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March 1, 2024 28 mins

Chapter 1 of Heroes in the Bible: Jesus with Dr. Tony Evans is inspired by the Gospels.

He is Coming - The foretelling and the birth of John the Baptist. John is the last living prophet that paves the way for the coming Messiah - he is the prelude to Jesus’ epic coming.

Today's opening prayer is inspired by Luke 1:37, For with God nothing shall be impossible.

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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
For with God nothing shall be impossible. Luke one thirty seven. Glory, Hallelujah.
I lift up holy hands to the glorious King of Kings.
I was worthy of all praise, honor, and glory. Nothing
is impossible for you. All things belong to you, were

created by you, and will be sustained by the power
of your word. You, who created the universe and holds
it in the palm of your hands, is the great.
I am, I am and ever shall be. I am
the same today as I was yesterday, as I will

be tomorrow. You, dear Lord, are beyond space and time.
Nothing is impossible. If I only believe with God, I
can do all things. Through Christ, who strengthens me. Through
the birth of Jesus, I have been set free. I
look forward to this season that reminds me of His
love and the great sacrifice that he made, and that

now all things are possible for me. Teach me to
have mountain moving faith. Invade my mind, but the truth
of your word. Take away my hardened heart and replace
it with a heart that beats in alignment with your
heart of compassion and love. As I decrease and melt

into your heart of love, I live and breathe in you.
When I seek to do your will for your honor
and glory, I can trust the purity of your power
working through me. I give you all the praise and
glory and only seek to serve your purposes here on
earth in Jesus name.

Speaker 2 (01:49):

Speaker 1 (01:51):
Stay tuned to immerse yourself in the Greatest Stories Ever
Told from pray dot COM's podcast, Heroes in the Bible.

Speaker 3 (02:01):
Hi, I'm doctor Tony Evans and I'm excited for you
to join me on Heroes in the Bible. Jesus. Please
follow this podcast on Apple or Spotify to get the
latest episodes so you can strengthen your relationship with Jesus.
Welcome to the greatest story ever told. It is a
tale of a shepherd's heart for his sheep, a father's

love for his children, and a hero's triumph over death
and darkness. This is a story that continues to shape
and mold the world around us, bringing the divine heart
of God right into the hearts of you and I.
He is the Lamb of God, Prince of Peace, Son
of David, King of Kings, Chief Cornerstone, good Shepherd, Lion

of Judah, and only begotten son of God. He is
our ultimate hero, Jesus Christ. Every generation since Adam and
Eve have pined after this long awaited savior, But he
was not the hero anyone expected. Many envisioned the giant
slayer like David. Others pictured a prophet summoning fire from

the heavens like Elijah. But Jesus came to us in
an unexpected way. The maker of the stars and captain
of the cosmos chose to descend upon our world wrapped
in humility. Iro did not come as a charioteer writing
the stars, but as a baby lying vulnerably in a manger.
I'm excited to begin this journey with you. I hope

this fresh take on the life of Jesus will compel
you to draw near to God and challenge you to
take his character upon you. The truth is we can't
encounter the story of Jesus and leave unchanged. His life
miracles and words demand a response from us. With each episode,
you will discover deeper layers to the person, work, and
might of Jesus. My prayer for you is that Jesus

would grip your heart and remind you that he can
be your hero too. We will begin this episode with
a prelude, a story captured from another space and time.
It is impossible for us to explore Jesus without first
going to the beginning, when mankind was first exposed to
darkness and hope for the light began. Here is episode

one He Is Coming.

Speaker 2 (04:17):
Prelude, Chapter one. In the beginning, there was silence. There
was no singing of angels in the heavens, no creatures
howling on the earth. Darkness loomed over the chaotic waters,
and creation was but an idea, not yet manifested. Then,

in the dark and quiet mystery of an untamed universe,
a voice spoke, Let there be light, and a burst
of life, and light broke through the noiseless void. The
word of God formed and fashioned every detail of the cosmo.

