Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Now here's a highlight from Coast to Coast AM on iHeartRadio.
Speaker 2 (00:05):
Man Welcome back to Coast to Coast George Nori with
Finny and Kelly. His latest book is called Intentionality Finnian.
When we're varying on stage, I'll take a deep breath
and I feel better.
Speaker 3 (00:18):
What is that all of amazing? It's amazing, isn't it.
When we take that breath, especially it's a nice slow one,
we activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which is the relaxation.
And what it does is it stops us from being
in our thinking mind. And when we're in our thinking mind,
we're not in the present moment. We're worrying about something
in the future or regretting something over the past, and
it just takes us into a place that isn't very comfortable.
And when we take that breath out, we feel present,
we're re mindus elves, we're alive, and in that moment,
what we're actually doing is connecting to this universe of mind,
this field of energy that is loving and supportive and infinite,
and naturally we feel held in that moment. Why the
breath is so powerful at all times?
Speaker 2 (01:02):
Why does it seem that negativity holds us back.
Speaker 3 (01:07):
Well, negativity, when we think about it, everything is just energy,
and what is negativity. It's a perception. And when we're
in a perceptive state, we're effectively choosing a state of consciousness.
We are determining that this is our reality. And energy
attracts energy. Some of the greatest scientist references like Einstein,
one of the great scientists, said everything is energy. That's
the frequency of the reality you want, and you cannot
help but get that reality. It can be no other way.
This is not for pilosity. It's physics. So we just
need to be very mindful of what is our energetic
state and know that that is what we're attracting. Life
just attracts like it resonates with each other. So if
you're not liking what's in your external world, we have
to look at what's happening in our internal energetic state.
Speaker 2 (02:00):
It is dramatic. How did you come upon this?
Speaker 3 (02:04):
You know how I came upon it. It's always for
my own experience. George, I was living a life with
a lot of intention. I was very driven, very motivated,
have a lot of material success, very focused, and I
was luckily you could also say, unluckily someone who actually
achieved his vision for his life. And once I achieved
that vision for my life, something what I expected didn't happen.
I thought, suddenly everything would feel great inside it, and
instead the illusion came crashing down. And in that moment
I realized, Wow, it doesn't matter how much my conscious
desires want something. If I have something in my subconscious
which is against my conscious desires, my subconscious will always
win because it's a quantum computer. It's so much more powerful.
And in that state, I had some very core negative
beliefs were built on abandonment. I'm not safe, I can't trust,
and effectively that's what I materialized in my life. I
created the greatest abandonment through loss of money and ultimately
the loss of my wife. And in that moment I
took full responsibility and looked at well, I was the
common connection here, So what is happening? And that's when
I went on a deep understanding of how the mind works,
what is the situation in this world? And I came
from a very maths and physics background, and I saw
the limitations of logic, of theoretical systems. What was really
important was our feeling our felt experience, and I knew
that it didn't matter how logical my life was meant
to be and how well I orchestrated the perfect life,
it wasn't giving me what I needed. And that's how
I went through this. And that was really the last
seven years of deep understanding my personal transformation. And now
I'm really excited to birth this to the world. So
you don't have to spend seven years and you don't
have to go through the challenge and the trauma. You
can pick up a book and go through the recoding
process yourself.
Speaker 2 (03:57):
What was that moment where it started to work for you?
Speaker 3 (04:01):
Oh, there was a real light bulb moment for me.
There was one moment where I woke up one day
and I was just so dissatisfied with myself and I
was questioning how I was going to get through the day.
And I remember saying, I don't ever want to feel
like this again. And that was the light bulb moment.
I didn't say I never want to think like this again.
I said I never want to feel like this again.
And then I focused, well, what could I what is
it that I wanted to feel? I wanted to feel
just a little bit more peace, a little bit more joy,
and perhaps a little bit more love. And I started going,
what could I do right now in order to do that,
not sometime in the future, right now, And that was
ultimately the birth of intentionality. And I just started living
my life through a feeling spaced approach. And it was
incredible what started materializing in my life as I started
feeling more of the state of what I wanted. I
just started feeling it now. And that's really what manifestation is.
It's feeling as if you have already got what you
create want. But the key is, and this is the
key part of book. The last part of the book
is all about scientific manifestation and it's the magical parts
where we get to create miracles. But you'll notice that
it's only thirty pages long compared to the previous two
hundred and ten pages. That's because you can't create what
you want until you have worked recoded some of these
negativity and these negative belief loops inside of you, because otherwise,
when we manifest, we just keep attracting the energy that
we're already have inside of us.
