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April 9, 2024 23 mins

Dante and Jake preview tonight's big game for the Magic against the Houston Rockets, talk about which players could potentially step in for Franz in the rotation tonight, and discuss why this Houston team will not be an easy test even though they've already been eliminated from playoff contention. 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
This is Magic Drive Time, your daily dose of Orlando Magic.

Speaker 2 (00:05):
Basketball. Magic have numbers if they go man Caro now
threw the.

Speaker 1 (00:08):
Lane, beat jacks it down, mean five through five raptures.

Speaker 3 (00:13):
Magic Drive Time is presented by International Diamond Center, your
local diamond experts since nineteen eighty one.

Speaker 2 (00:20):
High screen from Bronze Nufell spins into the lane, Loom
two off the rim. Fronte, try ahead, what back is going?
Fron Vogner, Mitch your night twenty two? Now here's your's
Jake checks.

Speaker 1 (00:35):
Well, the mandins Maratic drive Time. We're presented by International
Diving Center. Jake Chevan, Dante Marcatelli here with you Tunesday,
April ninth, the magic in the entire NBA with a
day and night off yesterday and now it's back at
it the home stretch. What we got five six days
left in the NBA regular season, the Magic. Four games
remaining will be tonight in Houston and then a tough

back to back. We'll see the Bucks tomorrow in Milwaukee,
Philadelphia on Friday night in the City of Brotherly Love,
and then Fan Appreciation Day coming up here on a
Sunday afternoon. That's a one o'clock tip at Kia Center,
and that will be also against the Milwaukee Bucks. Might
as well get it out of the way because we
just did it. That magic look ahead is brought to

you by Ticketmaster, and don't have to look too far
ahead because, as I mentioned, just four games remaining magic
as of right now in the Eastern Conference, you're sitting
there forty six and thirty two, and your magic numbers
are two two to guarantee a top six seed in
the Eastern Conference, that is, any combination of magic wins

and sixers or Miami Heat losses. And then also two
is your magic number as far as the Southeast Division
title goes, any combination of two magic wins or Miami
Heat losses, and the entire league back at it tonight
will go through the schedule and exactly what it looks
like coming down the stretch here for everybody involved in
the Eastern Conference. But the as of right now, the

three seed at forty six and thirty two, same record
as the New York Knicks, but you have the tiebreaker
over them. A half game up on the Cleveland Cavaliers,
they're your five seed, and then a game and a
half clear of the six seeded Indiana Pacers. We bring
Dante Marcatelli in now to talk all things magic. Will
preview this game against the Houston Rockets tonight. Who's in,
who's out? Your starting lineups. We'll take a look around

the association as well, but we're gonna start with last night.
The reason entire NBA was off last night the NCAA
Championship Game, Connecticut a fifteen point win seventy five to
sixty over the Purdue boiler Makers. Two straight national titles
for Dan Early and and the yukont Hauskys. They are
on another level right now, and Dante in today's day

and age, you know, you think about pro sports and
how parody has been created and pumped into professional sports.
You sort of I didn't really know what the nil
and transfer portal ero would look like in college football
and college basketball. You assume the rich are going to
get richer when it comes to football. But with basketball

such an individualized sport, a player like Zach Eaty can
win back to back. You know, Nay Smith Player of
the Year awards and is good enough to put a
team on his back and take them all the way
to the National Championship game.

Speaker 2 (03:17):
I didn't think we would see.

Speaker 1 (03:19):
Though a dominant force like this for a long time,
unless it was a Kentucky or a blue blood, a
duke that just started, you know, got the right coach
and just started.

Speaker 2 (03:27):
You're in year out retooling.

Speaker 1 (03:29):
The first thing Dan Early said after the game last
night was we get NBA talent. Right He's doing the
walk off, and basically the first place his mind goes is,
we're not doing this with a three and four a year.
We're building a nice program and we've got kids who
just wanted to stick around forever. He's well aware of
the fact that he's got two or three nba 's
on roster who will be gone this year, and it's

gonna be incumbent on him to retool before next season,
just like what happened last year. It seems to be
that guy gets it. It seems to be that guy's
got a blake check. He could leave Storges, Connecticut right
now and end up wherever the achy wants. But I
found it really interesting. I was kind of reading into
the idea that Connecticut has been able to perfect the
system of college basketball right now, where most of us

don't even have any idea what exactly is going on?

