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November 28, 2024 32 mins
The best of the Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show Hour 2.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Weird. Thankful for you on this Thanksgiving Day for being
a listener here on the Klay Travis and Buck Sexton Show.
This is the best of with Clay Travis and Buck Sexton.

Speaker 2 (00:11):
We got three rails of business Lawrence. First ball, we
got securitive border. We know how to do that, we've
done it before. A second ball, we need to run
this deportation operations. The President's been clear we're going to
out of the gate. We're going to focus on public
safety threats and national security threats. First, exhusitives, those who
cross the border legally had great due process, a great

taxpayer expanse were ordered removed by an immigration judge and
didn't lead. They're also a priority. And third rail, we
got to find over three hundred thousand children that were
released into this country to so called sponsors that the
government can't find. We also got to find them children
to try to save them.

Speaker 3 (00:47):
All Right, that's Tom Holm and the borders are unlike
Kamala a real borders are as. He's going to do
things to make the border better. Tom is one of
my favorite picks. I've known Tom and talked to about
border issues for years, really stretching back to Trump term one,
twenty seventeen, twenty eighteen. Tom is, you know, very high

on my list of all stars, like he is. If
Trump had said to me, Clay Buck, who would you
put in? I mean I might have put him at
the head of DHS, But okay, who would you make
the borders are? Tom Holman would be the first name
that comes to mind. So he's the right guy for
the job. And what he's doing here is laying out
this is going to be so important, Clay. They're going

to tell everyone that this is monstrous and cruel and
they're deporting grandmas who have been here for forty years.
That's actually not what the Trump operation is going to
be in the first year and maybe ever it depends
on how all of this goes. But what they're doing
right out of the gate is and this is so important.

They always say what about the dreamers and what about
like the hard working people who've been here for twenty years?
Then everyone goes, okay, you know what, I want to
be kind The kindness on the right is always used
as a political weapon against this right. You're like, of course,
you know, I get it, Like maybe we get you
get that's a little bit harder for people, and I
understand that. Now for some of you, it's not hard.

You want everyone illegal to go, and I get that too.
The law is supposed to matter, right, the law is
the law. But when they're talking about deporting the number
Clay is something like one point four million criminal illegal aliens.
And that modifier, that adjective there is so important because
I'm not just talking with people that are not allowed

to be in the country. We're talking about people who
have been in this country who have committed a crime,
usually a state, sometimes a federal, but usually a state crime,
who are now supposed to be deported. Yeah, and they're
just playing this game of you know, hide and seek.
They can't cet. So there is no reasonable basis to
oppose the deportation of all one point four one point

five million of those who are in the country illegally
with a with a deportation order on them already, and
those who are in the country whoever serious criminal history,
who just came across our border unvetted. I mean, that's
the category they're going after. We have to we have
to make sure everyone knows this because it's gonna turn
into AOC fake crying at the border again. Really soon

you remember that, remember that, you know the.

Speaker 4 (03:24):
Yes, here's what I think we need to do. We
got to get our arguments lined up. Barack Obama deported
a massive number of people during his term in office,
and almost no one is even aware of that because
everybody has a goldfish memory in this social media era

in which we live. What do I mean by that?
Goldfish don't remember anything, So it's like you're blinking and
then something new happens and you decide that it's the
worst thing that's ever occurred. Obama deported. I believe a
team in New York look up the numbers. I believe
Obama deported over a million people during his time in office, Buck,

and nobody talks about it, and those are significant. So
I think you need to have those numbers ready as
a talking point that what we're doing now in the
Trump administration historically is not an aberration at all. In fact,
Barack Saint Obama, who everybody wants to claim is the
greatest human being who's ever been president in history, just

a decade ago, it was very normal to deport. The
other thing is, Buck, they have to be very calculated
in the people that they start with, they have to
make the case we are removing people who are clear
law breakers that are most likely to commit crimes of
violence against innocent people in the United States, and we
have to make that case aggressively, because I do think

