All Episodes

December 10, 2020 62 mins

On this week's episode, JD, Cox, and Turk feel intimidated by the new super doctor with OCD played by Michael J. Fox. In the real world Donald is still high, Danl dispenses wise wisdom, and Zach and Joelle are getting into the holiday spirit.


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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
You really love that. You really the taste of my asshole,
because you're always freaking commenting on this. I'm don't worry
about what I'm saying. Just worry about don't all those
beautiful clothes behind you shake it? Are you? I see
you're drinking water today, which I appreciate. You're not gonna
you know you're very high on the last episode and night.

I'm very high right now too, man. Great listen. I
don't know what you think. Fans liked it, though I
saw there was people saying, Zach, don't tell Donald not
to be high. It was funny. I just think when
you get too high, you get quiet, and everyone likes
your your your hilarious personality. I like to be I
like to I like to talk, but sometimes I'm gonna

be honest with you. Zach. You are a driving force
on this podcast, as well as Daniel and Joel and myself,
But you know you are the you are the mouth
of the show us as they say so I hope,
oh absolutely. And the great way, dude, our success is
because of our collective Well, I'm just steering the car.

We're all in the car together. But absolutely, I occasionally
bring us back to the point. Absolutely, And so my
point is sometimes it's all right if I just shut
the funk up, and no, I don't like it when
you shut up. I love the Mandalorian, I'm fine. Did
you watch it yet? I did? I did. It was enjoyable.
Robert Reguez is a fantastic director, and it was. It

did such a good job. Didn't really really really well made? Yeah, yeah, absolutely,
very well made, and uh you know it's it was.
It was great. But my point is, yeah, you know,
I have nothing to do right now. So other than
other than work. Other than work, which is spread out,

I have nothing other than my kids, which who are
in school. They are in school and then they go
play in some form or fashion. I have nothing. I
do nothing, So you know what I've decided all day,
all right, And I know there are a bunch of
people out there with me. I know you're out there

with me. And if you're growing it, good for you.
If you're paying for it, that sucks ass because I
know how expensive it is. It gives me upset how
expensive the weed industry is. But I will tell you this,
if you're growing it, good for you. Keep growing that stuff. Okay,

this has been a public service ann from Donald Fazon
encouraging you to grow cannabis sativa. It's the new crop,
it's no longer illegal. Federally, go for yours. They're working
on it, Go get it pass. I think I think
what Donald's is saying is please only grow marijuana where

it is legal in your state. Do not attempt. But
I think federally it they're trying to pass the law.
Now it finally made light and they're going to vote
on it, and hopefully if this happens, Oh my goodness, gracious,
it would be great to be able to grow as

much sweet as you want. Well, Donald, let's stop there,
because you live in in Los Angeles, where it is
legal to grow, and yet you don't grow. Why is that.
I don't have the property, like said some people do. Well,
you could have six pots. You could have the closet
with one pot. Yeah, but that's a lot of electricity.
I'd prefer to grow it outside, to be honest with you, Okay,

So if I gave you six ceramic pots, i'd be
I'd be the happiest man. I dare you, I dare you.
I'll give you. I'll give you the soil. Yeah, there
you go, there's six ceramic pots. That's your that's your present.
You're gonna have to take care of them. You have
to do. Listen, man, I'm all about listen. What what
what do we have to do right now? I need
another hobby between this, between animating, cutting plants and smoking

that shit? Are you kidding me? It's gonna be a
right years. Well listen, speaking of plants, I went for
my very first time to a Christmas tree yard. I
have never in forty five years. For those of you
who don't know, I was raised Jewish. My father took
it seriously. I am not a religious person. I am secular,

but my my girlfriend loves Christmas, and so it's my
first year going all out Christmas and I'm going in
good for you my whole life. I've seen family smiling
with the tree on their roof, playing the music, driving home,
and I'm like driving home passing them, being like, Oh,

where the fuck's the minorah is in the garage? Where's
our weird candelabra that we're gonna sing songs at? And
I'm gonna be lighting paper at all, I'm gonna be
lighting the minorah as well. It's going to be a
two faith household. But it was a lot of fun.
It was cute. We like, I picked out the tree,

and how great does it smell when you go to
smells amazing, wonderful. Right, we got an eight foot tall.
I wanted to get like the Grigantian one, but my
ceiling won't allow for that, so we got an eight footer.
He's pretty good. Everybody got their trees. Yet, did you
get your tree? Donald? Yeah? Casey went out and was like,
you know what, I'm sick of picking up pines. And

she got a nice tree. And let me tell you
something right now, it is not real, but it does
the trick. It is beautiful. You walk in at the
end of the year instead of having to sweep up pines,
I just take it apart, put it in a nice
little bag, put it in the closet. Next year. Oh
we need a new tree. Don't fret, go right back
into the closet. I don't like it. I don't like that. Well,

that's because I've had years and years and years of
picking out tree. This is your first time. I know,
I know you. I'm jaded. I'm jaded. I'm jaded. You're
also like, are you one of those people that would
put a fake lawn into Yeah, because then I can
take my golf club and hit off the fake lawn wor.
I know it's good for the water, but I don't

like a fake lawn. Joel and Daniel, are you doing
Christmas trees? Yes? Oh my god. That the only way
I'm going to survive the rest of this year was
by getting into Christmas. In mid October. We ordered all
my gifts. They already came. I had a big like
me and my friend wrapped all of our gifts. Last
Saturday was the pictures. We got really pretty paper from

paper source. They went out and got a real tree.
We're gonna do Christmas at their place, the fifteen foot ceilings,
so we got no shit. Oh my gosh, I say,
I saw some of those gargante Win ones and I
had envy. I was like, I want that one, but
I don't have the I don't have the head room.
Oh my gosh, you guys. One thing that you gotta
worry about when you get these big gass trees is

throwing them out, and you guys aren't paying. You guys
are thinking about just the glory of the magnific. There's
nothing to be happy about right now, and we can
decorate a tree. It's fun of all. Yes, Second of all,
you live in California, an amazing state, which allows you
to the here's like a disposal drop off places where
you drop off the tree and then they use it.

