Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:01):
I Am six forty. You're listening to the John Cobel
Podcast on the iHeartRadio app. Can'f I Am sixth forty
live everywhere on the iHeartRadio app. And we're on every
day from one until four, but not tomorrow, and after
four o'clock we will we will post the podcast John
Cobel Show on demand, same as the radio show What
do We Got? Reruns tomorrow Best of Tomorrow and Friday
Best of Really, Yes, there is such a thing. I've
been working hard. Well, that's got to be hard to find.
We've all anyway, That's that's what we're doing now. This
is almost too easy. But you know, after a while,
we're not gonna have Kamala to kick around anymore, right
unless she runs for governor. Oh, please run for governor.
Please give us that gift. Run for governor.
Speaker 2 (00:52):
Good for business. As producer Ray likes.
Speaker 1 (00:55):
To say, that's right. I want news and running for
president and Kamala running for govern it makes life a
lot easier. This was going around the internet last night,
and this is real. Eric said it to me. How
do you find all these things so quickly? I'm on
Twitter a lot, I guess, so you're like a nerve
center for all sourts of strange viral clips. I'm a
very good splunker. As they like to say, that sounds dirty.
Kamala Harris put out a message because she hadn't said
anything since she lost. It's been three weeks, so she
put out a video video message to her supporters. And
at first there was this that I saw. It was
this twenty eight second clip that Eric sent me, and
instantly I thought, oh my god, she's drunk. You sent
the comment what's the over under on the number of
glasses of Chardonnay? And I remember, you remember when Hillary
lost and there was a photo of her by herself
in the woods walking and holding a glass of chardonnay,
a wine glass, and you could tell it was white
wine and Shardonnay was her thing. And it looks like
Kamala is under well, it's partaking in the same therapy,
which is universal therapy for middle aged West Side women.
That's it's very common when they get stressed out, they
start pouring the chardonnay down, maybe by eleven o'clock in
the morning from what I understand. So it's, you know,
she's just fitting her her cultural norm. There all right.
So here's the clip of Kamala Harris to her supporters.
Speaker 3 (02:35):
I just have to remind you, don't you ever let
anybody take your power from you. You have the same
power that you did before November fifth, and you have
the same purpose that you did, and you have the
same ability to engage and inspire. So don't ever let
anybody or any circumstance take your power from you.
Speaker 1 (03:05):
She's a little off. It's really subtle, but you can
tell when you drink and you kind of know it's
affecting your presentation, your speech. You try to overcorrect for it,
and you can tell she's trying hard to hide that.
She's a little looped. And if you see her, because
she's hunched forward a little, her her eyes throughout this
video or half shut at times, and she just looks
just slightly wobbling. They also have a phony clip going
around of her getting the safe speech and holding a
bottle of liquor. What's that bottle of liquor she's holding?
It was a bottle of Hennessy. The perfect effect because
you see her holding the bottle of whiskey and then
you see her delivery, it's like, oh yeah, of course,
that's the perfect way to doctor the video. Here is
cut number two. This is, by the way, whatever her
message is, actually play that first thing again because it's
such a baffling message. I wonder who is listening and
getting inspired by this, who needs to hear this?
Speaker 3 (04:08):
I just have to remind you, don't you ever let
anybody take your power from you. You have the same
power that you did before November fifth, and you have
the same purpose that you did, and you have the
same ability to engage and inspire. So don't ever let
anybody or any circumstance take your power from you.
Speaker 1 (04:37):
Now. Is this the message to all those women who
shave their heads and swore sex off with men? I
guess that might be the crowd that's interested in this.
Did those women who shaved their heads and swear off sex?
Do they think there's a big market for angry bald
women that that's what we're dying, dying to find in life.
Here's a longer excerpt of her message. So we'll just
start and stop this.
