All Episodes

December 21, 2020 49 mins

Gabrielle Carteris joins Jennie and Tori for an in depth conversation filled with 90210 memories and stories. She confides In her friends sharing details of her 90210 journey.

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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:03):
With Jenny Garth and Tori Spelling. Here she is you, guys,
the time has come. Our very special guest is with
us now, Gabrielle car Terrorist Andrea Zuckerman. Oh my gosh,
all right, you guys are just doers, creators and makers.

I think it's awesome that you're doing this show. Thank you.
We just love working together and we love being with
you too. So you guys are definitely these women. Just
so if everybody is, I'm going to always be the cheerleader.
Truly um innovative, creative, dynamic, courageous, fabulous, great team, so

deserving of all good things. Really, thanks lady. I miss
you like we miss like. Oh god, I feel like
we should all be in Vancouver right now. We were
all roomies, you guys, I mean pretty much. We had
that hall we did. We was like being in a dorm,
you guys at you're talking about when we were shooting.

pH lived in the same building and we did it
was on the same floor like summer camp. Jenner and
I had a two bedroom apartment and Gab was right
across the hall. And every night a little drink and
a little every night you got some gossip and some drinks.
It was really fun. It felt like kind of like
a rooftop on Sunday. It was too fun. Our scandalous

bathing suit photo that went firal. All yeah, we still
got it. That's right there, you go, Oh, my scandalous.
I think about it. You guys, we were there a
year ago. I was thinking about this the other day.
If we had been picked up, we would have been
shut down. There was a reason that we didn't go

back right away. Well, we miss you no matter what. Yeah,
miss you. We were just talking king about what a
trailblazer your character was, what a champion she was, and
how cool it is that in your real life you
are Andrea Zuckerman, like you are a champion for all

actors out there, for the whole Screen Actors Guild. This
is what your second or third Yeah, I mean my no,
I'm going into my five and a half year I
have I've been in two and a half terms, two
and a half terms as the president of we don't
do math. I don't either, so uh okay, wait, So

we've tried to kind of like tell the story, but
we can't tell it like you can because it's your story.
How the name Andrea Adrea. Andrea came to life, and
we tried to tell it how you told us, which
was fascinating. You need to tell that story. So when
I lived in New York before I was out before
I am out for nine o two one oh before,

when I really when I got out of college and
I needed a job, I got into casting and I
was running camera for a casting director. I was meeting
her for the first time. Her name was Andrea, and
I went to shake her hand and I said, it's
nice to meet you, Andrea. She said, first of all,
don't touch my hand. I don't touch people's hands. Secondly,

she said, my name is Andrea, not Andrea, and you
call me Andrea. If you call me Andrea again, you'll
never work for me. So I was so profoundly affected
by that moment that when I auditioned for the role
of Andrea, who was Andrea at the time, because Darren Starr,
who created the show, actually named the character after a

friend of his name, Andrea Wolfe, and um, I think
that's her last anyway, Andrew was his friend, and so
what happened was, Um, when I did the audition and
I say, hi, my name is Andrea, they corrected me,
and I said, no, no, it's Andrea. I think that's
why I got the role. So feller Andrea. She corrected

a room full of executives that, wait, there's more you guys.
This is going to shock all the fans. Tell them
what role you Originally? Was that A negociated the deal
for me, for Brenda and for Andrea. And then I
got I know, and I'm a twin right, So when

I came in for to the network for Brenda, I
came in with a picture of my brother, like that,
this is my twin brother. He says, Hello, I showed
the picture. You didn't make a difference. I didn't get that.
I got it, Like, wow, she's really method. She went
all out like sting up with that story. You're like, no,
it's real. Now that I think about it, you kind

of look more like you could be Brandon's twin right. Yeah, well,
because because the lighter here or whatever. Let me ask
you this, gab, do you remember the first time you
met the rest of the cast, Like, do you have
vivid recall of that moment? I totally remember. It was
it Tori's house and I literally had a little rental car.

Jason said, he could always identify. He said, I think
she's Andrea because I was sitting with a very small car.
I didn't have that much money, and I was like
sitting up really close to the window. I guess, But anyway,
it was it because you're a tiny gal. You're a
tiny little top and I don't think I'm sit up
close too else. But anyway, but I was at Dori's
house and I remember walking in and being just wow.