what you're going to see is a lot of governors
are going to decide that the way they become the
nominee in twenty twenty eight in an open Democrat primary
is by branding themselves as the anti Trump. So I
think you're going to see Gretchen Whitmer. I think you're
going to see JB. Pritzker. I think you're gonna see
Josh Shapiro. I think you're going to see all of

these governors who have aspirations to be the Democrat nominee
in twenty twenty eight Gavin Newsom line up against Trump
and try to be the most fervently anti Trump as possible.
Not because they think it's the right decision for their state,
it's not, but because they think it's the right decision
for their political future. Prepare yourselves for it.

Speaker 3 (05:39):
Tom Homan also made mention Clay of what he can
see coming, which is the hashtag resistance if you will,
from Blue cities and blue states, sanctuary jurisdictions, their sanctuary cities,
their sanctuary states effectively, and he's saying, look, they play
this game, right. They only do this with immigration. You
will never I work at something called the High Intensity

Drug Trafficking Area Facility in New York, Okay. That was
where the counter terrorism Unit, the NYPD was based at
that time. We had de A they, we had DEA there,
we had ICE there, we had NYPD obviously, which is
the body that I was assigned to. Uh, you know
you had you had FBI nearby or you know sitting nearby.
It all worked together, and nobody was ever like, hey,

can can't help you with that, like cartel assassin thing
like that's that's more federal than state, Like if the
FEDS asked for help or if the state they were
working together. The only place I've ever seen this breakdown
and law enforcement listeners, let me know if there's something else.
The only place you ever see this is on illegal immigration,
where all of a sudden, local law enforcement is told

under orders do not help, and and even go beyond that,
don't even notify, right, so they'll have somebody in custody
who's an illegal who's committed a crime and they'll release
them pending court. And instead of saying, hey, Ice, we
got this guy who's just been arrested for sexual assault.
You know, do you want to come pick up up?
They let them out and they don't want to tell Ice.

Tom Holman is saying, look, Blue cities and states, you
don't want to get in the way of the mission
here from the federal side. Play this has cut three
play this week.

Speaker 5 (07:12):
What happens to mayor or local police department chief that
is under a democratic leadership that obstructs ICE in your
federal agents that are helping get these deportations, and what
happens to.

Speaker 2 (07:23):
Them, Well, first of all, if they'll want to help
us get the hell out of the way, for we're going
to do it. If I got sent twice a month
of resources to that city, that's what we're going to do.
If they able to give us access to the jail,
that don't mean less agents to the community. For them
push them back and not let us in the jail,
it just means more agents are gonna be in the community.
So they're hurting themselves. Finally, Y'll say this, they need
to educate themselves. They didn't review this totally. The United
States Cold thirteen twenty four Triple I read about that

and don't cross that line because it is a felony
to harbor and conceal and illego ailing from Ice. Read
the statue. Don't cross that line.

Speaker 3 (07:55):
He's talking about harboring now and aiding play This is
he's saying this. People have gotten so used to ilegal
immigration being this area of law where it doesn't really count,
you know what I mean. Here's one clay. Do you
know that you're not allowed to be in the country
as an immigrant and be a public charge. That's actually
against federal code. That's against federal statute. How many immigrants

are getting welfare benefits and things like that. It is
absolutely forbidden under federal law. He's saying, aiding and abetting
a fugitive from Ice. This isn't something they're going to
forget anymore. So this state, local law enforcement and federal
law enforcement issue could get very real here because you've
got these woke, lunatic governors and mayors.

Speaker 4 (08:38):
Buck here's the number, by the way, And I think
this is going to stagger a lot of people because
I think it speaks to how dishonest our politics have become.
According to the New York Times, three million people were
deported by Barack Obama during his two terms in office.
Three million. So for everybody out there who's going to act,

and again this is important, we have to mobilize the
narrative to make people understand that what Trump is doing
is actually just something that was not even considered remotely
controversial in the grand scheme of things during Obama's term
in office. In fact, Barack Obama deported more people than

any president ever has in the history of the game.

