All Episodes

January 13, 2023 33 mins

Episode 208 - "The Culture Deserves It" Feat. Ferrari Simmons & Su Solo Produced by: @iHandlebars

Topics include:  ICYM: Gunna, Lori Harvey, Southwest Airlines, Baller Mail, our exclusive interview with Dondria & more.

The Baller Alert Show

Featuring @FerrariSimmons @_SuSolo @iHandlebars

":The Culture Deserves It"

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Hold up, hold up. Show volat to the Baller Show
podcast available everywhere you get your podcast. I go by
the name of Ferrari Simmons. Hey, young world, is your bestie.
So so oh, we got a special guest in the building.

We do snapsco keep please in the building. So what's up? Gang?
What's now on the podcast? You're gonna we're gonna talk
to you, but you're gonna host with us too. Is
that okay? Yeah, we're gonna get into some ship alright,
especially yokay, okay, alright. Congratulations to tennis champion Naomi Osaka.

Did I say your name right? All right? She expecting
her first child with her long term boyfriend, long time
boyfriend rapper corps day and we get some snaps for that.
I love that. Let's me tell you. They look like
the perfectly like odd but amazing couple. Like I never
saw it coming, but when I discovered that it was

a thing, I was like, you know what, I can
see it and it makes sense. I feel like they
pushed each other, like with their fashion, I ain't never
seen it, and we dressed the way that she dresses now,
Like I love them as a couple. I can't wait
to see this baby. They's gonna be so cute. Apologize
to making the Stallion. I'm gonna apologize to making Um.

I said some things, but it was because on social
media I posted things that when she said, uh, she
was with Gail and she said that. Uh. She said,
were you intimate Tory Lanes? And she said, uh what?
And then it was like, no, I like, God, she lying.

At that point I knew she was. She's like, it
wouldn't be no reason for me to be around each other.
And then, um, from now if it felt like she
was lying to me, you know what I'm saying. So
I was like, little things will pop up, and I
wasn't being supportive of it. You were a little more vocal. Yeah,
And the only reason why I feel like, you know,

at some point you should apologize. I should apologize to
us because um, when I heard uh the phone conversation
that that made me feel like, oh, now I know
what what happened. That was a good day with the apologizes.
What are you gonna learn to stop being so mean? No,
like we're talking about to apologize when you were so
insensitive this whole time because the people love it. I

feel like in the Megan situation. He really did what
a lot of people are doing. The differences that he
has a big, old platform and it's very dangerous for
him to say certain things without having facts. But he
did say that once he listened to the call, it
all made sense. And I think that kind of is
what happened to everybody. Everyone heard that call, and he
was like, oh, toor I did it. I never did it?

Did you? Did you up with the with the whole
megana stallion from the top, I mean from the top.
I thought Tory did it. I don't without any evidence.
It's like he didn't, you know? Um, So I'm glad.
I was glad. I was right. Alright, Gonna, it seems
like it's a y cell civil war going on. Una
breaks his silence. Uh. This past Tuesday, Gonna made his

official return to social media that you gotta see Gunna's post.
I did. And let me just say, if Gunna was
gonna come back outside, if he was gonna give us
some music, everybody was like, so you're worried about the
wrong thing. He ain't thinking about that. Yes he is.
I was right, gonna have some speakers. He had a microphone.
That man is recording right now. He's going back to

what he loves. I don't care if it's a good
idea or not. I'm just saying what he's doing. It
ain't my business if it's a good idea or not.
I'm just saying, this is what he's doing. And I
don't know what it's for. Is it to prove that
yre cell is a label? I don't know. I don't know,
but the man it's outside. So y'all owe me on
apology something that is a little fishy, because I do
think I don't know for sure what's going on because

I see other people in Atlanta not co signing or
not saying anything. Nobody's seeing anything. Did you notice that
nobody said welcome home to gun Did you notice that
I'm talking about a rap contemporary Nobody said welcome home. Nobody, nobody.
They want to stand clear, and he has like the

welcome committee, which is kind of crazy that he didn't
say nothing like you know, damn, it's a y Sell
civil war going on. I'm just letting you out know
it's something as a war going on in between you.
I don't know we're gonna get to the bottom U
because it's gonna It's gonna reveal itself at a later day.
Speaking to why I sell a juror in uh young thugs,

why I sell trial? Skipped on jury due to go
on vacation. You have to get that bl You don't
get that depositive back. You do not get that depinds
it back. Wow, she went to the Dominican Republican. You're
probably want to get a teeth done or bbl You
get BBLS and dominic it all. Yes, I'm not saying

that for a factor all. I'm just teasing. But do
you know people who get BBLS what? I don't know
anyone that has personally. I think Domenica Republic is when
you get your teeth did and they're doing it all.
They're doing it all, don't they do it in America?
It might be botched, but they're getting it done. Yeah.

