All Episodes

February 24, 2023 33 mins

Episode 220 - "The Culture Deserves It" Feat. Ferrari Simmons, You Know BT & Su Solo Produced by: @iHandlebars

special guest: Parlae from Dem Franchize Boyz

Topics include:  ICYM: Quavo, Karl Malone, Tommie Lee, Baller Mail & more.

The Baller Alert Show

Featuring @FerrariSimmons @_SuSolo  @Youknowbt @iHandlebars

":The Culture Deserves It"

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Um wor with me here? You know, BT's so low.
Shout out oct no color? What we see? Who getting
rid about the bee? You can't stand on the home SUSI.
I already don't know. He came ball with me because
you have with a squad to me. They get they
called men ball Alert. Welcome to the Ball of the Show.

Podcasts available everywhere you get your podcasts. I go by
the name of Ferrari Simmons. Hey, young, World of vestis solo.
You know BT with it? What's up? Guys? What up?
Don't happy? I smell polling in the air, and yeah,
it's coming on the way. It's hot as hell of Atlanta,
like today's high as like seventy eight eighty yesterday, and

then it's gonna be like twenty nine and like four
days or some I don't like I don't like you.
I like it. I don't like you. I made for
the worm. I saw Mosquito for the first time in
a long time. I forgot you lived. I was you
live in the woods. I forgot. I came home from
I'll Star Monday night. My acy was broke. It's just
not getting fixed. So two nights of not being able
to sleep well three nights. Whatever it is. I don't like.

I don't like to be hot, you know, yea, you
gotta yeah, put that that wet towel, you think, good
boy before we start. Soon. You have a new radio show,
I too have a new radio show, so I would
be on yes Saturday's Power Columbus from nine am to
one pm, and Sunday I'll be in Yeah That's in
Ohio and Sunday's wiz Nation from four pm to seven pm.

So please tune in my new radio show Natio, Ohio.
Thank you so much to Radio one and everyone to
help me put this together. I am super excited and
thank you because you're not only really and we can't
wait Atlantic Okay, Los Angeles judge sentenced Eric R. Holder Junior,

that is the person who killed Nipsey Hustle to sixty
years life and person got sixty to things. No puny
attended out more. You're gonna die in jail, That's all
that matters. I definitely don't know if he's gonna make
it sixty days in jail, in prison or whatever. I mean,
he's gonna be protective custody. Boy. You killed Nipsey Hustle. Like,
what is wrong with you? He's gonna be in protective custody.

He's they gonna have him. Do you think they care
enough about him to put him in protective custody? Do
they they care? Of course? Of course there's people that
you know that have high profile, So high profile people
go into PC. They go to PC, which means you know,
he did. He's not going to interact with any other
inmate in prison. But that's not gonna last for his
entire sentences. It really, yes, it will. Do we pay

for that? Yes? We do. We don't agree. We don't agree.
We don't agree. Put him at Jim Pop. We do
not agree. Oh, he ain't gonna last a day in
general Pop. Hell, they're not gonna. I'm not saying that
anyone deserves to be murdered, let me just make that
very clear. But I don't feel that we should be
paying for him to be in protective custody. Quavo drops
a song, a solo song called Greatness. Did you guys hear? It?

Came in again? Like a stone with the mother. It
can't come back, and I knew it was over anyway.
We lost take off. I'm a little sad about it okay.
So I feel that he's grieving right now, you know,
and when you're grieving sometimes you're you're speaking from a
place of hurt. I am still very hopeful that he

and Offset will repair their relationship, that they will make
music together in the future. I'm very hopeful for that.
That particular verse is hurtful, and I'm not even take off.
I mean, I'm not even Offset like that that is hurtful.
It's almost like completely dismissing Offset his contributions to the group,
him being their family. Like it literally it's like they're

they're leaving Offset on an island alone, and I feel
bad for him. What do y'all think about their solo careers?
You think that they will be as successful as the
me Goes individually? I don't think groups or ever have
the same success when they go except We're out of
Destiny Child. But then it's like, you know, but you know,