They're helping with flooding because they just like recycle the
trees after. That's awesome, But how do you get a
nine foot tree to this place? That's the listen when
you're all your friends are cinematographers. They know how to
use cables. They're like, you just grab it into a car,
good to go. It's bongees. If you've paid, if you've
paid before, you can tie a decent knot. If you're

handy with a set of tools, you know what to do.
I'm excited. I'm excited about my tree. And Daniel, are
you doing anything? Family is Jewish. My mom converted to
Judaism for my sisters bot Mitza when she was thirteen,
and since then we have not celebrated Christmas only Hanka. Yeah, no,
no tree anymore. Meet you and it is your girlfriend,
a Jewish gal. She is a Jewish gal as wall

Ye see, I'm on. You know what that means your
kids will get into the Kingdom of yahweh. You know that, right,
that's what I hear. I'm only yeah, I'm only doing
this because of dating a gal who loves Christmas. So
it's my first time really going all out. It's very fun.
It's a fun holiday. Guys. They have the Star of
David Treetopper that that you know, I thought would be

a nice touch. But would you be surprised to know
it's on back order? On on on, of course I
have a question ahead. You'd prefer just one day of
gifts instead of twelve nights of gifts? Yeah? I think
the way we've always done hanaka, even though you know
the concept is that you celebrate eight nights, we always

I mean eight nights, that's what I meant, eight crazy nights.
Eight nights. Yes, So we always did it as a family.
We would just we would, you know, find have one
big honka party night. But we you know, I've always
seen on in movies when people open their Christmas presents
that everyone just does it all at once. My family
doesn't mess with that. Everyone is like someone is opening

pay the tension out of our spec for the What
about you, Donald because I think it's Christmas story that
first planeted this in my mind that the kids come
down and they just ravage the tree and the parents
sit back and sip their coffee. And I was always like, well,
what seems like it's it's funny time, it's a ceremony.
It is definitely a ceremony. The ceremony definitely goes fast

when it's the kids, because they open their present and
they're already like it's like they as soon as the thing,
as soon as they see what it is, they're already
off to the next gift, regardless of if it's something
that they wanted or if it's you know, no matter
what it is, as soon as it's open, where's the
next one? I guess you got to be patient as

you're like, you put a lot of thought and or
money into that present and your kid just opens it
and they're like, Mimmissippi too miss to be toss it next,
And you're like, motherfucker, you know that is that's what happens.
That is, that is that is forever though, you know
what I mean? My grown kids do that shit, now,
you know what I mean? I remember I bought my

daughter a lovely bracelet. She turned twenty one. It was beautiful. No,
it's turned eighteen. Beautiful. She goes, Oh, wow, it's so beautiful.
I've yet to see her wear it. I don't like that.
And then so I went to her. I was like, Yo,
so what's up with that? You know I bought you

spent a lot of money on that bracelet. Yo, what
what the fuck? She goes, Dad, it's only for when
I go someplace. Do you know how stupid I'll look
walking around. I look like freaking like I'm trying to
be a rapper walking around with all that playing on.
You put so many there's so much diamonds in it.
I feel like a show. I hate when you know what,

I appreciate that. I appreciate that I did this girl
once and I got her. She was in the fancy
handbags and I and I tracked down like this. I mean,
I women in their handbags. I know it's a whole thing.
And I and I've I've gone, I've done a deep
dive in learning, like I know too much about handbags.

But this isn't my this isn't flow my current girlfriend.
But years ago I was getting a girl and she
was in the handbags and I found this like really
hard to get one, and it was like I was
so proud of myself. I was like, I got the
purse that nobody can get. She's gonna be so happy.
And I gave it to her and she was excited
in the moment and I was like, yeah, I came
through like that bag is so hard to get and

then like never saw it, never saw being used, never
saw being used. And then finally at some point I
was like, baby, how can you never like use that
that fancy person I got you? And she's like, oh sweet,
everybody has that bag now, and I was like, I
don't think this relationship is gonna be that's a wrap

right there. Oh man, it really made me feel like
ass where I'm sorry about that. So does anyone need
a pancy person? I do wonder what happened to all
of those bags though, you know what I mean. I
know I've bought a lot of bags in my day. Yeah,
just case you ever wear those. The thing about these
bags is your partner, whoever buys it for you, spends

like all this money on it, and then what they
just like use it once or twice? Right, watch more
than that it's like a season and then you never
see the bag. Yeah, it's a season. You can't wear
that bag. It was that last season's bag. I mean
that's what makes them special. It's like it's like any collectible,
you know, you're excited. Babies can't. I can't play with
that beanie baby anymore. Where where does the bag go? After? Yeah?

Where's the back? Where's on the level of the bag.
Some bags will go into the closet because we know
that they're going to come back into fashion or were
just really like, you know, maybe this's first special outfits
or whatever. Some bags will you know, be resold consignment
shops or sold up if they're like they're really you know,
it sounds like you guys are buying the very expensive
CARDI B level bags. Oh now you know how we do?

So you know how I do? You know how? Yeah?
Yeah exactly, And then some will end up in the trash.
I just feel sad when I buy the bag and
the bag never gets seen. That's very yeah, And it's
the man. You can't be like although I do, you
can't be like hung on. You don't think that the
bag I got you might look good with that, don't

maybe might be nice, be nice with this on psalmble.
Oh baby, that bag is so last season. Oh god,
that would hurt. Should we talk about scrubs? We should,
That's why people tune in, what I know. But before
we do that, I just want to say one thing
six seven eight about sure we made about any around

here yet around here. This was a supersized episode with
a very very big guest star, one of our biggest
in nine years, the living legend Michael J. Fox, my friend.
We tried to get him. I tried via. I was

waiting for the surprise. I thought you were gonna be
like and Dannon was gonna be like, and guys, well
here he's got one more. I'm not giving up yet
because you know Donald that I never give up until
it's over. And I you are not a quitter. I'm
not a quitter. Out a quitter. So we have one
more episode to try trying through his publicist because he's
promoting a book. Obviously Bill sent him an email, but

I don't know. But anyway, we love him. He's Oh
my god, he's so great on the show too. I'm
gonna I don't, I don't, I don't remember what the
show was about. I remember that he was on the show.
I didn't know. I didn't remember this episode at all. Yeah,
I didn't know what the episode was about. And that's
scene in oh our prep room right before the the

you know, before we go into demontage and everything just
so amazing. Let me get my notes and stuff out. Yeah,
I wanted to say that Bill. You know, Bill obviously
wrote this. He wrote this for Michael. He wrote this episode,
and he wrote this for Michael J. Fox, And I think,
you know, it goes without saying, but I'll see it anyway.
He was giving Michael an opportunity, I think, to vent

about his Parkinson's because that wonderful, incredibly acted scene. At
the end, of course, the character is just fucking fed
up and with hiding and trying to control his OCD.
But it's so clearly Michael also the human being having
a moment about, you know, saying fuck you to his Parkinson's.

