All Episodes

April 26, 2024 38 mins

Chapter 9 of Heroes in the Bible: Jesus with Dr. Tony Evans is inspired by the Gospels.

The Storm Within - Jesus’ power over nature and demons is put on full display as he silences an entire storm and puts an end to a legion of demons. This is perhaps one of the most dramatic events in Jesus’ ministry. His power is showcased in a breathtaking manner.

Today's opening prayer is inspired by Matthew 8:26, And he saith unto them, Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith? Then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
And he saith unto them, Why are ye fearful, O,
ye of little faith? Then he arose and rebuked the
winds and the sea, and there was a great calm.
Matthew six twenty six. Peace be still. In the same

way that Jesus spoke these words over the waves in
the storm, I too speak these words over the storms
in my life. Peace be still. When others come to
me to bring up the magnitude of the storm I
may be facing, I will, in all boldness, remind them

of the magnitude of my God. For there is nothing
that I can't conquer, because Jesus, who lives inside of me,
has already conquered this world and every trouble in it.
No matter the demonic attack around me, I will not
be moved when I am standing face to face with

Satan and his traps. Because of Jesus and his sacrifice,
I now possess more power than the darkest of enemies.
Thank you, Jesus, Thank you that I am set free,
and that I also have the power to point people
to you and your absolute freedom. In Jesus's name, Amen,

stay tuned to immerse yourself in the greatest stories ever
told from pray dot COM's podcast Heroes in the Bible.

Speaker 2 (01:42):
Hi, I'm doctor Tony Evans, your host for Heroes in
the Bible Jesus. If you've been enjoying the series, please
write a review and let me know how this podcast
has impacted your life. Welcome to the greatest story ever told.
It is a tale of a shepherd's heart for his sheep,
a father's life for his children, and a hero's triumph
over death and darkness. This is a story that continues

to shape and mold the world around us, bringing the
divine heart of God right into the hearts of you
and me. This episode is a declaration of strength to
anyone who finds themselves trapped in a storm. Storms take
many forms in our lives. Sometimes they're outer storms, where
circumstances blow against us like wind against the ship. Other
times there are inner storms, where the sea of our

emotions rage and seek to pull us into the abyss.
This episode is meant to encourage us that Jesus has
power over all the storms in our lives. He cares
deeply about you, and his word is able to quell
the waves that beat against the vessel of your soul.
If you find yourself trapped in a wind and treading water. Today.
I pray this episode will be an encouragement to you,

as well as a reminder that Jesus holds power over
your circumstances. This episode will begin, like every other, with
a prelude the people of Israel, a trap between depression
and destruction, with seemingly no escape. Where will they turn
when all seemed lost? Who will save them from certain death?
We will see that the same God who parted the

seas also calms the storms, and the same God who
calms the storms also wants to give you peace. Allow
this episode to speak to your heart. Think about your
own storms and ask a simple question, do I believe
God cares about me enough to bring me peace? Join
me after the episode as we unpack some themes and
key moments. Here is episode nine, the storm within.

Speaker 3 (03:40):
Pralude to chapter nine. Did you send us out here
just so we could be slaughtered? Don't you even care?
The Hebrew shouted, you have doomed us, Moses, the people
of God were standing between a vast and raging seed
and the entirety of Pharaoh's army. Moses turned back to

see thousands of chariots positioned at the top of a
hill leading down to the sea. Pillars of smoke from
the Lord consumed them, delaying them for a moment before
they made their attack. Moses was panicking. He had led
these people out on the command of God. Yet here
they were standing between death by sea or death by sword.

The wind howled on the coast, and the war cries
of Pharaoh's hoarde was deafening. Didn't we tell you just
to leave us as slaves in Egypt? The people shouted,
Their words of doubt cut deep. Moses was accountable for
their lives. Have I led them to their death? Moses

thought to himself, Have I been wrong this whole time?
He closed his eyes, ready to curl into himself and die.
He looked at the raging sea. There was no way passing.
Then he looked up at the chariots, consumed with smoke.
There was no way of fighting them. Moses looked at

the people. They were terrified. Women held their children close,
and men trembled where they stood. Before Moses was the
chosen leader of Israel, he was a shepherd. For the
first time he saw them as frightened sheep. Moses clinched
his fist around his staff. He climbed up to a

tall rock beside the sea and held his staff high
in the air. Do not fear, Moses shouted. His voice
was trembling but loud. He could feel courage bubbling up
from within. It was a fire in his bones. The
words burst from him like a dam breaking Stand.

