All Episodes

August 25, 2023 68 mins

With only one game to preview, George Wrighster and Ralph Amsden get into the Pac-12 news and notes, like Cal and ASU naming starting QBs, Jen Cohen hopping from Washington to USC, and whether USC could skip the Conference Championship altogether.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
All right, here we go, Pack twelve fans. This one's
for you. This it's the Pack twelve Apostles and only
the truth lives here. Packed twelve Apostles.

Speaker 2 (00:16):
Yo, it is weak zero. I'm George Reister, He's Ralph
Hampton and this is the PAC twelve Apostles final season
podcasts not going away. Remember that it will just have
a different name. We have had a couple of requests though,
people who are like, you must keep the Apostles name
in the podcast. I'm like, okay, cool are are you?

Are you cool with that?

Speaker 3 (00:41):
I'm cool with it. I'm cool with it. It's you know,
what do we what do we get in the divorce?
That's where we're at.

Speaker 2 (00:50):
And you guys can always shoot us an email. I'm mad,
I am ama d at Unafraid show dot com or
hit us on Twitter at PAC twelve Apostles or at
Ralph am and are at George Reister. So today, Ralph,
before we well, we have one game to preview today
because USC is in action. But again for what feels

like the millionth time, and we were off four months,
but the million time, we got to talk about conference
realignment as well, and this time it is cal. It
is cal Ford who is trying to find a home
in cal and Stanford, and they seem to be paired
up at the hip, while you have Oregon State and

Washington State still floundering in the wind trying to find
a home.

Speaker 3 (01:46):
I don't I want to react to this, but I
don't because last time it felt like it was trending
that that this was gonna happen. Uh, and then it
was off the table, and now we're right back in
the same place again. But I all I can think
about is I think as a Stu man Deel tweet
that yeah it is. He said the PAC twelve couldn't

get anyone to pay them thirty one million dollars per school,
so it imploded. But if the ACC takes Stanford and cal,
ESPN and or Fox will be paying around that much
for eight of the ten leftover teams. Anyway, this sport
makes zero sense.

Speaker 2 (02:22):
Okay, see see and and and I responded to it.
See this is actually much more simple as well, much
more simple than it sounds, because everything that Stu Mandel
said is correct. But the problem is is that we're

in a get down or lay down business. It is
a plato or PLUMO, like like the like the infamous
cartel boss, you say, do you want silver? Do you want?
And the PAC twelve it was offered silver by when

it could have given away fifty percent of the network
to ESPN or the Fox or somebody like that, very
much like the Big ten did or the SEC did.
You could have done that and then you would have
been in a much better position. But the PAC twelve
was out there floundering, and then it had an availability

problem and those networks took it upon themselves. With the
PAC twelve's help a little bit, with its play on
the field, allowed to paint a very negative picture of
the football. It wasn't available for people to see, so
then you can just say anything if nobody sees the
games because they're sleeping, they're like, yeah, yeah, the team's good,

but they're not like that. And everybody's like, oh okay,
because people on TV said it. And then when it
came to and then they gave him a final out
after USC and you said CLA left because USC and
UCLA leaving that was that was not USC and UCLA
trying to find this was Fox's doing. And Fox was

like okay, well, well cool. Instead of us doing what
you want us to do instead of you doing what
we want you to do. You won't do it. You
won't sell your media rights, you won't get on direct TV,
you won't do any of those things. So what we
are going to do is we are going to break
you up because because we recognize that you're worth whatever

you said. You thought you were worth forty million, apiece,
fifty million, whatever. It's probably true your evaluation from Washington
State was probably right, especially with USC and UCLA. But
you know what, we don't care. We are going to
break you apart because we have the power. And then
ESPN was like, I like that strategy. So then so

then since they couldn't get the PAC twelve, because these
media companies want ownership, they wanted ownership of the media rights.
Because what's going to ultimately end up happening is is
that ESPN is looking for an equity partner to or
to be somebody to be able to buy it. And

you know who that's going to be. Apple. Apple. Apple
is going to own all of Live Sports or potentially
Amazon as well. But both of those companies have enough
flu they're flush with cash and are big enough to
where they can distribute and market like imagine commercials essentially

played in between four live sports, played in between you
shopping on Amazon. Is anybody going to stop dropping on Amazon?

Speaker 3 (06:01):

Speaker 2 (06:02):
No, there exactly. You You are actually hitting more people
with your commercials than you do if they're on television.
So that's that's why Ralph they the Pac twelve didn't
give them what they wanted, so they were like, okay, cool,
we will we will break you then, no problem.

Speaker 3 (06:21):
What it feels like to me is record company execs
looking at Joe Jackson and seeing that he manages all
these kids, and they're like, all right, fine, we're just
gonna wait till Michael's eighteen and give the contract directly
to him. We don't we don't care about We don't
want to work with Joe. We don't like Joe as
a middleman. We want to work with the Jackson kids.
We don't care if it's together. We're gonna make money
off all these individual parts somehow, But we don't want

to deal with Joe. Nope, exactly, we don't want to
deal with the Kulkin dad. We want Rory, we want
McCully in movies, we want Kieran and TV shows, But
we don't want to deal with these parents. We're just
gonna wait.

Speaker 2 (06:53):
And they're like, and yeah they can. They're eighteen now,
so we ain't got to deal with you no more, Joe.

Speaker 3 (06:58):
And they can afford to wait. And so what do
you think of what do you think of this? Uh?
Callen Stanford in the in the ACCU do you think
it's gonna happen? And how long do you think it'll last?

Speaker 2 (07:09):
Is there anything more geographically now? The word is that
it'll only be football or basketball, but who knows. But
the question is there anything more geographically dumb than that?
I mean, West West Virginia in the Big twelve? All
we were always.

Speaker 3 (07:26):
Like what what?

Speaker 2 (07:27):
How does this make any sense? And then you got Oregon,
U C, l A, uh USC and Washington in the
Big ten. That feels geographically bad but with but with
four of them you can be like, ah, whatever, right,
But then the ACC schools are literally on the East coast. Now, now,

for football, none of this makes any difference. It's one
game a week, You're flying somewhere anywhere. It adds no
more than like an hour of travel. It's it's it's
not you know, what is what is the difference for
Washington flying to Tucson than it is to fly to Michigan.
Might be closer to get to Michigan, Like it might

might take you less time to get to Michigan.

Speaker 3 (08:14):
Somebody did the math and said that, like the teams
that are leaving for the Big Twelve are like on
average adding forty minutes or less of flight time. It's
not like anything insane.

Speaker 2 (08:25):
No, But but for schools that don't fly commercial and
you're going and you're going, sorry, schools that do fly
sports that do fly commercial and you're trying to get
to Lubbock or still Water or any of those, ah,
that's tough. Bro Well.

Speaker 3 (08:41):
And for somebody who played in the NFL, West to
East travel sucks, Yes, it sucks.

Speaker 2 (08:45):
Yes, because that acts an extra time yep.

Speaker 3 (08:48):
And I've never been able to pinpoint it. I always
heard people talk about it. Now that I live on
the East Coast and I go back to the West
Coast to do work, I'm always fine for that four
or five days that I'm on the West Coast. I
get on a plane and go back, and I need
a day. I need a day after I get off
the plane, just to like recover, and it's never gone
the other way. It's never gone from east to west.