Speaker 3 (09:24):
It was very clever, though, I mean the whole member
did that. He was the deporter in chief going into
the twenty twelve mid terms and then when he won reelection.
The whole Term one for Obama was Obamacare, and we
are still living with the consequences of that decision. Term
two is supposed to be amnesty, and the way that
they thought they could get to amnesty was to deport

people while pushing Republicans on the Gang of Eight bill
and getting Republicans to go along. And there are bad
Republicans on immigration, there are lots of them. Actually, look
at wasn't it Wasn't it a was it Langford?

Speaker 4 (09:57):
Who wasn't it in Oklahoma who tried to wor work
with Biden right at the end of his term to
put through a crap bill. It's embarrassing, honestly embarrassing stuff.
There are Republicans who are who are dictated to by
the Chamber of Commerce, by big business, by the donor
class who like illegal immigration. That's a reality. But Clay,
what's so interesting here?

Speaker 3 (10:19):
And you know, I give Ann Coulter credit for this
for example, and the immigration issue. She's always saying no, no, no,
there are laws already that need to be used that
will help with this issue massively. They just choose not
to use them. Tom Holman knows what those laws are.
Tom Holman knows that the decision to ignore federal statute

is not the same thing as erasing federal statute. So
there are a lot of tools at his disposal this
time around to do things to clean this up. And
I just I mean, this is where I want to
know who You're not in the country legally and you're
committing crimes here, yeah, you know, and you're and you're
supposed to be able to stay. That is a national

suicide pack. Over the long run that is completely outside
the realm of the scene totally.

Speaker 4 (11:08):
And again, I just want everybody to prepare for the
fight that is coming and recognize how outrageous the arguments
against it are gonna be. But you're right, Buck, AOC
is gonna put on her all white outfit. The media
is gonna follow her. She's going to start to cry
by a chain link fence. They're gonna find the one
four year old who gets separated from his dad or

his mom, and they're going to turn that into an
anecdote reflective of a policy that is not actually representative, right,
but they're going to find it. It'll go viral on
social media. Prepare yourselves for where this is coming. Also, Buck,
this is also hugely important. The message is important too,
because as soon as you start deporting millions of people,

everybody that's coming here illegally is gonna say, wait a minute,
is that trip worth it? When you're telling them we're
never going to deport you. That's why ten million plus
illegals came in. It's not just about sending people back,
it's about stopping the flow that exists right now.

Speaker 3 (12:10):
It changes the incentive dramatically, right It changes the incentive
for especially how the immigration issue, the illegal immigration issue
has changed. Where Clay it used to be can you
walk here? So that was Mexico. Some countries to the
south of Mexico. The people showing up at the border
are paying to fly from Pakistan, from Yemen, from all

over Southeast Asia and West Africa, and you name it,
like if it's a poor country. Basically people are coming
here from there, but they're flying to sometimes a country
that has very easy passport controls. In South America, they
go up through the Darien Gap. In Central America, they
make their way up in past you know, through Mexico.

Pay the cartels in Mexico. That's a lot of effort
and money to spend if you're not really sure that
you're going to be able to stay. So Holman's the
guy for the job. This is the single this is
you know, this and the government efficiency I think is
kind of make or break for the Trump administration agenda.
I gotta be honest with you, and I know that

that's setting a high standard because economy is going to
be great, you know, things are going to be better
on national security, but this is really going to be
the determining factor for year one. How's it going. We'll
get back into this takes some of your calls going
that well, Clay t ravas here.

Speaker 4 (13:32):
Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at the Clay Ture,
Ravis and Buck Sexton Show.