This word was powerful. This word was with God and
was God. Beams of light and streams of water obeyed
the word, and it was good. God created life itself
with his very voice. The earth and the fullness therein
was created by Him and for him. Within his creation,

he chose to reflect his own character and his own
image through mankind. From the dust, he formed men and women,
and he stamped them with his lightness. He created a
garden teeming with life and freedom. God dwelled in this
garden with them. God commissioned man to tend to his

creation and enjoy it. They were to be fruitful and
multiply all throughout the earth, bringing the character and image
of God wherever they stepped His creation, danced and harmony
with one another. It was a beautiful relationship. Yet every
relationship requires choice. God gave the first men and women

the choice. They could choose to dwell with Him and
follow in His ways, or they could be their own
gods and know the burdens of good and evil. Mankind
chose wrongly. They chose to live a life that learned
away from God and towards death. Because of this, they

were cast out from the garden. The ground beneath him
was cursed and no longer produced food without labor. The
unity between husband and wife was tainted with strife. The
bond of brotherhood was marred with jealousy. Mankind chose to
act as though they were their own creators, and they

ignored the voice of God. Darkness loomed once again. Mankind
was drawn away from the light. They tasted death and
an altogether worse darkness. Dwelled among them. Even though the
light still shone brightly, it became dim to them. Cold,

alone and broken, they fell deeper and deeper into their
own sin. The darkness was too much to bear. Its
weight was heavy, like the waves of the sea. The
swells of sin billowed and beat against the vessels of
their souls. Yet there was one who had the single

word that could calm it.

Speaker 4 (07:41):

Speaker 2 (07:43):
The weight mankind was destined to drown under would be
poured out on another, God himself. The word would descend
in a cosmic rescue mission to redeem his image bearers.
The death that bound the children of God would be
chased out by the light of the world. By his

wounds they would be healed, and by his blood they
would be washed clean. This is the story of that
light returning once again, and the hero of all creation
redeeming his people. This new word was preceded by a
voice speaking into the silence. This voice came from a

man named John. Chapter one, He is Coming. Nearly five
hundred years had passed since God had spoken to his
people through the prophets. The people of Israel longed for
their promised hero. The Law and the prophets had spoken

of a Messiah who had come to rescue them from
oppression and bondage. So they waited, holding fast to their
religious traditions and practices that kept them tethered to their culture.
The age of education, religion, and government had emerged in Israel,
but not without cost. The Roman Empire had conquered almost

all the known world, and Caesar's grip on the nation
of Israel was hard and cruel. The Jewish people remained
faithful to the practices of the Temple, and the priests
and pharisees grew more rigid in their religious dogmaey the
nation was pining for a Messiah. Religious oppression from within

and military oppression from without left God's people longing for
a savior. In the days when Herod was king over Judea,
there was a priest named Zechariah. He and his wife
Elizabeth were beloved members of their community. Together they sought
the righteousness of God. Since they had not been blessed

with the ability to have children, the two of them
dedicated their lives to the ministry of God. It pained
them that they could not have children. It was a
desire of their hearts for so long. Yet now that
they were advanced in years they had come to accept
where the Lord had them. It was before dawn and

the sun had not yet made its way over the horizon.
Zachariah woke up and breathed in the coolness of the morning.
He dressed himself in his ceremonial robes, strapped on his sandals.
Was the day of Atonement, a special day where the
priests would make sacrifices on behalf of the people of God.

His specific division was on duty that morning. Zachariah walked
the road leading up to the Temple of Jerusalem. He
could see its gold fixtures reflecting and the rising sun.
Its rays of light spread across the city streets, making
it impossible to ignore. Zachariah walked up to the temple

and greeted his fellow priests. As was the custom, they
were going to cast lots to determine special roles for
the priests. The first lot was to choose who would
cleanse the altar and prepare the fire for sacrifice. The
second lot determined who would killed the morning sacrifice. The
third lot was the most special of tasks. The third

lot determined who would come and offer incense in the
holy of holies, the presence of God covered by a
thick veil in the depths of the temple. This third
lot was at once in a lifetime opportunity. Hundreds of
people were gathering outside the temple to take part in

the morning worship. The sun was peeking over the temple
roof and shone brightly over their faces. The priests gathered
and the lots were passed. Zachariah watched as the lots
fell into the hall. The first was cast and fell
on Amram, he would cleanse and prepare the altar. The

second lot was flung into the air and landed on
the name of Fival. He would kill the morning sacrifice
on behalf of the people. Then came the third lot.
The high priest passed the lot high into the air,
and everyone watched as it fumbled round the floor. Zachariah's
eyes widened as he saw the lot fall on his name.

