All Episodes

November 30, 2022 32 mins

The entire crew stares into the heart of darkness and looks at the media and familial environment that produced the latest mass shooter

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:05):
Bye, could happen here? I don't know why I did
that voice. I'm Robert Evans, host of a podcast that
has many other hosts who all are on the podcast
right now. We have, in order of them being on
my zoom screen, Chris Garrison, Sharene and James. Hey, everybody,

how's it going? Good? Great? We brought the full crew
in to talk about the worst ship. So yeah, a
whole bunch of kind of had a lot of great
things have happened the past week, So we took We
took last week mostly off from work due to a
series of court cases. UM and uh, thanks to an injunction,

we're allowed to podcast again. So I figured it would
be we had a couple of I mean, defying stories
break in a row, UM that we, as the people
we are, kind of had specific bits of insight on
that I think might help, uh catch our listeners up
to some maybe underappreciated aspects of some of the big
stories of the last week. So we wanted to start

with the mass shooting in Colorado Springs, UM, specifically talking
about the family of the still alleged but you know,
definitely did it shooter. James, you want to kick us
off there. Yeah, I wanted to start out with this
um so that the alleged shooter it is called Anderson
Ley old Rich, right and comes from a an LDS

last today sat family in San Diego, And like I
think everyone has probably seen this very viral thirty second
clip of his father that went around Twitter and would
be to day after the shooting, and his dad, just
so we're super clear on this sense some disgusting things
and there's a piece of ship for saying them. I
don't want to excuse any of the ship, he said.

I also don't want to excuse the way that that
was cut because I think it was pretty pretty shitty.
Like there are people we should be really fucking angry at,
and his father is one of them. But his father
didn't excuse the shooting. And if you look at that
eight minute interview, he says that like what happened was wrong, etcetera, etcetera.
And there are people who have excused the shooting, right,

Like I think Chris is going to speak some of them,
Temple Tucker, Carlson, people who created a climate where this
happened and have asked for it to happen again and
are asking continually for it to happen again, his dad
didn't do that. Again his dad, his dad doesn't seem
to have been a great dad, right, his dad was
was like using when he was a kid. His dad

was abusive, and what is his violence? I think we
all know lots of people who were raised in those
climates who didn't go on to shoot up a nightclub.
And it just kind of I saw something. I don't know.
I was upset by the response to that in a
sense because like I know some any people who come
from from families and homes like that, and I like

being like, oh, he was doomed to be this way
because of how his dad was, just like, isn't I
don't know. It just upset me. It's not the response
we need, you know, Like I think we should hold
like hold what his dad said, like hold his dad
to account of what he said, but also not like
allow that to explain. Yes, I have a couple I like,

I have confused feelings on it because his dad does
go into a long thing where he says, you know,
you shouldn't there's nothing that justifies violence. You know, these
people's lives were precious. All lives are precious. But he
also was like I taught him that violence was a
great way to solve problems. UM, and you know, expresses
that he was glad to learn that his son wasn't gay,

And I don't just up, Yeah, I don't know, I
don't Yeah, I don't know how much I want to
like interpret that as he really meant what he said
about nothing justifying this in those people's lives being precious
because they is kind of this thing that like you
get on the And this guy is obviously not a
thought leader on the Christian right, not like he's not

like a luminary. I don't think he contributed outside of,
you know, the things he may have raised his son
to believe, to the broader national climate of of hate.
Right now, there's just a study that was released today
that UM from the Armed Conflict Location and Event Data
Project Data confirms that anti LGBT mobilization is now the
leading driver or a fire right protest activity in the US. Obviously,

this guy didn't make that happen, UM, But I noticed
a similarity between like the I there's nothing worse than
my kid being gay, but also when a bad thing
gets done by a Christian to gay people, well, their
lives are still precious. We just like hate what they
how they live them. Um, I don't know, I don't
know how where to where to go further with that,

but you're right that like that, the thirty second clip
is very dishonestly edited in order to like, um cut
out a lot of what this guy was saying, which
I have a problem with regardless of who you're doing
it too. Yeah, it's just it's bad journalism. And like
I would rather we point out rage at the people
who are going to make this happen again unless we
stop them. Yeah, like this guy, I'm this guy had

