All Episodes

July 13, 2021 75 mins

On this week's episode, JD questions his relationship with his interns. In the real world, Zach has trouble planning Donald's birthday party, we wonder how much would it cost for you to do a Valtrex commercial, and we ask the all-important question, "Mom, do you douche?"

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Very That's what I'm talking about. What you're trying to
get into, what you're trying to listen. In the five
minutes that you were late, I sang songs from The
Music Man to everybody. It was lovely. Do you want
to go with me to see Wolverine and Sutton Foster
in The Music Man? Yes? Okay, thank you. What do

you mean you're drinking? It looks like elephant semen? It's
a delicacy somewhere on this earth? Does it not look
like elephant semen? Dana look it? I mean, I guess
it looks like oat milk. What is smoothie? Banana smoothie?
It's a banana smoothe it is a protein smoothie. Yeah,

there you go. Vanilla. It does have vanilla in it,
but it also has a lot of super greens in it.
I can't get over how good you look in season
five of the show. I think it was the Master Cleanse.
Well was it? Why do you look? I mean, obviously
we're younger, but I'm not talking about age. I'm just

talking about your face. It was the Master Cleanse. I
did the Master Cleanse that year. I remember, well, you
look fine as fuck, h like you wanted to fuck me? No,
you know that that's saying The kids say af as fuck? Yeah,
but I don't. I said, I used to say it
as a kid when you say fine as fuck? So

what does as fuck mean? Though? Well, fucking fucking is nice,
and I'm saying it's as good as a nice fuck anyway. Sorry,
Good morning everybody. How are you a day of shoon? Well?
How are you, Zach? Beautiful day in southern California. Huh,
it's here, It's really, it's really it's getting hot. Don't complain.

You're you're a heat complainer. I'm not a heat trying
to plan a paintball birthday party for you and your
wife said you negged it because of the heat. That's
so Lane, do you know, Daniel, please back me up
and tell Daniel, Daniel, Daniel, do not back him up. Daniel,
you would have been invited. How much fun would a
paintball birthday party would be for Donald? It would It

would be very fun. It's back on then, fine, Okay,
are you happy? That was too easy? Your wife said, Donald?
It though, okay, we'll hire we'll hire a videographer. That
sounds more fun. Yeah, that's your your birthday present. Case,
he can pay for the paintball birthday party and I'll
pay for the videographer to document, and I'll say, your

only mission is to make Donald look like a badass
and cut a video. Want that fu? Yeah, but not
just that. You know what case he said to me,
she goes, First of all, he says it's too hot.
Second of all, you know he's gonna go out and
spend like five thousand dollars on shit. We don't need

sounds about right. That is my wife. She knows me well,
she's funny. She was like, I don't want him to go.
Now he's gonna say yes, and then he's gonna go
buy all these machine guns and paintball armor. That's so
you though, dude. You're like, once you commit, you're like
gonna go get suited up, going all the way. We're
going all the way, dude. That's actually a funny present. Right.

I hire a videographer and I say, look, your assignment
is you cut like a two minute video cut to
Donald's favorite rap music of him looking like a badass
on the paintball field. That's that's a great birthday. You
know how long I'll watched that for that's Oh my god.
I can even have to cut into Star Wars music

if you want. No Avengers mant, I'm gonna speaking of
Avengers and all of that stuff. I do love me
some superhero shows. Man, I can't get over it. I
love it all. Really, Loki? You watching Loki? I am
watching Loki, Dude. I watched Legends of Tomorrow. Do you

watch that? No, we'll see I watched it all. I
watched it all. All right, I'm gonna watched Loki yet.
Is it good? Yeah? It's probably the best written of
the Marvel shows so far. It's a lot of it's
a lot of uh, it's a lot of talking. So
you might like it. I might like it because I

was with my nephew, as you know, Donald and were
you guys were geeking at about Marvel and he's like,
you have to watch you have to watch Loki. And
I was like, does electricity come out of anyone's fingertips?
Because the second that happens, I'm out. No, you're not
gonna meet And he said, he said, not so far.
So I'm gonna watch until I see electricity coming out
of someone's fingertips. Why does that? Why does that, why

does that piss you off so much? It was just
my joking way of saying, like like the magical, like
I'm flying and shooting lightning bolts at you. I started
to get bored. But if there's interesting dialogue, I'm in.
Do you watch the Flash Joel? No, because but I'm
not currently up to date. Oh, by the way, your funny.
Greg Berlandy gave me a I'm going to Atlanta, oh shit,

and what I can't talk about it? And it's and
it's a it's a supporting part and I'm not going
for too long, but I'm I'm I'm heading down to
hot Atlanta, I said, Greg. He texted me. He said,
I really love you to do this. I oh, Greg,
you could asked me to do a Valtres commercial and
I'd say yes, And he said, I think you'll think
this is better than a Valtrek's commercial. And it was nice,

Thank goodness, the Valtres commercials. Man like, how much for
you to do a Valtrex commercial? What's your what's your number?
What's your number? What's your number? Donald? What what's your number?
What's your number? Bro? What's your There's no number? Because
it would ruin my career. Yeah it's a rap. Yeah,
there's no I don't want my career to be over,

so there is no number, right whatever. I don't work
like I don't want to. I'm not someone who just
like wants to make a zillion dollars and then go
sit on an island alone and stare at the sea like.
I love working, I love creating. I don't. There's no number,
none whatsoever. No, Joel, do you have a Valtrex's commercial number.
I just looked up what it is, and you know,

no one truly knows me so and I can't have money.
So Valtrecks, if you're listening and you need a spokesperson,
let's do it. By the way, Cuts and Valtres wanting
to advertise on the podcast, and we're like, okay, you
have a flare up. Got a flare up trying to
go on a new tender date. I think Donald and

I could sell the shit out of Valtreks. I think
on the commerc on the podcast it would be funny.
But I'm talking about I'm talking about you on a
TV ad like it's hard to fight her sin plex
ten or whatever it is. If it's a nationwide commercial
I know what those people are making, let's do it.
I'm not I think they're all doing scale. I mean,

they don't hire famous people, so they're like, you know,
they're actors who understandably need to check. And I'm not
knocking them, of course take that money. I'm just saying,
as a known actor, it would definitely end your career. Yes, yes, absolutely,
we are different. Do you remember we were kids and
there was nad like, Mom, do you douche? Oh gosh, yes,
do you remember that? Yes, that's why I use clearly clearly,

like clearly clearly. The fucking John Hamm of that agency
was like, we need to get young people douching, and
so the commercial was like a girl like she had
like came to her mom and she was like, Mom,
do you do Why you ever ask your mother that question?
So gross? Well nowadays, nowadays you'd google it, but back
in the day you had to ask your mom. I

guess according to fucking John Hamm, why isn't John amshball?
I'm saying because the madman whatever, the fancy business exactly John.
I don't mean to blame it on the actor John Hammon,
I mean, whoever, the John Hamm type and Madman is

you know, he's in the pitch meeting with the agency
and there's a picture of a girl and she's like, mom,
do you do? And he's like, this is how we
get young people douching. Anyway, Sorry, we've we've gone, we've
gone off the rails. Do or do not? There is
no try? All right, subject change let's I was just thinking,
how great of a cut machine that is, Like, when

you want to cut, go into something else, just hit
the machine. Hey, um, there it is. I'm sorry, that's
a great Daniel didn't give me many drum options, or
at least I don't know how to use this thing.
I'm sure there's zilion drum options. There are quite a few.
But yeah, you have to change this. Change thee ahead.