The jury, the jury duty is not going and how
it's supposed to go. So people are skipping out and
going to Dominican Republic. That's why sales ship is all
the change. What are the repercussions if you skip out
on jury duty? Like what's happen? You can find you
can find and go to jail. Well, the judge is
not holding her in contempt, like, he's actually making her right.
A thirty page essay on why jury duty is a

service and how it's a privilege for black people to
even be jurors because we were not allowed to be
that for are So he's yeah, he's making her right
an entire essay. He's like, I'm assuming she's a black woman, obviously,
because I said we were not. You know, we didn't
have the privilege of being on jury duty before. So
I like this route. He's like, you know what, I
want you to educate yourself. Yes, I can throw you

in jail, but I'd rather you get the education. So
I like that. Don't play with it. Don't play with
your else. Okay, you don't play with it. Uh? Do
you guys fly outside of Delta because Southwest announces a
forty nine dollar fair sale as airline recovers from his
holiday meltdown. You guys flying Southwest? Some of them people
from Southwest? Bag that's still here New Year's Like that

was crazy. I do not like Southwest. I think that's
the airline where you pick your own seat. Have you
flown that before? The second Southwest It wasn't that man.
What I would never do, though, is like check a bag.
I feel like Southwest you kind of got to treat
it a little bit like spirit. You want to travel
super light, just have a carry on bag. Don't expect
nothing to hop on your flife because you get a

fresh back from a Southwest right, you get took. That's
why they're losing the bads too many bad spirit before.
Don't I have I definitely have. I I have to
be a long time, but I have been a long
time many times. You want to hear her when I
got when I ain't hand no bread, I flu that
was that was my airline. Because don't you have for

like every single thing for your carry on and your
carry on, the carry on, there's no repression when you booked.
That's what I'm saying with Nam, what you're gonna do?
You gotta have at least a carry on, but you
pay for the carry on. You even have to pay
to print your boarding pass. Did y'all know that? A
five dollar charge? That sounds recent? Have you been there recently? No?

This is I'm hoping. I'm hoping that they don't have
to print boarding passes anymore. It's just a cure, calling
your damn phone. But lord, no, it passed. I saw
a joke on about the Spirit airline. She said, you
gotta pay for the air. You gotta pay the one
say you got there. We have a mutual friend Ferrari
who is very well off that literally takes Spirit quite often.

I was really mad at my daddy took Spirit. Uh
when he came to Paris. Why are you taking Spirit?
As long as you get there sixty dollars? I was like,
number one. They are consistent. They was. They were tripping
a little bit over last year, a little bit, but
you know, everybody was trying to get that money back.
In blood, we'll speaking to back in blood. Lloyd Harvey

that she dated a father and a son, full blown
stories I've heard. I've dated a father and son before.
Absolutely true. She is the male future, she's the female future.
You always say that she's definitely the female future. Do
you understand what he's saying about that? Like, does it
make sense? I would definitely want contact if you don't
give a damn. She's doing her and it's about her.

It is what it is. But but isn't that what
future doing? He just you know IM pregnant even because
that doesn't sound like a bad thing. Yeah, not a
bad thing. That's why. That's why I said, what future
does is not a bad thing exactly. Acting like a woman,
thinking like a man, I got the name of her.

Do you think she's thinking like a man or she's
just thinking like a woman. I think she's thinking like
a young successful woman who has access to people who
was also outside of the access, who was confident and
who she is. She feels sexy, she's very feminine like
I just think she's in her soft era and she's
allowing herself to date people that make her feel good.

And I don't believe that she dated he and his son,
that's what they were talking about. She said, no, I
never dated a father and son. Alright, cool, when we
come back, we're gonna talk to Dondrea and get all
in her bears now right on the ball the Show Podcast.
We'll be right back with more of the Baller Alert Show.