Speaker 4 (05:53):
Firm, children of Israel, look and see the salvation of
your God.

Speaker 3 (06:00):
The wind picked up as Moses was speaking. A mighty
tempest began to rumble in the clouds. Thunder burst from
the heavens like war drums. Moses looked back to see
the wall of smoke dissipate the armies. If Pharaoh began
their descent, they were hell bent on slaughtering the men
and capturing the women. The people began to scream, but

Moses pointed back at the chariots and yelled, I want
you to look at them.

Speaker 4 (06:29):
See their chariots of gold and their spears of bronze.
Look upon the faces of your oppressors. Remember their whips
against your back. Remember how you cried out to God
for help, and he answered, get a good look. For
the Egyptians, whom you see to day, you will never
see again. The Lord will fight for you. The Lord

is your hero and your deliverer. Do not fear them,
fear the one who will end them.

Speaker 3 (07:00):
Moses jumped off the rock and ran through the crowd
to the shore. The people were silent. Moses closed his
eyes and heard the voice of God rumble in his heart.
It was like a lion ready to feast.

Speaker 5 (07:16):
I will get glory over Pharaoh. God said, stretch out
your hand, Moses, stretch out your hand and behold.

Speaker 3 (07:28):
Moses opened his eyes and looked out at the vast seas.
The wind was fierce. Moses lifted up his staff with
both hands high in the air. The wind blew in
from the east, and the waters were divided before them.
The people stood behind Moses, gasping at the wonders of
God displayed over nature. The waters were like pillars on

the right and left. The freed slaves of Egypt walked
through the sea unharmed. Moses kept his arms raised, beholding
the glory of God. He was truly the creator of
the universe. The wind and the waves bent to his will.
They obeyed his voice. Even the seas knew he was

the Lord. As the seas danced in place, and the
winds howled. The Egyptian army was closing the gap. The
oppressors were closing in on them, seeking to take their lives.
When every last man, woman, and child were safe on
the other side, the waters fell on the army of chariots.

All were consumed, and the oppressors drowned in the bottom
of the sea. Israel saw the great power that the
Lord used against the Egyptians. So the people feared the Lord,
and they believed in the Lord as their salvation. Chapter nine.

The storm within. Jesus regarded the crowd. There were thousands
of them gathered by the shore of the Sea of Galilee.
The heavy breeze whistled in from the vast waters as
Jesus taught about the Kingdom of God. By this point
Jesus had taught many things. People had traveled near and

far to hear him speak. However, Jesus understood the state
of every heart. Some would receive his words and others
would reject them. Looking to the crowd, Jesus began to
speak in parables.

Speaker 6 (09:36):
The sower went out to plant seeds in his fields.
He rose early in the morning, eager for the crop
awaiting him. As he spread the seed. Some fell along
the road beside the fields. The birds came and ate
the seed up. Some seed fell upon hard and rocky ground.
There was no soil to nurture the seeds, so he
immediately it sprung up, But then it rotted since the

they had no depth. Other seeds fell by the thorns,
where the weeds grew, and the weeds choked the life
out of the grain.

Speaker 3 (10:09):
Jesus smiled and held up his finger.

Speaker 6 (10:11):
Yet there was some seed who fell by the good soil.
It was rich and fertile, and perfect for growth. The
seed that fell by the soil produced thirty sixty and
a hundredfol.