the degree to which this guy contributed to this massacre
by being this dude's dad. Um, I don't think there's
anyone else he's going to push into killing if if
he indeed did that, whereas people like Tim Poole are
going to continue to do that. And also I do
want to say, like, like the Mormon Church does not
get a pass for this. Yeah, like that No, absolute

believably fucking homophobic, Like absolutely, he's a ship super racist.
Like yeah, and you know a lot of people really
haven't been talking about this, and they should because they
fucking suck. And Yeah, this is this is you know, like, yeah,
it turns out when you have a bunch of people
like giving sermons about fucking musket balls, like this is
what happens. Yeah, you know they don't they don't get

off the hook for this either. No, and they're like
domination of politics in some areas. He really needs to
be seriously looked at. Talking of like domination of politics.
I do want to talk about his grandfather a little bit,
because his grandfather is bonkers. So his grandfather is called
Randy Vocal Uh might be pronounced verpal Um, but he's

He was mayor of Santi. So Santi is a town
east of San Diego. It's not not very far east.
I think Sharina probably familiar with Santie, right, Yeah, Santi
is a place that's that's about ye about it. People
sometimes called it planned. He definitely like Metzka was there
for a while, right, And yeah, when Vopal was mayor

in two thousand and one, there was a school shooting
in Santi about which he spoke. He hasn't spoken about
this one yet at all. He's he's heal, Yeah, strange,
that strange. He's pretty much gone, which is not like
it when this guy speaks, he he rarely helps himself
when when he speaks to media who don't agree with

every position he's on. So I like, I want to
ground like. He became mayor of Santi in two thousand.
In a black marine by the name of Carlos Colbert,
who was a large corporal in the Marine Corps, was
beaten and paralyzed by five white men at Memorial Day
party in Santy like and that doesn't represent the whole town,
but that was how people thought of that town. And

in the early two thousands, right the place it was
always a place to avoid, Like you don't really want
to go there? I don't know. Yeah, I have friends
who still don't want to go to Santi like. Um,
I have friends who are like delivery drivers who are
like black people who have been told like they used
to not saying black folks deliver into Santi Like. It
definitely has whether or not that's the case now it's

becoming more more diverse, I think, like ethnically, but it
certainly has a reputation of being a place where it's
not safe. And this is a place that elects him
as mayor in two thousand, right Joust in one they
have a high school shooting, and he just kind of
continues to spout some absolutely crazy stuff. It's probably worth

noting that he's not as like far from the like
the norm of the GOP, which is still a long
way from like good when it comes to like LGBTQ stuff,
as he is for other things like his His probably
his most famous crazy position is that climate change is
good because most of our enemies live in I'm quoting now,

most of our enemies live in hot climates, desert climates.
It will probably have a negative effect on their environment.
Most of the Muslim nations are in hot areas of
the world. Honestly, Yeah, just absolutely incredible. We did we did?
We find the world's first pro eco fascist fascist. I

have met a few anti there's people who are pro
climate change because it wization, but this is this is
like a whole other level. Well, there's dry us out weird.
Do you want to know why he thinks this climate
change happens? Please God. I believe about one percent of
climate change is impacted by human beings. The rest of

that should not rest in rest body. It's solar cycles, quote,
the natural wobbling of the Earth and volcanic activities. Ah,
this is this is the classic. Yeah, yeah, there's there's
a couple of good ones. I personally partial to. We
didn't have enough CEO two and climate change is the

only thing that's going to save us from the CEO
to shortage that. Yeah. Notable. Other vocal bangers include I'm
getting attacks out here by the Vietcong stealing my copper,
and I don't like it that. It would be super
funny if it turned out that the Vietcong had sent

like a deep cover special spec opsy in it to
California just to funk with this guy's copper. Just good, Um,
he's just he's just a yeah, just a powerful example
of what happened if you lick lead paint, Like just

an incredible boomer. So he was voted out in by
a considerable marche I think got about sorry this this
so he's serving out. He just got voted out. Yeah. Years.
How many he moved in? I think sixteen he moved

