Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:08):
Hey everyone, it's Amanda Riga Green. Welcome to Soul Sessions
and Part two of working with Crystals. Listen. The easiest
thing for you to do if you are new to
crystals and need a little insight and guidance and need
some go tos is check out the Crystal Guide. It's
a freebiesoul Pathology dot com that is an easy go
to resource. And we are going to continue diving into
utilizing crystals, harnessing their potential, their activation, and their abilities
in order to harness your light. All the tricks I
know and all the tips part too. Let's get started.
There are some crystals that are highly potent, Like if
you're working with hematite, it's a heavy stone, it's kind
of silvery gray. It is a massive detoxification stone. It
literally will drain the life out of you. I would
never wear a heema type bracelet for four months, let
alone a day or two. Like I will put a
hema type bracelet on if I'm detoxing some stuff, whether
it is mental and emotional or physically I'm detoxing, Like
if I'm doing a physical cleanse or a detox I'll
put hematite on, and I will put it on my
right arm, and I will tell you if I start
physically feeling achy or weak or so drained and depleted.
And sometimes I will see the circles come out underneath
my eyes, like my eyes will start getting like hollow
and black. I mean, I have seen it, and I'm like,
oh my gosh, that's the darn hematite. It's too much
on my system. Like I can feel it, and I'll
be like, Okay, thank you hematite, and I'll take it
off and I might put it next to my bed
or under my pillow for a night. So there are
some crystals that to me are very potent that you
just work with a little at a time. Moldavite is
one that people ask about a lot. It's a meteorite stone.
I have a piece of moldivite that I got in Flagstaff, Arizona,
at the conservatory. It's attached to the university there, and
I got this piece of moldivite and I love it
and I work with it very intentionally and mindfully. When
I wear it, it's a pendant. I usually wear it long.
I wear it hits just below my sternum and I
can only wear it for a certain amount of time.
And then it's too much or too heavy, or things
get really chaotic in and around me. So that's the
thing with working with crystals. Now, if you're working with
a rose quartz or an amethyst, oh my gosh, your
go to stone for putting stones in your children's rooms
are rose quartz, amethyst, celanite, all the calcites.
Speaker 2 (03:04):
Ugh, the cow sites are so good.
Speaker 1 (03:07):
For children's rooms, baby's pets putting them under their dog bed.
I mean, obviously you need to be mindful of the size.
I mean, unless your dog eats stones and rocks. But
I've had a dog that does stuff like that.
Speaker 2 (03:19):
So you have to.
Speaker 1 (03:20):
Use your intelligence and your reason and your logic. But
those stones for children's rooms, those are just no brainers
because they're gentle and they're purifying, and they're easy and
compassionate and clearing and loving and nurturing and safe. And
I'm going to go through specifically a few and the
one that all way everybody asked about is what is
a stone of protection? And the way I think of
the heavy hitters for protection, but I would call it
for energetic strengthening and fortifying. So I usually don't use
the word protection because protection invokes that I need protecting from.
So black tourmaline is like a no brainer because it
is so good at strengthening the aura and the energy field.
That is one of my favorites. It's a very psychic stone.
It's grounding, it's very good for clearing and fortifying the
energy field. It's striated, so it's just kind of gorgeous
to look at. But black tourmaline is kind of the
no brainer in energetic clearing, I love onyx, it's another blackstone. Obviously,
apache tear is another good one for energetic clearing and healing.
On the other side of the spectrum for protection or
energy clearing and strengthening is also cellianite, which is a
salt based stone. It's inexpensive, it's beautiful. It does not
like a saltwater bath so it does not go in
your bath tub or your water. And I'm going to
talk about that in a minute, because that is the
most fun to work with crystals and the vibration of water.
But cellianite wands. If I work with tourmaline, I will
absolutely have a cellianite with it. In fact, I have
someone too sitting right here. I have a cellianite stick
and a turmaline right next to me, and they're white
and black, so it's kind of like yin and yong,
So it balances out the energy field. One brings in
light and the other one grounds in and creates this
beautiful junxta position polarity that creates kind of a cohesive
electromagnetic feel. So termaline and selling a nite work great
together for energetic clearing and quote unquote protection, right Like,
that's a really good one. I also love rutilated or
smoky quartz for energetic clearing and protection for this kind
of psychic energy energetic boundary. Those are my favorite, and
rutilated quartz is really great for balancing out the adrenal
glands stress and it also kind of helps with brain fog.