Speaker 3 (05:05):
The work that you all did, it's going to have
lasting effect. Again, I'll say, you know, the election didn't
turn out like we wanted it too, Certainly not as
we plan for it too, but understand that the work
we put into it was about empowering people. That's the
spirit with the work we did.
Speaker 1 (05:24):
Stop a second. I mean, she's got a big bowl
here to shake her work. Is it balsamic or ranch dressing?
I don't know what's the dressing that's flavored with wine,
but she's tossing a big word salad here. Continue.
Speaker 3 (05:43):
Our spirit and our work was about saying that it
is a strength that we each have to lift people
up as opposed to beating people down. It is a
strength we have that has lasting effect. So all that
work that you did that was about engaging with other people,
engaging with perfect strangers and in their face seeing a neighbor.
That has lasting effect. He said that it reminds people
that there are leaders like you who care and will
bring us together.
Speaker 1 (06:14):
Right stop, stop? Is there a human alive who actually
made it any farther in the speech? You're watching this
unless you wanted to have a good laugh, right if
you wanted to get your own glass of booze and
get it, you got a big big laugh out of it.
Like who would sit and listen to this? And her
staff puts this out nobody said, you know, this is
not a good idea. This is the final nail on
the car you want. This is governor of California. Take
a drink. Every time she says the work we've done,
the work we think. Can you imagine if we had
to listen to her be president for four years? Can
you imagine if she win? Because all of a sudden,
people are going, oh, she's for government, she'll win, She'll win.
What do you talking about? What planet are you on?
I want to visit that planet maybe for an hour
to see what is it like to have a world
where people listen and look at Kamala Harris go, yeah,
that is the greatest leader. Forty million people in California
and she's the one play some more.
Speaker 3 (07:19):
And you know, sometimes in the darkest moments, people lose
faith in that are there people out there that feel
that way? And you reminded people that yes, there are,
and there are a lot of us, and that strength
cannot be taken from us. That is our strength.
Speaker 1 (07:36):
Got Now, I guess she's reading this. Maybe they got
a teleprompteror thing going. Who wrote this? Did she write
this or does she have a staff member who can
channel her? I mean, it's just so new age spiritual
kind of But there's no, it doesn't there's no point
to this. It's actually making sleepy. Maybe she stoned. This
is the I think this is the way people talk
after they've had too many hits. Play some more.
Speaker 3 (08:10):
It cannot be taken from us, So listen. As I
said the day after the election, I still strongly believe
the light of America's promise will burn bright as long
as we never give up and we keep fighting. And
the fight that fueled our.
Speaker 1 (08:31):
Campaign, what do we fight?
Speaker 3 (08:32):
Fight for freedom and opportunity that did not end on
November fifth, a fight for the dignity of all people
that did not end on November fifth, And a fight
for the future drunk here, a future in which all
people all receive the promise of America.
Speaker 1 (08:51):
No, a fight we all are going to receive the
promise of America. Does that come in the mail? Or
what is that? Amazon comes by it leads a box
at your door? What is that? That's the promise of America?
Keep going?
Speaker 3 (09:17):
No? No, A fight that is about a fight for
the ideals of our nation, the ideals that reflect the
promise of America. That fight's not over Oh, so look,
we still have a lot to fight for, Okay. A
future where every American can pursue their dreams, ambitions, and aspirations,
where the women of America have the right to make
decisions about their own body, not their government telling them
what to do. Or fight for the rule of law,
for freedom, for all equal justice.
Speaker 1 (09:48):
There's a lot of fighting.
Speaker 3 (09:49):
I'm kind of tired the sacred principle that everyone, no
matter where they start out, has certain fundamental rights and
freedoms that must be upheld.
Speaker 1 (10:00):
That's not over.
Speaker 3 (10:01):
That fight's still enough.
Speaker 1 (10:03):
To switch brands. I don't know, and you know this is.
Speaker 3 (10:06):
An uncertain time. I'm clear out about that.
Speaker 1 (10:09):
I know you're clear.