Speaker 3 (10:25):
Jesus scanned the faces of the people standing on the shore.
He knew exactly where the seeds were falling. The clouds
were beginning to darken, and the sun was hidden by
the storm brewing in the horizon. The crowds were beginning
to depart their homes. Those that lived on the coast
understood the matter at hand. The storm such as this

had the potential to rip the boat to shreds. Master,
we should leave for tonight, Andrew said, A storm like
this will not be kind to us. The other disciples
nodded Simon. James and j On were fishermen and understood
the volatile nature of the sea. They respected the sea
and feared its power. Jesus looked at the horizon. About

five miles out was the other side of the sea.
The disciples watched Jesus's gaze closely. They could tell he
was up to something. Jesus smirked at his disciples and
hopped into the boat.

Speaker 6 (11:25):
Come now, let us go to the other side.

Speaker 3 (11:27):
He said. The disciples stuttered and looked out on the horizon.
They obviously did not see what Jesus saw. They saw
the gentle waves beginning to churn up into violent waves,
and the gentle breeze was beginning to pick up speed. Nevertheless,
they did as they were told and boarded Simon's fishing boat.

Andrew hoisted the sails as Simon manned the rudder. James
and John set the course and lifted the anchor. They
were professionals and sailed the boat like a musician and
playing his lyre. For the first mile, the wind was
blowing in the right direction for them to stay on course.
The boat rocked up and down to the volatile waves,

and the rest of the disciples held under the sides
of the ship. John looked out at the horizon. On
the other side of the sea were jagged mountain ranges.
They were dark and foreboding. There had been rumors of
a man that lived in the caves there. They said
he had the strength of a thousand men, and he

was able to break chains with his bare hands. The
very thought sent shivers down John's spine. The sun had
set and Jesus's eyes were heavy. He had spent much
of the day teaching, healing, and ministering to people, even
with the glaring storm ahead. Jesus moved to the stern

of the ship, where there was an underhang to sleep.
He laid his head on the cushion and fell fast asleep.
Simon looked at Jesus and then looked up at the clouds.
They were turning as dark as coal. He looked at Andrew,
concerned about their chances of making it to the other side. Then,

with almost no notice, the winds shifted. The boom of
the ship swung violently as the winds changed course, and
all the disciples ran for cover. Andrew leaped towards the
rope and kept the boom from swinging, Simon could feel
the rudder pulling to the left on its own. This
is it, Peter thought, this is the end. Two winds

blew in from the east and the west, colliding like
two titans at war. Simon yelled at Andrew to lift
the jibs so he could steer properly, but the winds
were flying in too many directions. The Disciples did their
best to sail in front of the storm, but its
reach was wide and violent. The rain began to beat

down like arrows under the side of the boat. Andrew
looked up at the sails. The wind was tearing them
to shreds. As he looked up, a wave crashed against
the silent person. Andrew went tumbling overboard. James launched himself
towards Andrew and grabbed his hand, and the sea was
like a beast seeking to devour it. To pray. Simon's

hands were bleeding from gripping the rudder. He could not
hold on for much longer. Get the water out of
the boat, Simon screamed, clamping the rudder between his arms
and chest to keep it in place. The rest of
the disciples used pails to scoop the water out of
the boat. All the while Jesus was sleeping underneath the
safety of the stern. Simon clenched his eyes to his

music cup. He was a man of the sea, but
he could not see a way out of this. He
looked at Jesus, and he was angry, angry that they
could be perishing, and he could be fast asleep. If
he let go of the rudder, the entire boat would
spiral out of control into the sea. Hello tightly, blood

dripping down into the pool of water beneath his feet. Master,
he whispered to himself, Master, he said, louder. Jesus did
not answer. Master. Simon yelled, did you send us out
here just so we could drown?

Speaker 4 (15:18):
Don't you even care?

Speaker 3 (15:20):
Simon yelled with a broken and frightened voice. Jesus arose
from his sleep and looked at Simon. The wind was
piercing and ripped against Jesus's body, yet he stood to
his feet with complete composure. Simon watched as Jesus marched
up to the front of the vessel. The wind roared

like a challenger to Jesus. The wind whipped at his back,
and the rain fell down like gravel. Jesus looked at
the storm like an adversary. The waves were merciless and
smashed against the boat to rop Jesus overboard. Yet in
the midst of an unrelenting force, God's hero stood firm.

