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September 26, 2022 40 mins

One of Mike’s favorite things to do is point out when a movie says the title of the movie…in the movie! He rates some of the most famous times this has been done in movies from Back to the Future to Walk the Line to the Dark Knight and more! Mike and Kelsey review “Don’t Worry Starring” from director Olivia Lunn starring Harry Styles and Florence Pugh.  In the Trailer Park, Mike talks about Knock at the Cabin which is a new thriller from director  M. Night Shyamalan. 


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Movie's referenced:

Good Morning Vietnam (1987)

Jumanji (1995)

Home Alone (1990)

Dude, Where's My Car? (2000) 

Dirty Work (1998)

Suicide Squad (2016) 

Iron Man (2008)

The Dark Knight (2008)

Con Air (1997) 

Face / Off (1997) 

The Matrix (1999)

Back to the Future (1985)

Snakes on a Plane (2006)

Jurassic Park (1993)

Walk the Line (2005)

Fight Club (1999)

Kill Bill Vol.2 (2004)

Goodfellas (1990) 

Get Out (2017)

The Breakfast Club (1985)

School of Rock (2003)

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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hello, and welcome back to Movie Mix Movie Podcast, or
welcome to Movie Mix Movie Podcast if you are a
new listener. I am your host movie Mike, and today
I want to talk about one of my favorite movie
tropes of all time when movies say the title of
the movie in the movie. We'll get into that topic
in the movie review. My wife Kelsey will join me
to talk about Don't Worry Darling and all the drama

surrounding that movie. Did it live up to expectations? And
then in the trailer park, a new m Night Shamalan
movie is coming out called Knock at the Cabin. I
have some aspirations for this next movie after watching this trailer,
so all that coming up for you on this week's episode.
Thanks for being subscribed, Thanks for rating this podcast five
stars and writing a review on Apple Podcast. Shout out

to the Monday Morning Movie crew. And now let's talk movies.
In a world where everyone and their mother has a podcast,
one man stands to infiltrate the ears of listeners like
never before in a movie podcast. A man with so
much movie knowledge, he's basically like a walking at m D.
Who's class From the Nashville Podcast Network. Movie Podcast if

you ever go and watch a movie with me, here
are a few things you can expect. If we go
to the theater. I have a very specific seat I
like to sit in. Has to be dead center. I
like to go that first row in that upper section.
If that seat is not available, I'll go one row back.
But that is what I considered to be the prime
seat for movie watching in the theater. If we watch

a movie at home, I will definitely at some point
pull out IMDb when there is an actor and I'm
trying to figure out what other movies or TV shows
they've been in. And the third thing is if a
character ever says the title of the movie in the movie,
you better believe I'm gonna be so annoying about it
and pointed out every single time. It has been my
favorite thing for years now. And the origin of this

is I remember watching an episode of Family Guy where
Peter Griffin points out that this is one of his
favorite feelings in the world. This is from an episode
back in two thousand and nine. Boy, I usually only
get this excited when they say the title of a movie.
In the movie. I'm telling you, these drug gaylords represent
uck clear and present things are got sights. He said it.

He said it, and I think ever since I saw
that episode, it's stuck with me and I try to
find it in every single movie I watched. Some movies
are harder than others, especially really hard in any movie
with a the in the title. But I think one
of those did make this list that I came up with,
and it's nearly impossible to do in a sequel. What

I have put together is I pulled a lot of
clips from movies where they say the title, and we're
going to rank them based on how good a job
they did to incorporate the title in the movie, how
hype that moment got me, And we'll also consider just
the movie in general and if it's a good movie
or not. So. Kicking off the list, let's start with
a couple Robin Williams movies. Let's start it off strong

with good Morning Vietnam, one of his best lines in
a movie ever. Here's Robin Williams from seven Good Money.
I think a great use of this in this case
is that is something that everybody remembers from that movie,
of course, because it's the title of the movie. As
we see with all of these in the list, but
also because it's something you want to try and do yourself.

