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March 8, 2024 37 mins

Chapter 2 of Heroes in the Bible: Jesus with Dr. Tony Evans is inspired by the Gospels.

You Are Chosen - Mary and Joseph are chosen to be the parents who raise the Messiah. Much will be required of Mary and Joseph to enact God’s will, thus leading us by example.

Today's opening prayer is inspired by Luke 1:30-31, And the angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favour with God. And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name Jesus.

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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
And the angel said, unto her, fear not Mary, for
thou hast found favor with God. And behold, thou shalt
conceive in thy womb and bring forth a son, and
shalt call his name Jesus. Luke one thirty and thirty one.

Heavenly Father, I am so grateful that you have a
plan and purpose for each one of us. You sent
an angel to confirm to Mary that she was favored
among women. You chose her to bring forth your son
and told her to call him Jesus. She had no
idea what all that would entail, but she submitted to

your will and trusted that you would guide her through
whatever it would take.

Speaker 2 (00:48):
For that to happen.

Speaker 1 (00:50):
She was just a teenage girl who was not married
to Joseph, her fiancee, and yet she was to have
a child out of wedlock. How terrifying that must have
been for this young girl at this time. But she said, yes,
Lord Father, there are things you are calling me to

that I don't understand, that are often so contrary to
my natural senses. But yet I know it's your voice
directing me. It's scary when I step out in faith
and follow your will for my life. But as I yield,
then say yes, Lord, I find purpose and meaning for

my life beyond what I could ever imagine. Mary never
imagined she would carry the savior of the world in
her womb, and I can't imagine all the glorious adventures
you have in store for me. Lord. I want to
be as yielded to you as Mary and say yes, Lord,

not my will, but thy will be done in my
life in Jesus' name.

Speaker 2 (02:05):

Speaker 1 (02:07):
Stay tuned to immerse yourself in the greatest stories ever
told from prey dot COM's podcast Heroes in the Bible.

Speaker 3 (02:17):
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Speaker 4 (03:19):
Hi, I'm doctor Tony Evans and I'm excited for you
to join me on Heroes in the Bible Jesus. Please
follow this podcast on Apple or Spotify to get the
latest episodes so you can continue strengthening your relationship with Jesus.
Welcome to the greatest story ever told. It is a
tale of a shepherd's heart for his sheep, a father's

love for his children, and a hero's triumph over death
and darkness. This is a story that continues to shape
and mold the world around us, bringing the divine heart
of God right into the heart of you and I.
In this episode, we meet the revered and loved Mary
and Joseph. They are chosen to take on a tremendous
burden and great blessing. This episode reminds us that being

called does not always mean being comfortable. These two ordinary
people are going to embark on an extraordinary journey of faith, love,
and destiny. I love how the epic adventure of the
life and ministry of Jesus begins in an unremarkable place
with unremarkable people. Unlike other religious origin stories, Jesus isn't

born from a volcano or sculpted from dragon scales. He's
born and raised with ordinary people. You and I will
get a glimpse into the humble context Jesus was born
into and the noble people that were chosen to parent him.
This episode is a sweet reminder to all of us
that God does extraordinary things through ordinary people. This episode

reminds me of Tewod Corinthians four seven, which says, we
now have this light shining in our hearts, but we
ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great tree.
This makes it clear that our great power is from God,
not from ourselves. God chooses to store his power and
glory in us, fragile humans. I love how in the

process he makes us strong. That is what will happen
in this episode, but first we will begin with a prelude.
This prelude reveals a promise that was etched upon the
hearts of God's people. Let's begin with episode two. You
are chosen. Be sure to stay tuned afterwards as we
unpack the themes and treasures from this episode. Talk to

you soon. Prelude to chapter two. Fear not, Abram, I
am your shield. I am your protector and blessing forever more.

God's voice whispered softly. Apram closed his eyes and allow
the midnight breezed to glide across his face. He was
on his knees with fists gripping the tall grass below.
Abram was troubled and doubted God's willingness to bless him.
He had left his home to follow God's calling, yet

now as he advanced in years, the true desire of
his heart had eluded him. He was still childless and
feared dying without an offspring to carry on his name.
Abram slammed his forehead into the ground.

