All Episodes

August 24, 2023 47 mins

Tyrese gives his reaction to the James Harden situation with the Sixers, he talks about missing out on USA Basketball going the World Cup, and he gives love to one of his idols, the new Hall of Famer, Dwyane Wade. Tyrese also sits down with his longtime basketball skills trainer Tim Martin to talk about their summer workouts, what makes Victor Wembanyama special and Tim's incredible journey from homelessness to elite NBA trainer.

Maxey on the Mic is a production of iHeartMedia, Klutch Sports and the NBA

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Rese Maxie, he's on fire, Yo.

Speaker 2 (00:18):
What's up? Is Tase? Here?

Speaker 3 (00:20):
Back with Maxie on the mic Man, I've been having
a really good, something, really great summer. Actually it's going
really fast, like off season moving fast. The months are
going my fast, the weeks are going on fast, and
the days are going by even faster. But uh, you know,
I've just been I've just been enjoying all of the NBA.

You know, just why do I explain this. I don't
want to say drama, but all the NBA intail off
season intaeil.

Speaker 2 (00:46):
I'll go with that. The NBA never stops. You know.

Speaker 3 (00:50):
I made a tweet last year. I think I was like, Uh,
the NBA off season has to be the most entertaining
off season of like all the sports. I mean, just
because it's like it's something new every day. I mean,
it's something new comes out every day. And I'm not
just talking about with us as the sixth I'm just
saying the NBA in general, with everything that's going on,
so many different storylines going on in the NBA right now,

so many different trade scenarios, so many different narratives.

Speaker 2 (01:15):
It's been great. It's been great.

Speaker 3 (01:17):
But you know, last show we did was with Nick
Nurse coach Nick Nurse Out in Vegas Live show. That
was really cool, man. I had a really good time
doing that. I think I should do more of those.
I'm gonna try to do some more of those, try
to see if I can set up some more of those,
because I feel like that was everybody was engaged, man,
everybody was engaged. I got to see the people how
they reacted. There's a lot of smiling faces there. It

was really fun. You know, it was really fun. But anyways,
let's get into it. Let's let's go ahead and start
getting into it.

Speaker 2 (01:45):

Speaker 3 (01:45):
Let's I guess we need to go ahead and address
the elephant in the room, as people would say, my
current still current teammate and one of my one of
my good friends brother mentor on my team, James Harden situation.
You know, honestly, for myself personally, I mean, of course
I'm watching it because I'm not going to sit here

and say I didn't see any of it. I'm not
going to sit here and say I don't get on
social media. I'm not even going to sit there until
that lie I saw it, and it's you know, it's
it's just interesting man. I will say this about the
situation though, to each his own. You know, James, he's
a professional, you know, he has he's doing something for
a reason, and you know, you just have to sit
back and kind of understand what he's doing as a friend,

but then as a teammate and as somewhat a part
of an organization that I'm with right now, you have
to prepare for whether you know James is going to
be there or not going to be there, you know,
And that's just that's just the nature of it. That's
really just the nature of it. And it happens. You know,
it's not like it's crazy to say this, but it's
not our first rodeo, honestly, you know, that's funny to say,

but I mean it's life, and you know, James is
his own individual. He can you know, he's able to
do whatever, you know, whatever he pleases. And uh, you know,
I'm just honestly, like I said, I'm prepared right now
to play with them, but without him. And that's just
the business side of it. And there's no no love
lost because I love James. James of death. If he
decided he was going to come back and play with us.

I think there's nobody in this organization that wouldn't that
you know, would be upset about that. But uh, you know,
you just have to understand what he's going through and
you know, pray for him, you know, as a brother.
You know, people ask me, like, if James doesn't come back,
do y'all do you see this this season as a
wash or I don't think in the position that the
Sixers are, and we can't never see a season as

a wash. I mean, like, we have talent, you know,
we have the rain of MVP on our team. We
have to go out there and expect to win and
expect to you know, still try to complete our goal.
It would be definitely, you know, even more difficult now
that you know one of our one of our best
players as of right now, decide he doesn't want to
come back and play and that's how life goes. But

you know, it would be uh, even more difficult. But
you have to go out there and you have to
Everybody has to raise their game, you know. And I
say everybody, I mean not just Joelle, not just me,
not just Tobias, but that's everybody who's who's on the
Sixers rosters such as rotation. You know, Jamie Springer may
have to come in and give more minutes. Danthony may
have to come in and do more And that's just
the nature of it. That's the nature of the business.

And uh, and you know you have to look at
it at both ways as opportunity. You know, it's gonna
be opportunity for a lot of guys, even myself included.
Another opportunity for me to take steps and try to
better myself for our team. And then like guys like
James Springer, like I said, guys like Javonte Smart we
we just sound like these Eibit ten you know, those
guys you know, could take advantage of the situation as well.

And if James does so, so Iry doesn't want to come
back and you know play, Uh, it will change my
role significantly. And like I said, that's just part of
the business. That's one thing that I will say. You know,
my dad always taught me and another playing for coach
Cal taught me as well. I've been able to play
off the ball, I've been able to play on the ball.
I've been able to kind of be you know, adaptable

in whatever situation I've been thrown into. And it's just funny.
You know, every single year it's been something something new.
I keep saying it. Maybe I should stop saying it,
will stop having it, but I keep saying it, you know,
and interviews and podcasts and meetings and you know, on
in media, and it just keeps happening them It's funny.
But like, yeah, I mean, if that's the case, then

my role will be different. I'll probably play more, a
lot more on the ball, a lot less off the ball.
I'll probably become like the primary playmaker, primary ball handler.
But I think we can do it by committee as well.
You know, we got guys like Tobias who can who
can make plays. We got guys like the MVP who
his ability to make plays is really good as well.
And then I think, like I said, I just been working, man,

I've been working on it. I mean, you have to
prepare for both. I've been prepared whether Jage comes back
or whether he doesn't come back. So I have to
be prepared for both. I can't let that stop the progress.
I can't let that stop what we're doing. I can't
let that affect myself. And if anybody who's taught me that,
it's him you know, that's the funny part about it. Like,

I know he's probably gonna if you're not playing, he's
gonna be rooting for me to be the best version
of myself because that's just the type of brother. He
is a great person, and you know we love him
for that. So the team you would say is about
to play in the World Cup, you know, I wish
up the best of love. I mean, you can't go
against your country. I would never go against my country.

