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January 22, 2020 17 mins

Jessica Simpson is opening up in her forthcoming memoir about her secret battle. And Rob, who used to be Jessica’s publicist, shares never-before-heard stories about his time with the singer during her darkest days. DivaGalsDaily's Delaina Dixon also joins the show to chat about Taylor Swift standing strong alongside her mom and Oprah Winfrey saying she “cannot be silenced” by Russell Simmons. 

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Speaker 1 (00:08):
Scrible Advice Shoot. Hello, Hello, Hello, Hello, welcome to the
Naughty but Nice Show. I'm Rob Shooter. I'm the host
of your show. I'm a working gossip columnists. That's right.
I really make my living talking about Kim Kardashian's bottom
and lots of other fabulous celebrity things. I also used

to be a celebrity publicist, so I know where the
good dishes. A little bit about our show, So on
this show, we talk about celebrities everyone we love. So
maybe not so much, but we're a naughty but nice show.
We're a pinch, not a punch. So if you're listening
to us, put us on the speaker, because you don't
have to be worried. There's no bad language. We're not

me girls. You can listen to us almost guilt free.
Joining me today, which is making the day even more delicious,
is a dear friend of mine, one of my longest
friends and the gossip business delayed that Dixon. I'm so
happy to be here so much. Thank you for having me.
We're so thrilled to have you delayed that we're going
to ask you to come and co host with us

at least once a week. We can make that happen.
How did we meet? I believe you were my boss,
said Okay Magazine. I was trying to sit in the
corner and mind my own business, but you wanted to
teach me how to get all those secrets in the
gossip world. I know how to dig them up. Now.
Thank you. We are lucky to have you, and thank
you for being so generous. What's that I hear? Well,

that's the chimes of Big Ben, which means it is
tea time. So whenever you hear the chimes of Big Ben,
it means we are going to break down the best,
the most delicious, the freshest tea of the day. Yeah.
Biggest story of the day breaking right now is Jessica
Simpson has a new book coming out. So Jessica has
a book coming out. Our friends at People got an

advance of the book and Jessica is revealing something she's
never spoken about before. Jessica is revealing that she had
the battle with an addiction. She reveals that she turned
to alcohol and even pills to cope with her secret pain. Now,
I've never spoken about this. I worked with Jessica when

she got divorced from Nicola Sha. It was a really painful,
painful time in her life. We knew people in the
inner circle, people around Jessica knew she was really, really suffering.
I truly believe Nicholas she was the love of her life,
and when she left him under a lot of pressure
from different people, including family members, I think she assumed

her starward rise. Jessica honestly thought she was going to
be the next Julia Roberts. She had been told that
she could be a movie star, that if she was single,
it might help her fame. I'm not saying that's the
entire reason her and Nick broke up. They definitely had issues.
She was the Megan Markle of her day. She was
that famous. It's over a decade ago, but she was

like under cover of every magazine. I remember being once
with Jessica and she literally got into the trunk of
the car because there were so many photographers chasing her.
We were in l A. She got in the trunk
of the car. She had a good sense of humor
about it. Ten minutes later we forgot banget and we
let her out, and then she said she I love her,

I really do. She was generous to Lena when we
got for dinner. Should always pay. I once spent to
her hotel and we sat there watching videos all night.
And she's a really always loved Jessica Simpson because she's
still honest with people. You know, she's talked about her
weight loss and struggling with weight and she lets us in.
But what's really interesting in this book is that she
reveals that she was drinking and she was doing drugs,

and she stopped in two thousand seventeen. She gave it up.
Do you remember those pictures back in two thousand seventeen.
It was September and she was kind of strumbling out
of a bar with her husband and he was holding
her up, and that was basically the moment when she realized,
I've got to start with this. And now when we
look back at those pictures, a lot of them were
not just weight games. She was bloated, She had been

drinking too much, she was doing pills. I am member
she was paid a ton of money by your magazine,
Okay magazine when you were working there. I was Jessica's
publicist at the time, and they were paying celebrities to
do photo spread. So Jessica had been paid a fortune
of all things to do a fitness cover. We turned
up at the shoot with Jessica and she was clearly

so drunk that the pictures I don't think they ever
ever ever saw the light of day. Think about it,
fitness and drinking a mess to do that cover. I
remember being with her hair and makeup, people who were
trying their hardest, the hardest to sort of cover up
for her. But we all knew. I don't think we
knew it was this bad. Jessica, though, once again, you

are inspiring people if you can tell these stories with honesty,
wit and humor, which she certainly has, I think we
all benefit from that. Talking about strong women, Taylor Swift,
let's talk about Taylor Swift. So, Taylor Swift has revealed
that her mother, Andrea, who is sixty two years old,

has been diagnosed with a brain tumor. Let's be very
very clear and careful about her words here. So there
are reports out there that her mother has brain cancer.
That is not true. She has a brain tumor. This
is a very difficult time for the family. She did
an interview with Variety and she said the following quote.