It was it was overwhelming. It was seeing Tori, you
and Randy, your brother, and he was there. Yes, wait,
she just spoiled my whole story that I done with
for thirty years. What was she said? She? She claimed
that she was upstairs watching us, not meeting the first time. Okay,

so you just crushed my entire lie just like that,
my friend. Just second, wait, you guys, I can picture
myself up there looking now. I'm doubting my whole life.
I don't even know what happened. I'm not sure. I
don't know. Eventually came down maybe, but you didn't arrive
with Iron. Um No, I left with Iron, but I

did not arrive with Iron. I don't think I can't remember.
I'm like Jenny when Jenny says, I can't remember. So, Jenny,
I'm on that train with you. I can't remember, but
I don't think I went with Iron. But afterwards we
did go to lunch. We talked about how lucky we were.
Where did you eat? We ate at Chinchin Plaza. Oh
my god, they went to eat at Chinchin, you guys.

Chinchen is like an l A staple like I grew
up in l A. Like Chinchin was its on Sunset Boulevard,
Sunset Boule of our Chinese chicken salad, and we had
dune was and all we talked about where we were
so excited. It was so amazing and it was so
it was great, really enjoyed it. So that was the

first time I met you all. And then Luke came
later when he went to check and Karen's was it
for the second read through? Was for this? Maybe it
was the second episode. Oh, I don't think I was
that that one either, because I don't remember that. Finally,
something saying a theme wait gap, wait wait wait wait
wait sorry is there I gotta back up here because

if we got you here so you walk in. Is
that the first time that you saw met Jason and Shannon,
like first time, totally first time for everybody. All I
can remember is being scared to death believe I was
your father was there. I was like, I look at Tori,
I didn't you. People came up to me saying, would

you like us to give you you? Would you like
a coffee something to drink? I was like, huh, I
mean a cigarette? Would you like a siarette? Everybody's it
was just a different. I was totally different. It was
the introduction to Hollywood for me. It was really just
so Look, I was coming from New York and I
could barely make my rent and then I was suddenly

in l a in your father, you know, in your
home with your father who is so iconic, right, so iconic,
and then uh and getting ready to you know, read
through this show. I couldn't. I couldn't even take a breath.
It was everything was just too It was big. I mean, Jenny,
now my life's like the flip of that. But yeah,

it's like I had to say, you are one of
the most resourceful people. Though you are definitely one to
create a great life. There's never I will never ever
worry about you because you are just well that might
be a whole different thing, but I would tell you

about getting through everything. You always get through. It will
be so wait. A running theme and we didn't even
plan this on this show is about um again, I'm
gonna ask. I'm gonna hit him up to to pay
us for this is the dreamy Jason Priestley in his
blue eyes, like when you met him where you like, Oh,

this guy's a star, Like what did you think? I mean?
For all intents and purposes, he like watching this episode
that we're on now, episode five, I was saying earlier,
I was like, I just want like I'm hopeless romantic
and I was like, I just wanted Andrea and Brandon
to be together, like they had such good chemistry. I

have to say that when I met Jason, you know,
I love Jason. So quickly we became I felt a
connection with him. He's been a very good friend to
me through all these years. I mean really a great friend.
And guys, they're seriously super close, Like it wasn't just
on TV. They were like super best friends in real life,

still neighbors. Well now he's shooting in Toronto and the
whole family's out with him right now because of you
know what's going on, but you know I had to
say so. When I first started on nine o two,
I was petrified. I was petrified, and um, I remember
being at the school to do a scene. It was
a long walking scene and I just started to hyper ventilate.
Did I ever tell you the story it was? I mean,

I couldn't let you guys know that I was so petrified.
I mean really, everybody overwhelmed me. The whole thing was
just and I couldn't remember my lines. I just I
felt like I was going to pass out. I don't
know what happened. I was freaked out, and Jason took
me aside and he said, this is your time. Don't
you worry. You take your time. He was so loving
and supportive, and I got through it. I thought they

were going to fire me. They didn't fire me, but um,
he always always has been there as uh somebody who's
really I really trust, he has my back. He's a
really and such a great guy, like just a good
being who really wants a great family and a great life.
And he's Yeah, I clearly I was at the moment

the bonded. You guys, do you think I think that
moment really to find your relationship. Okay, can we talk
about his eyes though? Can I get back to that?
And his eyes are really he's you know, he's a
handsome guy, but he has beautiful hunk of hunk of
burning love. And Jenny gets you're not doing it this week.
She gets very flustered talking about Jason, who doesn't I

mean no, like, we know him so well. He's just
Jason to us and we know him now. But kind
of rewatching that show and seeing him, you know, playing
that sixth year old boy, You're just like, wow, you
have all the feels like girly feels like what do
you think the guys? That's what Even my daughters who

saw the show all these years later, because they went
to watch it last year before we shot, and so
they decided to sit down, they said, oh my god,
he's so cute. Mom. I mean the guys, there was
no there was a reason why the guys were so
loved by the girls. They were the perfect choice. For sure.
It all works out. And now look at Brian. I'm

still blown away. When we worked with him last year
and I hadn't seen him since we had really you know,
shot the show, and I can't believe. I always say
he really grew up to be one fine looking huncle.
Would I like a real man? Watch it? Watch what
you say about my man. Don't worry him for life.

