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February 20, 2023 55 mins

LZ is on a girls trip and it's getting dramatic with Tori Spelling.  Tori gets right to it and asks Chris about the recent Bachelor rumors speculating on his return.  Tori reveals how rumors in the media also hurt her relationships with her best friend and co-star Shannen Doherty and her mom.
Then, it gets spicy as they talk about Only Fans.  

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
This is the most dramatic podcast ever and I heart
radio podcast. Welcome to the most dramatic podcast ever. I'm
Chris Harrison. I hope everybody has had an amazing holiday
week and weekend. Um, I spent some time with the family,
was up with the kids at TCU. My son had

a couple of cross games. Congrats to the boys for
winning both their big games. UM, Lauren was not with me.
She went with me last week and we did the
sports stuff. Getting her to do that twice that was
a big ask. And she took a girl's trip this week.
And if you've been following her social media, which you should,
by the way, if you're not following l Z on
social you're missing out maybe the most entertaining social media

site ever. But it's something we really believe in. We've
always believed in. Is is having our separate lives and
taking those girls trips, taking those boys trips, and you know,
they they feed your soul in ways that I can't.
And so I appreciate that, and I appreciate she has
dear friends that she really has had for most of

her adult life. And I think that's important. And I
remember I was actually dating somebody early on after my divorce,
and they had no girlfriends, no very few friends at all,
and I thought, that's that is a red flag. So
one of the things I love about Elzi is she
has so many dear friends in her life that she
makes a priority and wants to spend time with. So
Lzi is not going to be with me today. Filling

in and joining me today is Tor Spelling Donna Martin
nine O two one oh fame. There are so many
things I want to talk to Tori about, and I
am excited that she's joining us on the show. So,
without further ado, Hey Tori, how you doing today? Thank
you so much for being here. Hi Chris Harrison, we

have never met, we are we haven't watch you every week?
I guess well, our paths have never crossed. I thought
about this today. I'm like, and I probably have interviewed
you at some point when I was doing red carpet stuff,
but or we've probably been at the same event. But yeah,
we've never had the opportunity to spend some time together.
And so I am so happy to get to spend

a little time with you today and get to know
you in the and chat and then I have to
say your whole name every time I talk to you,
because I just you're just Chris Harrison to me. So
it happens. And by the way, it's okay, that's what
people do that in public. Uh. Lauren's EMA does not
do that to me, thankfully, but speaking of it would
be awkward. Elz is not here. She is on a
girl's trip. And usually we kicked the show off by

doing headlines. And so if you don't mind, you want
to jump in and do headlines with me, I would
love it. The first one we're going to talk about
is this Megan Fox story. Obviously, her and machine Gun
Kelly uh broke up and she got off Instagram, just
got got done with it, pulled it off, but she

came back. Megan Fox reactivated her Instagram accounts Sunday and
shared a post noting that there was no cheating involved
in her relationship with Machine Gun Kelly. So days after,
she deleted all the photos of herself and and machine Gun.
Do we call a machine gun? Um? I think we do? Yeah?
Mr gunn uh m g K from her profile, so

she removed all all the Instagram then she posted there
has been no third party interference. In this relationship of
any kind that includes, but is not limited to actual
humans d M s a I bots or succubus demons.
While I do hate to rob you of running random,
baseless news stories that would have been much more accurately

written by chat g pt uh, you need to let
this story die and leave all of these innocent people alone. Now,
First of all, I love the sense of humor, but Tory,
what's your take on this? So I did a deep dive.
I went down the rabbit hole on Sunday because I
was not watching football. So I literally I r L
in real type, I R I r D. Yeah, in

real time, I was in real life. I was like
watching this happen, and I went on to Instagram and
people were still like saying, oh my god, she's like
the burning of the letter and all that. And then
all of a sudden, her Instagram disappeared and they weren't
putting it on the news. I was looking at the
news feed simultaneously. Why I was doing this, I don't know. Sorry,

really bored, but um yeah, I watched her Instagram disappeared
and I was fascinated by this. And then there was
all that talk that you followed three people. It was
eminem Um, one other and Timothy Shallow me, which I
was like, Oh, that's a very mg K reference. I
feel like that could be her next it seemed personal
taking um. But yeah, this whole thing played out interferences.

Odd that she puts that because it happened during the
super Bowl, I would say, kind of took over the
super Bowl news except for Rihanna. Well, but what do
you think about her only coming back to say, hey,
there's no third party, he wasn't cheating. I I don't know.
I don't know. I have a lot of feelings about
this because I keep looking the person they're talking about,

a Sophie Lloyd, who's guitarist, and then if you look
at his ex Summer Ray, if you meld the three
of them together, there one person really, one beautiful person,
by the way, one hot person. Yeah. I kind of
have a hot take on this. Okay, what is it?
And it was it got kind of personal for me,
and I felt I liked that she did this, and

here's why. So I went through a very public divorce
after being married for seventeen years, two kids and all
this stuff, and being the host of the show. I
was hosting the Batchelor Bachelrette series. Obviously, everything quickly went to, oh,
he's probably cheating, He's probably you know, sleeping around with
these girls, and that's probably what has driven the wedge
between him. That's instantly what everybody ran to, and that

couldn't have been further from the truth. And as much
as the tabloids tried to make that happen, they couldn't
make that story stick. And actually, my ex wife and
I had this conversation because it was very amicable and
we were still on talking terms. She said, you want
me to say something, and this was back during our divorce.
She said, you want me to go public and actually
make a statement like this, And we decided no. I said,

you know, when you throw more gasoline on the fire,
it's just only gonna exacerbate this. That was my feeling
at the time. But I respected the fact that she
had thought that through as well and was willing to
make that statement public. And so I kind of respect
the fact that Megan could have been a martyr. She
could have said just let this stuff go and everyone, oh,