Fluorite helps with brain fog too, but fluorite to me,
isn't so much of a protective or energy clearing stone
as it is an internally focused stone. It helps with
focus and discernment, like interconnecting the head and the heart.
Fluorite is so great for discernment, and it helps you
with psychic abilities, but it's more about the communication using
your voice consciously and cognitively. Smokey quartz is really a
good stabilizing stone, and smoky and rutilated are very similar,
but those are very helpful. I also love lava stone.
It's very porous. Again, it would not like salt water,
but it's light. And lava stone and all crystals, by
the way, love what I'm about to say. Lava stone
is so great to put essential oils on. Like you
can rub essential oils on some lava stone, whether you
have a bracelet or you have a stone itself and
put the essential oils on it. But all crystals love that.
I put essential oils on my crystals all the time,
just intuitively, and I just do it like, you know,
like I'm giving them an essential oil bath.
Speaker 2 (07:22):
And then I put someone myself. But lava stone is great.
Speaker 1 (07:26):
It's black, and the porous quality of it, it soaks
up energy and it's not heavy like hematite that might
really detox and drain. It's more like it just purifies
and in this strong yet gentle way. Lava stone is
such a great stone to work with. And if you
feel like your heart is broken or your heart is heavy,
it's like ough you've just had enough, or you've had heartache,
or heart are hurt feelings or you just feel exhausted
by life.
Speaker 2 (08:06):
Speaker 1 (08:08):
Malakite is great for balancing electromagnetic energies. It's a great
one to have by your computer or by your bed
or next to a TV because it really does clarify
electromagnetic frequencies. But it tunes with the heart and it
is so enriching and it kind of organically that green
organic heart chakra, beautiful green color of malakite that is
kind of mesmerizing to look at. It's like it radiates
heart chakra energy and it personifies a higher vibrational frequency.
So you know, as your vibrational frequency lifts, the less
quote unquote protection or fear you hold in your energy field.
So crystals help us do that. And I'll talk about
crystals in water and crystals in bath in a second.
If you have some physical ailments, so disease or chronic conditions,
that kind of thing going on. One of my favorite stones,
well two of them, I'm like, gosh, I could name ten,
but two of my favorite go tos.
Speaker 2 (09:21):
One is blue appetite.
Speaker 1 (09:23):
I love appetite and it's spelled just like hunger appetite.
It's blue and it's kind of an aqua e blue.
Speaker 2 (09:32):
But appetite is.
Speaker 1 (09:34):
So great for optimal health and well being. It is
wonderful for cellular rejuvenation, it's good for hormone balancing. It
carries an energy of gratitude or appreciation, so it's uplifting.
It's like charming and optimistic. It's a throat chakra stone,
so it's good if you have a thyroid condition. It
helps organically stemulate well being and health. So if you've
got like a cancer going on. I mean when my
mom had cancer, I always had blue appetite for her,
Like I just was one of those stones where I
was like, you have to have blue appetite.
Speaker 2 (10:13):
That's the one.
Speaker 1 (10:14):
The other one I love is bloodstone, and bloodstone is
green and red. It's got these red veins in it,
and it's beautiful like mossy green, and it's kind of
mesmerizing to look at, like malachite. But it is so wonderful.
Obviously it connects with the blood and stimulating your blood
and your life for so it's very rooting, like it's
very very connected to the root chakra and then it's
connected to the heart chakra and it's green, so it's
like plant animal kingdom.
Speaker 2 (10:45):
You know, all of.
Speaker 1 (10:45):
That that green, lush energy, and then you've got the
blood color of it. And that stone is so wonderful
for grief. It's wonderful for growth and new life and stimulate,
like if you've got something going on, if you've got
heart disease, that's a good one. Or if you've got cholesterol,
that one would be a good one too, cholesterol challenges again, cancers.
That's one of my favorite, my favorite stone for grief
and I recommend this and have for ten years. It's
my go to and it's the most unassuming is moss Agate.
I think moss agate is one of the most underrated
unassuming stones there is. It's white and green, and it
connects with the crown chakra, so pulling in divine consciousness, intelligence, information,
and the heart chakra. And to me, I call it
the grief and growth stone. It loves to be outside
in plants and gardens, by the way, like it's the
kind of stone like I'll put moss agate in a
potted plant because the plant thrives and the moss agate
is happy, and then if I need to work with it,
I'll go get it, you know, or I'll talk to
it in my mind. Oh I need to clear some grief.