He stretched out his hand and said, be still. Jesus's
voice rumbled like a lion's, and the waves were pushed
back by the power of his word. The clouds fled
like frightened animals. In an instant, the wind and waves ceased,
their onslaught. As the clouds cleared, the stars manifested themselves.

Their twinkling lights danced in the reflection of the glassy
sea below. The light from the stars bounced in thousands
of directions. All was quiet, and Jesus's face was revealed
in the dimly lit night. He closed his eyes and
breathed in deeply. Jesus turned back to his disciples and said,

where is your faith? Simon loosened his grip on the
rudder and fell to his knees. The disciples looked at
Jesus standing at the front of the boat. They bowed
in awe. It was as if nature itself had bowed
to him. He was truly the creator of the universe.

The wind and the waves bent to his will. They
obeyed his voice. Even the seas knew he was the Lord.
The night was almost over and the sun was rising
over the glassy sea. The other side was within view.
Like a mother placing her child down in its bed,

the vessel was placed carefully on to shore by the sea.
The disciples stumbled out of the boat, praising God they
were alive. Matthew leapt out of the boat and puked.
All this was far more excitement than counting coins in
the safety of his booth. The disciples embraced each other
with exhausted laughter. Jesus and Simon exchanged glances. Simon felt

comforted by his presence. Jesus had told them they would
make it to the other side. They should have never doubted.
Jesus laughed with his disciples and helped Matthew to his feet.
As the rest of the men made it off the boat,
a deep and painful cry could be heard from the canyons.

The screams pierced through the mountains. John's eyes widened. The
sound was bone chilling. James turned his head as the
sound of screams and broken chains grew louder. And louder.
The men looked to their right to see a beast
of a man running towards them at full force. The

man was naked and blood dripped from his torn apart chest.
His eyes were filled with blood thirst, and his speed
was unnatural, even with the heavy chains dangling from his
wrists and ankles. He huffed as he sprinted towards Jesus.
John was the first to bow back to the boat,
and the rest of the disciples began to make a

run for it. However, Jesus stepped forward. The man continued
his pursuit like a predator, picking up speed with every step.
Jesus marched forward. The disciples had just watched him tame
the seas, yet this man seemed to be more dangerous
than the tempest. The man was closing the gap, and

Jesus continued as steadily march towards him. As he got close,
the man leapt into the air to pounce on Jesus,
but he did not get the chance. Jesus held out
his hand, causing the man to joke back to the ground.
He writhed on the floor. The blood on his chest
dripped down his entire body. Tears of pain and agony

streamed down his face. He roared like a wounded animal.
Jesus knew what was plaguing this man. A demon had
oppressed him. Jesus spent down to touch the man, but
the demon leapt back on to his feet. He circled Jesus,
cocking his head back and forward as he spoke, Why

have you come to me, Jesus, Son of the Most High?
The demon spoke, but Jesus could hear the man behind
the voice. He was in pain and needed to be liberated.
The man, much like the Disciples moments earlier, was caught
in an intense storm. You have come to torment me,

he screamed. He leaped forward again for another attack, but
was quickly thwarted. He was not able to lay a
hand on Jesus. Jesus tracked the demon as he circled
around him. An ancient evil emanated from the demon, and
evil Jesus was familiar with.

Speaker 1 (20:49):
What is your name?

Speaker 3 (20:50):
Jesus asked. The Disciples were watching from afar. The demon
looked ready to attack at any moment, yet Jesus was
in no danger. Even the demons knew who their creator was,
they dared not touch him. Our name is legion, the
demon replied. His voice was jagged, like the grinding of

two stones. We are really, he said, with a laugh,
a coarse smile curved on the sides of his mouth.
He evoked numbers to intimidate Jesus. However, it would not work.
Jesus took a few steps forward, and the demon tripped
and fell on his back. He was afraid of Jesus,

and rightfully so. He stood in the presence of the
Lion of Judah, the one who was prophesied to crush
the serpent's head. The demon cowered in fear and fell
to its knees. Do not kill us, the demon said,
Do not cast us into the dark oblivion. The demon

