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April 20, 2022 28 mins

Emo chats it up with legendary photographer and director, Estevan Oriol. Juanita Carmelita isn’t pleased with a picture Peter posted on IG. Junior goes jousting for his princess. 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Ready are we rolling Clay? Okay here everybody amo, um
some everybody's telling me, hey, you should talk to people
that are also in the industry, might help you, even
though the industry could be so lame. Um. Anyway, I
guess I'm super honored because right now I'm gonna talk
to Um he's an l A legend where actually kind

of worldwide legend. Photographer's name is a Stellan Oreo and
he's sitting right here. He just took a sip of coffee,
so he's ready. He's ready to get down, I think,
or to get interviewed. Um. Um, Hi Stepan, what's up? Man? Um?
Thanks so much for coming. And I know it's lame
to be like, hey, you want to get interviewed for

another podcast, like pretty much everybody in l A has
a podcast, but um, I don't know. I figured I'll
just start my own. Hopefully it's not as lame as
the other ones. Um, but thanks for being here. I
always follow your photography and I love that you always
shooting black and white because that's pretty much how I
see the world anyway, just black and white, because everybody

wants to always put oh let me colorize and put
um um saturation so that you can think that um
um when better than what I really do. But you
just capture real, real stuff and I appreciate that. Sorry
I'm talking too much, um but thanks for being here.

Thank you. Um um. You mostly shoot on film, right,
that's correct. That's so cool because you know what I mean.
That's like real raw ship, you know, because you're in
there in the dark room try and find the best
ones when everybody's just going through their phone like, oh

I got so many which ones I pick? But you're
actually in the dark room. Um, with your you have
that little like magnifying thing that you put in your
eye like that, the loop. It's called what it's called
a loop? Um yeah, that's I think. It's so not
lamb when you use that, it just looks like super
old school. Um. So, sorry I'm talking too much. I

should have you talk more. No, it's fine, it's okay.
Is this your first one? Um? Well, I talked to
people sometimes your first podcast? Yeah, that's my first podcast. Sorry,
Oh keep talking. Okay, thanks to step on UM so
on four to not to be so on the nose.

But that's how they're gonna market it, I guess. But
there's a um Cypress Hill documentary coming out on showtime
and you're directed it. I mean you know that. Sorry,
you know that. Obviously I'm not um, but congratulations on
that because everybody thinks it's on, you know, in the
email stuff that that, Oh he doesn't like other genres

of music, like, dude, I'll fucking smoke sorry my language,
I'll smoke weed. Listen to Cyper's Hill. I did all
that ship. It doesn't mean I can't get emo. Also,
you know what I mean, Like people want to put
us in a little box. But anyways, a lot of
people don't know that you were like Cyper Shil's tour manager, right. Yeah,
most people don't because they've been hiding under a rock.

But I pretty much stayed in every single interview, so
you know. But there's always new fans, you know, there's
always new people listening to another podcast or seeing an
interview for the first time, so you gotta kinda catch
them up to date. Yeah, rocks are lane. I don't
know why people hide on them. Sometimes it's like, oh, cool,

you're a rock. Oh I was here before you were born.
Who gives a ship? You know? Um, so you like
toward the world with Cyper Shil for how many years?
About thirteen years straight and went h to forty four
countries and uh, you know most of that multiple times
because you always go back like every year too, pretty

much do the States, and then you do Europe and
then South America and in Asia. So we did that
for a lot of years, and then at one point
we told the booking agent we want to go to
other places, so they sent us to like Australia, to
New Zealand, South Africa. So we've seen a lot of places.
Whoa thirteen years, Yeah, from ninety four to two thousand five.

When I was with House of Pain from ninety two
to ninety four, whoa, how's it pain? Yeah? I remember
that one jump around? Of course? You know how did
it go? Every wedding, even the weddings are named Okay,
well how did it go? Jump around? Jump up, jump
up and get down jump jump yeah yeah, yeah, yeah,
there you go. That's right. Yeah, uh huh yeah, hell wow.