whoa was Megan Fox and he's cheating on her, and
she could have gotten the sympathy vote, but she didn't
do that. She took that away to make this statement.
So I don't know if that's the reason she did it,
but I respect that only because it kind of hit
home for me. I understand that. And um, yeah, I
went through a very public divorce as well, and you know,

you always wish it was handled like you and your ex.
That is great. Um, you're right. Megan is no victim,
and she never plays that card. Um, she says it
like it is. I don't know though, that there wasn't
something going on here. And you know what, you make
a really good point. It's always the man that they
say is the person doing it. What if it's the woman?
You know, what if she cheated on him. I don't

know the actual percentage, but it is either equal, I
think even larger. That more females, more women cheat on
their spouses than men. Right there, you go. What if
the dishonesty was like he said, he took the trash
out but he didn't. Right, But that that's that's immediately
what it went to. Well, it's it's you know, on
the like the tabloids, and you and I are no

stranger to this. Go straight to that obviously it's juicy,
it gets headlines, and then whether it's true or not
really doesn't matter because then they can report on if
it's not true. And again, this one thing that Megan
did do is now give this story legs. Now people
can write about this, and that's what they want. And
that's why we chose to remain silent, because I knew

there was no validity to my bs, and I knew
it would blow away. As much as they were trying
to call around town and see who I was sleeping
around with, I knew there was nothing there, so I
knew it would go away. And it helps when you can,
you know, put your head down at night and there's
no skeletons in your closet. But I found it interesting
that she only came back just to say this and
did it with a great sense of humor as well.

She always has a really fun, dark sense of humor,
which I appreciate because I think she's hot. I've only
met her once when she she came in and I interviewed,
I think I'm actually talking to Brian Austin Green, someone
you know, and um, she came in with him, and
so I met her years and years ago. I don't
know if you know her. I actually worked with Megan

years ago on a series. This is how funny. They
really got it wrong this time. They we were in
a pilot together and I was a guest star. She
was a regular. And when the pilot went they actually
didn't have enough money for all the regulars, and they
took her out of it and put me as a regular.
They really screwed up. But that she probably has no

recollection of this, but it was called The Help, and
she was like, seriously seventeen years old. But um, I
never met her with Brian. So that's the Megan Fox story. Um,
it's gonna be interesting to see where this goes from here. Though. Yeah,
I'm I'm I don't feel like they're over. Do you
feel like they're over something? Something tells me it just
it doesn't feel over. And that's why I was reluctant,

even from the top of this headline to say they're
broken up, because that move in what she's saying, it
doesn't feel completely over. I agree. I have one more
thing to say about it. What what about the therapy
session that paparazzi got the dark, grainy pictures of them
coming out of a therapy session together I did. That's

a hot take. I didn't even see this. You really
did do a deep dive now, I just happened. I
just happened to look her up once in a blue
men wait before this story came up. But yeah, no,
they were. They were leaving. I mean they could have
been leaving anywhere. They could have been leaving like chilies
or something. Having a bite to eat and giving his
stuff back. I don't know, but they said it was

a marriage counseling sugist doesn't feel Yeah, it doesn't feel
complete yet. It doesn't feel like we can put a
pin in this yet. I think we will have to
revisit the Megan Fox machine Gun Kelly story. Yeah, it
doesn't feel complete yet. You know what else doesn't really
feel complete yet? Chris Harrison the next headline that we're
going to talk about it, hopefully you'll talk about it
with me. Um. So there's a big headline out there,

exit remorse, ABC considering bringing back house did host Chris
Harrison to boost ratings. That's a big one out there.
I know, can you believe that I didn't see that headline?
When did that come out? Yeah? In all seriousness. Yes,
those headlines hit this week a lot, a lot, and

you know, it's funny speaking of a lot. There are
certain stories that hit and they are more impactful, and
I can tell because of who reaches out to me
in my life about this. So most stories that are written,
you know, if my name is in the headline, you
get nothing, nobody. This one was interesting because I was

driving to get dinner the other night. My dad calls,
not strange, but I pick up the phone. He's like, Hey,
are you going back to that show you were working for?
And by the way he says that show, it didn't
mean that to be derogatory. Honestly, my dad probably does
not know the name of the show I was hosting

for twenty years. Uh, And I love him for that.
And I'm not even joking, but exactly that show. So
Dad calls me. Then two of my best friends I
mean talking about friends I talked to on the daily
called and said, hey, are you are you going back?
What in the world is happening? So do you Tory?
Do you get that too? Of there are certain stories

that are so impactful, and you know because of who
reaches out to you personally all the time. I mean
they have written about my marriage. Well, we've been married
seventeen year, seventeen years, on again, off again, and I
know it's yeah. My brother reached out to me and
he's like, I know they always write stuff, but is
it true that you guys are Kenny in divorce? And
I was like, what about this one made it more

impactful that you thought maybe when this time it's true?
So yes, I know what you mean. It is interesting
though sometimes it does, it just strikes a chord. And
so this one obviously was very personal for a lot
of people who went through what I went through, and
they went through it with me. These are the people
that were in the right. They were in the foxhole
with me each and every day, and so these are
people that are are really shocked to see this headline. Well,

apparently ABC is considering bringing you back because they're having
dismal Bachelor ratings. Well, look here's the story as well.
By the way, the real story that broke was internal
conversations are being had by ABC executives about bringing me back.
Do I think these conversations have happened? Probably, And and

here's why, I think it would almost be crazy not
to if you're running a business, any business at all,
and that business sales are down fifty to and falling,
and everybody can see the numbers. We know what's happening,
and you think there's something that could change that and