Please don't please stop. I thought you liked it when
I wrapped. Should we get into the show? I have
so much one I want to talk to you. Okay,
so let's go. No we can get into the show.
No no, no, no no, in the fun, ruin the
fucking fun. Keep you to hire. I can't wait to
hire the videographer to document your paintball day. All right, look,
by way, I'm gonna ta shots. I'm gonna be like
I'm gonna because I obviously will never get a hit,
but I'm gonna like set up a shot where like

I'm like get hit and I fall down in slow
motion for the video. Really, yeah, for you, you're gonna
go hard for it. I'm gonna go hard. I'm gonna
wear a mask or you're gonna wear just goggles. I'm
gonna let you paint paw me in the face both. Oh.
By the way, um Andrew Watt, who is the Producer

of the Year and as a friend of mine, Um,
he's just the most incredible music producer. I mean he
does doing everything from Justin Bieber to Ozzie and Eddie Vetter,
and I mean, the guy is so fucking incredible. He's
recording with Elton John now and I was with him
this weekend and he was I love the podcast. Can
I come on? And I was like, you want to

come on the podcast? So I thought, I think I
may have landed a really cool conversation with Andrew Watt,
the Producer of the Year. What do you think that's great? Dude?
That sounds awesome. I walked in humming a Bieber song
that I love and he was like, oh, I wrote that,
stop it Wait? Which one is it? Peaches? No? What's
the He wrote peaches too? But what's um man? I

love peaches? He wrote that, but what what would be?
What's the one? I think it's called a loan lego.
I mean it's so poppy. You don't judge me. But
I love this shit. Um, anyone, anyone? You know anyone?
And he's called Anyone. It's on his new album. Hell,
you know it's song I had. It's got three hundred
million listens so far. Yes, Donald's pretty cool. You didn't.

You were a little underwhelmed. You were a little underwhelmed,
im me getting Producer of the Year as a conversation, Donald,
You're interesting. No, I think that's dope. Come on, come down.
Well you were liked well, you were like, yeah, you're
like is though, I said. I. I asked the woman
at Jomba Juice behind the counter if she'd come on,
let's let's have a take two of you being excited.

Here we go, here we go, all right? I do
I do think that's dope. Dude, alright, Um, I just
wanted you know. I'm always out there hustling for us,
for our showing for I love that. I love that.
I like your new angle too. It's more, it's more
in your face. I don't know about that why too much?

You know what song is on my mind all the time.
You got a caller, I said, daughter, Yeah, Hey that
that that that that Wait till I get this new
one Casey song down. Joanna's gonna get me the lyrics.
Carrie Brothers and his wife Jess Wiss are gonna produce it.
I think I'm not coming through for the show. I'm

booking guests. I'm I like that we're a musical too.
I like that we're a musical too. And it doesn't
come out of nowhere A little always themed. Every season
we need to add at least one song. It started
off with what you're trying to get into? I dare
shoon what you're trying to do. Yeah, that's a hooky

that's get some people's fucking heads. They love it. I
should get that to Andrew to have him turn into
a baber song. That's what we need. We need. Imagine.
Bieber was like, what you're trying to get into? That'd
be the best day of my life. Man, Every every
every every Nigerian with the last name a first name.
My Dale Shoon would be like, yes, singing the White Boy, Yes,

I right, good hooks. All right, should we get in
the show? Yeah? Why not? Except stories about show me
about a bunch of docs and nurses said, he's the stories.
Never should yeado around here? Yeado? Around season five? Season five,

we're off the rails. This off the rails, off the rails.
This episode is off the everything. We were like, I
don't know what they were smoking, playing to the cameras
and everything, dude, Ray wacky wacky, Yeah, very funny. I
figured out. I figured out what Johnny was doing finally,

like maybe you figured it out. It got It feels
like it's gotten to the point where he's like, all right,
at season five, we're almost at one hundred episodes. I
want to keep this thing fresh. Bill, give me long
ass monologues, and I'm gonna try and make it so
John Michelle can't cut from my face while I do
these monologues, dude, because it's like long, long monologue, longer

and longer, right, Yeah, Like I figured I feel like monologue,
long monologue became his what you're talking about willis Yeah,
and so every episode now he has is what you're
talking about, Willis, But I think he's doing it to
keep it fresh. Also, you know what I mean, Like
at this point, we're really mugging, like we're definitely it

seems like we're all kind of phoning it in, nooning
it in. I think we're so stoked that we're leaning in.
Maybe too far, too far, dude, all like the guy,
the fucking dude at the party on blow like a
right every reckon. Yeah, that's what I mean. Yes, I
don't mean phoning it in, but it feels like everybody's
just trying to go so freaking yeah because we're all

so excited, we all love it. We're fucking sprinting, and
I'm sure there's a part of it it's like, how
do we make this new? It's season five? Come on,
why do we turn the corner? What do we do now?
And then Bill's answer was what if we had ostriches
that steel Donald's hat, dude, not that act as centuries.
There's a lot of moments in this where it's like,
wait a second, this is real the armed fantasies, dude,

where do we get this sweater out of nowhere? This first,
where do we get the coat? And nowhere? Out of nowhere?
And what about the straw? Did you notice in the bar?
We're jumping ahead? But does a sign mean straw? At
the box? Where? Did? At? What? What? How hard dude?
These two plans to get this to happen. You know,
like an animation when someone when the character just reaches

off screen and pulls in like an anvil or something.
It's like that, like we just reach off screen and
pull off a Siamese sweater. Yeah, out of nowhere? Well,
if you want to justify it, we wanted to get
a laugh at the bar, and we put it in
our knapsack that we're hiding under the table and they
turn away for five seconds. I'm not even five seconds?

Are you kidding? Oh my god? We are wacky as
fuck at this point, wacky, wacky, whacky. All right, so
let's sorry, let's get in the show. Um, there's no
way I carried you at all, not even a foot,
let alone down all those stairs. That was definitely a stop. Man,
I cannot lift you very far. Just to get the
joke out, Yeah, well I'm really JD really really really

is dying for laughs in this episode, and we learned
that everyone is fake laughing to their immediate superior to
kiss their ass. I thought that was a really interesting,
uh not interesting, really clever way of showing how, you know,
the pecking order of the hospital. Yeah, with you know,
the joke of you know, trying to use whatever the

problem was as the punchline. I thought that was amazing. Yeah,
and they keep going down until it's a homeless guy
and his dog and his dog. Yeah, and the dog
laughs or barks, he barks at the joke. Um a
little quick bend it yeah, yeah, yeah, Joel's counting. Was

that fucking forgetful to you know? It was? I was
in my head. I was like, can bring back to
bring back the stone or freaking sound off what you're
trying to get them? No, I never got to labeling.

Oh now I had a weird button and it's telling
me I need a new pad. I got already. Well, Daniel,
with all due respect to Daniel, he got me a
super He helped me select a mega fancy one that
maybe a fancy DJ like Daniel wouldn't know how to use.
Like you could like fucking you know, Tiesto could take

this and play a concert I just need a fucking
like four pads labeled Daniel, I can't now, I'm not
even in the right thing anymore because I because you
press something other than the pads themselves. All you have
to do is keep pressing the pads. Oh wait, I
think I'm back. No, no, boy, this is my fault.

I forgot that. Joelka, are you kidding me? Right now?
Right now, dude, Daniel, Daniel's got me balls deep in
something I don't even Yeah, that's not supposed to be there,
is not supposed to be there. Not on pad two.

