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December 6, 2023 28 mins

After noticing a pattern of people close to her jumping the planet during the winter months, our Elf Julie asks: Anyone else going through this Season of Death?

Winter is a time of stillness, depth, and breakups. So if you stop and consider that Scorpio, which carries the energy of Transformation, kicks off the season, it makes sense that more energy than usual chooses to transmute during this time.

Mirroring Julie's observation, a listener writes in, asking why she's recently experienced a season of multiple loved ones jumping. When we stop and tune in to the natural world and the harmony of it all, even when events bring us sadness, their symbolism resonates.

Today, we discuss what we can learn from those who pass and when they pass, plus how to handle our emotions during the different seasons of our life... because Earth School is hard without the Other Side's divine calendar.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome to Insider's Guide to the Other Side, a production
of iHeartRadio. Hi, y'all, I'm Julie.

Speaker 2 (00:09):
Hi there, I'm Brenda. Welcome to Insider's Guide to the
Other Side.

Speaker 1 (00:14):
Now, y'all need to know that we are obsessed with
everything on the other side.

Speaker 2 (00:20):
Yes we are, because once you learn to navigate the energetic,
or to some the invisible world, life is going to
be more fun and much more serene.

Speaker 1 (00:31):
Uh heck, yes it can, because, let's be honest, for
in Earth school is hard.

Speaker 2 (00:36):
In fact, you taught me that let's crush Earth School together.

Speaker 1 (00:42):
Well, hello, my witchy, oh pooh, you look fabulous today.
I'm so sorry Reels can't see you.

Speaker 2 (00:49):
I'm so glad of the other people can't see.

Speaker 1 (00:51):
No, you look great. My hair still wet in the ponytail,
but you look fantastic. How are you doing, I'm good,
I'm good.

Speaker 2 (00:58):
Yeah, Okay, Lulu curled to me. What we're gonna ask for?

Speaker 1 (01:01):
Oh right, I'm actually petting SICKI with my foot, so
so she'll be quiet for a while. So we hope
everybody tuned in because of this crazy title that we
have call Season of Death. And you know, I love
when everybody sends in questions, we get to cause you
guys spark so many ideas for us. But this episode

is mine. I have questions myself. If you can't have
a podcast and ask your own damn question, what is
the point of having podcasts?

Speaker 2 (01:32):

Speaker 1 (01:35):
But I have them. I've been wondering about this for
years and it reminds me. And here's the problem, y'all.
I will wonder about something for decades, and this is
one of those things. Not multiple decades, but certainly over
a decade. So when I was a kid, this isn't
the question. Just so you guys know this, just to
give you a sense of how I'll stew on things.
When I was a kid and rural Oklahoma, I used

to see bumper stickers and they would say, honk if
you tea cup chain, And for thirty years in my
head I was like, honk if you can tea cup chain?
Honk if you can tea cup chain? And then I
had no idea in my head. I mean, for you,
this is like I think, in probably some sort of

mental illness, and I mean I'm twirling around like what
is tea cup chain? Why my honking? All this kind
of stuff. Then we're living in San Francisco and I
think we've been there a while and I finally asked
a friend. I'm like, I told the story, honk if
you and they're like, oh, that's a square answer. I went, oh, okay,
so it's kind of a letdown, but I did get

an answer. But I will stew So one thing I've
been stewing on for a really long time is this
whole what we're gonna call season of death. And so
here's the thing. All the older folks in my family,
they've all jumped in wintertime, all of them now, ones

that like they jumped from let's just say older age,
not from like a particular a cancer, an ism, like
an alcoholism, nothing like that, but like the ones that
were kind of older, all of them, all of them,
I can write. In fact, I just found out that
my uncle Dick died, and it's here we are, season

of death, and my uncle, nor my aunt Marlene, my mom.
I'm like, what the hell? So what's going on?