Speaker 3 (04:15):
Well, I thought it was First of all, I thought
it was really cool his son Andrew dribbling out the
clock right for national championship. Wasn't that neat him having
his son out there on the floor as that happens.
So now you get another generation of Hurleys that get
a national championship. But you said it man Stores Connecticut,
this guy is getting NBA.

Speaker 2 (04:33):
Have you ever been to Stores Connecticut? I have not.
There is no there was no reason to ever go
go there. Ever go there. My family lives in Bighopton,
New York, and outside of Bighamton, New York, that is
probably the only place you should never visit. Right, what's
the store's connect? But yet he gets this incredible NBA talent.
But listen, I have a hard time putting it all

on on Dan Early. Yes, they figured it out now,
but this is their six national championship. This is not
new for Yukon. Yukon and Jim Calhoun, Kevin all he
wonted championship a few years ago.

Speaker 3 (05:07):
They got a mecca before to go there. They got
Ben Gordon, Rip, Hamilton Ray Allen. They've got some of
the greatest college basketball players of all time to go
to stores Connecticut.

Speaker 2 (05:16):
I just I think it's remarkable about that.

Speaker 3 (05:18):
I think it says a lot about that program and
what they've been able to do, what they've been able
to build, and the reputation that they have, and to me,
the groundwork that's been laid by Jim Calhoun decades ago,
and Dan Hurley has perfected that he had a foundation
is you're not you know, you're not You're not trying
to It's not it's not Mark Feu trying to build

up Gonzaga on his own for the last ten or
twenty years, right, It's that there was there was a
base there. They had four championships to their credit, and
now he's adding to that. But he's since in this
era of nil, he's found a way to get the
right pieces. I think what's most impressive to me. You
probably don't look at the Yukons of the last couple

of years. Yeah, Jordan Hawkins is a nice player, and
we have no idea what Donovan Klingt.

Speaker 2 (06:03):
Is gonna be.

Speaker 3 (06:04):
But he's not getting you know, he's not getting Victor
Webbin Yaba, and he's not getting you know, some of
the some of the he's not getting Zion Williamson. He's
getting great He's getting nice NBA players. He's getting he's
building a team. He has figured out how to put
together a team, and he's done it the last two years.
And they are so deep. Jake, I wanted Zach Edy

of Purdue to win badly. I just thought it'd be
a great story. I thought he'd shut up all the naysayers,
and they just you know, they they just kind of
hung in there for the first half. They were up
by six, and then they poured it on. They are
so impressive to watch.

Speaker 2 (06:37):
I was. I was blown away, just like I was
last year.

Speaker 1 (06:40):
I mean, it's one of the most dominant runs we've seen,
right like since had three coaches, right have won back
to back championships. You're talking k You're talking Billy Donovan
and now Dan Early and he hadn't even been there
that long much. You're right, like last year, who's the
best player on the team? Sonogo like Dominsonogo, we just
saw him the other night. That's he's not He wasn't

a lottery pick, to be certain, and he's a fringe
NBA player. Klanion's gonna go high. You have that size
and that athleticism, and then they say that Castle is
the one that they're most excited about because he's the
youngest guy. But like last night, it wasn't either of
those two guys that was the lead scorer. It was
it was Tristan Newton last night. So the depth is
absolutely mind blowing. And yesterday when when we I mean,

we just proved the game real quick, I told you
that produced guards has to have to make threes. In
that game, they were the best three point shoot as
team in the country. And we know Zach ed he
is the best player in the country. The whole idea
of the way they were if Matt Painter was able
to rebuild and they were able to make ed run
this year they shot forty one percent from three, not
that they were one of seven last night. Connecticquette just

completely took that element away. And to be able to
do that in the National Championship game and dominated aspect
of the game like that, that's it's unheard of one
of the most dominant runs we've ever seen.

Speaker 3 (07:55):
Right, there's no question that he could tell. The philosophy
was it was almost like when were watching the Pistons
when they beat the Lakers in the finals. Okay, Shak's
gonna get his right, let him get his but we're
gonna take everything else away, like you just said. And
you know they've got with Lawyer and they've got I mean,
they've got some nice talent on Purdue and they've got
some guards that have had great seasons.

Speaker 2 (08:15):
But they couldn't get any looks.