You're not supposed to be there. Deb This went off
the rails. Sorry, I found it. I found it. No,
thanks to Daniel. There you go. That's for you, great
than anywhere. Please continue, all right, pet peeve of mine,

and if you're aspiring filmmaker out there, don't have main
characters screaming and none of the background reacting. Okay, when
did you see this? When when they do the security
camera thing and Johnny sees yelling Jordan and no one
anywhere near him acknowledges that a man is screaming a
couple feet away from them. I do I agree with

that because the background of folks and gals and guys
don't don't normally do something unless they've been directed to
do it, So you need to remember to tell them, like, hey,
is a guy screaming here, you can react like he would.
You'll now notice this in movies all over the place,
that someone's doing something outrageous and people aren't reacting because
no one told them to. Just a small pet peeve.

Now I take a circular not a fantasy. I take
a circular saw and cut the tie off one of
my interns and then slice his chest open. Yes, not
a fantasy, Donald, No, not a fantasy. Not a fantasy.
And I say it's his fault for wearing a tie.
Not only that, you also he gets DIBs on what

is it on? What? What? What do you get them? Um?
What I keep doing? I forgot but he's bleeding everywhere
up the ketchup scene. He gets ketchup because he gets
gets up first, like cut him open, because there's no
discussion of like, hey man, maybe you shouldn't have used
a circular saw, A buzz saw. What do you call

that thing? Dwal what like a you seemed like circular songs?
Spiral saw? Like a circular saw. No, it's not a
table saw. Thanks for watching the episode down. Um, I
think it's a circular or buzz song. No, I don't
know what kind of it's the kind that you need
a freaking no. No, yeah, you don't know table it's
you got it has it's a circle and you hold
it up and you can cut wood with it, you

and you, but you have to push down on it.
It's the one. It's the one that usually like goes
like this across right. Circular circular saw. Yeah, not to
be confused with a table saw. Don't well, that's just
a big saw. Don't do you know how to build shit? No?
I suck. I wish I did. We should have taken shop.
We should have taken shopping. I did take shop when
I was younger, but I've made swords and shields and

stuff like that, which I never shopping. You know that.
You listen, if you got a kid in high school,
make him take auto. What's the auto? One? Car shop?
I don't know, shop shop the shop class. Oh, then
you didn't have that because you went to like performing
arts high school. But in Jersey there was like like

out of the movies. We grew up on there's like, uh,
you can take and all, Yeah, you can fix your car.
Class that's helpful. You know it's not helpful. Fucking proofs
thereby by the associative property of association, Like, no, that
shit doesn't help you. Changing your oil would help you,
because so then you can change your oil yourself. Yes,

Donald dud, Do you not know how to change your oil? No?
I don't. Do you know how to change the tire? Yeah?
I can change the tire. Do you know how to
charge your battery? Yeah? You don't how to change the
oil in your car? Don't look at me like condescendingly.
I know how to change the oil in my car.
No you don't. I don't ever change the oil of

my I don't believe that you change it myself. Do
you go to jimmy Lube know how to do it?
I don't, but I do. Yeah, but look at the MANU.
I could figure it out. My point is this, I'll
sum it up and move on. Okay, Donald, it's Donald right,
um that there were classes in high school I wish

I took like wood shop and car shop. It's not
called car shop. What the is that class call auto?
What's the auto class? What's auto class calls? People are
screaming it at their phones right now. Autoshop shop maybe, yeah, autoshop.
Do you remember in sixteen Candles they go to the
auto shop and they sit in the in the car

and and he tries to hook up with her and
she goes just right now, I felt how much you'd
liked me, on on on on on my leg And
he goes out there, know he pulls out, Yeah, it
is it, breath man, fresh breath is one of my priorities.
Um so my laugh is it's my genuine laugh that's
featured in this episode. Yeah, I really laughed like that.

I guess I don't notice it until here's people. You
do you do, you do, do it and and you're
and that's how you know when you laughing hard? Yeah,
but you know, like when you hear your laugh played back,
doesn't it sound different strange to you? Like, I don't know.
I guess I'm aware that I have a weird laugh,
but it's not something I'm conscious of when I'm laughing.

I think we all. I think everybody has a weird laugh.
Everybody has a certain has their own type of laugh.
Like I know, I go up high when I laugh, laugh,
you know what I mean, I can't help it. That's
how I know when it's funny that or than when
I laugh and I can't make any sound. Also, you

know when the sound doesn't come out of your mouth
when you let me. Yeah, that's how you know. I like,
that's when I've got you good. I also like when
my laugh. I have a weird thing when I when
I laughed too hard, I go like, it's like, yeah,
describe it. I like that though I do it. Yeah,
you can do it throughout this episode. I know, but no,

that's but there's a different one than Yeah, you kind
of do it in this um okay, the first appearance
of multi ethnic simese. Doctor. It is bizarre that we
had the lab coat ready to go and we seem
to get it on like as fast as Superman changes
into his outfit. Yes, yeah, I said it before, Like

what the heck ketchup is for winners? Ted? Um, do
you know what? That's a light homage to Glen Garry
Glenn Ross. Yes, sir, one of my favorite movies of
all time. Yeah, the Glen Gary Leads. Do you like it?
Dan Danel Glen Gary Glen Ross? Yeah? Sure, Now isn't
that line just in the movie and not in the play.

Very very smart, Donald Fazon. Yes, the Alec Baldwin big
ass monologue that a scene that's in the movie is
not in the play. There you go, Little coffee is
for closers. Yeah. Yeah, these are the Glen Garry leads,

and you do not get them because you will just
fuck them up. Yeah. Great, great, great movie. If you
haven't seen it. I never ask you guys for anything.
Please watch Glenn Gary Glyn Ross have seen that the masterpiece?
All Elliott doesn't Uh you want to go to break
or do you want to continue? What do you think?
Daniel or Joel? Do you where Joel go? Keep throwing

to me. Yeah, her videos, so I just feel like
she left us alone here. Joel's watching rebels? Joel? Are
you watching rebels? Internet is going all right, we'll be
right back after these fine words and we're bad. Oh shit,

I guess we're back. I had some ar bowl. M
h what's that? It's tree in Spanish? You like the arbawl? Huh? Well,
when it saw him? Oh, I see my brother's doggy,
which means he's taking a dump, which means my brothers arrived. Um,
just looking out and seeing a strange dog up in
my arm. I um, I yeah, you know, when it's

one thirty and I want to have energy enough to
to to to hopefully be entertaining, I like a little
kick in the pants. You feel like it gives you wings.
You do too, I do you know what I do?
Want too much? Oh my god? On Scrubs, when Donald
would have a red Bull in his hands, we'd be like,
oh no, yeah, I know, because Donald with red bull
is like someone who's I didn't realize it went back

that far. Yeah. And then other times you used to
get coffee when you've had way too much ready and
you were so crazy, and he'd be like Donald, we'd
like to a pair, like can you please get me
some coffee? And I whispered to pee. I'd be like,
decaf again? Do you remember that? Yeah? You know. Only
when I'm working, I guess that I go hard with uh.
When I was doing an L word, I drank a

lot of red Bulls man to to and it would
be like one o'clock in afternoon, I'd be like red
bull time. You know, I know it's not great for you,
but but when you got to perform and you need
a blast of of energy. It definitely helps me. But
I know it's just chemicals, so don't fucking at me,
all right. And they're not an advertiser, so I can
say that m Judy embarrasses the crap out of Elliot. God,

how funny. First of all, we just said that we
barely have fart jokes, and there's Elliott ripping a fart
and it was the funniest sounding fart. Yes, And then
she becomes what she gets called, um, what is her
nickname for a bank? Farter bank? Yeah, but I think

these people, all of us, I think these people think
it's her last name. Though they know they know about
the bank farting incident. I know. But the guy in
the last the guy in the last room when he's
talking to her, when he fires her, the guy in
that room, Oh my god, but he's like German or
something right, bank faster than that's the funniest shit. Hold on,