That's right, it will always be true. Do you who?
Who do you remember? Um? Like, who did you think
because your character ended up marrying guy Jesse, he wasn't
like a core cast member. Who did you think Andrea

should have been with? I don't know. I think that
you know what? I think that? Um, it was great.
First of all, Mark was great to have, but I
have to say that they shied away. And Jason had
said it you can't put Andrea and Brandon together because
the audience, because he said they loved the tension of

almost seeing us together and not being together. It was
kind of like, I forget the name of the show.
That to the cheers, No, no, the detective show. She
was lighting lighting whed like moonlighting. That's good to her.
I got something right for once. Yeah, I'm sorry, I
don't know, Like, who would you guys with your characters?

I mean, first of all, you guys discovered your friendship
as we went through the show, right, you weren't right
in the beginning, right, she doesn't remember me, so apparently
not the two of us. No, no, we Yeah, our
friendship definitely grew over the years, but I remember we

started hanging. Yeah, we were close because we were always together,
our scenes were together. At the very beginning, I was like,
the head on your shoulder, it was the Kelly and
I would just be like, and your son. I remember
going um apartment shopping with you when we were must

have been the first season because you didn't have the
place to live. Well, I didn't know l A and
I literally so I didn't know what the valley was.
We got you a nice little spot on Yes, you
did on Kester Kester, and you were the one you
said this is he said I would stay. I was like,
I didn't know where we were, Like, what is this
because I got an apartment on Burton Way. I flew
out here and got an apartment. Goes we might be

shooting in a place called Sunland and you might want
to live in the valley, and I was like, I
don't know what the valley is. And that's when I
called Jenny crying, yeah, and she said I'll go with
you because I drove literally in circles over the canyon back.
There's a great apartment complex right down the street from
a place called Vivid Video. Everyone's going towards it. Oh

my goodness, up yes, wait, wait, you can't do this
to us. Look, I'm like, I want popcorn right now
to watch this. I'm so excited. Listen, you can't do
this test. There must be something in you that thinks
on some level that Andrean Brandon should have ended up together.
I know the fans that, but I can't say that
in front of Jenny because Jenny feels right, it's all right,

Kelly's Kelly, Jenny ear muffs, ear muffs? Should it should
have been Brandon? If we were to do another what
would have happened? What would have happened? Like, how would
have played out? Tell her? How well? How would you
have written it? How would you written it to Because
you're the one who's the story, Maven, How would you

let me confer it with my partner here? I think
that I think you're definitely right that something. I mean,
it's great you quote at Moonlighting like that's a perfect
example sexual attention for so long and then at the
end of the day the audience want I mean, they
really do. If you talk to the fans, they loved
the notion of, like, one day Andrea and Brandon are

going to get together. It's what all of us girls are,
us hopeless romantics out there. We wanted it. Not that
Andrea was the underdog, but she was the girl next door.
She represented you know, she wasn't the cool, hot, popular girl,
but she had all of that. Oh, I was saying
this episode, when you wear your hair back and you
had a white collar shirt and a tie on and pants,

you looked in your glasses so freaking hot. That like
that is understated's sexy. Yeah she don't you think she
was giving off like Meg Ryan vibes. Yes, yeah, Meg Ryan.
So she just nailed it. Harry met Sally wanted them
to be together. They should have been together long time.

I will look at you, guys. We're going to do
the show again someday. Right, the geriatric Ward out to
one old old You know what, I can't I'm so honest.
I can't take credit for that. Jason threw that one
out last summer. I'm sorry. I have to. I have
to give him credit for credits. Eyes bring me, damn eyes.

