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May 19, 2023 30 mins

Now thag the final rose has been passed out and the season is wrapped up, it's time to check in with the latest Bachelor success story. Ben sits down with Zach Shallcross and Kaity Biggar for an honest look at their lives together and what's in store for their future as a couple. 

Find out why they don't currently live together, and we get the real story about their their wedding plans!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
This is the Ben and Ashley I Almost Famous podcast
with iHeartRadio.

Speaker 2 (00:06):
Oh my goodness, this is a big episode of the
Almost Famous podcast. This is always one of my favorite
times for the Almost Famous podcasts because we get it,
get to interview people and love and today we have
Zach and Katie.

Speaker 3 (00:19):
Welcome to Almost Famous.

Speaker 4 (00:20):
Thank you so much.

Speaker 2 (00:22):
We just confirmed that this is your first time on
Almost Famous since you two have been together.

Speaker 5 (00:27):
Yeah, well, yeah, it's my first time.

Speaker 4 (00:29):
Super exciting.

Speaker 2 (00:30):
And you came on and interviewed with Ashley before I
believe the season even started, or somewhere in the middle
of it.

Speaker 6 (00:35):
It was actually right before the season started. Yeah, And
it's a pretty good interview, but a little little harsh,
little rough, and it actually was oh yeah, oh.

Speaker 5 (00:45):
Yeah, oh yeah.

Speaker 6 (00:48):

Speaker 2 (00:48):
You know, we have a theory here on Almost Famous,
because I've sat in your seat before Ashley has at
some level as well, is we want to clear the air.
So we want to ask the questions that Mike seem
harsh for you to respond to, not to trick you,
but to allow you to respond, and hopefully when vulnerability
is offered, people fall in love with that. Right, People

respond really well to honesty. It's really hard to dislike
somebody when you get to know somebody exactly. So that's
what we're gonna do today. I'm very excited to have
the two of you catch us up on your relationship
since the show.

Speaker 6 (01:22):
Yeah. So right after the show, we flew right to
New York and we did like the three day crazy
press circuit of just going everywhere and anywhere, and I
think one day we had, you know, nineteen different interviews
in podcasts.

Speaker 5 (01:39):
In one day up for like twenty six hours.

Speaker 6 (01:41):
We did sleep twenty six hours no sleep.

Speaker 4 (01:43):
Almost miss Gma.

Speaker 6 (01:45):
Almost to Miss Gma. Were getting a right tell us
why well, our flight, like the traffic to get to Lax,
the flight was delayed multiple times. We're just enjoying our
time together on a plane, finally just being in public.
And then we land and there's crazy traffic, there's car trap,
and Katie's putting on makeup and there.

Speaker 5 (02:03):
I didn't do yeah, like fifteen minutes before They're like, yeah,
you need to have your hair and makeup done, and like,
I've been on a flight, yeah for like six seven.

Speaker 4 (02:10):
Hours, are you kiddie mean?

Speaker 5 (02:11):
Like so, yeah, Gma, I did my my makeup in
the car and hair.

Speaker 6 (02:16):
I'm walking out of the car to go into GMA
with my pants half down, point it up. Yeah, I
mean it was it was wild, but it kind of
like woke you up and it was like, all right,
there you go, because it was the morning after the
live finale, so we were kind of just in the
surreal state. But then after that, pretty quick after Katie
moved immediately back to Austin to start work. I took

about a week to kind of gather my things from California,
and then I caravaned out to California and now we're
both living in Austin.

Speaker 2 (02:47):
Caravan to Texas. You left California to go to Texas, right.

Speaker 6 (02:52):
Yeah, because I was previously living in Texas. But I back.

Speaker 3 (02:56):
Okay, because did you move out to California for a
while for the show?

Speaker 6 (02:59):
For it just didn't make sense. But I had lived
in Austin for four years before Bachelor Bachelorette, and then
when those opportunities came, I was like, yeah, I can't
have a spot at both places right now. And then
meet Katie and then it's like all right, I'm going
back back to Austin.