I'm talking about like rap groups, Like anytime a rap
group breaks up, nobody's ever have the same type of success.
This is also arguably one of the biggest rap groups
of all time. And then you know how successful, yes,
as big as like the Megoes. All three of them
all live takeoff. You know, I talk to each of
them separately, but we don't talk about anything. Like I

was talking to Offset about sneakers, talking to Quavo about
his song. I'm not talking about what's going on. But
but basically, like, do you think that Quavo could have
a long lasting, successful career as a solo artist, both
of them and okay an Offset too, I think so.
I think Offset is very well rounded. I can envision

him getting a lot of endorsements, like doing other things,
almost like a Cardi B. Right, McCarty doing something together, Yeah,
McDonald's deal, Like I see. I don't know if is
as like commercial as Offset can be, or as attractive
to different types of brands as Offset is. But Quevo, yeah,

I don't think. I think Quevo was the most commercial
one at first, but that's what I say. I feel
like that was the power play for Offset too to
marry a Cardi B because she can help for his career.
But you know, you know what a lot of people
don't understand is that all Set was with Cardi B
went before she was even lit in the well. She

was on the rise, I'm saying, but he was still
like offset me goals, but he saw the potential in her.
I felt like that was a power move for him strategically.
Not to say he don't love her or anything like that,
but I felt like that was strategic love versus money.
They both in love with each other. Yeah alright. Netflix
releases trailer for Monique's comedy special following discrimination lawsuit. Netflix

reportedly settled with Monique back in twenty seventeen, in which
she sued the platform for allegedly systematically underpaying black women. Initially,
Netflix offered Moe a low price tag of five hundred
thousand for a one hour special that would entitle Netflix
to one hundred percent control. When she countered the offer
and deemed it discriminatory to her male and white female

comedy counterparts, Netflix reneagued from the from negotiations. Yeah, they
took it off the table, but you know she was right.
People are like, this is yeah, no, no, no, I
know that. But she sued them. They settled with her.
They settled. You know how much money she wanted undersclosed
is undisclosed amount. Which makes this such a power play

because they she has a Netflix special that's coming out,
so she's going to get the money that she deserves. Wait,
so she probably so she sued them right initially one money.
They settled outside of court after a long and now
she's releasing because this is backflix. She's back in two

seventeen and we reported it here on the Ball Show podcast.
That's lit. Yeah, initially she was when back in twenty seventeen,
you know, they had like the Amy Schumer's man. She
brought up Amy Schumer so many times. I didn't even
know who Amy Schumer because she was like, she was saying,
the white woman getting paid big money, she was getting
them special and Monique is funny. Give mine. Monique was

just get off of getting off a couple of those
big movies. She was in Oscar like but you know,
they also tried to blackball Monique in Hollywood too away
at that time, are y'all saying that Monique was working,
She was active, Her name was in the streets in
the Hollywood world, and that, I feel like was the
debate for some people. Some people were like, oh, she

wasn't home, she wasn't working, just be happy, which I
thought was absolutely terrible. Whether or not she had done
anything in the last five years, she has legacy for sure,
she was always worth more than five hundred thousand dollars,
especially when other people who were getting what twelve an oscar,
but not only that winner. But that's why she stood

on her moral because she you know, initially she essentially
got her money, and now, you know, to come back
around and to have a Netflix special tells me that
she is getting the money that she deserves. And we're
getting a special from Monique, in which I want because
I feel like she's funny. I love I love that
about Monique always standing up against Hollywood, always you know,

fighting evil, always standing up for black women and black entertainers.
Because I didn't know that black women in Hollywood was
so underpaid. I had no idea in life, yea, in general,
whether it's Hollywood or working at the damn Amazon headquarters.
Like it's terrible. I did not know that. Yes, buddy,
come on now, Yeah, so my name is Monique is

premiering this April. Everybody you know check it out. I'm
glad that she's out of that dark space. I think
she's super talented. I think we need her. I think
that as a community, we always find some type of
way to either age out our talent like we were
talking about previously, or cancel them. I think we cancel
our own people like unnecessarily are we supported? So Monique,