But moss Agate is my favorite grief and growth stone
because I feel like it is gentle, yet it is stimulating.
It's organic, it's like chlorophyll for the soul. It's just
one of my favorites. And if you go on Amazon
and gets you a moss Agate four milimeter crystal bracelet,
I bet you it's like seven ninety nine, you're gonna
be like jackpot. And if you're a dude or you
want a bigger crystal bracelet, the six millimeters, So if
you're buying them for a boyfriend or your husband, and
believe me, I do that. And I recommend crystals to
males all the time, and they wear them and I'm like,
you're just gonna look like you know what's up. But
usually for guys, I'll order the six millimeter bracelets and
sometimes I will say when we get those, they still
are a little tight on male wrist. So with guys
and crystal bracelets, sometimes you do have to spend the
thirty dollars at the metal physical store to see if
the crystal bracelet fits. I have a lot of friends
who get custom made crystal bracelets on Etsy, or I
know people who make custom crystal bracelets or mala's and
you can pick your stones and they'll make them for you.
I've had plenty of malas made for me that I
love and I work with where they've been personalized and
made for me and I've picked out the stones.
Speaker 2 (13:18):
Or you can go on Etsy.
Speaker 1 (13:19):
There's lots of places on Etsy, and I've had people
give them to me and said, gosh, the gal that
makes these, she's so lovely. She was so sweet in
working with me and picking out and suggesting some stones.
I got a couple of different custom made crystal bracelets
after my mom died from two of my friends. My
friend Gwynn got me one and it was so precious.
We had had lava stones and road tonight and she's
like the gal I worked with was so cool, and
I wish I knew the name, and if I find
it out, I will let y'all know. But you can
do your research and find somebody cool for that. Speaking
of roe tonite, that is such a great healing stone
as well road tonite. It's very heart centered, it's pink
and black, and it creates a lot of self compassion
and nurture. And usually when we've got disease in the
body or a chronic condition going on, there's pain, and
there's agitation, and there is depression or exhaustion and demotivation.
Speaker 2 (14:21):
That sort of thing.
Speaker 1 (14:23):
Rodinite does such a lovely, compassionate, graceful, gentle job of
kind of soothing the heart and the pain and the
suffering that not only maybe happening physically, but's happening emotionally
and a lot of times too, I'm gonna say this.
People talk about, well, how many crystals should I work
with or how many should I have the rule of
thumb to me with that, Like when I do work
with crystals, like two or three. Now, when I'm recommending
crystals to people, I'll usually recommend three or four because
I can't help myself. I'm like, oh yeah, in this one,
in this one. But I will usually work with them
two to three at a time, like in bracelet form.
And even if you have a bracelet, you can put
it under your pillow. You don't have to have a
loose stone. But I will put crystals under my pillow
for like a week at a time. You know, I
will pull one or two sometimes three for under my pillow,
or I have crystals under the bed. I've created crystal
grids with these pyramids, and I will do that and
then I'll get them out and clear them, and then
I'll rearrange them and create a new grid. And if
you're if you've never created a crystal grid, it's easy
and it's fun. So all you have to do and
I do crystal grids almost every full and new moon
and have for maybe.
Speaker 2 (15:42):
Twelve eleven years.
Speaker 1 (15:45):
But for a crystal grid, the easiest way to do that,
and you can do it in four corners of a room.
You can do it under your bed, you can do
it out in the moonlight. But what you do, or
what I my rule of thumb is I start with
the central crystal. I put one crystal in the center,
and then I build out a geometric shape from that.
So I'll usually go to four corners after that, and
then I'll create like a hexagon or maybe an octagon,
and I move the crystals out at different spaces. It's
like creating a mandala, like I'm just intuitively placing different crystals.
And then once I've placed ten crystals, twelve crystals, really
big ones out under the moonlight, and all sorts of things.
But I mean I usually it would be like, I
don't know, twelve crystals or something. Once I've created a grid,
and sometimes there'll be like a straight a straight line,
like a T shape, like a cross, like an axis,
and then I'll build in different crystals from there.
Speaker 2 (16:45):
So sometimes it looks.
Speaker 1 (16:46):
More like a flower or a starburst or a sunshine.
Other times I can make like a like a circle,
you know, just a winding circle that goes out. You
can make an infinity symbol. You could write out your
name ID.
Speaker 2 (17:00):
If you don't. It does not have to.