That's such an It's such such amazing moments. And so
many Michael J. Fox moments too, you know what I mean,
Like there's one As an actor, you I love some
certain things that everybody loves, and Mike has Michael J.
Fox has so like, the list is ridiculous when you
say there are certain things that he does, Like, my

buddy Justin Long does a amazing Michael J. Fox, Like
he's a very good, you know, impressionist, Like he can
impersonate a lot of people. But one of his favorite
movies is Back to the Future, and we he and
I talk about it all the time, and dude, like,

it's not just like there's a reason why Michael J.
Fox was the number one movie star back in the day.
There's so many things. There's so many things that he
brings to the table that he you know, I'm so
happy that we had the opportunity to work with him because,
you know, this was a bucket list type of thing.
I know, I will probably never be in a Back

to the Future movie. The chances of that happening are
slim to none. But being able to work with Michael J. Fox,
somebody who's the reason one of the reasons why I'm
acting today, was a huge deal for me when he
showed up. And so that's saying when he walks into
the lobby, we're all standing there. That's real deal. You
know that it kind of felt like that, you know,
he was kind of inn a fishbowl because we all

kind of were like, I want to see if any
some of his magic will rub off on me. I
was so excited to meet him, right and he you know,
it's amazing as I understand that he really he was
on medication at the time to control his Parkinson's and
we were all we all didn't have to beat, you know,

because we were all so excited, and it was like,
he's so so crucial and and and to to us,
both of us wanting to be actors. I mean, Family
Ties when I was growing up, was the show he
was the star of and his comic timing was like
nobody else I'd ever seen in a in a sitcom,
and and then of course back to the Future, and

he was just the biggest star there was at a
certain point in our lives, and there he was coming
onto our show, and I think we were we didn't
know how to be. We also didn't know how ill
or not he was, so we didn't know how to
be with the Parkinsons of it all. And for the
most part, he was incredibly fine. You know, you can

see that he's he sort of uses his the movements
of the Parkinsons and put it into the character, and
other than a handful of times, I remember Donald that
he said Bill would say like he Michael needs a minute,
he's not feeling great, which maybe happened a few times
in two episodes. He was perfectly fine and capable of

delivering that incredible performance that he that he just did. Yeah,
do you want to do it to thirty second recap? Yes,
let's get into your thirty second recap and then we
will take a break and we will dive into the episode.
Marks gets set go. There's a new doctor in the
house and he knows everything. The Alpha was in the

hospital or threatened by him, but all are impressed with
his skills and abilities. This is the ultimate don't judge
a book by its cover. We're also into our own shit.
Our problem seemed to be so much more important than
other people's. Sometimes I feel like I'm hanging on by
a threat. What I show the world isn't necessarily who
I am. The best version of myself is what I

try to portray, but sometimes inside it's like a tornado.
M So you really related to the Michael J. Fox
character currently? I think everybody relates to that character. Sure,
but you said I so I'm just the well, I said,
I because I don't want to speak for everyone else.

This is a great opportunity for me to for one
to speak for one's self for myself, And so I
did I think that was really well said? Yes, I
bet a lot of people can relate to trying to
put their best face on something when they're really struggling.
There's a line that really stuck with me at the end,

when when he says everyone has their own burdens, and
you never know what anyone else is facing on, what's
going on in their day or what's going on in
their life. Here's a guy who's like a superstar doctor
and he's battling OCD so badly he can barely function,
but then when he zones in. I remember there being

a story about a surgeon who had turetts, who actually
had severe twitching and vocals ticks too, but also lots
of physical ticks, but the second he started surgery, none
of it happened, and he was like a genius surgeon.
And I felt like that that that must have been
something I bet was in Bill's mind as well when

he was writing this, We're Gonna go to break and
when we come back, we are going to break down
the episode. It's a super sized episode. There were two
different commercial breaks. I think this may have been the
first time that ever happened. Would you watch and you
watching it on I? I watched on iTunes and it
was a mistake. I gotta start watching the DVDs because
the whole episode doesn't work if you if if the
end montage song doesn't work, which I had to look

it up, it's coldplays Everything's Not Lost, which is a
fucking beautiful song. Just because I'm losing doesn't mean I'm lost.
That shit is fire songs, that's but that's not the song.
Oh it's not. That's another song called lost. This song
is called Everything's I was like, Everything's not, Like, come on,

I'm not doing it justice, No you're not. And I
was like, I don't know what that was. Everything's not
lost me, I promise you the song sounds better than that.
Everybody listening to the song after the show. It's a
great song, Everything's Not Lost, And it was not in
the iTunes cut that I watched, And so the end
montage did not move me at all because the song

that was there was thrown in by randall as we know,
and not a good song a moment. Okay, we'll be
right back. We'll be right back. Everything's not lost just
because I'm losing. That's another good song, but doesn't mean