Speaker 2 (06:18):
You know that.

Speaker 3 (06:19):
That's the first and foremost. But that team has a
lot of a lot of good people on that team, man,
a lot of guys that I wouldn't say I'm closer
but me, And there was probably the closest person I
am too on that team, you know, and Triple J
and then probably Tyree and some other guys on that
team as well that I'm close to. But you know,
I definitely wish them well. You know, I think they
look good, man, they look nice, think they're jeling.

Speaker 2 (06:41):

Speaker 3 (06:41):
You know, we don't only see an exhibition so far,
but I hope you win. I mean, I wouldn't say,
you know, it doesn't it's not hurtful not being on
the team, but I mean I understand, you know, the
voting committee of they or whoever, however it is, the
selection goes. They picked who they want to pick, and
I mean you have to be able to be professional.
At the end of the day, you have to accept

it and it is what it is. You move on,
You wish them the best of luck, and then you
try to go out there and you try to, you know,
make the next team. And hey, it's a part of it.
It's pretty black and white. You know, you either make it.
They invite you, or they don't.

Speaker 2 (07:14):
You know.

Speaker 3 (07:15):
I think, you know, Richmond, he pitched it to me
maybe like January, but I had just came back from
being injured, so and I wasn't so sure about it.
But you know, I'm always up to doing it.

Speaker 2 (07:25):

Speaker 3 (07:25):
Playing for USA is a great opportunity. I did it
you you eighteen, I think when we won gold over
in Canada. So I mean, I would love to do
it again. I mean, you know, just the opportunity to
present itself. I have to go out there and put
myself out there and try to compete at a high
level during my day job and try to show them that,
you know, I'm someone who they want their team. So

you know, hey, but like I said, I do wish
that team the best of luck because at the end
of the day, when I sit there and watch, I.

Speaker 2 (07:52):
Want us to beat the other countries. But hey, it's whatever.

Speaker 3 (07:56):
If they want me to play in the Olympics, there's
no doubt in my mind that I would love to
playing the Olympics.

Speaker 2 (08:00):
I mean, that's that's a dream come true.

Speaker 3 (08:03):
It's it's almost like its extremely hard to turn down
playing the Olympics. Man, like you to put that USA
on your chest with whatever number you have on whatever
you know, your name across the back. I mean, man,
that's all the greats have done it, you know, all
the way from from Mike, from Lebron to d Wade

uh mellow KD. Like everybody's done it. So pipping, I
mean the Magic's I mean, the list go on and
on and on and on and on. So I mean,
if you're if you're honored, and you're blessed to receive invitation.
I don't think there's anybody in the league that will
turn the Olympics down unless you know, they're heard or
something like that, they have something that they really significantly

need to do. So you know, yeah, I'm definitely I
definitely would love to do it, and I'll definitely try.
You know, I want to say I'll be thinking about
it while I'm playing, but I'll definitely be out there,
end up going out there going as hard as I can,
you know, in my day job. Like I said, trying
to show them that, you know, I'm somebody who they
could keep their eye on Basketball Hall of Fame and

Duckie sher money just happened to shout out to all
those guys and shoutut to all those those people. Man,
that's that's amazing. You know, that's amazing accolade. That not
everybody's part of that club. And to be a part
of that exclusive club, you have to, you know, you
have to do some special things on the basketball court
and then and I just be special players with special

people as well. All those people from the likes of
Dwayne Wade, Dirt, Tony Parker, Palagassow, Coach Pot all those
people they are they're not they're not just great basketball minds,
but they're great people as well. And you know, the
great people that you want to have around. But I'll
just give a major shout out to d Wade He's

the reason why I wore number three, not just in
high school but in college AAU. I tried to always
get another three. And that's because of Dwayne Wade. It's
funny now, like, you know, knowing, actually knowing him, and
actually being able to talk to him and actually being
like him, being like somebody that I could look up
to and actually connect with. It's a great feeling, man,

It's a great feeling. And it's funny. I tell people
all the time how crazy it is and how how
crazy God works is. You know, I posted my commitment
video of going to Kentucky and Dwayne Wade quote tweted it.
You know, he quote it. But this is before I
even knew him, before I ever talked to him, quote
to it. It was like, that's how you make an announcement.
And I'm just running around how I'm so happy about

d Wade, like noticing like, oh my god, dwayn Wade
knows who I am. Like this is ridiculous, And it
just so happened that I've seen him the next the
following weekend and Atlanta at the ey Bil Tournament, and
you know, he has a security and I'm like, I run.

Speaker 2 (10:44):
Up to him.

Speaker 3 (10:44):
I really just run up to not really run, but
like I kind of speed walked to him to tell him,
like thank you, and it's security, hey, back up, back up,
and I'm like, whoa wait, I just I just want
to tell him thank you.

Speaker 2 (10:55):
That's it.

Speaker 3 (10:55):
I don't even want to I don't want to smoke.
I just want to tell him thank you. But uh,
I mean, yeah, this is it's it's a great accomplishment
for them, you know, shout out to them, and you know,
one day, maybe one day I could work towards getting there.
You know, I always say I work to be one
percent better. Every single day I worked to my My
ultimate goal is to be the best possible version of

Tyrech MAXI that I possibly can be. And that's because
that's just who I am.

Speaker 2 (11:21):

Speaker 3 (11:21):
I'm not gonna sit here and put a limit on
you know, how high I could go or or you know,
I feel like the sky. Everybody says the sky's limit,
but I feel like, you know, I can go even further,
and I go as far as I possibly can take me.
And you know, like I always say it when it's
all sitting down, when the boss I bounce. So I
want to be able to say, I put them all
into the game, and I got out of my maxwell
maximum potential, you know, with it. And that's just the

goal always. All right, let's take a quick break. When
we come back, we'll get into a conversation with one
of my trainers, someone who is probably the second person
other than Rod Clark who's at Tennessee now, but he's
like really like the first person who full time train
me other than my dad in high school.

