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March 1, 2023 38 mins

Did you know that not only is Pluto still a planet, but its energy and movement is about to set the tone for the Great Shift that begins this March, 2023?

Today, Brenda Rose—student of Astrology and teacher of all things Other Side, walks you through this astrological happening. But first we begin with the Sun and work our way out among the planets, explaining which astrological signs are attached to each planet and how that placement affects you personally and globally. Then we work our way to Pluto as it moves into Aquarius, bringing breakthroughs and breakdowns for the next 18 months. This is a pivotal moment in time, bringing transformation and rejuvenation especially in the realm of technology and transparency. You'll learn what to watch out for, how to best prepare, and be invited to find your personal power as we unite globally under Pluto's rule.

Because Earth School is hard, but the answers can be found in the Cosmos above, thanks to the miraculous design of the Other Side.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome to Insider's Guide to the Other Side, a production
of iHeartRadio. Hi, y'all, I'm Julie. Hi there, I'm Brenda.
Welcome to Insider's Guide to the Other Side. Now, y'all
need to know that we are obsessed with everything on
the other side. Yes we are, because once you learn

to navigate the energetic, or to some the invisible world,
life is going to be more fun and much more serene. Heck,
yes it can, because let's be honest, brand Earth school
is hard. In fact, you taught me that let's crush
Earth School together. Well, hello, my witchy pooh. What kind

of interesting planetary are insights are we gonna get from you?
I don't know. We will have to see my little
muda is to try and please help me make sure.
I think you do a good job for everybody. So

I'm super excited about this because, um, well, you love astrology.
I do love it, and I really should take a
class on it. I have like a lot. I'm getting
my class list, but together number one palmistry, which is
not like dynastry. I'm not when it's not teeth its hands.
And then I think Raiki's on my list astrology. I

got stuff to do, so we need to hurry this up.
I'm just kidding, but I love it because of all
the meanings. You know, it's UM. I remember years ago
reading about UM kind of like reincarnation and UM like
once you graduate, like you can eventually become like the

soul of a planet. I mean, I only think if
you have graduated, because you're not me, But I mean,
but that's what I read. It's like there's something about that.
But I think we should probably let you talk about
this because I really don't know a lot. So we're
going to go to you, so why don't here's a
way so literally talk to me like I'm an idiot,

because I am. So here's what I think would be
really helpful. Now when it comes to say, what I
think would be really helpful is let's just kind of
talk about the ecosystem of our solar system and the time,
because we talk a lot about like mercuries and retrograde
like four times a year. You know, it's like, oh,
if you look outside, you can see Mars or oh,

guess what we're going to see this green comment that
the Earth hasn't seen since the Stone Age, right, like
so we hear all of these either small or like
the moon or that comes out frequently, or these really
long haul shit that happens all the way back to
Stone Age. And so do you just want to kind

of lay a foundation of what the time our human constraints? Um, well,
what else I'll talk I'm just gonna yeah, just the
big picture, right, because I mean I've been a student,
active student with different teachers, although I've been with the
same teacher for three years now. Um, I've stayed with
other teachers for three years. Like, I'm always studying astrology

and I never feel like an astrologer ever, Like I don't.
I would never call myself an astrologer yet maybe someday,
but um, so I just let me as that I'll
call you was So you're now officially an astrologer. And
the reason we're talking about this now is because we
have this great shift that's coming in with Pluto that

starts this year. But first to just give some context
around the planets right that are with from We'll start
from closest to the Sun and move our way out.
We'll do that because that's just to remind people like
Mars is very travels, very closely with the sun and

Mars is uh, it's it's about fire. It's about Mars
is aggressive, it's super charged. It takes initiative, it doesn't
seek permission. There's a drive, there's perpetual motion. Like this
is the kind of energy that Mars brings. Is that
like the men are from Mars, women are from Venus.