I'm lost. I wish I could play it for you
guys right now, but but but it doesn't. I mean
I'm cross. I think how good this show would be
if all of a sudden I could just play the
song we're not allowed to I lost, like bas are
we allowed to play like dude, Daniel what like just

literally a split second of the song. Yeah, aren't allowed
to play like Yeah, it's so like wishy washy, honestly,
jaz real quick, real quick. No, I don't like these rules.
If we were, I wish we were allowed to be
like it now. He's a little snippet of that song.
But we got rules, everybody, guys, we got rules. So
here's some Taylor Swift. No. We got, by the way,

a lot of good feedback on Alaminade's song. Speaking of songs,
we can play a lot of people like alamonade song
fire Man. I'm telling you, guys, I love the man.
He's so grown now and I'm so proud of him.
And find him. We can find him wherever you find music.
Olami da phaise on yo olami day hy o l

oh l a m I d e. I almost forgot
how but if you want to search for his music,
it's the way you spell allamidae is o l A
m I n d no oh l a m I
d e. Okay that, but he's got a lot of
good songs, and he does, but he's really starting for
He's also very charming and h if you think Donald's charming,

oh my gosh. Anyway, get into the show. Your first
joke says why why it got to be color comedy?
Color right? Color commentating? Why I gotta be color commentating?
I didn't remember anything from this episode, made neither. I
also don't think it's a very good episode. I'm gonna

be outlandish and say that you don't think it's a
good episode. Well, I think Michael J. Fox's performance is wonderful,
and I think the Ted Janitor that whole thing with
the garbages and you didn't laugh at the Todd saying
at the Todd saying the xbox joke and then losing
losing the number one status in the hospital but not
giving a shit about that, caring that the xbox joke

didn't land that. Yeah, I'm there's moments I just don't
think it's fully great. But let's talk about laugh at
the janitor and wait, don't throw everything yet. Yes, you're
just gonna now you're just gonna quickly list all the
funny parts. Yes, I agree, there are so many of them.
So Todd says an xbox joke that is a basically
a sexual innuendo calling a vagina an xbox pretty much.

He was like, I'd like to stick my dick in
her xbox pretty much, is what he said, right, But
there's no woman around. So doctor Wenn is like, what
doesn't make any sense? The joke's not even a woman
around that you're making sexual innuendo about, and and and
then simultaneously tells him that he's no longer the best
surgeon in the hospital. And the only thing that the
high five Todd cares about is that he ruined. He

wasted the opportunity for a good xbox sexual innuendo joke. Yeah,
and he obsesses about it the whole show, the whole episode,
the whole episode, the whole episode that was funny that
made me laugh. Bill had the blonde hair that Cox
has in the flashback. So when we do a flashback
to how JD imagines doctor Cox was when he was

in when he was a med student, and he's got
this bleached blonde hair that I'm sure is inspired by
what when Bill was showrunning Spin City, That's what he
looked like he had. That's what he like. He had,
like short bleached blonde party boy fuck boy here by Wait,
what'd you call him a fuck boy? I think isn't
that what I isn't that what they call? Like? What's

a fun boy? Joel? What's the fun boy? I keep
hearing about it? Oh yeah, a fu yeah, stap it. No.
I just love that you you you were prepared to
answer it as intellectually and articulately as if I said, Joel,
how do you explain like the Panama Canal so a

foot boy good basically a boy who's wasting your time.
He's gonna tell you that he cares and is hanging out.
He's gonna tell you that he's on his ship. You know,
he's working hard. He's not doing any of those things.
He doesn't care. He's just out here being lass fair
with everybody else's heart too, all of his commitments. He's

just out here being a fun boy. So he's being
selfish and he's probably misleading a lot of women. A
fuck boy smash, but smashing a lot of Xbox Xbox
as well. He's doing it right, if he's if he's
good at he's a successful fuck boy. He's probably pound
pounding and a lot of Xbox. He's probably sticking. He's

probably sticking his contoystick, his joystick, his controller and an
Xbox yeah or two or three. Yeah. I never knew
really what the definition of fuck boy was, I think
because I guess I could have googled it, but I didn't.
Asking Joel, I think is the best option. Yeah. I
like Joel's definition was the very smart person Donald. Have

you ever been a fuck boy? No? Never in my life.
I like to hustle man, Right, Have I ever played?
Have I ever played? Have I ever played with the
woman's heart before? That's a different story. Yeah, but you've
also married a lot, so you didn't have too much
fuck boy opportunities. No, I didn't. I don't like the
term fuck boy either. Just all I respected. I mean

women had women, and I guess men who date fuck
boys too. I had to come up with a term, like,
there's a term for that. You're wasting my time. You're
making promises that you're not keeping. You're grow uping lots
of xboxes that aren't mine. You're a fuck boy. Stop
texting me late night? You up right, Joel? Yes? I

bet you a fuck boy? Is text a lot of girls?
You up at the same time? All right? So Randall, okay, okay,
Randall is his first first episode is Randall is a janitor.
He's been hired. We don't know why, We don't know
why how he got the job, but Randall has been hired,
and the janitor introduces him as his associate. Right now,

they run really fast by this, But it turns out
the reason they're on the roof is that they go
up there wrestle yea and the winner gets a beer.
And I know this only because Randall burped after right,
It's really random. First of all, they're telling their boss
that they go up to the roof to rustle, and

then we know that Randall, who was one third the
size of Neil, has won the wrestling match. And we
know this because he's burps, because he got his winner's beer.
He's got his winner's beer. So, I mean, this episode
has a lot of really fucking random stoner moments in it.
This was the most ultimate stoner moment. We could come

back to the birds, but this was the most stoner moment. Yeah,
if one more person says one main thing to me,
I swear I'll go and hurl myself off the roof.
Oh shut up, ted Okay, one other person. She didn't know.
She didn't hear the rules. It's it's it's Laverne. She

passes him and she goes, Oh shut up, Teddy goes, Okay,
one more person because she didn't hear the rules. She didn't.
That was funny, dude. We made so many jokes about death,
about people killing themselves on I know, I really I
feel weird just because of the time times and the
current suicide rate even laughing at these jokes. But yes,

there were a lot of There was a lot of
dark humor about ted being suicidal and yeah, and you
know he wants to end it, and he when he
jumps off the roof finally, he says, it's like a
It's like that shot from Doctor Strangelove when when when
you're reminding me of that for those of you who
know and love that movie. If not, you should see it.

But when when he's falling on the nuclear bomb and
so there's the shot of Ted falling, he's like, you
did it, You did it, Teddy. Here comes sweet relief
and he falls into all the garbage, and that we
learned where it was funny. We learned where the janitor
and Randall are hiding the garbage. And he goes is
this heaven? And Neil goes this garbage. That was a

very funny storyline. It the janitor, Kelso and Ted. That
was hilarious. Yeah, yeah, I agree. And I like that
the janitor finally has an assistant because you know, we
we we so far up to this point of assumed
he was cleaning the hospital alone other than the random
background person mopping the rug. Now this fantasy at nine

minutes in, I had absolutely no memory of doing this.
Michael J. Fox is operating on my brain while I'm
awake and I speak French. I make all sorts of
weird noises. You don't remember that, no memory of shooting that.
That seems like something you would remember. Yeah, you'd think
I remember being in a bald cap making random noises

because Michael J. Fox is operating on my brain but
I don't remember. Wow wow. So then it's funny. And
they showed Todd trying to re explain his Xbox joke
to Michael J. Fox, and Michael J. Fox goes, can
you go make an important call for me? He goes,
sure to who he goes to, anyone? Anyone, not just that.