fix that. Of course you're going to have that conversation.
You would be crazy not to have that conversation. And
with the advent of this podcast, the most dramatic podcast ever,
They've seen the numbers, they've seen the response in my
social media. They're not deaf to all that they've seen
what's happening. So am I shocked that these conversations are happening. No,

it's not. It would not be a surprise. In fact,
I would be shocked if they weren't happening. Right And
when they say internal conversations, is that the version of
like a source says for like a celebrity, right, Well,
they said a source within ABC said these con stations
are taking place. That was the actual story. And then
from there it's spread to you know, is Chris Harrison

coming back? And actually Chris Harrison is coming back and
they're talking to him, and so it obviously go you
know how it goes from there, clickbait, click bait, but
the two original stories had the source inside the network
saying these conversations were happening. Well, I wondered, do you
believe that ABC could have leaked the story? I mean
I keep going like, who put the story out there

to get legs? I mean, we know it's not Jesse Palmer,
So right, um, you know, I I don't. I don't know. Uh,
you know, you would have to ask them. But would
it be the craziest thing? Chris Harrison, hang on, you
call an ABC? Yeah, I have a direct number? And
do you go? Do you do? You go straight to
the top, you go to Mickey Mouse? Who do you
go to? Well? For years, I mean my dad had

all of his shows there and it used to be
called off the record Aaron Broadcast Company. So I'm pretty high.
I bet you do. Um, but sorry, what were you saying? Oh?
I just you know, would it be crazy to send
out that test balloon and to see how people respond?
Of course? Yeah, So it's it's not the most outlandish,
crazy story. Although it did make waves and it got

a lot. And again whether that was the intention of
all this, you know, who knows, but that it definitely
made the press. Well, I mean, that's not the real question.
The real question is would you consider going back? That's
the multimillion dollar question on the table, the multi zillion
dollar questions. Look here, here's the thing. And I'm not

being dodgy when I talk about this because I've talked
about it previously as well. It's complicated. First of all,
I live by the actiom never say never, because I
I just think in life and in business that comes
back to bite you in the butt. So I'll never
say never. But with that said, it is complicated. Would

I have that conversation? Yes. I also believe in relationships
and in business, take a phone call and you listen
and you have that conversation. Whether it's uncomfortable or not.
I think you've got to have that personal phone call.
So yes, I would have that conversation. I would listen.
I would listen to anybody who calls me and go
through it. But and I hate to leave it at that,
but it is very complicated and it would be very complicated. Wow,

you just left me wanting more, because when people say
it's complicated, they mean it's complicated. I mean, do you
miss doing the Bachelor? You have so much else going on?
You know, and I want to eventually get to you
on this because you have great perspective being a part
of a franchise that was so historic at nine oh

for a decade of your life and being known as
something and so you know, multiply that by two. So
for twenty years I was the host of this franchise
and it was a historic franchise as well. So I'm
grateful to that. I will always be grateful for that
in my life. It changed my life, It changed my
kids lives. I have a lot of friends that are
still there working on the show I really care about,

and so I loved my time, not all of it.
It was still a job and there were things I
didn't love, but that's the way it is at any job.
But overall, it was amazing. It was an incredible experience.
And I could go on and on about the travel
and seeing the world and having never done that in
my life and having that opportunity to taking my kids
around the world. So again, all these things that were

so wonderful my life have to do with this show.
And so many milestones happened during the show because it
was you know, from the time I was thirty, you know,
almost to when I was fifty years old. That's my
professional life when I was doing this show. So it
was really impactful and so yeah, I loved it. I
loved parts of it. Did it change? Yes? And was

it the same in the last several years. No, it
was not. And I was contemplating when it was going
to be time. That was the first time I started
having those conversations. And Lauren and I have have had
those conversations, and she, now that she's got to know me,
has even said, wow, I've I've I see now that

you you were really torn by this, and so that's
why I say it would be incredibly complicated. Okay, so
what I'm hearing here is ABC, if you're listening, and
you're obviously totally listening, he will take the call. We
have a lot to talk about. We'll see where this goes.

What about you? And I mean, because I don't mind
being synonymous with the Bachelor Bachlrette, I don't mind even
when I go out today and you know, I was
up in at TCU seeing my kids and people come
up to me and talk about the show, and I
don't mind that. Do you mind being known or called
Donna Martin and being known as Beverly Hills nine two one. Oh,

absolutely not. I actually get mad when I hear people
say like, oh, I'd rather stay away from that. I
don't want to talk about that show anymore. It's the
show that, you know, whether it's a TV show, movie,
anything that made you like, how could you not? So
I'm grateful and I always say I'm fifty Tory Donna,

like you know, we're we're technically the same person. So um,
I'll always be grateful. And when people say Donna, I
turn around just as fast as I do when they
say Tori. Well, I think it's interesting that there are
those and you know these people. Uh, there's even people
from my show that have gone on, and there's actors
and actresses. When they you'll bring something up or something's

mentioned in an interview and like, I don't want to
talk about that. Yeah, I don't want to talk about
being on the batchelor, right right, Yeah, that's not me anymore.
It's like, well, I understand, but it's the only reason
I'm talking to you. So it's okay to give into that.
But it doesn't have to define you the rest of
your life. You can go on and define yourself however
you want. But I find it interesting those people and