Well it's it's a little bit of where that came from. Yeah,
well it is um it is stereotypically the male, like
you would talk about Mars as a heat because it
is the not I'm not talking about gender, I'm talking
about archetypes, right, So the energy is traditionally the male
driven focused archetype. So yes, strong as Mars. I know

it's not gender. Yeah, no, it's not gender at all. Right,
I mean we know and again where we can look
at the chart and go, oh yeah, your Mars is
fully activated, we go other people, Your Mars is underwater.
Fire's not like to be a to water, you know,
it doesn't. Yeah, And so that it's hard for people
with that situation. They have to work harder to access
their drive and their initiative. They're great, you know, bringing

people to them and inviting people in and making connections.
But that drive like we will run over people that
it's not going to be as much. So it depends
on their placement. For all these planets in your chart.
So we have you know, twelve signs, ten planets, right,
and they all move and dance in this medallion of
the astrological chart or the sky, right, because when when

we have an astrological chart, is just the picture of
the sky at the moment you were born, Like that's
what it is. So um. And then we have Venus
and Venus is if Mars is the sacred masculine, Venus
is a sacred feminine, and she is all about beauty
and uh, you know, having tangible things to um adorn, right,

and and creativity as well, like yes, crystals may be
part of the venus category, right, yeah, yeah, absolutely right,
because she um yeah, absolutely will leave that. And any
man that are very Venus had like love to be
adorned with all the pretty things, and they look better

than me every day of their life, even well they
have to. That competition is fierce. So Mars rules aries.
So if you're an aries, you automatically, if your son
is an aries, you automatically have a relationship with Mars.
Now how it gets expressed will change. Right. If you

are are a Taurus, you automatically have a relationship with
Venus because Venus rules Taurus, right, m or and and Virgo,
so those are you know, the Venus is one that
rules both because you know she's a woman, she's always
doing double time, right compared to the kind of jobs.
Editorial comment my brid that this is not astrology. Yeah,

and then we have Mercury and Mercury we are very
familiar with when Marcury goes backwards in the sky because
everyone's all abuzz about it. Right. Mercury is about learning,
it's about understanding, it's about words, it's about communication, it's
about um school, you know, that's what most of us learned.
And Mercury rules Gemini of course, so if you have

sun moon or rising in in Gemini, you would automatically
have an exalted relationship with Mercury. Makes sense, Oh my gosh,
yeah yeah, because again I like how you talk to
me like she don't know nothing, so I'm just gonna
tell her everything, and we know you have a relationship

with Gemini and Mercury. My little Chattio, I'm a global
process or what can I say? Thank you? We're so
glad you you are. And I know I'm rarely affected
by the way. The only that time I've ever been
affected by mercury and or grade is when it was
in Leo. Oh interested right, that's my sign, my son's sign.

Outside of that, mercury doesn't mess with me. So I
think that's really interesting. It is interesting. Good, good that
you know that. Then of course we have the moon.
The moon is our emotional world, how we experience and
express our emotions, and that of course rules the house
of cancer. So if you are a sign, if your
son is in the sun moon arising, is in cancer,

you automatically have this great connection with the moon. Wherever
the moon is located. I have a question about that.
I'm sorry I have to interrupt you now as you're
talking about these. So, if you're a cancer and you're
ruled by the moon, um in the moon likes very quickly.

It moves very quickly. Yeah, But so think of what
the Earth and our moon is very close to us, right,
So that's why it moves so quickly for us, For planets,
our moon would not move so click. We have such
an impact. But because it's so close to us, it
has a big impact on us. What does that mean

then for cancers? Is that what they're so emotional? And
I love cancers, so don't get me wrong. Well, cancer,
cancer in general is so emotional because that's their you know,
that's their sweet spot. They are kind and considerate and open,
and they take care of others and they supply what
you need before you even knew you needed it, and
sometimes exhausting. Sorry, cancers, but you sometimes can be to
us leaves, I love you. Well, that's because you are

more active in the intellectual world and all the words,
and cancer sometimes even has trouble with words because their
feelings are so strong. Oh my god, they just emit
the emotion without the words, and so sometimes that would
be that would be hard for you because you're like,
please use your words, because Brenda told me I can't