I don't understand that phenomenon, but I look at the
Big Twelve, the way that it's set up, and the
you know, the UCF might have a serious advantage over
some of the teams that are that are joining this
conference when they play their home games. So my other
question is Washington State and Oregon State are kind of

like trying to play the AAC in the Mountain West
against each other here, there's no reason for them to
be part of the AAC. I will tell you the
AAC seems like a real fun conference, and I don't
know why SMU is trying to get out of it
outside of just money.

Speaker 2 (09:43):
What do you mean the SMU wants that. It's not
that they're not happy in the a in the in
the conference like competitively, SMU wants to be with the
big dogs. SMU since the death penalty, has been trying
to find a way to get back with the big dogs.
Do you realize how much money that SMU has and

that their donors are willing to put up. If they're like,
we we won't even take any we won't even take
any TV money for seven years. That means you have
some oil money down there. That's saying we will pony
up fifty million dollars a year to make sure that
y'all are good. Well, do you really like that? Is

three hundred and fifty million dollars approximately?

Speaker 3 (10:32):
The thing I like about the AAC if Oregon State
and Washington State were to join, is that it really
spans the whole country and it would make for some
absolutely fantastic matchups because you got the South, you got
a heavy, heavy Prince presence in Texas, and then you
got the Northeast with schools like Temple and Navy, and

then you got Memphis right there in the middle. And
I know they probably want out as well, but you know,
it would be a far un conference to be part of.
But it doesn't make sense at all to me when
the Mountain West is right there, and I love the
Mountain West. I'm a Mountain West football fan, I'm a
Mountain West basketball fan. Here, I guess what are they

trying to squeeze out of the Mountain West by even
flirting with.

Speaker 2 (11:17):
The AAC Because what they what they want is so
you can remain a conference right for two years even
if you only have two members, but you have two
years to add at least six members. So Oregon State
and Washington State they're not going to bail on the

PAC twelve. I promise you that. Do you know why?

Speaker 3 (11:42):
Because of the basketball credits yep.

Speaker 2 (11:44):
Sixty five million dollars in basketball credits. So that allows
them to help subsidize any of the losses that they're
going to take. Now they're split that two ways.

Speaker 3 (11:54):
If everybody bounces, what happens to the sixty five million dollars?

Speaker 2 (11:58):
It goes to the people who earned it. If the
if the conference dissolves, then Oregon gets their credits, Oregon
State gets their credits, UCLA gets theirs. Yes, so so USC, UCLA, Oregon,
and Washington and you know Arizona are like cool, but
y'all break up, please please, because we're going already. So

y'all can break this whole thing up. That's more money
for us.

Speaker 3 (12:26):
Man. Well, I I mean, so then we talked about SMU.
Is that someone that you would try to pull into
the new pack whatever?

Speaker 2 (12:37):
Yes, So you're so you're gonna try.

Speaker 3 (12:38):
To relationships to see who you can steal.

Speaker 2 (12:41):
Yep exactly, or some sort of merger. Okay, so that's
why they want to merge instead.

Speaker 3 (12:48):
Okay, yep, So the Mountain West could become the new
Pack whatever, and then they could share in the spoils.

Speaker 2 (12:55):
Exactly interesting, even though Oregon State and Washington State would
be like, ah, most of this is ours though, right,
we'll kick you down a couple million, but this belongs
to us. We earn this in the divorce, all right,
So what's up? What's up next?

Speaker 3 (13:14):
Well, I think we're just gonna go team by team
and talk about some headlines. We got eleven of the
twelve teams that have some type of news or information
to get to and I wanted your reaction, okay stuff.
Usually we go real in depth show planning, but this
is just going to be you and getting your reaction
for the very first time because we didn't have a
chance to talk before the show today. Not really anything
on Arizona this week. We went like twenty minutes on

Arizona in the last.

Speaker 2 (13:37):
Podcasts for Arizona.

Speaker 3 (13:39):
Yeah, well, no news can be good news sometimes, And
if you missed our our season preview podcast, it's like
two and a half hours deep. You can definitely find
out on iTunes, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts.
But let's start with Arizona State alphabetically, because I alphabet
figured out.

Speaker 2 (13:55):
I know what the news is here. The homie is
the quarterback, right.

Speaker 3 (13:59):
And I mean, you know the family, You know Jaden,
you know Harlan Rashada. Harlan Rashada was on the ASU
team that when I first started watching college football. Oddly enough,
when Arizona State elected to start Jake Plumber as a
freshman and he was a mid season replacement, Harlan Rashada
is on that team, and now his son has been
named the starter against Southern Utah next week. I have

an opinion. I've expressed it, I can express it again
on here, but I'm interested to hear what you think
about Arizona State because almost everything Arizona State's done, we've
talked about this has been to win. Now, this is
the first decision that Kenny Dillingham has made where it's
almost an acknowledgment that he is gonna be here for
a while because his contract is structured as such that

as soon as the NCAA hands down whatever the punishment
is based on what that punishment is, he gets an
auto extension. So I mean, like he's gonna be here
for a while, and this is the first thing I've
seen him do where he's kind of acting like it.

Speaker 2 (14:57):
Yeah, I see here. Here's the thing. Jayden Rashada probably
played well in camp spring well, he wasn't there for
spring springball, but he was well, oh yeah for the
end of it for springball, and then through camp. Probably
played well. But if you're looking at him and Trenton Borga,

let's say it's close, right, but I'd say that Trenton
Borgay is a seventy five and Jayden Rashata at this
point so seventy two. Right. Coaches in those situations typically
choose the younger person because and the person with the

more upside, Because do you believe that Jayden Rashata will
be his ceiling is higher than Trenton Borgay.

Speaker 3 (15:59):
On physical abilty? Absolutely?

Speaker 2 (16:01):
Yeah. So if the competition is close now and Borge
got a lot of reps last year, and you're sitting
here thinking, Okay, which guy is going to help my
team be better toward the end of the season and
potentially propel us to a ballgame. That's how coaches a

lot of times make those decisions in situations where it's
a new coach, new program. You know, the program is
doing a reset, and they're like, yeah, it's other guys better.
But we believe that in two or three weeks with experience,
that the younger guy is going to be better.

Speaker 3 (16:48):
And that's a belief on faith, which some people who
don't have that level of faith in a situation would
call a risk. I believe this is a risk. I
believe it's a calculated one. I don't think anybody is
talking about Arizona and their opener unless they are starting
the freshman who made national headlines for accepting thirteen million
dollar nil contract that was then renegged on by a

bunch of absolute buffoons out at Florida. I do not
believe him to be the better quarterback. I do not
believe him to be the quarterback that gives them the
best chance to win. Right now. That being said, I
see what is going on here, and you know, you
got a root for the kid. You gotta root for

the kid. He is extremely talented. He's gonna turn the
ball over and Kenny Dillingham has to. You know, we'll
see if he can stomach it. Because he's on this risk.

Speaker 2 (17:43):
He's not used to having a quarter well, his first
time is OC he has not had a quarterback turn
the ball over.