into the California Assembly, so representing like this this master yeah, yeah,
statewide office. This is the on the left coast California.
It is It means one thing to people who have
never been to the West Coast. But have you been
to the West coast the conservative parts of California like

the Republican Party. They're massive, and the Republican Party has
absolutely locked in control. It is very difficult to remove
to move them in places like there's there's more Republican
voters in California than most states than most states. Yes, yeah,
if you want a slice of like eastern California, just
check out Riverside County share with Chad Bianco's Instagram, where

he mostly just rides around on a horse and criticizes
COVID restricts. But yeah, this is yeah, it's really something
incredible poster. But this is I think an insight into
like this side of California, the people. It doesn't mean
that everyone who lives in the county. Of course he's
bigoted or racist, Like there are lots of very nice
kind people in his county. I know there are some

anarchist communites out there, but um, yeah, this vocal claim.
He hasn't spoken to his grandson for years. But this
guy has been spouting this ship for twenty years, right,
Like he became there of Santi in two thousand. That
was when this shooter Old Rich was born so like
for his entire life, Vocal has been saying stuff like

the conga stealing my copper. I mean it is it
is true that this this person did grow up surrounded
by a constant bubble of of homophobic rhetoric, dehumanizing rhetoric,
and that that does shape the person that you are. Obviously,
that doesn't it doesn't mean you're going to go do

the best shooting. Theres lots of people who grew up
in those environments who turn out to be very wonderful people. Um,
but but yeah, that is definitely like the environment that
you're raised in and around obviously doesn't obviously affects who
you're gonna be. And this the shooters posting like burning
a Pride flag on on his very limited social media presence,

right Yeah. And every time his granted had the chance,
he's voted against rights. Yeah. He was raised in an
environment where hatred of LGBTQ people was not just like present,
but was used as the justification regularly for like legislative action.
And he was also raised in an environment where all
of the men around him would have praised violence in

different ways. And the fact that he wound up doing
violence against the queer community is not like surprising. Yeah,
yeah was it? His dad also like an m M.
A fighter, yes, UFC, UFC whatever, some yes, some sort
of combat sport. He's also in a bunch of playing movies,
a lot of poor movies, because I think a lot

of things were normalized that we're just like, maybe not
for other people. Yeah, that is a man who has
no barrier between the two sides of his nose due
to a lifetime of snorting every single uh chemical he
can possibly get his hands on. Um not if there's
anything wrong with that. Yeah, his dad doesn't seem to
be like entirely lucid into um. Well. And the other

aspect of this is that the shooter in Colorado was
like a known figure as well. He wasn't. He wasn't
a nobody like people had. He did like a bomb
threat last year. There was off with the police where
he was in armor threatening to go out shooting. Yeah,
that's I was really I'm really hoping the conversation shifts

more towards him as a person, because I can only
blame the family so much, you know, I He's done
some terrible things, and I think that's getting glossed over
by the fact that he has people in his family
that are questionable. And I think the number one thing
we should be pointing out because I also don't believe
we should be focusing entirely on his specific actions. We

should be focusing on the fact that it would have
been incredibly easy to stop this guy. He was the
most obvious candidate for a mass shooting imaginable, um, and
nothing was done to stop this Like that's that Like
whiteness is very helpful when it comes to hate. But yeah,
and away with crime. And all of the time I've

been following mass shooters, I can't think of one that
more directly talked about wanting to do a mass shooting
in a way that was immediately obvious to all of
the law enforcement in this area and had already forced
a response from them. There was absolutely and and again
for talking about his gun control always comes up in
this Colorado has red flag laws, like Colorado has the

restrictions people say should be but the problem is that
none of them were actually used against him, um anyway,
And I think comes back to like again, the problem,
like one of the largest problems again with gun regulation
is that you you're relying on the police to enforce.
And the cops believe of the same ship that this

guy does, so you know, yeah, they great again, letting
these people come to pride like this, this is gonna great,
go great for you. They just assumed he was an
excitable boy and it was gonna be you know. He
just needed to get it out of the system. That time,
he had a standoff with the police over a bomb
threat where he talked to his mom about wanting to
go out as a mass shooter like most young men haven't. Yeah, yeah,

should we should we take a break? Do you know
what else? Nopey, Nope, he's just to break. Yeah, do
some insulin. We're back. I hope everyone took insulin um everybody.

