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February 10, 2021 18 mins

Britney Spears’s longtime boyfriend, Sam Asghari, is making a rare public statements about their relationship and her dad, Chris Hemsworth is stressing out at least one mere mortal: his stuntman! J.Lo recently revealed that she and fiancé A-Rod saw a therapist during their time in quarantine. editor Donny Meacham joins Rob!

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Speaker 1 (00:08):
Scarable advice. Hello, welcome to the Naughty but Night Show.
It's Wednesday. I'm Rob Shooter. Joining us every Wednesday is
our friend Donny. Meet jam from Okate magazine dot com. Donny,
are you there? Helloallo? I know I say it every week,
but it truly is the best day of the week.

I'm excited to be here and talk to you, talk
to the naties. We get all the good gas going on,
and there's a lot going on today. There is a
luckdown on. It makes me sound happy to hear how
happy you are every Wednesday. We have created the kindest,
the nicest little club I've ever been part of, and
I thank you all for that. Hey, Donny, what time

is it? It's This is a shocking revelation. So Britney
Spears's boyfriend Sam has Gary is slamming her dad. So
her long time boyfriend is making a very rare public statement.
He never talks about the relationship. Following that documentary, he
said the following I've always just wanted nothing but the

best for my better half Brittany and will continue to
support her following her dreams and creating a future that
she wants and deserves. He told that to People magazine,
but he also posted something much more explosive on social media,
thanking everybody for their love and their support. But he
went on to get very candid about Brittany's dad, Jamie Spears,

who refuses, he says, to step down as a co conservator.
He also calls him a total D word. You know
what I mean. Now, it's important for people to understand
that I have zero respect for someone trying to control
our relationship and constantly throw obstacles in our way. That's
what he wrote. This is getting nasty, darnay, yet I'm

not gonna lie. I was very shocked when Sam came
out and said this because Sam has remained very tight
lipped on his relationship with Brittany, and I know some
people would have said in the past that maybe he's
using Brittany to get ahead. I don't think that's the case,
because if he was, he would be out, you know,
pictures everywhere with Brittany Spears, and he's not. He's remained
very quiet on her and doing this Conservative ship battle.

He has remained very quiet. I think he's had enough.
But also what I'm thinking is this isn't just his start.
He talks to Brittany every day. I think these are
Brittany starts too. Wow. A source of mind tells me
Brittany is aware that he's spoken at, and she loves
him and supports him. She's furious with the dad. She's
not watched this documentary. Inside as are telling me it

is now like blood in the water that now one
person has spoken out about the father, expect more to
come forward. This is going to be explosive. Like you, Donna,
I misjudged him. I thought he was an opportunist and
he's so so hot. I thought he was with Brittany
to use her for her fame. He wants to be

an actor himself. And I really misjudged him. And you know,
when I realized he's actually a good guy. He was
doing press for something he was promoting, and I said
to his publicist, I'd love to talk to him, but
all I'm going to talk about is Britney Spears. And
the publicists said, no, we won't. We don't want to
do that. They wouldn't love about Brittany. I know, can
you imagine saying that to one of the housewives, Like
you can promote your skincare lion or your clothes or

your skinny drinks or whatever you're promoting. But you've got
to say awful things about Andy Cohen. They all would
say yes, there's them that would say no. So I
really respect him for doing that. It brings us to
our pole question of the day, Brittany's boyfriend Sam is
slamming her dad. Will this help or will it hurt?
Will it help or will it hurt? Sometimes when you

talk out about your partner's parents, Oh, it gets so tricky,
But maybe somebody has to say something. Go vote on
our Twitter page at Naughty Nice Robert Facebook pay is
naughty gossip. I mean she was a check back tomorrow
to hear your results. Donny love what are you working on? Well?
Van Jones from CNN very lovely. I adore him, He's

very handsome. He's speaking out saying he felt ambushed by
the view host. So what happened was he We know
the ladies said the View they get very feisty, and
it's really no different. He appeared on the View last
week and it was Sonny Houston who kind of pressed him,
saying that people accuse him of being a political opportunist.
And you know, she went as far as to say,