Speaker 3 (08:17):
And it almost seemed like Hurley was fine, all right,
we'll let Zach Edy get fifty if that's what it takes.
But he's not him alone is not gonna beat us.
And that's that's what it was. And they would work
so hard. How did in the eed he'd go to work,
can either make it or didn't. But it was one
shot and done.

Speaker 2 (08:32):
That was it.

Speaker 3 (08:32):
They got no follow ups and then you can have
the and it's a wide open three, wide open three
for yukont So they just the game plan worked to perfection.
So it was it was very oppressive the way they
the way they.

Speaker 2 (08:41):
Pulled it out.

Speaker 3 (08:42):
This is an absolutely incredibly dominant team that's not going anywhere.
This is what Kentucky should be with the talent that
John Calipari gets for the last ten years. This is
what Kentucky should be doing year after year and Dan
Dan Hurley has found a way to do it all right,
real quick before we move on.

Speaker 1 (09:01):
So Jim Harbot just won the national championship in college
football and left immediately.

Speaker 2 (09:06):
Dan Hurley could go wherever he wants to right now.
You're Dan Hurley?

Speaker 1 (09:10):
Are you are you going to the highest bidder? And
he was asked about Kentucky. He said absolutely not. We
know you wouldn't answer that question truthfully after that game
last night unless you were unless you were insane. If
you're Dan Hurly right now, are you sticking around stores
and seeing if you can keep it going three in
a row, or or or build something that we've never
seen before? Or are you you just mentioned how enjoyable

stores is.

Speaker 2 (09:33):
Uh, what would you do? Well, that's the thing.

Speaker 3 (09:38):
It's but see, the campus is awesome. The campus is awesome.
Don't get me wrong, Like the campus is phenomenal. There's
just it's a college town and there isn't a ton
to do there. But you're so far from any major city.

Speaker 1 (09:48):

Speaker 2 (09:49):
I don't see him taking Kentucky. There's no way. There's
absolutely no way.

Speaker 3 (09:53):
And I don't know that he's you know, it was
just a guy that's gonna make the leap to the NBA.

Speaker 2 (09:57):
I can't imagine. I think that job is Billy Donovan's.
He wants it, and I think Dan Hurley stays.

Speaker 3 (10:03):
I think he continues to build on this because you're
gonna pay that guy whatever he wants to stay there.
I don't know what would be the next jumping off.

Speaker 2 (10:10):
Point for him.

Speaker 3 (10:11):
If I'm Billy Donovant, He's got one more year on
the contract. I don't know what the zach Lavine situation is.
I don't know if we're gonna blow this thing up
in Chicago. Nothing's guaranteed for me beyond this season. And
he went to Kentucky. Of him, I go there. That
is the dream job.

Speaker 2 (10:25):
For Billy Donovant. I don't see any way he turns
that down. In my opinion, No, I think you're right.

Speaker 1 (10:31):
I think that the stars feel like they're aligning for
that to happen. And Dan Hurley, I think we'll see
him at this level at some point. I'm just not
sure if it'll be if it'll be next year, anytime soon.
But congrats to yukon one of the most dominant successful
runs we've seen over the last two seasons and one
shining moment and everything that's all done.

Speaker 2 (10:52):
College basketball in the books for another year, and we'll
get back to it again.

Speaker 3 (10:57):
In those day, we didn't have to watch we didn't
have to watch all these guys wondering who our lottery
pick is going to be next year?

Speaker 2 (11:02):
Right, How front with that? How different was the college
basketball season for Magic fans this year? What an enjoyable experience.

Speaker 1 (11:09):
Not to mention the fact that the lottery is there's
gonna be about two American born college basketball playing players
in the lottery this year. It seems like twelve out
fourteen are coming from overseas. It's one of those types
of drafts. But you're right, it is fun to be
able to sort of enjoyably watch and say, oh, that
guy might be good for whatever sad sack team is
in the lottery. And it's gonna all of a sudden,

we've arrived the and and we'll transition out of college
basketball into pro basketball back tonight with a vengeance the
entire league in action, and boy, this is gonna be
fun coming down the stretch here. The Magic at Houston
haven't seen them since Game one at he Is Center.
At the beginning of the season, so not too much
we can glean from that, but the Rockets have officially

been eliminated as of what a handful of games and
days ago as far as the Western Conference on Sunday, correct, yes,
on Sunday, they've lost five straight. So the Warriors have
locked up the top ten seeds in the Western Conference
are locked up.