Speaker 3 (17:49):
Right right, and this is gonna It's gonna happen. It's
been happening in practice, it happened his senior year. He
is a gun slinger. He's a risk taker, and maybe
that's maybe that's just it. Maybe it's great minds think alike, right,
they both they're both going to take some risks together.
I do think that if you look at a situation
where you're like, oh my gosh, we get if Trenton

Borgae is our backup? What's safer option than that? And
I think maybe that factored in as well. However, the
p and you know me, I will tell you I
don't believe myself to be a competitive person, but I
am petty. And sometimes those two look alike. Now that
Jade Mashatt is the starting quarterback at Arizona State, do

you know what I'm paying attention to? What's that grandmer
It's at Florida. I want to see if a freshman
who was hoping to go to Florida has better numbers
than a guy who started at Wisconsin and his transferred
to Florida. I also remember that Anthony Richardson had twenty
six total touchdowns last year as a first round pick

that came out of Florida. I wonder if Jaye Marshatt
is gonna have more than twenty six touchdowns. I wonder
how Florida fa is gonna feel about that. And I
know you love Florida fans, George.

Speaker 2 (19:03):
Oh uh, they're the they're the best.

Speaker 3 (19:06):
Oh, you know. Also paying attention to another Jayden who
also wore number five, who also started at Arizona State
as a freshman, j L s U. Yeah, I wonder
how their numbers are gonna stack up. I am going
to be me. I'm gonna have the measuring tape out
all season long, down to the centimeter laser pointed measuring tape.
Oh my gosh, I cannot that that got that part

got me excited. I'm not sure. I like the like
the decision in the aggregate, but like the the idea.

Speaker 2 (19:31):
Of opportunity to be petty. What sign sign me up?

Speaker 3 (19:35):
Absolutely, let's get into Cal because Cal named a starting
quarterback as well, kind of a kind of actually a
surprise here, Sam Jackson the fifth This is gonna be uh, again,
you gotta trust in offensive coordinator that they brought back
you have and you figure he comes in from TCU

that he you know, he's gonna be uh the starter.
And will Cox said that that Sam Jackson didn't really
separate himself until the end of practices in the fall,
but he has done so. But you really had to
feel like, if they're going to bring in somebody from
TCU and chase out the two quarterbacks that split time

last year, that he was probably gonna be the guy.
When I say a surprise, I mean when I look
at last year and I see that they had two
quarterbacks with eligibility, both of which had a little bit
of talent, and to know that they had to go
outside the program made me feel like the writing was
on the wall that something was wrong there. But they
got their their OC from the twenty sixteen team that
led the nation, and offense back got a TCU transfer
in the door. He doesn't have a lot of experience.

He I think he's six for six, one hundred and
forty yards and eighty yards rushing in his college career.
Do you think he'll make the difference and help get
them over the top. Whatever the top is.

Speaker 2 (20:55):
What I was just gonna ask is what is the
definition of the top is the top the bowl game?

Speaker 3 (21:01):
The top half of the conference in offense?

Speaker 2 (21:05):
Top half? So that means how many teams are there now?
Twelve or twelve? Okay? So so so I would go Oregon,
Oregon State, U c L, A, USC, Utah, and Washington.
That's already six teams.

Speaker 3 (21:22):
So no, okay.

Speaker 2 (21:24):
And then Arizona will possibly be there as well. Yeah, no, nope, nope, nope,
all right, I mean, I mean, if we're being serious,
he's not going to be ahead of USC, right yeah,
not going to be ahead of Oregon, not going to
be ahead of Oregon State because they're at least going
to be able to run the ball very well. A

damn sure, won't be ahead of Washington, right, Utah, Nope,
you're you're you're already sol for the for the top
half of the conference in in offense.

Speaker 1 (21:59):
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Speaker 3 (22:12):
Let's just I'm I'm curious, I wish the best for SI.
I just I want cal to function. It has been
very painful guaranteed to watch them.

Speaker 2 (22:22):
They need to. Yes, we need them to be competitive
offensively because the defense can be solid all it wants
to be, but without offense. Not a buddy.

Speaker 3 (22:36):
Absolutely, And I think that I've gone every single Pack
to Apostles episode we've ever done by mentioning Brett Johnson.
So I'm just gonna make sure that I say his name.

Speaker 2 (22:45):
He's back.

Speaker 3 (22:46):
He is hopefully fingers crossed toes crossed. Oh my gosh,
keep that man. Get that man a show first, so
he doesn't have to walk anywhere, ride his bike anywhere,
ride a scooter anywhere. Bubble rap hit by a car.

Speaker 2 (22:57):
Ye, just wrap him up and bubble rap.

Speaker 3 (23:00):
I would love to see the car that hit him
actuallyuse He's.

Speaker 2 (23:02):
A big, big deer.

Speaker 3 (23:04):
Uh okay, So moving on to Colorado, George, I consider
you an independent minded person. I consider myself to be
an independent minded person. One thing I don't like is
people that call themselves independent minded people. But I don't
know what other words to use for it. Right, there

are some things that are former President of the United
States who still believes himself to be President of the
United States says and I'm like, oh, I guess that
makes sense, Like it's not, it's not all nonsense. Like
there are some times when he's talking, I'm like, oh,
I get that. Yeah, Yeah. I feel the same way
about Dion Sanders. There's some weeks when I'm like, that's
just nonsense. He's just saying nonsense. And there are some

weeks where I like, I'm like preach. And this week
he was on, he was he was up in the
pulpit talking about multi sport athletes and and uh, he's
one person I actually believe because that that that believe.
It lie that high school coaches tell you is they
want you to play multiple sports. I want you to

play multiple sports. But I've got practices scheduled for three
hundred out of three hundred and sixty days the year.
You better be there. Yes. But the other thing that
he said this week, and I loved it, and I
don't think that you can probably get your your mind
around it unless you've been around football, is he had
his team get into a scrap on the practice field.
Some of them walked away, and he gathered them all up,

and he said, no one walks away. If one fights,
we all.

Speaker 2 (24:33):
Fight, except your door.

Speaker 3 (24:37):
Except yeah, with that that that's a given on any
team except for I guess the Baltimore Ravens where Justin
Tucker was about that action when they when they had
a fight on the practice field. But how did you
feel about that? Because I feel like in any other
context in the world, that's like the opposite of two
wrongs don't make a right, which is a wisdom that's ingrained.

Speaker 2 (24:58):
I would say that it's a good concept for trying
to build a team and a family and all of
that stuff, but it's hard to really instill that at
a high level when you are when you have them,
when what you've done with the roster has created a

mercenary mindset.

Speaker 3 (25:23):
Okay, so you think he's pushing back against the culture
he created.

Speaker 2 (25:28):

Speaker 3 (25:29):
Oh interesting, okay, yeah.

Speaker 2 (25:31):
Yeah, so he's trying to make it a team while
also saying, listen, if you ain't good enough, we're getting
you up out of here, this, this, and this. So
it's trying to create more like a professional mindset. And dude,
I cannot wait for Colorado to start playing football because
they are the biggest mystery. Think about this, Dion, Like,

we look at this schedule and then We're like, there's
no way that they have to be starting one and
four in their first five games. But he's talked us
up so much that like now we're like, what if
he wins some of these games? What if he's two
and three after five? He has talked us into believing

something that we know is extremely unlikely.