Still listening to a special edition of The ball Or
Alert Show. What's up, y'all? It is your girl Dandrea
and I'm chilling with the Baller Alert Show. Available wherever
you get your podcast for me and we're back with
the Ball of Show podcast, available week wherever you get

your podcast. Dandrea is in the building house borne my
sister from another mister, my sister in law. Well, how
are you good? It's good to have you. Gentlemen that
I know pretty closely sent me a link to your song.
I bought it by the way to your project, um,
and it sounded really really good. And we had we
had these conversations often, and great mind started like, you

know what we need to bring her up here to
the Ball of the Show podcast. Thank you glad to
be here all right? Where where have you been traight
to it? Okay? Um, well, I mean, first of all,
I ain't went nowhere. I've been working, I've been recording,
I've been putting out music. However, there has been five years,

um from my last ep and to this one, and
I think I've just been growing up, you know, becoming
a woman. I started really really young nineteen signed to
the right out signal was you're the one for me?
Run That was myself. I still till this day you
were looking at me. I thought it was a duet

between us. I appreciated the harmony, though I was signed
that nineteen. Yeah, so you had just not too long
graduated high school. Yeah. Um. And so just being a
young woman in the industry. Now, granted, I'm very grateful
for I guess the infrastructure that I had that so

so deaf, but but um, not no, not like that.
But I just also did not have a sense of self.
Didn't really know what I wanted to sing about, what
I wanted to look like, didn't know any of that stuff.
So they were making those decisions for me. Um. And
for the most part, you know, looking back, I'm okay

with all the decisions that they made. Um, But at
some point I had to figure out, like what do
I actually like? You know, what do I I want
to talk about, What do I want to put out
into the universe, How I want to wear my hair,
what I want to wear like, you know, those types
of things. And um, that's where the hills and the
valleys came in. Um. Because I feel like the music

industry was my college I didn't finish. So yeah, that's fair.
I get that. I feel like a lot of artists
say that, you know, when they're first coming out, they're
being told who to be, what to be, how to act,
and you kind of get to the space of who
am I? What am I even doing? None of this
feels authentic, So it's nice to know that you took
some time to yourself to to grow into self. So

what made you want to get back to it? I
guess through the search of self and actually finding that. Um,
I just had stuff to talk about, you know, I
wanted to tell my story and let people know where
I've been and you know what's been going on. Went
through a breakup, um, broke up with some friends, you know,
fell into depression with the therapy, like all these things happen,

and the best way that I knew how to express
it was through song. So because it's not like, you know,
you fall out of love with making music. You just
weren't in the right, you know, situation to produce the
music that you wanted to put out. So and I
think it sounds better too when you have a little
bit more experience on the stool. Now I will say,
like I do have a song on the EP call

let It Be, and it's kind of like a love
song to music or to my career. I think there
was a space where I fell out of love. Um,
just because you know, coming in I'm a girl from
the suburbs. Okay, I everything was rainbows and butterflies. Which suburbs,
um Texas, sexy Texas, um, a little bit outside of Dallas.

So um So my expectation of how it was gonna
go um after things started to slow down a little bit,
I just didn't expect that. So, like a lot of
my sense of self and confidence and all that stuff
came from all the accolades and all of the praise.
So when it stopped, that kind of was like wait.

And that's where the finding myself came in because it
was like, Okay, who are you outside of like what
you do? You know? So that's the question I kind
of wanted to ask you because I'm a big mental
health person and overcoming transgression. So what you're saying that
you overcame was this in that five year gap? This

is the five year gap? Like what year is this?
Like what's happening? Um? So? I would say probably the
last five to seven years. Um. So I moved to
l A um just to kind of get a new atmosphere,
you know, get a kind of new um motivation and
why why what made you move to l a or

who made you move to l AM. My manager at
the time, UM, he just I guess explained to me that, like,
you know, let's just try something new, you know, let's
go somewhere we haven't been and really try to get
a new market and meet some new people, new producers,
and just go for it. Yeah. Um, and I was down.