Speaker 2 (12:08):
The Rockets at thirty eight and forty right now.

Speaker 1 (12:10):
And they were really surging and kind of making the
Warriors and the Lakers sweat a little bit. But here
they are, they're on the outside looking at It does
not appear like Imo Dooka has punted on the season
or learning opportunities coming down the stretch here. They do
have some injuries. As a matter of fact, before we
dive in, let's just get to our injury report. It's
brought to you by advent Health, official healthcare providers for

your Orlando Magic Because of Magic list as questionable Jonathan
Isaac with those backspasms and Franz Wagner with his right
ankle sprain. I would not expect to see Franz tonight.
I think just from a precautionary standpoint, you got to
make sure he's good to go, come to postseason, whatever
that looks like. But we'll listen him as questionable and
then ja I will see, Like I think it's probably

a little bit closer to a game time decision if
he feels okay, certainly you need him because you need
every game coming down the scretch here for the Rockets
or without Steve Adams. Yes, he plays for the Houston Rockets.
He was traded while injured at the deadline, but we'll see.
He had that PCL surgery. I think he could be
a big piece for them moving forward if he gets healthy.
I'm not even sure what is NBA future looks like.

Barry Easton had left to be a surgery.

Speaker 2 (13:16):
He's a really good young player. He is out for them.

Speaker 1 (13:18):
Alpha and Shang Gun out with the right ankle sprain,
A very very good young player.

Speaker 2 (13:22):
Maybe would have.

Speaker 1 (13:22):
One most improved and he stayed healthy this year. Jay
Shaun Tate is out. He's a Buck guy.

Speaker 2 (13:27):
And then I'm in.

Speaker 1 (13:27):
Thompson is listed as available dealing with a right fifth
finger tendon injury. D real quick before the break, your
initial thoughts on the Houston Rockets this game tonight. They
imy Adukas did a phenomenal job. He's got a young
basketball team defending. They made the decisions last summer to
go and spend some money on free agents, and I
think between Van Vleet Dylan Brooks, they've at least done

what they wanted him to sort of established, you know,
this is the culture, this is what the Rockets.

Speaker 2 (13:55):
Are gonna look like. Udoka has done a good job.

Speaker 1 (13:57):
And then boy, we'll talk about Jayalen Green on the
other side, and he has absolutely surged as of late
for the Houston Rockets.

Speaker 2 (14:03):
But your thoughts about this game here tonight, D.

Speaker 3 (14:06):
Yeah, Well, my thought was that after everything they did,
winning eleven in a row and then losing five in
a row getting within a game of the playoffs, that
they might kind of take the approach that we took
right now, Now turn your attention to the to the lottery,
and try to get the best position that you can get.
But they're thirty eight and forty, so they have a
chance to have a five hundred record. They have if
they go three and four year down the stretch, they
have a chance they have a winning record if they

win out, and I think that's important. I think for
a young team to continue to fight for something. And
here's the other thing. This is their home finale. They
play this game tonight and then they go on a
three game road trip. So I think for all of
those reasons, I think we're gonna get Houston's best shot.
I think they want to stap that five game losing streak.
I think they want to win four straight going into
the offseason. So and it does not sound like the

Magic will be at full strength, and that's obviously a
bit of a concern. So I think because of all
of those factors, I think Houston's gonna try to go
for this one and they're capable of winning, certainly, But
I think.

Speaker 2 (15:01):
This is a huge game for the Magic. Take this
is absolutely huge because you've got four games left and
Orlando can still go anywhere from two to eight.

Speaker 3 (15:09):
How crazy is that you could finish anywhere from two
to eight in the Eastern Conference, And if you look
at this road trip and the way it lays out,
this is your best chance. Like you have the best
dogs of any game tonight against the Houston Rockets, so.

Speaker 2 (15:22):
You've got to take advantage of it.

Speaker 1 (15:23):
Be a massive game. They all are from here on out.
We'll like a break in here, we'll come back, we'll
have your Magic matchup, and we'll take a look at
what exactly the Houston Rockets are bringing to the table
here tonight as matches take on the Rockets eight o'clock
for the tip pregame seven thirty right here on ninety
six to ninety game television Side.

Speaker 2 (15:41):
Valley Sports, Florida as well.