we have before you can I wait to watch a special.
I be'all my couch eating something black baby Slutty began
or something like that, and supporting the whole thing. Babies,
you know what I'm saying, Babies. We'll be right back
with more of the baller alert, y'all. I'm a FOP

breaking news, breaking news. Nate McMillan from the Atlanta Hawks
has been dismissed as the coach of the Atlanta Hawks. Now,
we'll tell you guys. When Flag at DC took me
to the Hawks game on my birthday, all the Hawks
players on the bench was not really fucking with that guy.
About time they fired his ass. You know, he was
giving a hard time. You know what I'm saying. Listen, man,

I've been said this long time ago. Try to get
a jersey, saying they weren't talking people. People. People are
gonna say fire because I couldn't get a jersey. You
damn skippy, go ahead. People was saying that. You know,
after the incident with Trey Young and the head coach
got into it. Uh, they was trying to speculate Trey
was gonna leave. Stuff like that. I had a conversation

with Trey Young. We didn't talk about that because I
don't think he wanted to talk about that. But I
told people, I said, man, listen, first of all, this
man has a two hundred million dollar contract. This coach
probably has a three million dollar contract. Now do you
think they're gonna let Trey Young leave versus a head
coach that don't nobody on the team like? I don't

think so. They did. They did. They did what they're
supposed to do. If the Falcons can get our stuff
in order, I'd be happy. I'm trying for the BT's
phone case. Uh but yeah, good ridden botaka phone case.
This is a phone case. Yeah. But the Hawks, the
Hawks definitely need some new chain. And I heard from
what I heard what you heard the Celtics, uh head

coach X head coach that got fired for cheating on
his lady a donna? He made? Don't he made? He made? Donka? Okay,
he might be the new coach head coach. How do
y'all feel about that? Are we excited to be? He's
a great, great head coach, he's a great head. I

invite you to Magic City and we'll get some lemon pa.
I was gonna say, start be careful coming to use
is inviting people to shrip club when he told you
last year, can't invite Lamar Jackson. No, I don't want him,
and I don't want he want. He wants Lamar to
play the focus. Yeah, coach, he needed to get part
of the culture. Gets don't need to. He don't don't

need to be around no women. And yeah, coming, I'm
pulling up. Unfortunately, the strip club in Atlanta is not
the only place that you can get in trouble with
women like you can literally go to Whole Food Sir,
so be careful coming to we ever wear We run Atlanta,
And if a woman wants you, she gonna get you better.

You better have some self control. Okay, wait, hold on,
but before we get out of in case you miss it,
I got to ask you a question. Hip Maker opens
up about getting his salad tossed me and then getting
his behind lick and he said, he quoted, this is
a pope. If she want to lick my ass, I
can't hate on that woman. So my question is to

baal nation. But really, to you, BT, are you letting
a woman toss that salad? Well? Before I answer that,
I want to say that, Um, I have heard men
actually enjoy that. My men enjoy it too. That ain't
my comfort to you? Have you have you had a
woman tossed her salad before? No, I had a woman

tried to toss my salad for I had a woman
trying to lick my behind, and I was I wasn't
with it. I was like, it didn't feel good. It
just didn't feel right. Yeah, like it just then it
didn't feel good outside of you or whatever. You know.
I didn't say that. I said it just then it

didn't feel right to me. Now I've heard, I've heard
other I got homies that like, I like girls licking
my ass, So you know, I don't see anything wrong
with it. It just did not feel right for you. Yeah.
When I was trying to do it, it it didn't feel right.
I was like, this did the tongue make it? To know?

The moody? So you didn't even really it went it
went down to the to the gooch and and that's
where you stopped. I was. I was like, yeah, yeah,
we got good. We got we gotta stop this. Don't
just don't feel right. You know, women, y'all, y'all be
y'all be a situational man, y'all like, Hey, this don't
feel right. I don't think we should do this. Like
that's how I feel like. I was like, I don't.