His heart began to pound, and his eyes immediately darted
towards the high part of the temple. He was just
chosen to enter the holiest ground on earth, the chosen
dwelling place of God. The gong sounded and reverberated all
throughout the temple courtyard. As Zechariah took steps forward towards

the vale, the thick curtains motionless, his bottom laying heavy
over a stone floor, zachariaher gulped. Holding the incense in
his hand. He did his best to keep his hand
from shaking as he passed through the veil opening.

Speaker 4 (13:14):
Into the room, the.

Speaker 2 (13:16):
Holy of Holies, the most holy place where no man
could enter except for this one day year. Zechariah faced
the golden automate with the incense. He took a step forward,
being mindful of the rope tied around his waist. Many
men had died there behind the veil, so priests took precautions.

The room was dimly lit by a single golden lampstand.
It was silent, almost too silent. The only sound Zachariah
could hear was the pounding of his own heart. He approached,
he altared cautiously. Zachariah never experienced something like this. Despite

the room being empty, he could clearly feel the presence
for another The incense burned and filled the room with
a rich smoke. Its haze made the dim light from
the lampstand disperse in several directions. Zechariah closed his eyes
and took a deep breath. Before he could utter any

word of prayer, a burst of light knocked him down
on his back. Zechariah stumbled to his feet before gazing
up to see an Angel of the Lord on the
right side of the altar. The smoke covered his face
and Zechariah thought he was being attacked. The angel was
a glorious sight, almost indescribable to nature and stature. He

was gloriously terrifying. Fear overcame Zechariah as he fell to
his face, trembling. This is where I die. He thought.
The angel must have come to kill me. The angel
was perched on the altar, looking down at the trembling priest.
Despite their closeness to heaven, angels did not fully understand

the relationship God had when these creatures so imperfect yet
so beloved by the Most High. The angel peered at Zechariah,
as many humans did when seeing angels. He was incredibly
afraid and shaking. The angel comforted him, saying.

Speaker 4 (15:31):
Do not be afraid, Zachariah. To day your prayers have
been answered.

Speaker 2 (15:37):
The quivering priest looked up to see what seemed to
be a smile on the angel. Slightly curious, but still afraid,
Zechariah rose to his feet. The angel continued, saying.

Speaker 4 (15:50):
The Lord has found you and your wife people of favor.
You too will soon bear a son, and his name
will be John.

Speaker 2 (16:00):
Zachariah's jaw nearly hit the floor with disbelief as he
watched the creature speak. Sensing the doubt in the priest,
the angel continued.

Speaker 4 (16:10):
Ah, what a joy it will be for your household.
Many will rejoice set this little one's birth, for he
will be special. Yes, he will be a great voice
proclaiming the coming of our Lord. His words will go
forth like iron to wood and reach the.

Speaker 2 (16:27):
Hearts of many.

Speaker 4 (16:29):
Be sure that this child is not given to wine
or strong drink, for he will need his wits about
him for the coming mission.

Speaker 2 (16:36):
The angel's presence grew more palpable as he raised his
hands to heaven and shouted.

Speaker 4 (16:43):
Yes, Zachariah, your son will be filled with the spirit
of the Living God, even from his mother's wound. The
Holy Spirit will mold and shape his heart to know
his will.

Speaker 2 (16:55):
Zachariah stepped back, tempted to slap himself to wake up.
Was not a dream? Before him stood a heavenly being
telling him that he and his aged wife were going
to have a son, and somehow he was going to
be special. The angel cocked his head towards the feral priest.

An intensity boiled up in his eyes, and his voice
grew more serious.

Speaker 4 (17:21):
The spirit and power of Elijah was prophesied to return
and prepare the nation of Israel for their king. It
will be your son, Zachariah, who carries that burden. He
will turn many hearts to the wisdom and justice of God.
He will prepare the way for the coming Messiah, the Messiah.