Speaker 5 (06:32):
And wept, O, Lord, but what good is your blessing
if it dies with me? I am still childless.

Speaker 6 (06:39):
Shall everything you gave me go to my servants.

Speaker 5 (06:43):
The wind whistled through the valley, flowing against Abram's kneeling body.

Speaker 2 (06:48):
Look up, Abram, God whispered, Look and behold my glory.
Abram looked to the heavens. Bright stars filled the skies
like cripples in the sea. The galaxy could be seen
stretching across the firmament. Abram stood in awe the vastness

of God's creation. A single tear streamed down.

Speaker 5 (07:14):
His face as God spoke to him again, saying, do
you see these stars?

Speaker 2 (07:20):
Amber? Are you able to number the lights above?

Speaker 5 (07:25):
Abram's eyes glowed as he passed in the glory above.
The wind blew in his ears as God spoke boldly, proclaiming.

Speaker 2 (07:36):
I will make your offspring out number the stars. Through
your seat, all the nations will be blessed. I will
raise up a nation through you. You need only to believe.
Abram planted his feet firmly on the ground and raised

his arms. He yelled to the heavens as the winds howled.
He beamed from cheek to cheek, soaking in the presence
of his God. He believed in God's promise. He believed
that one day God would raise up a hero from
his offspring, one that would bless the whole world through

the light and love of God. Chapter two, You Are Chosen.
Mary rose from her bed and breathed in the herd
morning air. A dim light was peeking slightly through the
lattice of her humble home. Mary quietly removed her blanket

and stealthily climbed out of bed, trying not to wake
her siblings sleeping beside her. After getting dressed, she stepped outside.
The air was dry and cool, Goats were beginning to
emerge to the brewster's call, and families were beginning to
stir awake. Retrieving a pail for water, Mary made her

way down to the single well in town. Nazareth was
a poor village. The only remarkable thing about it was
just how unremarkable it was. It was far from the
trade roots, nowhere near the sea, and lacking the rich
culture many other cities had. There was no rich history

of brave heroes, and certainly no new and exciting events
to share. Nazareth was a predictably dull place, but for
Mary there was reason to be excited. She walked down
the dusty pathway to the well, stumbling on the occasional
hole in the ground. The dark haired young woman playfully

hummed and trotted along, hoping to cross paths with the
Stonemasons making their way to the quarry. She made her
way to the well and drew the water slowly, allowing
her eyes to wander in the distance towards the path
leading up the hill. She can hinued to hum, doing
her best, could not look desperate as other women who

injured approach the well. As she drew the last of
her water, she could hear the footsteps of a few
men making their way towards the quarry. Mary bluffed as
she caught sight of Joseph carrying his tools with the
other craftsmen. Joseph was not known for his strong spirit
or his rugged good looks. He was a humble craftsman

who was best known for his kind heart and devotion
to the Lord. The two of them were betrothed and
had committed themselves to be married in just a few
short months.

Speaker 5 (10:40):
To Mary, he represented something new, a small sliver of
excitement in an otherwise dull existence. The two blocked eyes
and Joseph grinned ear to ear at the sight of
his bride to bee. He waved with an almost childish enthusiasm,
and was immediately by the men walking aside her. The

two of them blushed, allowing others to playfully harass them.
As Joseph continued his way towards the quarry, Mary finished
filling her pail. She stumbled up the slight incline back
to her home. Her siblings had gone off to feed
the animals, and no doubt her father and mother had

departed to work and tend to the home. She waddled
with the heavy pail in both her arms and propped
the door open with her foot. Backing into the room,
Mary turned around to see a creature perched on the
latters of her room.

Speaker 6 (11:38):
Greetings, oh, favorite one, the angel exclaimed.