Speaker 3 (26:24):
Yeah, I don't know. I still I got a couple
of people pushing back on the two and ten thing
I said in the last podcast, but I said the
best two in ten ever not good enough. But Deion
Sanders did have an interview this week where he's like, no,
we're gonna win, and I'm like, what what does that mean?
You know, you don't expect the coach to come out
and be specific or whatever. But I will tell you
I did appreciate that. I think it makes sense on

the football field, not always, but in practice yeah maybe
not in a game situation, in life not so much.
I will tell you. Having that mindset and my family
has that mindset. I don't go to many bars with
my family because if one fights, we all fight. Is fine,
as long as one doesn't fight every time we go out.

So that's why I moved halfway across the globe, so
that there's less opportunities for me to be part of
the all in that scenario. Smart Let's jump down to Oregon,
and the only thing I really have for Oregon right
now is to talk about the Uh.

Speaker 2 (27:22):
It's so funny to me that that's alphabetical order A
A CC oh. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (27:29):
Yeah. But the weird thing is, it's like, all right, well,
if we're if we're, if we're being like technical about it,
and you don't include the word university, then I should
be talking about UCLA before this, And I don't even
it's too much. It's too much, so I go with
the U. So I put them at the end. Yeah.
Oregon is staging a preseason Heisman campaign for Bonnicks, and

they're doing it in two very interesting places. They have
billboards of him in New York City and in Dallas, Texas.
I'm very curious as to what your thoughts are about this.
I think if you got the money to do something
like this, I love it. I love it when rivals
put billboards in there and their other colleges down.

Speaker 2 (28:11):
They need to put it here in La like they
did a long time ago, which piss usc off to
the highest level of pistivity.

Speaker 3 (28:18):
Boy, why Dallas and New York? Well, obviously New York,
but why Dallas.

Speaker 2 (28:24):
That's a legitimate question. Oh well, because it's probably going
to get more press in Dallas, Okay. And people are like, oh,
they're trying to buy the heisman it dude, Listen. I've
seen so much pushback on this from aka smart guy journalists,
and I'm like, this is not about bo Knicks and

the high Like, this is ten percent bon Nicks and
the Heisman. This is ninety percent what Oregon wants, which
is people talking about Oregon. This is branding. This says
recruits looking at that and saying, oh my god, that
could be me, Bro Oregan's don't Bro. They put built

like it is.

Speaker 3 (29:10):
It's that.

Speaker 2 (29:11):
It is branding. It is no different than than Nike
putting up a witness you know those witness billboards all
over the place. It's no different. And a reporter said
said to me, So I responded to Aaron Finterest about that,
and he said and he was responding to d White.

I forgot what his name is, and I said that,
and Aaron was like, oh my god, Well, well, maybe
I'm just giving recruits more credit. Than to think that
they'll make a decision based upon a billboard or something.
I was like, do you not know recruits? Like cool stuff?

And then and then and I responded, and he said,
I don't think you know what you're talking about. I
was like, I'm around recruitis you don't know, I don't know.
Of all the people who don't know, I'm not one
of them. Like I'm around kids that I can call

DM or get on FaceTime with probably thirty kids forty
kids who have been to USC UCLA, Oregon and in
the last twelve months that are currently in high school.
And if not, I can get a hold of them
super quickly because they know my son or my or

my nephew or tea like anybody. And we're gonna sit
up here like, bro, like I mean, you go back
to Rashata. I can call Rashata, I can call Dylan Ryola,
any of these kids, Elijah Brown, like especially the quarterback.
And you're gonna tell me I don't know, Bro, I

know more than I know, more than I'm allowed to say,
Like all right, it was insanity to me.

Speaker 3 (31:10):
All right, quick question and I'll do the same right
after you do. You are going into your season senior season,
you are a Heisman hopeful. A booster comes to you
and says, you get five billboards and you get to
tell me where to put them. Where are your propaganda
billboards going?

Speaker 2 (31:30):
LA number one, first and first and foremost New York City.
I'm gonna go with Dallas Atlanta, Okay, because he because

I'm reaching into that South because I need some of
them big bodies, bro. And I'm putting one in Florida.
Florida kids don't really like leaving Florida. Oh no, do
you know where I'm.

Speaker 3 (32:07):
Putting one where? I'm putting one in Charlotte, So because
I can, I can look out my window and just
see your face, bro.

Speaker 2 (32:15):
Because because North Carolina, them kids they like Mac Brown
is getting a lot of big time recruits. They putting
out a lot of kids out of that state. So
I'm putting one there.

Speaker 3 (32:27):
Damn hell, Drake Many. They got monsters at quarterback out
here too.

Speaker 2 (32:30):
Yep, yep. So that's where I'm putting mine.

Speaker 3 (32:33):
Okay, I'm going hometown. Only twenty thousand people live there,
but it's it's northern Wyoming, and I just want people
to see like I made something for myself.

Speaker 2 (32:43):
We gotta know they'll see where they'll they'll they'll see
them on television.

Speaker 3 (32:47):
Yeah. I don't know if everybody has TV out there yet.

Speaker 1 (32:50):

Speaker 3 (32:51):
We gotta go. Uh, we gotta go Phoenix. Uh, just
because I want one above Magic City in Atlanta, right
across from the Greyhound station. One in New York too,
so that people will never meet are like, who the
hell is that?

Speaker 2 (33:11):
Oh, I'm the one in Atlanta. I'm putting it in
the Atlanta Airport in the most of notous place possible.

Speaker 3 (33:20):
Just or paint a plane. Yep, that would be great. Uh.
And then I probably I'm probably putting one next to
the University of Oregon, just for you. When I get
my University of Wyoming Heisman campaign.

Speaker 2 (33:40):
We've got to recruit from there.

Speaker 3 (33:42):
Oh that's true, that's true. Justin Herbert. You guys got
any more?

Speaker 2 (33:46):
Justin Herbert's Okay, if you're banking on that, buddy.

Speaker 1 (33:54):
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the nation. Catch all of our shows at Fox Sports
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to listen live.

Speaker 3 (34:05):
All right, let's go to Oregon State. This one's fascinating.
This week because in a big like no doy dj
hugyl dj uyag lala, Oh my gosh, I almost fumbled
that I know better. He was named the starter Oregon State.
If he wasn't named the starter Oregon State, we have
big problem. This is a former five star, but he
also came out and he was pretty honest about how
he felt about Clemson's offense and what he's doing. Now.

I want to read you this quote because it is
Clemson fans aren't taking it well. I didn't want to
do what I was doing at Clemson. I didn't really
like what we did their scheme wise, I didn't think
we did very much. I thought it was very basic.
It didn't help me out as a quarterback and play
to my strengths. I wanted to go somewhere that would
play to my strengths and go somewhere that would develop

me for the NFL. Play action, work under center, throw
the ball deep. This is the man who followed Trevor
Lawrence saying I wanted to go somewhere that would get
be ready for the NFL and to not to not
like dismiss Oregon State jigling, he is just throw a
touchdown pass in a preseason NFLGA.

Speaker 2 (35:08):
He is one hundred percent right. Really, Clemson's offense is
not is not that deal, bro. They just had two
generational players in Deshaun Watson and Trevor Lawrence. DJ is
not the generational player. Can he be a really good quarterback, absolutely,

but generational not not so much.