I'm during I guess my question to you is, who
are those people? What is it about certain people that
just they got to leave that certain part of their
past behind, whether it was a part they played or
a show they were on, But they can't. That's the thing.
They're trying to run away from, something that they'll never
run away from. So we should just take it head on,
answer the question, then move on to what you really

want to talk about. But dismissing in and saying that, oh,
you know, I don't know, because it's always if people
love you for a certain thing, they're always going to
love you for a certain thing. You're right, and we
loved you for Donna Martin and in that whole part
of it was so that show was so transformational for
so many people. And I know you've heard all these
stories obviously, but a show that's that impactful and was

a part of so many people's lives, how do you
deny that? You can't? I mean, I'm so grateful, Like
both of us were National treasures. National treasures, Chris Harrison,
you and I both so wait wait, So at night
I was doing the math. You were seventeen seventy when
you jumped on sixteen when I did the pilot, so

six games ten years. So from sixteen to when you're
seven years old, very very tough age to be a teenager.
And my daughter is about that age. She's I mean
just she's nineteen now, but I just went through those
years with her. Those are tough years. When life is perfect,
when life is great. I can't imagine so many insecurities,

so many chemicals running through your body at the time,
and then you put on that platform that had to
be so bizarrely difficult for you. It's funny you said
life is perfect, life is great during those years. I
have teenagers now, and all I keep thinking is, oh
my god, they think they have it bad. Now. Imagine
having to go through what you're going through on national
TV and like people watching you being under a microscope.

So you know, my teens will be like, oh, I
don't feel good, I don't look good, my face is
breaking out, and I'm like, yeah, yeah, I know that well,
but imagine I had to still do it on t
BE every single week. It was hard. Yeah. There wasn't
the Internet then, which my kids like to remind me,
you know, and they asked if there were cars back then.
But there was like chatboards you could go to and
they would write the most horrific things. I mean, things

that now, atte years old, I still remember and let
kind of let define my life. I hated my eyes
for years, just until recently, because people used to be like, oh,
bug eyes, frog eyes, and I'd be like, oh my god,
my big eyes suck. Now I realized they're one of
my best assets. At seventeen years old. Eighteen years old

so difficult. And I at the beginning of this, you know,
when I was talking about you coming on the show.
What I find interesting is I don't love talking to
people where everything is perfect in life and you know,
they're just you know, living life one positive quote after
the other. I like people who I mean, you, honestly,
percentage wise shouldn't even be sitting here. Child star. Father

was unbelievably famous, as you said, I mean, running every
network and getting everything. You know, if he pitched something
at lunch, it was on that afternoon. So growing up
in Hollywood, growing up under the shadow of that, and
then being famous yourself and then going the reality route,
it's amazing you're sitting here. Yeah, I was always a

good girl. I was a good kid, and I you
know what, I was always work focused and I think
I learned that from my dad. I mean, my dad
was a workaholic, but on the weekends, always many time
for us. And I grew up with that like sense
of drive. I'm super driven, like I want something to happen.
I'm gonna keep going until it happens. And I've always
been like that. So I didn't have time to get

lost in the Hollywood shuffle of like, you know, I
went out and stuff, but going down the rabbit hole
of drugs and stuff, you know, I was focused on
doing my job and what was the next big thing. Yeah,
but you say that so almost flippantly, I know it
doesn't happen. No, you had to make those decisions. I
mean you look at the percentage of child stars, especially
that come from a very famous parent like that. It's
not a it's not an easy task. I mean, kudos

to your parents, who I don't know either. Um, I
didn't know, but that is amazing though that you you
were centered with that drive and never never took a
right when you easily could have. You stayed on this path,
you easily could have taken that. Well. I didn't say
I was a good driver, but yes, well you were
kind of known. And this, this actually brings me to

a headline that maybe I buried here because you were
known Donna Martin as America's virgin. Yes, obviously something else
that was difficult to carry with you through your teenage
years and then into your twenties. But did I read
this story right? You have spent money, You've been paying
money to see Denise Richards naked on Only Fans? Is

this true? Guilty? For real? Yes, this is for real.
So Denise and I have been friends since well she
was on nine two one we met. That's when we met,
like when she was like fifteen, So we've known each
they're all these years, stayed friends, were good friends, and yeah,
when I heard she was on Only Fans, I was like, interesting,

I'm not gonna lie. I was like, hmm, can I
can an actress like really transition and do this and
still have her career and still be okay with being
a mom and people not giving her, you know, a
hard time. So I did click on there at Christmas dinner,
which is what everyone does at the Christmas dinner table. Yeah,
we're deciding do we want to play card games or
look at Denise Richard's naked and the way well done?

You know what. I'm a smart cookie, Harrison, so I yeah,
so I want to look on it to just be like, oh,
let's see what this is. But they get you. They're
super smart. On only Fans. They cover things up. You know.
There was like a peach covering something and it was
like I was like, oh, well, I can't see anything.
Oh but if you subscribe you can see more. So
and then it says if you d M the person

um and tip them, they're more likely to send you
a picture faster because they send a picture to your
d M. For all those who have never been on
Only Fans, I'll admit, and I'm not just lying for
public consumption here. I've never been on only Fans, So
I actually had no hits complicated. I had no idea.
I actually don't know. I mean, I know you have

to pay and they need a subscription, but so you
don't you did you then subscribe? And did you d
M Denise? I did? And I did it under my alias,
which is like my hotel alias. I've checked in for
years since nine o two one. Oh. So I was like,
she probably knows that name. Probably told her, well, I'm
I'm dying to ask you what that alias is. I

can't tell you. Well, it's it's it's a pairing of
my first dog and in the nineties my favorite star. Interesting.
Um but I yeah, and so I was like, HI,
would love to see how are you? Would love to
see more? I like what I see, would love to
see more. And I think tipping did get me a

d M faster because I got a picture and then
I was like, oh, that looks good. Okay, well but
now I want to see more. So it really gets
you going in that rabbit hole. And then the next
day I saw that you could get a v I
P subscription and it was like, normally I'm not going
to see the number, right, but it was like a
hundred and fifty dollars but today only it's so of