people in the black community don't trust you anymore, and
those are very harsh words. But the ladies said the
View are allowed to speak their mind, and she's a
fellow black woman and she can say that. Um that
he is speaking out saying. Basically he felt blindsided by that.
But I think you get what you get for when
you you know what you're in for when you go
on the View. And kudos for them for speaking their

mind and what they're thinking. The Views a huge, huge hit.
It's it's got the highest ratings think it has in many,
many years. And I think what confused him about this
is he went on to promote a new documentary, The
Reunited States. It's co produced by Megan McCain. So I
think because Megan McCain is a producer of the show,
he was promoting the documentary, I think he thought Megan

would tell all the ladies to lay off the questions.
They don't lay off Megan, so the Something's gonna love
lay off Megan's friends. I don't know if if you've
watched The View just one episode, you know it's a
feisty show. You know you're going into battle, and if
you don't want to do it, go on Kelly and
Ryan instead, Like, if you want an easier interview where

you don't get asked anything very tricky, pick a different show.
I'm surprised about this one. Chris Hemsworth is getting too
jacked for his standard up all. So Chris Hensworth's body double,
his name is Bobby holland very good looking, is opening
up about the challenges trying to keep up with the
action hero. I never thought about this, but it makes sense,

so he said, the bigger Chris gets, the bigger he
has to get. He said, Chris is on an amazing
diet at the moment, so he's on exactly the same diet.
And he said I actually texted him saying, you're making
this harder and harder every single time. I never thought
about body doubles. Of course. Of course, if your body changes,

you either have to change with the star or you're
gonna have to get a new job. Have you ever
thought about that before, Doddy, I haven't really. I'm not
upset that Crimtimsworth's body is getting more but it got
me think. It's like, who would play my body double?
Have you like Gazelle bunch In like tall and skinny.
It's like, who else would be so funny? You're right,

you would have to be one of those skinny supermodel stuff,
like a twiggy. I don't know. I have many body
different types. Like six months ago, it would be a
different person than is playing me today. I lost a
lot of way. But it is so interesting what's going
on with them with Sex and the City. You know,
Leslie Jordan right, the comedian love him, he loves the

Graham hero during this pandemic. If you don't follow him,
please go follow him. But he's actually speaking out because
he was almost cast in Sex in the City. Not
ask him about it. It It seems to be a little
bit of a sensitive subject. He was talking interview and
somebody asking about Sex in the City and he goes,
never seen it, and so basically, you know, they followed

up and he says, I was up for the Willie
Garson's part. Obviously he didn't get it. And he goes,
but he's a straight man playing a gay man as
opposed to I'm a gay man who would have played
a gay man. And I get to understanding. But it
also there is a lot of talk about, you know,
straight actors playing gay parts. And there are a lot
of gay actors out there. I know, even with James Cordon,

who got a Golden Globe nomination for the Prom, people were,
you know, saying, oh, you know, he played gay for
two hours and gets a nomination, And so I can
see where Leslie was feeling a little slighted in this.
I think he is just so funny and it's actually
quite interesting. I could see him play that role. Normally,
when a show has been on for a season or so,
I get so used to the actors that I can't

imagine anybody else in that role. I can't imagine anybody
else being Carrie Bradger, although she nearly didn't get the part,
she wasn't the first choice. I can't imagine anybody being
Samantha Jones apart from Kim Cattrell. But I could imagine
Leslie Jordan's playing Sarah's day best friend. He is just brilliant.
Do you know Originally he did not get the part

in Will and Grace. It was going to be Joan Collins,
and Joan Collins wouldn't get down and dirty on the show.
I was having drinks with him, or I saw him live.
I can't remember I've met him several times and he
was telling us that Joan Collins, there was a scene
where Beverly Jordan, the character that he plays that Joan
Collins was going to play, had to have her wig

like pulled off, like it was a scene from Dynasty,
like a big catfight. Joan refused allegedly to do. This
is what Leslie told me, and that's when they hired
him instead. I know he's just fantastic. Maybe he'll be
in the reboots. Talking of hair, Jennifer Lopez has debuted
a new pixie cut. The pictures are on Naughty Gossip

dot com. They're from a Lure magazine. She's on the cover.
Her longtime hairdresser, Chris Appleton created this pixie cut. She
is so beautiful, Donna. I mean to have a photograph
that close, it's just her face, and to have that
really short haircut and to pull it off. Insiders actually
tell me though, it's a wig, so don't don't everybody
worry about this. Jen hasn't cut off that luscious hair.