read your mind. She said it was rude. It is rude,
so all right. So um, so that's how that works.
And then of course we have the sun, which you
know very well, rules Leo, and is the sun is
all about how we show up, how it's our personality,
it's how it gets expressed, and we think we're the

center of the universe, and that makes Leo would prefer it.
But everybody, not everybody's sun is in Leo. I said,
we think, oh, yes, yes, we Leos think we are
the center of the universe. That we really like the Sun.
And you are not wrong because you are ruled by
the Sun. And that is sort of you know, the
sun goes out, the whole game's over. It's no kidding,

no kidding. So that is actually real. Um and let's
see what else do we have. Um, well, let me
start moving out. Do you want to take a quick
break and move out into some of the outer planets
and then we can really dive into Pluto. Okay, let's
take a break. Well, let's take a quick break. Oh okay,

so we're back Brenda's drinking water. And I just found
out that what we've been talking about our houses, and
I thought they were planets, So now they are planets.
I'm talking about the planet because right we're gonna be
we're gonna be talking about Pluto, but we are going
to and I just want to give context to the signs. Well,
I was giving you shit because okay, I know about

the house I drinking. Okay, so next Um. So the
next planet we've already talked about Mercury, which Mercury rule
rules two planets as well, so two houses as well.
Signs excuse me, and that's Virgo. So Virgo is an
Earth sign. Virgo is all about the body, it's all

about service, and it's very precise. So a lot of
healers have strong um positioning in the sign of Virgo,
and they have to be very precise, which is what
Mercury would want, right because it's it's an intellectual learning sign,
so it wants to learn things and do it right.

So you would want that with someone working with your body.
So I would think that it worked with my taxes too,
and the check that box right, Um, that's that would
be the eighth house. Next, we have the sign of
libra Um and that of course is ruled by Venus
as well. Right, so the goddess of beauty and um,

so the sign of Venus lives there. And Venus moves
very quickly, and Mercury moves very quickly, and they like
to travel with the Sun a lot. Often they're always
following us. I know, we're all following Leo, right, following
that Sun that is ruled that rules the house of

the sign of Leo um. And then we have the
eighth house, which is Scorpio um, and that is ruled
by Pluto, right the planet of the hour. And so
this is also where taxes live, okay, and Pluto House
of Secrets and Pluto. Yes, so that's um. That's the
eighth house. It's also like secret sexual secrets. A cult

um lives here. All the things that are think about.
It's Scorpio, think about anything that goes under the surface
that people don't talk about in polite company. So I
like whatever that means. Spio friends, the fun. Yeah, that
they are definitely fun. That is very true. But again,

because they are water sign, a lot of times words
can be challenging for them. Yeah, she's like, I don't.
I don't talk to those people. Yeah, that's probably I
don't have Scorpio friends. I'm just kidding. But I'm sure
you do. Because what are they born. They're very sensitive.
They're born towards the end the after the twenty third

of October to the twenty first of November. I have
a lot of Scorpio friends. Yeah, my brothers. Yeah, as
you would imagine. Yeah, but you have to watch because
they like secrets and sometimes I don't even realize they're
holding them. It's like you've never told me. That's like, huh,
I thought I had, oh like that knowing though, yeah

I have, Oh I thought I had. Yeah that I
meant too. You didn't know I had three eyes and
one's the back of my head covered by my hair.
I can't believe glad to tell you that that would
totally be Scorpio. By the way. Next our next planet
that we were talking about is Jupiter. Remember, Jupiter is
a giant planet, is three hundred times size the Earth,

right giant, huge force, very benevolent, amplifies whatever it's next to.
And that is in the sign of Sagittarius. Sagittarius is
um you know, the philosopher of the traveler, right, the
travel both physically and like long journeys. Mercury rules short trips,

but long journeys is ruled by Saturn or by excuse me, Sagittarius,
and it's the philosopher. Like they like to travel the world,
whether in a library or physically, so that they can
figure out exactly how you know, this whole human thing works.
And that's and they have a wicked sense of humor.
So I love they know, they're so funny and they're curious.