Everyone loves their mama. Everyone's got an important mom but
for me, she really was the guiding force almost every
decision I made, I talked to her first about it.
People don't realize Taylor's mother was her manager. She was
the one that really pushed her daughter, gave her her
daughter these opportunities to fly. And now I'm told, my

sources tell me that this is the number one priority
for the family. This is an exclusive. I'm told that
her upcoming tour might change a little bit because now
the priority. Every think he's focused on the mom her health. Listen, cancer,
you're a horrible horrible thing, too horrible horrible things, But
you pick the wrong person, the wrong family. Here, Taylor

is going to fight this. You know, she uses music
to talk about her life. She actually wrote a song
about her mother battling cancer. It's actually called soon You'll
get Better. So you see, she's already starting the fight
and she talks about how scary it was to go
in that first diagnosis. But as you know, Taylor has
been dating a guy named Joe Allen, British guy. Yes
he's a British, of course, they're the best, and he's

been by her side at all these high profile events.
They were together at the Golden globes. My sources are
telling me that he's going to stay by her side
while she's finding her mother's cancer. While they're out of
the spotlight. She has someone to lean on. It's so important.
This is going to make them even closer, Which brings
us to a pole question of the day. So, would

you quit your job to take care of somebody that
you love? Would you retire? Would you put your career
on hold? Would you quit your job to take care
of somebody that needed help? That's the question. You can
go and vote on our Twitter page at Naughty Nice
Rob or our Facebook page Naughty Gossip, and be sure
to check back here tomorrow for the results from your pole. Well,

since we're speaking of strong women, why don't we just
keep it going and talk a little bit about Oprah
win front. Now, you know, she was working on a
documentary called On the Record, and it was talking about
sexual harassment in the music industry, and she brought up
some pretty big names in that are Kelly Russell Simmons.
Got a little backlash because they were saying that she
was only speaking about men of color, and Russell Swimmons

has actually spoken out about it a little bit. Well,
the news right now is that Oprah has actually taken
her name off the project. It's premiering at Sundance this weekend,
and she's no longer a part of it, and a
lot of people are saying that she was pressured by
Russell Simmons to step back off the project. Can I
tell you saw then? Oprah Winfrey's best friend is Gail King,
who works on the CBS Morning Show. So when you

need to go talk about something and put out your word,
you just call up your bestie and say, I'm coming
on the show. And she's saying the reason she actually
stepped off the project is because there was some inconsistencies
in the documentary. Look Opra as a producer, She's not
gonna put her names on something unless it's got the
eyes dotted, the teas cross. And she's not stepping away entirely,

she just wants to make sure that she has us correct.
My sources tell me on this that this is not
the last we've heard about this topic. Obviously, it's massive.
The Me Too movement has certainly put this to the
forefront of what we're what we're talking about as a society.
Oprah has got her own production company she's got her
own network. Oh, she's not stopped talking about this. There

will be more, So Russell, guys out there, if you
think you've got off, be careful, my friends. Yes, Oprah
has been a victim of sexual abuse. She's a survivor.
She believes the women who are in this documentary, She's
going to stand behind them and listen. It's so important
for her to bring this subject matter with accuracy. So
she'll be back talking of dear friends, Oprah and Gail.

Wendy Williams is now really good friends with Ninie Leaks
from the Real Housewives of Atlanta. For a while, they
didn't like each other. Now they're best is so, according
to Wendy, she got a text from Nini with the
words I'm quitting. I'm quitting the Housewife show. So Wendy
was between commercial breaks at her show. She went to

her bathroom. She looked at her phone and she saw
a text from Ninie saying, quote, I'm quitting. I'm quite
surprised with both to Lena, I've done. We've been backstage,
We've been in those dressing rooms. I can't yourself. My
mom is trying to get when did he get themselves
So I don't know how that text got through, But
when do you got a text from nearly? This brings

up a ton of ton of questions. Hey, if you
tell her best friend something in private? In private, should
you tell anybody else to labor? Well, if your best
friend is Wendy Williams, you know when she's about fifteen
minutes to go on the show, of course Wendy is
going to share the news. But I have to say, Okay,
I'm gonna I'm gonna give you a little bit of
gossip right here. So the show is going to be

doing some salary negotiations and you know, the near future,
and the best way to start negotiations with Bravo is
to say I'm quitting. You know, Nini is one of
the highest paid at housewives out there. She makes just
under three million. Maybe she wants a little bit more
coin tell me Wendy's numbers. Text that I'm thinking of
quitting here. Never, I love it here, I'm not quitted here. Also,

Wendy did something. I love Wendy Williams. I'm going to
be on the show in a couple of weeks. I
love her. But Wendy did something that drives me nuts.
Wendy also said m Air that Nini has a massive secret,
not the quitting secret, a different secret. Wendy teased it
but then didn't reveal what it was. It just drives
me nuts. Do you have a friend or somebody on
Facebook who's like, got big news, then the news top

don't talk to what's the news? I mean, we know
the number one ruling gossip is that you have to
actually tell the news. If you say it's a big secret,
it's going to be something very smart. If it was
so juicy, you would come out with it right away
and be like, here's the team in the business, the
business that Delia and I work in, and the NASCO
thrilled you all part of it. The worst thing you

could do to me. It's like I've got something to
tell you, but I can't just keep it to yourself
or give us. Let's just point out to though Nini leaks,
rep has said that her plans are unclear, so she
said that she's not quitting. There's been no official decision yet.