Speaker 5 (11:43):
Mary gasped, and the entire pail of water spilled everywhere.
Mary backpedaled at the sight of the angel and slipped
on to the floor. Her head hit the ground with
a thud as she let out a slight shriek of pain.
Grasping her head and clumsily stumbling to her feet, Mary
turned to dart for the door. Before she could take

another step, the angel was right in front of her.
He gave a reassuring smile and said.

Speaker 6 (12:10):
Please do not be afraid. The Lord is with you.

Speaker 5 (12:14):
Mary looked at the angel, perplexed but slightly less afraid.
She backed away slowly and sat on the side of
her bed. The angel opened up his arms and.

Speaker 6 (12:26):
Said, I am Gabriel, and I have come with good news. You,
o favorite one, are chosen.

Speaker 7 (12:36):
What does that mean?

Speaker 5 (12:37):
Mary asked, rubbing the back of her head.

Speaker 6 (12:40):
You have found favor with God.

Speaker 5 (12:42):
Mary, Gabriel explained.

Speaker 6 (12:44):
You are the one He has chosen to bear the
greatest burden and blessing this world has ever known.

Speaker 5 (12:51):
Gabriel's tone shifted for a moment, as if he was
playing a harp with his words.

Speaker 6 (12:58):
You, Mary, will conceive a son in your wound, will
be the chosen one of God. He will be the
great and mighty, son of the Most High, and on
his back the weight of all mankind will be carried.
The Lord will restore his kingdom in him, and he

will be given the throne of his father David. His
kingdom will have no end, and his glory will rain
into all eternity.

Speaker 5 (13:29):
Mary's jaw was nearly hitting the floor as she listened
to Gabriel. She shook her head in dismay.

Speaker 7 (13:36):
How are these things possible. I am a virgin, I
am very young and have not yet known a man.

Speaker 5 (13:45):
Mary's eyes were beginning to water. She was overwhelmed by
the whole experience. Gabriel was perched high above Mary, but
decided to come down at eye level. He tilted his
head to the side and looked Merry in the eyes.

Speaker 6 (14:01):
All things are possible with God, Mary.

Speaker 5 (14:04):
The creature smiled and raised his hands.

Speaker 6 (14:07):
The Holy Spirit will come upon you. The power of
the most High God will overshadow you. The child will
be the son of God himself.

Speaker 5 (14:17):
Mary's eyes widened in dis way.

Speaker 6 (14:20):
No doubt you have heard that your cousin Elizabeth has
conceived in her old age, a woman far past her
child bearing ears, is already six months pregnant. Now tell
me is there anything the Lord cannot do?

Speaker 5 (14:36):
Mary sat there quietly. Even now she could feel God's
spirit emboldening her. Her mind was like a rushing river
slowly narrowing into a quiet stream. She closed her eyes
tight and placed a hand on her belly. It was
at that moment Mary felt the favor of God upon her.

Tears streamed from her eyes, and smile made its way
across her face. She opened her eyes to heaven and
laughed joy, unimaginable and unexplainable joy. Mary rose to her
feet and wiped her tears. She wiped the dust off
her dress and smiled at Gabriel. After a deep breath,

she looked at him.

Speaker 7 (15:19):
And said, I am God's servant. I will gladly receive
his will according to what you've said.

Speaker 5 (15:26):
And with a nod, Gabriel vanished in a vapor. Mary
stepped outside. The sun was high in the sky. Mary
basked in its rays and looked around to see the
village going about its daily rhythm. She listened to the
bird's whistle along with the slight breeze, The dullness of

the day seemed to brighten up immensely. Mary's heart was
beating fast. She was still afraid of whatever may come,
but she knew in her bones that what Gabriel had
and said was true. So Mary made arrangements to go
visit her cousin Elizabeth to see what God was doing.

Mary traveled to the outskirts of Jerusalem, into the town
of Elizabeth from Zechariah. She had not told anyone why
she needed to visit Elizabeth. She didn't quite understand how
she would tell people, especially Joseph. So she hoped in
God and pondered everything in her heart. Elizabeth was tending

to the garden when she saw Mary arrive on a
small carriage. She looked up and waved. She was over
six months pregnant and beaming with joy. Elizabeth made her
way towards Mary, when all of a sudden, she felt
a jolt in her wound. Oh my, Elizabeth shouted, is
something wrong? Mary gasped with concern. Elizabeth laughed and smiled

ear to ear, exposing the aged cracks in her face.