So you did that around the world. Yeah. Did you
ever go to Norway? Yep? With the all over Scandinavia, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark.
She hit it all, isn't that where Vikings are from Yeah,
we got a couple of fis are not lean, they're
about real ship who are horns on their head for
the bullshit, I want to get on a big gas

Viking canoe swim across the ocean with horns on my head.
We got that laughter for your soul and now too.
Then to the freaky on this show. Alas that would

marry my daughter, But that was just a knave, poor
jor Dan King. I don't know that medieval talker what
her food, um, but all I know it's food that
your daughter like, she's off fine and everything, and I
really like her everything and get a long food. So yeah,
I'm just trying to do that. You know that w
was young and naive junior, But don't they want us

to be a prince? Day was true to be a
prince food, so like princess bride or kind of like
on that ship or what Why not? Damn that'd be
a trip only to go from servant to prince, you know.
I mean I used to work at a pet boys
king and my homie Leonard food, he was like working
the cash or shirt just like me. Food, like kind

of like entry level status or whatever. But then like
two much eater food wasn't even that much longer. He
became an engine performance technician who and we were all
supresed like that trip. I look at Leonard looking on like, um,
like knowledgeable or everything, and so we were all tripping out.
But you know what he deserved it food pet boys delightful. Well,

if thou wish to challenge another suitor for my daughter's hand,
I can't arrange a friendly competition. Competition food. Oh damn.
I've never been like jousting before. We have seen it
on am combatigators, but not like for reals in my life.

Are not one time like theo food he worked, um
you worked for I don't know. It's like a construction
company or something. And they took a company trip to
medieval times food right there by Knoxbury Farm. So I
got excited food because I was like, oh, he's taking
me to the Knoxbury far him. You know, I wanted
to get some jams with the snookies and every day.
But he's like, now if we're not going all the

way down the street, we're just going right here to
Medio Times. So I just say, fucking food. Just be grateful,
you know. So that's the only time I've seen Joustein.
But now we're doing it for real right now. And
then it's kind of a trip food because this horse
is all big and everything. Oh, day, trip out. There's
another Loto the other anywhere that way, that food looks
for real your food. Oh look at his long hairing

he's all muscular and everything. Oh, can't think it's Jason
Momosa's only Jay Jason momosas look on your helmet, Jr. Oh. Okay,
day with this horse is too big for me food

because I'm a little homely along all right, I don't
know if I could do with this food. I sounded scared.
Look at the princess food. She's looking happy. Come on, Junior,
we gotta do this on me. Come on, Paul, No,
she's looking like eg what's up? Yeah, she's pay attention. Alright,

make sure that you ain't all right? You know what
I'm doing this for you, alright, So I'm being all
brave and everything like American gladiators. Okay, food, be doing
what time is right third by nice, very far and down,
all right, because I want to be with you forever
and I want to be your everything. Okay, Okay, Okay,

scorch to crushing my way, get you back to getting
bolster amos support people I had done, Jason, mimosas that
missed me food? So did I win? Or what? Love

a fool? Not even with your movies Aquaman, you couldn't
even get me home because hey, we're not under water food.
So yeah, ridn't mean this, you know, um, but yeah,
that princess hanging up there, there's some mimosas. That's my
natives when we know the same food. So sorry that
your aquaman status couldn't like achieved you or that feat
behind that because that's my lady now, okay food, so

just recognize it and don't need your trip food because
we'll still support me, all right. Okay, that's what something hey,
jun your you want when you got it out and
I have believed it in my heart. Hey, you know
what that is a triple aquaman? Like I took the
princess food to see your movie and like the special
effects and all that, and it was pretty cool on me.