Speaker 1 (17:01):
Be some perfect crystal grid geometry. Do something creative that
works for you and intuitively. But once you've laid the
stones out, I take the center stone or the one
the stone that I started with or the stone that
I end with. So it just depends on where I'm
intuitively called the stone I start with or the stone
I end with, and the grid, and then I take
the point of that crystal, even if it's not like
a pyramid or a crystal point. I hold the crystal
and then I tap each crystal one by one, like
activating the points on the grid. A lot of times
I'll tap one to two, one to three, one to four.
There's no right or wrong way, but it's like I'm
activating the lay lines or the little lasers or the
little energy grid by each of those crystals. And once
I feel like I have activated and connected every single point,
which it's whatever organically and intuitively I do, then I
place that crystal where it goes, and I feel like
the grid.
Speaker 2 (18:07):
Has been activated.
Speaker 1 (18:08):
And if it's under a new or a full moon,
it's usually out there for three nights. For me, that's
just kind of my rule of thumb, where they charge
for three nights and then I gather those crystals up
and then I work with them. So the crystal grid,
like if you're doing it in your bedroom, like under
your bed or under a baby's crib, or on your
kitchen counter in your office, it's for setting and activating
an energy field within those crystals. So when I create
a grid under the moonlight, usually my journal is with it,
or sometimes I will put a note out there, something
sacred to me, or I might put some of my
mom's ashes out there, or a figurine or a dried
flower like it just it's a sacred ceremony for me
that I create intuitively and make it mine. But when
I activate a crystal grid under the moonlight, the purpose
of that for me is about ceremony and ritual and
activating energy, activating my intentions on that full or that
new moon. It's about creating intentional activation and alignment. So
I create that grid. I put my intentions in that grid,
the intentions for that full or that new moon, and
then I let it marinate, like blowing out birthday candle
wishes or throwing a coin into a fountain. I activate it,
I put my intention in, I thank it, and then
I let it do its magic for three nights. And
once that new moon ritual is over for me, I
gather the stones and I may put a couple next
to my bed. You know, I deactivate the crystal grid,
I think it. I might meditate with it for a
while before I unassemble it, so you do what you
want to do. But the energy is highly activated between
those lines and when it's been out marinating under a moon,
so it's really good to meditate with before you take
it apart. But then when I take it apart, I
just to me in my mind, the energetic grid that
was created with the culmination of those stones and through
that energy, each individual stone is activated by that. So
I'll take a couple and I'll put them under my
under my pillow. The next couple of nights, I'll meditate
with them. I might put one or two on my desk,
so I kind of separate them out, but they carry
the energy with me for the next thirty days. Let's say,
if it's a new or a full moon, and it's
still got even if I'm not thinking about those intentions
that I set or the prayers that I spoke, or
the mantras that I recited with that crystal grid. The
crystal is because remember what's inside of a computer or
an iPhone or a smartphone, a silla could it's a crystal.
That's what transmits the intelligence and the information. Well, that's
what assimilates it. So it's like taking the activated crystal
grid and a crystal from it. It's still transmitting that
frequency near me and the vibration with me. So that's
the way that I have learned to work with them
that I have find found remarkable and very relevant. If
you're activating a crystal grid in a room, if you're
activating a crystal grid in a room. Sometimes rooms just
need clearing or they need you know. I mean, I've
worked with a lot of homes and houses that are
janked up. Let's just say on it and messed up,
and we'll do a lot of energy clearing. And then
a lot of times I will put cellianite and turmaline,
and depending on the house, I'll put different crystals in corners,
but I'll activate grids like I will put crystals in corners,
and then I will with like wands and certain little
witchy tools that I have, I will activate the grids
in certain rooms, in certain corners of the house north
south east west, in a whole house, in a whole space,
and then you leave it for a period of time
and then you cleanse and you shift or you redo it.
It can get very involved, but it doesn't have to
be that involved, so don't overthink it. But if you
do want to create a crystal grid in your room,
the easiest one would be to put celianite or turmaline
or malakite or amethyst like whatever you're called to in
four corners of the room. Because that way you've just
set these boundaries. You've kind of created the cardinal energies,
the north, south, east, West, the medicine wheel. There's a
lot to that's symbolism of the four which is about
solid foundations and infrastructure in numerology. But that way, you're
creating an energy in there, and you set the intention
that the energy in here is going to be soon
and healing and RESTful and safe and clear and of
the highest light. When I sleep, I am restored and renewed.