I wrote it down. He goes, oh yeah, he goes.
Jealousy is an ugly cutter bank fata. Now, for those
of you that don't remember, Sarah's online at the ATM
and she has to fart. But I think this is
the second fart joke in two episodes, like season five

is off to a fart joke explosion. So Sarah elliotts
at the ATM and there's a line behind her, and
she says, I really have to go. I have to fart,
and and and Carlos says, don't worry. There's all these
men here. They'll just assume it was one of them.
And then she farts and it's like a really high
bitched it's like fair, It's like a kitten being accidentally

stepped on. And and then a guy goes, I think
that lady, that blonde lady. I think that blonde lady.
And so we learned that Sarah has trouble saying in
her job because everyone's calling her bank porter because Carla,

because Carla gossiped, gossiped at the job. No, there's a
lot of people. We have these people in our lives.
Do you think they're your close friends? And they are
and you love them, but they just cannot fucking keep
any ship to themselves. I'm sure you listeners have someone
in your life like that. You're like, I love you,
You're close to me. I want to tell you this
anecdote I can't because you fucking cannot keep ship down.

That's Carla, that's Carla and this. But everybody's got that
person in their life. Absolutely, who is it in your life?
I'm not going to out them on the podcast, but
there's definitely people who I love, who I'm dear friends
with um and I censor myself because I'm like, I
love you. I wish I could tell you this story,
but I have no doubt that you'll tell ten people
by tomorrow. Do you have people in your life like that,

Dann Joel, Yeah, there's definitely mostly Sorry if you're listening
people in my family. My family loves a gossip about
each other, very vocal, so you know, keep that under wraps. Yeah,
you got a censor sometimes because you can see, you
see where the league in the boat is. Granny doesn't

need to you without partying last night? Nope. Wow, it's
funny if you're out partying, Daniel. Are you out partying? Daniel?
Did you go party last night? I'm gonna tell everybody, Daniel,
where did you go party? Yeah? I didn't go party.
I'm agreeing with the sentiment. So I said, Granny doesn't

need to know that you went out partying. I'm like
yep or nope, no, she does not I what I
do last night? Wait? What's what's the day Monday? I
streamed last night? I beat Do Maternal last night. That's
all the partying. Thank you? What's do Maternal? That's a
video game? You beat it? It just it just took
me for did you take on the final boss? As

a matter of fact, I did. I mean the whole
thing out of it. You and my nephew went down
a deep wormhole video game chat. He loved talking to you.
Oh it was so great. I mean, you know, hey,
great dude, great duke, and so is a great person.
But I don't want to reveal their name. On the
part he loves video games and he you guys were
speaking in the same language. Oh yeah, well he's a

good dude, good family. How many people watched you beat
the video game last night? They forty? Not that man,
this is a good show. Love you so do they
ask do you do? Is it a tutorial? Like? How
does it work? Yeah? I never watched one of these
twitch things. Do you play the game and you talk
and people like, wait, slam with this? Sometimes it depends

on how much interaction I want to involve the audience.
And but right now, this segment is called Daniel's Backlog,
where I beat the games that I've been just sitting
on for too long, just like story games that I've
been really meaning to And how many hours does it
take you depends on the game, but I think this
one took me like eight or nine two hour sessions,
so probably close to through or probably close to twenty hours.
And do people throw you money? Yes, you're kind of

like a stripper on a pole. Yes, you know, they're
throwing dollars at you, like instead of like showing your booty,
you're like beating a dragon and they're throwing dollars at you.
Or they're just paying for me to eventually smoke weed.
That's that's more of the thing. But but you see
the analogy that I've created. Oh yeah, of course, yeah, No,
you're you're You're Shrek. You know. Look, Daddy dandel is

dancing for those dollars. I'll tell you what dance for
those dollars. Dan Cheeks are coming into stage. We've got
to say the dragon. That doesn't It doesn't help that
I was wearing a shirt that said come on it
last night while I was playing, Oh, that's my favorite
shirts of It's a great shirt. It's great say it
just says, it just says. It just says, like, em no, sir,

not that one. Wow, I'm to Disneyland. It was a
guy with a hat. We saw that. It was like
the Ford logo, but it said fuck I think, sir.
I was like, bro, come on, dude, did you see
the guy by the American flag looking at us in
that picture that we posted on the internet. That's Carrie Brothers. No,

behind Carrie Brothers, there's a guy looking at us. Did
you did you go? You gotta go deeper into the picture?
Ridiculous metal. I could never wear that, but I love it.
It's a great shot. Well, I mean, you saw me
weird in the training video for having come on. I
want to come on your twitch. I have no interest
in watching someone play video games, but I want to
come on and make it rain like you're like you're doing.

Oh is there a make it rain button? Uh? Kind of.
I mean there's just there's just the donate button and
you can go as wild as you whatever I want.
But now you do that just goes like where it
makes it look like it's raining. Yeah, I'll make sure
that exists for whatever you want to do this? Okay?
And do you have to do like if I make
it rain like hard? Do you have to do anything special? Like?

Do you when you t work? It sounds like a
perfect time for an audience pool audience. What would you
like Danial to do? Yeah, exactly making it rain? An
If I make it rain, you have to pause the
game and twork, No problem, No problem, that's totally that's
that's fine. Time. Have you ever watched it? I mean,

I know that this exists watching people play video games,
but have you ever done it? I have not, but
I will if I could manipulate people into doing dances
and stuff for me, if I make your rain for them,
I might just start doing that. Dude, coming on the
next time you stream? That would be Wednesday. Wednesday, Hey,
Wednesday night. We're gonna wat Wednesday and night. Appreciate. Can

we pick a game I'm someone interested in, like old
school Super Mario Brothers. What about either one? Whatever you want?
On Wednesdays from five to eight, I played Dungeons and
Dragons and then after that we play whatever playing. Can
I make you tork at Dungeons and dragons gonna make
your tw Oh my god. No, when you're done playing

the game, do you go around to the forty people
and be like, hey, do you want to private watching? Watching?
Private gaming sessions are actually on the only fans, But yeah,
you do you want to? I want to go in
a private room and watch you play Tetris. You're not

gonna believe what happens when that when there's that full
stick comes down, that's straight four piecer. Oh, I got
a corner coming. I'm sure there's I really honestly don't know,
but I'm sure I know that pretty girls do this too, right,

So did they add an element of like, I mean,
it's a guy's dream who likes video games. It's a
beautiful woman, she's probably scantially clad, and she's playing, you know,
a game. It's not a thing, it absolutely is. Yeah.
I know that Sasha Gray, uh, and not that she
does it scantily clad, but she's a very popular woman
amongst some men, and I know that she plays games.

She does you know what, donald are gonna are gonna
watch her and not you, Daniel, I just changed our minds.
I want to. I thought she was djaying on her
thing I thought, and I thought, that's what you were
doing on your Twitch. I didn't know you guys were
actually playing. No, doesn't she play video games and also
she cooks sometimes bingo. Yeah, she plays video games and cooks,
does cooking streams. I mostly play games. Can you cook, Daniel? Yes?