Speaker 3 (10:10):
Out about it. And it feels heavy.
Speaker 1 (10:14):
It feels heavy, and.
Speaker 3 (10:16):
I just have to remind you. Don't you ever let
anybody take your power from you?
Speaker 1 (10:22):
No, I won't. You have the same you want to
know where I keep my power.
Speaker 3 (10:25):
That you did before November.
Speaker 1 (10:27):
Nobody's touching that.
Speaker 3 (10:28):
And you have the same purpose that you did, and
you have the same more ability to engage and inspire.
So don't ever let anybody or any circumstance take your
power from you.
Speaker 1 (10:43):
Okay, I promise now just stop. No, you're not going
to stop.
Speaker 3 (10:48):
Look this this mission that we have, it takes hard work.
As you've heard me say many times, we like hard work.
Hard work is good work.
Speaker 1 (11:00):
Hard work is good work.
Speaker 3 (11:01):
Hard work can be joyful. Work a joyful and in
doing our work, we will remain committed and intentional about
a good community.
Speaker 1 (11:11):
Okay, I gotta we gotta stop here. People are driving
off the road. There's there's accidents all over southern California
right now. When we come back, I understand now why
so many Commala supporters went into shock and we're so
upset and shaved their heads and swore off sex. Most
of them thought that Kamala was going to win because
a lot of the polls said so. But I was
thought in the back of my mind. When people asked me,
what do you think is going to happen? I said,
have no idea, because there was just a disconnect between
what I was seeing and what we knew in the polling.
David poof Campaigned Kamala is campaign senior advisor. David poof
Obama Guy. He went on a podcast and told the
truth about the campaign that they well, I'm not gonna
I'll tell you. We'll come back big truth.
Speaker 4 (12:06):
Though you're listening to John Cobelt on demand from KFI
AM six forty.
Speaker 1 (12:13):
You can follow us at John Cobelt Radio on all
the social media platforms at John Cobelt Radio. All right,
we are now going to move on from Kamala Harris
as a drunken, drunken inspirational pep talk that she was
giving her followers to a clip from David Plouf. She
he was the senior advisor for the Kamala campaign. He
went on a podcast called Pod Save America and he
told the truth and it was so shocking. Now, as
I mentioned, it was impossible to tell what was going
to happen, but I noticed in the last couple of weeks.
You'll remember this, Kamala started screaming that Trump was a
fascist and all her all her surrogates were calling him
a Nazi. And now that's really aggressive, and you cut
in politics, when you see candidates go there, it's usually
because they're panicking that their numbers are not good, and
so they're trying to stir up all kinds of negative
emotions against the opponent. That's generally what you do. It's
like you pull the emergency rip chord and Trump was
going around putting on comedy skits, driving the garbage truck,
handling orders at McDonald's, and there just was a disconnect
because he seemed like he was cruising, he was enjoying himself,
and Kamila and her crowd was getting angrier and more
frightened over this Nazi fascist dictator nonsense. Well there was
a reason for that, and David Plouff explains it, and
cut number three.
Speaker 5 (13:55):
We got in my recollection is some of that snap back.
But you know, we were behind. I mean, I think
it surprised people because there was these public polls that
came out in late September early October showing us with
leads that we never saw, you know. I mean it
was just basically a race that in the battlegrounds was
forty six, forty seven, forty seven, forty eight. So that's
not where we started. We started behind. She was able
to climb out. I think even after the debate we
might have gained what point five to one. It wasn't
a race that moved a lot.
Speaker 1 (14:27):
In other words, they were behind in their internal polls,
which are more accurate than the entire summer and fall July, August, September, October.
In their internal polls, they were always behind. They closed
the gap a little bit, but they never made it
over the hump, except the public polls were showing that
she was ahead. In fact, there was a stretch late
September early October. I have the list of polls here.
I'll read them to you, and after I finished this,
you will conclude that the pulling industry and the media
that sponsors these polls, they it is all one big lie.