Speaker 2 (03:16):
Well, the Bachelor world is weird because you go from
zero to one hundred very quickly. But and Zach, this
is mostly for you. You know, you're on the Bachelorette,
you get announced as the bachelor, but there's really never
a moment of like where you feel it because it
feels Yes, it's weird to be in a mansion, Yes,
it's weird to be on TV. Yes it's weird to
be dating a bunch of people. But there's nothing else

outside of that. You're in your own little bubble, so
the attension isn't really there. There's never once in my
life I felt like more of a celebrity than that
flight or the drive away from the final rows to
the airport. Did they escort you guys through the airport
quickly to get to your flight?

Speaker 3 (03:56):
Like did they push you through?

Speaker 6 (03:58):
Not really? No?

Speaker 3 (04:00):
Okay, well then you just mentioned this.

Speaker 2 (04:03):
Then you get in a car and you drive up
to GMA, your biggest television appearance yet, and you walk
out and like you're on the stage at GMA, like
twelve hours after the final rows. It's a very weird time,
Like that is the weirdest time for in the whole process.
For me, is that like twelve hours in between la
New York television interviews.

Speaker 5 (04:24):
It was super fun though very exhilarating experience.

Speaker 6 (04:27):
Yeah, like seeing like actual New York Papa Razzi for example,
Like that.

Speaker 5 (04:32):
Was a great Yeah, that was like the first time
I think it felt like.

Speaker 2 (04:36):
Oh, this is a huge like people are taking pictures
of me. Yeah, they're going to sell these, like my
picture is worth money. It's very odd. And then twenty
four hours later it all ends. They're like, yeah, no,
it it ends like next Yeah. I remember the final
interview on that day, like there's a producer with us

from The Bachelor that traveled out with us that kind
of like coordinated everything, and then at the end of
the day they left and it's pretty much over at
that point, like there's really no contact you ever really
have again unless there's like a special appearance that you
have years later, but it just cuts off.

Speaker 3 (05:17):
Was that a weird time for the two of you.

Speaker 4 (05:19):
I don't think so.

Speaker 5 (05:20):
I think we actually quite enjoyed it.

Speaker 6 (05:22):
In a sense. It was refreshing, Yeah, because like you know,
this the process from when you're done filming the show
to when the show is airing, and then throughout the end,
like you're constantly doing stuff like you're doing interviews, you're
doing podcast to promote the show, You're doing events. So
like I was constantly with producers well after the filming,
so I became very close with them, and you know,

I regard a lot as great friends. But we just
kind of looked at it as now we get to
focus on ourselves and know more of like kind of being.
I don't want to say baby sap, but you kind
of are in a sense. Yeah, when you're in that.

Speaker 2 (05:59):
It is it is refreshing. I personally had a lot
of I didn't have like mental trauma. I just it
took me a while to get back into the world.
Did you two feel that Like it felt weird, Like
life didn't feel right for me for a while.

Speaker 4 (06:18):
It is such a weird feeling.

Speaker 5 (06:20):
I had to go back home to Canada because I
was like, I need to be around family and friends
because it was such a weird world. Being on the Bachelor.
It is unlike anything else. Nobody knows what it's like
unless you've lived it. It is unlike anything else.

Speaker 6 (06:38):
And I feel like like I was home for like
a short period of time, like during the holidays, like
after the filming just kind of recuperating, I guess, or
recouping after the craziness of it, Like I lived through
it with The Bachelorette and needed that time. But i'd
even say now, like as normal as it does feel like,

it's still a weird adjustment that we're getting used to.
Like she's already back at work. I'm going back for
but that's like it's been so long of not doing
my normal job and wanting to get back into that.
But like also it's been a year of being in
front of a camera, So yeah, strange stuff.

Speaker 3 (07:20):
It takes a while.

Speaker 2 (07:22):
I was talking to a few friends earlier and I
went back to my job. I took a month off
after the film, I went back for two years and
then kind of moved on from that. But even that
adjustment is a weird life adjustment that the listeners here
don't always understand is you're not used to this. This
is not something you've been prepped for. You don't really
have a skill set to be on TV or to

date publicly, and so you get thrown into it. Life
switches up very fast, and it takes a while to
adapt back to just functioning. And that's where I want
to go into now. You guys are still together, happily,
you're sitting by each other. You're certainly are you're certainly
to get Yeah there, How has your relationship changed now
since that last interview in New York City to today?