So that's a very memorable line, a very great delivery
from a very talented actor. So if I had to
write that one, I'm giving it a five out of five.
Moving on now to another Robin Williams movie from nineteen, Jumanji,
and he lost with oh it's Jumanji, and this is

what this entire movie is leading up to, because how
do you win the game Jumanji. You have to finish
and you have to say the words Jumanji for the
game to end. And finally, in this scene of the
movie from nine, Robin Williams character only completes the game
and is able to send everything back to the way
it was before. Jumanji was one of my favorite movies

as a kid, as it brought to life all of
my wildest dreams I've ever playing a board game, and
I remember watching this movie so much, and even hearing
that clip back now as an adult gives me that
feeling again. So Dreumanji, I give that one another five
out of five. Let's stay in the nineties, but go
way back to the beginning of the decade from here's

the one from Home Alone with the kids there the
parents gotta be I said it in there, Home Alone
a Christmas classic. But is that use of the title
of the movie really that great? I would say not really.
It feels a little bit forced in there, and almost

feels like they included this scene just so they could
put it in the trailer to set up what Home
Alone is all about. I don't think you need to here.
I think it doesn't provide much to the excitement. It's
not very memorable, So this one doesn't have a lot
of lasting power. So I'm going to have to give
Home Alone a one out of five. How about dude,

where's my Car? From two thousands? Where's my car? Where's
your car? Dude? See where's my car? Where's your car? Dude? Dude,
where's my car? Where's your car? Dude? As stupid as
this movie is, as pointless as it is, this establishes
the theme for the entire movie, says the title at
the very beginning, and the entire movie is literally just

them trying to find his car. And it's a great
bit that you think would get annoying and probably to
sell him the whole movie is kind of annoying, But
they use these kind of comedic elements throughout the entire film. Again,
calling do Where's My car of film feels a little
bit weird, but I feel like this one has some
pretty good sustainability. I have found myself time after time

if I'm in a situation where I'm at like a
parking garage and I can't find my car, I say, dude,
where's my car? Where's your car? Dude? So the comedic
level is there. It's very memorable. The movie itself. I
don't think I would put it on my mount Rushmore
of comedies. So I would give this use a four
out of five. How about now we move into some

superhero movies. Let's look at teens suicide Squad. So that's it,
what with some kind of suicide squad. This is a
bad movie, although it gets a little bit more hate
than it deserves. I remember watching it in theaters and
enjoying some parts of it. But when you really break
down what this movie was supposed to be versus what

we actually got, it's a pretty big let down. And
in the same way I fell in Home Alone, they
were just trying to get that line for the movie trailer.
This is exactly what that is, this moment feels cheesy
beyond belief, and I'm glad they date away from this.
In the version at that time, it would have been
even more cheesy because a character would have had to say,

what are we the Suicide Squad to show the difference
in the two movies. So overall, this one has a
lot of things going against it. If he was very forced,
it's coming from wool Smith's character, who was also pretty
forgettable in this movie. And there's not much else I
like about this use here. So for Suicide Squad from

I'm giving this one a zero out of five. Let's
move on now to Marvel and from two thousand and eight.
Let's talk about iron Man. I am iron Man. So
this is the moment that this entire movie was leading
up to. And I know I throw this word around

a lot, but this scene is an iconic superhero scene.
You have Tony Stark up there, who's supposed to just
deliver this message say that he was an iron Man,
but in his soul, he felt like that would be
a disservice and he had to let the world know
that I am iron Man. And why this is so
significant is because this was the first movie in the

m c U back in two thousand and eight, and
that iconic line would be heard again in Avengers Endgame,
closing out this entire saga. So him saying it in
this movie at the end and then saying it again
at the end of Endgame adds so much more weight
to it. But I just think the delivery is so awesome,
the fact that it comes at the very end of
the movie. You hit the song and then you're roll

to credit. That's a very powerful thing to do. In
most movies, you would probably say that and then continue
on with some of the aftermass, but Nope, that leads
you straight into Iron Man too. So nothing I don't
like about the use here. So I'm giving Iron Man
from two thousand and eight five out of five. All right,
let's go back to d C here, also from two
thousand and eight, The Dark Night, Dark Mind. Again, this

one comes at the very end of the movie, and
it's when Commissioner Gordon is explaining why they have to
chase Batman and the noble decision that Christian Bales Batman
has done to be what the city needs right now.
And it's weird that the use of this one is
so strikingly similar to Iron Man, which also came out
in two thousand and eight. They're both superhero movies, both

being the last line spoken in each movie, and then
you're all the credits. Which one of these makes me
feel a little bit more hype, probably the Iron Man
because it comes from Tony Stark, But I love the
open ending to the Dark Knight, and this is often
what Christopher Nolan does in his movies. He leaves some
of the ending up to interpretation and you kind of

put together later through your imagination what happens after this,
and this is a great lead into the Dark Knight rises.
So I think this is a great use here from arguably,
depending on the day you asked me, my favorite movie
of all time. But it still doesn't get me as
hype as some of the other ones. So I'm going
to give this one a four point five out of five.