Speaker 2 (12:07):

Speaker 3 (12:07):
His name is Tim Martin, and we'll learn a little
bit more about, you know, some off season workouts. I
want to talk to him about some of the workouts
that we've done, some of the workouts that he's dealt
with other guys across the league, some of the things
that he sees, you know, and I want to get
ready for this show, you know, let him talk about
what we've done and how we get ready for the season,
and just some of the stories that I want him

to tell about because he's been connected with guys as
far as the likes of Dwayne Wade, Trey Young and
a number one overall pick Win Biana. So it's like
I really want, I really want him to talk. And
then you'll hear some things from him, and it'll be
pretty interested to y'all.

Speaker 2 (12:43):
Stay tuned.

Speaker 3 (12:55):
All right, y'all, we're back with Maxwell and the Mic.
I told y'all I had a special guest for y'all today.

Speaker 2 (13:01):
You know, to give this this good man of mine,
this good brother of mine, a good.

Speaker 3 (13:07):
Rundown or a good synopsis, I'll say I start with this.
The first time I worked out with with Tim, We're
working out in the back gym my dad. So my
dad never really let me work out with anybody else,
but he tells me like, look, I want you to
work out with this dude. You know he's I think
he's gonna be really good for you. Works on pick
and roll pass and stuff like that. So I really

want you to work out. And I'm like, all right,
if cool Breeze want me to work out with him,
and then hey, I ain't got no choice but to
work out with him. So we get there and I
promise y'all. Like when I when I tell y'all this Tim,
we didn't we didn't shoot a shot the entire day,
I'm like, I go home, I tell my day, like
what I worked well, I was like, we didn't shoot
at all, we just passed the ball the entire time,

and like my dad was so intrigued by that.

Speaker 2 (13:52):
I think that's where our relationship really started building.

Speaker 3 (13:54):
And that's that's that that really helped me, man, That
really helped me as far as at the time, you know,
I was I think I feel like I was a
natural born scorer, honestly, but you know, he was on
me about getting those assists or lacing the balls up
and getting guys open and getting guys shots at making
gods confident. And I feel like that took our team
to another level at the time in high school, you know,

getting guys like Chris more confident, getting guys like Kean
and j Bully and all my friends back in high
school they're more confidence and was able to kind of
elevate us to State. But that's just a rundown on Tim.
I just want him to, you know, say a few
worried before we get started to go ahead.

Speaker 4 (14:29):
Tim, I can't thank you enough just to be here.
You know, I've been able to just see your growth
since you was little man, and it's cool to be
able to like reminisce and talk about these old stories.
And I'll never forget that moment because for me, you know,
when we first met, you already had game. You know,
It's not like you was, you know, trying to figure
out how to dribble and stuff like that. But I'm

just always been big on perspective, you know what I mean,
and how you saw the game at that point in time.
For you to really elevate yourself and elevate others, I
think it was important to not just be a great
score but be a great playmaker, you know what I mean,
because you know, I mean, you've been playing the game
your whole life. I mean, if you're not scoring the ball,
what else are you doing? And that's always been something

that I take pride in in my teachings, is just
expanding the way players look at the game three dimensionally
and just being able to play, you know, both sides
of the floor. So you've always done a great job
of that. But it was pretty wild that passing segment.

Speaker 2 (15:26):
Yeah, it was, man, I'm like, you know what's funny
about that?

Speaker 3 (15:31):
I'm just thinking about it, but it was like it
was one of the kids that was on JV was
just in the gym.

Speaker 2 (15:35):
He just happened to be in the gym.

Speaker 3 (15:37):
And he was like, hey, you want to help, and
he was just read like, now we're coming off Boston,
I'm passing to him, lacing the ball up to him.
And it was like, man, I was just that was
a funny moment. But no, I got I got a
few things I want to talk about for sure. Like firstly,
I want to talk about it is like you know,
and not just me. I just want to talk about
like training in general, because it's become such a crazy business.

It's bad, Like we have so many different trainers. We
have you know, internet trainers, we have TikTok training, we
have all that stuff now. And I'm not saying that's
a bad thing. I'm just saying like it's a good thing.
I feel like y'all are evolving, and I just want
to talk about, like I want you to talk about
what do you see it?

Speaker 2 (16:14):
What are your goal is when.

Speaker 3 (16:15):
Like you know, NBA client comes to you and because
you do, I see what I watch you and you
trade everybody different what you have to I feel like
and I just want you to talk about what you
see and what you try to do and what you
try how you try to help guys with their games.

Speaker 4 (16:28):
Yeah, well the biggest thing is I need you know,
I want you to to not just listen to what
I'm telling you to do, but I want you to
feel what I'm saying, you know what I mean, because
it's my job not to just work you out, but
to develop you. And I feel like there's a big
difference between a lot of workout guys and then you
have your teachers, you know what I mean. And I

used to always actually want to be a history teacher
growing up, and I've always loved to see that. Yeah,
just being able to figure out the subject matter and
be able to find different ways to articulate the me
message to the players is something that I enjoy doing
and to be able to see players grow over time.
You know, it takes a lot of patience, especially for

somebody like me.

Speaker 5 (17:10):
I mean, when we.

Speaker 4 (17:11):
Started, I was I was a young coach, so there
was some wild stuff I had you doing that I
had no clue what the hell I was doing. Well, eventually,
you know, you see what works what doesn't work with
some of the players that you have in your repertoire.
But I think training today it's a great thing because
everybody has access to information, you know what I mean.
And I pride myself particularly on just making sure that

we're working on only one or two things at a time,
you know, because I feel like throughout a week, if Monday,
we're just working on.

Speaker 5 (17:41):
Your touch and your floaters.

Speaker 4 (17:43):
By Friday or by at least next week, I shouldn't
even have to keep correcting you. I should be able
to at least look at you or ask you a question,
be like Reese, you know, how does that feel?

Speaker 5 (17:52):
Or what have you?

Speaker 4 (17:53):
When you be able to automatically correct yourself because in
the game, I'm not going to be there.

Speaker 5 (17:58):
You know, you got to be able to have.

Speaker 4 (17:59):
That relationship with yourself and be able to auto correct
yourself on what feels right and what doesn't feel right.
So that's kind of been my approach to my teachings
over the last few years.