Speaker 2 (05:29):
What are the three seeds that you talk about?
Speaker 3 (05:33):
Okay, so the three SE's are a step by step
process to help us go through almost a physics formula,
a mathematical formula of how to manifest. The first is
we need to clarify, the second is we need to conceive,
and the third is we need to claim. So what
I talk about here is three stages of manifestation and
some understanding of which roles of minds are playing. So
the first just clarify stage we're using. The conscious mind
is us. This is the great thing that separates us
as a human being. We get to have wishes, we
get to have desires, but you can't attract anything until
you know what you actually want. So in this place,
what we're really focused on doing is clearly defining what
it is that we want. Then we go why is
it that we want that? What is the feelings that
we hope that outcome will give us? Because feelings are
what determine everything, that's actually what we're looking for. We
then one formula is to create a little movie scene
that symbolizes that you have what you've already wanted. So
if you wanted a partner, you wouldn't focus on finding
a partner, you'd focus on a movie scene where you're
introducing your partner to your mum, because that would symbolize
that you've already found her or him and you've already
fallen in love with them and you're sharing it with them.
So this is our conscious director phase then, and this
is a very massive energy. And I want to give
an example as well because I think it's quite relevant.
It's and I did it with making a baby for example.
This is we decide we want to make a baby.
That's great, Then we actually have to go do the
act of making the baby. We have to The conscious
mind has to impregnate the subconscious, the masculine impregnating the
feminine energy. So in the in the conception phase, what
we're doing is impressing on the subconscious the strongest feelings
to represent that we have what we want, because the
subconscious takes on directions through feelings, not thought thoughts. It's
through feelings. If the subconscious feels like you have what
you believe you want, it then goes access is a
universal mind and then puts all these little tentacles into
play to bring this manifestation into practice. Just like making
a baby, the masculine impregnates the feminine. We're talking about
in a traditional heterosexual role here and there. The feminine
just allows that magic to actually create the baby. So
in that place, what we're doing is we're slowing down
a breath. The best places when we're in state of
brain weighs just before sleep and first thing in the morning,
and then we play the movie over and over again.
The keys we have to be in the high vibrational
state start with if you're in a low vibrational state,
you can't attract, so that's a really key part. And
then once you've conceived, just like making a baby, there's
a period where the baby hasn't materialized yet. However, you
know that you have created a baby. There's a time
lag in the three D world from conception to it
actually being burst, But in the quantum world, there is
no time and space. It's just happening right now, and
that's where we're creating in the quantum world. So the
third step is claim we have to act like we
already have it, which means we have to one be
grateful talking in the language that we have it. We
also have to allow ourselves to act on the insights
that are going to come flowing through the universe of
mind up through the subconscious to our conscious mind, and
will be certain things like go bring up that person,
go do this, and we don't understand why, but we're
getting messages of how we actually bring this into our life.
And that's really the three stages of the scientific manifestation process.
And if people follow this, they will create. We are
doing this every night, whether we know it or not.
It's just most of us aren't doing it consciously, and
this is why we keep repeating the same situations in
our life each day.
Speaker 2 (09:32):
Why do you call it the scientific manifestation?
Speaker 3 (09:36):
Ahat great question, because because I come from a very
science based approach. I've got multiple degrees in maths and
physics and masters and science. And unfortunately a lot of
people believe that there's a separation between science and spirituality,
between the scene and the unseen, and a lot of
just in the culture of the world, people see all
mas infestation and airy as airy and fairy, and I
can assure you it is not. It is so clear.
Like you go back to the Einstein quote, everything is energy,
Tesla said, if you want to know the secrets of
the universe, think in terms of frequency, vibration and energy.
Carl Sagan said, science is not only compatible with spirituality,
is a profound source of spirituality. So we need to
start realizing that it's the unseen, the unmanifested, is where
the magic is, and there is a formula for creation.
For creation. It's not by chance. And the more we
actually like believe that and accept it, what it does
is that liberates us. It means that we don't have
to be stuck in this situation anymore. We can recode ourselves.
And I can tell you all the people who were
frustrated with who are leading the world, who we feel
like it's unfair that they have all this money. They
know the formula and they're using it and they might
be using it for their own benefits, So why aren't you?