gestured toward a herd of pigs grazing on bluffs overlooking
the sea. Send us into the pigs, jest, Do not
cast us out completely. The demons asked for mercy from Jesus.
It was an odd exchange, and the disciples watched in awe.
Jesus nodded, be out of this man, Away with you,

he commanded. The man's body jolted backwards. He groaned and
screamed for a moment. Then there was silence as the
man lay face down in the sand. Jesus looked up
to the bluffs overlooking the sea. The herd of swine
began to circle in confusion. Squealing, they writhed and whipped

their bodies in every direction. Eventually they all ran off
the cliffs into the sea. All the demons were consumed,
and the oppressors drowned in the bottom of the sea.
The pig herders ran after the falling pigs and watched
them in the bottom of the sea. They looked down
to see Jesus kneeling over the man. Legion had become

a menace to the nearby community, so the herders ran
back into town right away to tell people what had happened.
Jesus looked over the man's mangled body. He was unconscious,
but alive and free from his oppressor. Jesus gestured for
the disciples to come and bring water in clothing. They

looked at one another, nudging each one to go first.
Thaddeus came forward with some water, and James followed with
a tunic. John trailed timidly behind. Jesus gave him water,
bread and clothed him, Andrew sewed up his scars best
he could, he only had experience with fishing nets. After

having food and water, the man began to think clearly.
He stayed close to Jesus, clinging to him like a
fright child. Eventually, the pig herd Is returned with the
mob of villagers. They were expecting to drive out the
man once again and show him back into the mountains.
For years they had shunned him, even resorting to chaining

him to the cave walls. Yet he had broken his
chains every time and terrorized the village below. They found
the man sitting with the disciples in his right mind.
They approached with pitchforks and daggers in their hands. The
village leader approached the group with his sword in hand.
You must leave, please, the man begged. His knees were

trembling and his sword was shaking in his hand. Do
not worry, friend, John replied with a grin Jesus has
healed him. Look, this man is no longer possessed by
that unclean spirit. He is in his right mind, and
there is nothing to fear. The people stirred as John
said these things. The leader nodded his head. Yes, we
can see that the man is clear.

Speaker 4 (25:00):
However, it is not him, we are afraid.

Speaker 3 (25:03):
Of the man gestured towards Jesus. The disciples tilted their
heads in confusion. Jesus understood their fear. They were more
afraid of the power Jesus had than the danger the
demon posed. Please, he said politely.

Speaker 4 (25:18):
What you have done is miraculous, But do not come
back here.

Speaker 3 (25:22):
We want no more dealings with demons. So Jesus waved
for his disciples to follow him, and they departed back
to their boat. The men boarded the boat and James
and John were beginning to push the boat out to sea. Wait,
take me with you, the healed man yelled as he
came towards the boat. Don't leave me here with them.

The man came to the boat and Jesus jumped off
and embraced him. He enveloped him with fatherly love, and
the man began to weep. They changed me to the cave.
He whispered into Jesus's shoulder. Tears streamed down his cheeks.
The disciples hearts broke as they watched. Jesus held his

shoulders and looked him in the eye. No, my child,
he said.

Speaker 6 (26:12):
Something grand has happened to you. Tell people the story.
Tell them how you are lost and now you are found.
Tell them of the great things that you witness. Tell
them how much the Lord has done for you.

Speaker 3 (26:28):
The man wiped his nose and nodded. Jesus smiled and
gave him one final embrace. He boarded the boat. James
and John launched the boat into the sea, and Simon
held the rudder once again. Andrew let the sails down,
and the Disciples departed. The man stood at the shore line,
watching as the boat faded into the horizon. For years,

his body was not his own. He was enslaved. Yet
God had liberated him and delivered him from his oppressors.
Legion was consumed and his oppressors drowned in the bottom
of the sea. He saw the great power that the
Lord used against the demons, so he feared the Lord
and believed in the Lord as his salvation. The Disciples

watched as the man shrunk out of view. The light
wind was gliding over the glassy waters. The sail was
perfectly taut, propelling the boat forward. They looked at Jesus,
silent and in awe. Jesus had calmed the seas and
the wind, nature itself bent to his will. Then the

demons themselves quaked at his name. He was not just
able to calm the wind in the waves, but also
the storm within Jesus. Philip said, what was the purpose
of the sower and the seed parable? There was a
chuckle among the group. They had all been confused, too
prideful to ask. Jesus smirked and pulled his hair back.