Speaker 3 (18:09):
Yeah, and when you it's funny that you say that,
because I now I started reminiscing about not even just
high school and me not even just right now, but
like all the way back to high school, like working
out with love, I like working out with you. You
taught me, well, Rod kind of taught me like getting
up early or whatever, but you taught me like before
the school you know what I'm saying. We was getting
in there, you remember that, like my junior and senior

like six am before school, and it was like, I'm like, man, like,
you know, I like this stuff. You know, I like
the guard and now I start bringing in like Chris
and then little Jordan would come with me some days
when we work out early in the morning, and you
was big on me from the jump about like the
voice and the leadership. And that's one thing that's really
helped me as far as like now, you know, I'm

twenty two years old, which I'm young, but I feel
old like my mind like I feel that old. But
I'll say season, you know what I'm saying, And you know,
I'm able to have those conversations in locker room, have
those conversations on the court and being able because I
think I feel like the work ethic that we've put
in and working I put in. And then just like

me being able to communicate. You was always on me
about that communicator and especially when I came like junior
senior year, He's like, look, you know everybody's gonna listen
to you, especially right now you know you're all these
act leads blah, blah blah, but use your voice tell
people where they need to go.

Speaker 2 (19:30):
That is going to help you when you get to
the league.

Speaker 3 (19:32):
And I'm like, man, I didn't think about it then,
but now, like playing with a guy like Joelle, like
who's so dominant, you have to still be like I'm
I have the ball, So I still have to be
able to be dominant. Tell Joel all right, set the
screen here or set that screen there. If I was quiet,
you know, that wouldn't work. That dynamic just wouldn't work.
Or when Paul Reid, I'm playing with Paul Reid, I
need part read to flip the screen. I need part

re do this. I kind of want to talk about that.
Where'd you get that from? Where did that come in at?
Like that's because that's a key component to the game.

Speaker 5 (20:01):

Speaker 4 (20:01):
Well shoot, when I played, I'm what you call slow fast, right,
So I ain't had no athletic ability, and so I
had to really like dive into the details as a player,
you know, in high school and in college. And so
one of the things I learned is that, like, especially
if I'm playing week side defense or help side defense,
I have to learn how to over communicate just to

put myself in good situations and then offensively. You know,
I wasn't able to just isole a player. So if
I'm calling for screens, I need my bigs to understand
exactly how I need the angles to be and setting
the screens and so forth. So I think, you know, young,
younger version of me in my career, I had to
learn how to over communicate and in just any.

Speaker 5 (20:42):
Relationship, especially in business, you know what I mean.

Speaker 4 (20:46):
I value relationships obviously, and I know for me and you,
for me, like I always felt like I can't lecture.
I need to have a conversation with you because I'm
asking you questions and so forth. Then I'm able to
extract feedback and then and now I know how to
like articulate the approach to our workouts. And so I
think communication is really important to anything, not just basketball related.

But you know, I think for you too, You've always
had that presence right and because you always walking in
gyms and you smiling, and your energy is always been
contagious for others. And the one thing that I use
you as a reference point to all these other players
that I work with, especially like if I'm doing speaking engagements,
is I always say, Tyrese MAXI is one of the

most curious people that I've ever met, right, and you
always learning something new every time you work out.

Speaker 5 (21:36):
So think about it.

Speaker 4 (21:38):
If there's thirty days in a month, I guarantee you
you learning something new every single day. That's thirty new
things you learn about basketball. You're going to definitely.

Speaker 5 (21:46):
Separate yourself from everybody else.

Speaker 4 (21:47):
And so it's it's a no brainer that your career
is gone on the up and up because of your
curious mind.

Speaker 2 (21:54):
No, yeah, I appreciate.

Speaker 3 (21:56):
I agree that, like it's and I think that's testimony
to my post to Man because you know, he was
only big time you know, cool Bree is crazy, so
he was only big time about like he was a coach,
so like I was always trying to pick his brain,
and he was always teaching me something new after every
single game, as far as even when I was you know,
a little bitty you know what I'm saying, We coming

back watching film doing all types of crazy stuff at
age I don't know, ten eleven, I'm not gonna go
play video games. You got me here watching film from
a guy. I'm like why One time I asked him, said, man,
why we got to watch the game. Already happened. We
know what happened in the game, and we're watching it
to make sure you don't do it again. I'm like,
but but anyway, it's nice. But I agree though, I

agree to it. And you know, another thing that we
talked about a lot is that I want you to
talk about is is goal setting and mindset. It was
only a big time about what's your goals this year?
And I'll give you something, but you're like, no, what's
your what's your real goals this year? And I would
go in and that and I had to really give
you something that was you know that that was a

real goal, you know what I'm saying, goals of mining. So,
like I put this as an example, you know, I
said after my rookie year, I was like, look, I'm
gonna be most improved, you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 2 (23:09):
And I feel like I didn't.

Speaker 3 (23:10):
I didn't win the award, but like the way my
numbers were, I went from like I don't know, seventeen
minutes to like thirty six minutes a game, and that
was like on eight points to like eighteen. You know
what I'm saying that the margin of the what I
did the growth, We talked about it and you all
went out there and just played it. And then the
next year you said, look what you're gonna do this year,

and I wrote down my goals. I wrote down the stuff,
and for the most part, I completed almost every single
one of those goals, especially individual goals. So I kind
of want you to talk about how you kind of
relay that message to players, because that's that's a part
of training too, in my opinion, because that's that's a
different side of it, but that's the same thing.

Speaker 4 (23:48):
Yeah, nah man, And I'm glad that you took key
to that because one of my biggest things is like
a lot of a lot of players especially do not
know what they want. Everybody's kind of vague in their
approach in terms of like, yo, I want to go
to the NBA or I want to be an All Star.
But the one thing I don't think a lot of
people really like focus on is whatever it is that

you're trying to get to, you're going to struggle.

Speaker 5 (24:10):
It's going to be up and down roller coaster. And
I remember there was.

Speaker 4 (24:13):
Times not just high school but college and obviously when
you first got into the League where you know you
had to figure things out. You know, we were just
talking about it the other day. There's never been a
player that I've ever met where their career is just
going on to up and up without some kind of
hardships where you coming off the bench, lack of playing time,
shooting slump or whatever, injury.

