot com Cameron Hamilton dotcom check it out as we uh
save money as some mother's milk uppolitics, and you've got to have guys
like Cameron Hamilton and the Habard Hallsof Congress. Cameron Hamilton, thanks for
hopping on the program today. Iappreciate your flexibility on the time mess up
on my part, and I appreciateyou just giving us your time and expertise
today. Is a former Navy sealCameron Hamilton, Thanks for gad you got
a god bless my friend. Andthe buttons you're not really working that well,
I'll get to it. I'll figureit out. There we go.
It worked at that time, allright, Cameron Hamilton dot Com. I'm
over here pushing buttons and I'm like, the mouse is not moving where I
needed to move. All right,next half hour of the program, Yeah,
I'm flying by the seat of mypants. I screwed the schedule up
and I had everybody thirty minutes off. So who I was supposed to have
at nine o'clock. Can't He's goingto be on Newsmax next And so Cameron
Hamilton was supposed to be a thirty. He called up and we're like,
no, you're not You're at nineo'clock. And then I looked at the
real schedule and it says no,he was supposed to be earlier. So
my bat a little full, Paul, But that gives us a little bit
more time for a conversation on theprogram this morning. If you want to
jump in, we'll do that.Age six six, triple eight fifty four
forty nine eight six six, tripleeight fifty four to forty nine. A
key local topic of the morning isthese demands, This list of demands thirteen
or so, twelve demands made byillegal immigrants in Denver to the mayor that
hey, we're not going to livelike civilized human beings. We're not going
to move to the shelter unless youmeet our demands. I don't recall our
grandparents showing up Annellos Island with alist of demands, do you, Yeah?
Different, different group of people comingacross that southern border. The demands
and all that story can be foundat my Facebook page, Facebook dot Com,
slash Jimmy Lackey fan page eight sixtysix, triple eight fifty four to
forty nine, six hundred k col