I can call? Right? Should we fill us? On the
television show Scrubs, we really got quite the side. Um okay,
now speak, Well, this is a nice segue these breasts
on the nurses, like, why are these why are they
wearing the first play? Why would these nurses ever be wearing?
This is like a porno. I'm just saying we really

leaned into the jokes. But listen, it was funny when
someone Rob says that all four breasts and names. He goes,
that's Tina, Marge, Sloppy, and mister Snuggles. And then Alma
goes missed the snuggles. Is what does he say? She's
like Sloppy snow She goes, Slappy's bigger than mister Snuggles. Yeah,

that's funny. I mean he's just so unrealistic though, that
nurses would ever wear anything, like they would be fired
in a second. Somebody'd be like put some clothes on,
like what hospital is this? And then we meet your interns. Finally,
we meet him in the beginning of the we meet
him in the beginning of the show. But now we're
starting to get to know them, and you actually call
Keith Keith and so now yes, and that's the first

time we actually see what Keith looks like. Keith Dudemeister. Yeah,
and uh, and these guys stick with us for a bit,
I guess for a year. Yeah, around Rex, Rex, who
I cut in half. He he's definitely around for the season, right. Oh,
and then there's Gloria, the older the senior system. But

is she around? She around the whole time, She's around
all year because there's a lot of Gloria jokes. Dude,
that was so funny. When I make them go outside
the security gate and we're all waiting on the show.
You're off duty, but everybody kind of has on great
T shirts. And then Glory, I'm like, they're like, shouldn't
we wait for Gloria. I'm like, no, we're not waiting

for Gloria. And I'm like, stop waving. You're always waving.
Enough with the waving. Yeah, but she waves no matter
I don't think they ever gave Gloria. They never give
Gloria lines. I don't remember. But Gloria so far just waves.
That's it, even at the end when you tell her, hey,
and you did the waving thing, you know, and you
do the waving thing. Yeah, she waves before that though, too.

She sits there and just anyway, And Alexander Chapman is back,
wonderful actor as the patient who's always trying to score
money in drugs off of us. Yes, you might remember
him from a very special film UM called Wish I
was here, Here we go. No, I'm not glory a tangent.
There were two actors that really stood out in that film,

Um the guy who played the Ashton Martin dealer. He
was really good, you know the fact that what he
did with with a small two scene part was extraordinary.
And then of course there's Alexander Alexander Chapman who played
the the young rabbi in the movie, who also was
really good. And anyway, he's back and I love him.
He's a really funny, talented actor. He was on Spin

City with Bill and I love that he's playing the
same character and the character still hasn't gotten it right,
yet the character still hasn't you know. And and I
love the fact that the whole hospital U wants to
watch Jordan go down this path yeah where she gets tricked. Yeah,
and then she finally gives him money and he's like,

I can't take it, and she goes, I can't even
boat talks an ear with that, like, just take it.
That means nothing to me. And then she finds out
and that's how, you know, that's how we accept Jordan
into the hospital. That's how she becomes a part of
the fold. It's kind of like she gets hazed. Yeah,
and so you know, I thought that was a beautiful

moment at the end of the show. Also, the music
worked and everything and how you know, there was a
sense of camaraderie and and and fellowship because of what
happened to her, and everybody was able to, you know,
tell them their story of how they got duped by someone.
I thought that was really cool. I laughed out loud
when you go, I can't watch this, and Alma goes,

then move your big ball, biscuit head. Some of us
don't have cable. Yeah, yeah, Alma had two fucking ringers
in this episode. Yeah. And then you fantasizing about killing
your interns. Oh my god, I remember, Okay, I remember
the stuntman doing that fall off the roof, which was

a major fall. I think it was the person who
does it, as I recall, m have you ever been
to Universal Studios when they have the they have the
water World water World show, which is great, by the way,
it's so fun. It's a lot of fun. Oh my gosh,
if you haven't been the Universal Studios, at least here
in La they for your kids will love it. There

was a when I first saw that water World show
as a young kid who wanted to make movies, I
thought it was the coolest thing I've ever seen. Even
seeing it as an adult a trip, I'm sure, I'm sure.
I'm sure it's a really cool attraction. Anyway, there's someone
does an insane dive high dive in that show, and
I believe this was I remember hearing it was the
same dude who was doing this dive off the hospital.

And here's the crazy thing. I don't know if stut
they must have changed this, because it feels like when
stuntman do big falls these days, they do them into
stacks of cardboard boxes that collapse. But this was still
the days of the giant airbag, and I remember that
everyone was very concerned that obviously that the fan that

keeps the air bag big wouldn't get unplugged, because that
would because do you remember there was that utility guy
who was always around Donald. He would do I forgot
his name, he Norm. Yeah, so Norm was a very
nice man and he would just do sort of odd,
odd jobs. And I remember that they put Norm in
charge of like watching the plug, like make sure the

fan doesn't blog. And I was like, I just feel
so dangerous that like it could all come down to
like Norm decides to go get coffee and someone kicks
out the fan plug. Because this dude was risking his
life for a fucking Scrubs joke. It was a big
It was a four story fall, no joke. But they
didn't even use the whole fall. They just used him.

They shouldn't use more. He did the whole thing. Yeah,
it was sick. Everyone gathered around. Is very exciting. Watching
someone fucking do a leap off a building felt very
old school, you know what I mean? No, no green
screen man, that's just the dude fallen off a building.
That's it into a pad that hopefully stays. I never

forget that. Um all right, what else we got here? Um? So, uh,
this goes back in the day when putting your finger
in somebody's mouth was acceptable. T gets hooked fished by Cox. Yes,
you wouldn't like to the ground. I don't know if
I would be. I'd be like, yo, dude, we gotta
hand Sam, I gotta talk. First of all, don't put

your fingers in my mouth. Second of all, I don't want.
Second of all, just the same as the first thing. Right.
I think this is the first time I ever say
zoom zoom zoom. No, it is. It is the first
time zoom zoom zoom. Wasn't that a It was a
car commercial. It was a car commercial. That's where it
started from. What was the car commercial? Do you remember

what it was? I don't remember. It was a car Joell?
Can you look up what the car commercial with zoom
zoom zoom was Amata or Masta? It was the UM
Master zoom zoom, zoom, zoom zoom. That was just the
UM It was their jingles zoom zoom zoom, zoom, zooms
commercial zooms five x eight r x eight zoom zoom zo.

Well those jingle people got us good, and I just
started saying it and then I think I know it. Later,
I have a love interest on the show, and I'm
like you zoom zoom zoom. It was the Banks. Yeah, anyway,
I think this is the first time that makes She's
coming up this season. No, I think Mandy's first, and
then Ebanks at the end. I don't know. That's why

we have a fancy producer like Joel. I'm on it.
It is the end of this season, all right, So look,
we got, we got, Oh my god. Definitely the hardest.
I last was just because you die your mustache blonde
doesn't mean it's gone. I thought that was very funny. Listen.
I always thought that was weird. Like if you want

a female and you want facial hair, by all means,
have it, but don't diet blonde and think that it's
not there anymore through all your thoughts. Uh, listen, if
your body do what you want, but we could still
see it, it's not making it dis Yeah. Yeah, I mean,
now you just have a blonde ustache, right, that's maybe
that's what you wanted. No, but that's fine. There's zero

judgment I'm just saying, I'm here to tell you that
it's not like invisible now, it's definitely absolutely Now, what
do you do? You just get waxed or something. People
don't want that. But sometimes when you wax it and
it comes back though, it's a little bit stronger, and
then all of a sudden sicker. Is that the thinking, Joel,

why would a woman who aspires to have it go away,
um not wax it and choose to die upon it hurts?
It's I guess it's probably not more expensive than dyeing it.
I don't know where it came for, like I don't,
I don't never. None of my friends that I'm aware
of have ever died there mustache, you know what I mean.
You just either wax it or you leave it alone.