We're like, oh damn trapo, like that food could just
go in the water whenever and swim on fashion everything. Um,
we didn't see the ending nofore and not even the
middle actually because you know, white food, because we were
we were making crazy you know what I mean. And
she wasn't even like, oh it's because aquamand it was
because of meaning food and we're I was eating was

like right there in the movie school, watching your movie food.
You were all in the water. But I was like
creating moisture food, my tone, food in the princess's mouth
and it was all crazy food. So yeah, that's how
we were doing it. Hey, when you're stupid telling of
our life like that, let's go get salents. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah,
I'm hungry too. Let's let's split the cheese steak. How

we do We're doing like Lady and like tramp, but
I guess seven five percent take out. Yeah, that's what
you know how we do it. Yeah, you're right, Media,
more times, don't have ship on this hut right out.
Let's get a turkey legtime. Yeah, so it's gonna be
like needed it. I know what's got into him, he

just said, A box of Duke Bookies from ram City.
It's the chocolate cookie with a creamy marshmallow center. You'll
love Duke Bookies. Chop your way through the fruity sprinkles
and peppermint shell then enjoy it. Then they're honey glazed
cashows and a cinnamon frosted pop tart. A yummy sour
apple starburs sits starboard on each Duke Bookie well a
pinch of pop rocks and fixie sticks packet in port side.

Our Duke Bookies are lowered in a bat of melted
jelly beans that are placed over a compt belt, while
our team of Duke Bookie technicians, exclusively made of little homies,
blow on it very gently. What are you waiting for
till your mom to get you a box of Duke
Bookies or show regretted, or just reach into her purse
rapper credit cards at Carkis and pick up a box
of Duke Bookies, or for ram city cops trying to

pull you over. That's step on it, little buddy. It's
the long pedal on the right. It's Stoke Bookie. M
m m m m m m m whom we got
that laughter for your soul and now too the into

the breaking on this show. Um, So, how many years
have you been taking photos? About thirty thirty years from
the early nineties till now pretty much. Yeah. I never

put it down and never took a break or anything
like that. I've been doing it right thirty or straight.
One thing I know about Stellun Royal, it definitely does
not take breaks. Yeah, you stay on. Um. Sorry, I'm
gonna get all tracket, all hit, but you stay on
the grind. Yeah yeah, uh huh um? Are you kind

of a road of we're gonna you know what I
do music? But I wrote I'm working on a song.
It's a dedicid well to photography in general, but also
it's dedicated to you. How's it go? Can you give
me a little bit of a like a sample or
a little nervous. I'm gonna do it for you. I'm

doing for you. I'm a little nervous. Yeah. Um, but
are you gonna do with the with the music behind there?
Are you're just gonna freestyle that? I'm gonna I'm gonna
do the music. It's just like a little something I
have here. Okay, Oh sorry that was the end. Oh

my life lives in dark room developing into nothing just
SNAKETI phrase, So what do you say? I said, my
life lives in a dark room developing into nothing, just

naked a phrase so ly oh oh, capture rip before
it's gone behind the lance like a stand by, or
that's a legend, so true. And not lave. Oh long

you stays on the grind, never stops. Defoe, not hiding
under the rock, because that motherfucker's definitely not lave. My
life lives in a dark room developing into nothing expectative phrase.

So that's pretty good man, Thank you brother? You like it? Yeah? Sorry,
I mean, is that a mixing master or that's still
a rough or what I'm still rough? I was just
seeing how you felt about it, because I say your name,
I don't want you to be like, put that out,

put that on and then uh, you know it sounds lame,
but put it out on all platforms, how they say,
you know, yeah, streaming on all platforms. Don't put it
under a rock. Yeah, yeah, this is Jeter. Oh and
this is j Z. Okay, your woman just kidding anxious?