Speaker 3 (35:32):
And he needs to be developed. He says, he needs to.

Speaker 2 (35:35):
Be correct correct more than those other guys did. And
they fit better in the system because they were runners,
and that actually put more stress on the defense and
allow more things to be open for them. And that's
why you didn't see Kate Klupnik looked bad last year.

Speaker 3 (35:58):
I was at the game where I was at the
game in person against Syracuse where he replaced DJ, and
he looked bad and he got lucky. He got lucky.

Speaker 2 (36:08):
So that's what I'm saying, is that is that Clemson
now with their new offensive coordinator, are they going to
make any changes. They they should be, But it's kind
of like Urban Meyer. Right when we watched the Swamp
Kings thing and then you look at it and I
went back and watched some old Florida film, they were
running the triple option. That's why that offense would get

stoned some sometimes is when you had people who had
the athletes or the scheme to be able to or
the scheme and the discipline to just tackle the right people.
But then at that point in time, the the the
talent won out.

Speaker 3 (36:49):
Yeah, it's also why they would jump on people and
then people be making halftime adjustments on them. Yep, exactly,
all right, So you don't think DJ was overly on it.
Maybe mentioned Clemson a few too many times.

Speaker 2 (37:02):
No, No, I got no problem with that, Okay, but
I hope that he continues to play well because if not,
it's it's a man named Aiden Aiden Childs who is
just just licking his chops, waiting on his opportunity. And
I would not be surprised that in blowouts that if

he got a series or two and stuff like that,
in games that feel you know, you know, when they're
playing against Colorado or something like that.

Speaker 3 (37:33):
So let's jump into U C. L A. And this
is not a news or note. This is a conspiracy theory.
And you know me, I'm not a not really conspiracy theorist.

Speaker 2 (37:41):
Because they haven't named the starter yet.

Speaker 3 (37:43):
No, they have not, they have not, And it's down
to Dante Moor, Ethan Garber's, Ethan Garber's younger brother, Chase
Garber's absolutely like cartoonish high school status.

Speaker 2 (37:54):
Oh and the and the So the kid that transferred
from from Kent State is out?

Speaker 3 (38:01):
Oh the run the running.

Speaker 2 (38:02):
Back No, no, no, no, the quarterback who transferred in.

Speaker 3 (38:06):
I don't think he's at this point. I think it's
down to two quarterbacks. As far as the competition, there
are insiders twenty four to seven. A few others are
reporting they believe that Ethan Garber's has the edge. Here's
where I come into my conspiracy theory. I don't think
Chip Kelly knows. I don't think he knows. I think

he's taking this competition into the season against Coastal Carolina.
I think we'll see both quarterbacks. Is it a good idea?
If I'm right? If I'm right, is it a good
idea to take a quarterback competition into this season, especially
when you're opening a point opponent is legit.

Speaker 2 (38:47):
They're legit, but they're out talenting them. What I would
do if I were him, I would do exactly what
Jim Harbaugh did last year. I would start one of
them versus Coastal Carolina the other one versus of San
Diego State, and then let the chips fall where they
may after that.

Speaker 3 (39:03):
So give give Ethan Garber's a full game, give Dante
more a full game.

Speaker 2 (39:08):
Yes, and unless they just think yeah.

Speaker 3 (39:11):
Because that and it would put them up against lesser
talent but very good coaching. Correct. I like that. I
like that. I do think that we'll see both quarterbacks.
And I do believe Chip Kelly does not know. And
it's okay to not know.

Speaker 2 (39:24):
Chip doesn't do to two quarterback thing. Okay, he picks one.
So if I don't think we'll see both of them
in a in a game unless the other one's bad,
or unless it's a blowout. But I do think that
there is a very real possibility that you he starts
won one game, won the next game, and then makes
a choice.

Speaker 3 (39:45):
Okay, because yeah, My whole thing is I feel the
same way you do about Chip Kelly. He's gonna stick
with one quarterback. However, there's no reason strategically to hold
back who the starting quarterback is going to be from
an opponent.

Speaker 2 (39:56):
Well, that's what Chip does, So dude, somebody on I
that's what Chip. I'm just telling you. If if if
one of the dudes broke a fingernail, Chip, Chip Chip
would be like, Uh, he's got a he's got a
thing with his fingers. No, No, he's got he's he's
dealing with something, not not major. He was like, he's

dealing with something. He wouldn't even be specific.

Speaker 3 (40:21):
If you need to play mind games of Coastal Carolina.

Speaker 2 (40:24):
It's not. It's not even playing mind games. This is
just who he is and what he's gonna do.

Speaker 3 (40:28):
But so do you think he would believe that it's
good for the team to know who their starting quarterback
is going to be? Do you think he's expressed to
the team and he's just said keep it quiet, Because
I don't.

Speaker 2 (40:38):
Think the the the team knows who's the starting quarterback.

Speaker 3 (40:42):
The team knows, like in their gut or like he
has said, that's probably gonna be.

Speaker 2 (40:47):
Based upon the reps and how things are going and
talked about in meetings and how the conversation has happened
in meetings, they know who the starter is.

Speaker 3 (40:55):
All right, all right, maybe maybe I'm I'm going off
the deep end here, but I I don't think it's settled.
And the one thing we know about the TAC twelve
is multiple quarterbacks are going to play for every team anyway.
So let's get into Stanford, who is still not named
a starting.

Speaker 2 (41:10):
Whoa, whoa, whoa, you jumped, you jumped USC.

Speaker 3 (41:13):
We got a lot to I was gonna say the USC.

Speaker 2 (41:15):
Oh okay, okay, well you said alphabetical order, So then
let's go to Stanford.

Speaker 3 (41:19):
But I want to finish with the game previews. So
actually I did forget USC. And this is the excuse
that I'm making up on the spot, so for a
little bit of a hint for everybody as to how
my brain works and how easy it is for me
to tell a lie. So uh, let's get into Stanford.
There's not really much news come out about the team
and the starting quarterback spot. I still think it's gonna
be justin Lambson. But I do want to get into

David Shaw's comments about how Stanford got caught flat footed
and is now without a conference. Here's what David Shaw
had to say. It's a new era right now, and
if you don't play by the rules that everybody else
plays by, and you sit and wait, you are left out.
And that is where the conference is, and that's where
my school is right now waiting for something else to
happen that uh hourly that can salvage something.

Speaker 2 (42:06):
He's one hundred percent right, dude. If you Stanford, Stanford,
of all people putting out all these smart tech millionaires,
geniuses of thought and all of this just negated the
most important rule in life. If you failed to prepare,

you prepare to fail. I mean that, I mean Stanford
everything they do, check, double check, cut twice, measure, measure twice,
cut once, all of these things, you know, the the
scientific method, the research and researching. Who the hell was
researching right Who? Who the hell was making a plan?

They're like, I We'll figure it out.

Speaker 3 (42:53):
I don't.