Speaker 5 (24:34):

Speaker 4 (24:35):
But I think once you get to that space of
exactly knowing what you want specifically, then as you go
through your struggles as a player, you're always able to
make those adjustments. So it's kind of like being down
ten in the game, coach calls a time out, and
you're able to go back to your original game plan,
make a few tweaks, you know, make an adjustment in

the game plan, but then get right back out there
and compete. And so I think when it comes to
your mind, I said, and you pursuing your goals, you
can't be vague, like, you got to be as detailed
as possible, and eventually you'll be able to know what
you need to adjust to get there.

Speaker 3 (25:09):
Yeah, And it's like when you talk about those details,
the first thing that pops into my mind is, you
know that everybody was talking about my floater float to
floor to float to flow to floater, and uh, it
was like, man, how you you know? One flip floater,
two foot floaters off the glass, floater straight and floaters.
I'm like, man, listen, me and Tim we sat in
that gym at South Garland in the in the in

the big gym on this one and we shot floater
after the floater, after the floater. You told me it's like, look,
you're getting all the way to the rim. Cool, you're
shooting threes.

Speaker 2 (25:41):

Speaker 3 (25:42):
Where what what type of midrange game are we going
to get it? You don't have to shoot all like
pull up middies. But I think the floater is gonna
be good for you.

Speaker 2 (25:49):
You know.

Speaker 3 (25:49):
I kind of took the floater away, and like when
I was a little key, I did the photo when
I was lotokle key, like almost every single play. So
I kind of took it away once I got to
like the beginning of high school. Once I got back
to my junior year, we talked about that. Man, it's
gonna be seven footers in there. It's gonna be you
know what I'm saying, athletic guys in there. You're not
gonna be able to just rise up and dunk and layer.
You know what I'm saying. You're not six ' eight.
You know you don't have you know, that type of bounce.

So it's like we did. I just want to give
like people a perspective. I want you to talk about too.
But we did every floaterter variation possible.

Speaker 2 (26:22):
I think.

Speaker 3 (26:22):
Man, I'm talking about like and then we when when
we talk about that craft and being a you know,
someone who wants to be perfect. You know what I'm saying,
backboard on it, all it three in a row, you
know what I'm saying. Like, it doesn't count if it's
not all in it, you know what I'm saying. So
I want you to talk about that too, because you
came up with that stuff for me and I I
kind of just walked right into it when I got
to college and I kind of added to all my

workouts there as well.

Speaker 5 (26:45):

Speaker 4 (26:45):
Now, well, the one thing for me is I'm very observant.
So as I put you through a series of drills,
I'm always looking at your movements from your body movements,
and the one thing that you've always had is great
touch from the outset, you know what I mean. And
you can always get to the rim. I mean, I've
seen you dunk on plenty of cats, you know, since
you was young, but back in the day, yeah, when

you at them young kneeds. I think just knowing what
to expect in the NBA side with dealing with that
sort of link. And it's not even about getting your
shot blocked. It's just the bigs altering your shots. So
you have to have a different level of finesse in touch.
And so I think at that particular time when we
was working on your floaters or whatnot, it was just like, look,

this has got to be a standard. I don't expect
you to do these things, but this got to be
a standard anytime you walk into a gym to where
it has to be immaculate because you got a quick
first step. You one of the fastest players in the NBA.
I mean even in high school, he was one of
the fastest players in the country. And I think sometimes
when you're that fast, you know you're adding a little

bit more force on the ball going off the glass
or whatnot.

Speaker 5 (27:53):
And so I think just being mindful of not slowing down.

Speaker 4 (27:57):
When you're picking up that ball and just being able
to have a soft touch of the glass or just
being able to be perfect.

Speaker 5 (28:02):
You know with that ball going through the neck. That
was key. So yeah, you definitely got a lot better
at it, a lot.

Speaker 2 (28:09):
But I ain't gonna a lot.

Speaker 3 (28:10):
I remember the first time we were shooting like one
legged floaters. I'm like, man, listen here, I do floaters,
but this is ridiculous. And now backboard all that we
was there. You know, sometimes I forgot about this. We
used to work out at the Lifetime Where was that
Lifetime at?

Speaker 5 (28:27):
It was in North Dallas.

Speaker 3 (28:28):
Oh my god, So I used to I used to
leave school. I used to leave school and drive all
the way out there just to work out. And I'm
like we get there, You're like all right, let's get
to the floaters, and were like, all right, backboard on that. Well,
I will sit there until I had three backboard, like
three in the row. Backboard on that. Like we wouldn't
move on drills, and it was like that stuff is
like it's good for you, man. I just feel like
that repetition and then someone who's gonna push you, you know,

never let you slack off. And that's you know still
to this day. You know what I'm saying when we
work out now and I feel like you know now,
like you said, it's a lot different now. Like we
work out, I come to you sometimes say look can
we do this, this, that, and the third. And that's
just a part of that communication that you talk about,
like you have to be able to do that. Like
I'm the one that's playing in the game. You know
what I'm saying. I got to tell you what I see.

You know, we look at the film. You know, we
looked at films sometimes, but like I tell you what
I see, I tell you someding what I need to
work on, and then I can tell you like, look,
let's do this.

Speaker 2 (29:20):
You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 3 (29:21):
Like recently this week, I say, look, tell I know,
were working out, but you don't I need those reps
I need. I don't want to play like real pick
up because you know, a lot of stuff going on,
but like I need to find a way to work
on my pocket path, work on my overhead pass, and
then play a live session of one on one. So
now we're working on Okay, pick a roll with Joe

will I'm coming off the defendive steps in front of me,
dropping a pocket past, coming off Now all right, now,
I got it.

Speaker 2 (29:47):
Butter situation.

Speaker 3 (29:48):
Working on my isold situation one on one, and I
just want you to talk about like, how do you
I know you probably have you know, may not have
all your guys, but I know you probably have the
same type of respect level with the Light except, like
I said, the Tray and then the d Wades.

Speaker 2 (30:03):
You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 3 (30:03):
We didn't even talk about him as this Hall of
Famer grass the d Wade, but like you know him
and then I won't get into a little bit of
Winby before we get.