He looked up at them and loved them.

Speaker 6 (28:07):
The sore is the one who preaches the word of.

Speaker 3 (28:10):
God, Jesus replied. The disciples huddled in and rested in
the boat. They listened to Jesus with eyes half open.
It had been a long night and a long day.
They were content to be by Jesus's side, listening to
his wisdom. The sun was setting and the skies were

splashed with a deep orange. Jesus continued explaining the parable, saying.

Speaker 6 (28:37):
When some people hear Satan immediately comes and takes away
the word that was given to them, those are the
seeds that fell by the road. The rocky ground represents
those who, when hearing the word, they immediately receive it
with enthusiasm. However, they have no depth, and the root
is unable to endure. When persecution or trials arise, they

now they shrink away.

Speaker 3 (29:01):
Jesus then darted his eyes towards Judas, who was silently
listening in the back of the boat.

Speaker 6 (29:07):
Then there are those by the thor. They hear the word,
but all the fears, doubts, greed, and anxieties of the
world choke them out, and they bear no fruit.

Speaker 3 (29:17):
The disciples were nodding. They bounced up and down to
the waves, and the light breeze continued to move the
vessel forward.

Speaker 6 (29:24):
Then there are some that fell into good soil. They
are the ones who hear, accept and transform. They produce
fruit for all to enjoy, and God is glorified in them.

Speaker 3 (29:37):
Jesus finished explaining, and many of the disciples blissfully fell asleep,
all but Simon, who was staying the course. When they
had finally made it to shore, Simon tied up the
boat and walked to the stern where Jesus had slept.
He crawled under the overhang and fell into a deep sleep.

Jesus watched the stars replace the setting sun. There was
still a greater storm to be calmed. There was still
a greater enemy to be vanquished. When the time came,
he would be ready. He looked at his disciples and
rested his head against the mast. He would endure the

storm so they wouldn't have to.

Speaker 2 (30:23):
Do you even care? This was the question the Hebrews
shouted at Moses when the Egyptians were pursuing them. This
was also the question the disciples shouted at Jesus when
they thought they were going to drown at the bottom
of the sea. Don't you care? God? Where are you
during this trial? Are you even listening to me? These
are some of the most common questions we ask God

when we are scared, tired, and alone. When life sends
us unexpected storms and our emotions toss us to and fro,
we often wonder if God cares it all. This episode
sought to answer that question with a resounding Yes. God
cares about you, and he is with you in every circumstance.
The prelude connected us to a common motif in scripture

that is revisited in this story, and it is the
motif of unruly and chaotic waters. To unpact this theme,
we will need to go to the very beginning in Genesis,
when God was forming the world from the chaotic void.
As you know scripture is rich with imagery and motifs
to signal to us what God is up to, and
there is, in my opinion, one image that sits above

the rest water. You have the same still and quiet waters,
representing the refreshing presence of God's spirit. Then you have
the raging seas, representing the chaos and unpredictability of the world.
These chaotic waters were present in the beginning before God
spoke light and life over the void Genesis one two.
The four says the earth was without form and void,

and darkness was on the face of the deep, and
the spirit of God was hovering over the face of
the waters. Then God said, let there be light. And
there was light, and God saw the light that it
was good. And God divided the light from the darkness
with a word. Chaos and darkness were tamed. Since the
very beginning, God has been reminding us that his very

word can calm the storm and bring light to the darkness.
Dark and chaotic are the appropriate adjectives for the times
we find ourselves in, and it was the very literal
circumstance the Disciples found themselves in. During this episode, rain
beat down like arrows and waves crashed against the ship
like giants. They were trapped in chaos and darkness, just

like the Israelites were when being pursued by Egypt, and
the question the Disciples had for Jesus was an interesting one,
one that shakes us to the core. Teacher, do you
not care that we are perishing?