They're like curious. They have these minds that move so fast,
so right, funny, so funny, and so smart, so funny.
What does that mean when um, that means it's a
very strong position for you. Oh I like it, Yeah,
like it colors, It colors everything, right sweet? Yeah, so

if it's your Yeah, I love a good sage. I
know we love it. Said it's fun, It's totally fun. Um.
Then we of course have Saturn. Can't do much without Saturn. Yeah,
we well we are all we are now in the
outer planets for sure, with Jupiter and Saturn. Saturn is

a bit of the taskmaster. Saturn you have to pay
reverence to. That's why it gets a song like Saturn. Um.
You have to pay homage too, because it creates the structure, right,
It creates the rules. It creates the foundation in which
upon which we build everything that we come to agreements
to Um to bring things into manifestation. That is Saturn.

We have to play by the rules. That's kind of
important for Saturn a great teacher. Uh and you know, yeah,
very busy and it rules the sign of Capricorn, which
we has been very active. Pluto has been in the
sign of Capricorn for about the last twenty years. Um.
So this is so I just don't want to say

just a few words about the sign of Capricorn, which
is all about how business gets conducted. It's an Earth sign.
It Think about all the changes we've had with money,
of how the online world, of how we manage our money,
how we pay our bills didn't exist twenty years ago.
That's right, and crypto didn't exist twenty years ago. This
is all what Pluto does when it goes through our

system like two thousand and eight, Think of how we
like we almost collapsed our capital capitalistic system. This is
what Pluto does. It drudges through. It says, hey, I'm
going to go through and pull up the roots so
you can look at the roots and figure out where
you're weak. Um that's my job. I'm going to show
you where you're weak. Now, how are you going to transform? Wow?

Think of how the government has changed, Think of how
divided we are now compared. And this is all like
its structures, government, financial systems. This is all the stuff
that lives in Capricorn. That Saturn's just raking through and
having its way with it, like to make us stuff
for those root in our government and being like, here's

the thing you ain't got any that's what's gonna o you.
That's fine, No roots, you need to grow some you buttholes. Well,
and this is not eloquent the way of hitting our government. Right,
but this is literally what what we were shown in
January Sex a couple of years ago. Right, we came
so close to you know, call it the third rail,

right that said, but this is what Saturn does. It
reveals things we don't want to see, we don't want
to look at. Even the pandemic took us to our
knees that said, oh wait, we we almost broke it,
like like there were things, you know, we put a
lot of band aids in to to get through and
now we're digging out of that. But um, some things

you don't want to see. So is that like looking
at Donald Trump naked in a mirror. I mean that's
got to be horrible. Moving on, yeah, Claire, okay, show So, um,
we're almost done with moving through these these twelve signs.

And so then we have the sign of Aquarius, which
is ruled by Uranus. And Uranus is the the planet
of chaos, right, is the thank you my elpha is
like covering your mouth. I'm not gonna say it. I'm
not gonna say it. I'm not gonna say I my
fourteen year old boy, yes, cost So Uranus is the

planet that creates chaos for the sake of service. Right.
It cares not for your comfort, it cares for your transformation.
So um, and that rules the sign of Aquarius, which
is the sign that Pluto is moving into. So this
is the main the main event, and this is what
we're talking about. So I'm just gonna wind up with
this real quickly. And then we have Neptune, of course,

the furthest planet that's way out there, and that is
rules the House of Pisces. So when we come back,
we're going to talk about specifically this this Plutonian drudgery
that's going to dig things up in the House of Aquarius.
We'll be right fascinating. All right, we are back from Uranus.

I had to say it. I just had to, and
people would be disappointed, I know, and especially coming back
and saying we're back from Urinus. I mean, who saw that?
None of them. That's why I was holding. I was holding. Okay,
So Pluto and Aquarius, I guess I can't. I can't

sing the song from the seventies, but the age of Aquarius,
because you can't you guess that what it was about, though,
Like this is this is like uprooting right. Well, okay,
so let's talk about Aquarius. Let's talk about the field
upon which Pluto is playing. Aquarius is an amazing house
because it's it holds so much. Ultimately, it's about tribes,

it's about community, it's about family of choice. There's an
energy of Aquarius that says it can be the island
of misfits because it's the techie sign, right, it's and
and as it's so it's it's technology, it's innovation. So

you can see how it can be um, you know,
just a little nerdy because it's all about data and
science and systems. But let's put it into context because
astrology lives in the sign of Aquarius. Because back in
the day, astrology was the data, it was the system.