Speaker 2 (03:36):
Well I think of it this way. Okay, So I
don't know if this is the ultimate answer with you know,
capital T for truth, but this is my interpretation. You know,
we've Scorpio season that is basically from the back half
of the end of October through the end of November.

Scorpio season. Scorpio is known as death is one part
of the scorpio is.

Speaker 1 (04:04):
That because they can kill you with your little stinger.

Speaker 2 (04:08):
Well, it's actually more because it's a house of transformation,
where it's a sign of transformation that says we're going
to go deep and find out what the essence of
something is and peel everything else away. So death doesn't
have to just be the physical dropping of the body, right,

and it can be a lot of times. It is
a lot of times. This is what happens. So Scorpio
season ushers in the season of death, right because we're
going into winter. Literally, you think of your senior loved
ones as being in harmony with the natural world. That's

how I think about it, right, Because I'm in the Midwest.
We look outside right now. It was seventeen degrees when
I got up this morning, and it's everything It was.

Speaker 1 (04:58):
Twenty one when I got up, so.

Speaker 2 (05:00):
Yeah, it's everything's black, like all the all the vegetation
is dark. The leaves are down, it's crunchy outside when
you walk that you know it's everything that nature has
given up and said it's time to rest. It's time
to you know, go inside and deeply restore so that
we'll be ready in the spring. We think of spring

as rebirth, right, this is when the planet comes of life.
This is where you know, baby a lot of baby
animals are come out there.

Speaker 1 (05:29):
It's just like the bear and hibernation to the second.

Speaker 2 (05:35):
Gets gets really still and we go deep, deep, deep
inside to rejuvenate. I mean, think back in the day
when we didn't have electricity, people didn't throw parties.

Speaker 1 (05:45):
It wasn't long ago in Oklahoma.

Speaker 2 (05:47):
Just so you know, there's a good point. But it's
so it's a time to literally get still and release
a lot of external spending of energy. It's to restore
deep within. And so if we're talking about releasing the

physical body, so you go to what's essential, which is
your spirit, and you're like, I'm going to go and
reconnect and restore and recover in the spiritual realms as
I dropped the body. So this is what happens in
the winter. And people will say, oh, they're in the
winter season of their life. You know, when someone gets
to be elderly and is starting to pull back from

you know, full fully engaged in life. That's the winter season,
or what we're calling the death season.

Speaker 1 (06:38):
Yeah, well that was my uncle who just jumped.

Speaker 2 (06:40):
He was right.

Speaker 1 (06:42):
I mean, he had so many winters. It's like the
guy was in his nineties. I joked that he was
in his hundreds, but he was close. It's like, how
many more winters can you do?

Speaker 2 (06:52):

Speaker 1 (06:53):
How many more summers can you do? Yeah? I think
it's fascinating because I think that you know, we have
you know, we've talked about You've talked about how it's
a time for other things in our life as well,
you know, to come to a close, whether it's relationships.
I mean you see breakups all the time during this time, yep, right.

Speaker 2 (07:17):
And part of that is Scorpio season. What literally you
can surface things that you didn't know about. You're like,
what you've been doing, what you have a second family,
what's going on? You're like, secrets come forward and things
like that.

Speaker 1 (07:29):
Girl, you've been watching too much lifetime on television movies
or moving on lifetime television. I mean, come on.

Speaker 2 (07:41):
I'm just saying things like this happened, Things like this happened,
and so like we have to be willing to take
a look at what is and choose again, right, but
not without great reflection. Great, but you know, questioning, seeking
information and guidance and follow you know what feels acceptable

and palpable and like yes, and I'm excited about that.
I can I can engage with that. And oh my goodness,
I am not going I'm not touching that with a
ten foot poll, like not doing it. No, no, no, no,
I'm getting really clear on that. But you can't do
that when you're so externally focused, like the world isn't
full bloom or all the harvest is coming in and

there's so much to pay attention to and it's so beautiful,
like you have to you know, that's living in harmony
with nature. Right, So this is the time. It's not
you know, shiny objects externally. Hello, lu Lulu is done
with the internal party.