It's almost perfect. Though. Let's go back to the Night nineties. Now,
one of my favorite action comedies from nineteen nine seven.
Let's talk about conn Air. Ladies and gentlemen. This is
your captains making I have the only gun on board,
Welcome to con Air. I love how ridiculous this movie

is the action, the characters, the acting. Everything about this
movie would lead you to believe that it is a bad,
cheesy movie, and that's kind of what conn Air is.
It's one of the most memorable movies of the nineties.
But on paper, it has all the action movie tropes
and all the cheesy lines in acting. But I think

what makes it a great movie is it has a
lot of a list actors and it seems very self aware,
and I think this line is a great example of that.
I think one of the cheesiest uses of someone saying
the title of the movie in the movie. But I
love it. I'm all about it. So I give Connie's
use a four out of five. I'm gonna stay in

the year nine seven. Speaking about cheesy action movies, one
of my favorites has to be Face Off. You have
Nick Cage, you have John Travolta in one of the
most ridiculous plots. We got a lot of this in
the nineties, very ridiculous plots to action movies. But man,
do we eat those up, and it's something very hard
to replicate and redo. Now I've seen kind of a

resurgence in these type of movies, but very few have
found that same charm from the nineties. But let's take
a liston in to face Off. I'd like to take
his his face kind of along those same lines of
con Air. The acting in this movie, that's the level
of it, and Nicolas Cage is kind of the king

of cringe acting. He probably recently has gotten into some
better roles where he's actually showing off like I'm a
legit actor. But in the nineties there were some movies
he was in that it was just like, man, are
you just doing these to be able to buy a
t Rex goal? Later? Probably where did all the money
you made in the nineties go? But is the movie
I often quote in my normal day to day life

when it comes up. It doesn't come up very often,
but I love just saying I'd like to take his
face off. Face Off. I'm gonna give it a three
point five out of five. Staying in the nineties, closing
out the decade in nine, let's take a look at
the use in the Matrix. Do you know what I'm
talking about? The Matrix? I don't love that use. I

am not even the biggest fan of The Matrix. I
remember when it came out, I thought it was all right,
And recently when the fourth movie came back, I went
and rewatched or was going to rewatch the trilogy. But
after the first one I kind of found that that
movie was a lot more boring than I remembered. It's
a lot more slow paced and less action than I remembered,

And nothing about hearing the use here makes me want
to go back and give it another shot. So for
the matrix, I'm gonna give this one a two out
of five, and with that we go back to and
back to the future next Saturday nights. We're sending you
back to the future. What else can you say about
Back to the Future. It's a perfect movie. It has

sci fi, it has a love story, it has comedy,
it has action, but most importantly, it has doc saying
the title of the movie in the movie very memorable scene.
An A plus movie will give that use a five
out of five. Let's do a random one here. How
about from two thousand and six one of the most
ridiculous movies of that decade, Snakes on a Plane starring

Samuel L. Jackson. I have had it with this monkey
fighting snakes on this London Friday Pride. Everybody's strapping in
about the only freaking windows. So what you heard there
is his character giving that famous scene saying the title
of the movie. But that is actually the edited version
that they run on TV. And I laughed so hard

whenever I first discovered this, that this is how they
run this movie on TV. It's just funny to hear
Samuel L. Jackson sensored because he is known for saying
the F word. I get joy when he says the
F word, and it's just so funny to me when
they sense your him out, especially saying Monday through Friday plane.
One of the best uses of censorship ever. I would
like to give an award to whoever was in charge

of writing that alternative dialogue for that scene at so
much more comedic value in my opinion. So for that reason,
a three point five out of five. If you like snakes,
maybe you like dinosaurs. How about the movie from nineteen three,
Jurassic Park far So here is where something can feel

a little bit forced but also feel magical. And I
remember this line from the movie trailer. But unlike the
use and Home Alone, unlike the use in Suicide Squad,
this moment feels very magical. It's the first time we
really see all the dinosaurs on screen, and you see
all the characters reacting to that. Great delivery, great scene,

great movie, will give Jurassic Park. Let's go to It's
a five out of five, and we'll move to two
thousand and five. Walk the Line, which is kind of
a hard line to fit into a movie unless you're
just saying, hey, I'm running a song called Walk the Line.
This is the scene where Johnny Cash in his band
are all getting drunk sitting on this stage, and then