Speaker 3 (08:06):
Uh, just walk us through. What does life look like?

Speaker 5 (08:09):

Speaker 6 (08:11):
Uh, you know it was like such a like you know,
high intensity time for us in New York and the show,
and then we got to focus on ourselves with going
back to Austin. Sure, we had to you know, do
some long distance in between when the show was filming,
but like, truly, I think and I think you'd agree

that our relationship got stronger and stronger where you know,
it could be really easy for it to like cause
a lot of issues and we've seen it in the past,
but you know, we've got great communication and there's this trust.

Speaker 2 (08:45):
And let me pause you there though, because that's a
lot of couples at this point in time are like we.
They sit down with us a few months later and
they're like breaking and you can see it in them.
You're stronger than ever. You're saying your communication was out.
How did you make it through? Like, give us some
details on how you helped each other through that time.

Speaker 6 (09:01):
Yeah, I mean, like as Katie knows, like I'm someone,
I mean, I just kind of tell it how it is,
and I wear my heart on my sleep all the time,
for better for worse.

Speaker 1 (09:11):

Speaker 6 (09:11):
But I think in general, like there is really no
hiding or guessing what I'm feeling or what's going on.
And Katie does a really good job at that. So
that's hard to do, you know, via text and FaceTime,
and that obviously presents challenges for like the period of after.

Speaker 4 (09:27):
You know, and we're with each other like a lot.

Speaker 6 (09:29):
Too, and now we're with each other a lot.

Speaker 5 (09:31):
It's like twenty four to seven.

Speaker 6 (09:33):
Yeah, so yeah, so we're like basically like a like
a fully married couple. We just haven't officially moved in yet.

Speaker 3 (09:40):
But yeah, you haven't officially moved in. You're not living together.

Speaker 4 (09:43):
You're not living together yet. I'm waiting for my least to.

Speaker 5 (09:47):
Come up and say with Zach and then we're going
to move in together in July. Yeah, so that's going
to be different for us. But we basically, you know,
like I've spent maybe since he's been back in Austin
maybe three nights in my house.

Speaker 2 (10:01):
Like yeah, so pretty much she's got.

Speaker 5 (10:09):
But yeah, we've just been like so strong and just
getting to know each other more. We learn each other's
quirks and everything, and I'm like more in love with
him like every single day, like truly, And I know
it sounds corny to say that, but like I learned
something new about him every day and he's an amazing man.

Speaker 3 (10:42):
I'm gonna ask you the worst question ever.

Speaker 2 (10:44):
I've never asked anybody this question because I've never felt
confident enough to do it. Do the two of you
see any way that you don't get married.

Speaker 5 (10:55):
We've talked about like where we want to get married.
I've already like started looking at Ben you but also
like at AFR. We said twenty twenty five. And I
think that's just realistic, and I think that's smart. I
don't think we need to put pedal to the metal,
like we have our whole lives together, like why rush

into things? Yeah, but yeah, and we just want to
make sure it's right, like just like then you wise
and the time.

Speaker 6 (11:24):
But like to your question, like it's funny, we were
actually just talking about this. We were at the pool
earlier and we're just talking about like our relationship and
I told her. You know, going into that whole process
of the Bachelor, I wanted to make sure that I
was one hundred percent certain that I wanted to spend
the rest of my life with a certain person, a
specific person. And if I wasn't sure, then I don't

think I would propose. I actually I know I wouldn't have.
And when I told Katie there was not a single
doubt in my mind. I was like, I'm going to
marry that woman. I can't imagine not. And I still
feel that way and even stronger now because I get
to know her more. Yea, and we still I'll learn
a lot about each other, sure, like every other couple
or this and that, but it's like the love is there, yeah,

which I just like didn't think was fully possible like
this point or through a TV show really, but it
kind of just feels like a blessing or just really lucky. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (12:18):
How does that? I mean, go into that a little bit.

Speaker 2 (12:20):
You guys been on a television show and not the
easiest ways, right, not the most conventional way, with a
lot of weird, tough things happening from the start to
the finish that you guys had to navigate. And now
you sit here today saying hey, Katie, saying I love
you more than I ever have, and you're saying I
was confident that I wanted to marry you.