Samson like hair. It's a weg Remember when she got
bangs and we all went nuts and they were clippings too,
also too in the story the interview, she revealed to
her and a Rod went to see a therapist during
their time in quarantine, and she said it was actually
really good. We got to work on ourselves and we
did therapy. She said it was really helpful for their relationship.

I love when celebrities to about this. It makes it
easier I think for for regular couples like us to
do it. What do you think, Donna? Are you? She's
a stunning beauty and it seems like she can pull
off any look, which is amazing. But I'm like you.
I enjoyed the part of the interview where she was
very candid about her relationship with a Rod. I think,
you know, therapy is something people are afraid of, and

they're sometimes scared of, and for her to say, yes,
we did that, I think that is brilliant because it
makes her relatable. It does indeed, and I know I
understand it's scary enough to go to therapy by yourself,
but to go with your significant other and to sit there.
Oh well, I'm glad Jennifer did it, and I'm glad
she is talking about it. Hey, we're going to take

a quick break here, Donnie. We will be all right Black,
Welcome back to him naughty but nice show. I'm robbed
shooting with our friend Donny met John from Okay Magazine
dot com. Hey Donny, let's get to the poles area
fish Charlotte. So, yesterday we talked about j L standing

by her man admid cheating rumors. Would you stand by
your man? Yes or no? Sixty three said no. Captain
Brie added a special special category, it's been to be
yes or no, and Captain Bree, a longtime friend of
the show, added that she wanted to know the circumstances.

And I actually voted with Captain Bree. It's my poll,
I know, and I've voted with Captain Brie because I
think you're right. It's very hard to talk about cheating
and is it something you can forgive if or you
can't unless you know the specifics. Don't you agree? Donning? No,
I agree, And I think this kind of goes back
to what we were just talking about. I think therapy
might have helped them kind of move past any type

of insecurities, But I think what you have to deal
with here is the word here is cheating rumors. I
think you have if she listens to him and he says,
I didn't cheat on you. I think you know, she
chooses whether to trust him or not, and that's her choice.
It's fascinating. My reporting yesterday on this indicated that she's very,
very happy with this relationship and she doesn't believe the rumors.

So we should put that out there right away. But
also too, and I thought this was so interesting. I
didn't think about this. It's not just a good relationship
for Jennifer. It's a good relationship for her entire family.
Her children have got to know his children. They've really
created a family unit, and I think sometimes when that's
the case, there's far more to think about than just

your own feelings. Don't forget to vote on today's pole.
You can get to our Twitter page at Naughty Nice
Robber our Facebook pages Nody Gonsim and be sure to
check back tomorrow for your results. And now it's time
for the Nicest of the Day. So the nicest of

the day is something we actually have in commen rob
the city of New York City. I love it too.
It was ranked number one of the best US city
for pizzazza pizza. Do we have the top five? We
do have a top five, and some of these are Chicago, which,
of course deep dish pizza number two, number three, Pittsburgh surprising,

number four, Cincinnati another surprising one, and this one really
kind of Tampa, Florida for pizza. Didn't I just have
the Super Bowl there? I thought it was known for sunshine?
And that's right. I'm not a foodie. I'm British. British
don't care about food that much. We'd like to eat,
but we're not that food. My friend Karen, Donnie, you've

met my friend Karen. Garen used to work at goldmet
So Karen's a real food snob. And because of Karen,
I've started to actually chew my food and taste it.
And it's a marvelous way, marvelous thing to do. So
I've sort of got to appreciate food. I love pizza.
I've gotta admit that I've had pizza in Chicago, I've
had it in Pittsburgh, I've had it in Cincinnati, and
I've had it in New York. I think I like