Speaker 2 (17:44):
But this cannot be true, Zachariah exclaimed, Look at me,
I'm an old man. My wife is well, at fast
past child bearing years. Perhaps you have the wrang. I
am Gabriel, The angel interrupted with a gust of wind
behind his voice. The booming sound launched Zechariah off his feet.

Speaker 4 (18:07):
I stand in the presence of the most high Creator himself.
It is I who was sent to speak to you
this good news. And here you stand in doubting that.

Speaker 2 (18:17):
The angel's power was felt in this moment. It wasn't human,
it was something else entirely. Zachariah covered his face before
he could respond. Gabriel spoke, saying, you.

Speaker 4 (18:31):
Will see the goodness of God before your very eyes.
But behold, you will not be able to speak until
your son is born. Your speech will be taken from you,
therefore forcing you to truly consider the blessing of God
within yourself. Hear me, this word will be fulfilled.

Speaker 2 (18:52):
Gabriel was silent and leaned down to the crying priest.
With a resolute voice, filled with a hope, he whispered,
he is coming. He whose final words the angel disappeared
into the smoke of the burning incense. Much time had

passed since Zechariah entered behind the veil. The other priests
were growing worried. However, when he emerged that they were
unable to know what had happened. For just as Gabriel
declared he was unable to speak, Zechariah's face was white
as shock, Yet deep within his soul he knew what

the angel said was true. He stumbled home, and that
night he made love to Elizabeth and fell asleep in
her warm embrace. Just a few months later, as Elizabeth
was walking to retrieve water, she could feel the slight
cakes of the baby and her womb. Her eyes welled
up with tears as she fell to her knees. Ah,

the Lord has smiled upon me, she whispered to herself.
So Elizabeth continued to praise God as Zechariah struggled in
his silence. God was clearly at work in them. They
could see the will of God dimly but not yet
fully formed. That was until they were paid a visit

from Elizabeth's cousin Mary.

Speaker 3 (20:26):
Everything is being set up for Jesus to come, and
I can't wait to see how the story unfolds. This
episode set up a foundation for us, specifically with the prelude.
The prelude took us all the way back to the beginning,
when the Word of God spoke the expanse of heaven
and the foundation of earth into existence. We were given

a poetic overview of the creation's story, followed by the
telling of man's fall from paradise. At the end of
the prelude. We are supposed to feel this longing for
the light of mankind to return. Not just longing, but
a deep need to be saved. No doubt, many of
us have felt like boats being tossed to and fro
by the storms of life ever since the Garden of Eden.

We have been longing for peace, light, and life. The
prelude connects us to that deep need while also offering
us hope that redemption is coming. He is coming. The
prelude puts a great deal of emphasis on the Word
of God. John One tells us that the Word of
God became flesh and dwelt among us. Jesus is referred

to as the Word of God. Why to put it simply,
words are our greatest tool to express our identities, hopes,
and intentions. Jesus is God's way of expressing his identity, hope,
and intentions.

Speaker 2 (21:44):
For us.

Speaker 3 (21:45):
Jesus is the embodiment of who God is and the
highest expression of truth. And just as the Word of
God formed the cosmos, he wants to form us as well.
He wants to take the chaotic nothingness within us and
create order. He wants to speak peace to the sees
that rage within us and speak light and life into
the barren wastelands of our hearts. The Creation story is

not just a poetic account of what happened. It is
an invitation to have the same thing happen to us.
As this series unfolds and the Word of God Jesus speaks.
Remember that it is the same voice that said, let
there be light, Allow the unformed parts of your heart
to be spoken to, and wait as paradise grows within

your soul. After the prelude were introduced to Zachariah, a
priest in the Temple of Jerusalem. He was a part
of a religious structure that was designed to preserve the
Jewish people under intense persecution. The history of Jewish suffering
cannot be understated. Since they're enslavement in Egypt. They have
been attacked, enslaved, and subjected by every major empire that

ruled each age. However, faith, the Law of Moses, tradition,
and a rich heritage kept them alive. It is important
to me mention this because the religious Jews will occasionally
come across as villains in this series. They aren't the villains.
They built a dogmatic religious structure that protected them from
assimulating into Roman culture, and it was that system that

kept a culture alive long enough to see the long
awaited Messiah come. Zacharia is not just a character in
this episode. He is a symbol. He is a symbol
of the transition between two religious systems, the Old covenant
promises and laws established by God in the Old Testament
is about to be fulfilled, making a path for a

new covenant through Jesus. Zacharia's son is going to be
the forerunner for Jesus, preparing hearts for the new work
God is about to do. There is symbolic significance to
Zachariah entering the Holy of Holies behind the veil. This
was the place where the manifest presence of God dwelt,
separated from the rest of the world by a thick curtain.