I have to say it was a very good looking cast.
I mean, really, when you think about it, all really beautiful.
You guys are gorgeous. Gee, thanks, just complimenting each other.
I never got in on the show. If I had
been cast five years later, they wouldn't have had me

go in for the odd because by the time the
show really started to move on, I think it got
into I think everybody is very attractive on our show,
but it became a show about beauty, and I think
everybody was so pretty. Um, I don't think I don't
know what you're talking. What language are you speaking right now?
You are beautiful? You were, I don't. I don't think

that it's the thing. I just I don't think I
have the you are. It would have five years later,
it would have happened. That's that's okay, guys. I love
my life. I'm good. I'm happy. Good you are. You've
always been happy wherever you are. You're just content and happy,
and I've always loved that about you. Oh, I don't

work hard. We'll see crazy. It's been crazy, man. So
who else have you had on this show? You our first,
our first cast members. You broke our o G cast member,
Cherry you go. I'm so happy that I could be
the person to do that. I'm so honored. I wanted

to tell me all about the show since I know you.
What made you guys decide to do it? The podcast
you're talking about, well, I thought you were talking about
b h U two And this sounds like a similar
conversation that we had like a year and a half ago.
It's like recurring. Oh so when things are recurring in
your life, you keep doing it till you do it right.

To me, this time we're doing it right. Remember were
those five stars? You guys? We need a five star
rating right. Make sure you know that we're always just
looking for ways where we can hang out together and
work together. And you know, our bond is so strong
and just like our bond with you and the rest

of the cast, just being with people that you're comfortable
with and that you love forever and always on such
a deep level, there's so much comfort in that. Like,
of course, we want to keep working together and keep
working with you and the rest of the cast. Stopping

but we have some rapid fire questions that we wanted
to ask you, Gabrielle, I won't remember anything, but fine, okay,
well there they should be easy from the cast. Who
would you call to bail you out of jail? Well,
now that answer might be different than it would have
been a year character. I would say in real life,

it all what i'd call the girl, actually call, I'd
call almost anybody on the almost right. Absolutely, you have
to live on a deserted island with one other cast member?
Who is it? Oh my god, don't feel obligated to
choose one of them. You never asked us this question, says,

because it's on the island, Can I have each person
be living on a different section so I can rotate
her round? Oh my god, of course it's going to
compartmentalize everybody. Yeah, don't ever get us all together, though,
because that's just a design awful. Nothing gets done when
we're all together. Don't you miss like dinner and drinks

at Gab's house. Well, here's a throwback one. See if
you can remember what did you buy with your first
Nano too? I no big paycheck. You guys can all
answer these if you want. Yeah, what did you guys get? Boobs? Sorry?

Could you me up? I couldn't get it? I know mine?
Go you go, Gab, though it was your story. I
went to the mall and it was it was express,
remember oh limited express or what? Yeah, and like a
shopping spree like bags of like clothes and I was

super excited. Nothing interesting. Oh and then boobs, So mine
would have been I think my big purchase it didn't
happen right away, was a car because I didn't have
one from l A. And then boots. What kind of
car was it? Oh my god, we're the fake boot gang. Yeah,

oh my god, Oh my god. That's what all actors
do when they get famous, they get boobs. I mean
during that during that time where there was a lot
of pressure on each of us individually to look a
certain way, you know, and I feel like none of

us escaped that. With you, I blame because, first of all,
and it's older than all of them. So I used
to like go home and cry. My husband. You guys
knew after I had had my first daughter. So as
I was lactating, as we're doing our cast shot and

they all look so beautiful and I cannot just gave
birth and I literally sat there crying like you can't
you have to hide my body. I can't be in
front of him. Was how much were you then when
you when you did the pilot, when you started the show,
Like how old were you and how were you were
supposed to be on the show. I supposed to be
sixteen and I was twenty nine? What I mean, scream

that loud and proud because nine I was young and
babe delicious looking like you. I feel like people knew,
like it was kind of in the press that you
were older than you were playing. But I feel like
if people did not ever know that and have that perception,
like when I watch it now, like watching rewatching it,

I'm like, she was so cool. She was like I
would never have thought you weren't sixteen. I thought maybe
nineteen twenty, I would not twenty nine. No old lady.
My gosh, I was an old lady and they were
like all it was just a different It was so
great last year coming together after all these years because
I started off early on being a mom, right I

got married and it was everything on the show, and
then they started later on, so everybody coming together this
last year was amazing to see everybody with their families
and his parents with their kids, and uh, it was
so different to see everybody in there in their lives,
like really owning their lives. We were kind of in

the beginning, kind of thrust into our lives, right, But
that was really, uh, just amazing. I have to say,
the whole thing was so wonderful as your Your wedding
was the first wedding I had ever attended. Your kidding.
I was trying to be cool, but like, yeah, yeah,

I was like, oh my god, I have a friend
getting married. I was like, you know, I was like eighteen.
I was like, I'm so cool. One of my friends
is getting married on Santa Barbara for her. That's right,
it was in Santa Barbara. But I mean, I have
pictures of you guys. It was great pictures. But I

gotta say so last summer I was hanging out for
b H and nine all living together in Vancouver. It
was I mean, you're freely talking about how we were
in our teens when we started. You were I had
no idea you were twenty nine. Um, but you were
twenty nine. So we were just on different paths at
the time and it all balanced out. It's kind of

like when you're young and you have an older brother
or sister and you're like, god, we're never on the
same terms, Like they're always doing something a little bit different,
and then some in your lives you catch up. And
that happened like we caught up. Like when I was young,
I felt like nurtured and mothered by you. I did.