You charge the crystals with your words, your mind, your energy,
your intentions, and your belief. If you want to do
a crystal grid under your bed. I have done some
really extensive ones. And my husband is like, you are nuts,
but he doesn't really care. He just lets me do
my thing and he's like, Okay, great, you're doing it.
But he also totally supports it and buys into it.
But I have created extensive crystal grids under our bed
where I will be under the bed and placing them
and then activating them. I mean, it's like a hot mess,
but I'm very serious about it. But I have created
grids under our bed. If I feel like we're under
a lot of stress, or things are disjoined, or the
energy just feels off, and so I will do it
so it realigns that space and it activates that space.
And I'll set intentions, you know, while we sleep, may
we be healed and restored and clarified, strengthened, whatever the
blessings and the prayers and the intentions might be. And
then with that, my rule of thumb is I leave it.
And then next thing, you know, I've forgotten about it
after two weeks and then I'm like, oh, yeah, those
crystals are under the bed, and then I talk to
them and then I either remove them and thank them
and then I go clear them, like I will put
them in a salt water bath after that, because I
feel like, God, they've been under our bed or all
no telling what they've been subject to. Just kidding, but seriously,
we do a lot of work in our astral bodies
and in sleep, and we spend a lot of time
in our bedroom like binging TV and with electromagnetic frequencies
and iPhones plugged in, Like there's just a lot of
noise in a space where we really want it to
be our sanctuary. So crystal grids can create an organic
sanctuary and healing space. But I'll move them after a
couple of weeks. Sometimes it's a month. It just depends
on what's going on or what I think about. And
then I clear them and I thank them, and I
set them free in the sunlight for a little bit
or the moonlight, or I put them outside in some plants,
because I'm like, y'all need a break after all this
junk you've been dealing with. You need a break. So
it's cheeky and it's fun. Let me go through a
few psychic crystals that are really good for intuitive development
and things like dream recall. Moonstone is fabulous for that.
I love moonstone because it really is helpful in connecting
with your higher self. It's wonderful for nurture and compassion,
also listening. I love moonstone to become a better listener,
not just with other people, but with yourself and your
higher self. It's also great for anxiety and depression. And
there's different forms of moonstone, so find what works for you.
And of course it resonates with the moon. Loves to
be out under the moonlight. But it's a very intuitive
stone and it's really good for healing a lot of
layers of gunk very organically. But it's a good one
for dream recall too. I love how light. How light
is a great stone for interconnecting the higher self with
the human self, or really soothing the ego and connecting
with the higher consciousness. So it's good for healing suffering,
but it also opens up accelerated and higher levels of consciousness.
And how light is white and gray. And in the
ancient metaphysical teachings like of the Tarot and the Hermetic principles,
the color gray is really the color of discernment, because
it's not black or white, yin or yang, yes, or
no left or right. It's the mix of those two colors.
And gray is the color of discernment and wisdom. And
so how light to me evokes interconnection of heaven and
earth and purification of the mind and this element of
tapping into the ethereal world and wisdom. So how light
to me helps with our intuition because it resonates with
a frequency of speaking from the soul, speaking from what
we believe we know our truth, but from our truest register.
One of the best psychic stones I know is labradorite.
It's like a Merlin stone, It's like magical, it's like
the Sorcerer's stone is kind of what labradorite looks like.
Speaker 2 (27:40):
It's green and black and.
Speaker 1 (27:42):
Kind of shimmery and gray, and it's totally magical, right,
But labradorite is wonderful for developing psychic abilities, enhancing your
extrasensory gifts. And also I find labradorite very motivating, like
it's a great uh, kind of kicking the behind stone
for a little bit of you can't just be psychic
and everything, you know it all. You gotta exercise the muscle,
you gotta practice, you gotta do the work, so to speak.
Labor to write is very I would say nudging or encouraging,
but it's more like get off your behind, dude, and
get the work done. Come on, Like, if you want
it done, you better do it. So it's actually kind
of sassy, like Labbra to write is more like if
you want it, go get it. It's a little cheeky
to work with. Both the rutilated quarts and smoky quarts
are great for intuitive development.
Speaker 2 (28:40):
But I love lepidelite.
Speaker 1 (28:43):
It's this micastone that is purply and it's really beautiful.
It's like kind of not fusia purple, but like a
mauvy purple pink and Lepidolite is so good for dream recall.
So is angelite, but I like lepidolite the best. It's
very third eye kind of stone, activating the knowledge within,
the intuition, the inner eye, the inner seeing, the inner knowing.