So those are really your ab They have the thing
with threads. I've seen the ladies doing threads threading well,
but you don't want to get threading on your upper lip,
like your eyebrows are sturdy, like they could take it right.
It's gonna hurt, You're gonna it's painful as hell. They're
literally twisting your but but it stays because they're really
in that hair out it's the root. I think some

women like it. They're like, um, fuck it, I got
I think it's cute. Sometimes it's just not worth being
bothered with. You're like whatever, Yeah, they're to deal with it.
Teach their own donald. What you're trying to say. You're
going full beard again? Huh? I'm going full beard? Yeah?
Your beard's grown back. Yeah. Man, I'm not working right now,

like the work that I'm doing. The work that i'm
doing is this. It's all voiceover stuff. So I'm gonna
let it grow out until I got to be on
camera again. Okay, So you got a problem with that? No,
I just like you clean shaveing it. I think this
this this season, you look so darn handsome. I guess
I just want would you like the goatee? Really? I
don't mind the goatee. I didn't like the goatee. Really.

You get made fun of in this episode for it.
I do, and I feel like he deserved it. I
don't think it is the maneuver for Turk. I didn't
look at I think you could have any facial hair
that need to be perfect. Did you ever have a goatee? No? Yeah, exactly.
I think I should die I feel like I want
should dye my hair or something like like a hot

like bleach blonde or something. Whoa, I dare you? I
did obviously for Broken Hearts Cull, but it's been a
zillion years since I did it. Maybe do it for
this new secret Greg Borlante show. I actually asked the
director like if I should do something wacky like die
in my hair, and he goes definitely open to something wacky.
Don't die because the person when you're acting with has

died blonde hair. Oh shit, you're curious. I'll tell you
when we're talking at the podcast. Okay, I'm gonna whisper
it just to you. Ready, no one can hear you? Ready?
Can hear me? This episode is so weird. I'm sorry, fans.
I'm just I think we're in a silly moon. We

have a guest caller, Yeah, bringing the car for love
of y'all, say hello to Joe. Should we go to
our second break? First? Yes? Please? Second break? Second break,
I'm losing my fucking mind. Second break, and we're back.

We are back. Oh you know what that sounded like
the Revenge of the Nerds. Oh yeah, everybody, and you
dap the hands? Oh man. When I was a kid,

I remember, like this song is fire. We got a
college talk, you know, like a bottle maybe talking about
the episode. So come on, ladies and gentlemen, give it

up for Jillian. C Hi, Jillian, see Gooby Hi Oh,
I thought, I'm so excited to be here. We're so
excited to have you. Welcome to the show. It's a
very wacky show. Donald's in a very silly mood. Perfect.

I love it, very good. That's my favorite kind of Donald.
What's your nickname Nichole Joe? But actually, uh, it's obviously
a very funny last name. So but Jill, if you
were my friend, i'd call you Goobs. Yeah, it's kind
of cute. Goobs. Hey, it's Goobs and uh goobatron um

you know, yeah, yeah, I'll call you Joe. As you said,
that should nickname Jill in the house, Jill, where are
you calling us from? So I'm in Pittsburgh right now,
and I should caveat this with we had a thunderstorm
and tornado warning today, so hopefully I don't get cut
off in the middle of this. Okay, wow, I want

that to happen either. And my dog is also very
afraid of lightning, So I apologize if is it still
raining in thundering outside right now? It's just sprinkling right now,
So I think that we might be good. Well, welcome
to the program. We're very glad you're here, and and
do you have any questions for us? I do, So

maybe I should just start by saying that I'm a
physician by training, and I did my medical training in Canada.
I did five years of residency there and I'm in
Pittsburgh now doing some research training. So my first question
was kind of related to medicine and the fact that

in medicine there's a lot of stereotypes about different personalities
and different specialties. So I did internal medicine and then
subspecialized in pulmonology. And as it's kind of brought up
in the show, internal medicine doctors are kind of thought
to be the nerds, and pulmonologists are kind of nerdy

but also adrenaline junkies. There's a lot of intensity in
that field. Cardiologists are like the cocky nerds, and gastrointrologists
love poop. Surgeons are the jocks, especially orthopedic surgeons. Yeah,
Radiologists and pathologist hate people. Psychiatrists are kind of the
esoteric wandering souls, you know that sort of thing. So yes,

my question was for Zach and Donald and also Joel
and Danel. If you were to be doctors or in
some kind of medical field, what kind of personality do
you think that your specialty would best fall into. Wow,
how do you questions? Great question. I think Bill nailed
it when he made Turk a surgeon. For me, you know,

I think my personality, and you know, the way I
like to look at myself is definitely jock ish, you know,
I like to you know, if you ask my wife,
I am a professional athlete, or was at the level
of a professional athlete when I was younger and could
actually move my body. So I think definitely a surgeon.

I think you would be an orthopedic surgeon. Yeah, me too.
You'd love to like be breaking bones and using like
the drill saws and everything, and that does sound fun.
It's funny. The one orthopedic surgeon I've gone to is
totally jockey. He's like ripped. I'm like, how are you
having time to go to the gym? I don't sleep? Yeah? Um,

what about you? Daniel and or Joel um. I mean,
I'll say that something that is very near and dear
to me in terms of you know, just wellness health
is ear safety. So maybe an e n T is
some kind of your nose throat doctor. I love being
an advocate for wearing earplugs, and so as we go
out and journey into the world again and go see

concerts and shows, please do remember to wear your earplugs
because you'll get one set of ears you need to
protect us. And if you're on the fence about that,
watch Sound of Metal, the Amazing Film and The Great Cough,
and then definitely wear earplugs when you go to a concert. Yep, Joe,
what kind of what kind of nerd is that? I
don't know if it fits a specific category of nerd,

but I have to admit that I am not the
best at that. I I do listen to music too loudly,
and I use Q tips in my ears. What do
I know? You're not so good wit. You're not supposed
to put Q tips in your ear. You're supposed to
you can postmatic membrane. Yeah, that shit feels so good.
I'm not gonna lie. So feels so good. It's sexual.

It's like Okay, you have a guy, don't talk. I'm
not being disgusting. That's what I doing. Fake orgasm in
front of goob. I'm doing what my ear would makes
me feel like. I'm not doing any type of you
doing eargasm. That's not an orgasm. It's an ear gasm.
Very surprise that your new dictave isn't coming up here, Zach. Yeah,

I'm not in front of good stop all right now. Listen, Joel,
you strike I'm not gonna answer for you, but you
do strike me as potentially a psychiatrist psychologist because you're
very good. You're a very good listener. Ahead. I think
that's what I was gonna say, Like, I don't know
how great I would be a prescribing meds and stuff.
So you just give them out to everybody for you.

We're gonna get it. We're gonna make it better. Boo.
So I think i'd be a much better therapist where
I could be like and and okay, and I'm hearing everything.
I'm gonna give you some very light advice, but most
I'm just here to listen and encourage you, and then
I will send you off to specialist who can really
like get into the nitty gritty of what you need.
But like being like a guy, Listen, I love my therapist.
She's just my home base. We just touch base every week.