Neil says, jamone, shamone, like Michael Jackson. What is he saying?
Because he's like, let's go, you know, because uh, they
get twenty five dollars for hiding for hiding the garbage, right,
and uh would have twenty eight dollars something like that,
and uh he gets the money, and the janitor says

to Randall, now let's go up to roof. Winner takes
all and and d yeah, let's go do it. They
never learn and the janitor goes walks away, goes shamone like,
I didn't know that. I didn't get Jackson reference. That's funny.
He does the Michael Jackson reference. I didn't know that
JD's obsessed with Pirates for I think for the first time,

he brings up Pirates quite a bit. Right, And then
we learned that JD's first girlfriend was a Carnie, right right.
As you fill out your as you figure out, as
you fill out your own the knowledge of JD as
a character. Today, I learned that the guy played for

nine years first girlfriend was a Carnie. I didn't know that.
I forgot that. What else do you get? Did you
really learn that coin trick? I guess so. I'm sure
I practiced that at like a poker table or something
like that. Right, It looked pretty looked pretty good at it.
At the end, you kind of had it down the
thing where you were, you know, Michael J. Fox is

showing that he's doing the coins fast on his hands.
I don't think that was Michael J. Fox. Though they
would have tied it together. They just cut to an
insert of someone doing it really well. I don't know.
I imagine he could do it. I imagine, you know,
in my mind, Michael J. Fox can do anything. You know. Yeah,
I had OCD as a child, not nearly as bad
as this character has it, but I would I would
do the thing with actually spoke about this on the

Mark Marin podcast that that's just there, but I would
do the tapping thing where I would just I would
tell my little kid brain, I'd be like, I'm pretty
sure there's no need to do this, but just to
be safe, I'm going to touch this thing five times.
And if I don't do it five times, I have
to start over. Yeah, okay, it's really horrible. And I

remember I remember even thinking as a little kid, like I,
if I don't like kiss my teddy bear ten times
as I leave my room, something bad might happen. Now
I know that that's ridiculous in my head I'm saying
at the time, but just to be safe, just to
cover my bases, I'm going to do it and then
you and then you'd walk out like, oh I didn't

The tenth kiss was like in the air. It wasn't
on his teddy bear head. So it shit like that, like,
you know, a more mild version of what this poor
character is dealing with. But so I I and I
grew out of that stuff, but I live. I did
experience it as a child. And if you're just hearing that,
you go, what what That doesn't make any sense, But
you convince yourself that you have to do it or

something bad will happen. Sounds very scary. It feels to
me like superstition, you know, like I was a lot
of it. For me at least, was no different than
people feel like, oh my god, I walked under a ladder,
I'm going to have bad luck. It was like how
to prevent you were trying to control? Right? Maybe maybe
maybe the ten minute the cheap fake doctor interpretation I

can do is this many years later, is that I
was growing up in a house and my parents were
going through a sort of a messy divorce, and I
was doing joint custody, and there was no nothing in
my childhood brain that I could control, And maybe perhaps
I was trying to force control onto something like I
can control this, right, what I mean? Yeah, no, I

totally get it. And then once you've finished kissing the
Teddy Bear ten times, would you feel great about Yeah,
you'd have a moment of like if when you finally
nail it, just like the character does when he finally
like sticks the landing of his entrance, you're like, oh, okay,
few until until the next challenge. Wow. You know, obviously
if you have a severe case of this like this

person does, it can There's not just the obsessive part
but there's the compulsion we're cleaning, constantly clean your hands.
You're always afraid that there's This is obviously COVID. Aside
obsessively washing your hands because you're so nervous that there's
there's germans on them. I had that as well. I
imagine COVID. COVID does make people develop OCD in some ways.

Of washing your hands. And I remember when it first started,
I washed my hands religiously, so much so to the
point that they were chapped, and mine are now too.
But I think, yeah, you can. I think that'll give you.
That'll give you a tiny semblance of what it's like
if you're in COVID now and you're constantly worried that
there's germs on your hands. It's like that, but all
the time, it's like taking a shower every time you

go out the house, you know what I mean. Like
if I go out the house, once I get back,
I'm like, I should take I should probably take a shower,
just to be safe, you know what I mean. And
then after the shower has done, it's like I have
my shield, my shield from thanks to Dawn, I have
my shield, you know what I mean? Are you doing
that are you showering every time you leave the house,
every time you come back in from the house. Damn
near pretty much. If I go to like let's say

I take let's say I go to the supermarket. When
I come back, I washed my body. It just sounds
it just sounds normal to do. For some reason, I
don't know, but it just seems like that's the right
thing to do. And I think it was because of
somebody who said, you have to treat this like they
treated Ebola. This was a doctor that said it. He
said he would come home, wash his clothes and body

outside and then go inside once COVID started. And so
when he said that, I was like, okay, I'll try that.
And then also with the wiping down the groceries and stuff, yeah,
we do that too. We still do that, even though
they say surface you know, getting it that way is
very difficult, but it worked when we started, and so

we're sticking to it. Yeah, we still wash all the
groceries when we like, like spray him and and wash
them down, let me bring them back in the house.
I mean, even if it's even if some people think
that's extreme, you know, I guess we're extreme. Yeah, still
do it every time too. I'm right there with you. Yeah.
Ken By the elevator was hilarious, where where he's talking

to you and then the elevator opens and he's like,
I will give you money if you can tell me
where the trash is, and you cover for the and
JD covers for the janitor, and as the doors closing,
he goes, thank you, and then he turned on he goes, huh,
and then somebody else comes and he goes, well, it's
this great timing by Ken. Like you, there's certain there's

certain things that happen, and it's that you take for granted,
like you know, beats like that are hard to come
by in television, you know, uh, And you take it
for granted. Good comedic moments that are simple like that
are hard to come by. And it has on the
cut too, I mean, you know the way not only