Speaker 3 (12:42):
Does that just ever feel weird? Like that you met
your person?

Speaker 4 (12:46):
Oh, we were saying this earlier.

Speaker 5 (12:48):
So many times we look at each other and like
that was was so messed up, like so strange, but
like we're so grateful for it.

Speaker 4 (12:58):
It is, it is, It is so weird.

Speaker 5 (13:00):
We just we met each other and we both live
in Austin, Like we.

Speaker 6 (13:03):
Just met to save us a lot of trauma and stuff.
But like write the story and it put us through
tests that I think like overaw help the strength of it.

Speaker 2 (13:13):
So okay, So one day, if you guys choose to
as a couple have kids, would you definitely having kids,
We're definitely having kills. Would you let your kids watch
that season back?

Speaker 4 (13:26):
Oh that's a good question.

Speaker 6 (13:29):

Speaker 3 (13:32):
I think Katie is going to say the whole thing,
let him get to know dad, Wow, talk about I.

Speaker 5 (13:44):
Think maybe at a certain age I would. I would
let them all of it.

Speaker 3 (13:52):
Zach, you guys talked us out for a second.

Speaker 6 (13:57):
This is good.

Speaker 5 (13:58):
I don't know that's a good they would have to
be a certain age for sure.

Speaker 6 (14:04):
I mean, they're gonna get it, like whenever they find
I think.

Speaker 5 (14:06):
I think, yes, there's some very hard moments in that,
but also like that is our love story. That's how
we found each other. How like literally our first conversation
or first kiss, everything, our first moments were on television.
And I think that's so cool that we have the
opportunity to watch that back. And yeah, I would be

okay with it, but they would just have to be
a certain age and maybe we'll get the editors just
a different version.

Speaker 4 (14:36):
But yeah, I don't know what about you, babe, what
do you think about that?

Speaker 6 (14:39):
I think regardless like whether we want them to watch
it or not, they're going to. They're going to find out,
they're going to want to see. So I would just
make sure that it's like it's an open conversation if
they want to ask me any questions or ask you
any questions if they have that questions. And I hope
they're a little bit older, more mature when they ask him,

because they're gonna not they're not gonna understand what yeah
the hell they just saw, but they'll get it.

Speaker 2 (15:06):
Yeah, Well it is uh and Katie, this is for you.
It is such a unique process and there's really no
right way. I've always said there's no right way to
do it as the lead of the show, for the
Bachelor or the Bachelor, there's nobody that comes out of
it unscathed without making a decision that they might look
back on and be like, I wish I would have
done that differently. But obviously with your season, there are

unique storylines that took place that you guys had to
like confront stuff on television that maybe you would have
rather not confronted. The question I have for you because
I don't think TV does it justice. Why didn't you
give up on this relationship? Why didn't you walk away?
Why did you choose to stay?

Speaker 5 (15:47):
Yeh with sech good question because the moments that I
had with him, the time that I did to get.

Speaker 4 (15:54):
To know him, I genuinely I knew your heart.

Speaker 5 (15:59):
I knew that you were such a good man, and
I'm a very I felt like in that moment I
was and I am a very understanding person, and I
couldn't imagine.

Speaker 4 (16:11):
What you went through.

Speaker 5 (16:12):
But I loved you, and I knew you were a
good man, and I knew that we could get through it.
And yeah, and.

Speaker 3 (16:23):
You knew who he was exactly.

Speaker 4 (16:25):
It's a great man.

Speaker 2 (16:27):
So then for you, Zach, you're in the conversation with Katie, Yeah,
were you freaking out? I mean, in that moment when
you're for the first time really all season, the two
of you have an issue where she could have easily
and everybody would have said, hey, we get it, like

she didn't want to be a part of whatever this
was going to end up being. You're telling her knowing
that this is also the person that you want to
spend your life with. And for a while, I think,
I mean maybe television just over dramatize it, but for
a while, I think the viewers watching going she's gone,
like she's at she's gonna she's gonna leave. She didn't, obviously,

But in that moment, for you, what's going through your mind?
Were you holding on for dear life? Were you freaking
out internally? Like walk us through what's going on inside
of you?