It's not margin of error polling problem. It's a lie.
They intentionally cook the books because they wanted to create
a climate of momentum for Kamala. Harris, you can't have
all these polls be so wrong. Now, David Pluf says
they were behind the whole way through. Okay, And all
these polls were taken between September twenty first and October seventh.
I've got Harris plus two. Let's see who is that?
But IPSOS then Harris plus five, Morning Consult, Harris plus one, Yahoo,
Harris plus three I and I TIP, Harris plus one, PEW,
Harris plus three DFP. I don't know that service. Harris
plus three New York Times Harris plus one, Emerson Harris
plus two NPR. The only poll that was correct was Rasmussen,
Trump plus two, New York Post Harris plus four, Morning
Consult Harris plus five, Susquehanna Harris plus five, IPSOS, Harris
plus three Ipsos, Harris plus five, all between September twenty
first and October seventh. How many polls did I do?
Speaker 6 (16:41):
Speaker 1 (16:41):
Five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen,
fifteen polls fourteen to the fifteen had Harris winning At
the exact same time, David Plouf says none of their
internal polls had Cobblo winning it. They intentionally were lying.
If you have a margin of error, the margin of
error should go both ways if it was a close race.
How come there never was except for Rasmus and Harassment.
By the way, had Trump ahead in every single one
of their polls during that time. I checked. Then Pluth
explained why they had so much trouble with Harris as
a candidate. Well, for one thing, she couldn't disavow what
happened in the Biden administration. They never figured out how
to distance her. Even though voters were sick of the
Biden The Biden administration. She felt like she was part
of it, said ploof, So why should she look back,
and cherry picked some things that she would have done
differently when she was part of it. She had tremendous
loyalty to President Biden. You remember that's when along those
lines Harris said, nothing comes to mind when she was
on the view and said what would you do do
differently than Joe Biden? Nothing comes to mind. Well, imagine
if we said, well, we would have taken this approach
on the border, then you would have had of around
the stories coming out after that, people saying, well, she's
never said that in a meeting, Well, in the meeting
she said this, Or I remember when she said that
it wasn't going to give us what we needed because
it wouldn't be a clean break, which makes sense. Nothing
would come to mind because she agreed with all the
Biden policies, and she was in on the meetings, and
if she had a vote, her vote was the same
as Joe Biden everyone else. So she supported all the
policies that led to wild inflation. She supported leaving the
border wide open. That whole thing with her, as the
borders are was fake. It was nonsense. It was a distraction.
So no wonder women are shaving their heads. They were
lied to for months. MSNBC's ratings have dropped by fifty
percent since election day because a lot of the viewers
realized they were lied to, they were betrayed, They were
told one thing, and then reality happened. There should have
been reports coming out every day that Trump is winning
by one or two points or three points, because that
was the truth. Instead, you never had him winning because
the media really was lying to you and the pollsters
were really lying to you. So that's it. That's three
strikes and you're out on polling. No more presidential polling,
not here, not ever dealing with it again, not even
for a minute. It's all garbage, lies, nonsense.
Speaker 4 (19:44):
You're listening to John Cobels on demand from KFI Am
six forty.
Speaker 1 (19:50):
We were talking about this story yesterday. They had yesterday
afternoon a court hearing. The city of Burbank has been
trying to use eyes. A dog named Conan. Conan's a
pit bull, and Conan's owners took him on a walk
and they ran into a neighbor and he bit the neighbor.
I gave that person well it's a woman gave the
woman a warning bite, and Conan's owners say that the
woman had been harassing the dog for months and so
Conan reacted to seeing her.
Speaker 2 (20:32):
And what's the warning bite? I mean, was it just
a little nip?
Speaker 1 (20:35):
Well, pitbulls they can go right for your juggler.
Speaker 2 (20:37):
I get it. But I mean we haven't heard. I mean,
is this woman in the hospital, is she dying?