is it Kenn's timing, but it's also the timing of
cutting the camera angle right. It's it's so quick witted
and I mean it's just like it's got a it's
got a really funny pace to it, right. But that helps,
you know, that helps with a show that you said,
you know at the beginning didn't necessarily have that many
funny moments. That's a moment that you can manufacture something

with cuts and a genius actor like Ken Jenkins. I
I know you mentioned it, but I just thought that
the end monologue with Michael J. Fox was was just
really moving. I thought, he it just showed what a
wonderful actor he is. I mean, he's known for his
comedy and you know, first and foremost, I think, but

he's such a wonderful dramatic actor. Yeah, the scream of
frustration I felt that. I remember it happened, and I
sat up and looked at my wife, who was watching
the show with me, and I was like, holy shit,
I didn't we I never knew that we had. This
is one of those scenes that you wish for. You know,

there there are a lot of great Michael J. Fox moments.
One of my favorites is when and Family ties, when
he's writing a letter to his first girlfriend after he's
met this new girl and they're going through the montage
and the music's playing and he found a way to
write this Ladier whatever her name was, and he finds
a way to write this, you know, to tell this

to do this great monologue and still have comedy in it,
and you know, this was one of those moments where
there was none of it. And when he says this
is a weak moment for me, that ship was like,
you know, I pray, I pray that I'm never caught
in weak moments like those are those are for me

and me alone. And JD witnesses an icon in this
hospital's weak moment, and you know it shows what kind
of a man JD is too. He knows, okay, this
is between the two of us, because that's just one
of those things where you could go around and be like, look, man,
this ship is really hard. All of them see it. Actually,

you know, Cox sees it, and Turk sees it as well.
They all see this guy, and you know, I don't know.
It's just I pray that that never happens to me.
I pray that a bunch of people don't see me
at my weakest. You know, your friends can see you
at your weakest, you can allow Yeah, but JD's not this.

JD's not this guy. So you're seeing you're saying, you're
your co workers that you barely know. You don't want
you to see. I don't want your guard down. No,
I get it. I can't wait here. Quick break everybody,
and we'll be back with a very excited guess. We'll
be right back. And where bad? Where bad? All right? Stop,

I'm ready. You know, Hanaka is coming up, and uh,
would you get me? I'm gonna get you one present
for both Hanka and S five. No, I don't know
how to get a PS five frame my heart, but

but I'm gonna. I'm gonna get into my my oculus too. Finally,
ship good Man, and then we can all go to
the movies. Let's watch Woman, Let's watch one of the
Woman on Christmas Day together. Well, that's a good idea,
although I don't know if my girlfriend will be down
with me going into the corner and my virtual reality
goggles on christ I two have playoffs with my family

on Christmas Day, but I appreciate it. S family watch
movies with us, all right, let the guest in. Let's
talk to this coming in and say hi, say hi
to Alex. Give it up for hello God. Yeah, although
I don't know that. I don't know if Oprah has
that low baritone, but okay, I think it's called as

a French accentence. Alex, alright, no, they like unlatched, Okay,
everything babies. They're not only latch. They're fucking walking out
of the room. Some of them can walk at. They
fucking chose this moment to walk at. They threw the
titty down, down, They threw the titty down and jumped

down and walked out of the fucking room. Fucking took
the titty away from me. And the mom's like, and
the mom's like, honey, he's only a week old, and
baby's like, get out of here with that titty shit.
Alex Cardier, that's Alex. Are you French, my friend? I'm French. Yes, welcome.
I think you're our first French guest. Thunderous applause. Dam

Are you in French right now as we speak? I
am not. No, I've moved out of the country, moved
to a very exciting location that they think you guys like.
So I live in Amsterdam now. Like Amsterdam because that's
where they have lots of jazz lettuce and Donald loves
jazz lettuce. But I got lots of jazz lettics in
California now too. I know I Amsterdam has lost its

appeal to people like Donald and he can he can
get he can get Gonja real close to his house,
but they don't got the red light district. That that
in itself is a adventure. Yeah, we walked through the
red light district Donald not not to shopping. For those
of you who wonder, we were just taking in the
tourism it was. How is it? It's a very surreal

experience on earth to to to take in. I've never
seen anything quite like it. I think it's something you
do once. And yeah, I think that was enough. Yeah,
you don't really want to go back, right, it felt
sort of horrible. Actually, But unless you, unless you, unless
you met somebody and you know you frequent the situation. Yeah,
I don't. I listen, and I'm wrong with getting the

paycheck and being like I need to put fifteen aside
for Harriet. You're saying for your for in this scenario,
Harriet is his favorite call girl that's in a window. Well,
I don't know if he calls. I think he just
knocks on the window. Well, Barry Day, back in the day,

calling meant showing up as well as using the phone.
I'm gonna go call on Harriet, which would mean you're
gonna go visit Harriet. All right, mister Cordier, welcome to
the program, all the way from Amsterdam. Do you have
a question for any of us, and that could include
the legendary Daniel and Joel, not just a phase on it.
I yes, I do have a question. So based on

the show I've started watching Ted Lesso, which I thought
was amazing. I really enjoyed the show. And in the
middle of the show, and there's maybe here my spoil
ardert there is at some point a breakup scene and
what chings this breakup scene? I thought it was so
well done, like the feelings I was feeling everything. It

made me wonder, what do you guys think is the
best breakup scene? Slash also love story in TV and
movie history? Oh, great question, I have two. Well, so
I have a great everybody knows I love La La Land.
All right, that is that's a great love story. Has

a pretty decent breakup scene, because that's sometimes how breakups happen,
where it's just like you don't see it coming and
then all of a sudden you're no longer together. But
it is not my all time favorite. Alex that us
mister Cordier, Yeah, go ahead. When Harry met Sally. It's

my opinion of a flawless love story. I could watch
that movie now. I could watch it. I watched it
so many times as a kid when I was growing up,
but now I watch it and it still holds up.
When Harry met Sally still to this day, one of
my favorite love stories of all time. But he said
breakup scene specifically, didn't you, Alex Quay have a great