Speaker 6 (17:17):
Yeah? I mean it was like the scariest moment I
went through. Actually, it was the scariest moment I went through.
And my heart was pounding through my chest. I could
hardly speak, but and we've talked about. This is what
was most important, Like I guess looking at it and
myself at that moment was being as honest as I

could be because I do take engagement seriously and I
felt like I couldn't commit to someone holding something back
or not telling the whole truth because like, yeah, that's
like the design of the show, that the show is
what it is. But also I don't look at it
that way. I look at it. It's like, oh no,
if I can find my wife through this, i am,

and I'm going to treat this as normal as possible
in unnormal or unique circumstances. So it was the scariest moment.
It was pouring on us.

Speaker 4 (18:12):
Yeah, it was.

Speaker 2 (18:13):
It was it looked and I mean it was one
flip flops on it's raining.

Speaker 5 (18:21):
I'm like, this is the worst spot to have this conversation,
and it's just like, oh it was. It was just
really bad.

Speaker 6 (18:30):
I mean, it was like the worst day.

Speaker 4 (18:31):
It was very awkward.

Speaker 6 (18:33):
It was hard.

Speaker 4 (18:34):
It was so awkward.

Speaker 3 (18:36):
But you made it through.

Speaker 2 (18:38):
We certainly did, and Zach, there obviously was repercussions from
that conversation, right, there's other people involved looking back on
that moment, now, clarity understanding. Let's just assume that the
two of you would be sitting on the couch still
with or without that conversation.

Speaker 3 (18:57):
Would you have done anything differently?

Speaker 6 (18:59):
Well, I mean it's like there's I look back and
and change a lot of things. I mean, it's you're
put under this intense lens constantly, and you're you're forced
to make these decisions. And you know, with that whole
week of me like creating those boundaries or creating that

no sex week type thing, like I would take that
back because like what that did was took away everyone
else's decision. Katie knows where my heart was at making
that decision, because I was just trying to, you know,
make it as les messy as possible and totally and

I would I would like I would have changed that,
and that would have avoided a lot of actually all
of that issue, to be honest, and I'm I'm looking
at myself the way you guys are looking at me,
like duh.

Speaker 2 (20:06):
And I will say, Zach, Katie, credit to you, because
it is a weird thing. Again, there's no right way
to always do this. There are things we can look
back on say I wish I would have done differently,
But kudos to you for being understanding and getting to
know him and his intentions and letting him have that
space and also hopefully behind the scenes, explaining yourself so

that she does understand it. It doesn't always happen, and
I will tell you, in the years that I've seen this,
these are the things that break couples afterwards. Like if
you can make it through this, and I think we
said this after the show, you can make it through
probably anything, you know, like, this was a really hard
This was probably, in my mind, one of the most
real difficult conversations and situations, not only for the two

of you, but also for Gabby that I've ever seen
on the show. But you guys stuck through it together,
and I just think that's you. There's something unique in
that that that makes me think this isn't ever Like
I'm not going to see a headline in two months
it says that you guys are splitting.

Speaker 4 (21:11):
Oh heck nobol not.

Speaker 6 (21:15):
All right?

Speaker 2 (21:16):
Well, that was sweet, Okay, moving on to lighter things then,
because I really wanted to understand how you guys got
through this, and also I wanted to see now Zach
for you with that decision and making the no sex
week to see if you could see how much that
also affected the other people involved, the women involved, and

how that boundary probably if you go back, like you said,
it wouldn't have been set. It just now with good intentions.
It was like really backfired in an amazing way.

Speaker 4 (21:50):
In an amazing way.

Speaker 3 (21:52):
It was wild television. It was wild television. But now
to the good parts.

Speaker 2 (21:59):
As you guys look back on your journey together through
the show and maybe even after the show, what are
some moments that stick out to you as monumental, as
really exciting, as good good memories that are taken from
this experience.

Speaker 6 (22:12):
Like from the actual show, yeah, or after the show.

Speaker 3 (22:15):
Yeah, both, just in life.

Speaker 2 (22:17):
Now, as you sit here today and you look at
your relationship, what stands out to you.

Speaker 5 (22:23):
That's an interesting question. I don't even know if I'm
going to answer this properly because I don't think there's
no right answer here.