I looked up to you, and last summer put it
into perspective that you were just my friend. You're my
friend for life. And it took all these years to
come to that balance. And it was so beautiful. The
relationship three of us had last summer. We'll always have that.
I loved when we went out there, it was the

three of us before everybody was really out there and
we had been. We lived in the same building together,
and it was it was wonderful to be with you guys.
I loved it. I really. I was nervous about it.
It was to go to Vancouver and leaving the family.
There's a lot of you know, things, to do, our
show again, whatever it was going to be, it wasn't
gonna work. Then to be able to sit down and

really be with you and I just to really it
was a wonderful. I felt like it was a real blessing,
just great. We really believe, like God, why didn't this continue?
I didn't work out. It was what the fans wanted,
but maybe it worked out the way it was supposed
to work out because it was the journey we all

needed exactly it was for us. Maybe we love that
we gave it to them, but maybe it was just
something special for all of us, I think, And that's
okay too. I remember when we did the thing a
couple of years ago in Chicago, I said this to you,
but but truly when Jenny and I were driving back
to the city and talking, really talking for the first
time about really the experience of being on nine o

one in the early years, and it was great, but
there was a lot going on there and things we
never talked about. It was so great, and that's that
was a really inspiration for me to want to do
the show again too, because being in the car with
you was so told a different story than we had
we never shared, and I thought this really great. And

then it was the process of developing the show, watching
you guys in your thought process. I I don't say
it lightly, I mean I really I was so and
I talked about you all the time, very impressed with
your your courage, but you're you're really in depth way
of looking at things the details. I mean, I just

thought so much to be proud of. I hope that
you guys can own that. I hope that that was
something that came out of it for you a year
ago to help you see who you really what you're
But you guys are really capable of what you're creating.
Thanks gam. It was definitely a great experience. Yeah, I
remember that conversation in the car, And I remember, I

mean because as a young girl growing up on the
show and in that environment, I feel like I was
developmentally a lot further behind than you. Like you you
were already twenty nine, You had already like kind of
figured out who you were a little bit more, and
you had your feet firmly planted on the ground. And
I think, speaking for myself, I did not have that,

And and doing the show for ten years and then
having like the fame and the sort of um everything
that came with that for all the years, I never
really got my feet on the ground until I was
forty years old, until I had a moment to breathe
to figure out who I was and like what what

I wanted to be and how I wanted to show
up and and it's so weird to now be adults
and able to share have that conversation with each other
and and get it in a different way because we
were close back then, but we're just the it's such
a different closeness now. It's different and being parents making
decisions we have to make, you know, like real life

stuff right like when you're younger, you know, buying all
the clothes, because that was the first you know what
I mean, Like all the things that we do, and
it just changes. It's just do you mind sharing a
little bit, just because I love this story. When we
first got together last summer, we were you know, before
last summer we were going to make b H nine

O two and oh, and we had some nights together
where we all I kind of got to like talk
about the past and things we had never said to
each other, and we were having drinks and it was
fun and you shared how you felt with the rest
of the cast that we never knew, Like do you
know what I'm talking about? That what I said, I

felt I felt separate the idea that you guys were. Yeah,
it was really exciting and it was really hard. I
was definitely I felt that you all were in the
same universe, and I was just kind of I was
lying about my age, and so in a sense, I
didn't tell you my age right up either. So that

came out of an interview that went on People magazine.
They were interviewing one of you guys asked me a
question and then I got a call. So they asked
how old I was, and I said, I don't play age.
I played character. I thought that was brilliant. But then
I got a call from the writers sending to start
saying that now that's good, right, And then he said

we and this is before the internet, really right, So
I we have friends at the d m V, the
Department of Motor Vehicles, and we know your age and
we're going to post it. Did I tell you the story?
And I said, you can't post my age. They don't
know my age. I lied on the contract. I talked
to the lawyers. I signed. You know that I was
twenty one, so I was allowed to do that. And