I was like, this doesn't feel right. But just own
like I said, I got. I got homies that that
told me like they like girls. Yeah, don't you think
about this when you saw Sue. I don't think there's
anything wrong when nobody's tossing no salads, listen. We got
people enjoy sex in many different ways. I don't think
that this is another thing. I feel that sex and

sexuality are kind of different things. I think that some
people can enjoy certain things in sex that other people
may think is weird. Not straights or not. But let's
be real. Some people are like, oh, that's gay, and
they will literally imagine, you know that this is a
thing that only people in the LGBTQ or or gay
people do. Think. That's not only men that think there

are insecure men, because it's so many different ways to
you know, listen, it's a lot of nerves around in
that booty hole, and I want to talk about Carl Malone,
bitch ads and because he impregnant in thirteen year old
when he was twenty. Oh, No, Kelly, this is a fact.

Car Malone impregnant a thirteen year old when he was
twenty years old. Were in Utah wherever he's from. Then
he played basketball in Utah. He played for Utah Jazz.
But when he was going to college, all you said
before he went to the league, before he went to
the college, you could look it up. He doesn't talk
about it. He chooses not talking to a statement that
he choose not to talk about it anymore. But at

the All Star game called Malone called Malone. Car Malone
called Malone my boy. And then his son grew up
played in the league for about four or five years.
But yeah, he uh, he impregnated a thirteen year old.
Ye think I think he's a fact. Yes, the son,
the son that uh, he didn't didn't know him, didn't.

Then him and his son talked. Him and his son
are now close, but he didn't talk to his son
to his son was like seventeen years old. Yeah, what
I read, apparently he was getting ready to go to
the draft to going to the NBA and impregnated a
thirteen year old girl and the reason why her parents
did not foul any charges of anything against him because
they looked at it as a money grab and he

was going to the league to the press charges. Yeah,
so she had she had the baby. He didn't talk
to it until yeah, she had the baby. Uh. He
ended up, like far said, he ended up playing in
the NFL for the Bills. He played for the Eagles.
I believe he still walk around. And he made a
statement and he said, and I quote, he won't discuss

any of the backlash over his controversial past. But when
I read that headline, I was thinking it was just like,
you know, like not didn't think it was fair. I
didn't read the article, but I did see that headline,
and I just thought it was maybe violence. Maybe he
had an attitude, you know why he was in the league.
I did not think that he was a pedophile. Yeah, yeah,
comes up every time his name is mentioned in sports

and stuff like that. In Twitter, I'm a Twitter guy.
You just type in carmelone on Twitter and just scroll down.
So why do y'all think that some people are able
to get away to like slide, don't the radar and
stuff like this. When you got to understand the athletes here, athletes,
so when you were athletes, athletes are damn they're more
protected than the damn president when it comes to their
personal life actually growing up, you know, in high school

and stuff. They do protect them. And just like you said,
the parents didn't even come forward because they saw that. Okay,
so the people around them, right that. That's that's one thing.
But why do you think society is not like wait,
society looks at athletes as they are superheroes. Athletes cannot
do anything wrong in the average person mind. I mean

also respectfully interrupted and say, keep in mind this was
over forty years ago, probably right, Yeah, so the times
are changed. I'm pretty sure that cannot happen right now. No,
happen right now. He's going to jail. He's going to prison.
It's a rat because I'm discussed. There was no social media,
there was no news like, this wasn't a thing. It

was a minor thing that was locally talked about. Did
he ever go on to marry an adult woman and
have a family with her, Yes, that's why he probably
don't want the backlash and he has a relat So
now I will say, if I'm gonna give a silver
lining in it, that him and his the son that
was conceived from the thirte year old, they're really close.