Speaker 1 (20:42):
Well, we're going to talk now to Cherra Scott Astrov.
She's a spokesperson for Conan's owners and she's also with
Animal Rescue Mission, and we're going to talk about what
happened and then what went on at the hearing yesterday,
because there hasn't been a decision from what I understand.
So let's get share on welcome Thank you.
Speaker 6 (21:06):
Can you hear me?
Speaker 1 (21:06):
Okay, yes I can? Uh So a lot of people
have heard the headline, can you can you tell the
story about about what happened when Conan's owners by that?
What are the names.
Speaker 6 (21:18):
Sylvia Franco and Nelson.
Speaker 1 (21:22):
Grand Nelson and Sylvia, Yeah, their their names are in
the in the news stories yesterday. So Nilson and Sylvia
are walking Conan and they w actually.
Speaker 6 (21:31):
That that part of the story is wrong in the media.
Sylvia was standing in front of her home, so they
the front of our home is an alleyway, and she
was standing in front of her home like hosing off something,
you know, doing housework, and the neighbor walked up to
her in the albey.
Speaker 1 (21:56):
I see, and then Conan was just walked around freely.
Speaker 6 (22:02):
Conan was in their home. They they have like his
iron gate that's normally closed, it wasn't closed at the time,
and Conan heard, you know, kind of his mom talking
to this not talking the woman talking to his mother.
And this is a woman that has been her assing
Conan for a long time. He basically went out to
make sure his mother was okay. He stood next to her,
and then the woman started doing her thing. I have
to tried lightly because I don't want to talk too
much about the woman, but she.
Speaker 1 (22:42):
You know, yeah, there were there was media reports that
she would scream at the dog.
Speaker 6 (22:49):
Yeah, she would scream and kick the fence. And this
went on multiple times a day. And you know, I
spoke to some of the other neighbors. She does it
to them as well. She he's kind of you know,
he can she's can be scary, and so Conan is
already afraid of this person, and his mother kind of
stands behind him, and the woman kept, you know, flailing
her arms, and he gave a warning bite and and
yeah that I mean a warning bite from an eighty
pound pit. It's not gonna look pretty.
Speaker 1 (23:26):
Where was the bite on her arm? And he chopped
on the arm and held the bite for a moment.
Speaker 6 (23:38):
Well, the behaviorist yesterday in court said it's considered a
warning bite because it was like a one bite. But
you know what we have to understand as an eighty
prone dog, like even a warning bite, it's not gonna
it's not gonna look pretty. But yeah, so he gave
a warning bite. They said it lasted either either fifteen
to twenty seconds, and Sylvia called for her husband. He
ran out and he said Conan drop it or Conan
let go, and you know, Conan amily let go, and
then Conan's mom called an ambulance. And you know, the
parents are so nice, like they're just the sweetest people.
So they didn't know to do things that most people
wouldn't know to do, like, for instance, I wish they
got a restraining order against this woman a while ago.
I wish they had a camera in front of our house.
You know, things that like really nice, sweet people don't
think of, you.
Speaker 1 (24:33):
Know, right to prove that there was ongoing harassment. That explain.
Speaker 6 (24:40):
Yeah, but you know, they had no idea that this
would happen. But you know, if it were me, I
would have a camera from my house immediately. I would
have a straining order, you know. But like, you know,
really I don't know, like most people who are civilized
and sweet and calm and just you know, live a
simple life, love their dogs, they don't think about those things,
all right.
Speaker 1 (25:01):
So I assume the police were then called and the
dog was taken away, and now City of Burbank has
declared Coning dangerous and they're going to have to kill
the dog.
Speaker 6 (25:09):
No, that's no listen to this. It's been eleven months
since this happened. The dog has been with them the
entire times, eleven months ago in January. How dangerous do
they really think he is? By the way, this is
the sweetest dog. I have now spent so much time
with him, and I run an animal rescue. I've been
an animal rescue for over thirty years. This is Conyan
is so well behaved, and they are the parents that
I want for every dog, Like he sleeps in their bed,
He's the center of their world, he's their only child.