I said, if you do that, I lose my job.
And he said, and I had my lawyer's call, I
had my agent, my manager, everybody call. They would not
take it off. And I remember crying, saying this is
the end. This is the end. But the show just
started to become popular, and as a result of that,
they did not fire me. But I have no doubt

that if they had known my age, I never would
have walked into that room. I mean, that's but anyway,
I always felt really um, you know, just never quite
as not pretty enough, not like in it enough. I
was always feeling like outside I was older, and it
was just it was it was hard. It was already
an isolating show in some ways. I think because the

thing it became hot so fast that everybody already was
kind of like in protective mode because nobody really knew
how to And then I didn't know how to say
to you. I'm feeling, you know, a little bit lost,
and I didn't know how to say to you guys
all that because you maybe saw me as being like
when you say, oh, Gabriel, you were you were older,

so you were ground it or whatever. I didn't feel
all that you might have you know, I'm quieter about
that whatever. But and we looked up to you. Your
character was also isolated from the rest of the kids,
you know, so I can see how that would lend
even more isolation. Yeah, but when Gab told us, told
John and I this last year, we had that moment

where we were like, oh my god, we felt bad.
We were like, god, we were just kids. Did we
make you feel that way? We would never But we
didn't know we were going. We were figuring our stuff out,
like we were just going through the motions of being
a teenager and kind of exploding on TV. And the
fact is like, we loved you, and we wish we

would have known then so we could have been like,
oh gosh, we're best girlfriends, like let's just figure this out.
And we never knew. And it was empowering yet heartbreaking
at the same time to hear you talk about something
that happened thirty years ago that were like, shoot, we're
just now getting it right. I got I think it
was you know, I don't think of it that way

at all. I think that it's really interesting that we
do come full circle in our lives. I think that's
really the opportunity to be able to revisit and to
see and I, you know what we talked about this
gen when we were in the car. It's true, during
those earlier years, they did everything they could to keep
us separate in some ways like to keep us together.
You know, we were together, but it was very important.

It was a power play I think in the studio.
And what made last year so great also was because
we all talked about stuff, so the power came from
the group. It was a really different tight I really
appreciated that, that feeling that we were truly uh we
were living as a healthy family. Yeah the power. Yeah, wow,

so different. Gosh, well, they say families always messed up, right,
so we we got it right. We figured it out.
We didn't even have therapy. We just did together. Well,
we did have therapy on an episode Carol Potter who's
now a therapist, people circle to play the therapist that heck,

so good, this is all making sense now, it's all
wild wild And then yeah, it was just I thought
it was anyway. It was a really wonderful experience, everything
that went on, And I think you're right, Tory. I
think it was just meant to be just for that
maybe for that time. But um, that's okay. I feel
like in some ways a big expense to Fox, but

we kind of all needed that, like we needed that
one summer together. I can't believe they haven't even reared
it yet. Oh, I never deleted it. It's still in
my DVR, know, I mean the New nine o two. Oh,
I mean there's been no reruns on it. I heard
there were, and some episodes aren't there, like episode two

or something is not there. You hear that? What is that?
I don't know. I mean sometimes I think because I
just watched Cobra Kai the other day because I want
to see that. It was so good. It's like the
show about Karate Kid, the movie. So it's the characters
like later in life, and it's a series now and
it's so good. You guys gotta watch it, um because

they're older and it's now about their kids. No, it's not.
I mean their kids are in it, but it's still
about them, Like Ralph Machio is the star of it
and Johnny I can't he's the star. And they're so good,
and I'm kind of in love with Elizabeth both of them. No,
but they keep teasing that Elizabeth shoes come in. Alan's
going to come back. Yeah. So anyway, I was saying, like,

in watching you know, a reboot done like a straight
reboot like that, I wonder if like how people feel
how people feel about like Should we have just done
a straight reboot. Should we have just played Kelly and
Andrea and Donna and given the people exactly what they
thought they wanted. There was a moment in time where

we came in strong that we wanted to do it
our way, heightened versions of ourselves that would have led
into semi showing the characters nowadays you know what they
were up to and kind of splitting it. And remember Gab,
there was a moment where some casts agreed and some didn't,
and we were all like, Okay, let's talk this out
how it should be. That was really interesting because I

actually thought it was going to be maybe the other way,
and then I talked about it. I think that you're
talking about it. This was Yes, there were some people
who wanted it to be a pure reboot, but the majority,
I think of what brought people forward was the idea
that it wasn't. I don't know that. I don't think
the show could have happened if we had done a
straight reboot. I don't think the people emotionally now if

you were to just say it because we went through
last year, that would be different too. I think that
people did not have closure and so they didn't want
to go and redo the characters, and they didn't want to,
but I think they were carrying a lot of baggage
with them on it. I think we all yeah, I
think that's but every so at first I was thinking
was gonna be the other And then when Tory and