Speaker 1 (08:42):
Yeah, Hello, it's like, I'm up, it's branded. Yeah, all right,
let's take a quick break because I think we have
a listener that actually is in tune to this too.

Speaker 2 (08:52):
Absolutely, we'll be right back.

Speaker 1 (08:59):
Okay, y'all, we're back. Hi, Hi, thanks for staying with us.
Those that have creeped out by the title called season.

Speaker 2 (09:12):
So we got a message here from Melissa, who in
the previous message she was saying that she was driving
to Cincinnati, and she said, love the podcast, love you all.
I'm from Cincinnati, and when I found out the pot,
when I found the podcast last year and heard Brenda

is Cincinnati, I was excited to have that little extra tie.
I totally accidentally sent the last message too early, so
of course I couldn't send another message yet. And she said,
you know, obviously doing other things while she's I love her,
I know, And then she says, but this week's episode
was super spot on with what I was asking about too,

because my unplanned trip to Cincinnati was to come home
for a funeral for someone who jumped very unexpectedly in
about two weeks before my wedding. It was and still
is very difficult without him and with him not being
at the wedding. But I'm eager to finish this week's
episode to see what insight you all shared that could

help me continue to grieve this unexpected passing and with
not having him there for my big day. Thank you
so much for all you do. So much love. Then
she's at the next bubble, says Okay, Wow, I really
should have listened to those last ten minutes before.

Speaker 1 (10:30):
No, seriously, she might be twin like I jumped the
gun all the time.

Speaker 2 (10:34):
This is all happening real time, in the moment. I
love it so much. Right, but yes, period, what you
said was so powerful about how the best way to
honor our love and so you've passed on is to
truly live. It's definitely unwanted. It seems unfair, untimely, all

those words. Honestly, I was angry when I first found
out that he had just he'd had health problems in
the past, but was doing well, really well lately, or
so it seemed. I was angry he couldn't have waited
until after the wedding, after the holidays, But then I
guess there'd always be more wishing that he would have waited.

He jumped on ten twenty four, My birthday was the
day after his, ten twenty eight, and his funeral on
ten twenty nine. My wedding was eleven eleven. My cat
jumped on eleven one. It's been a whirlwind. Just thinking
about there's never a good time and how what we

need to do is honor them is really helpful. I'm
hoping that this anger face will pass, but I'm trying
to not. I'm trying now to let myself grieve so
that I can fully honor my loved ones. Thank you
so much, damn Scorpio season.

Speaker 1 (11:56):
Okay, see that's what got me. Yeah, I mean the
whole thing, the whole thing.

Speaker 2 (12:00):
But I mean with congratulations on your wedding. That's the
first thing we want.

Speaker 1 (12:04):
That is, that's amazing story about your kittie.

Speaker 2 (12:06):
Yeah, and your kitty is making Really the pets will
jump a lot. I don't know what your living situation is,
but a lot of times when the union gets consummated
formally right, that the pets will clear the way to
make more space for the union. Does that make sense,
because I.

Speaker 1 (12:25):
Imagine it makes it makes shitty sense.

Speaker 2 (12:27):
Yeah, but is energetically like, hey there, I'm assuming from
what I'm reading care that Lulu is going crazy, that
this connection with your cat was probably longer than your
beloved and so the cat said, you are now taken
care of. Officially, you sealed the deal, and I can
be out right, this happens. This happens a lot, and listeners,

you'll you'll either confirm or deny that experience. But that's
that's how I've seen play out many times before. And
I'm sorry that this this beloved relative had had jumped in,
But don't think that he wasn't there exactly.

Speaker 1 (13:08):
I was going to say that, I was totally going
to say that, yeah, I yeah, so.

Speaker 2 (13:17):
All right at the closet hy apology, maybe.