It was the science of how things evolved. Well do
we know how do we want to know how this
is going to happen? Yeah, let's look to astrology because
that's the technology they had. Does that make sense? Um,
I cannot even tell you where my mind is going
right now, because I am listening to you. There's a
little part of me that is saying, holy shit, she's

onto something with this whole launch of chat GPT. If
anybody has played around in that, this is exactly what
I'm talking about. Yeah, that's why I went to chat GPT.
Immediately as you're talking, I'm like, holy shit, right, do
you want to talk about that just for a second
to chat? But yeah, well chat For those that haven't
experienced it, can you can? You can go to chat

gpt dot com I think it's dot com whatever, just
search it on cousin Google and um you can ask
it anything and it uses aim because it's been trained
on such a broad Because here's the thing about AI, folks.
AI is only as good as it's training. Just like

any anything, you're only as good as you're training, right
when it comes to something like this, and it's trained
on a broad spectrum, And so you can go in
there and um, I went in there and actually ask like,
there's this um qsr chain Pickleman's I've done some work
for there, and northwest. Uh droso Sarkas and I they're

fantastic food. I went what is Pickleman's and chat GPT
gave me the most brilliant explanation and what makes them different?
I'm like, wow, yeah, like there's but this is the
kind of breakthrough we're talking about. Ye now remember so so, UM,
just a couple more things really quick. Academia is worried

about chat GPT because they're afraid that people will never
write an essay again. So they're afraid of people stupid.
But this is the problem with UM that that Pluto
will reveal right, and so it's perfect like so um,
I think March twenty third, in twenty three is when
Pluto first enters Aquarius, but then it goes back and

forth because we have these plans to go retrograde and
it doesn't enter the sign of Aquarius full time until
November twenty twenty four, so we are not out of
but because it crosses, you know. And the thing to
we need to know about remember about Pluto is it

has a very elliptical orbit. So in general it stays
somewhere between twelve years and like thirty years in a
sign average about twenty years in a sign. But because
there's twenty years in one of these signs, we don't
get that many times in our lifetime that Pluto change

is signed. So it's a really big deal. It's all
anyone's talking. But it goes back and forth. And that
twenty eight twenty nine degrees that it's in Capricorn are
the most potent degrees of the house because it all
goes into that third declination. It all goes into you know,
it all builds, you know, from zero degrees all the

way to twenty nine and then it goes into the
next house. So watch your money, like check your statements, people,
watch your money, be smart with investments because Pluto is
still breaking over that until in October until November twenty
twenty four. November I think at fourteen is twenty twenty four,
so really like we're still in that bubble. And then

after that November twenty twenty four will will be full
time and Aquarius, So Aquarius, I get. When it's full time,
well then then it's it's doing everything we're talking about
now to introduce you, like this this new technology that's
coming out that's freaking people out. So what it's going
to do, it's going to show um. So also I
just want to say one more thing about the sign

of Aquarius is that it's the collective. It literally says
like this is the m I really feel like, my
personal opinion is that only with Pluto on the edge
of Aquarius could a country like the Ukraine be holding
up against Russia. Now, granted, Ukraine is backed by a

lot of other countries, right including the US and but
not exclusively the US, but only because it is it
is about the everyday person. It's about level setting the hierarchy.
It's about the collective. It's it's like we are one
is what it's heading to into into Pisces, which is
you know, the last sign of the zodiac. But it's

so it's about the collective. It's about it's about the
communal potential. Is how ye I want to think about it.
And so it's like this is how things get expressed
in the world. When when this gets activated by the
huge planet of Pluto, which is carries you know, not
only does it break through and dig up the roots
and go, hey, what do you want to do with
this mess? How would you like to transform? But it's