It'll I don't know what it'll do. Look very hungry,
sleepy and hungry, pilled, look, James. As a podcaster, it's
my job to tell people to take medicine, not to
have any responsibility for what happens when they do. Well,
I'm just gonna go fly up to Canada and get
some free insulin and then come back smuggle it down

that Actually, yeah, yeah, maybe consider just have them fill
up your car. What are were we talking about? Next,
So I want to I want to talk a bit
about the reaction to this on the right, because this
is something okay. So like the far right's reaction to
mass shootings has never been good, Like it's usually been like, oh,

this is this is still unfortunate that it happens mental illness,
This is like the pail or something like. They are
just pretty okay. So here's the thing. When I originally
did this, right, I had a timpool tweet that I
had pulled, and then he made like every successive time
we were about to record this episode he had he
makes another even worst. So here here is here is

the most recently. First, I do want to we have to.
One of the things I want to try to keep
in mind is we are more online than a decent
chunk of our audience. Tim Poole is a guy who
attained prominence UH live streaming during the Occupy Wall Street rallies.
He kind of framed himself as a broadly progressive kind
of liberal UH journalists. But he's like a skateboarder and

he's doing ship you know, he's live streaming a lot.
He's doing you know, experimenting with all these like novel
ways of covering the news at the time. You know,
we're talking like two thousand twelve. Um. Obviously, people since
then have pointed out that, like he was kind of
a giant dick it occupied were there who him? Yes, yes,

he he had a big platform. As a result of that,
he got hired by Vice for a little while. Um.
Most serious journalists who have worked with him will point
out that, like he's a giant asshole and like kind
of not good at anything, and it's not very smart,
doesn't really know what's going or deliberately obtuse. I've heard
people like anyway, Uh, he gained prominence as he kind

of increasingly through the Trump years would lean in on
hard right stuff while still claiming to be liberal and progressive,
and just that he was increasingly lost by the progressives
who have gotten too far. Anyway, he's just gone so
that he's he has a huge audience. He does a
lot of like live streaming. So the primary way that
like when I say that he used to do live

streaming where he would show up at a thing. He's rich.
Now he doesn't leave his his house in Maryland. He
sits there and he like plays clips from the news
and articles written by other people and then talks about
them really usually wrong poor commentary on it and has
millions and millions of followers, and it is constantly and

continues to platform people who are self described fascists, uh,
far right people. Um, he's kind of he's like a
he's like a vector point in that whole. He's very large,
he's fairly influential within the social media algorithm of particularly Twitter. Um,
he's able like his his he's able to get ship

trending a lot on Twitter. So he's not someone you
can entirely ignore. He has it. He has an impact
on like national discourse, and he's a lot of people
on the right see him as a valuable person. He's
had Alex Jones on he's hanging out with Kanye and
Nick Fuintes now, which is what we're about to talk about.
But the thing since, uh, since the Colorado Spring shooting,
he's gone kind of completely mask off about the groomery thing,

and most of his comments have been along the lines
of like, well, these people were hosting a groomer event
and so violence was inevitable. Yeah, And I mean like
like what what like that's something I mean, I'm just
gonna read on of those tweets to give like that
that's that's not an exaggeration or any kind of reading
of subtext. Literally what he said was quote. It seems
around ten pm, Club que posted that they were having
an all ages drag show the next day. About two

hours later, the shooter came in. People keep calling for
wood chippers, and this is what happens, like open like
and this has been a big thing across the entire right,
like they're just there's openly either like very very openly
celebrating this or you get you know, like this is
one of like one of the things that it's inevitable
because the gays are so degenerated, Like Jimmy fucking Door

has gone like just completely like like I literally started
with like it started this thing on this with a
giant rant about how like how like disgusting it is
that like drag queens around kids. It's like they they
are just openly into full scale just openly into the
like we need to get these people killed. This is
in some ways the most horrifying instant like this because