Now I looked this up all the time. So how
old is the How does the woman now that was thirteen?
We do the math. He was twenty, she was thirteen,
seven years older than her. He's seven years older. I
forget how old he is. He's fifty something. And he
probably doesn't want that to come out because you know,
that's probably he don't want to make a comment on

it because he don't want to bring any attention to
the mother. Oh it has the name. I think her
name is nobody. Listen, my boy, Google and Twitter is
a bad motherfucker, especially forever the number one news thing
in the world. You want to know somebody, somebody, go

on Twitter. My boy, man, Twitter be knowing too much,
because sometimes I'll be on Twitter and I'll be looking
Stone on Twitter because they were talking about people went
to Jeffrey Epstein Island and I was like, no, wait,
I don't believe it. Ye, speaking speaking of disgusting behavior,
Let's move to the card back question of the day
before we up. Let's let's do it. Tommy Lee was
on Live recently who Tommy Lee Bad Girls Satti's West

Southwest Sill So she was on She went on live
after you know, this whole thing went down with Chris
Brown's baby. Uh so the bad So Natalie nunn and
Tommy Lee are supposed to have a boxing match of

this Saturday on ZEUS. Um zeus gonna be the Death
of the Black Company. And they were all they were
all in um London and they were attending Chris Brown's
concert and Natalie Nunne got them backstage, you know, to
meet Chris Brown and all that, and something happened, um
for some somehow, you know, they saw Chris Brown's son

and uh you know Jonathan from Zeus as well the
network on one of those shows he said, oh that's
the baby or something. This is what Tommy says, Oh
that's the baby. Tommy says, oh that's that's the baby.
At the Jonathan, I don't even know the baby was
back then. Jonathan like, oh that's the bad I say
all the baby slam. I could have gotten mad at

that anything, but bitch, I nobody is about your kids. Okay,
they don't want a body the baby. Cool. It starts
a whole whole thing, so everybody's upset and mad and stuff.
And Tommy Lee that night goes or whatever time it was,
goes on live and explains, and then she starts to
go in on the baby. Tommy ain't do nothing but say, oh,
that's the baby, and a bit slammed the door in

my face quickly. And it ain't no pressure, bitch, cool,
I know I am by my kids. Bitch, you don't
want abody see your baby. Cool, I give a fuck
by no motherfucking baby. Fuck your baby, and fuck his
daddy too, and the fuck really right, like, girl, I
ain't pressed by no motherfucking baby. Fuck him. Why y'all

look out, buy know what's fuck? Fuck all of y'all,
motherfucking bitch. That baby looked like he got a little
something going on. When I'm scared of the baby, bitch,
my eyes caught like a pistol. Bitch, I don't care
about that baby. Later on, they were promoting the boxing
match and Tommy Lee apologized, I love the children. I
love the children. Last night, you know, in defense mode,

I just want to apologize to Chris Brown and his
baby mother. Because it's not my character as Chris Brown.
How do you respond to something like that. I ain't
trying to be meaning nothing, but Chris, it's beneath you
to even address it like it is beneath you anybody
that's talking about a kid like First of all, I
don't accept your apology. I don't accept it like you

brawn us, you have other children. Why would you go
in on someone's child? And why are you upset that
somebody doesn't want you to touching their kid. I don't
want you touching my kid. You cannot take that as
a personal dig or whatever the case is. Man, you
over here fighting on zeus, you on loving hip hop,
acting crazy. I don't want you touching my kid, and
that's my right, that is my right. But then to

talk shit about a child, that just shows how insecure
she is blow self esteem, how disgusting, How there's no
this girl has no boundaries anything else I can be like,
all right, grown women want to fight, that's one thing.
But to drag someone's child because they don't want you
touching their kid, that's actually kind of sick and you
might need to check up on that, friend, Chris Brown,

Please don't respond. Just ban her from all your shows,
all that stuff, no backstage whatever, Just just banner, just banner.
She wasn't saying that she was trying to touch the
because the lady slid the door in her face. No
matter what it was, if she was trying to touch
the kid, if she wasn't trying to touch the kid,
you were trying to engage with the child. And it's
the parent's right to decide that they don't want you to.