Speaker 1 (25:46):
What what What is the city of Burbank's interest in
carrying on for all this time?
Speaker 6 (25:53):
So that's the biggest question everyone has. I am shocked
at this. Why they are putting all their time and
resources into murdering a dog that clearly poses zero threat,
Like there have been multiple trainers that said this was
an isolated incident and he was provoked, and if a
dog is provoked in the city of Bourbon, you cannot
punish the dog for that. I don't know why they're
going so hard. My only guess is that this animal
control officer who basically fabricated this whole report is now
just in it too deep. But I really don't understand,
especially now that all the city officials in Burbank know
that so much of this report was falsified, there were
documents missing, there were latent lives. Why they even let
it get thus far? Oh and so after the incident,
the City of Burbank deemed like they made a ruling
that he gets killed immediately based on just complete false case.
Speaker 1 (26:59):
The issues the death penalty here, is there the name
of someone or is there some death penalty committee?
Speaker 6 (27:06):
It's it was, It wasn't even before judge. It was
I hearing in Burbank on zoom. And I'm not sure
who decides that. I know that the senior animal control
officer that is kind of behind this whole thing, she
was on it. I don't know if she makes that
decision or if the city attorney does. But once that happened,
then the family got a lawyer, and then what we've
just been in is the appeal hearing.
Speaker 1 (27:33):
Well, they got to get Conan out of town. I
think they had to find like a safe house for Conan, like.
Speaker 6 (27:43):
Eight years old. He's never spent more than like three
hours away from his dad. Like they're so attached. And
these poor people like they've just been through such how
they don't have the money to be doing any of this.
They're just the nicest, nicest people.
Speaker 1 (27:58):
These are these petty bureaucrats, tyrants. They have a tiny
bit of power and it makes them crazy. It's like
a narcotic all right, So the judge is going to
rule win.
Speaker 6 (28:11):
Closing arguments are via zoom on Monday. So I assume
we will have a decision next week.
Speaker 1 (28:19):
I see, well, I think Conan should live. I know
how Debora is going to vote here. Of course we're
not on the committee, but can we Can you come
on next week and let us know what happened?
Speaker 6 (28:34):
Absolutely, I absolutely, yeah.
Speaker 1 (28:37):
Maybe maybe we'll drive Conan to a safe house, although
we be charged to probably meet him. Well, I'm a
little skintish about pit bulls. No, I want to make
it clear, I'm a little biased against pit bulls. But
I understand here Conan is being treated unfairly.
Speaker 6 (28:55):
Well, I think that's why you need to meet him,
because you will lick your face. You will get on
his back and belly rubs, and you'll see that you're
nothing to.
Speaker 1 (29:02):
Worry about it. And I don't like being licked on
the face. I mean, with certain exceptions, but oh my god,
huh no, I don't I know. Do you like being
lickd on the face?
Speaker 5 (29:12):
Speaker 2 (29:12):
I don't like what my dogs look me at all, right,
but they do it because they're affectionate.
Speaker 1 (29:17):
That's what it is.
Speaker 2 (29:17):
It's affection.
Speaker 1 (29:18):
Look, you can you know, if Conan survives, you can
bring him over to the station. Oh yeah, and he
could co host too, since we're all right listen, we
he would love that. He's got the right personality. He's
he's got the KFI Yeah, literally the pit pull personality. Shira. Well,
we're rooting for Conan and we'll talk to you next week.
Speaker 6 (29:45):
Thank you. Sounds good?
Speaker 1 (29:46):
All right? Shira Scott Astrov with Animal Rescue Mission and
a spokesman, spokesperson for Conan's owners.
Speaker 2 (29:53):
This is ridiculous. This happened almost a year ago and
we're still dealing with this. Let the dog live and
let's move on people.