Speaker 2 (30:11):
Off here, because I know everybody wants to hear about Wimby.

Speaker 4 (30:13):
So now, man, I think at this stage in your career,
you know, to really elevate, it's not so much just
about the basketball skill set, like we always talk about
the de mindset, right, and I think for you, especially
this summer, is how can.

Speaker 5 (30:28):
You develop in areas of leadership? You know what I mean?

Speaker 4 (30:30):
How can you get comfortable of coaching your teammates or
coaching other players in the gym, or even just talking
to people that you may not know, you know what
I mean and building their confidence level up because a
part of that, you know, going back to the passion,
My thing is this are you a great passor or
you a great assistant?

Speaker 5 (30:48):
You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 4 (30:49):
And then now you ship that over to the leadership side.
Just because you talk or communicate, that doesn't mean that
it's registering with your teammates. You know what I mean,
Because you know you've been in the playoffs. You have
to be great at leadership in certain situations. Whether it
gets tough, it gets tough, and so I think it's
tough at that during the summertime. It's only going to

allow you to be more confident in those areas, being
able to talk to Joel Embiid or James Harden or whoever.
You know, you're gonna be able to feel more confident
in that because you're doing it, you know, in the gym.

Speaker 3 (31:21):
And it's a respect thing too, like we always talk about.
You said it, like when you walk into gym one.
You know, I'm always happy, smiling of course, but like
I always feel like, you know what I'm saying, like
I could be the best player on this court today.

Speaker 2 (31:33):
You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 3 (31:34):
And that's just and that's not just that's not like
cocky or arrogant thing. That's more of just like I
put the work in. I'm confident in myself. You know
what I'm saying. Yeah, we got the MVP on our team,
but if I have to step up and make big
time plays and big time situations, I'm not afraid of
the moment because I put the work in it, because
I carry myself a certain way. And that's how you
get the respect from the Jewel embiads and the James

Harden and then other people around the league. You know
what I'm saying, because now they understand, like, look, you
know Tarre's may you know Joe it is Joel's team,
is Joel's franchise.

Speaker 2 (32:06):
Joe the m v P.

Speaker 3 (32:06):
But Toss you know, he know slack. You know what
I'm saying. He gonna go out there and he's gonna
you know, he's not scared of the moment. And I
think that's another thing that we talked about, man, just
like being confident in yourself, being prepared, being mentally prepared,
and like that's like the meditation, the prayer that we've done.

Speaker 2 (32:22):
You know, we was.

Speaker 3 (32:23):
I was you know, I tell people all the time,
it's funny, I'm jumping all the place, but I tell
people like we were like safely doing this, but like COVID,
like during the pre drive, well every single day we're
in there multiple times a day. I'm like, and it's
like there's no we don't got no cameras. We just working,
you know what I'm saying. And I tell people like man, Tim,

Tim don't post everything, you know, he don't post a
lot of his workouts, but like he won the best
at the game, man, like he don't. We just when
he gets in there and we work it, we don't
even like you know what I'm saying, we don't have time.
And it's and it's not that we don't have time,
just like we just get we attacked at the time
that we're in there and we work.

Speaker 2 (33:02):
Man. That's why I want you to talk about a
little bit more.

Speaker 5 (33:05):
No, Yeah, nah, I appreciate that.

Speaker 2 (33:06):

Speaker 5 (33:06):
It's you know, I always pride myself.

Speaker 4 (33:10):
Too on like it's got to be some sense of togetherness,
like you know, making sure that you're a part of
this process.

Speaker 5 (33:16):
Obviously you the player. This ain't about me, you know
what I mean.

Speaker 4 (33:19):
It's always been about you and then making sure that
you're fulfilling your dreams because that's the reward for me
is hearing your name called on draft night, you know,
and knowing your family and just how great of a
family you come from, you know what I mean.

Speaker 5 (33:31):
And to see you have success on.

Speaker 4 (33:33):
The highest level, you know, and your relationship with my son,
that means a lot to me. And so I think
it's just it's a family effort. But I'll say this too, man,
Like one of the greatest things about you is just
how much of an impact you have on others.

Speaker 5 (33:49):
Like you take basketball away.

Speaker 4 (33:52):
From you, you're still a successful person, you know what
I mean. Likewise, that's just a testament though to your
approach and everything that you do. You you one hundred
percent and the things that you taught me, like about
the one percent, bro, There's there's plenty of days where
I'm like, yo, I ain't got it in me today,
But I'm like, I just got to try at least
you try to get one percent better.

Speaker 2 (34:12):
That's it. That's it, man.

Speaker 3 (34:13):
It's like, I don't know, man, and it's it's it's
a combination of you know, myself just trying to shoot,
just trying to be the best version of myself that
my dad and my family. You know, you like everybody
who's pushed me, and now it's like, I don't like
I never hit that in a problem of getting in
the gym, you know what I'm saying. But now it's like,
you know, being in the NBA, you could take time off.

It's like my thing is like, man, I want to
maximize my potential so much, and I've gotten better at,
you know, scaling back when I got to scale back,
or taking you know, taking off things and getting treatment
doing things like that.

Speaker 2 (34:44):
But like you, I'm just so happy. I'm so happy
that that, uh, you know, I'm able.

Speaker 3 (34:52):
I'm in this position that I'm able to go out
there and be the best version of myself every single day.
And I'm so glad that I placed the people around me,
like you, with Chris Johnson's shoot, my family, my mom,
my dad, you know what I'm saying, all those people
around me who have helped me, help me stay on
the course, help me be successful, and just be by
my side. Okay, let's take one more break. When we
come back, I will tell y'all what I'm thankful for.

I'll tell y'all what what I'm planning to get one
percent better at next week. And also we'll talk a
little bit more about Tim's story really fast, talk about
how my dad met him, and just shout out to Tim.

Speaker 2 (35:25):

Speaker 3 (35:25):
We really appreciate him coming on and shedding light on
his story. And we'll talk a little bit more about
that after this break. You know, you've been working out
wind Beef since. Man, Lord, I mean, you told me

about him, I don't know, years ago. And that's the
crazy part about it. And I'm like, when you tell
me about it, you tell me how tall he's Like, Man, hey,
that's crazy. You don't really think about it. It's snuck
up on us. Think about it. It snuck up on us.
Now goes number one. I mean, like y'all been working.
I just want you to kind of talk about what
y'all some things y'all worked on, some of the things
like because I tell people, man, he's a great player,

but like the person that he is, he's just a
good person to be around.