Oh so you got jokes now, Okay, Well I'm a
little bit upset. Okay. I had to step into the
back office that because I didn't want to be tripping
in front of my clients. But I was just at
work and I had a little time and between, and
I was looking on the Instagram, cout On, and you
have posted that picture without my approval? Oh yeah, oh

oh oh, and did I not say you know, you
didn't get my approval out on? Okay? And it's from
the wrong angle, okay, because my my neck area looks
a little bit more chubbier than it is in real life. Okay,
And you know that I hate that, caut On, You
know that I hate that angle. And then your cousin, Oh,

how convenient. Your prima what's her name, Jessica Cindy la Corona.
She looks better than I do, even though everybody knows.
Everybody that knows me knows that I obviously I look
better than her in real life consistently, cout On, I
know obviously. But people that don't know me and see
that photo, they're gonna be like, oh, that's the other

hand in the photo. When I'm when everybody knows something
main event, I'm not a main event in your life
or not? Perhaps okay, oh her personal proper, start being
like it. Okay, don't just be posting this and that
all I'm emotional because might Nana have passed away? And
I get it. The family, and yeah, I just I

wanted to include you in the family photo. Of course,
ye me I Peters. So you're telling me that that
you see me as part of that Emily, you're kidding.
I mean, of course I do. I mean I should
have shot the photo from a higher angle, of course,

to protect the nets. Oh my god, Peter, you're so
sweet baby, but you're should note out from the anywhere
from below the horizon upwards starts my anybody's neck. You know,
obviously my neck is perfect in person, but oh you
know with the technologies that it loses its essence. And

you know everybody knows I'm more fetimate or I look
way better than your cousin, you know. H next time
I'll get approval. Okay, So that way you learn. Okay,
So write it down, do it, get it into your method. Okay,
so you don't make this mistake again. Okay, writing it

down right now. I don't take a photo of it
to pack it up. But I must say a little
prefer you're not. I know you're still that processing that
and we're still mourning her. But just you know, get
my approval next time you want to get all trigger
happy on Instagram. Okay, okay, okay, I gotta go up
to my next appointment. Okay, I love you, baby, Okay,
I'm sorry I don't have a girlfriend. Not just why not,

Um they're lame. Well most I'm just having a girlfriend.
Lame people in general and pretty limb. But yeah, I
don't know. I just feel every time I like a girl,
it's just blow it somehow, or I don't even every
time I try to go up and talk to him,
I'm just like this is lame, you know, Like what

am I gonna do? Oh? So you'd like to travel?
Oh you'd like read? You know, what's the last book
you read? And all that are all that lame? Ship?
Are you still a virgin? Um? Um? Every time that
I tried to in my life and approach um the girls,

they always turn away from me. Um. Okay, so I'll
take that as a yes. Um Um. Every time I
I just get real nervous and then I always end
up saying something dumb like um, hey, oh so you

um you come here to this place and they're like yeah,
I'm here, and then I just my butthole clinches up
and then I turned around and just leave and go home. Okay, Well, yeah. Sorry.

M m m m m m m m m m
m m m. We got that laughter for your soul
and now tuned into the breaking game. You're on this
show and we're bad. We're back with the world's Smartest man,

Frankie Camillis. During the break, you were telling me an
interesting tidket about how you perceived numbers. Yes, yes, uh, well,
you know most people when they think of numbers, they
think in terms of some kind of numeric value. Uh.
It's explained as integral. Uh, you know, whole numbers, positive
or negative, and non integral numbers. That includes fractions and

numbers with decimal points. But but but you view numbers
quite differently. I understand. Yeah, I guess I do. Uh.
You know, when I say or here numbers, I also
see color. I'm sorry, I bet your partner. Can you
can you explain that? Well? You know, as there are

infinite numbers, there are also infinite colors. If you understand
that light is both particles and waves, and that each
part of this wavelength corresponds to a color. As most
people know it, people don't realize that, you know, because
the spectrum is actually quite larger because waves are also

gamma raised and radio waves. So what you're saying is
is you can see you can see these invisible waves. Well,
if you want to try me, have at it. Okay, Okay, okay, okay,
uh this is incredible. What would you like me to do? Uh?
I can just say a random number and I'll tell
you what color I see. Okay, okay, audience, are you

ready for this? Okay? All right, let's say four thirty
five Cambridge blue seventeen honey, dude, okay U two thousand
fifty one pistachio. Come on, Charles, you can do better

than that. I'm shaking here. You can imagine, okay, negative
four thousand two d Sonics over eleven million eight foight,
that's dark seven point one seven eight to six, my favorite, Charles,