Speaker 1 (13:23):
It could be. I mean, I listen, your house is
very busy. I've been there.

Speaker 2 (13:28):
It's very busy.

Speaker 1 (13:29):
He's very busy. And when I show up, I got
the whole groof all on my ass. So I totally
understand that your house, Yeah, you have to. And I
guess the part that I was I and I think
it's a part of grief though, is the anger part,
you know, and I and I I understand it. And

I think that Melissa is probably through that piece right now.
I would hope, But that's a real thing, is to
be angry, of course. But I think that what you
said is like, I feel like everywhere I go, I
have these people that I love so dearly come with me.
And I think I just remind you know which you
already have I have now twice, Melissa. It's like you

they are always with you. Trust me, sometimes you can't
get rid of.

Speaker 2 (14:15):
Them, and they will not take your anger and frustration
and hurt because it's really hurt. Anger is always a
secondary emotion, right, It's more accessible than being sad or
grieving deeply. But they won't take that personally. So when
they're around, don't feel like you have to hide that
or be apologized for it. They completely understand.

Speaker 1 (14:39):
And Melissa, by the way, like I'm doing high five
on the video broadcast thing right now to your whole
Scorpio season comment, Well done, sister. I think that what
we should do is we take a quick break and
check on Lulu. Will be right back because we need
to talk about how we handle this during this time.

Speaker 2 (15:02):
And welcome back, thank you to this season of death.

Speaker 1 (15:06):
You know what I what I love about this conversation
though I mean it's not exactly you know, it doesn't
bring up pleasant feelings obviously, but I think what I
love about it is because what I've learned over the
years is that there are seasonalities to things. Right, we
talk about the seasons of our life, and this particular

season we all share is when something happens or you
want something to happen, like the death of a relationship,
the death of a job, a friendship of whatever it
may be, or someone actually does jump their body. It's like, oh,
that's what this time is, right, So there's a bit
of a comfort, you know, for me to understand that, yeah,

and to think.

Speaker 2 (15:50):
Wow, my relatives literally lived in harmony with the natural cycle, right,
That's that's kind of cool, right.

Speaker 1 (15:57):
Right, Or I'm allowing my life to live in the
natural cycle, right, which I think is So that's why
I think it's really important. I think the other thing
that's really important is if you are someone like myself
and my cousin Kristin, who have dealt with a lot
of jumping throughout this time. Because she, like her father

jumped on Christmas Day, my cousin Kristen and Buffalo and
and her mom like a few years later jumped in
early January. So you can imagine for her maybe not
the most pleasant time. Yeah, But I think we need
to talk about how do we how do we find

that that happy place from loss?

Speaker 2 (16:46):
Well, and I don't know if it gets to be
happy as much as there's a contentment.

Speaker 1 (16:51):
A happier place, but that's yeah.

Speaker 2 (16:55):
Like it's it's really more of an acceptance, like Okay,
I can see why that would work for them, or
why this was the right time or the right cycle
or the right phase. Like that's what we can get
to that can be helpful. That just says, Okay, it
great it happened on my birthday, or don't pass during

my daughter's birthday or you know, like something like that.
But what if they did and let that be okay?

Speaker 1 (17:25):
Like, yeah, Suzanne's grandfather passed on her birthday when she
was nine.

Speaker 2 (17:29):
It's actually amazing because this you know, David's sister was
the grandmother to this grand niece and it was the
same thing. She passed pretty much on this nine year
old's birthday. Yeah. So and because people are like, oh,
I just so said that that happened. But it's kind

of cool. It is the cycle of life.

Speaker 1 (17:52):
It kind of is cool in a way, Like it's
also a nice listen. If I had to pick my
job time, you know, I'm gonna jump I actually think
jump on Semy's birthday is a pretty good idea because like,
they will remember you, they will think about you. You know,
they might have even put an extra candle on the
cake for you. You know, when it's the holidays. It's like,

you know, I always like on those days, I always
like say a prayer for them, and I'm grateful for them,
and I'm greatful my aunt Marlene every day. But it's
like you just kind of do a little thing. And
because I love ritual, so I would advise anybody who
deals with this is to put a little ritual in it,
to like honor it, not ignore it, and be able

to carry on.