You know, I've always been the girl that jumps, you know,
I'm not really scared, you know, to like do the
hard stuff for whatever. So we went. But I ain't
hand no damn playing, you know. So that's like the
first mistake. Um and so right, So um, you know,

there was financial struggles and just there's a certain atmosphere
in l A a certain type of person individual that
is very pretentious and you know, making all the promises
all that kind of thing. So like though I didn't
really have anybody advocating for me, there, um, a lot

of situations happened the place where I was living. The
locks got changed on me, like just so many things
like back to back to back to back, and I
was just like, all right, now this cannot be what
is for me. So um, at that moment, I just
kind of I went within. You know, it sounds you know,

but I went within you know, Um, I got into therapy.
Um just too because I was suffering from anxiety. So
I really wanted to get to the bottom of that,
Like why am I so nervous to be in rooms?
And um yeah take up space when I when I
show up? So um yeah. That and and making the

decision to leave that manager and trust myself comes back
to a combat. Um and just trust that I know
what's best for me. How did you get out of
the or did your deal running always so so deaf?
For how did that happen? Like, I think we're skipping
that part. How did you get out that deal? Um? So,
I think this is the thing that I'm glad to

be able to share this go around because um so
when I first got signed, j D was at uh
where was we at? Def jam and um so it
was a major label situation, so so deaf deaf jam.
Um when he left, he took him with me and

actually that made me independent so um but we were
still working together, we were still trying to build you
know something, so really almost my whole career. But your
single was on def jam my, so you're the one.
It might have been on def jam or it might
have been on Malaco. UM. But we we was independent

like early early on UM. But a lot of people,
you know, I don't know that. So after the success
of that, what ended up happening? UM, I just I
don't know. I guess because it was already an independent thing,
it was kind of just like, well, you know, I
think that we probably could have picked another single, second
single UM. And I think just at that time, a

little Black Girl being signed from YouTube was like not
a thing. So as exciting as it was, it wasn't
really a lot of people labels included that understood or
even like believed in the vision. They were like, we
don't get it. UM. So I think, I don't know,
lack of support UM and resources. I don't know. We

just kind of like went back to the drawing board,
but kind of stayed at the drawing board for a while.
Tour with that single or I did. Yeah, I went
on tour, the Passion, Pain and Pleasure tour with Trey
Songs and Monica, So that was a lot of fun. Yeah,
And I know we're kind of working backwards. Her. I
wish you started this way, but you said, uh, being

signed from YouTube, so you were YouTube. Sorry, Jady saw
you and then brought you to Atlanta. He discovered me,
and me and my mom came to meet him. And
it just happened to be the weekend that Jaggadesh was
releasing their album. Um you j album was this, This
was right out of Heaven. No, this was the album.

The first song on there is with Ashanti Uh and
it was the album. Um. So you know, I came
to Atlanta, got to meet them, and immediately it was
like welcome to the family, and we signed that contract
like real quickly. Meeting came. YEA moved to Atlanta. Yes,
he put you up and you just that's what I

want need. Um if it took very good care of me.
When I first came. Before I moved, I was staying
at the Intercontinental. Um, the maids, the housekeepers, they knew
me because every time they came to the room, Hey,
y'all because I didn't know, you know, I didn't know
where to go or anything, so I'd just be in
the room. Um. And then I guess after we decided

like okay, this is a thing, Um, I actually moved
in with j D. Yeah. So coming back to today, UM,
your new EP perspective Um, is that you're just solely
independent right now? No distribution anywhere. Yeah. Now, speaking of
the cover, somebody had no shot that cover. Uh, the

visuals have been visualizing and I see he post you
you post him. Who is this man in your life? Um?
You seem real happy and it's a light. A light
walked in when you walked in the studio. Yes, somebody
responsible for that light outside of Yes, I have an
amazing partner who goes by the name of rest Res Photography. Um,

he's amazing at what he does. And we just we
just clicked. We we've known each other two years prior
to getting together because we have the same trainer at
the gym and so, uh, he was plotting the whole
time up you know, and he shot a shot and
we just clicked. Yeah. We loves used to work at

Boston work for us. Yes, he was a photographer and
somebody over with us, you know, did I mean we
we are so proud of you and you are so
in love and it's just so cute and we love
this for you. You know how many links I got
on my phone about you and links of your stuff.
Now he goes hard. I appreciate him. What does that

feel like? Like, what does it feel like to have
a man that just genuinely like you guys do real stuff,
to work out together, you travel together. He's supporting your business,
You're supporting his. It just seems like your lives are
so intertwined and it seems effortless. It doesn't seem like,
you know, you guys are forcing each other to support

each other. So what does that feel like? Tell voll
Donation what it feels like what a black man loves you?
Correctly know? It feels great. You know. I came from
prior experiences where the support wasn't necessarily there definitely wasn't
like this um and but I think because I didn't
have anything to compare it to, I just thought it

was normal, like, oh, it's okay, you know if he
didn't want to come to a show, or like that's fine.
And I really didn't understand um until res as, I mean,
he shows up. He I could say so many things,
but he definitely showed me how like it's supposed to be.