June comes up and confronts him, saying that he's going
to throw his entire career down the drain. And in
the movie, she says the line like this, what was
I thinking? I must have been crazy. They're all gonna
blow this tour. You can't walk in the line, And
then it leads to Johnny Cash yelling at her. There's
some beer bottles thrown. But then the scene that follows

this is him performing Walk the Line, So it kind
of feels maybe like the Hollywood version of how that
song came together. I don't think that's exactly how it happened.
She says the line, He's like, oh, that'd be a
good song title, and then next day he's singing on stage.
That's how it happens in the movie. I'd like to
think that's how it happened in real life, but I

always just loved how it created this fairy tale of
that's how it went down. So for that reason, I
give this use a four out of five. Let's go
back to and take a look at one of the
most iconic lines in film ever, fight Club. The first
rule of fight Club is you do not talk about
fight Club. And while fight Club is a great movie,

I feel like maybe that movie quote is a little
bit over used for that reason. But it's a great line,
so it's coming from a deficit that I feel it's
a little bit cliche to say now, and maybe it's
because I've heard it so much now that it doesn't
really bring any kind of feelings back. It doesn't really
have a nostalgia quality even though it came out of
the nineties. So a great line, but I don't think

it's one of the best. So I give fight Club
a three out of five with that use. How about
another brutal act and movie. This one actually comes to
us from Kill Bill Volume two from Quentin Tarantino starring
Uma Thurman, and it came out back in two thousand
and four, and when I arrive at my destination, I
am gonna kill Bill. It's weird for how big of

a Quentin Tarantino fan I am that this is probably
the movies I go back to and watch the least,
even though I remember loving these movies when they first
came out. And Quentin Tarantino doesn't make sequels to his movies,
and this is volume two, but he counts Kill Bill
as one movie because part two is just a continuation

of that. I love Uma Thurmon in this movie. My
problem with this quote is they didn't say it in
the first one chooses to say in volume two, So
what she really should have said is I'm going to
kill Bill volume two. So I feel like the quote
is a little bit inaccurate. So for that reason, I'm
giving it a three out of five. How about the
movie be good Fellas from nineteen We always called each

other good fellas. Like you say to us, somebody, you're
gonna like this guy. He's all right, he's a good fella.
He's one of us. I understand we were good fellas.
Wise guys, this is actually the best scene, the saddest scene,
the most intense and brutal scene out of the entire movie.

And good Fellas is, without a doubt, my favorite Martin
Scorsese movie. It's a movie I can watch over and
over again without getting sick of. And ray Leota saying
the title here is also one of my favorite things
because his narration is really what brings this entire movie together.
It gives it this cohesive feel. It's something that has
been emulated in other movies but never replicated the same

way as it wasn't good Fellas. And man, this scene
is just so shocking the first time you watch it,
and it also is the first time they really explained
the use of good Fellas. Like the entire kind of
theme of the movie is right there in that line.
If I could give it any rating higher than a
five out of five, I would, But this is easily
one of the best five out of five. How about

from the Breakfast Club The Breakfast Club? Yeah, yeah, again.
This one comes at the end of the movie. It
has a couple of things going for it. Here you
get the name of the movie. Of course, you get
the theme song to the entire movie. One of the

most memorable images of any movie from the eighties. So
the visual elevates it, the song elevates it even higher,
and then you have the title of the freaking movie.
Give it a five out of five. And finally, let's
end it on a movie from two thousand and three,
School of Rock, where it's Jack Black's character posing as

a substitute teacher in a prep school and he gets
all of them to form a band with him so
they can enter into a Battle of the Bands, and
leading up to this they been trying to name their band,
and then they finally do the School of Rock and
we Shall teach Rock and Roll to the world. A