And that's what I want to do with this book
is just to empower the everyday person.
Speaker 2 (11:05):
Do you believe in miracles?
Speaker 3 (11:08):
Oh, I certainly believe in miracles. This is one of
the things as you go deeper in this path, you
realize that everything is a miracle. When we take a breath,
just think about what's happening there. Oxygen is coming float through.
It's combining with glucose, which then creates energy, which feeds
everything in us. When we eat a morsel of food,
it's breaking down. We don't have to think about that.
When we walked up by a beautiful flower, we see
it blossom. Isn't that a miracle? So we're seeing this.
It's happening all day long, but most of us aren't
observing it because we're so caught up in our head,
worrying about what other people are thinking about ourselves, dissatisfied
with our situation. We're not out able to witness this.
The more we start witnessing these miracles, you start realizing
they're all around you. And then you start applying this
scientific manifestation process and you realize that this reality is
completely malleable. You can really change it. And this is
the thing about quantum physics, Like there's a few things
about observer effect, where you can influence the observer can
influence articles that matters. You can actually change what's happening
in your life at all times. And once you start
applying this who it becomes fun and it gets so
fun you start playing with it, and then eventually you
almost give up playing with it because you're just like,
you know, what, the whole life is miracle I'm just
going to let it unfold as it needs.
Speaker 2 (12:38):
To, let it happen, right, Yeah, share a story with
us Finian of something that has worked successfully this way.
Speaker 3 (12:48):
All right, So we mentioned I haven't shared this one before,
but I mentioned about me about to be a father. Now,
this is one of those situations where people, because it's
such a controversial topic, when you say you're about you're
going to plan to make a baby, a lot of
projections come on to you about it's not that easy,
that can't be done, and I just went, well, a
universal law is a universal law. So I just focused
on how do I actually use this scientific manifestation for
this process? And what we did when we decided to
make a baby. We put a date on our calendar
a year in advance, and we said that's when we
want to make a baby. Now, what we've already been
doing previously, We've been working on our negative beliefs around
are we worthy? Are we lovable? And there was multiple
experiences where I went through my own personal journey to
get myself into that place. Also, in some meditations and
some breath journeys, we witnessed our souls, both of us
independently witnessed the souls wanting to come into this life.
So there was a level of belief that we already
knew that we could make a child, and that's the
key element. You have to have a belief and a
confidence to be able to do this. Then we dropped
in and we played out what it would feel like
when we knew we were going to have a baby,
and we dropped into the movie and the announcement and
the feeling of it. Then we went through the process
of going, all right, if we're going to do this,
we're also going to give ourselves the best chance for this.
So we went completely clean for three months, We looked
after our bodies, we put ourselves in a very calm state.
We were meditating, feeling connected to this soul that wants
to come into this world. And then on the day
we planned, we had sexual intercourse one time only and
we made a baby on that day. Now, that shook
up a lot of people because it was so strong.
And we've been sharing with people, which I normally recommend,
but we wanted to be a teacher and to show
that anything is possible. It started really challenging people and went, wow,
maybe this is possible. Now, I don't want to take
away anyone else has had challenging making your babies. That's
not what I'm trying to do here. But what I'm
trying to show here is that everything is possible and
if we can create life in this way, what else
can we create? And I reference in them in this
book so many examples of my examples and also so
many people's examples where I've helped people pass polygraphs li
detective tests, I've helped other people connect to the feeling
and make a baby. I've helped people get out of
legal cases. And all I'm doing them it's not me
doing it. All I'm doing is showing them the formula
and giving them a energetic field of possibility and belief.
Because that's the key is your belief matters more than mine.
However I have such level of belief and conviction, it
creates a space for you to be able to step
into that energetic field and basically open them up for
yourself as well.
Speaker 2 (16:01):
How long does it take people to get into that
mode to make it happen?
Speaker 3 (16:07):
So there are a number of variables. One is it
depends on do you have the level of what level
of belief do you have to start with. For people
who are high performers who have performed in certain areas,
it's often quite easy for them because you can show
them that they've been doing this in one area, so
we can apply it in another area. For some other
people we have to do some work. However, the great
thing about this is there's something called energy interventions, which
I reference a lot in the book. Is that in
a very shorter mint of time, with a lot of energy,
we can completely recode the subconscious of a negative belief
loop that might have been running for thirty years. We
can do that in a twenty minute breath journey and
liberaate Y.
Speaker 1 (16:48):
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