about power and wealth and secrets and death, death in
the name of transformation, not like you're just gone and
dead right um, And and you know, it's about mysteries
and the world. I have a friend who studies astrology
with me, and when we were doing all the work
in the backyard, and the whole backyard was dug up
and had bob caps and dump trucks in the backyard,

like it was just total chaos, and she just very
peacefully stood at my window in the backyard and looked
and said, Wow, you have a real Plutonian situation going
on here. Oh my god, that's fabulous. Of course, just
died laughing because too though. Yeah, yeah, Like we had
every room. When I say upstairs, this is a normal

size house, but there's like a one room downstairs, but
every there were five room up five rooms upstairs. Each
one had a different elevation. So that that is a
good level of script leet, and that is a Plutonian
situation you have going on there. It's like I gotta
do this, I gotta uproot it. And and really it's

so like we're feeling it now because it's an outer
planet moves and predibly slow to us, so we're feeling
this now, which is why we want to talk about
it now, right, so you can look at your life
and go, what do I need to dig up and
take accountability for? What do I need to keep my
eye I've given you some very broad strokes for what
Pluto stands for is Aquarius holds. Look at those domains

in your life and go, how do I want to
harness this energy and be proactive with it? Like one
of the things I'm doing is it seems like a
small thing, but I'm doing making sure all my financial
documents are electronic right right, So I'm taking the power
the wealth of Pluto and harnessing it with the technology.

Now it seems like a small thing. So a lot
of it already is on. But for some reason, I
have these little things and these little you know, accounts
or whatever that just aren't there yet and I just
haven't gotten to So I just need to get my
act together, get all together. And this is ways that
I'm inviting you too. So how do you want to
create your tribes? How do you want to unite people
for your collection of you know, potential to get activated

during this beautiful like eighteen month window we have. I'm
going to tell so I have a question. I know
you're trying to wrap up, but I'm not. I'm going
to unwrap your wrap up right now? Is no, because
like this is you know, I live with one foot
and technology. I have for years. I know you do.
I mean for decades actually and only one by the way.

And um, it's interesting because we're seeing, if you think
about what happened ten twenty years ago, the beginning of
democratizing people's voice. That's what the social networks we're supposed
to do, right Yeah, yeah, it's supposed to so um
and there's aspects where it has. We would not know

who Greta Thunberg was if it not for social media, right,
so much so much good out there. Yeah, and I
just I love her. I want to have a prayer
candle with her face on it. M I do love her.
She's amazing and she's nineteen and it's like, okay anyway,
so um uh. But here's what's interesting to me right now.

I mentioned the chat GPT, which I really encourage people
just to familiarize yourself with it because it's here and
it's going to stay and you might as well know
that it's there. And no, um, and we can't use it.
We can't fight. It's it's it's your folks, it is
in the bottle. You can't put it back here, correct,

just like socially can't. You just choose not to engage,
which is what I do a lot um. Those who
have sent me dms have noticed I've used backed up
in there. Um. But here's what I think is interesting
is tech as a sector is struggling. Tech as a
sector is laying people off and hordes of people, and

I know a number of people who have actually lost
their job as a result of this. You know, wave Um,
So what's interesting too? I don't know. I was going
to ask you, Well, I also think, but I also
think it's interesting because those people are getting hired other places,
or they're turning around and creating their own opportunities right right,

Because there's there's something about the aquarious energy that says
we're not really big on the hierarchy. We're big on
the collective, like helping the groups, helping the masses that
were really all one. Like that's like we're together, we're better,
and the hierarchy separates, so where you know, there's back. However,

many years ago you go back to the fifties, and
the differential between the entry level person the CEO wasn't
two hundred and fifty thousand times the pay that it
is today, right right, it was, it was more, but
it wasn't the crazy differential that it is today. And
so there's something that's things are going to be level set,

things are going to be a more level set. I
think there's gonna be a lot of level setting that's
going to be going on. Um And how many years
did you say? It's about average twenty average, average, twenty
average UM. And because it's gonna be interesting what the
planet's going to do to the level set um whether
it is I mean, you look at our extreme weather.