course I had to do the v I It's just
like going to Costco. You never know what consumers. And
I was like, look at the deal I'm getting here.
I'm getting a good deal. So I got it anyway, Yeah,
four hundred dollars later, Um, I saw a lot more
of my friend than I've ever seen. So so I
don't know how far is Denise taken. This is it topless?
Is it full nude? What you doing? Okay? Do you

see feet? Feet is a big one. As I was
doing this, the foot culture out there is really bizarre.
Oh my gosh. As I was doing this and my
friends are like, you would do really well and only fans,
I was like, I don't know. And then my son,
who is ten and is always on his video games
and never looks up, he goes, Mom, actually put your
feet on feet Finder. You'll do much better. And I go,

what Finn? He goes, feet Finder, You'll make a lot
of money. Have you ever done a deep drive on
feet Finder? My ten year old should not be on that.
But yeah, Lauren went on at one time because she's
very she's very highly rated because she was on Entertainment
Tonight for so many years and obviously I guess show
her feet from time to time and so you're talking
wicky feet? Oh is that what that is? Okay? So yeah,
she was on so wherever they rate your feet, she was.

She was very highly rated. And I said, babe, do
do start with some foot stuff. Let's go. Um, so
am I to understand? First of all, you saw your
friend naked, and have you talked to Denise about this? So?
Oh so she just shows boobs and butt no bottom
half front and so just to clear up, have you
talked to her? Did she does? She finally know that
it was tory spelling, so I felt really weird. So

I texted her that night and I said, hey, Mama,
I just want to talk to you about something. It
was Christmas, though, so she didn't text me back. And
then next week I went on Jeff Louis Live and
I told the story and then Dense texted me and
she was like, I'm dying. That is the funniest thing.
And I said, all fairness, I tried to text you first.

You didn't respond because I'm so sorry. We were stick
over Christmas. So yeah, she knows. Maybe the biggest question,
are you seriously contemplating doing only fans? It's complicated. No,

you can't repeat my answer, Oh I can't. Okay, Uh
I would. I would take the call because I know
I always believe in taking the call and just listening. Okay,
I'm just kidding. So you're saying there's a chance. So
you're saying there's a chance. Um, you know what, help
me through this one, Chris Harrison? What would be the
pros and cons for me as an outside perspective of

someone in this business? You have five six children? Right? Yes?
Five at home? Still are all six? Um, my stepson
is here, actually my stepdaughters here. I have seven kids
in the house right now. So five from my belly, yes, good,
and they range from the ones from my belly are

from ages fifteen to five. Okay, so that's a lot.
By the way, God bless you. So now you know
why I'm thinking about only I mean clearly, I know
that a lot of people are doing it and making
absolute bank on this and crushing it. Yes, in your mind,

what would you be willing to do like scantily clad,
like dressed lingerie? We're talking just feet. Maybe you just
dabble and start with the foot stuff. But how like
in your in all seriousness, how far do you think
you would be willing to go? Well, I did do
a deeper dive, and I see like my friend comedian
Atney Cummings is on Only Fans and she does it

and her in there was you know, I'm going to
tell you if you dm me jokes like dirtier jokes
that you wouldn't normally get. So I was like, maybe
there's a creative way. I like comedy. I do a
lot of funny skits. Maybe there's something I could do
and be scantily clad in those skits. I don't know,
because what here's the thing with me, No matter what

I do, people have something to say about it. Of course,
I guess I'm polarizing. I don't know. Well, I don't
think you're polarizing. I think you're just you've had this
part of our heart and soul and that's what That's
what I guess hits me is what would people pay
to see Donna Martin from nine one oh naked? Or
of course they're going to that would be a draw.

I mean, see, it has to be that it has
to be some sort of America's favorite virgin. It would
have to be some sort of Donna Martin nod which
is that just crossing the line altogether naked at the
peach pit like we're going with this? I just I know,
I find it fascinating and I wonder how many of

these conversations have taken place in households across America when
you know, people are seeing how much money is being made,
and I'm sure some of it's being over, you know,
exaggerated millions and millions and I made a million dollars
this month or whatever, but there's still a lot of
money being made. And I'm sure Denise, if you've talked
to her, has she said what the downside is? Has

she felt any negativity towards this other than having to
deal with the fact that she is a mom as well?
She has said she thought she would have a backlash
because she's a mom and an actress, and she says, no,
it's quite the opposite. So but yeah, it would be
a hard one because I know the fans are super
invested in me as Donna Martin, America's virgin um. And

if I was going to do something like this, it
should have been years ago. I mean the Donna Martin
like vibrator or something something we could have done somewhere. Yeah.
My sman always said I missed the boat and I
should have made the Donna Martin pocket, So, um, wait,
can I say that on your show? Absolutely, the Donna Martin,
the Donna Martin Pocket. Thank you it's not not easy

to say, um, rolls just right off your tongue. I
just had a question, and for some reason, the pocket
definitely threw me. How would you justify this and how
would you have this conversation with your kids? Oh? Good thing,
good good one, good one, good one. Um. I think

as long as here's something, I think only fans gets
a bad name. So before only fans was, you know,
born and nude. It was actually I remember them approaching
me and it was going to be like a cameo
type situation where you could go and do videos and
talk to your fans and they could tip you all that,
and then all of a sudden it took a different direction.
And now I think they're really trying to bring it back.