Speaker 2 (42:54):
I don't think that that's gonna happen. Like like they
were just sitting sitting there just guessing when in reacity,
had Stanford been proactive, like very proactive, had a couple
of conversations with Jack Swarbrick over at Notre Dame, they
would be in a much different position than they are

right now. It's almost like they forgot or didn't realize.
Hold up, we don't really have that grade of a
fan base. The brand and the name Stanford Care is
a lot of weight so people are going to want us, like,
we got to be proactive. We can't just get left

in the dust. And it was and it was like
they didn't realize that Oregon and Washington and all them that,
despite them wanting the conference to survive to where they
were like, yeah, brother, sca't I'm dude, as of when
USC and UCLA left, and we talked about it on
this show, everybody should have been on high alert and

trying to look out for them and at least keeping
an escape patch. Oregon and Washington had clearly had an
escape patch because they got vetted last year. So at
that point in time, Stanford should have been getting themselves
vetted or figuring out a plan for potential independence or

something like that. And then as soon as the news
about the four Corner schools and all of that started
coming coming out and they were in meetings. No, we're
committed all of that, Dude, that there is not everything
that's printed in the media is true. But where there's smoke,
there's at least an ember. Yeah, if you hear it

enough times, there's at least a little something going on there,
a little something.

Speaker 3 (44:52):
I Stanford to me, you remember that movie I know
you remember that movie the other guys of Mark Wahlberg
and Will Ferrell. Yep, Stanford to me is Sheila. You
know what I'm talking about? No, Will Ferrell's wife, Will
Ferrell's wife in that movie, right, He's married to this
absolute knockout eleven out of ten. But Will Ferrell doesn't

care about her at all, and Mark Wahlberg is always
like super nice to her. But Will Ferrell doesn't care
about Hurdle. I forget who actually plays the role. It's
Ryan Gosling's wife in real life. But yeah, so the
the whole point is like Will Ferrell has her, doesn't
value her, but anybody else would, right, And that's how

I feel about Stanford. Like their own fans don't seem
to care, but anybody else would want to have them
around because they do have that Notre Dame energy. All
you have to do is replace one word when you're
talking about how people feel about Stanford is like I
would love to whip those Catholic nerds asses, right, Like
that's how people feel about Notre Dame. They want to

play him so they can beat him. I feel like
people feel the same way about Stanford. Was like I
want to whip those liberal nerds' asses. You know, I
think that Stanford actually would be an awesome addition as
a national brand for literally anyone. And the fact that
they were flat footed is crazy. And the other thing
that David Shaw brought up that I think is really
important to remember is that football coaches. Football coaches are

not natural followers. They have to if they're an assistant
and they're working the way up the ladder, But the
whole point is that they're trying to be a leader.
They're not trying to have to answer to very many people,
and they're trying to be the boss of a whole
lot of people. And so you had a lot of
football coaches who were having to follow the lead of
Larry Scott and you know that internally they were in hell.
And some of those coaches didn't do a good job

of hiding that. Rich Rod when he was at Arizona,
was always making fun of the conference. Well, Shaw, David Shaw,
you know that he hated it. And he had another
quote here and don't want to read it to you.
More than warning signs that felt like bombs were going
off around us. We all knew the first contract as
the PAC twelve was right around my first year, the
big contract, and we didn't get a lot of money
that was promised. The direct TV deal never came through.

A lot of things didn't happen, so that first deal
was just not what we hoped it to be. And
all the conferences signed better deals than ours, and we
signed a longer term deal, so they actually re up
theres before we got to ours, so it was bad
on both sides. The bottom line was we knew school
by school we were getting less money than everybody, less
coverage than everybody, and we were hoping this deal was
going to be much better and more lucrative and keep

the conference together.

Speaker 2 (47:27):
Yeah, so if everybody knew that, why did you give
him a new contract?

Speaker 3 (47:32):
But the coaches aren't in charge of that.

Speaker 2 (47:34):
But that's the issue, is that the presidents aren't always
in touch with what's going on. So in addition to
the presidents being part of these meetings, the athletic directors
should have had a better say, yeah, in this.

Speaker 3 (47:52):
We need because at twelve edition.

Speaker 2 (47:55):
Yes these are sports decisions and not like just universe,
So like the athletic directors should should have about a
sixty percent vote, and then you know the other powers,
the regents or whoever else should have another twenty and
then the president should have twenty percent or fifty twenty

five twenty five.

Speaker 3 (48:19):
True. Uh, Let's let's jump to Utah because this is
another interesting coaching quote. Kyle Whittingham was asked about the
rivalry with BYU the Holy War becoming a permanent conference
game now that they're moving to the Big twelve. This
was what he had to say about that. This is
Kyle Whittingham, head coach of Utah. Well, first of all,
you use the word permanently, and I can say it's

far from that. I think in two to three, maybe
five years on the outside, everything's gonna change again. So
this might be a quick couple of years of the
game returning and then everything's gonna blow up again and
people will go their separate ways.

Speaker 2 (48:54):
That sounds like a man is sick and tired of
being sick of tired. He's like, listen, I don't even
give a you know whatever, bro whatever, All right, Yes, yes,
we're gonna play them. It's it's not permanent, Like, let's
not use the permanent word. Let's take it for what
it is. It'll probably blow up anyway. I mean, that's

just that's a that's a man that's sick and tired.
That's not a man who is.

Speaker 3 (49:21):
A reflective of Utah's attitude of not even wanting to
be in the Big twelve in the first place, being
forced into the situation.

Speaker 2 (49:27):
Yes, yes, he's just like we're It's like the Marshawn Lynch.
I'm just here so I don't get fined.

Speaker 3 (49:35):
I love that and I also love that it would
that anything that will annoy b WHYU fans on the
other side of this rivalry. He's basically saying, like they
want to be here, we don't. We get the opportunity.
They're still gonna wink yes, whatever, bro, because this is
what they aspire to. We want more.

Speaker 2 (49:48):
We're here for now, you know, Like it's cool, weird,
it's very funny. We are We are here until we're not. Okay,
So take that.

Speaker 3 (49:58):
Let's jump to University of Washington. The news that is
out of dub is, Oh my god, that's positive.

Speaker 2 (50:06):
Stepping stone job, dude. The Washing Washington is clearly a
stepping stone job. Their their defensive coordinator, Kiwatowski left for
a vert of what was a lateral move to Texas.
Their athletic director Jim Cohen, who has done a really

good job up there. She's smart, talented, measured, got got
helped assist Washington go to the Big ten. And then
she was like Saya Nara pals of leaving the rainy
state for the sunny state.

Speaker 3 (50:47):
Buddy, Audios, are you only complimenting Jen Cohen to further
hurt Washington fans feelings?

Speaker 2 (50:57):
I've complimented her pregment. No, No, I've complimented her prior, remember,
like yeah.

Speaker 3 (51:02):
Yeah you have Yeah, so Washington is hiring. You're gonna apply? No,
you should publicly apply and tags tag your boy softy.
Oh my god, tweeter right now? Where could I get
an application and tag soft you doing it?

Speaker 2 (51:23):

Speaker 3 (51:24):

Speaker 2 (51:26):
Oh my god.

Speaker 3 (51:27):
You're gonna have to beat out Ray Anderson though? Why why?

Speaker 2 (51:30):
Why would he want that job?

Speaker 3 (51:32):
Oh? Isn't like Seattle's like the best? He would love
living there? Why wouldn't he want it? He would definitely
mean like, if I was Ray Anderson, I would want
to leave as.