It's extreme. It's either extremes like taking out a whole
city in Florida Fort Myers to minus fifty in Maine
or more than that whatever with hell it was. And
remember like the planet is going to be fine, Yeah,
the planet, Yeah, she can take care of herself. Yeah,

she knows. How we talked about self healing crystals last time,
how we talk You know, we're not going to be
okay on the planet. We won't be here right. So
but but again It's about the collective. So if we
can figure out how to how to win is one
to be trite, we can figure out how to dance
on the planet back in harmony in a way that

doesn't continue to do damage Like this just gets back
to uprooting things like politics and be like, y'all are distracted.
We got water issues here. Water is the number one
thing people need to be worried about. We um. You know,
we knew this over twenty years ago. I completely agree
knew this. We were living in California. We lived through

multiple droughts where Susanne and I are really great water
conservationists and UM and everybody needs to be not just
in California, the whole. But this is this is part
of the invitation. It says, look at some foundational things
and know that we are all connected and we've got
we've got to take care of each other to understand

that we can all be uplifted in its collect you're
gray water. That's how I kept our trees alive. I
kept over the olive tree alive for years through gray water. YEP.
I'd collect it when it heat up the shower, hit
up the water on the shower and I'd fill up
my homewer bucket, not the dog, but the you know

what I'm talking about home deeper bucket and um, and
I kept all of our alive and that tree would
be dead if And that was a magnificent try, he
talked to me. So there you have it. And right,
I mean, if you're listening, all the planets will all
all the plants will talk to you. My plans will
tell me when't Hey it's been too long. You have

to water, right, Yeah, that's right. Sorry, I'm just human. Yeah,
but no, it's like so all of this is going
to be really pivotal. I think the next twenty thirty
years is going to tell us if we have if
if humans have a future on the planet. Oh well yeah,
I mean they would. Who were a little late? You
were a little late, But we can fix up. And remember,

Pluto digs down and it shows you things that you
didn't know and some things you didn't want to look at.
So there will be so many secrets, you know how,
like we're having secret documents are class right, all the classified. Yeah,
this is also a plutonium thing, right, It's it's literally
digging through and saying, hey, look at this you didn't
want to look at this. We need to look at this,

so there is things will be revealed. I see a
series of T shirts with Oh, that's so plutonian. You
have a plutonium situation, a situation their sister. So we
just wanted to bring this up to help you think
about things and put into compext is things surface in
your life, like, oh, I could really take care of this.

I could put a system around this, I could bring
technology to this, I could innovate how I'm holding this
situation to work with the energy of the cosmos that
are surrounding you. That's right. You gotta go with it
because if you go against it, you'll change your mind.
Roll damn fast, folks. Yeah, that's just exhaust it's just exhausting. Yeah,
it's exhausting. Yeah. Wow, Brenda, that was amazing, so enlightening.

I feel or like thanks for today than I did
an hour ago. Thank you for your kindness. That's great
patience to get. Oh my god, I love it. I
love it. That was fantastic, And I think we should
as we move along, um, maybe we can bring up
Plutonian events that we can identify through the course of
time and other things that come up and if anybody

she wants to share their stories, tell us, Yeah, how's
shown up for sure? And remember it's all it's like regenerating,
so it doesn't. It doesn't do it to just blow
it up. It doesn't, so you can transform and regenerate.
I love that. Yeah, thanks for pushing me to do this,
my house. I loved it. I'm so glad you did it.

Thanks very plutonian of you. Thanks for listening, everybody, and
remember her school is hard without the other side and
Pluto and my witch and my daughter. Oh wait, okay,
thanks everybody, Thanks y'all, Thank you for joining us. Everyone,

and a special thanks to our producer Joey pat and
our executive producer Maya Cole Howard, who guides us while
we guide. You hit us up on Instagram at other
Side Guides, or shoot us a note at high Hi
at Vibes dot store. We want to know what you think,
We want to know what you know, and we want
to hear your stories. And remember our school is hard

without the other side. Insider's Guide to the Other Side
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