Speaker 1 (15:42):
Call it all Magic Fans in honor of the thirty
fifth anniversary season, and we're giving one lucky winner the
chance to win an autograph classic jersey from Anthony Black himself.
The Fan Appreciation Sweepstakes is our way of showing just
how much we appreciate each and every one of you.
Head over to Orlandomagic dot com slash fan Appreciation Sweet States,
check out the rules and enter this sweepstakes. More Magic
Drive Time when we come back right here in ninety

six in a game. This is Wendell Carter Junior at
the Orlando Magic and you're listening to Magic Drive Time
with Dante and j Only on ninety six nine in
the game. Welcome back Magic Drive Time, Jake Jaman, Dante,
Marc Telly here with you were presented by international Diamond Center,
Magic out on the road. Four games remaining tonight in Houston.

It'll be an eight o'clock tip. I'll have the pregame
at seven thirty right here on ninety six nine in
the game with Tyler Karen Yours Truly and seven thirty
on Ballet Sports Florida as well with this Van Dante Marcitelli.
Our call the game, brought to you by Glip from
Ring Central, refinck the way you work with secure meetings
and messaging on any device with Glip by ring Central,
head toglip dot Com and Lord More.

Speaker 2 (16:45):
I call the game.

Speaker 1 (16:45):
Dante goes to any Houston Rockets fan who exercised patients.

Speaker 2 (16:49):
With one young Jalen Green Boy the mud at large.

Speaker 1 (16:54):
This dude absolutely exploded average just under twenty eight points
a game, percentages up. He's the second overall pick what
three years ago, the year Franz came out and Jalen
he's he's a good young offensive player, but sometimes it
takes a while for those things to click. And I
don't think he had a whole bunch of structure around him.

This dude is going to be lethal, and I think
everything I think, I Mayodoka has helped.

Speaker 2 (17:20):
I think the veterans have help.

Speaker 1 (17:21):
And boy, you just sometimes you don't see second overall
pick in years one, two, and three, But when it clicks,
it can click, and it looks like it might have
clicked for Jalen Green.

Speaker 3 (17:32):
Well, and I you know, I don't know that any
of us knew what to make of emy Udoka. Right,
you had that run with the Boston Celtics, and he thought, okay,
he was Obviously he did a great job.

Speaker 2 (17:42):
They were within two games of winning an NBA championship.
But then a lot of people thought, well, they didn't.

Speaker 3 (17:47):
Win the NBA Championship because of ema Udoka, because of
the adjustments that he did not make in the finals.
I don't know what's true or what isn't true. Seemed
good enough to get them, to help them get all
the way to the NBA finals, but you didn't know
how he would. But that team had Jason Tatum and
Jalen Brown and Marcus Smart. How are you going to
handle the team with Jalen Green and Alprin Shangoon and
Dylan Brooks. Right, you got to weave in all these

personalities much different players, and then you're looking like, okay,
they start to the season, but the thing, the entire
thing fell completely flat for much of the year. I mean,
they were kind of unimpressive for a few months, right,
just kind of middling, the middle of the road kind
of team. And then they caught fire eleven game win streak,
and he got this team to play every to give
everything it could down the stretch all of a sudden.

Alprin Shangoon is one of the best young talents in
the league. And then Dylan Brooks, obviously they turned that
villain role. You know, he just kind of excelled at
that and he became an unbelievable pickup. He still have
Van Vliet. And then Jalen Green, your point, has been
the guy that's made the biggest transfer mate from last
year to this year, and that to me fall clearly

on the shoulders of em Udoka and the role that
he put him in, and Jalen Green has accepted it.
You have those wild shots that hurt your offense, come
down quick shots earlier the shot clock. He's not taking
that any Borea's get to the basket. He's getting to
the free throw line his three. So I think he's
carved out the perfect role for Jalen Green and he's excelling.

And what does this team look like at the startup
next year? I think they could be pretty scary.