Jenny talked about and you guys talked about doing this
like hyper, I couldn't even grasp what you were talking about.
And then I thought, what the hell? I mean, you
know what, there's no sure thing here. I don't know
what it's supposed to look like, but that's something that's different.
I could really embrace that. I'd rather do something being
different and exciting and fail then just something boring. And

you know, life is too short. If anything, we've learned right,
so um, yeah, I mean I look at it and
I think, yeah, it would have been cool to play
Kelly again and be the characters again and just create
a whole new world as that. But I also feel
like we did something that hadn't been done before, and
it was it was more exciting and more fulfilling, you know,

as a creator, as a writer, and all of us
creating together and coming together to figure out what we
wanted the show to be and how we wanted our
characters to be. There was something so unifying about that
and so strengthening and affirming. I just thought it was
a really good experience overall. They got to see our
characters for ten years on a show. They got to
see how those characters were written, and we wanted them

to know that our bond was equally as close, if
not closer, off camera. So that's why we wanted to
give them that perspective. I don't know no regrets, but
but hey, you guys, if you want to start a
petition to like bring it back after you give us
five stars yet that you should totally do that. Hey,

a lot of things have like made comebacks. As a fan,
I thought it was so creative what you guys did
with having it be like reality TV meets script um.
But I also don't think that it's completely off the
table to do the reboot where you guys you know
what I mean? Like, who's to say you can't do
it in a few years. Never say never. I'm just

gonna shout out boobs again because then we'll laugh at thought.
Jen just lost five years off her life. You just
her she just literally had BTSD and lost five years. No,
I would always love to work with you guys. Again,
I never turned my back on this ship. And you
don't need everyone and they don't agree. Maybe it's just
you guys. I think we should do a movie. I

think we should if we did a movie and just
did one great thing. We don't have to do the
series like that, but we could do a movie a
year on where we're at. How's that? Yes? Do it
for me? Thank you to somebody? Who am to somebody?
Am I doing it for sis? Yeah? For me? Maybe
I do it for Ryan Seacrest, not for you. I'm

just for the fans. I am the voice of the fans.
There you go, tell me how tell me about the show?
When is it? When you guys airing it's a podcast.
Your podcasters now gaps. So we say, like, oh, check
out our last episode dropping it dropped. Yeah, it comes,
it drops on Monday's every Monday's a new episode. We're

only on season one, episode five, so we have, like,
you know, ten more years of doing this. You have
to watch show you're gonna do and then we'll just
draw it out, watch out. We just watched every episode
we watched Sometimes Will Be on the Phone Together. Fifth
episode was one on one, the basketball episode, and yeah,

you were. You were assisting Brandon in his troubles. So
what was the line that Andrea said in this episode
of your Favorite say you say something Steve Sanders is
a spoiled slut. Oh, but we wanted to add for
you because we're not sure if you said sleut or slug. Well,
I'm sure they had me say slug. Can you imagine

them saying letting me say that it was slut. There
would be no way you guys, cannot wear a Jewish
star on the show. I definitely couldn't say slut. Can
you tell that story that he couldn't wear Jewish star
where I couldn't go and touch my black boyfriend? Which one?
Oh wow, seriously, guys, a sign of the times, totally

a sign of the times. A Jewish woman that could
not wear a Jewish characters are around. I can't write, well,
you are her character as well. It's a storyline all
that stuff in real life. I said when to wear
my Jewish star? And I get a call from the
network saying, Gabriel, actually from one of the producers, you
can't wear your Jewish star anymore. Middle America doesn't want

to see it. I told you this, and then I said,
oh really, because if I have to take off my
Jewish star, then everybody has to take off their crosses.
And so it's so true. We all wore crosses. That
like that was like not even a religious thing. It's
just like an r so that and tell okay. And
then your character was dating. I was dating so because

we were very progressive, right, so they actually without a question,
it was fine. I had a black boyfriend, the nicest guy, um,
but I was not allowed to put my I went
and put my arm around him one day, and no,
you don't touch him. You can't touch him. Why can't
I touch him? Again? Middle America was blamed Middle Middle
America doesn't want to see it. And I said, well,

we're together, don't. I mean, you know what don't they
want to see? There was I'd take offense to that.
I'm from the Midwest, I'm from Middle America, and i
have no problem with you touching your black I'm telling
you it was a sign of the times. And like
Network like, it wasn't even the viewers, it wasn't Middle America.
It was network executives that were conservative and that were nervous.