Speaker 7 (17:00):
Ha ha, my sweet.

Speaker 5 (17:02):
Mary, Elizabeth said, with a grin, you are with child.
Mary's heart skipped the beat. How did she know? Mary
was no more than a couple weeks pregnant? Shirley Gabriel
did not tell every one of her miraculous encounter.

Speaker 7 (17:18):
Who told you that?

Speaker 5 (17:19):
Mary asked, concerned that more people might have known, Elizabeth
took Mary's hands.

Speaker 7 (17:25):
In hers, My child, it is an honor that the
mother of the Lord himself should visit me. When you
came close, the baby in my womb leapt for joy.
He's kicking. Now filled with the delight of God's spirit.

Speaker 5 (17:41):
Elizabeth held Mary's face and kissed her forehead.

Speaker 7 (17:45):
You are blessed, Mary. This is a burden, yes, but
so much good will come of this.

Speaker 5 (17:52):
Mary embraced Elizabeth. It was a relief to feel understood.
She wondered if her family and Joseph be as overjoyed,
would they believe her, would they judge her, would Joseph
still love her? All these questions filled her mind, but
the Lord was steadfast towards Mary. He gave her a

quiet resolve to press forward. Mary remained with Elizabeth and
Zachariah for three months. She watched Elizabeth joyfully struggle through
pregnancy and Zechariah silently attend to her needs. Even though
Zachariah was unable to speak, his love for his wife
was shown in his tender care towards her. As the

pregnancy grew more and more burdensome, Mary would attend to
daily chores and tasks on her cousin's behalf. All the while,
a small round bump on the end of Mary's belly
was beginning to form. She knew that when she returned
to Nazareth, there would be no hiding what had happened.

The time had finally coqued to Elizabeth to give birth.
The cries split the night like a bolt of lightness.
Mary remained in the room with Elizabeth and the other women.
As she pushed, curled, kicked, and screamed. Mary saw strengthen
her despite my wage, and wondered if she too would
be that strong with the time came. Hours had passed,

but it was finally time. With great agony and determination,
she pushed the child through, and the dimly lit room
was filled with the lively cries of a new boy.
Elizabeth held her bad boy in her arms. Tears streamed
down her face as she looked over a miracle child.

Speaker 7 (19:44):
We will name him Zachariah, after his.

Speaker 5 (19:47):
Father, she whispered. Then, after nine months of silence, a
deep voice could be heard from the corner of the room. No,
Zachariah said Ah. Elizabeth gasped, as did Mary and the
others with them. Zechariah smiled and held up his boy.
His name will be John, he said. The old priest

laughed and cried, You, my little son, will be a
prophet of the most High.

Speaker 2 (20:20):
You will prepare the way of the Lord. You will
point people towards their salvation. You will show them the
way you are a forerunner and chosen by God. The
morning light of Heaven is breaking on us this day.

Speaker 5 (20:43):
Mary took a step outside and looked to the heavens.
Her heart was filled with gladness. She laid a gentle
hand on her belly and took a deep breath. She
was reminded of the story of Abraham, how God once
met him in the silence of the night. Abraham looked
up to see the expanse of space and all the

stars within. It was that night God promised Abraham that
through his seed all the nations shall be blessed. And
now under the same stars. Mary was holding within her
the answer to that promise.

Speaker 7 (21:22):
My soul magnifies you.

Speaker 5 (21:24):
Mary whispered. The cool breeze rustled the nearby bushes. Mary
kept her eyes fixed on the heavens above.

Speaker 7 (21:34):
My spirit rejoices in my Savior. He has looked at me,
this humble servant, and considered me. From now on, every
generation will call me blessed.

Speaker 5 (21:47):
The wind picked up as Mary spoke, as if creation
itself was worshiping alongside her. Mary began singing to God.