movie that was very instrumental in my preteen years. So
many funny lines, so many funny songs in a movie
that Jack Black should have won an Oscar for. Rarely,
if ever, do I see people winning Oscars for comedies,
but this is as good as it gets. I think
his comedic timing and overall just charisma on screen is

one of the best. He is one of the greatest
physical comedic actors I would say since Chris Varley. And
even though I love the use here, there are even
more memorable lines that aren't the title of the movie
that I still say in my day to day life.
So I say we go back retroactively give Jack Black
an oscar for this performance, and we give the School

of Rock a five out of five. He said. He
So there we go. That is ranking films when they
say the title of the movie in the movie. Will
come back and my wife Kelsey will join me to
give our review spoiler free of course, of Don't Worry Darling,
which is in theaters now, and then in the trailer park,
we'll talk about that new m Night Shamalan movie after this.

All right, about to get into a movie review, and
I'm joined now by my wife Kelsey. How are you
ready to talk about Don't Worry Darling? I am ready.
It'll be a little tough to do this one spoiler free,
but we're gonna stick to how the movie made us feel,
what we thought about the character's performances, and overall didn't
meet up to our expectations. So before we get into
our review of Don't Worry Darling, here's just a little

bit of the trailer. Most of my patients of a nightmare, Violet,
Where did you meet Bill? We went on a train
to boss who he dropped your ticket and he bent
down and picked it out. David Tom cry, thank you
for your moveing. What do we do change in the world?
They're lying about everything. Keep calm and carry on. So

I feel like this trailer didn't really give anything away
for the entire movie. Did you feel that the movie
is set in the nineteen fifties. You have Alice and
Jack who are played by Florence Pugh and Harry Styles,
and they live in this really weird community called Victory.
The town is owned by that company, Victory, and it's

very mysterious as to what the men in the town
do for work. They all leave at the exact same
time their picturesque wives waved them off their lunch. Yeah,
it's a very weird dystopian scenario here. And then Florence
Pugh's character in the movie starts to question it. She
starts seeing and noticing some weird things going on in

the town and is asking for answers and isn't getting them.
So that's kind of where the movie takes place. What
is going on. It's a little bit more of a
mystery that I was expecting. I thought it was gonna
be like a full on thriller, but I enjoyed the
aspect of you're trying to figure out with her character
throughout the entire movie. I think the movie visually looked

really cool. Visually it was awesome, and I thought the
movie was very ambitious, and for being an Olivia Wild movie,
it's very different than Book Smart. So I really like
that kind of dystopian type situation. And if I had
to compare it to two other movies, it reminded me
of The Truman Show meets Get Out. You have this

person who is questioning where they are not getting any answers.
There are things that are very weird in the movie.
Whenever something goes wrong, kind of like in the Truman Show,
there are some people that are trying to clean up
the situation. And then it reminds me of Get Out
of kind of the tension that it brings. The element
of horror, which it's not really a horror movie. No,
I wasn't scared, and I'm scared of everything. You don't

like horror movies at all, but it kind of has
like that element of what's kind next, Yeah, what's coming next?
And I thought Florence Pugh owned this movie. She was fabulous.
I think she's the best part in this movie, and
she plays her character very well. I think this is
a role in a movie as a whole that was
perfectly cast. I think it's my favorite performance of her

since Mid Simar or Midsummer, depending on how you say
that movie. Also, you keep saying things and I'm like, wow,
somebody else said that. No, it was you on your
Instagram story, like when you were just like it's a
combination of Truman Show and Get Out. I'm like, wow,
someone else made that direct comparison. No, it was literally
make notes. I was like, whoa, two people at the
same thing. But she has like a really good expressive face.

Whenever something like crazy is happening to her, she shows
it on her face so well that it makes me
feel too. And I got that same kind of feeling
that I did in Mid Simar, which I thought anybody
would like that movie if you like horror movies. But
to the people I have recommended that to, they're like,
why did you tell me to watch that movie? I
had a friend amateur movie critically. It has been on
the podcast Just give me the entire synopsis because we

Ali and I used to work together, and so one
day on our lunch break, I was just like, tell
me the whole thing. So she described to me, and
I was like, great, cool, feel like I've seen it,
don't ever have to see it. Lovely, but I feel
like if you are a fan of Florence Pew and
you liked midsom Are, you will like this movie kind
of in the same vein a little bit as far
as what the type of movie that she would do,
but I think she crushed this role. Let's talk about