Speaker 2 (36:12):

Speaker 3 (36:12):
You know, just being around his little brother these last
last week, that's just who they are. Man, They just
really good people.

Speaker 2 (36:17):
You know.

Speaker 3 (36:17):
You brought him into the gym last year after I
had worked out, and before he even touched the ball,
he asked you, like, look, can I work on some
defense stuff with Tyres.

Speaker 2 (36:26):
He wants to play me one on one just defense.

Speaker 3 (36:28):
I'm like, I'm like, you want to get a ball
like nah, it's like come on, let's just come out
the ball screen one on one. And it's like, man,
like the first player, you know, I don't get my
shot back off, but the first player, I drive and
I don't get into his body. I try to choose
like a little running right right, and he just blocks out,
like oh, what the heck. It was like, that's just
like the potential that he has. I kind of want
you to talk about it, like, man, you know, we play,

we played, We had a good time playing. He's so competitive.
I kind of want you talking about him a little
bit before we get off here.

Speaker 5 (36:55):

Speaker 4 (36:55):
Now, shoot, we've actually been working out since he was
like fifteen years old, so you know, I was going
back and forth to France and working through the zoom
calls during COVID and stuff like that. And you know
it's funny, you know, as I'm getting older in this business,
I go back to using you as a reference point
on your level of curiosity because when I'm sitting there

having the same similar conversations with Wenby about like, hey, man, like,
if you're gonna make it in this league, you got
to learn something new every day.

Speaker 5 (37:23):
This is what Tyre's max you do every.

Speaker 2 (37:24):
Day, you know what I mean.

Speaker 4 (37:25):
He's coming in at six am, He's calling coaches to
come rebound for him. And so you know, it was
able to kind of give him a blueprint on your
work ethic and he had to resemble that. But then
also I think just who he is, like his mind
is just very exceptional. I mean, he knows a lot
of things about a lot of things. It ainteen basketball.

He's extremely intelligent, and to be so young, he's he's
got an old spirit, he's got an old soul.

Speaker 5 (37:53):
And you know, I think I've already told him this league.

Speaker 4 (37:58):
Nobody comes in this league and just dominate from day one, right,
I mean, and it goes back to the gold setting,
and it's like, look, yere one, we got to carve
this this whole season out and just focus on one
thing at a time and focus on what you can
control and just those kinds of things.

Speaker 5 (38:13):
But you know, he went to a great organization in
San Antonio. Pops down there.

Speaker 4 (38:18):
You got Tim Duncan, all the Hall of Famers, so
I think you know, he's got a great circle, great family,
so you know there is there is no limit for him, for.

Speaker 5 (38:27):
All you guys.

Speaker 2 (38:28):
Yep, yep.

Speaker 3 (38:29):
And then I want you to talk about a little
bit if you're okay with just like your background, you
know what I'm saying, Like I didn't, I didn't even
talk about that, man, Like how special your background is. Man,
it's like you know, last year we did the little
you know, we did the interviews, and like I knew
some of it. I didn't know everything, but I knew
some of it. I kind of want you to just
talk about that because man, you you are so like

self baid. I know you had people help you, but
like you did that. You know what I'm saying, You
are entrepreneur. Man, You you did this. Man like this
like it's a story that I want people to hear
it because it's it's not You could have gave up,
you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 2 (39:06):
You could have.

Speaker 3 (39:07):
You could have laid down and you know, just gave
up all your dreams, but you did. I want you
to talk about how you fought through diversity, how you
are where you are today.

Speaker 4 (39:15):
Yeah, nah, man, it's really just god like I mean
when when my mom's always instilled that holy spirit in
me in terms of just like you just have to
give yourself a chance sometimes. And you know, when I
was homeless with my son Christian, this is probably when
you was like seventh or eighth grade. Nobody really knew
what I was going through because I was still shown
up at the gym because that was really my safe having.

Going to the gym was my sanctuary, being able to
work with all kinds of different players. And then when
I knew that guys was getting better because of us
getting into the gym, that gave me a sense of purpose.
And so without that, without me being able to work
out with guys like you and some of the other
guys out here in Dallas, I don't know where I
would be. But I think the power of optimism is

extremely important to everybody to understand. Like at that particular
time when I ain't had nothing and I was sleeping
in my car and then the car got repossessed and
I just had two trash bags, I hit rock bottom.
But I looked at it subjectively to where it's like, well,
it can't get any worse, you know, So yeah, just
grind this thing. Out and see where it goes. And
then you know, just put one player after another started

making it to the league, from Juwan Evans to to
Trey Young and then you know, Andrew Jones and Marcquise
Bolden made the whole American game, and then you came
up and Nick Claxton and all these guys.

Speaker 5 (40:32):
So that kind of put my name on the map
and the rest of history. So it's been a great journey.

Speaker 4 (40:38):
I've learned a lot, but now it's about me sharing
that that message to to other guys.

Speaker 2 (40:44):
Yeah, and that's the day.

Speaker 3 (40:45):
And you know, even going to the gym like now
and like seeing you work at other people like Drew,
Timmy and gods like that guys that's coming into the draft.
You know, it's just fun to We always talk about
like you know, you are somebody that you push them.
It's not like you're just coming in there.

Speaker 2 (41:02):
You don't.

Speaker 3 (41:03):
You don't seem like you said the Tray Young the
way Wade's the Tray youngs now Winby. You know what
I'm saying. Andrew Jones, like you've seen the guys make
it to certain heights. You push these guys, you know
what I'm saying. You're not just going in there and rebounding.
Oh man, good shot.

Speaker 2 (41:17):
You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 3 (41:18):
You actually try to challenge them and help them get
better on I think that's one thing that you know
that's that we really appreciate you for. But I would
say this, I'll ask you these last two questions. I'll
let you get out of here, though. One thing that
I do on my podcast is whoever comes on here
whenever I meet, every single every single time I do it,
I want you to tell us one thing that you're

thankful for and one way that you plan to get
one percent better for the following week.