Speaker 3 (13:38):
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for all of your support. There, Clay, Heather texted us,
I should say tweeted or I don't know what do

you say when someone I think it's still a tweet
right or tweeted because it can't be posted at us.
That's weird on X Hey, Clay and Buck. Look up
Clinton's deportation record. Obama does not have the highest deportation number, Heather.
I think in the aggregates still a Barack Obama over
the eight years did have the most.

Speaker 1 (14:57):
Over eight years.

Speaker 3 (14:58):
I think Bill Clinton was more like a million over
his eight years. But here's the thing. It used to
be adult male, overwhelmingly Mexican. This is just by the data. Okay,
adult male Mexicans illegally crossing and a lot of time
play illegally going back because they were coming into the
country seasonally to make money. It was entire somebody who

is coming here from Myanmar is planning to stay forever.

Speaker 1 (15:28):

Speaker 4 (15:28):
That's the biggest change that I think has not been
discussed enough is when you're coming from all over the
world and what's the number one hundred and eighty countries
I think ish that people have crossed illegally our southern border.
You're not going back. And to your point, Buck, when
you're crossing the Darien Gap and you're coming all the
way from Venezuela, you're coming all the way from from

southern Latin America. You're not trans You're not moving into
the country to work seasonally and then go back and
live your life primarily in Mexico, as was the historic
immigration patterns for much of American history. You're talking about
people who are coming now and never leaving. And the
other part of this that we have to have a

conversation about is Trump has to, I believe, come out
and say, if you're here illegally, your child does not
become an American citizen. Why should we reward illegal behavior
with American citizenship?

Speaker 3 (16:27):
And just to get back to these numbers, real qui
because people gonna say, wait, but but it's is a turnaway,
a deportation. Sometimes they count that depending on the administration
as yes, So stopped at the border, is that a deportation?
Are we talking interior deportations? So there's a lot of
ways to crunch the numbers, but Biden didn't deport almost anyone.

Speaker 1 (16:46):
You're listening to the best of Clay Travis and Buck Sexton.

Speaker 3 (16:49):
We've got the governor of Oklahoma with us now. Governor
Kevin Stitt is with us. Governor, appreciate you making the
time for us. Thanks for coming back on Clay and Buck.

Speaker 6 (17:00):
Absolutely great to be with you guys.

Speaker 3 (17:02):
All Right, So we're talking a lot today about the
very prominent and now the media will say controversial. Trump
planned to begin deportations on a much accelerated, much vaster
scale than certainly what Biden was doing in the past,
and law enforcement priorities pushing this meaning people who are

criminal illegal aliens at the top of the list for deportation.
You've unveiled in your state operation, Guardian. Tell us about
this program, how it work in Oklahoma as it unfolds,
and also how you plan to have the state work
with the federal government the Trump administration to finally restore
some law and order when it comes to illegal immigration.

Speaker 6 (17:48):
Yeah. Absolutely. Well, first off, I mean it's just an
optimistic mood in America. I mean you can feel it.
We're going back to law and order. We're going to
get you know, inflation under control, energy permitting, reform, safety
across the world. I mean, it's just really exciting to
have common sense back in the White House. And so
in Oklahoma, I mean it's just total common sense. If

we have people that are breaking the law, that they're criminals,
plus their illegals and Oklahoma truld. You know, if we've
given these people over to Ice under a Biden Harris administration,
nothing happens. So we've obviously got bad guys in prison
because we're a law and order state. But now with
Trump coming back to the White House, we wanted to

be the first state to kind of lead by example,
to say, listen, Oklahoma taxpayers should not be footing the
bill for people that are here illegally number one and
number two, especially people that are that are criminals that
are in our in our correctional facility. So those are
the first ones we want to tackle. And we wanted
to kind of be a model to other states and

work with the Trump administration and know that now we
have a partner in the White House who believes in
common sense and wants to protect law and order and
wants to protect safe across the country.

Speaker 4 (19:02):
Governor, appreciate you coming on. I'm sure you've already seen
a lot of Democrat governors saying we're not going to
work with Trump at all when it comes to deportations.
How do you think that will play out? And how
much of that I think the answer is probably one
hundred percent. Is that often political angling to try to
potentially put themselves in the running to be the Democrat

nominee in twenty.