I love nicknames. I love what people call each other.
I call you Miss Dla Dixon. Sometimes if we're feeling
very cheeky after a drink or two. I call you
miss double D cink wink, And so we've got some
names for you here that I love. Brad Pitt is
revealing what Leonardo DiCaprio calls him. So, if you're in
there back at the Golden Globes, Brad revealed he calls

Leo L D C Leonardo DiCaprio. I love that ld
cut saying this is what Leo calls him. He said
his nickname from Leo is quote lover l O V
e A. You heard it right. Brad also went on
to say, quote it's a bit confusing, but I roll

with it. I like that. But there's no explanation why. Well,
I can say that I've actually had the opportunity to
meet Brad Pitt. So it's standing on a red carpet,
a bunch of female reporters there, and maybe a couple
of guys too, and I have to say, we all
fell in love with Brad in the fifteen seconds we
got to speak with him. He's extremely charming. So maybe

so maybe that's the reason why he's called lover. Since
we're talking about nicknames, why don't we talk about what
Brad calls Jennifer? So he wanted to get her attention
at the SAG Awards, where they both wore big, Big awards.
He was reaching out. We saw that picture, spoke about
it here on the show. Do you know how we
got to atta attention? He called her Aniston just by
her last name. Now I wish he was calling her lover,

But that's a story together. We're going to take a
quick break. But when we come back, we've got the
results from yesterday's pole, and also we've got the nicest
and the naughtiest of the day. Welcome back to the
Naughty but Night Show. Let's get to the polls. Yesterday,

we asked you do you want Jennifer Aniston and Brad
Pitt to get back together? You voted and the results
are in on Twitter. Fifty three percent said no, so
that wins. Forty seven percent said yes, so most of
you do not want them to get back together. We
also got a couple of comments on Facebook. We love
these comments. Keep doing this so on our Naughty as page, Neil,

Hello Neil. Neil says absolutely they should never have split.
Beth has an opposite view point. Hello Beth, No, no, no,
he disrespected her in the marriage and Maxillo. Max, I
guess they're both going to be good friends after all.
Don't forget to vote on today's pole and a Twitter

page at Naughty Nice Rob or our Facebook page Naughty Gossip,
and check back here tomorrow to hear your results. Now,
mister is going to give us the nicest of the day. Well,
the nicest of the day is Kelly Clarkson. She's co
signing Pink's idea to age gracefully. So Kelly Clarkson, she's

only thirty seven years old, but she's been thinking about
maybe I could do a little niptuck here, you know,
pull here. And then she actually watched television inside people
who have already had a little surgery or a little
niptuck and said, you know what, I'm gonna follow Pink.
I'm going to allow myself to age gracefully. Well, she's
going to follow her, except in one area. So Kelly
took to social media and she said, Pink, I feel

you excepting you note the flying through the air thing. Look,
I'm gonna hold it here on the ground. You go
be up in the air. If you don't know what
that means, if you've gone to a Pink concert, Pink
is always on an aerial she's flying through the air,
she's doing trapeze is So maybe that's the key to
aging gray Swilly. You have to be in the air,
defying gravity and now and notist of the day. So

a zoo will name a cockroach after your ex for
Valentine's Day. That's right, the zoo in El Paso will
feed this cockroach to a mere cat live on Facebook.
So on the February, if you want to see your
ex get eaten, you can suggest the name Delana Dare

I ask you, is there a name that comes to mind? Well,
I did make a very long list, but I don't
want to mention any names. So maybe I'll just say
first letters and I'll just say the letter jay. I
picked sister Betty. And now it's time for a moment
of robber. We try to make you laugh or giggle
or smile for for a minute or a moment. We

like to be a little bit more serious, and this
is a moment of robber. Stop beating yourself up, everybody,
stop it. So most people think acceptance is being totally
honest and comfortable with everything they are, but that's only
half the story acceptance. It's just as importantly about accepting
everything you are not. So you have to know who

you are be comfortable with it. You have to know
who you are not and be comfortable with that too.
Once you're comfortable with both, I tell you you will
be as happy as the Lena and my good self.
Thank you, Thank you so much for listening to The
Naughty but Night Share with Rob Shooter, a production of
I Heart Radio, And don't forget to subscribe to the

I Heart Ray Deo Apple Apple Podcasts or wherever you
listen and leave us a review. Some more people can
find our shower and remember, altogether, if you're going to
be naughty, you've got to be nice. Take care of everybody.
It's not even nice with bro
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