It's that right. I think, first of all, I think
it's whack anytime you bring up somebody's kids. I think
that's the that's like to me, like, like you said,
our kids are off limits. I think that Tommy actually
needs to go get help. Um. I think she probably
needs to go to rehab. Um obviously, UM. You can

see a lot of her actions because you even see
the video. She randomly goes up to um Natalie Nunn
and smacks her in the face. Bro, that's signs of
drug abuse. That is not signs of somebody who is
mentally stable and know what's going on in their life,
especially somebody who attacks a kid. I think, you know,
I don't think Chris should respond Um, you know, I

sometimes you know, I'm trying to feel like a lot
of these C list celebrities or D list celebrities, whatever
y'all want to call them, are attacking certain celebrities that
are going to give them a reaction so they can
be on the blogs and and things of that nature.
Beca because it's like we're talking about Tommy. This is
what she wants us to do, you know what I mean?
So imagine if Chris Brown responds, we're gonna be talking

about her again. Yeah, but I agree with the rehab.
I think she should get help. And she has done
it before, Like it's something that she's been very open about.
She's discussed on love and hip hop. We've seen it.
I have a family member who is not doing well mentally.
I understand that it's it's a journey for some people
like it it is a lot. But whatever is going on, Like,
since you need to take some time to yourself and

and and go get some real help figure it out,
because this is this is not okay. Yes, when if
somebody comes from her kids and her kids are a
little grown, like what if somebody's saying to her kids
like like some grown people, Yeah, man, she did apologize.
Who apology. I just I don't. I wouldn't accept up.
I'm not accepting the apology if I'm Chris Brown, but
he's open to uh, and I would I would say,

you know, don't respond. But Chris Brown, being Chris Brown,
pretty sure he's gonna have people around that's gonna respond
for him. So I hope that he doesn't respond to hits.
I don't care who you are. I think Chris Brown
actually been watching our show because I remember when we
had a discussion about when I was talking about how
Chris Brown has been you know, uh, you know, tortured

his whole career about something that he did in the past,
and then you have other people in Hollywood that have
done way worse things than he's done, and we don't
talk about it. The big media platforms don't talk about it.
Nobody talks about it. And then when Chris Brown went
off on Instagram, he literally posted everybody in Hollywood that

had domestic charges, you know, uh, so many things that
goes on, and I'm like, damn, I didn't even know this.
These people went to jail for this and that and
stuff like that, and I was like, damn, He must
have been listening, because we literally said a week before
that he gets attacked for the past twelve thirteen years

of his life. About an incident when people in Hollywood
are continuously doing the things you see, the owner of
UFC smacks the shit out of his wife. And first
of all, this guy's a buff guy. Sacks smacks the
shit out of his wife, and then he goes on
Tim's and say, hey guys, we have kids and we've
been married for twenty years. Major business. That's basically what

he was saying. Moga, damn business. If I smacked my wife,
she smacked me. We knock each other out. We've we've
been married a k We've been doing this shit for
a long time. Shout out to everybody who supports a
ball alert. Okay, what celebrity or not, please follow us
at the ball Alert Show at baller Alerts. Thank you
for tuning in. We'll be right back. Stay tuned with

more of the baller Alert Show. Message up, ball Alert.
My baby mama won't quit stripping. We've been together for
four years in County. She's been stripping for a while now.
At first I ain't tripped because that's how I met her,

but financially, I'm great enough to hold it all down
and she could do whatever she wants, real estate, open
her own businesses et cetera, et cetera. She just doesn't
want to quit. In our last conversation, she said she'll
probably quit in a year or two. I'm pissed because
when I ask why, she never really replies what y'all
think is up with her. I'm ready to propose and

marry this woman, but if she's not ready to leave
that stripper life, I'm out. Y'all talk to me, please.
Isn't this the stripper story? Right? This happens over and
over again. I feel like the man comes in, he
wants to marry the stripper and don't want to strip
no more. I mean I don't. I can't imagine a
man that's like, yeah, baby, like go keep going, go strip? Yeah,

you just want her to change her whole life just
because you're there. I think initially when they get with them,
it's a fantasy, right, Like you have this woman who
is so sensual and could do all these tricks and stuff,
and then you end up falling in love with the person,
and then it may be fus with your mind that
this beautiful, this person that you've grown to know. Everyone
gets to share this and you wanted to change. But