I love that, really love you so perspective. What can
people expect? Is it out already or it dropped on
my birthday? Thank you Appercorn say, um, what can you expect?
I think that number one and something that I'm really

passionate about, at least for this project, is to kind
of give my take on traditional R and B. I
won't say that it's sounds nineties or two thousands or anything,
but definitely the essence of um, authentic traditional R and B.
I got songs on there that are gonna make you
feel something like one of the songs that's doing so

well um is a ballad, you know, and I have
other fun stuff on there too, but they're going to
be in their feelings, you know we're talking about you
need that because you know, there ain't too many real
singers out no more. The years of the ballots to
me were like nineties, early thousands, you know, that's when
ballot was really in. But you know after that it

was kind of like you know, hip hop R and
B and right. But now, you know, taking it back
that way, I think people appreciate it more. And that's
money came in people hours and hours because that was
like a birth of fresh air. So who's also a
YouTube originals? Yeah? I love that. I think it's not

even just the valid portion of it, but the context
of the valid like like what you are saying. We
were talking about Sissior recently and how you know, I
complimented how she's always able to vocalize what I think
so many people can't. So I think that's what we
love about the traditional R and B ballads, like the context.
So thank you, thank you. What's your favorite song off EP?

The one about um so okay, I have to say
it's a tie, and I say that that's okay. So
the first song is let it Be, and I just
feel like that's the anthem. It's kind of like the
spokesperson of this EP. It's the reintroduction. Um, you know
that's that's the song. That's the love song to music,

to my career, and it talks about the mistakes I've made,
the mistakes the music industry is made, um, but how
we belong together. So let's like just do it right
this time? Pretty much? Um. So I think that's the
the billboard of the EP. But UM, I also really
love Lose Myself. UM. It was written based off of

relationships that I had to let go of, romantic and
friend wise. UM. And it's basically just saying like if
I if I gotta lose something. It's gonna be you,
because I'm not gonna lose myself. Um, and so I
think that that's one of my favorites too. Well, it's
a lot of legwork going into doing promoting your album,

trying to get sold and all that stuff, but you
don't have a machine behind you. So, like, you know,
what is your plans to you know, make this perspective
of success, you know, without having that big machine behind you. Um. Honestly,
I am okay with the slow grind. Um, I'm gonna

do I feel like what got me here in the
first place when I was on YouTube. I'm going to
be authentic. I'm going to be consistent. Um, And I'm
just that's it, you know. Um, it's already done some
amazing things. Um. Some of the songs have dropped last
year and even one of the songs dropped in twenty nineteen.

So um, let it Be has been placed on um
show Harlem that's on Amazon, and so all of this
stuff is just happening, you know. And so I'm just
going to be authentic and be consistent because I know
consistency it's like an important component. Yeah, do you still
do YouTube or I like those covers. Can we get

Can we get some more consistent covers? Man? Can we
get like every other week or something like? I am yes,
I'm going back to my roots, um, because that's those
covers of fire. Like when you do those covers, add
your own little touch to it, like yours. But I
was only asking about YouTube because know you have like
the Queen Najes and um, a lot of these artists

who come from YouTube and stuff like that, and you know,
they made their bones doing YouTube and then they become
stars after the fact. So that's why I was asking
about YouTube. I thinking that helps people connect with the
artists a little more too, Like there are some people
who the music is just not enough. They want to
know who you are personally, how you move, how you

digest information, what you share. So um I And obviously
it's an avenue. You know, YouTube is a platform, it's
another revenue stream. So UM do your fans like that
You're in a relationship because you know some some fans
don't like it. They love it. They love it. They
have UM really witnessed the transformation of from when I

started to now, and so they're they're here for all
the vibes, they're like, okay you. Some guys get to
be like, oh man, she's posting them again, or even women.
Women will be like, oh, I don't want my favorite
artists to get into a healthy relationship. I want you
to sing about heartbreaks and headaches all day. They love
fat fat, so they ride. Yeah that's true. Yeah. My