The people they have chefs on making meals. I don't
know if they're doing it naked, but it's just I
don't know. So I feel like if there's another way
in I'm not saying I wouldn't show revealing stuff. I
do that anyway on my own Instagram. So like, I
think my kids would be supportive. Dean would have no
problem with this. He totally supports it. He's like, go

make that money, baby, please. He came up with the
idea of the Donna Martin pocket. He doesn't want me
to be on only fans. He's like, go for it.
I don't know, that's interesting. I just put myself in
this position of if what I would feel about Lauren,
and look, if she wants to do something like that,
I support her. She's her own woman, and that's what
I love about it. You don't. You can't love a
woman for being strong and independent and then when they

do something strong and independent you have a problem with it. Um,
So whatever you want to do, but it would be
hard for me, it would be hard for me to
share her like that got you. Yeah, that's personal to me. Well,
we'll see, we'll see what happens with if I take
that call again. Maybe start with you know, do you
have pretty feet? Maybe just start with the feet. I

have great feet. Okay, maybe we just start with the
feet and then we work our way up and you
have like really nice knee caps. I don't know if
kneecaps are a fetish, but then we just kind of,
you know, get to an elbow. Just make it just
start simple. On only fans, you mean only fans. Here's
the thing, I think if you're gonna like, you gotta
come out of the gate big, go bigger, go home.

And I'm not saying like show it all. You gotta
either going to do it or you're not. Yeah, I
can't like dip your toe in the water. I can't
wait to see where this story goes. I know me too.
I'm getting excited about it just talking to you. When
you make your decisions, when you make your decision, will
you come back here and let me know? Um? Yes?

And will when you make your decision, will can I
come back here and will you let me know? Yes?
I guarantee there we will have this conversation. Great mutual agreement.
Mutual agreement. Yeah, ABC only fans you know where to
reach us. You know, the press for this would be bonkers.
People would go crazy. And this I do. It's something

that you know. Again, I just met you today, but
I feel like again and people say this to me,
I feel like I know you because I have seen
story after story after story. I feel like I went
through the life and times with your family and then
afterwards in the your marriage and the problems in your marriage.
Like I feel like the press has been on you

every day and so it has been relentless in your life.
How have you managed that? It's not easy, it's hard,
it's you know. I try to give my kids as
normal a life as possible. Um, but you know, they're aware.
They're aware when there's paparazzi following us, they're aware, you know,

and fans are coming up that you know. And I
know for some of them it's easier and for some
they're like, you know, we just want you, we want
it to be private. Um. For me, I've kind of
gone through life with like blinders on. I think because
I had to. It was like a a protective mechanism
that I didn't even know I did. I remember at
the height of nine, like my friends not in nine two,

and we would be out and there'd be like, oh
my god, everyone's staring at you. Everyone's looking and I'd
be like, I didn't even notice it, because I think
it was my own like functioning way of like to
go through life, because I never wanted to be that
person to be like I can't go out, I can't
do that, and I don't want my kids to live
that life. So and my dad back in the day,
I remember the first time I was in a tabloid
and it was horrific, talking about like plastic surgery. And

I was seventeen. I'd had I had my nose done,
but that was it. And they were writing, I had
ribs removed and like my cheekbones, all this horrible stuff
and again you're seventeen, eighteen years old. Yeah, and like
broke my heart. And my dad said, Babe, was that
He talked like this, Babe, be happy they're talking about you.
Be worried when they're not talking about you anymore? Interesting?

How old were you when your dad passed? I was
thirty three two, And you guys had it. It It sounds
like you'll had an amazing relationship. We did, and the
daddy's girl. And how about your mom? So that's that's
another one. Like a story that was very public, was
your relationship with your mom, especially after your dad passed,
and all the money and the finances and all that,

like for all that to go public, how and the
press was just relentless, relentless to the point where I
mean today we're very close. And it took a long time,
and well we kind of get into it sometimes about
the press and the effect it had on it and
then we kind of say, let's put in the past.
But you know, to a certain extent, I think that

fed into our relationship and the demise of our relationship, um,
because you know, you can't help but reading stuff over
and over every week and think, wow, does my own
parents hate me? And she's like, does my own daughter
hate me? And it was Yeah, it was brutal. And
that's happened to me with several people in my life
relationship wise, that the press just you know, blows it

out of purport. Shouldn't you believe it? And that's the
thing I know. People are like, it's it's hard to
fathom how constant press like that can actually affect a
relationship because what you're thinking is we'll just we'll just
call them or just talk to him, like it's your
mom or it's your friend. Right, But do you hear
so much all the time? It does drive a wedge.

It actually can get to you. You start reading quotes
and you're like, well they did say that, and the
way they write these things and the way people talk
it's creative and it's good. Is there is there a
person in particular that you felt it? It drove a
wedge in between you. That didn't really exist a thousand
percent um with Shannon Doherty like on nine O two
and oh, she and I were best friends, like I'm

best friends with Jenny Garth. I would say Shannon and
I were equally just as close back then. She was
actually my first friend when I joined Nino. We did
everything together. My dad used to say, like, I love
seeing you and Shannon come down your PJ sleeping over
at the manor, Like we were so close. Um, and
she really took me under her wing, and that invit ARONMNT.
And you know, she ended up getting married, she left

the show. Um, and our lives just kind of moved on.
But nothing happened between us. We never had a falling out.
We never even had a fight. And the press suddenly
made us you know, she was my nemesis, like she
was the one like I hated her, and we had
this huge public fight that I read about for years
to the point where I was terrified. I was like,
Shannon hates me, Oh my gosh. And then I was

at a Playboy mansion party, says everyone, but you know
back in the early two thousands, Yes, um, and I
was there and I said, oh, Shannon's here, and I
literally I was like, oh my god, my heart fell
into my feet and I was like, I gotta get
out of here. And they're like, why Shannon, like from
your show, and I was like, she hates me. I
can't I can't see her. So it was a mutual

friend and they're like no, no, no no. So they went
over and they came back and they said, Shannon knows
you're here, and she actually wants to see you. She
wants to talk to you. So I was so scared.
So I went over and we both ended up saying
that we had thought the press had pitted us together.
We thought the other one hated each other, and it
never existed. To this day, people always still put like, oh, yeah,

they had this horrible relationship. They hated each other. It
was never her and eye other people but not me,
Like what a shame though, think about that, like you
all but lost a great friend just because of that.
I lost years with one of my best friends because
of that. And we hugged it out and made up
and and we're friends now. But it, yeah, it took years.
That would have been a great storyline on nine two one. Oh.