Speaker 6 (19:25):
Eight Yeah, I mean, I think Americans are too smart
for that. They can see they're talking from the exact
same playbook, and it was amazing. Like I think the
day after the election, you started seeing, you know, the
regular folks, the regular Democratic talking points from all the
different governors talking about we're going to protect our citizens.

You're gonna have to come through me. Well, I think
that they're missing the point. I think Americans spoke overwhelmingly.
Trump got won the popular vote three hundred and twelve
electoral votes, and overwhelmingly people want security, they want a
law and order back in our communities. They believe in
safe communities. We want freedom and education, we want to

unleash American energy. And so again, I don't think the
Democrats learned any frame from that last election, And for
them to come out immediately and say they're not going
to work with the president on law and order, I
think they're shooting themselves in the foot and they didn't
learn anything from Tuesday's election.

Speaker 3 (20:24):
Are there sanction I know you're in a very red state,
the governor fortunately very red state. But I'm assuming it's
possibly you've got sanctuary jurisdictions in Tulsa, maybe Oklahoma City.
I mean, is that is that a challenge for you
in terms of local and state law enforcement working together
on this issue? Are they on board?

Speaker 6 (20:43):

Speaker 3 (20:43):
What can you tell us about that, because I just
I wonder how that state, local, and federal is going
to all collide or work together on this issue.

Speaker 6 (20:53):
Well, you know, yeah, we're not a sanctuary state at all.
I mean, occasionally we'll have some of our big city
mayors that that'll push back and are kind of squishy
on this issue. But really, what I'm talking about here,
and I don't know how any American and certainly how
any Oklahoma would complain about it. We're talking about people
that are here illegally number one and number two, they're

also incarcerated. They're criminals. They're either in gangs, they've had
to run in with law enforcement, they've got busted for,
you know, running drugs, and Fenton al coming across the border.
So we're talking about that element first. I think that's
what Trump's talking about. And then we need to get
them out of our states, out of our country. And

then I believe in immigration reform, we need to have
if somebody comes to the University of Oklahoma on an
education visa and they get an engineering degree, we want
to convert that to a workforce visa. So if people
want to chase the American dream and pay taxes and
be part of our society and we have jobs for them,
we want to connect the employers with employees. I'm all

for workforce visas and changing that immigration policy. But we're
talking about the criminal element right now, and that I
don't know how anybody could argue, Democrat or Republican that
that needs to be out of our country.

Speaker 4 (22:11):
When you look at you mentioned that, you can feel
a major vibe shift. I know Oklahoma is very much
of a Trump Uh, you know, fertile ground, right, you
guys win in your state go red by a massive amount.
But I got some stats here for you, Governor. This
is the latest data in terms of how things have moved.

New York moved eleven point five percent towards Trump, New
Jersey ten point two, Florida nine point eight Massachusetts eight
point seven percent, California eight point four percent. So four
of the biggest states to gain massively in Trump's support
were blue states. I'm curious, do you feel that when

other governors are starting to talk that even somebody like
Kathy Hokel, for instance, in New York, which is considered
a blue state. Crazily New York is closer to a
red state than Texas or Florida are to blue states
based on the data out there. Can you feel maybe
a vibe shift in terms of how even those politicians

are talking given what happened even in blue states, You know.

Speaker 6 (23:20):
I really can't. I'm the vice chair this year of
the National Governor Association, which is the bipartisan group, and
so behind closed doors when I talk to my Democratic colleagues,
it's very collegial. We've got a good relationship, and I'm
surprised how they are all telling me, yes, we need
stronger borders. And that was what's so perplexing for the

American people. It's why, you know, the Biden Harris administration
was refusing to go back to Trump era policies, which
has remain in Mexico. And so I think that across
the board, you know, the governors at least understand that
we need to have border security. We need that. And
unless they're trying to kind of placate to the they're you know,

left wing part of their party.