Speaker 1 (29:59):
This is uh, well, I want to know the name
of the bureaucrat who's insisting on the death penalty. Yeah,
they're always in the shadows. They're always hidden, these people. Well,
we'll see what happens next week.
Speaker 4 (30:11):
You're listening to John Cobels on demand from KFI A six.
Speaker 1 (30:17):
Carl Demayo coming up after two o'clock. He is the
newestsembleman representing a district in the San Diego area, and
he has been a leader in fighting all the idiocy
and Sacramento by Newsom Jerry Brown and the Democratic legislature,
and he is unveiling a contract to reform California ten points,
modeled after the contract with America that Nude Gingridge presented
thirty years ago. So this is a ten point agenda,
and these are proposals to fix California. And Demayo is
going to introduce these proposals on December second, his first
day in office. He's going to share with us the
contractor reform California coming up right after two o'clock, because
this has got to end. The way we're living has
got to end, all right now. We earlier we played
old Chardonay camel as she was deep into her wine,
and she recorded a five minute address to her followers,
which just made no sense. It was longer than five minutes.
That was always gave you. It was longer than five minutes.
It was about ten minutes, and it was it was
the same tenor just just about firaling around with all
these vague phrases. Well, she is very disappointed, and I
just you know. And then then you have these women
in Wisconsin, twenty of them. They gathered in Clode Park,
Kalo d E Clody Park, right off the shores of
Lake Michigan in the Milwaukee area, and they gathered to scream.
I guess they were. They were screaming on the beach.
They were screaming at the water to let out all
this their anger and frustration over Kamala losing. We got
a clip of this.
Speaker 2 (32:33):
It's healing.
Speaker 1 (32:42):
Pray for their husbands if they have any Wow, that's
uh ah, that's really nuts. Yeah, they stood on the shore.
Speaker 2 (32:55):
Well, it's better than you know, screaming at their husbands.
Speaker 1 (32:59):
I have a feeling some of those women have an
inexhaustible supply of screaming in their in their systems. Some
of them were bent at the waist so they could
fully let out their frustration. How does that help? You
bent at the waist and you scream?
Speaker 2 (33:12):
I've never done that.
Speaker 1 (33:14):
Did that's the longest you've screamed?
Speaker 6 (33:17):
Speaker 2 (33:17):
When I've done voiceover work and I had to Oh,
and I've never just screamed.
Speaker 1 (33:21):
You don't, you don't. You don't just wander around the house. Uh.
They then, Oh, some of them took off their clothes
and jumped into Lake Michigan for a quick dip.
Speaker 2 (33:36):
And uh, what's the significance of being naked?
Speaker 1 (33:40):
I don't know. I don't know people like this. I
don't either. One of the participants say, I had a
huddle before the scream, and one of the women said
that she had spoke with her granddaughter. Okay, so this
woman at least had a husband and reproduced. And the
granddaughter said, Grandma, do you think she'll run again in
four years? Because I want to help her win. You
think four years from now, Kamala Harris is not going
to make it five minutes in the primary race. What's
she gonna run on the wonders of Joe Biden. See,
the thing is, if she ran in a primary, other
Democrats who realized Biden was a failure would have pointed
that out clearly, and she would have She would have
been sunk during the primaries to have somebody that associated
with the most unpopular administration probably since Jimmy Carter. And
she was so associated with us. And in the end
it turned out she agreed with him on all these matters,
which is why she never separated herself. One more round
of screaming, please, and and these are the women who
didn't shave their heads. Oh my god, all right.
Speaker 2 (35:26):
We come back, carl to We need to make that
John's ring tone.
Speaker 1 (35:32):
Debor Mark Live the CAFI twenty four hour Newsroom. Hey,
you've been listening to The John Cobalt Show podcast. You
can always hear the show live on KFI Am six
forty from one to four pm every Monday through Friday,
and of course, anytime on demand on the iHeartRadio app.