that's a metallic seaweed. Wow, that is incredible. Okay, it
looks like we're running out of time past one If
that's okay? Yeah, go ahead, okay, um eight thousand eight hue? Uh,
I'm sorry, Charles? Can you repeat that? Eight thousand eight

h one? Yeah? I'm sorry, Charles? What are you doing?
Did I stump you? Come on? You know you can't
stop me. But if you want me to say it
eight thousand, eight hundred eighty one. All right, that's Duke Bookie.
Oh god, your your nose is bleeding. Okay, someone called

the medic. You'll be hearing from my lawyer's asshole, fucking
Duke Booky. Too high, don't freak out. Introducing one nine
hundred cool Out, a phone service that talks you down
when you're two high. We are not law enforcement. We're

just chill guys and gals who want you to enjoy
your journey. Our competent staff of highly trained, laid back
individuals are waiting on your call. If you feel you've
gotten too high, smoke the wrong stream, taken too many edibles, whatever,
You're going to be just fine. Think about it. If

your friends didn't like you, they wouldn't be your friends.
Drink some water and it's not just we'ed. If you
are on acid, press star Star Star, that's star three
times to speak to our elite squad of Shamans and
X rock stars from the seventies. It's all gravy. Brother,

I got you, man, You're gonna get through this. Trust him.
I was in fog. If you're on ayahuasca, do not
use a telephone it's too late and the phone my
melt in your hand. You should not be anywhere in
there or calls are for the first minute. Traditional if

you get chatty when you're high, you sure to have
some money. Safe. Now cool out, that's cool, what to say,
and don't forget to breathe. I wanted to thank you for,
you know, having me be your first guest. You know
that's like later on in life that will be pretty cool.

Little fact, you know, fun fact. I was Emil Primo's
first guest on his podcast. I can't believe that you
actually agreed to be here. Thank you so much of
stuff on oriol. I'm definitely gonna hate myself a lot
less for the rest of today. Yeah, like when you're
big like Joe Robin, you're the number one podcast man.

That was his first one. I broke his Jerry that
podcast will I'm honored to say that Selinio broke my cherry. Yeah,
definitely not hiding under a rock. Yeah. Well, okay, sorry,
I already said there a bunch of times. Sorry for

being so lame, but um please watch the stell Ones
or Cyper Shills documentary directed by step Hon Orio is
sitting right here definitely not lame, definitely not hudding under
a rock, and definitely um down to get um techno
viking status on these Hollywood streets homies. Yeah, thank you,

thank you. You're gonna tell him the name of the
documentary or insane in saying the Brain? Yeah, sorry, say
it all at once, okay, just so when they go
to edit it. Sorry, is my first time in step one. Um,
everybody that my guest was a step On Oriol. He's

pop my cherry. Um, definitely not hiding under a rock.
He's l a legend photographer, and he directed a cypers
documentary dropping on four twenty UM on the network called Showtime.
It's available. I'm gonna be available on Showtime and on
the app Showtime anytime. And it's called Insane in the Brain.

It's a not lame that of right. Sorry, it's Insane
in the Brain, a not lame documentary directed by a
step On Orio. Yeah, thank you. And then I'm gonna
record that song and send it to you. That wrote
for you my life. It was in a dark room
and developing, developing to nothing and just negative frames. Sorry

if I was lame, but thank you for being here. Okay,
thank you everybody thanks to a step on oriole two
into another episode of The Frankie In Your Next Show,
presented by Will Ferrell's Big Funny Players Network. Shout out
to the homies hands Olivia, Nick, the Homie earned dog

here in the studio, James Fritz, Kevin Kamia, Bobby d
J Buzz, the legendary soul assassins by me. You know
how we do, Homie. Thank you for giving it. That's
an opportunity off the get down and if you get
a chance told me it's go ahead and rank and
review the podcast or continue living your life. We'll see
you on the next episode of The Frankie In Your

Next Show. That's what's soft right there.
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