Harry Styles. Let's talk about him you started off. I
feel like of that audience, which was a pretty full
crowd we went on a Thursday, that audience came to
see Harry had no clue there was a plot to
the movie. Let's just call it like, let's call it that.
And one thing I noticed is, yes, the movie theater
was very full for a Thursday night, mostly female. There

were maybe what besides me, four or five other dudes.
I would say there was probably there's probably some behind us.
There was no more than ten. I wasn't expecting that
this is a movie I've been excited about for a
couple of years now, since it was announced. I was
expecting it. The hairy buzzes is buzzing right now. He's
coming off a fifteen shows a Medisine, Square Garden. He's
about to do some shows in Austin. I wish I
could be there, Chicago, l A. He's doing, like I looked,

seventeen nights in l A. I think that's a lot.
But as soon as we walked in that theater, I
was like, oh, this is actually walked into the movie,
like not even just the theater like the establishment to
get like snacks. It was just like females everywhere. But
I feel like if it takes a pop star to
get people back into the theater, I'm all for it.
So how did you feel about him in this movie?
It's really his He's been in other movies, but as

far as like a major role, this is his first one.
Most screen time he's had. First time we probably saw
him in the screen was Dunkirk. He also had a
role in The Eternals, which will be in more Marvel
movies to come, was Jimmy Channelso in Eternals, yes she was,
and she's also in She's in this movie as well.
And then he's going to be in another movie later
this year called my policeman, but this is the first

time we've really seen his acting abilities. What do you
think about his performance? I thought Harry was great. I
loved that he got to keep his printer saccons I'm
a Harry stand. I thought he was great as an actor.
I thought he was pretty good too. I thought he
played the part really well. There are some scenes that
get intense where he has to level up his emotions.

There's some rage scenes, and I feel like he did
those pretty well. I felt like it was pretty believable
for him, and I also didn't feel like I was
just watching Harry Styles the pop star. I was able
to kind of separate those two people and see him
as just being an actor, which I thought was gonna
be a little harder for me in this role. Of

getting that much screen time from him a great. There's
some pop stars like Nick Jonas has done some movies well,
Joe Jonas is going to be in a movie coming
up that you were not excited about them. As soon
as you said that he was going to be in it,
I was like, it's already down top gun. Anyways, sometimes
the pop star to actor translation doesn't go well, but

I thought Erry did it effortlessly, which I think speaks
to his ability as a performer, whether on a stage
on screen. I can think he just he has that
like it factor. But because they were on the X factor,
I really did. I think he just has that kind
of aura to him that demands your attention. I enjoyed it.

I won't give anything away, but there's one part in
the movie where like his appearance changes a little, and
I will say every girl in that movie theater cackled
because it just was like not what we're used to
seeing him as. So it's not a spoiler. It's an
interesting thing though that I felt there were a lot
of shared experiences in this movie that I haven't seen
people react that way. But I think we'll get into

that when we probably do a spoiler version of our
review because there's so much. There's so much to talk
about because it is a mystery, you're trying to figure
things out, So I think we do a spoiler version
where we get into all of those discussions. Also want
to say Nick Kroll was great. Yeah, for somebody who
just does comedies who's known as being a funny person,

I took him seriously. I thought he was a good
addition to this cast and a very unusual casting, and
I think if you look at all these people on paper,
you wouldn't think that they worked together. But I think
it's a great ensemble. There was a lot of drama
surrounding the release of this movie, from Florence Pugh not
being a part of the press tour, the alleged spitting

on Chris Pine, the Olivia wild Child abuff drama. Yeah,
he was supposed to be in this movie. So when
all is said and done, all the drama surrounding it,
all the hype we had going into watching this movie,
do you think it lived up to it or not?
I do. I also want to say I saw a
TikTok of somebody remember what city was in. But at

their theater, they got permission and they got on stage
and gave a power point presentation of all the drama
surrounding this film again, and I really wish someone had
done that here because I could have used a little refresher. Yeah,
but I was like, the intensity of it was fabulous.
They got up there with like a pointer and they
were like pointing at the screen, like a whole power
point on like the cinema screen. It was great. I

loved all the drama leading up to this. I think
that's important for a movie now, for any movie to
build up any kind of buzz just from the things
surrounding it that doesn't happen. Yeah, a lot of promotion
went into this that was just word of mouth. I
think in this case, all press was good pressed exactly.
I think more people have probably heard about the drama
going into this movie, then we'll probably watch it, So