Speaker 8 (21:57):
His mercy is shown to those who fear him, and
he has shown strength to those who are proud. He
brings down the mighty from their thrones and exalts the humble.
He has satisfied the hungry and rushed to the rescue

of his people, Israel. He has done what he promised
to Abraham, who so long ago.

Speaker 5 (22:28):
Mary closed her eyes and allowed the wind to kiss
her cheek. Then the next morning she departed back home.
It was noon and the blistering sun was hot against
Joseph's back. As he worked, the sound of chiseling against
stone was music to his ears. He loved being a craftsman.

He loved creating something that would be useful and bless people. However,
this project was perhaps his finest. While Mary was away
helping her cousin, Joseph was working on their new home.
He laid the foundation of stone and dreamed about the
little pitter pattering of feet that would run across it.

He dreamed of holding Mary in his arms while he
watched his children play. Joseph was anxious for her return
and often looked to the road to see if she
would be returning on any of the carriages coming in
from the city. As Joseph took a break to drink
some water, he saw a small carriage in the distance.

He raised his hand to block the sun and get
a better view. It was her, Mary. Joseph dropped the
water skin and ran toward the carriage.

Speaker 6 (23:41):
Just wait until she seized the beginning of our new home.

Speaker 5 (23:44):
Joseph thought he couldn't help but smile as he ran.
He couldn't wait to see her face, hear her laugh,
and watch her grin as he showed her the beginning
of their new home, Mary, Joseph shouted. As Mary drew closer,
something seemed different about her. Joseph slowed down to get
a steady look at her belly. As clear as day,

a slight bump had formed. Joseph's smile left him. The
carriage came to a stop, and Joseph helped Mary step down.
As the carriage rode away, the two of them stood
there in silence. Joseph's brow was furrowed, his eyes locked

on Mary's belly. Joseph, Mary said quietly. She tried getting
him to look at her, but his face was still.

Speaker 7 (24:38):
Joseph, I know what it may look like, but this
is not what it seems.

Speaker 5 (24:43):
At that point, Joseph's eyes darted up. They were filled
with betrayal and sorrow.

Speaker 6 (24:48):
What did I do to deserve this.

Speaker 5 (24:51):
Joseph asked, with a trembling voice.

Speaker 6 (24:54):
Have I not treated you with nothing but love and respect?
Have I not served your family and tre them as
my own? Have I not devoted myself to creating a
home for us?

Speaker 5 (25:05):
Joseph pointed back to the foundation he had been working
on for their new home. He opened his arms and
shook his head.

Speaker 6 (25:13):
Please, Mary, tell me why I deserve such betrayal.

Speaker 5 (25:18):
Mary opened her mouth to speak, but was promptly stopped
as Joseph held up his hand. He sighed, holding back tears,
his eyes locked with hers.

Speaker 6 (25:30):
It does not matter what you say. By law, I
have a right to stone you. I could drag you
out on the streets and allow people to shame you,
but I will not make you a spectacle. Your life
will be hard enough. Though my love for you remains,
I cannot marry you. We will call off our engagement silently,

so that you may hide away with your family.

Speaker 5 (25:55):
Joseph was a just man. He was a man of principle, courage,
and character. He would not allow any one to shame
Mary for one mistake. He loved her too much for
that yet he could not marry some one who could
betray him in such a way. So he departed from
Mary and pondered what his next steps might be. It

was late and Joseph was sitting under the stars on
a hill beside his home. The warm evening breeze made
the grass around him dance. He laid on his back,
gazing up at the sky, asking God for answers. He
was raised to believe, if he had been faithful, God
would bless him with the family. Joseph wrestled the bitterness

out of his mind. He loved Mary, he thought she
loved him too. Perhaps I should have listened to her,
he thought. Joseph sighed and closed his eyes. He allowed
his mind to wander and the soft breeze to rock
him into a deep sleep.

Speaker 6 (27:04):
Son of David.

Speaker 5 (27:05):
A voice called out to Joseph. Joseph looked round. It
was no longer in the field, but beside a stream.

Speaker 6 (27:12):
Joseph, son of David.