So the other thing that Uh, you kind of just
slipped in there. I love that you just your dad said,
I love having you guys at the manor. Yeah, I
had sleepovers at a house um, not a manner um.
I need to look up. My mom had stationary and

she had penns that said stolen from the manner um.
But that is that is amazing. And it happened on
our show from time to time that the press and
the most difficult part of the relationship post back, and
that's red is the show stops filming. You're together, and

then the show hasn't quite aired yet, so it's all
a secret, and you're not living together because you can't
for the secrecy, and you're trying to keep everything out
of the press, and so these stories start going that
so and so is out and about and he's already
seeing somebody else or he's calling it, and so we are.

We always had to patch things up and deal with
the tabloid rumors, and sometimes couples would break up before
they ever had a chance to succeed just because of
all the press, and it's it was such a bummer
and it's something we had to constantly fight. But that
it's a real thing. And I know that sounds crazy
to be like, what are you talking about? Just pick
up the phone and say that's not real, but it

it just happens, and it's relentless, and there's so much
of it that you finally start to believe some of
the press absolutely. And that's interesting to hear that because
for us, it's like they wrote stories about us our
whole career, so we're semi used to it, so it
is surprising to think that we're buying into the press
as well. But for couples on The Bachelor, they're real
people who have never dealt with faith before, and now

suddenly they're writing that I would believe. At first, I
would be like, oh, he totally, that's happened immediately, So
that's crazy. The more we've been talking today, the more
I realize our lives are so drastically different. I am
an empty nester. I just got back from seeing my
kids up at college this weekend at TCU UM And

you have seven under one roof, yeah, seven under one roof? Yeah?
Oh my gosh. What is life like on the daily?
Is it just crazy? Like? How are you? You had
an hour to spend with me? Well, we'll see if
something is on fire when I go downstairs after this,

let's pray not Um. It's never predictable. It's fun, it's chaotic. Um,
it's crazy. It's literally insane. I always say I wish
people could really know, because I'll tell friends I can't
do this or work like I have to. You know,
I can't do this, I have this and that, and
they're like, oh, well, we're busy too, and it's like, okay, yeah,

you're right. But if they really came and spent a
day in my house, people would be like, oh whoa.
I remember thinking I was busy when I had no kids,
and then life got crazy because I had one kid.
And I always tell people every time you have another,
I have to It's not it multiplies by like three,
it's not. The math doesn't work out when you have kids.

At what point for you, though, does it stop getting
exponentially crazy or is it at three? Is it at five?
At some point it's got it can't just you know,
like just one start taking here of the other one
just gets lost. It's it's what point that was really
growing up? At the manner, I'm the one that got
lost in the manner still couldn't find my way out

of that place. It was so big. But uh, now
it's like a ten point five on the RCT scale.
Every single day. I would say, my oldest daughter, who
is fourteen, does take care of the others. She'll definitely
take care of the five year old. They all kind
of parent the five year old. He's gonna grow up
real screwed up because he's not sure who his parent is,
like he has everyone parenting him. Um, but I don't

know if it gets easier, I don't know. And then
what is it like as an empty nester, Like it
must be so quiet, it's very The quiet was the
toughest thing for me to get used to post even
post divorce, when you've been around your kid seven and
I was very active and involved and coached and did
all the things that mommy and me and everything. So

going from that to the when you have your week
off or whatever it is with your arrangement not having
your kids, that quiet is a difficult thing to get
used to. And when my son left for college, I
still had my daughter and we have a great relationship,
and I was like glooming onto her. I mean it
was probably annoying, but now that she's gone to college.
It is really wild to just have days weeks where

you don't see them. You know, we talk or text,
but it's really bizarre that that quiet and calm in
your life. It's a good feeling because you've accomplished something,
because you have wonderful children that are great human beings
and they're crushing it in life. So there is the
pride factor. But then there's the sadness of yesterday. He
was banging pots and pans on the on the floor

of the you know, kitchen, and I don't remember when
he didn't walk. I don't remember when he you know,
you start forgetting things, and it was those things I
love that the coaching Little League and soccer and all
those going to the recitals and all the performances. Those
are the things that I relished and love so much,
and that I unders saying why people have more and
have more because it's like you want to you want

to keep that feeling. You're making my ovaries ache real
bad right now. That window closes quick, and it's it's weird.
It's not college. It's when they start driving that really
hit me. It was that hitting sixteen and you have
gotten up every day, made them launch take him to
school as soon as schools out of thirty, you're an

uber driver for you for you know, for the next
six hours, you're an uber driver and you're a short
order cook. And when that's over, when your kids are like,
oh no, I have practiced after then I'm doing this
and I'm doing this, I'm like, wait, so I'm not
going to see you for the next twelve hours. That
that's when it really starts to hit you and you
realize that window is closing quickly. I my fifth year
old is now way taller than me. He's and his

voice is getting deep, and I forget all the time,
and I think, oh my god, there's someone in the house.
And I freak out because I see like a figure
walked by in the kitchen. I'm coming out of my
hallway and and then I hear of voice and I'm like,
oh my god, Mike Stella called nine on one. I'm like,
oh no, it's it's my kid. It's my kid. And
the hot water bill goes up. The showers get longer,