They have a great breakup scene where Billy Crystal is
eating salad. Okay, I My first thing that comes to
my mind is Anny Hall, because it's a it's a
favorite movie of mine, and it's a movie I was
raised on, and I thought it was such an honest
take on how how sometimes a breakup can happen and

you not either one of you really wants it to happen,
but you kind of reached the end of your of
the road. There's kind of nowhere else to go for
for whatever horrible reasons. You could still even be in love,
but there's just too many obstacles and and and and
too many roadblocks and and at the end of any Hall,

there's this moment where he meets up with her again
to have coffee, and it's so sad you know that
they're not going to get back together. Sorry spoilers, but
if you haven't seen any hall by now, you should
still go see it. But but it's it's heartbreaking because
we've all been there where you you know, you're sitting

with an ex partner and there's all those feelings could
be still there, but you know it's probably not gonna
you're not gonna get back together, and you both walk
off and smile. And I just thought that's really a
beautiful articulation of of a breakup that where it's not like, oh,
someone wronged me and it's over and fuck that person,
where there's still all those feelings. It's just circumstance. The

right we weren't in the right place at the right time,
and so circumstance breaks you up. Circum well, circum that's
a different story. But usually when you break up with somebody,
all of those feelings that you had that you're talking
about that the good feelings, there's just as many of
those feelings the bad feelings, and the minute one of
those things happened, you remember right away, and that's why
we broke up right then and there, I know, But
how do you ever had a break up Donald, I mean,

of course, every I'm sure most people listening have had
the bad breakup kind. We're like, fuck that person, they
did something wrong and there's just too much and you
argue too much. You remember, I'm talking about the kind
where it's like, you know what, this isn't gonna work out,
probably because of logistics and circumstances or whatever. But I'm
not friends with any of my ex girlfriends. Okay, I

can't be friends either. Yeah, so what's You're done? You're
done so far, so far in my life, it has
not happened. Yeah. So, Alex, are you saying that because
they feelings are still too it would be too impossible
to just be a friend with them. Yeah, you don't
hang out with your exes? Yeah? Yeah, exactly. I mean

I'm not trying to hang out with them. Go ahead, Alex, Sorry, right, No,
I mean staying friends for me? Does? It doesn't make sense?
You know, Like I have enough friends in my life
that I don't want to stay friends with my ex partner.
I don't see the point training Yeah, I agree. I
don't mean to imply that I'm buddy buddy well my excess.
I just mean that he asked for a breakup in

a film that was most impact That was the most
impactful to me, And I guess it was that one
because I in a in a way in a sense
like since Donald always references La la land, you kind
of help can't help but think like oh, but like,
oh man, if the stars are aligned, they're so perfect
for each other, and I really am rooting for them together.
But this is sort of satisfying and unique as a
cinema experience that they're not going to be together, because

that feels real and that feels life as opposed to
us as a happy ending. And I felt that with
Annie Hall, how about you, Joel h Yeah, Blue Valentine
is the most impactful. Oh my god, another right completely
blank with no idea what was going to happen. And
then at the end, I was a mess of a

human being, you know, because it's, oh my gosh, like
the way that movie deconstructs a relationship and shows not
just the the emotional struggle, but like a kid was involved,
and like, how do you walk away from a child
who's only known you as a parent when you can
no longer be with the mom and you're not that
child's biological parent. Like he was hard, he was all

in until he found out he wasn't the parent. He
was still willing to fight until he found out he
wasn't the parent, and then he was like, you know what,
that's it. I have nothing to hold on too. I
mean that whole hotel scene, like right at the end
where they're not sure if they're trying to fight or
like have sex or make love. Like it's so much
chaos in like them trying to stay together that you're

almost relieved when they break up and it you're so heartbroken.
That movie's a lot. I watched it one time. I'll
never watch it again. I was my heart can't take
things like this, but it was good to me. Powerful.
Another one for those of those for me was Manchester
by the Sea. You see the Oh boy nap after
that film. Yeah, it's a very very very hard movie
to watch without without spoilers, I'll just tiptoe around and

see the film. It's it's a very powerful story. But
when two ex lovers years later run into each other
Casey Affleck and Michelle Williams, they've been apart a long
time and she has a new baby and they run
into each other on the street, and I think one
of the most painful scenes in many years, what about you,

sir Daniel. I am admittedly having trouble coming up with
a satisfying answer. But what I will use as an
example of what I think of as heartbreak is in
a Simpsons episode Lisa's substitute, when her teacher played by
Dustin Hoffman so empowers her to be herself, to be someone,

to just come into her own and when he is
no longer the substitute teacher and he's getting on the
train and she's like, wait, where are you going? I
need you, and he gives her the note that says
anytime you need me, just look at this note. It
says you are Lisa Simpson. And that is just such
a beautiful It was a beautiful departure, a beautiful relationship

moving apart at that moment. And it's not it's of
course not a romantic relationship, and it's a very it's
different than a usual breakup. But that was such a
heart breaking moment for me. And what is you know,
a comedic show traditionally, and that's my favorite. Well, that
was great. You gave me, You gave me full body
goose bumps when you said that, so it must have
been good live it was pretty great, man. I love movies.

All right, sir, mister Coldier, Monsieur Cordier, it's time for
the everyone, every French person in Amsterdam's favorite segment. It's
time too fix your life? All right? How can we
help you, sir? We're here to help free therapy also. Well.

First of all, I want to to say that I've
been listening to you guys in the beginning of the podcast,
really really loving the show us you Mary and you know.
So it's it's helping, you know, through the day. But
I feel like at the time I'm really going in
circles in my apartment. I'm running out of things to do.

I tried new things. I tried learning Dutch, for example,
which is good for I mean, I've been living in
the country for seven years and I didn't really speak
any touch. So I'm getting there. But it's more, you know, now,
getting active and fighting the routine. Do you guys have
any advice? I got great advice for you. Right before
you answer, Are you allowed to go out in amsterday?