I if I had to say, I don't think it
quite lived up to the hype. Though. As much as
I did enjoy this movie and as much as I
was looking forward to the next Olivia Wild movie, I
thought it was going to instantly be one of my
favorites of the year. I didn't gasp as much as
I thought, exactly. And the reason I think that is
is I felt like I needed just a little bit

more plot. I needed a little bit more of Florence
Pew and her character's journey in this movie that I
don't think I got. I needed a little more needed
more answers, Yes, more answers. I think I just needed
a little bit more action in it too. Without getting
into all the plot points, but there was just a
lot of mystery, a lot of weirdness, and a lot

of ambitious things, which again I enjoyed the attempt of
making something novel here, but I just think that there
was another level of it that it just didn't quite
get to to meet up to my hype going into it.
So we had to give a rating to don't worry, darling,
what would you give it? Four point to five out
of five sizzling pieces of bacon? Oh, that's pretty good.

That was some good imagery in the movie. A lot
of it had to do with the repetition of certain tasks,
and cooking was one of those, and I thought that
was one of my favorite visuals out of the entire movie.
I'd give it three point five out of five bourbons.
I think it's a movie that unless like of the theater,

unless you're a huge Hairy Styles fan, you probably don't
have to rush to the theater to watch. Now. I
don't think seeing it on the big screen elevated it
in anyway really, so you don't. Okay, Again, we're on
very different sides of TikTok okay, so my TikTok is
full of people were criticizing. Maybe again with the drama
that Harry didn't like the movie because he said it's

a film that comes across like a film, and everyone's like,
what does that even mean? But then people were like,
I agree, Like I think the big screen at the
surround sound, so I do think it's worth seeing in theaters.
I wouldn't say rush, like get in your car the
money you hear this, but like, but you're not your
to do list this weekend. The movie did have a
very good sound design, Like the sounds were even more

than the visual as I like the sounds. There's like
a lot of like background sounds too that they came louder,
and I don't feel like you get that, you forget
not everyone has their beloved sounds, right, You're right, You're right,
I would say more so than the visuals, the sound
really brought some life to this movie. There was a
lot of rumbling in the theater during certain parts, and
that does kind of hit you in the chest a
little bit when you hear those sounds in that environment,

So you can all was convinced me that it does
require the big screen for the sound alone. I think
you may have convinced me. I think you do have
to see this one in theaters to get the full effect.
There you go, I say, go see it in theaters.
It's great. Harry's cute as ever. I would agree anything
else you want to say before we go. All right,
we'll be back with the trailer park. It's time to

head down to movie Mike Paul, Let's talk about one
of the most well put together movie trailers I've seen
at the entire year. Rarely do I just watch a
movie trailer that I had no interest in watching before
and after it, I'm like, I have to see this movie.
And the movie is called Knock at the Cabin. It's
from director m Night Shamalan, who has been pretty hit

or miss on movies as of late, probably more misses
than he has hits. We'll get into some of his
biggest movies of his career. What this movie is about.
It's this family who is vacationing in a remote cabin.
It's a young girl and her parents and they get
taken hostage by these four arms strangers who demanded the
family make an unthinkable choice to stop the apocalypse. So

here he's just a little bit of the Knock at
the Cabin trailer. Is a woman to carry something that
looks like a pick with a chain in a mallet head. See,
the four of us have a very important job to do.
In fact, it might be the most important job the
history of the world. The four of us are here

to prevent the apocalypse your family, as Jose gonna make
a horrible decision. After watching this trailer, I was instantly hooked,
and I have him in the biggest fan of m
Night shamalan movies since probably the last one I actually
thought was a good movie was Split back In. But

if you're not super familiar with m Night Shamalan's work,
he got his first hit back in with The sixth Cents.
Went on a street ing of really good, memorable movies,
And what is movies usually often contain. What he's known
for is the twist, probably more so than putting in
thought to the plot. Sometimes he's always looking for that

twist where the movie makes you go, oh, man, I
didn't see that coming. That's what he's kind of known for.
So in two thousand he had Unbreakable, two thousand in
two he had Signs, two thousand and four he had
The Village, and I think his last good movie of
the two thousand's was Lady in the Water from two
thousand and six, and then he started to tank. In
two thousand and eight, he had The Happening, which was

arguably one of his worst movies, But then he followed
that one up with another bomb, The Last Airbender in
After Earth, another big bomb in disappointment at the box office.
But it looks now like he is making a change
in his filmmaking and adapting to modern horror filmmaking techniques.