and uh, he's about the showers for long. He's about
to go into the guttural noise phase of being a
boy where they stopped talking and they just they answer
with sounds like they all do that, all do that,
and and hey huh. And so I thought it was
just TikTok though that no, no, you're you're gonna get

that for about five years and all of a sudden
they just snap out of it and you're like, oh,
hey man, so good to see you again. Welcome back
to earth. Yea, my son now, well, he's all into conversations.
He's a great it's wonderful. And I'm like, I missed you. Welcome,
welcome home. You know what you need now, don't say it.
You need another one? You need a new baby, I

was going to say, a grandchild. I can't wait for
it to be. I love babies, I do. I loved
being I knew I wanted to be a dad. I
knew I wanted that life. I couldn't wait for it
um and I loved every moment of it. But I
do think that God gives you this finite amount of
time when you have the patience to handle this. And
I know, I only know how to do things all

in I'm either doing it or I'm not in anything
in life, and parenting is the same way, and the
thought of going back to that stage of the diapers,
the you know, getting into the right school and going
to all the recitals and all that. Yeah, I think
I'm excited too for the next stage of just spoiling
nieces and nephews and eventually no rush kids grandchildren rush

and then they go home. Yeah, I could already tell,
like my patients, with my five year old as a
mom is real different than it was with my fifteen
year old when he was that age. Well, and after
doing it for the fifth time, I'm sure, but there
are there are some things I don't know if you've noticed, though,
you probably have much better perspective with your five year old.
You know what to be worried about, you know what

to care about, compared to when the first one comes
and everything is a big deal. Yes, I was a
helicopter mom everything. I was paranoid about everything. Now I'm like,
you're fine, You're fine, he's ten. Should he already be
playing golf? Should you have a swing coach? Should he
be doing this? And it is you know, our mascore
is like, he's fine. You know this, And by the way,
the five year old is going to be probably the

most talented and the most incredible at whatever he does
because he dolay golf. Actually, there you go, because he's
gonna grow up just following his passions and doing what
he actually really loves. Do you have animals? We don't.
I did, we had, we had dogs, but we we
don't have any here in Austin. So I feel like
I supplement more babies with animals. But we're gone. We're

gone so much and we love that. And that's one
thing that Lord and I have loved is this chapter
of our lives of being able to pick up and
just go. And I wasn't able to do that when
I was working on the Bachelor, And that's been one
of the blessings is we can just go. We can
go see the kids. We and go on the you know,
she goes on these girl trips. I go on my
boys trips. And we love that. We love having our

independent lives, which are very important. Can you indeed, because
I Lord and I say you have to have a
separate life. There are things you get from your girls,
your your girlfriends that we can't feed that part of
your soul and you need and you need to miss
each other from time to time with that many kids,
with the life you have, can you indeed do that? Um?

He does a little bit. He plays hockey and golf,
so he has his outlets. I don't. That's important and
it's not good. No, you need that. It's really work
and take care of kids. And it's yeah. I go
through phases where I'm like, Okay, I'm going to spend
time with my girlfriends and the public probably knows when
I'm having my like okay moments where because they'll see
me out like at restaurants and getting my photos taken,

and then they'll be like two years, we don't see
me like publicly at all unless I'm working. Um, And
that's where I'm just like back in the whole of
like kids, kids, kids, I'm like in that right now.
I need to get out of it. I need to
like have more meat time. It's hard, and I get it,
you know, preaching to the choir here of it's so
easy to lose yourself when you have children, and I
think especially for women, for the moms, it's easy to

lose your You have to work hard to to not
and you have so many site hustles. I know you
and Jenny are doing the n podcast, which is crushing it.
Yes on OMG, and you and your bff are also
you have a decor line. Yes, Home to core Line
just launched on QVC, so we're super excited about that.
We design every single aspect of it. Um, we're really

proud of it and working on it for three years
and finally launched and then um we have a great
Home to Core line. And then in July we're coming
out with Christmas in July, so a whole Christmas PFF
line for the holidays of tree and then we're possibly
launching only fans. So you have a lot on your plan.
I do, wow, And that just makes you know what

they say when you want something, to give it to
a busy person, it's keep stacking those plates up. I
I like to balance, just bring it well. It makes
me even more grateful and appreciative that you took time
out to come on my show. I appreciate it. I've
I've always loved and admired you from AFAR, and now
that I've gotten to spend some time with you even
more so. You are an absolute rock star. I feel

the same way because I'm a fan too, and I've
watched you for years and it's really nice to get
to know you. I appreciate your full package. Chris Harrison,
thank you, Tori Spelling. Next time we do this at
the manor. Oh well, now she has the manner in
the sky, but we should do this at the manner,

and we should do it for the launch of the
Mother Daughter only fans with me and Candy Spelling in
her gift wrapping room. Just say it could be a thing.
Heaven heavenly that would work. Uh, it would work so well.
And by the way, I love you so much. Now
that Lauren and I will become your first subscribers, I'll
hold you to that. Tori, thank you so much. I

appreciate the time you take care. Thank you, Chris My.
Thanks to Tori Spelling. Fascinating life, incredible insight. I love
how honest, open, raw she is. She does not mind
putting it out there. And I think maybe my biggest
takeaway is just how despite growing up in the world

she grew up in, she was able to stay focused,
concentrated on her job, keep those blinders on, as she said,
and she has done that and been incredibly successful and
is now an amazing mom. And I wish her all
the best, and I look forward to our paths crossing
very soon. So my thanks to Tori and my thanks
to you for listening. I hope you have a wonderful week,

and I can't wait to talk to you next time.
Because who knows what headlines are gonna pop up this week.
I think we're gonna have a lot to talk about.
Thanks for listening. Follow us on Instagram at the most
dramatic pod ever, and make sure to write us a
review and leave us five stars. I'll talk to you
next time.
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