Speaker 2 (18:39):
You know, is there a way to allow it to
be sacred instead of painful? Right? Right?

Speaker 1 (18:45):
Yeah, I think that's the answer.

Speaker 2 (18:47):
Yeah, that's what ritual does. That is really fabulous.

Speaker 1 (18:51):
So yeah, so I think that's a big part of it.
And also I think, you know, I mean, it's also
let's talk about the other side of the coin. There's
always two sides to a coin, and right, so the
other side of the coin is people who have jumped.
You're related to them, maybe didn't like them a lot.
I'm being really, I mean, yeah, this is our show

or school is hard because it's complicated.

Speaker 2 (19:13):
And complicated, and so then to think of it as
an extra present.

Speaker 1 (19:19):
Present, a little gift, you know, it's hilarious. I that's
actually really funny. You know, I try to because I
had some relatives in my family. I mean, one was
my grandmother. We didn't really get along that well. And
my uncle, who just passed like literally today, just everybody knows,

didn't have the greatest relationship. But I look at it as, oh,
they're free now, you know, they have now been released.
They can go learn what they needed to learn. I
was with them in this family for some reason. There
are things that I certainly learned, and they normally things
I learned that I didn't want to be like, which

is just as important as things that you want.

Speaker 2 (20:03):
To be exactly exactly right. It's a role model. It's
like the anti role model. I'm not going to be.
I'm not going to do that. I may not know
what I'm going to do, but I know I'm not
going to do that.

Speaker 1 (20:14):
Yeah, I mean i'll I'll just you know, everybody's indulge
me for a second. Here is and hopefully lou will
indulge me on this is. I did not meet my
uncle until I was seventeen, and lots of drama. He
didn't show up to my father's funeral. They had that
was between them, and I was kind of felt that way.

You know, but when I it was Cincinnati, of course
is where they all are, and so when I first
met them, I was in Cincinnati, so that was whatever
nineteen eighty six, and he drove me to the airport
and the entire way he complained and bitched about my mother.

And in that moment I looked at him and said, oh, well,
what a fool, like right, I mean, he knew my
mother obviously bitched about her, so why wouldn't I be
just like her? So you know, but in the moment,
I was like, you know, uncle Dick, this is my mom.
It's you don't need to do this. It's like that,

nothing's going to change my mind how I feel about her.
This clearly issues that you have I have no because
I don't I have there all their issues had nothing
to do with me. But what it taught me that
relationship that I had with him was to like speak
my truth, which I did. Also, never to do that
to another child, like right, I mean, it's like, yeah,

I learned that, But the most valuable thing was was
don't act that way, like I don't sit there and
trash him to his grandchildren, who I'm actually close to,
Like I don't do it. Why would I do that,
you know, I mean, I'll make a joke once in
a while, don't get me wrong, because you can't help myself.

Speaker 2 (22:02):
Well, it sounds like he was a character, right.

Speaker 1 (22:04):
Well he was something. And then with my grandmother, I
mean she taught me don't act like that, like, don't
be an asshole to your child or your grandchild. So anyway,
these are just those things that you can remind yourself of, like,
remind yourself of the love of from like in my world,
it's my aunt Marlene, my uncle, nor my mom, Like
remember the love and like the the unconditional love. And

then for the ones that were more you know, more
of a conflict, more of contrast, remember what that was,
and remind.

Speaker 2 (22:34):
Yourself because it's it's still again, it's a gift. It's
just of a different color, right.

Speaker 1 (22:41):
It's a horse of a different color.

Speaker 2 (22:42):
It's a horse of a different color.