Speaker 2 (24:02):

Speaker 6 (24:03):
These are these are just common sense things that if
you're truly an American and you want what's best for
our country, you shouldn't be able to argue these these points. Uh.
But it's really exciting. And you look at the uh,
the Hispanic popular Uh the vote went uh made major
gains towards the Republican Party. Because I tell people, they're
they're concerned about that, they believe in God and family

and their entrepreneurs and and and they're more concerned about
the economy than than somebody's pronouns. They don't want their
little girls to have to be competing with biological mails
and sports. I mean, the left has gone so far
the other way that I think that you saw that
in this election, and so hopefully common sense will return.

And I know common sense is going to return to
the White House, and I hope we're seeing it return
to New York and California and some of these other
states and just say, hey, we we want to give
the Trump administration a chance. And uh and I think
we want safe communities and we want our to be
protected in when they play sports and stuff that we've
known in Oklahoma for a long time, just being.

Speaker 3 (25:06):
The governor, Kevin Stitt of Oklahoma. Governor, how many illegals
are currently in custody in your state? Do you have
a pretty good firm number on that? And what is
the cost to the people of Oklahoma just to incarcerate them,
roughly speaking on a day or monthly basis.

Speaker 6 (25:25):
Yeah, So you know, I've had our team go back
and look at that. We have I think around twenty
thousand people incarcerated in Oklahoma. There's something I'm always working
on is safe communities, but also want to make sure
that we believe in second chances. So we've done a
lot of work there, but there's five hundred and twenty
six people that should not be incarcerated in Oklahoma because

they're illegals and they broke the law, and we're having
to pay for their incarcerations. And so it's millions and
millions of dollars to the taxpayers of Oklahoma. I think
it's mean.

Speaker 3 (25:58):
I read something, just so I read something, and it's
almost forty thousand dollars forty thousand dollars too, for each
one of those inmates. Is that correct?

Speaker 6 (26:07):
I mean for the year, that is correct. Yeah, So
it's going to cost us between twenty to thirty thousand.
I don't know the exact number per inmate per year.
And that's just saddled directly on the state taxpayers. That's
our state.

Speaker 3 (26:19):
So tens of millions of dollars being spent by taxpayers
in your state at a minimum, that should not be
just for those who are incarcerated.

Speaker 6 (26:27):
That is exactly right, that's correct. So and then you
know it did no good before with the Biden Harris administration.
Is ICE was not doing their job. Under a Trump administration,
we're going to return to the rule of law, and
so when we push those back to ICE, they'll be
returned back to they'll be out of Oklahoma and out
of our country, which will be a good thing. We
don't want the criminal element here. But I also remind

people we need immigration reform, and we need to make
sure we have state workforce visas and we match employers
to employees. And that's good as well if people want
to chase the American dream and and so I think
that's important for people to note as well.

Speaker 4 (27:04):
Governor, we know that Barack Obama recently Bill Clinton, Democrat
governors who are a Democrat governor in the case of
Bill Clinton, a former senator in the case of Obama,
but they got elected on the idea that, hey, illegal
immigrants should be sent back. This wasn't considered to be
a political issue. How much do you think this will

become a political issue going forward? We mentioned Democrat governors
are already lining up. Or do you think the fact
that this was standard operating procedure to deport illegals, particularly
illegals with criminal backgrounds, as recently as when Obama was
in office, will that end up ultimately winning the public argument?
How do you see this playing out?

Speaker 6 (27:50):
You know, I think they've gone too far. I don't
see how this is. I think Trump has made the
national story. The Republican Governors Association sent letter, We've made
this a national story. Pushing on border security. I believe
the American people are there that we have to have
strong borders, we have to know who's coming through our country.