Speaker 3 (32:50):

Speaker 2 (32:51):
See, they are questions that we may think matter most
to people when it comes to God, questions that require
a case on the seven day creation, ontol logical reasoning
for the existence of God, or other matters of apologetics. However,
when people are in the midst of chaos and darkness,
they are often asking does God care about me? I'm perishing?

Does Jesus even care? Those are the questions we must
wrestle with the most. This episode sought to remind the
fearful and wondering heart that Jesus is in control. He
stepped forward and calmed the raging seas. He spoke saying
be still, and the storm ceased its rage, just as
he spoke peace over the waters in Genesis and part

of the seas in Exodus. Jesus quelled the storm and
brought peace to chaos. For the disciples, did you notice
Simon's posture during and after the storm. As the storm raged,
Simon gripped the rudder till his hands bled. He desperately
tried to fight against the storm, but felt his strength
failing him. However, after Jesus stepped up to the bow

and calmed the storm, Simon's grip loosened and he let
down his God. Is this you today? Are you in
a losing battle with the storms of life? Do you
feel tired, weary and unable to press on? The struggle
of every believer is to loosen our grip on the
rudder and let Jesus take over. He alone can speak

peace over the storms that rage around us. Just when
the disciples thought they were safe, a demon possessed man
ran toward them from the mountains. These disciples went from
a near death experience to a demoniac chasing them, But
such is the life of a disciple. The men ran away,
but Jesus stepped forward. This is a very important theme

in our series. When others run away, Jesus runs toward
the fray while others cower in fear. Jesus courageously faces
his foe. He steps toward the demon and engages with him.
It becomes very apparent to us that demons do not
see Jesus as an equal. They know better than most
that he is the son of God and vastly more

powerful than them. Jesus isn't scared of the same things
we are, nor does he feel overwhelmed by the things
that overwhelm us. He is steady when we feel unsteady,
brave when we feel afraid, and able when we are unable.
Whatever we lack, Jesus has in abundance. It is clear
what this man lacked peace For years, he was tormented

by a legion of demons and hid away in the mountains.
He was a danger to himself and those around him.
The villagers bound him in chains and he cut himself
with stones. He was caught in a storm of his own.
Only this storm was not around him, but within him.
This story presents us with the two different types of
storms we face. Some storms are outside of us, they

are contextual and rage around us. Example of these storms
can be a layoff at work, death in the family,
or health crisis. But there are other storms that rage
within us. Inner storms. Examples of these can be depression, anxiety,
or addiction. This episode seeks to remind us that Jesus
is in control over the outer and inner storms. He

wants to say, be still to all that thrashes within
and without. The episode ends with a grander point. There
was still a greater storm to be calm. There was
still a greater enemy to be vanquished. When the time came,
he would be ready. He looked at his disciples and
rested his head against the mast. He would endure the

storm so they wouldn't have to. Sin is the ultimate storm.
It swell overwhelms us, and its wind thrashes us. For
those caught in a whirlwind of their own sin. I
want to remind you that Jesus cares. He cares deeply
about you, your salvation, and your heart. He cares so much,
in fact, that he was willing to endure the cross.

In the same way the voice of God spoke life
and light into the chaotic void, Jesus wants to speak
of life and light into your heart. In the same
way God parted the raging seas or Israel could escape
their enemies, Jesus wants to make a way for you
to escape the grips of sin. In the same way
Jesus calm the storm for the disciples. Jesus wants to

give you peace in the midst of brokenness. In the
same way Jesus took control over Legion, he wants to
take control over your mind and heart. Jesus cares deeply.
My final prayer in light of this episode today is
that Jesus would grant you peace in the midst of
the storm. In our next episode, a beloved character will

wrestle with his own inner and out of storms. Alone
in a jail cell, he will ask a similar question,
does Jesus care join us? Next time for episode ten,
God or Ghost, thanks again for listening. For more inspiring stories,
daily prayers, and wisdom to last a lifetime, go to
pray dot com and to expand your heroes in the

Bible Journey, download the Heroes of the Faith devotional at
Tony Evans dot org Forward slash Heroes. Please please write
a review and let me know how Jesus and this
podcast have impacted your life. God bless
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