Speaker 5 (27:15):
The voice called out again. Joseph looked up to see
an angel perched on a tree planted beside the water.
Joseph rose to his feet to get a better look.
It was a magnificent creature and somehow terrifying and friendly
at the same time.

Speaker 6 (27:33):
Are you afraid, son of David?

Speaker 5 (27:35):
The angel asked, afraid of what? Joseph responded to take
Mary as your wife. The Angel clarified, are you afraid?
Joseph nodded. The angel leaped down from the tree and
stood face to face with Joseph. Don't be the angel said,
matter of fact me.

Speaker 6 (27:53):
The baby is conceived from God's own spirit. She has
not betrayed you, Joseph. She has been called by God
to bear a great responsibility.

Speaker 5 (28:03):
Joseph recalled Mary trying to convince him of such things,
and he was to hurt. Listen, what shall I do,
Joseph asked the angel.

Speaker 6 (28:12):
What does this all have to do with me? You
are chosen, Joseph. You have been chosen by God to
care for Mary and the child. She will bear a son,
and you shall call his name Jesus.

Speaker 5 (28:27):
Jesus, Joseph asked. He allowed himself to think for a moment.
The name Jesus means God saves. Joseph was beginning to understand.

Speaker 6 (28:40):
He will save his people from their sins. Gabriel said,
recall the words of Isaiah. Behold, the Virgin shall conceive
and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel,
which means God with us.

Speaker 5 (28:57):
Jesus, Joseph repeated, promised deliverer, and he has chosen Mary
and I to raise him. Joseph looked up to ask
the angel more questions than he had vanished. In that instant,
Joseph found himself awake again in the grass. The dawn
was beginning to break. Joseph's eyes widened and an uncontrollable

grin swept over his face. As he watched the sunrise,
He put his hands through his hair and began to laugh.
God had chosen him. God had chosen Mary. Joseph thought
about Mary. He thought about how hard it would have
been to tell him all these things. Joseph sprang to

his feet and ran down the hill. He knew where
he would find her. Joseph ran down the dusty pathway
to the well, stumbling on the occasional hole in the ground.
There he saw the dark haired young woman playfully humming
as she drew water. She looked up from the well

to see Joseph. The two of them locked eyes. Joseph
stepped forward and embraced Mary, wrapping her in his arms.
They cried, laughed, and shared a moment of profound resolve.
They were going to be married so they might raise
and protect the promised seed of Abraham, the son of David,

the Prince of Peace, the Savior of the world, and Manuel,
God's very own son.

Speaker 4 (30:32):
Jesus Christ, I want you to put yourself in the
position of Abraham, looking at the stars and hearing from
the voice of God himself. Imagine that you are the
one sitting by the hillside with the evening breeze caressing
your cheek. He tells you that you have been chosen

to take part in the redemptive arc of humanity, and
that through you all the world will be blessed. If
it were me, I would be in awe while also terrified.
I would probably be honored that God would choose to
bless me, while also scared of the grand responsibility. Mary
can relate to Abraham in this way. She was chosen

to be blessed above all other people, but also carry
a great responsibility. Mary is an extension of the promise
made to Abraham. Jesus will be the fulfillment of God's
great redemptive plan, and Mary is tied to that story
forever Abraham and Mary have a lot in common. Actually,
both were chosen out of obscurity. There was nothing remarkable

about Abraham when he was chosen by God. There was
no defining features that made Abraham more worthy of the
blessing than others. God simply chose him because of his
own will. We aren't given any reason as to why
Mary was chosen over other women in her tribe. Her
and her fiancee Joseph were both descendants of King David,

but they certainly weren't the only ones. We aren't given
reasons why Mary and Joseph were chosen for the same
reason we weren't given any for Abraham. It isn't about
who you are when God calls you, It's about who
you become when He calls you. Mary and Joseph will
rise to the occasion. The calling of God comes with
the spirit of God, and the spirit of God is

all that they need to accomplish the great task ahead
of them. The beginning of the episode gave us the
context of Jesus's life. Mary and Joseph were members of
a humble town called Nazareth, where nothing particularly remarkabill ever happen.
Later on in the series, we will meet a young
man named Nathaniel who will become a member of the Twelve.