Speaker 5 (41:46):
That's a great question, I would say.

Speaker 4 (41:49):
Man, I'm thirty six years old, and I can honestly
say that I'm grateful for my health. But I'm also
grateful for this guy behind me who justshed right on
cue rod Q. I tell him go left, he going right.
But I'm really just grateful just to be in this position.

Speaker 2 (42:07):

Speaker 4 (42:08):
You know, back in the day, I remember like my
greatest fear was to just work in a job that
I didn't want to work at, you know, And so
I get to wake up every single day to be
around somebody like you, be around my.

Speaker 5 (42:20):
Son kind of make my own schedule. But I'm healthy
enough to be able to do that.

Speaker 4 (42:24):
Yeah, But the one percent thing, man, I think it's
just more so about going into the gym every single
day and just bringing the best version of me and
that's easier said than done. But actually having to have
a morning routine myself. I got to get my cup
of coffee, I gotta go for a walk. I got
to figure out what it is that I'm trying to
make sure that when I come in, I gotta be

on point.

Speaker 1 (42:46):
You know.

Speaker 4 (42:46):
I can't have you coming in there just kind of
going through the motions either. So that's kind of the
standard I said for myself.

Speaker 2 (42:51):
But yeah, yeah, no, I get it. I get it, man.

Speaker 3 (42:56):
Yeah, And now I appreciate you, man, I really do.
I appreciate you having, you know, sitting down and uh honestly,
it's just like this is this is.

Speaker 2 (43:05):
Big for me.

Speaker 3 (43:06):
And I was like, man, what I wanted to try
to figure out who I wanted to bring on before
I went back to training Kevin Stell and I was like, man,
you know, I gotta get on. I gotta get Tim
on there, got to get Chris on that because one
I want people to see, like what I've been working
on this summer, because I've been I've been pretty quiet,
I've been pretty off the radar thisst summer. I've been
out the way. I've been out the way, just really
headlo working. You know, it's a lot of stuff going on,

and it is what it is with our with our
organization and with the lead as a whole, honestly. But uh,
I just wanted you to come on and kind of
talk about that. I wanted you to come on and
and just tell your story, tell you about the people
that you've worked with, and just tell about your mindset.
And I appreciate you, man, and uh man, thank you
for coming on.

Speaker 4 (43:45):
No, I thank you for having me man Like words
don't even describe how proud I am with you.

Speaker 5 (43:51):
You know you family and anything I could ever do
to help you for your career. That's what I'm here for.

Speaker 3 (43:55):
So it's all love, No, for sure, thanks for sure
much love. Appreciate it, appreciate it all right. Yeah, man,
that was Tim Marten. Thankful for him coming on here today,
and uh and really just shed light on on you know,
the trainers and what our journey has been. But I
just want to kind of talk about give him a
quick shout out for just being resilient man, and I
talk about mental health on here. He could have gave up,

he could have gave ben, but you know, he dug deep.
And like he said, man, his mom she built the
foundation of the Lord into him and instilled in to
him at a young age. And because she did that,
he believed. And he went from he said, he went
from sleeping in his car, getting his cars taken away
to just having bags to sleep in, you know, probably

trying to find a hotels, doing different things like that,
sleeping on somebody's couch, to trading the best players in
the world in the span of four.

Speaker 2 (44:44):
To five years.

Speaker 3 (44:45):
And now he's he's like, you know, a big time
training there. He trains Winby, he traded the Wade, trading me,
trained trade young, trained so many different guys and uh,
you know, kudos to him, honestly, kudos to him, man,
shout out to him. Much love for that guy. Man.
He you know, my dad found him like my sophomore
year and he brought him to me. And it's it's

just funny, man. My dad doesn't let anybody train me
at that time. He didn't let anybody train me, and
he put his trust to Tim and he really liked him,
and you know, our relationships kind of took off from there.
And I really do appreciate Tim for all the things
that he'd done for me. Honestly, you know, we'll go
down to day one anyways, Let's talk about what I'm
most thankful for this summer and what i want to

get one percent better. I think I'm going to start
with what I'm most thankful for honestly this summer. I'm
just I'm just thankful for a nice, peaceful summer. It
doesn't feel like he was peaceful, you know what I'm saying,
Like you want everything that's going on with us and
everything that's going on in the NBA, but like it's
just been so much Like I've done so many things

with my family. I got to spend a lot of
time with my best friends the first summer. Like a
lot of my best friends didn't have to go back
to school because they graduated college. I got to, like,
you know, play a little one to one with them,
beat them a little bit, hang out with them. They
got to come, like spend night in my house for
a little bit, and spend weeks, you know, just eat
and have fun. So I'm really thankful for spending time

with them. Man, it's been great. Thankful for it.

Speaker 2 (46:11):
You know.

Speaker 3 (46:12):
We just had this little back to school giveaway and
even talk about that. I'm thankful for the foundation to
be able to do things like that, and for all
the sponsors to shout out the new Balance, watch, box Man,
body armor story everybody. Man, just the list goes on
and on and on and on and on and on,
and I really do appreciate you all for the thing.
And then what I want to get one percent better

at this week coming up, you know, we have like
a little team camp coming up.

Speaker 2 (46:36):
Everyone to do.

Speaker 3 (46:38):
I want to go out there and you know, talk
and keep the vibes high. You know, it's a lot
going on, but you still have to be a professional
at the end of the day. And I want us
to go out there and know, bond a little bit
and have a good time. Man, have a good time
while we do it. But thanks for listening to Maxie
on the mic. Please rate reviewers. You know, the summer

is coming to an end, so y'all will hear a
lot more of you know, a lot more episodes a
lot more more frequently. I'm gonna try to get somebody
else on here next week, some other guys. I'm trying
to do this little series of the Traders that I've
been working now with this summer. Started with Tim because
he's you know, day one basically after my dad ended. Ever,

try to get Chris Johnson on here, Chris Johnson and Corey,
and then we'll get new guy, mister Drew Hanlen on here.

Speaker 2 (47:28):
So thank y'all.

Speaker 3 (47:30):
I appreciate y'all. Y'all be safe out there and keep
getting one percent better. Maxy out
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