Speaker 1 (19:17):
No, because you mentioned Shanhoon, like I love that guy
I have, but he is he is kind of it's
clicked in a place for him and the Javaris Smith
Junior I think has had a good, solid season. Yes,
you know a lot of times you get caught up
with where they were drafted and the expectations. That stuff
doesn't matter what's his start playing. What matters is do
they fit and are their teams winning games? And do

they have a role within that? And I think all
of those guys certainly do the job they've done in Houston.
It's again, they kind of kind of went a little
bit different path. We decided to make sure that we
were we were developing our young talent, not taking opportunities
away from them. They brought in a few quick fixes,
but we haven't even rushing the men. Thompson either. A
lot of good young talent there in Houston, and that's

they've been bad for a number of years. So basically
they hit on a majority of their draft picks. Real
pick before, real quick before we go. But here's the thing, Jake,
they started, they're they're like Detroit. They started there, they
started to rebuilt a year or two before us.

Speaker 3 (20:13):
Right now, look at who's who's kind of had the bet,
who's kind of had the biggest rise.

Speaker 1 (20:16):
Right And and to me, it's the coach and it's
the decision to bring in some of the veterans. But
that I to be honest with you, I don't know.
The verdicts still out on some of those picks that
Detroit made. And I think these I think the guys
that Houston put their future in the stock of their
future in just the early returns anyways, are are that
they sort of nailed the picks a little bit more. Yes,

Magic matchup real quick, Dante before we go. Starting five
for Houston likely will be Van Vliet, Iman Thompson Uh,
he only pad eight minutes in the name with that
finger injury, but he is good to go. Jalen Green Uh,
Javar Smith Junior, and then Dylan Brooks for the Magic.
We know we'll have Jalen, we know we'll have Gary,
we know Apollo, We'll know we'll have Wendell. That fifth

spot should Franz Wagner not go tonight, and I don't
expect him too. I don't really know. Donte you got
some options thereon Markel has been playing very well. Price right,
maybe getting back in there coming up the ankle injury,
if you want the shooting and a little bit more
size Anthony Black. I think coach Moss has got a
lot of options tonight. I think probably until we get
Fronz back in there, it'll probably be night tonight and

based on based on batchups, don't you.

Speaker 2 (21:21):
Think, well, I think it'll be biggest sized thing.

Speaker 3 (21:24):
I think you'd love to start Jonathan Isaac maybe if
you had a chance, say if he's going to be
available but questionable, he may he may not even go,
and you have to navigate that back to back anyway.
He has been playing two games in a row here,
so if you have them tonight, then you don't have
them tomorrow, or because back still a little bothersome, you
rest them tonight and you have them ideally for Giannis tomorrow.
So that might be kind of how they play that.
I think it's either to me, you need to be

either Caleb or Tuba. I think Cuba is a guy
that we've seen start eight games this year, he could
have an opportunity to slide in and then you don't
disrupt the bench whatsoever. You can kind of keep all
of that intact or if you decide to go Caleb.

Speaker 2 (21:58):
Caleb was a guy that got the start a couple
of games ago that he's certainly been good.

Speaker 3 (22:01):
And if you don't have Fronze, you don't have you know,
Caleb Orchuma kind of don't help you with that playmaking
ability and kind of finishing at the rim. So who's
the guy that can maybe knock maybe be a threat
from beyond the arc and open things up for Pollo.
So that's where my mind maybe goes to Kayleb Houston,
but it's you've certainly got some options. Anthony Black will

be in the rotation now, no question about it, if
Bronze is unable to go. But something tells me, if
you know you're sitting here looking at it, everything that's
at stake.

Speaker 2 (22:31):
Year three. Froz Wagner, the competitor, I think he may say,
just tight down, tighten that shoelace extra tight. Let me
go out there and give it a go.

Speaker 1 (22:40):
No stranger things have happened, for sure, so it'll be interesting,
and we'll have you clued in on exactly who's available
who's not. Right at the top of the pregame show.
That's coming up seven thirty right here, ninety six to
ninety game, little bit inside with Dante on Valley Sports,
Florida as well. That's going to do it for Magic
Drive Time. We'll be back tomorrow hopefully talking about a
Magic dub, the Magic and the Rock. It's coming up

just about an hour from now, right here in ninety
six to nine the game.

Speaker 2 (23:03):
Have a great night, everybody,
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If you've ever wanted to know about champagne, satanism, the Stonewall Uprising, chaos theory, LSD, El Nino, true crime and Rosa Parks, then look no further. Josh and Chuck have you covered.

The Nikki Glaser Podcast

The Nikki Glaser Podcast

Every week comedian and infamous roaster Nikki Glaser provides a fun, fast-paced, and brutally honest look into current pop-culture and her own personal life.

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