Speaker 2 (51:42):
You why you you clearly are teflon there.

Speaker 3 (51:52):
I just I think University of Washington is a better
opportunity for me if I'm Ray Anderson, and I don't.
I don't think anybody be sad to see me go.
In fact, they might throw me a party, and maybe
I want to have a party.

Speaker 2 (52:05):
Okay, So where can I get an application to be
the next ad of Washington Athletics at softy.

Speaker 3 (52:16):

Speaker 2 (52:17):
I will do a great job.

Speaker 3 (52:19):
Okay, so be honest because no, no.

Speaker 2 (52:21):
No should I should? I should?

Speaker 3 (52:23):
I say that, yes, yes, you should.

Speaker 2 (52:28):
I will do a great job. Here's my I would
do a great job and won't treat it like a
stepping stone.

Speaker 3 (52:38):
Oh my, twist the knife twice. That's fantastic. Can't wait
to see how this goes. Here's my question. Oregon's rivalry
isn't just with Washington, it's also with USC. You're all
leaving to the Big ten together. You've praised Jen Cohen,

She's going to USC. Does that bother you a little bit?
She does a good job. She's not out of her
hair yet.

Speaker 2 (53:07):
No, no, dude, anybody worried about her? Dude? I'm saying like,
like you're worried about USC, the brand, the recruiting, the coaching,
You're not worried about dude. She couldn't get the basketball
coach right, So.

Speaker 3 (53:22):
Okay, they did have years and years of an incompetent
ad up there in in in Usc, like they had
Lynn Swan out here playing golf. Then they brought Mike Bonan,
who is you know, Michael Scott from the racial Sensitivity
episode apparently, And so you're gonna get a competent ad

at USC. They might that might be the final piece
of the puzzle for them to start dominating everything.

Speaker 2 (53:50):
Okay, so tweet it, sorry, tweet tweet a scent and
uh and I and I put a gift of their
mascot holding about down uh about down time.

Speaker 3 (54:05):
I like it. Your tweets related to this show have
never gotten us in trouble before.

Speaker 2 (54:13):
Hey, but hold up, but who who instigates all tweets?

Speaker 3 (54:20):
Yeah? No, I don't feel very good about myself right now.

Speaker 2 (54:25):
I mean, I just I just accelerated it with the
I won't treat it like a stepping stone thing.

Speaker 3 (54:30):
Yeah. I do want to bring up one other thing.
University of Washington Cam Davis out for the season. They
love Cam Davis. That the way that they're talking that sucks, sucks. Yeah.
Gryan Grubb, the OC is saying, there's no other way
to describe it. It's a huge loss. He was the
heart and soul of how we're supposed to operate. It hurts.
It hurts a ton. Everybody in the offensive room and

the team, honestly, their heart skipped a beat when they
knew he was going to miss the season. Uh. He's
worked really, really hard. He's a really good I spend
a long time. They love him. I personally feel like
Washington's got the deepest running back room in the conference.
That's how I feel. I know you don't feel the
same way I do. They added Daniel and Gatta, they

still I think their fifth stringer is.

Speaker 2 (55:13):
Yeah, but you got to remember that that Like, I mean,
if we're really being honest, the best running back rooms
in the conference are Oregon State Oregon because Oregon Oregon's
room has two NFL players in it for sure, or
Oregon States probably has two. I'm excited about, uh Stanley,

the freshman at Utah. I think he's gonna be really good.
Yeah yeah, those are the rooms I'm probably most excited about.
I mean, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3 (55:49):
I I think Dylan Johnson could be special for them.
He played for Mike Leach at Mississippi State. You know,
they don't like to run the ball, but he's still
getting five point two yards of carry. He's a good
pass cat well. And then they have players that have
been on the team forever. Will Nixon's been on the
team forever. Richard Newton has been on the team forever.
Sam Adams the second has been on the team forever,
and they added Daniel and Gotta from ASU. I think

they'll be fine at running back. But the way they're
talking about it is like this was a massive, massive
blow for them.

Speaker 2 (56:19):
Yes, it is massive blow.

Speaker 3 (56:24):
Last thing, I think we already got into to Washington
State and where you think they'll where you think they belong.
I think you say, stick around, negotiate. There will be
no Washington. Washington State agrees to go to the Mountain West.

Speaker 2 (56:43):
Yes, yeah, I think that it is going to be
a merger that is eventually going to be the resolution
to this whole thing for them, which is best case
scenario for them.

Speaker 3 (56:57):
Okay, let's get into UFC because there's a couple of things.
First of all, I never even considered that this was possible,
but ever since Colin Cowhard said it on the air,
and you know he pays really close attention to the
USC program. Ever since he said this on the air,
I can't stop thinking about it and how dumb it
would be, but how possible it could be. Colin Cowhard

said that USC should skip the Pac twelve Championship if
they get in.

Speaker 2 (57:24):
They already got a week off prior prior to it.
What else do they want and why should they skip it?

Speaker 3 (57:33):
Because he has essentially said who cares? Like the conference
is dying? He says it probably won't happen, but it's
fascinating to think about.

Speaker 2 (57:45):
No, it's not fascinating to think about if you if
you're USC and you want a chance to play for
a national championship and potentially get another Heisman trophy, you
better play in the conference championship. I don't even know
what Colin's thinking about.

Speaker 3 (58:01):
Well, okay, so here's what I'll read it to you.
If you're USC and you're eleven and one in your rank,
third in the country, why would you play in the
PAC twelve Championship game? What do you benefit? There's only
a losing proposition. No, there's not, because why would you
risk Kayleb Williams getting hurt?

Speaker 2 (58:16):
That? That is insanity, bro, Because because whoever you play
Oregon Washington, UH, Oregon State, Utah is going to be
in the top ten, and you think that you're gonna
skip the game against the top ten opponent, and and
and especially if it's one of the teams that wasn't

on your schedule, and it's gonna be like, oh yeah,
oh yeah, they got in that that we're just gonna
put them into the championship with that. And then there's
the assumption that USC is gonna be undefeated anyway, because.

Speaker 3 (58:53):
Even if they're eleven and one, eleven and.

Speaker 2 (58:56):
One and you're gonna skip your conference championship, that means
you lost either to Notre Dame or in your conference.
Get out, get out of here, Colin, you lost your
damn mind.

Speaker 3 (59:09):
I don't know, man, And I think they'd get made
fun of for eternity, But don't you think it would
at least cross their mind.

Speaker 2 (59:16):
No, it's not gonna get you into the playoff if
you skip your conference championship game.

Speaker 3 (59:23):
You think they get punished by a committee that has
jen co in on.

Speaker 2 (59:25):
It one hundred percent, one hundred percent.

Speaker 3 (59:32):
It is Do you think this is an all time
shit stir and that there is a zero point zero
percent chance that USC, even if they're undefeated, would say, like,
why do we need to play in this game?

Speaker 2 (59:42):
One hundred one, one hundred percent. It would be different
if you were playing the conference championship game against like Rutgers,
if you were playing against BUT or you're playing against
a five win team.

Speaker 3 (59:57):
You would be leaving a lot of money on the
table too.