I think some dancers, some axiotic dancers, really love what
they do. I think some of them really love like
that bad. That's what I think over the messing. First
of all, if you want a stripper to stop stripping,
then you need to be financially stable. But some women
like their own money, she said, the financially great enough

to hold it all down, she could do whatever she wants,
real estate, open her own business. If she might not
wanted to real estate, she might go for a few
hours of night, make a bag, and come home and
spend the rest of the time of her family. You
also got to think about the mentality of said stripper,
like they are, they have a hustle's mentality. You can't
just break that just because you. Boy, can't just make
them be a housewif. First of all, if that's somebody

that you met, that's a conversation that you should initially had.
And what is your plans? What does the future plans?
What does two years look like? What does five years
look like? You can't just say hey, I can make
you settle down because I'm financially stable, and then expect
her to just say okay, because, like you said, strippers
have hustle mentality. They got their own money. They didn't
go to work for a couple hours and make a

large bag. Well, this is what happened to you, my brother.
You was at the strip club again, you lemon pepper
wins and you're throwing your little ones and y'allt dies,
and you took her home. You smashed. It might have
been the first time you smashed the stripper. She was
doing all these crazy moves on your ass. You was
infatuated with her, and then the infatuation turned into jealousy.

You hate when you go to bed, she gets up
and goes and shakes that ass. And maybe, just maybe
when you met her, you gave a little extra and
she did a little extra. Two. Okay, now you probably
thinking the same thing is still going on when she
leaves the house and when she comes back with that
super bag. She that's she really don't even really need
your ass. I think that's bothering you too, because you know,

we built on our egos as man, and uh, she
doesn't need your ass, and uh she a boss. She
an entrepreneur. She makes that bag. She probably makes what
you make in a in a month, and in a
weekend she probably finds his hell too. O, man, it's
it's all downhill from you, bro. I don't know what
to tell you. I don't know what to take. Don't

try to. She said one to two years she is.
She really want to tell your man, I ain't never
gonna quit. But that could also be true. Maybe she
just wants to stack her bread up. And the thing
is she ain't gonna stop her if he loves her
to sees the future with her like like with him.
But but you know what, I'll sta that doesn't mean

that she that doesn't mean that, that doesn't mean matter.
I've never seen well, I have seen old strippers. Never
mind you never seen Yeah, I know I have. I'm
just saying that my Lounging Atlanta. As you as long
as you hold it, as long as you hold that
shape down, go to Clipmont Lounging Atlanta. If you want

to see them smashing beer tans with their that's where
you go. All I'm saying first time you usually and
I'm not I'm not speaking for all the strippers usually
as you age out you're going to bartending, you go
into other lines of in that same business, but maybe
you open your own version of it. I've seen a
lot of strippers bass up and own a strip club.
It's two people that it's two female strippers that own

strip clubs in Atlanta that used to strip. That's dope,
you know what I'm saying that I know for a fact,
I don't want to say the names because legally I
don't know if I'm allowed to, right, h Yeah, I
usually boss up and then kind of. I don't think
she want to lead a strip club. I think I
think she liked that lifestyle. I don't know. Want to
tell you don't try to change people, that's what I want.
Don't propose either, And that's what I'm saying, like, if

you don't propose, you want, yeah, don't propose, not even married?
Do you want to change who this person is? You
don't want to change. She don't want to. She don't
want to be married to you, My boy, that's not true.
It's not true. We may want. I don't think that's
true that she don't want to get married. I think
that she don't want to sound don't propose? And why

would you want somebody to quit their job anyways? What
if somebody actually enjoys their job? That's the whole point.
That specific job don't matter, but it's still a job.
That's where he matters. The type of job matters like
some people don't. If that's why that's where you meant
your partner, then their their occupation. Should should have left
that relationship a long time ago. He should not have
allowed himself to stay in it with the expectation that

she's gonna leave when I want her to leave. She's
doing that little shit like you know what my glasses said,
little shit. If you want this to work, let her
when she's ready, then she'll leave, and if she's worth it,
you'll wait. That's it. Can't get enough of baller Alert.

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