New York the best. What are you? What about you? Daughter?
I agree, I've lived in many, many different cities, and
I have to agree. I think New York City pizza
is by far one of the best. It's really good.
You know, we go down the street, even those dollar sites. Yes,
you don't have to spend a lot of money to
get good pizza in New York. Get yourself a dollar
slicing time, Squirrel, Delicious and now and Naughtiest of the

day are so American Idol. Thank you, Donnie. American Idol
has confirmed that Claudia Conway will appear on the show.
So Claudia is trying to get the Golden ticket to Hollywood.
She's sixteen years old and if you recognize her name,
it's because her mommy is Kelly and Conway. Now, poor

Claudia seems to have a few issues, and so the
parents have asked us to lay off her a little
bit to respect her privacy, which we've done on this show.
We've never mentioned her. She's only sixteen, she's a teenager.
She's never ever been on Laudy Gossip. But now that
she's going on American Idol, now is she fair? It

frightens me, don't It does frighten me because I think
at first, you know, when the whole Claudia was trolling
her mom on TikTok it was coming out. It was
funny and stuff, and then it became that, you know,
she did have some mental health issues that she was
working on, and I am worried that American Idol, which
has been known in the past to exploit people, and

whether people like it or not, you do sign up
for it to get up there and sing, and whether
you're good or you're bad. And I just worry because
at the end of the day, we don't know if
she's good or not. She could be fabulous. I hope
that she is. If she is not, I think I
hope that American Idol maybe rethinks airing her audition. They

used it in the promos. It starts worried on Valentine's
Day on Sunday on the fourteen, and I'm worried about
this one too, she said as well, which makes me
even more suspicious. American Idol reached out her asking her
to auditions, so this wasn't her dream. She didn't send
in a video. They contacted her and she was like, yeah,

of course makes me nervous. You're a naughtiest of the
day and now it's time for a moment of rob
You gotta dank Shepherd, who I Adore said the following,
if you stick around for long enough, eventually something is
going to happen. I'm a big believer in that there
are far more ordinary people in this world, including me,

than extraordinarily talented people. In fact, it's really rare to
find somebody that really is truly exceptional, which is why
we call it extraordinary. So the point I'm trying to
make is you are good enough. If you stick around
for long enough, if you're put in the work and
you don't give up, something is going to happen. What

do you think, Donnie, I think this is a beautiful
message and I think this really can resonate well for
me and you. I think we have been around for
a while, but we've also been the horrible work, and
you know, things have happened because we have refused to
give up and we have stuck with it. It reminds
me of a quote that you often remind me of

that your friend up the late Joan Rivers, used to
say about standing in the rain. It's like that's who's
going to be left. It's like whoever is left standing
in the rain. Yeah, that's what Joan used to say
all the time. It's not the brightest, the prettiest, the smartest.
It's the person that stands in the rain the longest
that always succeeds. Think about that, and don't put yourself

down here. This is not me dismissing my own talent.
I think I'm talented, but I'm not extraordinary. I work
very very hard at this, and I'm sort of like
an average guy, and I'm proud about that. I'm an
average guy that works extra hard, but I never give in.
I think the same is true with you, Donnie. Would
you say I do? I think there are many times

what I probably should have given up, but I just
I refused to give up. I as long as I'm kicking,
I'm gonna be trying. That's that's all I have ten me.
I just got to give it off beautiful. Hey, that's
it for today. Thank you so much for listening to
The Naughty but Nice with Rob and Donnie Show, a
production of I Heart Radio. Don't forget to subscribe on
the I Heart Radio app, Apple podcast, or wherever you listen. Hey,

leave us a review if you can. They're really helpful
and altogether, and I remember, if you're going to be naughty,
you've got to be nice, take care everythid. It's not
even nice with bro
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