Speaker 2 (01:00:00):
Bro, it's it's it's insanity. No no, no, no, no,
no no no no.

Speaker 3 (01:00:10):
I can't, Bro, I can't. All right, let's uh, let's
get into it. We got one game this week. It
is USC San Jose State. A little bit frustrated with
the fact that this game is on PAC twelve network
because you have the defending Heisman winner, defending Heisman winner,

and this game is being played, Uh at at I
believe five pm Pacific? Am I wrong about that?

Speaker 2 (01:00:43):
I think it's been Yes, it is five pm Pacific.

Speaker 3 (01:00:47):
Okay, So FS one is going to have Ohio at
San Diego State, ESPN is gonna have UMass at New Mexico.
But this is NBC. He has Navy Notre Dame earlier
in the day, and USC is playing on the.

Speaker 2 (01:01:08):
The Heisman Trophy winner is playing on the PAC twelve
network in like thirteen million homes, and.

Speaker 3 (01:01:14):
You're gonna have to check the ticker when you're watching
UMass New Mexico State to find out how it's going.

Speaker 2 (01:01:22):
So you're gonna have to check the ticker in a
game you're not watching.

Speaker 3 (01:01:25):
Yes, And to make matters even wilder, USC just announced
direct TV as a partner of their athletic program. What yeah,
dead ass serious?

Speaker 2 (01:01:39):
So USC can be a partner of the This is stupid.

Speaker 3 (01:01:44):
The USC is financially partnered with promoting DirecTV, a service
that Pack twelve network is not on.

Speaker 2 (01:01:52):
This is all time dumb, bro, all time dumb.

Speaker 3 (01:01:57):
Yeah. So yes, thirty one points.

Speaker 2 (01:02:00):
This is so packed twelve.

Speaker 3 (01:02:04):
This is so a lot to digest. It's a lot
to digest us. He's a thirty one point favorite over
under sixty six and a half. Hate the line, literally
hate the line. Brent Brandon's a great coach. They play
a very good brand of football. Defensively, they're very good
against the run. That is not going to help them
against Caleb Williams and USC.

Speaker 2 (01:02:26):

Speaker 3 (01:02:26):
So let's get into it.

Speaker 2 (01:02:28):
Is Butterfield going to be the quarterback.

Speaker 3 (01:02:33):
Of Saying Jose State or it was like somebody's gonna
start over Caleb Williams. I believe so, but I don't.
I'm not one hundred percent sure.

Speaker 2 (01:02:42):
I can't wait. I cannot wait to watch this kid play.

Speaker 3 (01:02:46):
I just want to Oregon. Yes, okay, that's what we're
talking about. Yeah, I don't know. Because San Jose State
also has Chavon Cordero. Do you remember him. He was
at Hawaii.

Speaker 2 (01:02:57):

Speaker 3 (01:02:58):
I think he might still on the team. I'm not
one hundred percent sure. I don't know much about San
Jose State. I didn't look at anytime anybody's more than
a thirty point favorite. I don't do as much research.
I don't expect USC to lose this game. Cordero still
is on the team, He's probably gonna stay starting. Butterfield's

only a sophomore. They have Walker Egot, who you might
have watched play. He's out of Santa Clarita. He's a really,
really good high school quarterback. But yeah, it's gonna be
Cordero's team. He's not going to be surprised by the
level of competition at all. They have a very good
coach who could have jumped to the Pac twelve multiple times.
I think he was a finalist for that Arizona job,

and they have traditionally played very very good run defense.
They're a little small on the O line. It's gonna
be interesting to see what they do against that USC
pass rush. But remember we are we have just finished
a season in which USC gave up two hundred thousand points.

Speaker 2 (01:04:00):
In two billion yards, yes and.

Speaker 3 (01:04:02):
Two billion yards. So I think I think San Jose
State moves the ball. I think they take some time
off the clock. I do not believe. I think thirty
one points spread is absolutely insane. I'm gonna go on
the record and say that if USC covers, I will
be blown away.

Speaker 2 (01:04:19):
Wow Wow, I will. I am going to take San
Jose State in the points. I'm going San Jose State
in the points. You USC starting a freshman at linebacker
in number fifty five, which is pretty damn cool because
because that's their number, like you like LSU in number seven,
that their best player or somebody that they feel is

of the highest caliber gets that number. So I'm actually
excited to see that.

Speaker 3 (01:04:51):
All right, So what we'll we'll. I'll do a better
job of keeping track this year than usual. I'm taking
San Jose State in the points. So are you. Yeah,
I'm saying forty eight twenty four, So that give me
the over.

Speaker 2 (01:05:02):
Oh, I'm taking over in this game one hundred percent
because if USC covers this, it is Santo San Jose
State's at least gonna score twenty something points. I'm gonna
give them somewhere between twenty one and twenty seven, and

if they score between twenty one and twenty seven, USC
is absolutely covering because they are absolutely winning this.

Speaker 3 (01:05:31):
Game, all right. So that's it. Are not a lot
of effort put into preview of San Jose State versus USC.
I don't pay attention to as many teams outside the
Pac twelve, so out of conference is a little bit
tough and than anything.

Speaker 2 (01:05:46):
Well San Jose State in and of itself, because it's
not a team that has a ton of ton of coverage.
Had USC been playing Notre Dame, this would have been
much more extensive. I mean, but but I guess the
question is who are we looking forward to seeing how
they play for USC? For me, it's the defense. If

you can't dominate San Jose State, we're gonna have It's
gonna be a long year, buddy, And there's so much
hope that things are different.

Speaker 3 (01:06:17):
Yeah, I think I've I've definitely got questions about and
you feel free to make fun of me because I
think you know why I've got questions about Brendan Rice.
Whether he is just an athletic freak and he really
is an athletic freak, or if he can be a
dominant college wide receiver with the numbers to back it up.

And it's not like they don't have enough receivers to
just kind of get him out of the way and
go with somebody else. If you know, Michael Jackson is
is a very good receiver relief Brown is obviously one
of the you know, prize recruits for Lincoln Riley when
he first came in. They're gonna find a way to
get the ball around. I think some freshmen will probably
touch the ball. They brought in Dorian Singer, they brought

in TOADJ. Washington, so they got all these transfers. I
think Mario Williams was with wasn't he with Lincoln Riley
at Oklahoma? So if you don't deform at wide receiver,
you're gonna get your You're gonna find yourself on the sideline.
I would like to see Brendan Rice be in every
down receiver. I'd like to see Brendon Rice be a
be a Day one or Day two NFL draft pick,

because I think he has the physicality to make that happen.
But if you got the Heisman winner at quarterback and
you are six foot three, two hundred ten pounds, one
of the fastest players on the team, one of the
strongest players on the team, I don't care how talented
that wide receiver room is. I don't think you should
be sharing reps with anybody. And so I again, I

love Brendan Rice. I know Brendan Rice. I covered Brendan
Rice all through his high school career. I want to
see him step up. So I'm issuing a challenge to
him for sure.

Speaker 2 (01:07:51):
Perfect we shall see what happens. And uh, you guys,
he's Ralph Ams. Then I'm George Rice. This is the
PAC twelve oposs So you guys share it with a friend.
I'm mad at unafraid show dot Com. Peace out, Catch
you guys next week.
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