It's kind of sweet, you know, It's like the sweetness
of life and the extraordinary in the ordinary is lepidolite
to me. It's one of my favorites. Angelite is a
very great stone to work with for dream recall. That's
an easy, accessible one. It's great for working with your
angels and your guides and also connecting with your loved ones.
On the other side, lepidolite and angelite are kind of
simple go tos for connecting with your loved ones and
dream recall as well.
Speaker 2 (29:43):
Both of those.
Speaker 1 (29:44):
Work really well with the angelic realms, the ascended masters,
your guides. You can wear them, of course, but also
I like to do a lot of that under my
pillow at night to remember things or sometimes with those stones,
they're good to meditate with.
Speaker 2 (30:00):
I'll make a crystal grid around.
Speaker 1 (30:01):
Myself sometimes, like I'll put one on my third eye,
one above my head. I will make it myself into
a crystal grid and meditate sometimes and I will just
get in it and meditate, so you just intuitively play
with these things great stones for focus and grounding. If
you've listened to this podcast, you know, I'm really big
on getting still getting grounded, being very connected because it's
so important not only for your intuition, but your energetic
boundaries and your health and well being. Fluorite, I mentioned,
is really wonderful for focus, but there's something to it.
It's like a beam of light that runs through you
when you work with fluorite. You know, if if you've
ever heard a guided meditation where they're like, bring this,
you know, light, funnel this light down through the crown
of your head, down through your body to the center
of the earth. That's what I think of when I
work with fluorite. I feel like it just synthesizes everything
and creates a cohesion of mind, body spirit. Kaininit does
that as well. But I love that one. Dragon's blood
is so good for grounding. It's kind of similar to bloodstone,
but it's different. But dragon's blood is so grounding, and
so is red jasper That's like a no brainer, go
to red jasper is. But citrine citrine can also be
a very psychic stone. It's a very empowering stone. It
has intuition. Citrine is kind of a ketch all for
a lot of things, like grounded intuition, like oh that
gut feeling, Okay, I know this, Okay, I'm gonna take action. Okay,
I've made a decision. It's kind of like a turning
point stone. When I was in treatment years ago, they
took us on an outing. I got to get on
what we call the drugy buggy. As you know, I've
been in recovery for.
Speaker 2 (31:54):
A long time.
Speaker 1 (31:55):
It was like we got to get out of the
nuthouse for a day and go somewhere in the white van.
I mean, you can just imagine how comical all of
this is. And it's not comical because my life was
shattered right at the time, but it's like this was
so exciting. It was like I was in fifth grade
going on a field trip. But anyway, we went to
this place in San Marcos, Texas called wonder World, which
are all these amazing inner caverns that are not very
far from where I live now that are beautiful caverns
that you can walk through. And we were in the
gift shop and I had never bought or owned a crystal,
and there was this citrine pendant hanging on this cheap
black rope string thing right. And I saw the citrine
hanging and immediately when I saw it, I was like,
oh my gosh, I have to have that.
Speaker 2 (32:48):
And I tell you what.
Speaker 1 (32:50):
And I've shared this story before when I talked about
my higher self and activating my higher self of when
I was in treatment and I laid down at bed
in bed that night and I was like, I and
then my higher self just started flooding through and talking
to me. I was wearing that pendant. My higher self
just started flooding through and talking to me. I was
wearing that pendant. It was all coming together, and looking back,
I remembered and I was like, oh my gosh, this crystal.
I didn't I didn't know, but I knew. And then
I remember, like, I probably found the darn. This is
twenty thirteen the Crystal Vaults site, and I'm reading about
citrin because I'm like, what kind of stone is this
and what does it do?
Speaker 2 (33:38):
At the place.
Speaker 1 (33:39):
They didn't have like little metaphysical signs where citrine does
this or this is citrine. I had to figure out
what it was, and sure enough I read about citrine
and I.
Speaker 2 (33:49):
Was mind blown. I was like, oh my gosh.
Speaker 1 (33:52):
And I had that stone for years, and I gave
it to someone who was really disempowered and in duress
in their life and in a kind of a cycle
and in a lot of old patterning that was not
serving them.
Speaker 2 (34:07):
And I said, I.
Speaker 1 (34:08):
Have a really special crystal that I'm very attached to,
but I think you're supposed to have it. And by
that time it was on a really beautiful silver chain.
I'd put it on a chain I had, you know,
judged it up or whatever.