this is the first time that the reaction widely on
the right has been either this was a good thing,
or this was this this obviously was going to happen
because gay people are evil and are grooming children, so
violence has to happen against them, and like that is
that was That's such a popular sentiment on the right

in the aftermath at the shooting, whether it's whether it's
imply and whispered or whether it's just said completely outright,
Like it was a very clear consensus that this is
what the Republican reaction was going to be, and anyone
farther right of the Republicans like it. It wasn't it
wasn't even just like a Nazi talking point. It was
just like regular Republicans in office, we're talking about this,

this style of rhetoric in response to the shooting. And
for that reason, it's kind of the most horrifying instant
we've had, um because you know, like in the aftermath
of like the Pulse shooting, we did not have a
rhetoric like this mainstream in the way that it is
happening for the Club Q shooting. It was a very
very different response to the to the Pulse shooting. Also

probably because the shooter there wasn't white, um, so they
had yeah, they'd be like No, the problem here was immigration, right,
and no for this, like he's like, he is obviously
a white dude. Um, his lawyers are pulling bullshit to
get his crime charges pulled, but like it's obviously it's

it's obviously this white guy and the right responses. Yeah,
he was probably justified in doing what he did. And
I feel like they're setting him up to be the
next Kyle Rittenhouse, where like he's just gonna become like
this kid celebrity that killed I don't know if we're
there yet. Yeah, partly because he got the ship kicked
out of him. Um, but I thinks no, not by police,

by a translator. And yeah, I think you've made a
good point there that like what they did get away
with some ship with car Rittenhouse, that like I think
they would not have pulled even five years before that,
Like I think you wouldn't have found in people being
like yeah he shot people in the street and this
is good fuck them, And it is like the slippery

slipt fallacy isn't always a fallacy, but like you know,
once you start there, I don't think it's a massive
leap to being like, yeah, this kid shot queer people
in the nightclub and that's what they had coming. Like,
even if they don't make him a hero, Like I
do think that that like the Overton window moved with
Written House, and it's moving again with this bill fucker. Yeah,
I think he's slightly too toxic to to to go

through that same celebrity status that Written Houses. Um. He
also I can't speak. I think he's been like in
his court appearances, he's like not. I think he's got
beaten very badly to ship. Which the thing the thing
that scares me as like a potential Written House event,
but kind of in the in the anti were mass

shooter vibe is like you have some father or something
who's separated from the kid and their other parent takes
them to a drag queen event and dad shows up
and start shooting, and like that's a thing that's a
lot of easier to get the right to pile on. Yeah,
that's that's the instance where that person now becomes a
cultural figure in his way. That's more similar to what

has happened with Written House. Um. And that just is
like the hell scenario. And I think the other important
thing is like they're deliberately trying to incite this like
this is this is deliberate and like and this there's
an interesting thing like Nick Flints had this interviewing. I mean,
this is partially just this is just who fucking Nick
Flints is. We had this thing after the election where
he was like, uh, well, I'm like we we can
we we we we like we we can't. We can't

take power by like like we we we can't actually
get our agenda up by voting. We have to do
it by like theocratic fascism, right, and and I you know, okay,
so obviously this is Nick Flints, but I think this
is part of what's happening right now, which is that
the reason that they're doing this, right, the reason that
right now, the thing that they're trying to do was
inside a jetocide is because they're fucking losing everything. They

know it, right. Every single day church attendance drops. It's
been dropping for twenty years. It's never coming back, like
nine eleven didn't do it, like Trump didn't do it. Nothing,
Nothing is ever going to bring people back to these churches,
like unless maybe they solve their sexual assault problem. But
that's not like they structurally can't do that, right, So
you know, every single day. Religiosity drop in this country

every single like every single day, very slowly, and we
have been doing this roughly for about fifteen years. Now
we are winning. And this is what they're fucking terrified of, right,
they have to move right now, like exactly in this
moment is the is the moment they could exterminate us.
If they wait any longer, they're fucked because they're you know,
the base for this kind of sort of like like
this specific kind of of Christian fascism isn't going to