She guys me through it. And I feel like that
I would love that job, especially like that job with like,
you know, preteens teenagers is such an awkward and uncomfortable
time and man, being able to just be like, oh,
you're good man, this is just that's just part of
growing up. You're gonna be fine. Oh man, I would
really like that. One of my one of my best
friends from med school actually went into child psychiatry and

deals primarily with childhood anxiety disorders and so bless them
because we need them. She and I mean, like a
lot of a lot of psychiatrists, UM will do more
kind of talk therapy and CBB type UM approaches and
and I mean they also have the ability to prescribe
medications when they when they have to. But um, it

just kind of depends on what area of psychiatry year in. Definitely,
I would I think I'd be an er doctor or
a or a UM trauma center person. I'm very I'm
very excited by the adrenaline and the excitement UM and
the people's skills. And as I've shared on here before,

I volunteered on my town's rescue squad when I was eighteen,
and um, I loved it. I thought it was so incredible.
And then the paramedics who would meet us at the scene,
to me, were like superheroes. And I just always thought
paramedics were so badass and cool and um, you know,
like like all people, I've been in ears and with
family members and when when the doctors and nurses or

come to the rescue, I just think it's so thrilling.
And um, I I think that's what I would do
if I rocket that. There's an amazing documentary Goobs. You've
probably seen it, but it's called Code Black. I have
to see more. There's a TV show that they made
based on it, but I highly recommend this. I just
looked it up for you guys. It's it came out

in twenty fourteen. Um it's called Code Black. The TV
show was inspired by it. But it's about the first
trauma center that was ever set up in la And
as a teaching hospital, and it's insane how they used
to teach young doctors how to handle trauma that comes
in and a code black, I believe is is the

jargon for there's just no there's no beds left, We're
so full the way time is so long, like do
not come here? Because they were an inner city hospital
and I don't know this year, I'll bet, I'll bet anyway,
check out that documentary, especially especially if if you're in
the field end or you know a young person who

might be inspired to get into the field. That documentary
made me want to change my whole life around and
become a real doctor, not a fake doctor. But I'm
just gonna stick with fake doctor. I think one thing
that I would say about that, Zach, is that I
feel like, at least from here listening to the podcast
so much, is that it seems to me like you're
really big on kind of the relationship building aspect of

it too. And the one thing about being an er
doctor is that you don't get to necessarily spend as
much time with the patients. And see that follow up,
so I can see like I get that because I'm
more of an I like the adrenaline of you know,
the acutely critically ill and did a lot of ICU
and that sort of thing, So I can see you
being an ICU doctor. It's the crazy thing about thank you. Wow,

that's a very nice comment. The crazy with the ICU doctors.
I understand it. They're usually on two weeks and then
off two weeks, right, Yeah, because because the hospital and like, well,
my experience with ICU, and I've unfortunately had a bunch
in the last however many years, is that it's so
intense and they come in for two weeks and then
they take two weeks off to recover. But it's weird

because if you've got someone in the ICU, you're like,
you're like you've fall in love with these people, and
you're like, please don't leave me, hero, and they're like,
I have to, I'll be back in two weeks. It's
a weird. It's a it's a weird way of doing things.
But I understand why, because who can sustain that level
of concentration and stress. It could be totally life consuming.
That's it kind of leads into my next question. Yes, Goobs,

good transition you did. I don't even have to do it.
Go ahead, I love it. You should tell all your
friends to call you Goobs. It's the perfect I mean,
they do Donald, don't you love it better than Jill.
I don't. I don't she I said, she wants to
be called Jill Man. I'm gonna honor that and respect
that I'm not. I appreciate you to Jill, all right, Jill,

go ahead. UM. So I really thought it was so
interesting to hear about the process of you guys filming
UM filming scrubs, especially just a crazy, crazy hours that
you were that you were working in scrubs, being there
all hours of the night, and it reminded me a
lot of my residency experience, Like I would have shifts

where I was doing like twenty seven hours and going
one hundred and ten percent the whole time, like not
sleeping UM, And it was just such a critical formative
experience in my life. But it was obviously super difficult
and filled with a lot of sleep deprivation. But I
learned so much through that kind of intensive emerging into

my job and into my career, and I bonded so
much with the people that I did it with. And
so I think that it's kind of similar and there's
a lot of correlates with what it seems like you
guys went through because you were quite early in your
career at that time as well, and it, I imagine
was quite a formative experience for you as actors. So

now that that is not how a lot of TV
shows are made with those like twenty four episodes and
lots of that time spent. Do you think that that's changing,
how the field of acting is moving forward and those
experiences for young actors. My first answer is it it
became a matter of safety for the crew because what

was happening is there were incidents of you know, the
crew were always however long actors complain about being there,
the crew are there longer, and there were a lot
of safety issues with with you know, people falling asleep
driving home and obviously no one as no one can
help but be less safe than they were when the
day started, when they've been working for eighteen hours. So

I think that people began to become more conscious of that,
and the unions of course became more conscious that, and
the studios did. I don't know, donal do you think
as far as acting goes, No, I think it's it's
way more it's way more healthy to not do it.
Although the one defense of it, I'll say is we
were playing interns who have these insane hours. So there
was a bit of like we're always here, We're only

in this hospital. I mean, it was a little bit
of method acting because we were we were loopy and
silly and pounding coffee and you know, it probably helped us, um,
you know, pretend to be the real thing, right Donal. Yeah,
you know, it's just weird when you meet actors who
go that deep into the role that they you know,

start you know, acting like the character that they're playing
in some way. It's always and then you meet them
afterwards and they're completely different, and so I can't. Yeah,
I get it for what it's worth, that is an experience,
but I definitely as I don't care if I was
if I were a young actor or an old actor,

I feel like it's way more healthier to have regulated
hours just for your mind and everything. It would suck.
It sucked to have, you know, when you did eighteen
hours and then have to go home sleep and then
still memorize your lines for the next day, you know,
with very and you know, it got to the point
where I didn't even try to memorize my lines. I

just would go to work and like, all right, what
do we what are we doing well, you probably worked
better like when you actually left, rather than stayed up
all night memorizing your lines. I would guess, yeah, unless
the part is like someone I definitely feel sometimes when
if you're playing on edge or grouchy or irritable, it
obviously helps if you were in that space because you

just want to scream, you know. Yeah, I don't know.
I like I like naps now, I like knaps now
you Um, Johnny C would come in. Johnny C lived

far out at the beach, and uh, I think I've
told you this before. He would. He didn't want to
deal with the traffic coming into where we shot, so
he would sometimes if he knew he had an early call,
he'd get up at like four in the morning, drive
to the hospital, and then to go back to sleep
at the hospital because the traffic from where he lived
was such a nightmare. I wish he'd be there like
insane amount of hours because he was doing that. Yeah,

I wish I had his dedication when we were young,
like we were when we were making this, you know
what I mean, Like his his ability to want to
learn how to do, not learn how to, but to
learn a crap ton of lines. You know, because that
was exciting for him, and you know he thought that.
You know, I just I looked at it as if