Speaker 4 (22:32):
I don't know.

Speaker 5 (22:34):
Zach and I are just like very adventurous together. We
have so many great moments together, whether it's laid in
bed and we're just like laughing and we can't breathe,
or you know, we've gone zip lining we've gone to
Brewize together.

Speaker 4 (22:49):
We've done so much and I don't, I don't everything.
Every moment with you is great.

Speaker 5 (22:56):
We've made so many memories since filming, and even while
we've been filming that they didn't show like we always
talk about this, but you know, there was like it
was my twenty eighth birthday, the day after the morning
of our fantasy sweet Night. I think I said that right,

and he brought in like a chocolate cake and then
we smeared it all over each other's faces and like,
in that moment, it was just so fun, so lighthearted,
so Goofy and I always talk about that, but I
love Goofy fun moments.

Speaker 4 (23:31):
So I think the answers a question for me.

Speaker 3 (23:34):
It does.

Speaker 6 (23:35):
Yeah, yeah, And even like the little things of when
we were in our happy couple houses where you really
are limited to where it's just like takeout and like
going incognito on walks, that's like that was even a blast,
and like those little things all add up of like
and just constantly reaffirm like all right, yeah, this is

this is my person with out of doubt and then
chocolate Kick was a lot of fun y.

Speaker 3 (24:03):
So Katie, you're back in Austin. The show has moved on.

Speaker 2 (24:10):
As we talked about the beginning, it's a very weird
break when all of a sudden they're all right, we're.

Speaker 3 (24:13):
Done with you.

Speaker 2 (24:14):
You guys do your thing. Yeah, here's the next person,
and the focus shifts. Have you stayed in close relationship
with any of the other women from the show.

Speaker 5 (24:26):
Oh yeah, absolutely, I'm really I would say I'm closest
with Mercedes, like literally from night one. That woman has
a heart of gold, and she's so funny, so sweet.

Speaker 6 (24:38):
She's so sweet, she's awesome, awesome.

Speaker 5 (24:40):
And Jess as well as Gabby and Ariel. We actually
just got back from Miami not too long ago, so
I would say, and Dabia Daby is.

Speaker 4 (24:49):
Amazing as well.

Speaker 5 (24:50):
Those are like the women that I've probably stayed in
contact the most with. But some of the other women,
like Charity I've talked to a little bit broke Glenn.
They all want to come to like Austin.

Speaker 3 (25:02):
So yeah, so you have.

Speaker 2 (25:05):
I mean it has any of it been difficult to
keep these relationships?

Speaker 4 (25:09):

Speaker 3 (25:10):
No, no, you've all been supportive of each other.

Speaker 5 (25:12):
Is it very supportive? We've I mean it was we
all leaned on each other during that experience, and we
built such great relationships, great friendships, and I was hopeful
that they would continue after the show, like while we
were filming, and they did, and it's great. We still

we still confide in each other, we still support each other,
and it's truly just I love, I love my friendships
with each and every one of them.

Speaker 3 (25:42):
Do they ever slip up and talk about Zach in
front of you and make it right?

Speaker 5 (25:47):
Sometimes we'll talk about Zach, But I mean it doesn't
like the girls are really they're they're good about it,
like they don't. They're very cautious of like, oh hope
that didn't hurt your feelings, and even then, like again,
I'm an understanding person, like yeah, I'm just kinda laughed off,

like yeah really yeah, I.

Speaker 6 (26:12):
Mean I even like doctor to anyone minus Mercedes, yeah,
a couple, but other than that, Like I just but
I feel like it gets.

Speaker 4 (26:21):
Not so weird.

Speaker 2 (26:23):
Would you be anxious, Zach if if all the girls
came to Austin and they were staying together and you
are out like you're you're at the house and you
just happened to go out and see them, would you
be nervous?

Speaker 3 (26:33):
For that interaction.

Speaker 4 (26:34):
We literally are talking about this.

Speaker 6 (26:36):
We were saying that, like there might be plans that
some of the girls July, and yeah, how much are
they going to roast me? But I mean it'd be
great to see everyone that.

Speaker 3 (26:49):
Yeah, yeah, I would have been nervous. Oh yeah, that's fair.