Speaker 2 (34:22):
But I gave it to her, and I thought that
was years ago.
Speaker 1 (34:25):
That might have been in like twenty seventeen or something
like that. That is the only stone that I have
ever gifted that I actually think about sometimes and I
like talk to it. So it's like I don't have it,
but I always.
Speaker 2 (34:37):
Say, hey, how are you. I miss you.
Speaker 1 (34:39):
I hope you're doing well. So hopefully you get the
fact that there's a little bit of playfulness, a little
bit of tongue in cheek, but I also take it
pretty seriously. Let me close with just a few other stones,
just so you have this, and I've got a great
on the website if you go to soul pathology dot com.
I've got a crystal guide all in there that are
just me a huge repository of the basics and what
they do, so you can download it.
Speaker 2 (35:05):
It's free.
Speaker 1 (35:06):
There also are links in that freebie to Amazon bracelets
four millimeters Amazon bracelets, so you don't even have to
do any of the work. Just download the guide and
you can go find these. But emotional intelligence really working
with your feeling body. One of my favorites is serpentine.
It's such a good stone. It's such a scorpio stone
because it's a little sexy, it's a little mysterious. It's
wonderful for activating Kundalini. For goodness sakes, it's called serpentine,
So you do that, you know, you put those puzzle
pieces together. But it's kind of greeny yellow, and it's
good for chakra alignment, and it also it's really good
for healthy sensuality and sexuality. Is good for creativity, and
it's kind of an intense stone. So it's one of
those stones where you serve only can wear it on
one side of the body for a couple of weeks
or a couple months on the other side of the body.
But if you feel like it's throwing you off your game,
or if it feels too much, like back off of
it for a little bit, be like ooh, like pay attention.
If you're working with serpentine, Carnelian is an easy go
to for creativity and emotional intelligence because it really does
work very well with the sacral chakra and flow. And
also it's great for romance calling in romance, I love goldstone.
Goldstone is a copper man made stone like it's red jasper,
and it has cosper flex in it. And they have
multiple colors of goldstone, so you might find black goldstone,
blue goldstone, gold goldstone which is just like a coppery color,
but regular goldstone which is coppery with the copper flex
like red jasper with that in it. It is such
a great stone to find your passion and your creativity.
Speaker 2 (37:05):
So is sunstone.
Speaker 1 (37:06):
Sunstone is wonderful for cultivating passion and creativity. I think
serpentine is good for your sex drive, you know, maybe
with a little bit of black turmaline and labradorite.
Speaker 2 (37:19):
I mean, if you really want to get witchy and sexy,
like that's my work.
Speaker 1 (37:23):
I can come up with all sorts of combinations, but
those are good.
Speaker 2 (37:26):
And garnet.
Speaker 1 (37:27):
Garnet is so good for inspiration and passion and determination
and joy and happiness. It really resonates with the lower chakras.
I also love lapis for the artist. Lapis is good
for the adventurer, the artist, the poet. If you're trying
to write or inspire something, or you're creating a new
online course, or you've got to write a lesson plan
for your students, Ah do it with lapis if you're
going on a trip. I always take crystals with me
on trips, Like I'll put a few in my bag,
and sometimes I end up giving them away, or sometimes
I'm like, oh, I needed these with me, Like these
are the ones I needed, No wonder I put them
in my purse or in my suitcase. But a lot
of times I'll take some lapis. Lapis is the traveler stone,
and it just kind of its inspires adventure and creativity.
Couple that I haven't talked about that I just came
to mind are Tiger's Eye. Tiger's eye is so good
for working with the lower chakras. So the root chakra,
the sacral chakra, and the solar plexus, and it really is.
Speaker 2 (38:36):
Transformative and empowering.
Speaker 1 (38:38):
It's grounding, and it has kind of an alchemy to it.
It's very alchemical in really being.
Speaker 2 (38:47):
Present in your body, your mind and your actions.
Speaker 1 (38:53):
I love it for regenerating creativity and passion, but also
giving you direct and the umph or the motivation. A
really fun one is peacock ore. Sometimes it's kind of
hard to find, but I love peacock or just because
it's kind of fun and magical and it's an ore,
so it has a little bit of pie write in it,
and it has a different sheen to it, so it
can be kind of blue and pink and yellow, and
it has also it's just magical looking.
Speaker 2 (39:22):
But I love.