They were nervous like pressing the envelope because what if
it's not received. Well, that's right. It was all older
white guys everything, and they wanted the status quo, what
was safe and and so even though they wanted to
and you know, God bless your father, right wants to
like step in, but not too far. We can't go
and touch. And it wasn't a matter of the times

because then it was several years later. They even said
when I went to have my baby on the show,
that they didn't really know how to write it. And
then it was a couple of years later that they
really started to embrace as you guys started to have
your kids and all that, they were able to really
start to make it happen. But they was so much
controversy around my character when I had my baby, she's

so smart, she would never get pregnant. Oh really, smart
people don't get pregnant. I mean, it's like but anyway,
there was a lot of there's a lot about that
time that people just didn't and then you were like,
screw this. When we all get get together thirty years
later and to b h I'm going to make out

with a woman on the shelf. Right, that's her idea.
You guys like, so good you I love it. Gabrielle
is the last laugh. Oh my god, that people as
all the time I was watching you make out on
camera with that girl and you were that was your day.
I was like, oh, it's so sexy. You know. It

was like Ard remember trying his daughter arrived and apparently
she was behind you know, she was the monitor right,
she was watching and she was going like this with her. Oh,
I was standing right next to her. She was like
very uncomfortable watching. That was like me behind the monitor.

When you had to kiss Jason for the first time
as the characters Jenny and Jason on BH know, and
I like had my headphones on and I came over
to her. I'm like, there's too much remember, Yeah, thanks
for the notes. When I had a kiss Jason in

the early years, director and I can't remember who it was,
he said, put your tongue in his mouth. What we
were talking about this last week, like the tongue of
it all. So a director actually told you put your
tongue in his mouth. Don't tell him and just do
it because he wanted the shock of it. Oh see,

if you put it that way, that's kind of like,
oh you want to see like to get to move
that feeling from the actor. I get it. But like,
can you imagine now a man coming up to a
girl and being like, stick your tongue out. No, right,
that's a no. You can't say that. No. I don't
think you'd have to tell them beforehand that you're going
to do that. You have to be a but ea, wait, okay,

did you put your tongue in Jason Priestley's mouth? You did?
I love you. I'm not afraid I'll kiss a girl.
I'll kiss Jason. It's okay. I love you, love you,
that's not a problem. She's well, ladies, I hate to

be the bear of bad news, but we have to wrap.
I know we could do this all day, and then
we have and we will. We'll have to have you
come back on the show. Please. I think that we
have to come to my house and shoot it and
we'll just have drinks and dinner. You can join us,
and okay, you can cook from that. I'll look a
great meal. My promise. Everybody who comes. We love you.

I really do miss you. Guys, I'm so happy for you.
I'm gonna listen in, I'm gonna make sure everybody's listening
and give you those five stars five stars and so
you're gonna do great and then and then we're gonna
try to get together. I hope I would love to
do that. So yeah, thank you you guys. Make it
happy girl, Thank you. I'm not fabulous. Stay safe. What

she just did it? She did it? What is this?
And inside now to jokes in the Jenny sees me.
This is how they see me, not how I see
Come on, everybody, I mean I kind of see it.
Let's go, okay, Sorry, I just needed to sit with

that for a little bit. All right, you guys, thank you,
good luck, goodbye everybody. That was fun. Oh my gosh,
oh I miss that. I the sh out of her.
Don't you feel like when you see when you see
each other, when we see each other, when you see

anybody from the old show, like you see them, and
you just your heart feels full again and you just
want more. I want more. I want to spend more
time with her, and it's not like a day is
pasted like that. That's a true sign of friendship when
you can not see someone for a while, not be together,
and then when you're together, you just can't stop talking
and just I don't know, it's it's a show i'd

watch as a fan. I was just sitting back and
like freaking out because that warm, fuzzy feeling is felt
by us fans too, Like it's not I mean, you
guys are love is real each other. But you can
feel the love, you feel the connection, you feel the
sisterhood between you guys, and it's so cute good. I'm
glad you can feel it. Sis. Yeah, I felt like

I was part of you guys group. You were like
the younger sister. You were like me. When they had
the read through peering out through the stairs watching see
Gavin meant she didn't have a good memory. So I'm
telling you right now she did not get that one right,
and I was saying she was wrong. Okay, we'll go

back to your story then, tour. Okay, thank you,
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