We need to have immigration reform. I'll give you that too.
But I don't believe that all of a sudden in
twenty eight the election cycle is going to flip and
all of a sudden, American people are going to vote
for you know, the crazy person that's saying, yeah, let's
do open borders. I just don't believe. I think I
think the pendulum is going to swing back to more
normalcy to say, hey, no, no, no. Even Democrats agree

that we have to have border security, and this is
not a winning argument for their side, And if they
keep doubling down on it, I just think it just
shows you how politically blind they are. Trump just won
overwhelmingly with a mandate to say we're going to secure
our border and we're going to have safe communities, and
for them to come out day one, I think it's

just very All they're doing is just trying to put
themselves anti Trump person out there and they think it's
going to gain you know, with the far left part
of their party, maybe make them some kind of hero.
But I think long term it's it's not gonna work.
And and if they keep running on that playbook, you're
gonna see the same type of landside victories that you

saw in twenty four for the for the good guys.

Speaker 3 (29:19):
Governor Stitt of Oklahoma, always appreciate you making the time
for us, and we'll talk to you again soon about
how this is all going once it gets to the
implementation phase.

Speaker 6 (29:28):
Absolutely. Hey, thanks so much for having me.

Speaker 3 (29:31):
Hey, it's Buck Sexton from our home to yours. Have
a wonderful Thanksgiving from the Clay and Buck Show.

Speaker 4 (29:38):
Welcome back in Clay Travis Buck Sexton Show. Appreciate all
of you hanging out with us. We were just talking
with Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt. A lot of you reacting
and sharing information about mass deportations. There's an interesting dichotomy, Buck,
Just FYI, so we are seeing this The way that
they count as basic deportations has changed over the years.

That is, rejecting people at the border is sometimes counted,
sometimes it's not. So some of you are blowing us
up with Bill Clinton. Hey, he Actually, when we're saying deportation,
the way we're classifying it now is putting people on
airplanes and sending them back to their country of origin.

Speaker 3 (30:23):
Finding incarcerating, sending back the country of origin. This is
what I was trying to say when you look at
the Clinton years, and I think the Obama administration was
doing this as well, probably the Bush administration too. If
they caught you at the border and turned you back,
or if they just turned you away at a port
of entry, they were considering that a deportation, which is

not very different in terms of resources and everything else.
It's a very different ordeal.

Speaker 4 (30:50):
What we're saying is Obama around three million flying out
of the country now. Also, many of you out there
will say, and you're right, we never had the number
of illegal immigrants in the country like we do now.
And Buck, I know many of you out there will
remember this. I remember this feeling around about two thousand.

Suddenly there was a massive influx of illegal immigrants in
for instance, the city that I live in, Nashville. I
just remember out of nowhere, early in the twenty first century,
there was suddenly a mass influx of illegal immigrants that
you could notice in a place like Nashville, Tennessee, where
I lived, and it felt very different than it did

in the eighties and the nineties, which, as you pointed out,
and this is important, illegal immigration is different today than
it was then. It used to be, Hey, I'm coming in,
I'm doing a seasonal job. I'm in California. I'm gonna
show up. I'm gonna pick strawberries, for instance, or tomatoes
or whatever it is seasonally, and then I'm gonna go
back to Mexico with the money. That doesn't happen as

much now. It's permanent, and that's why it's a different
level of problem to have to be addressed, and so
obviously significant.

Speaker 3 (32:06):
Deporting somebody to Mexico, like we all know, the geography
is a lot easier than deporting them to Bangladesh. Okay,
one is a long plane ride, and you've got to
arrange all that, and you know, you've got to make
sure you've got enough people going to enough places for
the plane ride to be worth it. Mexico if you're
setting them back just to Mexico pretty easy, right, So

that's a whole other thing that you have to take
into account with US as well. When we're talking about
what Trump's going to do with warp speed deportation, maybe
they should call it that Operation Warp Speed Deportation. It's
going to be people who are found incarcerated sent back
to their country of origin in planes.

The Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show News

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