Speaker 1 (39:24):
Pie write for opening up to new possibilities and being
optimistic and instilling hope and faith and magic. Peacock Or, Oh,
it's just so magical. You all know that I could
go on and on and give you probably fifty other
Crystal recommendations, but hopefully that covered a lot of bases
and it gave you not only a one to Ozho one,
but all sorts of ideas and insights and the big
takeaways are use your intuition and be reasonable, don't second
guess yourself. Be like, oh, this is the one I want, okay,
and this is how I'm gonna work with it.
Speaker 2 (40:06):
Speaker 1 (40:07):
Let me see what this stone tells me, and I'm
gonna work with it with the highest light. Thank you
for working with me, thank you for finding me. Let's
work together. Help me heal this or show me what
I need for my healing or my growth, and then
see what it tells you, or do your research around it,
or charge it up and see if you can tell
the difference after you charge it a couple of nights
under the moonlight, have fun, play with it. Put the
crystals in your bra put them in your pocket, put
them in the car, put them next to the vanity
in your bathroom, your desk. I mean, there's crystals all
over my desk right now, but like, put them in
your desk and then work a couple, two or three
at a time. Just play with it and meditate with them.
People who are very in tune with crystals their messages,
what they transmit. I have a handful of crystals that
are like otherworldly, other planet, that feel like computer chips,
to me like I can hold them, and I feel
like I am getting messages from other dimensions and other realms.
And I have friends who do that.
Speaker 2 (41:13):
Speaker 1 (41:13):
I have one dear friend, and he can channel archangels
with crystals like nobody's business. And when they're sitting in
his room, like there will be prisms in sunlight and
like all sorts of rainbows and colors and things that
come off of the crystals, they literally project colors and
imagery that he can capture on film. And it to me,
any crystal can do that, but the guy that's working
with the crystal is like they do it with him.
They're like, we'll show you you got Yeah, you deserve
to see this because you're a wizard. There are some
people who really can activate a crystal into its full potential.
So just play with them and use them. And of
course I've got to say one more thing, and then
I'm totally closing up. Okay, if you think back to
lots of religious text, crystals are all over the place,
and they come in the form of precious gemstones, diamonds, sapphires, rubies, emeralds.
Those are crystals and they vibrate at a very high frequency.
So does gold, silver, platinum, copper. Those precious metals or
those gemstones are phenomenal to work with. This year, I
have almost singularly worked with gold and a few other
crystals sprinkled in, but I have worked with gold all
year long, so I have not worn crystal bracelets this year.
I've just worn pure gold bracelets or pure gold little necklaces.
I mean, I might sleep with a crystal or meditate
with one or every now and then, you know, I'll
bring ones in the car with me, But as far
as on my person, this year, I have worked with
a lot of gold, and of course I have diamonds
in my ring, so I've cleansed and cleared those and
asked them to work with me. I've worn my mom's
sapphire and gold wedding bands this year a lot. So
those stones, precious metals and gemstones are very powerful to
work with. That's why they're expensive. It's why there is
usually a gold crown with all sorts of gemstones on
a king or queen's head around their crown chakra and
third eye. Isn't that curious, right? Like think about a
crown and they're adorned with diamonds, and pearls. They activate
energy in the crown of the head and psychic energies
the breastplate of David. There is something to the act
devation of crystal energy and the transmission of divinity or intelligence.
So think about that. And if you want to work
with like your jewelry, or you have some precious stones,
gemstones or gold, silver, your metals, treat it just like
you would any of the things we've talked about with crystals,
and be intentional, say work with me, let me clear
and cleanse your energy. I'm putting it on this wrist.
I'm gonna wear this for the next two weeks, this
silver cuff. Silver is so healing and revitalizing, and it
is so good for the immune system. Gold is great
for it's like the elixir of life, like longevity. So
you can look up the metaphysical qualities of gold, diamond
sapphire and see and then pick one and work with it.
And it doesn't matter if you just have a little
tiny gold necklace, wear it. I have a tiny gold
necklace with a little tiny opal in it. It has
three little diamonds and this opal, and it's very dainty
and it's unassuming and small and I've been working with
it for months on purpose because of the opal and
because of the gold and the little diamonds and they're tiny,
but I'm like, it's right there at my throat. I'm
very close to my heart, so there's intention behind it.
You do, you have fun and ask questions. If you've
got questions, there are things I didn't cover that you're
curious about podcasts at soulsessions dot me. Also tell me
about experiences or ideas you have, are things that work
for you. I'd love to hear your feedback. All right,
everyone be well