Speaker 6 (26:52):
Yeah, come on, they.

Speaker 3 (26:55):
All tagged team up on Zach.

Speaker 2 (26:56):
Now, there's no reason why they just can't go at you.

Speaker 3 (27:00):
Nothing to hold back on.

Speaker 4 (27:02):
I'd sit back and watch Ladies due thing.

Speaker 2 (27:07):
Uh so you're not living together yet. July seems to
be the time that you're going to move in together.
You mentioned Katie you're back to work now, Zach, you're
thinking about going back to work, Remind me what is
what is the job that you will be entering back
into tech sales.

Speaker 6 (27:22):
I mean that's what I was doing for the past
four years. I really like it. Right now, I'm kind
of in that job hunting phase right now, interviewing because
I don't want to go back to the same old
company anymore, but just kind of getting back into that
normal sea and routine because it's kind of weird and
you don't Yeah, it is, we have that. It is.

Speaker 3 (27:44):
I was in tech sales buddy.

Speaker 2 (27:45):
I went back for two years in Denver, Colorado at
a small back office processing financial services software. Okay, all right,
familiar with Yeah, it was uh, it was something two
years of it and then uh and then I'm on.
But it was good to get back into normalcy and
I hope, but it took me a while. It took
me a couple of months to feel like one I

could sit and focus, in two I could do it
and do a decent job at my job. But I
did do it, and I do believe it is a
good step as you figure out whatever's next. And speaking
of whatever's next, you guys did mention that you're looking
still at twenty twenty five for wedding. Yep, yep, okay,
And that's just because it feels right. It's not because

you you're trying to figure it out and make sure
that you're right for each other.

Speaker 4 (28:30):
It just feels like, oh, we're right for each other.

Speaker 6 (28:32):
Okay, it could be twenty twenty four, it could be
twenty fo. Yeah, it's like we kind of picked like
a very date.

Speaker 5 (28:38):
Because it's like to also work like I have. I've
worked eleven weeks since September.

Speaker 3 (28:44):
Like, oh, Jesus, you've got some time.

Speaker 4 (28:47):
I have to hustle.

Speaker 6 (28:48):
Like wedding, I heard it takes it takes a long time.

Speaker 2 (28:51):
Like Yeah, and in your full time job, as what Katie,
I'm a nurse.

Speaker 3 (28:56):
You're a nurse.

Speaker 2 (28:56):
Okay, so yeah, you got to get back into it.
You got to the hours, take off the hours. Yeah,
that makes sense exactly. Final question for the two of you.
Thanks for being honest, thanks for being open during this
whole interview. It's been great and I really appreciate you
guys sitting down with us and just catching catching us
up on your life. So as we look forward to

the future, and each of you, if you can answer
this individually, what are you most looking forward to as
a couple and as a person that our listeners and
the fans of the two of you can pay attention to.

Speaker 6 (29:33):
Okay, there you go.

Speaker 5 (29:35):
You want to go first, I think, and I don't
think this is necessarily going to be something that you
are thinking that we're saying, but I don't know. For me,
the the thing I'm looking forward to the most is
getting a house and having kids.

Speaker 6 (29:53):
Really, the starting a family was Yeah, Yeah, that's.

Speaker 5 (29:58):
What I'm looking forward to.

Speaker 3 (30:00):
That's incredible. Yeah, well, I'm going to be shocked.

Speaker 2 (30:03):
Our listeners are going to be shocked right now if
we don't see the two of you walking on the
aisle in well at some point. We wish you the
best here. Thanks for coming out, thanks for joining us.
Just tons of success in your relationship and your personal
lives thrown on you from this whole family here at

the Almost Famous Podcast.

Speaker 3 (30:25):
Zach and Katie, thank you.

Speaker 6 (30:27):
Thank youks Man, appreciate it and one.

Speaker 2 (30:29):
Of the most exclusive, intimate, honest interviews since their time
on the show. Zach and Katie joined us on The
Almost Famous Podcast and we're very appreciated for it. Hey
send him some love. Wish them the best we do
here at the Almost Famous Podcast. But until next time,
I've been Ben.

Speaker 1 (30:49):
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