When he has told Jesus is from Nazareus, he scoffs
and says, Nazareth, can any good come from there? As
it turns out, something very good came from Nazareus. The
backdrop of our story reminds us that extraordinary things can
come from ordinary places. Whatever mundane or bland place we
find ourselves in, there will always be potential for something remarkable. Oftentimes,

God works within the monotonous and ordinary routines and slowly
builds something spectacular over time. But there are other times
when God interrupts our passionless patterns with his spirit, sending
a media crashing down on our boring lives. He calls
us to adventure, like he called Mary, Joseph, and Abraham,
and we have the choice to respond. Mary's mundane routine

was interrupted by the presence of the angel Gabriel. The
angelic creature perched himself in her room and called her blessed.
He relayed God's calling that would change her life forever.
Mary's reaction was rather poised when you consider the circumstances.
There was a lot on the line for Mary. Put
aside the existential responsibility of bearing God's Messiah in your

womb and think about the immediate inconvenience. She has to
explain this to people, knowing that many of them won't
believe her, including her fiancee. Mary's destiny comes at a
cost to herself. A constant theme in the Gospels is destiny.
Christians refer to it as a calling, but the sentiment
is the same. We all want to feel like we

are destined for something great, called a higher purpose, but
the calling of God often comes at a cost to us.
If you think about it, our calling is similar to Mary's.
We are all asked to host God within us and
embrace the calling that comes with it. We might have
to make tough decisions and face hardship to follow God's calling.

Rest assured, what we gain in Jesus outweighs what we
lose in the world. Jesus will later on say, if
anyone would come after me, let him deny himself, take
up his cross, and follow me. This is one of
the great principles of Scripture. Greatness requires sacrifice, Glory requires surrender,
Heaven requires humility. Mary embraced her calling with dignity. But

with Joseph, Oh, poor Joseph, we can't help but feel
sorry for him. At first, we know that Mary is
carrying the Lord's child, but how is he supposed to
process that and take it at face value? Would you
take this story seriously at first? Of course not. It
would take divine intervention to prove a miracle like this.
Before Gabriel comes to visit him in a dream, Joseph

determines to divorce Mary secretly. By Jewish law and tradition,
he had every right to stone her in the public square,
but he was far too kind for that kindness. There's
a word that many men don't like to embody. The
brutality of history and conquest tells us that nice guys
typically finish last. But the Bible does its best to

instill a different value system. In the ancient world, greatness
was shown in strength and an ability to assert your
will over others. It wasn't untel Judeo Christian influence that
the tide begin to shift. Being merciful and humble all
of a sudden became greater virtues than strength and pride.
Frederick Meetsche observed this shift due to Christianity and sought

to decry it. He said it replaced strength for weakness,
but valuing kindness has been a force for good in history.
Joseph could have asserted his force over Mary and punished her,
but instead he showed kindness. This gave room for the
voice of God to speak in his life. Joseph showing
mercy to Mary gives us flashbacks to all the times

David showed mercy when it could have shown vengeance. Joseph
truly was a son of David, and Joseph eventually came
around he realized what was about to unfold. He and
Mary were chosen to bear a heavy burden. They were
going to steward God's chosen hero. They would nurse him,
change him, teach him, and protect him, all for the

purpose of being given up as a sacrifice. What wild
and spectacular things lie ahead for them. I am excited
to continue this series with you. In our next episode,
Mary and Joseph will make the journey to Bethlehem, where
the King of the Universe will humble himself in the
warmth of a manger. Join us for episode three, God

with Us. Thank you again for listening for more inspiring stories,
daily prayers and wisdom to last a lifetime, go to
pray dot com. And to expand your heroes in the
Bible journey, download the Heroes of the Faith devotional at
Tonyevans dot org Forward slash Heroes. Follow the podcast on

Apple or Spotify to get the newest episodes right as
they come out, and always be inspired by the Bible.
God bless
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