be there, like there will be other fascisms, but you know,
every every every single day that they fucking wait, like
another person leaves the church and so you know, like
right now, and you know, and they can't do it electorally, right,
We just saw that they got fucking destroyed trying to
lean into the ship. Because and then this is the
other thing, right, like the over thing that's been happening
since the two thousands. And this is the thing that's

very different about this moment than any other moment that
has happened in US history is that the vast fast
majority of people are are are pre pro crew wides,
a prology BTQ, are pro game marriage game, marriage polls
consistently in about right, and even with the ship that
that hasn't moved in needle on it, right, they know
that they have to right now, right, they have to

kill us. All they have left is this solely have left.
They have they have no works action basically, like it's
like and they see no other viable way to mainstream this.
And that's why we have hours after the shooting, lives
of tektok posting about queer events in Colorado, because they're
they're trying to get this thing to happen. They're trying

to do more, trying to press the attack. Yeah, but
but but but but I think I think I think
this is this is like the only thing, like this
is a sign of their weakness, right, And and they're
like again, like the number, the physical number of people
who are pushing this ship is not that large, right,
and and you know again like this is this is
you know, I've I've I've talked a lot about how
the silent majority in this country doesn't agree with this

ship and like they're literally are not that fucking many
of them. We can stop them, Like this is a
natural thing, Like you know, like there there there there's
a limit to which we can even sort of talk
about this. But like, okay, we've been doing community self
defense like as as sort of like the big principle
of the left sense of Trump era. We have reached
a point where, like, you know, we can defend ourselves,

but if well, if we're limited to just defending ourselves,
they're going to kill a bunch of us first. And
that means that we, like we actually have to start
taking the fight to these media platforms where we have
to start taking the fight specifically trying to get these
people sucking off air and then you know, failing that,
like fucking showing up and like blowing a fucking air
horn and try a right checks like ear every single

time she leaves her house. Right, because all of all
of these people sucking, their entire lives depend on our labor. Right,
Every single fucking uber they take, every single deal they eat,
is all prepared by us. And you know, we can
fucking find them, and we can we can make their
lives fucking hell if this is what they're gonna do
to us. Garrison, do you want to do you want

to talk about focus on the family. It looks and Colorado, Oh, Yeah,
there was speaking of the kind of direct action. Chris
was talking about showing up where these people are and
making it very clear that they don't get to pretend
anymore to not be complicit in in murder. Um that
that's a story. Yeah. Some some people did did show

up at the Colorado Springs focus on the family headquarters.
Um did a did a graffiti left some left some
messages out front and posted a community ca of sorts.
I think they called them debotic, which is pretty funny,
remembering the message thing right, that is a weird place.

It talked about how Satan can disguise himself as an
angel light. That's that's talking about the types of like
self righteousness that these Christian fascist groups put on and
in but in effect they're all kind of murderous snakes. Um.
That was people trying trying to use the Bible against

these guys, which is funny in an ironic way. And
I don't think they actually care because they don't actually care.
I don't think they actually care what the Bible set about,
what the Bible says they give a shit about. Yeah,
but showing but showing up and and and doing doing
a little thing outside outside their headquarters is definitely a
good first Stephen when me and James went there, Um,

you know, like in terms of this is just an
interesting an interesting comment, like police did not help at
the club queue shooting at all. They came back towards
and they held and they you know, as as they
usually do. They'll they'll they arrest the person who who
who helped who help stop the mast shooting. Um, when
me and James went to the Focus on the Family

headquarters last summer, um, there was a Colorado Police officer
inside the building the entire time. Um constantly. They're mostly
watching me because I was the obvious, obvious outcast inside there.
But that police are stationed at Focus in the Family
all the time to make sure nothing bad happens there.

But they're not going to do ship to help queer
people getting murdered. But they're gonna stay. They're gonna have
a police car outside of the Focus in the Family
building and have have an officer inside all the time
because that's what the police actually do. Yeah, I mean,
it's it's like it is increasingly obvious if you have
been paying any attention in the last decade, the only

consequences that exists in this world as us, and you
know it is in our hands to decide what the
consequences for these people fucking attempting to inside a genocide are.
All right, that's gonna do it for us here. It
could happen here until next time. Uh, I don't know
until next time. It could happen here as a production

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Robert Evans

Robert Evans

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