Speaker 1 (22:45):
We should have called this episode horse of a different color.
But you know, in movies, we have heroes and we
have anti heroes, and so your whole you know, your
reference I think was actually really great because not everybody
that It's funny. Margaret told me it was a kid.
She baby, you need to know something. I go, what's that?
And she goes, I'm gonna promise you one thing. Not
everybody's gonna love you.

Speaker 2 (23:06):

Speaker 1 (23:06):
I'm like, oh, they're not. She goes, she's not even close,
and she goes, but the ones that do will deeply.
And so I'll never hold them close, hold them close,
because they're they're the ones who will get you right.
And I think that's the case with everybody. Let's be honest.
I just got a mom who told me the truth
and that includes people in your family.

Speaker 2 (23:28):
Oh yeah, oh yeah, and again that's still something to
be celebrated. There's still something to celebrate. Wow, I learned
so much. I remember when you don't go get what
you want, you get a great story at a lesson.

Speaker 1 (23:43):
Right, yeah, right, and yeah, And I will after we're
done recording, I will actually reach out to my cousins
with a lot of grace and so sorry that they
lost their father today. I don't care how old you are,
You're still somebody's kid. And so anyway, I just think
this was a really good conversatement because I was my question,

but I thought it was a great That was a
great conversation. It was my question. But I think it's
helpful to other people to understand the seasonality and how
to deal with it, because you know, we all think,
you know, all the retailers around want us to be
convinced that like the holidays are like the get all

of be all, it's joy joy joy. In fact, they
all say jey joy joy, right, happy this joey joy joy.
And it might not feel that way. And so maybe
it's from these things, right.

Speaker 2 (24:36):
And all the Sturveys would completely agree with you. Right,
people are stressed out and they feel lonely. They feel lonely. Yeah, so,
and the other thing is it is a time is
you know, maybe it's because of the calendar year too,
but a lot of times the mindset goes into closing
things down. What do I need to close down? What
do I need to be released of or release myself

from this? This is a good time to evaluate, like,
you know, because we're like new year, new habits or
you know, the new goals whatever. But you can't just
put all that right on top of everything you've already doing.
You already do you have to do a little internal
cleaning house. So give yourself that grace too, to use
the Scorpio season of death. You know, the threshold of

this season of releasing and clearing out of that which
you are complete with it might it be a freeing thing.

Speaker 1 (25:27):
I love that. I vote we end on that.

Speaker 2 (25:30):
That was okay, so good, Peace out, Scorpio, try not
to die.

Speaker 1 (25:41):
I should have not said that, Joey. I think you
should like totally cut that. If you don't let everybody
hear this part of it, it's called death.

Speaker 2 (25:53):
Oh my god.

Speaker 1 (25:56):
Sometimes I go to for.

Speaker 2 (25:58):
But you know, how do you know? Go too far
unless you do.

Speaker 1 (26:01):
Right, exactly right. I've seen more lines in my rearview
mirror than I can count.

Speaker 2 (26:08):
It's all good, but remember this is your season. But
work with the energy that's present. That's what i'd say, right,
feel lonely to go inside, to go what am I
going to clear away? So that I can bring forth
my full self? So that's it. So thank you for
your question, my alf You're thoughtful mulling over of questions,

and I hope that the answer has been satisfactory beyond.
So with that, everyone, thanks for listening, and remember.

Speaker 1 (26:38):
Our school is hard without the other side. Thanks you all.

Speaker 2 (26:42):
I thank you for joining us. Everyone, and a special
thanks to our producer Joey pat and our executive producer
Maya Cole Howard, who guides us.

Speaker 1 (27:00):
We guide you, hit us up on Instagram at other
Side Guides, or shoot us a note at high Hi
at vibes dot store.

Speaker 2 (27:08):
We want to know what you think, We want to
know what you know, and we want to hear your stories.

Speaker 1 (27:14):
And remember, our school is hard without the other Side.
Insider's Guide to the other Side is a production of iHeartRadio.
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