We are allowed to go out here. I mean everything
is closed bos and restaurants are closed, so there's not
much to do. But we are allowed. You're allowed to
walk around, and it's not like Paris where you need
to note no. No, Alright, go ahead, I've got great
news for you. He doesn't want to not We're not.
We're not just coming on Tuesdays anymore. We're coming on Thursdays. Now,

that's great. Ye are here to help you. That we
are here to help you in that way we're gonna be.
People got really mad when we went down to one.
We had we let people down. I didn't have anything
to catch up on anymore. Like I was following the
one a week easily to a week. I always had
some backup, but I was missing that. Yeah, well we're
coming back at you with the next room one to

distract you for at least an hour and a half
at the most an hour or two hours. Uh so
there's that second dude, you gotta get out and you
gotta freaking uh switch up the routine. I know the
routine might be just getting out and do something. It
really can be as simple as going a different way
on your walk, you know, taking a different route. Yeah,

you run out of a lot of things that you
run out of things to do. But what's great is
that sometimes some of the things that you did in
the beginning that you aren't doing anymore, we like to
revisit those. Like we were playing a lot of basketball
in the beginning, and then we stopped, and now we're
starting to play basketball again in our house. And so
there's you know, there's yeah, as mundane as it sounds,

as the route, as as as routine as everything sounds,
you have to figure out a way to chop it
up and switch it up. And what about learning an
instrument that's great for me, that's great. I don't know, Alex.
I don't talking to Alex, not you, Alex. I'm just
trying to I'm just trying to pitch ideas. Because you

have the fortitude and the and the conviction to start
learning a language, which means you're at least able to
commit to a new thing and and and learn it.
I don't know about you, but I always wish I
could put the piano, and I started and and then
I got a job and got distracted and stopped learning
how to put the piano. So I've been thinking lately

that I'm you know, we're going to be in the
a lot longer. It might be good to take on
something brand new, Like it's like a new chapter of Quarantine.
In this chapter, I'm going to start piano lessons back
up again, which I'm sure you can do over zoom
or something like that. I mean, that's just an idea,
because who the heck doesn't want to play an instrument?
Oh no, good da. I mean, one of the things

I missed most about regular life, let's say, is bodying.
I'm still He's a great place for for clubbing, and
I really like techno music, so I was thinking, you know,
why not start trying to dj or that's a great idea.
That's a great idea, Daniel, Dan support, Daniel support on
that one. Daniel, Do you like techno? I adore techno.

I was an electronic house music DJ before I before
I started, you know, in the podcasting world, and unfortunately
Amsterdam was a place I never got to go to
for performance. I have visited. It was one of my
favorite places, but DJing was a lot of fun. I
would say, start putting together music that you like to
listen to and start analyzing it, thinking about your music
in a different way, start thinking about it instead of

just oh, I like the song, where I like this song,
start thinking about like how fast is this song? And
what other songs are the same speed, And all of
a sudden you'll put together a playlist of ten to
fifteen songs that can all seamlessly work together, played one
after another, and start to make your djaying, start to
make it real before you even pick up a set
of decks. Just start putting together songs. You're like, I
like these songs, and then you realize that they all

work together. And then once you step up to the decks,
the whole process is so much easier. And Daniel, if
you wanted to get, like, what's a relatively inexpensive deck
that he could get if you wanted to like practice
at home, I would say that, you know, unfortunately djaying
is in general kind of prohibitively expensive. There are very
cheap plastic decks so you can get for companies like

Newmark Pioneer has the DDJ four hundred and all of
their DDJ lineup or things you can plug into your
laptop and they work great with Serato or record box.
That said, in my personal opinion, I would just spring
for the x DJ RX. It is a one thousand
dollar djaying device. It is all in one. It is
the decks, it's the mixer and you just plug it

into a speaker system and it's it's all there. You
don't need a laptop, you don't need another device, and
the way that you use it, it allows you to practice.
If you say, wanted to DJ at an actual club,
or if your friend had a set of CDJs and
you want to go over there, you bring your USB,
you pop it in and it's the same thing that
you were doing on your device at home. Well, that's
very that's very And aren't there apps as well? Like
if he doesn't have the a thousand bucks right now,

what's a good app? He could practice on record box
and Serato, record box with serato, or to say record
box and serato you beat me to it? Yes, I
was going to say Serato and then record box, but yes,
well there you go, dude. You are going to learn Dutch.
You were going to become the most badass techno DJ.
And you know what's going to happen, Alex when you're

living your best life at the club DJing and you're
surrounded by all the fun people in your life. And
COVID's over, you're gonna go. Thank fuck. I learned how
to become a badass techno DJ during quarantine. Not only that,
Not only that, he's not only gonna learn Dutch, and
he's not only gonna be a DJ, he's also going
to pick up the piano. He's gonna learn how to
play the piano well his DJ set. He's gonna drop

in with the little piano solo Liberachi style and then
bring the beat back right. That's pretty. Then to face
the routine, I will buy the golf semenator. There you get,
he's got golf simulator money, Then go get that fucking thing.
Da go get sick. So you're welcome. You're welcome, sir,

Welcome Alex. When you're when you're your life has been fixed.
You know why? We just gave you at least two
fun new hobbies to take on and and when and
when COVID's over, you're gonna go. If it wasn't for COVID,
I wouldn't be exing my face off with this beautiful
model right now. Wow, love it. You're all right? Listen,

I think we did the show. But yeah, we did
the show. So Alex you can stay for the end,
stay for the outro. Yeah, you get to stay for
the Actually, because you're gonna be a DJ, you're gonna
need to practice counting into your techno track. Yes, Actually, Daniel,
do you have any like public domain techno tracks we
could lay down here? I can certainly find one. Okay,
Daniel's gonna lay down some techno track right here, all right,

and it's gonna what kind of beat permitted, Donald, Daniel,
what do you think the be permitt ding ding ding
ding ding ding ding ding. That's pretty fast. Let's say like,
let's say like one twenty eight eight doesn't have to
match the the No, but he can do it. He
can do halftime. I can make it. I can make
it work. Baby don't want Yeah, all right, so there
we go. You done anyway? Whenever I want to make

fun of whenever I want to make fun of that,
this kind of music, I don't even know the difference
between all these types of fucking club house techno. So
I just go thing low. I went to Loim. Tell
me to loom is beautiful, but don't go in New

Year's if you don't want to hear at breakfast and
then and then like mother, don't tell me you want me.
I don't want to hear yes on Alex. All right,
so Daniel's got the track going. Alex, this is your
very first set. You're gonna count us into our theme song.
Thank you everybody for listening. We love you very much.

We'll see you next time. Here me go count us
in Alex sories about shore we made about a bunch
of docs and nurses, can he sories never so gat

around here, yea around here, m
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