And that's kind of the vibe that I get from
this trailer. The movie starts Dave Batista, who I'm really
liking his rise in the Hollywood now. He was never
one of my favorite wrestlers. Whenever he became popular, I
was kind of done with wrestling, but have really enjoyed
him in movies from Guardians of the Galaxy Dune, He's
going to be in the New Knives Out movie. I

also enjoyed his part in Blade Runner, and I like
that he hasn't stuck to the easy thing of just
being an action star. I feel like he has a
lot of substance to him, which you don't really expect
when you look at a guy like Dave Batista, who
could rip your face off. But I think he is
a pretty good actor, and unlike some of the other

wrestler's turn actors, he's really differentiated himself from them. He's
not really taking roles that The Rock With take or
John Cena. He's really been able to make a name
for himself after his wrestling career. So I think just
the fact that he is attached to it has me
even a little bit more excited. And maybe it's also
because this movie is based on a book which was

a best seller that I feel I have a little
bit more belief in the plot if it follows along
to the book pretty closely. I feel like it's kind
of hard to mess up a best seller. The movie
also stars Rupert Grint, who you may remember as Ron
Weasley from Harry Potter and this movie is coming out
on February three, three. But again, after watching this trailer,

it convinced me that I would give him another chance.
And I don't think this trailer gives away a whole lot.
Maybe it has to do with kind of a cult
type situation. Maybe it's a little bit reminiscent of the
village that's kind of the style I got, But it
really reminds me of The Strangers from Back in two

thousand and eight, which is a pretty scary horror movie,
because that is something that can actually happen. And after
watching a movie like that, you don't want to stay
alone in any type of house and you will question
every single sound, every creek, every movement, and that movie
will make you very paranoid because you think it doesn't
have to do with monsters. It doesn't have to do

with any paranormal things. It just has to do with
people who are creepy. I am looking forward to this one,
and if he screws up this movie, I'm out for good.
And that'll do it for another episode here on the podcast.
Now it's time for the listeners shout out, which I

do every single week every episode just to give you
guys a shout out for listening and sending in a
comment d M on Twitter or emailing me movie Mike
d at gmail dot com. And this week I put
up on my insto the story I was gonna pull
the listeners shout out from reviews and you can leave
a review if you listen on Apple Podcasts. You go
over to my podcast to scrow down towards the bottom,

and you have the little write a review section. Give
it five stars because that helps me out in the algorithm,
it helps other people discover the podcast. Or if you
listen on Spotify or I Heart Radio, they also have
the star system over there, so give it the maximum
stars wherever you're listening to this right now. So I
went over into that section, and this week's listeners shout

out comes to us from Hemmy, who gave it a
five star review with the title love It, and she writes,
I love the unique knowledge Mike shares in this podcast
and appreciate his ability to review a movie without giving
away too much. So my shout out is to you, Hemmy.
I think that is the battle I face every time
I review a movie on this podcast, because I don't
want to give too much away. I don't want to

spoil anything for anybody, so that's why I do spoiler
free reviews. I just want to give you an idea
of how good a movie is and what to expect,
to give you all the tools you need to decide
whether or not the movie is for you or not.
In some cases, I watch movies so you don't have to.
You just get the easily digestible short segment version. So

it means a lot to me that that does come
across well when you listen to this podcast. So that
is the shout out for this week. That is the episode.
Hope you enjoyed that. And if you are a fan
of this podcast US and you're on Instagram, I could
use some organic interaction this week. Just tag me in
your Instagram story, take a screenshot or whatever app you
listen on, or take a picture of your car dashboard

with the episode pulled up, and just tag me and
I'll repost them over on my Instagram at Mike Destro.
And since I did the shout out from the reviews
this week, next week I'll do it on people who
do that. So tag me on your Instagram story and
until next week, go out and watch good movies and
I will talk to you later
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