YouTube name like Riandrea dandriusdus. It sounds like a mix tape.
We're so proud of your growth, Ydria. You know, any
time you need us, feel free to come on. Yea,

thank you? All right? Can we can we have her
participant in Ballermel though, Yes, let's get it. We'll be
right back. Stay tuned with more of The Baller Alert Show.
Still listening to a special edition of The Baller Alert Show.
What's up y'all? It is your girl Dandrea, and I'm

chilling with the Baller Alert Show, available wherever you get
your podcast. It is time for ball or mail. Dear
ball Alert Man, what's up, y'all? I've been dealing with
my little shouting for about two years, and it's something
that's been bothering me about her. Her best friend is
a dude and he's my biggest hater. I hate him

and he hates me. For Christmas, I about her out
on date night and her ass brought him on date
night because we went bowling. Now, I'm not threatened by
him because he doesn't like girls, but he's annoying as fuck.
And at this point it's either him of me. How
should I express this to my lady in a nice way? Okay,
definitely finds a way to express it. Don't hold that

in and be resenting her. Um, I think the way
to do it. Um, they've been together for two years.
First of all, does he has intentions on getting married
or something? And he called a little shouting you know
that's that's for me? Hey, How to say that? Um? Hey,

you know I love you and you know we've been
building and I look forward to you know, many many more.
But I think some changes needs to be made. Um.
I don't know what their friends, I don't know. He
strikes me as as a man that that would say, hey,
little shouters, I don't like your homeboy. And he may

even be a little more vulgar than that. You know,
he may throw his sexuality in there. He's a hater.
I don't like him and if you want to be
with me, then he gotta go. Like, I don't see
him being as you know, politically correct, he said. First
of all, he has to feel what he feels. If
he really feels like you know, this person is getting

in the way of our relationship, he's a hater. He's
you're probably calling him a hater because maybe he gives
his homegirl insight. That's the dumb things that you probably do.
Maybe he's seen you outside doing stupid stuff and he's
telling his home girl, So that's probably the only reason
you're calling him a hater. Secondly, you might be offended
by his sexuality. Maybe that's something some people feel like,

you know, gay men are too flamboyant or whatever the cases,
and it's hard for them to deal with. Find out
why you really feel the way that you feel. That's
number one. Number two, If you still have a problem
with it at the end of it, just go to
your little shouting and tell her and she will make
a decision. I mean, I I have some guy friends,
and like even when we started to get more serious,

I feel like those things naturally shifted, Like there wasn't
there didn't have to be a conversation because there was
just a respect. So it might be both of them
best friend and oh boy got something. Kay, well let
me look at the camera. He ain't ship, playboy, and
oh boy found that he ain't ship, so that why

he on your top players. How about you get yourself
a business and start treating your lady a little better
and he probably gonna be big his fan because he
realized and you ain't worth a damn and she can
do better than you. So that's why he hating on you.
He hating on you because he cares about her and
he don't work with you. Bro, that's it. And you

probably sound like you feel of ship anyway. You've only
been dealing with two years. She ain't your fiance, she
ain't none. She just your little shout of your girlfriend.
You put a title on her, hey boy, Yeah he
probably should be like, yeah, he just you know, he
did hitting that just trying to goddamn and yeah, yeah
you just want to control that girl. You can't. All right, Tom,

get about here. Give us some shout outs, Dandrius, some
shout out like shout out to shout out to my mama,
my first number one fan, um, just everybody you know
I'm all about I got a song called good Company,
and I'm all about good vibes, good energy, genuine authentic people.

So if that's you, I'm shouting out to you. We
also have this segment called pep talk, and so you'll
just give your fans or or people up and coming
in your footsteps, any motivation that you have. What's up, y'all?
This is Dondrea and my pep talk, honestly is to
trust yourself, Like you have a gut feeling, you have

an inner knowing, and a lot of times we ignore
that and then we end up in some mess um
and it might take a lot of years to unlearned
that thing. So like, just trust yourself from the jump,
because it's not lying to you. I can't get enough
of baller Alert. Follow us on all social media platforms
at baller alert at going to baller alert dot com.
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