This whole story is about the veil being torn, giving
every man and woman access to God. At the end
of this series you will hear about the veil again.
Our hero's body will be torn asunder, and the veil
separating God and man will be torn as well. When
Zachari enters the Holy of Holies, we are given the
ominous feeling that someone else is there with him. Clearly,

the presence of God is palpable in that room, but
there is another as well, a creature unlike anything Zacharia
has ever seen. The story uses the word creature purposefully. Oftentimes,
when angels are portrayed in movies, they're given a cute
and harmless quality, but that is not how the Bible
describes them. Some angels are described in detail and are

frankly terrifying. Angels like Gabriel are described with more humanlike characteristics,
but they were not simply humans with pretty wings. There
was a different quality to them and a glory that
instilled fear in anyone they came into contact with. The
Bible also tells us that we get access to God
in a way that angels marvel at. Although they are

heavenly beings, their relationship with God is not like ours.
They do not bear his image or get access to
his heart in the same way. This is why Gabriel's
interaction with humans in this story is supposed to be
a little awkward and different from a simple human to
human interaction. Gabriel will visit again in this series. The

angel has a message for Zachariah. His wife will give
birth to a baby boy, and his name will be John.
According to Gabriel, he will be a great voice proclaiming
the coming of the Lord. His words will go forth
like iron to wood and reach the hearts of many.
Elizabeth bearing a child is highly improbable, and Zachariah reminds

Gabriel that they are both beyond. Zacharia's protest is an
interesting one because it reveals an ignorance of the scriptures.
All throughout the Old Testament, God showed favor to his
people by opening up the baron womb. There are six
stories of barren women in the Old Testament, Sarah, Rebecca,
and Rachel, who are all matriarchs. There was also Hannah,

the mother of the prophet Samuel, the unnamed mother of Samson,
and a Shunamite woman who was an assistant to Elisha.
In all these instances, God opens up their wounds so
they can give birth to God's chosen patriots, heroes, and prophets.
This is perhaps one of the most important patterns in
the entire Bible. This ongoing motif was trumpeting the promise

of a son. In each of these stories, the son
that came from the baron woman went to suffer and
redeem God's people in some way. Isaac was almost sacrificed
at the altar, but went on to continue the promise
of Abraham. Jacob fled for his life but became Israel.
Joseph was sold in the slavery, nearly killed, but rose

to power to redeem his family. Samson waged war against
the Philistines and died to save his nation. Samuel was
given up as a young boy to be a priest,
then served the nation of Israel as their last judge.
The Shoudamite Son died but was brought back to life
by Elisha. All of these men came from barn wounds
and modeled in some way the life of Jesus. Zachariah

should have known better when protesting God's promise. Let me
ask you a question. What is more impossible than a
barren woman becoming pregnant a virgin becoming pregnant. God is
going to transition from doing the improbable to the impossible.
Our story ends with a dim picture of things to come,
but the image is getting clearer. The unknown future presented

to Zachariah and Elizabeth represents the obscurity of Jesus's arrival.
There are whispers, veiled prophecies, and echoes of things to come,
but nobody can fully be prepared for what's about to happen.
An unlikely hero is coming, and the long awaited light
is about to show into the darkness. Our journey has begun,

and I can't wait to see what happens next. Join
us next time for episode two You Are Chosen, we
will meet the two people chosen by God to raise
his Son. Thanks again for listening. For more inspiring stories,
daily prayers and wisdom to last a lifetime, go to
pray dot com. And to expand your heroes in the

Bible Journey, download the Heroes of the Faith devotional at
Tonyevans dot org. Forward slash Heroes. Follow the podcast on
Apple or Spotify to get the newest episodes right as
they come out, and always be inspired by the Bible.
God bless
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