I could have the least amount of line at this
point season five, if I could have the least amount
of lines and the least amount of scenes, I can
get out and party, or I can go play paintball,
or I can go You know that, That's what I
was thinking about this point in the show. I'm pretty
sure of it. Yeah, I am too. That's pretty much
your attitude. That's definitely understandable. I mean, you need to

have a life too, write like you can't. You can't
let it be completely all consuming with your job. I
think that's so important to me. Yeah, but you succeed
way more when Yeah, but you're but you're doing amazing
things and saving lives. We were just fucking around and
trying to make people laugh. No, you guys made an
incredible show that was super inspiring for me. I actually

watched so when I got into med school, my parents
bought me the entire box set of Scrubs, and so
I got into med school in twenty eleven, and I
watched all of it with my best friend, who was
my roommate at the time, and um, it was so
scary watching it, but like it was amazing, but really
scary because I was like, holy shit, I don't know
any of this stuff. I know, but maybe we gave

you Maybe in watching it, we gave you some random
answers that you get. Right, you did. And then I
rewatched it again now that I'm kind of doing research
training and have done all of my clinical residency and
it's just like such a different experience to go through
it again at like so much older and wiser. All right, Goobs,

you know what time it is? I think I might
it's time for Pennsylvania's favorite segment, Donald. What time is that?
It's time to fix you? How can we fix your life? Goobs?
It seems like you have a good life. You seem
like a happy person. How can we I can't imagine
we can improve on it, but we'll try. Well, I

hope that you can give me some hot tips because
I am trying to figure out a predicament at the moment. Okay,
So my partner Sean and I are both in Pittsburgh
right now doing research training, and we've both, uh, you know,
spent a lot of time, money, energy on our careers

and our education, and we've both been like very supportive
of each other over that time. We're both from Canada
and UH and I'm thinking that we'll probably be finishing
up our research training here within the next year or so,
and we're trying to decide where to go after that,

and so I'm looking at two places and can then
one in the US. But we're kind of leaning towards
Canada because that's where our families are, and you know,
if we want to have kids and all that stuff,
it's easier to do it closer to family. UM, And
we're kind of torn between two locations. One is better

for my career and one's better for his career. The
one that is uh like better for his career is
also closer to his family and probably a little bit
more family in general that would be able to support.
And the one that's better for my career has a
little bit more of my family nearby. So it's a

really tough decision. Wow, that is tricky. Now, how far
apart are these um towns from from each other. They're
they're Vancouver and Calgary, so they're um on the West coast,
and you know, you can fly from Vancouver to Calgary
in like an hour and a half. But I try
to minimize my like flying because I don't want to

have too big of a carbon footprint and whatnot. But um, Daniel,
Daniel likes that you get from down Oh, I like, now, Goobs,
I have a question. Um, I don't know anything about
living in Calgary, but Van Groovy is a really fun
place to live, so we have to factor that in.
It's a great place to live. Um, Calgary is a

pretty cool place to live too. It's just cold, it's
colder home, but being in all kinds of outdoor activities
and stuff. So both, why don't you come live in
southern California? Groops? It's we have a lot of hospitals.
It's seventy seven every day. What's wrong? Yeah, but then
she's got the predicament that they want to start a
family and everything will help, will help. You're gonna babysit.

You got a babysit your kids? Never in your life.
I want youlder. While you went on Guardians of the Galaxy.
Here's the other issues, asshole. You're in tea ears gad goops,

t ears, Sorry goobs, go ahead. The issue with that
is that it's still a part of the American healthcare system,
which is oh yeah, it's a mess. Right. Well, that's interesting.
So you you prefer the Canadian healthcare system. As a
young physician, I like being able to treat people equally. Wow,

I like that. It is the knowledge for you. There's
the knowledge for you, fake doctor's real friends. Ye listener,
and it right from a young physician. I like to
be able to treat my patients equally. Fucking health I
am hold on, let me hit the button. That's really

that's really well said, really well said, and people need
to hear it as succinct as that. Yeah, I don't
know what's going to happen in our lifetime for me.
Um all right, well okay, so we're on Canada because
we believe in healthcare for everybody. Okay, I got that.
I mean it's not to say that like I wouldn't
like consider taking a job in the US, especially if

Donald and I were going to help you out with
some light babysitting. Yeah, babysitting your kids. I'm sorry, I'm
not baby sitting your kids. He'll be really cute, I promise.
I'm sure they wait, I'm sure they will be, but
I got enough of them. Good is the Vancouver? Um
a position better for you or your husband for me? Okay, Vancouver,

we choose Vancouver. It is Vancouver. It's a no brainer.
It's a no brainer. Because you're young. How old you
you're thirty years old? Go live in a really fun city.
What I'm what I'm told is the most fun city
in Canada. You're close to the ski slope. Since you
guys ski. You said there's family there for when you
have kids. Um and um. He's just gonna have to understand.

And you say, Babe, I love you, but come on,
we're thirty years old. Let's go live in a fun
ass city. We can live in Calgary another time. It's
super expensive too. It's the only thing. But you know
you're thirty years old in Calgary. No, no, Donald, we'll
edit that out for you. Donald. I don't know. I
don't know my geography, dude, I know where where saying is?

Uh is o wahu in India. You can eat dick,
you can need seven. You can eat goobs, ear muffs,
ear muffs, you can eat a bag of fucking dicks.
So you can eat a basket circumcised purple tipped. All right,

we're done. Oh my god, Goobs, you were supposed to
have ear muffs on. I'm sorry it was too good, right, Loops?
Why does the tip sometimes purple? From a doctor? No? No, no,
no her a nope, nope, nope, okay, no, my specialty
is the lugs. So sorry, I thought I thought we

could cut that. I'm sorry. I just thought that we
could ask a doctor a question. I'm sorry. You definitely can't.
But no, no, I'm sorry, I sorry, I actually don't know.
I'll have to look that way. Look that up. Oh god, Dane,

why don't you why don you look that up on
your third Daniel? Will you look it up and tell
Goops because she might come up in her practice in Vancouver.
All right, you're welcome Goops Vancouver it is. You'll be
able to hang out with Sarah Chalk. Yeah, she's filming
Firefly Lane. There, Firefly Lane. You'll be able to go
to the set visit her best. She is from you

guys to um. All right, Daniel, you can stay until
the end because I think we're done. My friend, Um, Daniel,
tell everyone how we can watch you shake your butt
on the pole on Twitch. Yes, please. Oh wait, I
think I don't have an answer. I just want to
say I found the article what to do the tip?

What do we do? Doesn't know? There's there's a number
of there's a number of possible answers. Sometimes it's simply
just increased blood flow to the penis. Sometimes it's a bruise,
a hematoma, which is a deep bruise. Blood spots, also
known as purpura, can appear purple red and usually rising
lurch reaction sexually transmitted infection. Like, there's a lot of answers.

I think, I think I know what the answer is.
It's the first one you said. It's when um, the
phallus is extremely erect and so much blood has gone
there that the tip appears discolored. I think you therefore
purple you get, you get va constriction of the veins
that that prevents a blood flow from leading the erect boom.
That's why. And that's from a real doctor, y'all. That's

from a real doctor. Real. Yeah, what's it called veva constrictions? Restriction?
How Joe beazo constriction? Za? You should Donald? You should
use that with your dirty talk with Casey'd be like, oh,
I got some phaso constriction going on. Okay, very exact.

I love Za Zach, I love you. Yeah. It's a
battal and taking base of dilation and baso construction. To
be technical, what did you say? Thank you for that?
It's a balance between beaso dilation and basic construction. Case
you like casey? Do you want to you want to
dilate it? Love you? You want some basodilation? You want

to dilate it today? Baby? Anyway, Daniel, where do we
watch you? On Twitch? On t money you can watch
I'm gonna get dilated boy on twitch dot tv slash
DJ Underscore Daniel Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays. Okay, what game

will you be? Uh? Will you be playing Wednesday night?
I will be playing D and D and then um
I will be twrking for for you too. Okay, No,
I want you to tek during D and D. I'm
gonna take you private. I'm gonna take you private. And
what you play Tetris while I get diluted? Oh? We

need to, we need we need to end the show.
We love you all. Sorry, We're a little a fucking
nuts today. We love you one one one on my
bunch stories about show we made about a bunch of
domes and nurses and Canada who loves said He's the stories.
Never should know. So YadA around here, a yata around here,

A free watch show. Mm hmmm
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